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论唐代宫妇涉政 被引量:2
作者 王守栋 《德州学院学报》 2007年第3期67-70,共4页
关键词 唐朝 宫妇 涉政
生动贴切的比喻,委婉严正的劝告——《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》浅析 被引量:1
作者 徐艾 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 1981年第2期93-94,共2页
《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》一文,选自《战国策·齐策》。这是《战国策》中的名篇,是一篇短峭有力而又曲折多姿的优美散文。据《史记》:邹忌,又称驺忌子,是一个能言善辩的策士,曾经利用鼓琴劝告齐威王,得到赏识而重用,被任命为相。战国时代... 《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》一文,选自《战国策·齐策》。这是《战国策》中的名篇,是一篇短峭有力而又曲折多姿的优美散文。据《史记》:邹忌,又称驺忌子,是一个能言善辩的策士,曾经利用鼓琴劝告齐威王,得到赏识而重用,被任命为相。战国时代,游说之风很盛,然而游说并不是轻而易举的事,向国君直率进谏是有危险的,有时甚至可能带来杀身之祸。《韩非子·说难篇》 展开更多
关键词 邹忌讽齐王纳谏 《战国策》 逆鳞 徐公 宫妇 朝庭 政治效果 于王 改进作风 头脑冷静
作者 乐鸣 《中学语文教学》 北大核心 1994年第12期40-43,共4页
走出“困惑”的出路何在乐鸣赵泽福同志在1993年第4期《语文学习》上发表《类比论证与比喻论证的困惑》(以下简称赵文),认为“类比论证说和比喻论证说在困扰看我们”,建议“凡属运用比喻进行议论说理的,作为论证方法一律并入... 走出“困惑”的出路何在乐鸣赵泽福同志在1993年第4期《语文学习》上发表《类比论证与比喻论证的困惑》(以下简称赵文),认为“类比论证说和比喻论证说在困扰看我们”,建议“凡属运用比喻进行议论说理的,作为论证方法一律并入类比论证,取消比喻论证的提法”。这... 展开更多
关键词 邹忌 推理论证 赵文 赵泽 生活逻辑 临界状态 丧家之狗 古代文化 宫妇 三种人
《老区建设》 1990年第4期3-3,共1页
“文山会海”,令人头痛,如何治理,遂成一大问题。目前流行的办法是“尽量大会变小会,小会变座谈”,既减了会,又减了文。此法愿望虽好,无奈效果欠佳。君不见近年来一些单位负责人仍然脱不了大会作报告、小会作总结的“常规”,一... “文山会海”,令人头痛,如何治理,遂成一大问题。目前流行的办法是“尽量大会变小会,小会变座谈”,既减了会,又减了文。此法愿望虽好,无奈效果欠佳。君不见近年来一些单位负责人仍然脱不了大会作报告、小会作总结的“常规”,一些机关甚至是小不点的机关还是忙于今天发通知,明天发文件。看来。 展开更多
关键词 密切联系群众 令人头痛 到群众中去 向群众学习 私他 方千里 国家各级政府 邹忌 宫妇 放下架子
作者 何为民 《昭通学院学报》 1988年第1期115-117,共3页
《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》为《战国策·齐策》中一篇由己及人,以小喻大。因事悟理,纳谏除蔽的优秀历史散文。其魅力之大,使人百读而不厌;生命力之强,虽历千载而不衰。斯文短小精悍,论事缜密,炼句若诗,笔触细腻,篇章逻辑性强,于无华的文字... 《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》为《战国策·齐策》中一篇由己及人,以小喻大。因事悟理,纳谏除蔽的优秀历史散文。其魅力之大,使人百读而不厌;生命力之强,虽历千载而不衰。斯文短小精悍,论事缜密,炼句若诗,笔触细腻,篇章逻辑性强,于无华的文字上“流美”,在和颜悦色中“服人”。 文章题目《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》,属直陈其事一类。“讽”字,乃微言婉词劝谏之意。换言之,即运用暗示、比喻之类的方法,委婉地规劝。纳,(即)接受。谏,指臣子。 展开更多
关键词 邹忌讽齐王纳谏 历史散文 使人 论事 如见其人 如闻其声 徐公 排比句 宫妇 生动描写
作者 严功勋 齐月忠 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 1993年第12期39-40,共2页
教学议论文,常遇尴尬事。老师说某例是比喻论证,某倒是类比论证,学生手边材料说法正相反,有关文章也说法纷纭。比喻论证和类比论证到底有何区别?试作三论。一论:比喻论证和类比论证思维进程一致。让我们从逻辑谈起。根据思维进程方向的... 教学议论文,常遇尴尬事。老师说某例是比喻论证,某倒是类比论证,学生手边材料说法正相反,有关文章也说法纷纭。比喻论证和类比论证到底有何区别?试作三论。一论:比喻论证和类比论证思维进程一致。让我们从逻辑谈起。根据思维进程方向的不同,一般把推理分为演绎推理(从一般性知识的前提到特殊性知识的结论)、归纳推理(从特殊性知识的前提到一般性知识的结论)和类比推理(从特殊性知识的前提到特殊性知识的结论),可用图示: 展开更多
关键词 喻证 三论 思维过程 尴尬事 推理形式 邹忌讽齐王纳谏 宫妇 学语文 设喻 贾晓明
作者 张兰兰 《现代教育科学(中学教师)》 2014年第S1期103-104,共2页
一、"牵一发而动全身",抓住学生思维的聚焦点教学问题是教学目标的转换,是教学目标的具体表述。有效的问题应该是"提领而顿,百毛皆顺",主导文本研读、对话的大方向,提纲挈领引导学生纵览全局,感悟全篇,做到一"... 一、"牵一发而动全身",抓住学生思维的聚焦点教学问题是教学目标的转换,是教学目标的具体表述。有效的问题应该是"提领而顿,百毛皆顺",主导文本研读、对话的大方向,提纲挈领引导学生纵览全局,感悟全篇,做到一"问"立骨,最大限度地调动尽可能多的学生来参与思考讨论探究。1.可以从标题入手。学习《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》一文,通读课文后,问:题目"邹忌讽齐王纳谏"点明了文章内容的两个方面:邹忌讽齐王,齐王纳谏。 展开更多
关键词 邹忌讽齐王纳谏 语文课堂提问 提领 学习过程 于勒 克拉丽丝 熏陶感染 效度 宫妇 设喻
《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 1994年第9期40-40,共1页
信不信由你让某人解算问题时,他的瞳孔会扩大起来,直到问题解答完为止.胖人对甜的感觉不敏感;高血压人对咸不在乎.7克拉肠毒杆菌的毒素可以毒死全世界所有的人.水中蝌蚪一旦缺碘就不能变成青蛙.蛇脱皮时,眼睛软皮也脱一层.苍蝇、海星、... 信不信由你让某人解算问题时,他的瞳孔会扩大起来,直到问题解答完为止.胖人对甜的感觉不敏感;高血压人对咸不在乎.7克拉肠毒杆菌的毒素可以毒死全世界所有的人.水中蝌蚪一旦缺碘就不能变成青蛙.蛇脱皮时,眼睛软皮也脱一层.苍蝇、海星、蜗牛都是聋子.蜘蛛的血压和人的一样高.运动员在运动过程中体温达到41℃是平常事,但这个温度对一个普通的人来说却是致命的. 展开更多
关键词 七色光 蛇脱 问题解答 缺碘 美国选手 去问 慕尼黑奥运会 纪录保持者 喊叫声 宫妇
Individualized misoprostol dosing for labor induction or augmentation: A review 被引量:1
作者 Shi-Yann Cheng 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2013年第4期80-86,共7页
Cesarean birth rates are greater than 20% in many developed countries. The main diagnoses contributing to the high rate of cesarean births in nulliparous women are dystocia and prolonged labor. Traditionally, a policy... Cesarean birth rates are greater than 20% in many developed countries. The main diagnoses contributing to the high rate of cesarean births in nulliparous women are dystocia and prolonged labor. Traditionally, a policy of vaginal dinoprostone for the treatment of unripe cervix or early amniotomy with oxytocin administration for a ripened cervix has been associated with a modest reduction in the rate of cesarean births due to arrest disorders. However, the course of vaginal dinoprostone is tedious and oxytocin should be administered through an infusion pump, which may be inconvenient in certain settings. Because misoprostol has powerful uterotropic and uterotonic effects, and has become a common agent used in the practice of obstetrics and gynecology, the United States Food and Drug Administration removed the absolute contraindication of the drug during pregnancy from its label in April 2002. However, excessive uterine contractility resulting in tachysystole or fetal distress is always a concern with the oral or vaginal use of fixeddosage misoprostol. Therefore, misoprostol should be administered with caution to ensure that fetal hypoxia does not occur. A pilot trial examining the use of very small, frequent, titrated oral misoprostol dosages administered every 2 h was fi rst conducted by Hofmeyr et al in 2001. Given women's different metabolisms and responses tomisoprostol, another method of titrating individualized oral misoprostol with dosing administered every hour relative to uterine response was then developed by Cheng in 2006. Based on previous studies, this titration method is potentially an ideal alternative to traditional dinoprostone, oxytocin or the previously established misoprostol dosing method for labor induction or augmentation. 展开更多
关键词 CERVIX MISOPROSTOL OXYTOCIN Labor induc-tion Labor augmentation
作者 马水清 边旭明 郎景和 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期242-245,共4页
Objective. To analyze the clinical characteristics of fertility and pregnancy in women with congenital uterine malformations and explore optimal treatments to improve the prognosis.Methods. A retrospective study was c... Objective. To analyze the clinical characteristics of fertility and pregnancy in women with congenital uterine malformations and explore optimal treatments to improve the prognosis.Methods. A retrospective study was conducted on the fertility and obstetric outcome in 153 patients with uterine malformations treated in our hospital from January 1984 to December 1998. Twenty - seven cases with other kinds of genital and/or urinary anomalies but with normal uterus during the same period were enrolled as the control group.Results. The infertility rate was 26.6% (34/128), the miscarriage rate 44.3% (86/194), premature birth rate 9.3% (18/194), abnormal fetal presentation rate 28.4% (29/102), the cesarean section rate 61.8% (63/102), and the perinatal mortality rate 11.8% (12/102).Conclusion. Women with congenital uterine malformation usually have higher incidence of infertility and complications during pregnancy and delivery. Bicornuate and septate uterus can be associated with poor obstetric outcome. 展开更多
Effects of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine on rat myometrium 被引量:4
作者 LI Zi-gang ZHOU Liang TANG Hui-fang 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第9期757-762,共6页
Objective: To study the effect of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine on the contractility of isolated uterine muscle strips from pregnant and non-pregnant female rats. Methods: Full-thick myometrial strips were prepare... Objective: To study the effect of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine on the contractility of isolated uterine muscle strips from pregnant and non-pregnant female rats. Methods: Full-thick myometrial strips were prepared from 18- to 2 l-day pregnant (n=8) and non-pregnant rats (n=7). After contractions became regular, strips were exposed to cumulative concentrations of the two drugs from 10^-8 to 10^-4 mol/L, amplitude and frequency of the uterine contraction was recorded. Results: Two local anesthetics caused a concentration dependent inhibition on contractility of myometrial strips from pregnant and non-pregnant rats. In the myometrium from non-pregnant rats, -log/C50 of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine were 4.85 and 4.25 respectively. In the myometrium from pregnant rats, similar concentrations of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine were observed, -log/C50 were 2.7 and 2.9 respectively. Levobupivacaine produced an increase in amplitude of contractions, while bupivacaine showed an increased trend in frequency. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that levobupivacaine and bupivacaine may inhibit myometrium contractility. The inhibitory effect of levobupivacaine or bupivacaine is not enhanced by gestation in rat. Levobupivacaine may have more positive influence than bupivacaine in pregnant myometrium. 展开更多
Emergency Cesarean Delivery in a Parturient with Fontan Circulation and Reduced Platelets: A Case Report
作者 Si Chen Hongju Liu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期204-205,共2页
NOWADAYS,Fontan circulation always refers to the hemodynamic status after total cavo-pul-monary connection, which was first created in the 1990s. There are two modern surgeryforms, one creating a channel within the r... NOWADAYS,Fontan circulation always refers to the hemodynamic status after total cavo-pul-monary connection, which was first created in the 1990s. There are two modern surgeryforms, one creating a channel within the right atrium and another making an extra-cardiac channel to connect infe-rior venous cava directly to the right pulmonary artery. Parturients with Fontan circulation are at increased risk of cardiac morbidity and thrombotic complications. We pre-sented a parturient with reduced platelet status of un-known reason undergoing an emergent cesarean delivery. 展开更多
关键词 Fontan circulation cesarean delivery reduced platelet
Prenatal incarceration of caput succedaneum: A case report
作者 Atsuko Okazaki Ken Miyazaki +1 位作者 Kana Kihira Madoka Furuhashi 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2013年第2期34-36,共3页
Caput succedaneum is relatively common at birth but infrequently diagnosed in utero. We report the first case of a prenatal incarcerated caput succedaneum after cervical cerclage in a patient with premature rupture of... Caput succedaneum is relatively common at birth but infrequently diagnosed in utero. We report the first case of a prenatal incarcerated caput succedaneum after cervical cerclage in a patient with premature rupture of the membranes(PPROM). A 41-year-old woman was referred and admitted to our hospital due to PPROM at 19 wk of gestation. Aggressive therapy, including amnioinfusion, cervical cerclage, and administration of antibiotics and tocolysis, was initiated. At 24 wk of gestation, a thumb tip-sized and polyp-like mass, which was irreducible, was delineated with a vaginal examination, vaginal speculum, and transvaginal ultrasonography, leading to the diagnosis of incarcerated caput succedaneum. Under general anesthesia, the incarcerated caput succedaneum was repositioned with fingers after cutting the string to avoid necrosis, and then, placement of a Mc Donald cervical cerclage was undertaken again. At 26 wk of gestation, she delivered a 678 g girl through an emergency cesarean section performed due to profuse bleeding and prolonged decelerations. A slight bulge with hair was observed on the head by palpation at birth. Cephalic ultrasonography, X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalogram confirmed no abnormality. Although the baby needed oxygen(0.2 L/min) at the time of hospital discharge, she has grown favorably at three years of corrected age. 展开更多
关键词 Caput succedaneum Cervical cerclage Patient with premature rupture of the membranes ULTRASONOGRAPHY PRENATAL
Polymorphism in the upstream regulatory region of human papilloma virus type 16 from the cervical cancer biopsies in Xinjiang Uygur women 被引量:4
作者 MENG YU ZHENG HAI MA YAN PIN WANG XI DAN RE FU CHUN ZHANG 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2006年第3期182-188,共7页
To investigate the mutations in the upstream regulatory region (URR) of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) from the cervical cancer biopsies in Xinjiang Uygur women and its relationship to the high incidence of cer... To investigate the mutations in the upstream regulatory region (URR) of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) from the cervical cancer biopsies in Xinjiang Uygur women and its relationship to the high incidence of cervical cancer in the southern Xinjiang, the tissue DNA was extracted from the cervical cancer biopsies, and the URR segment of HPV-16 DNA was amplified, sequenced and analyzed. Thereafter, the polymorphism of URR in HPV-16 was then analyzed. It was demonstrated that the positive rate detected for the presence of URR in HPV-16 was 89.47% (17/19). Compared with the previously published sequence in URR of prototype HPV-16, some mutations were detected in the sequence of URR. The mutations in 17 URR fragments of HPV-16 could be divided into 11 patterns (XJU-1 to XJU-11) at nucleic acid level, in which each of XJU-1 and XJU-4 accounted for 23.53% (4/17), and other patterns of mutation accounted for 5.88% (1/17) . In comparison with the URR of prototype HPV-16, the DNA identity of these patterns was 98.50%-99.68% . In these 17 URR fragments, two point mutations occurred at position 7192 (G to T) and position 7520 (G to A) and they appeared to be constant in Xinjiang area. These two mutations were ubiquitous in the Asia-American type and conferred strong infection activity and carcinogenicity of this virus. In addition, the mutations at position 7729 (A to C), position 7843 (A to G) and position 7792 (C to T) could enhance its transcription activity considerably. It is concluded that some mutations occur in URR gene of HPV-16 in the cervical cancer biopsies taken from Uygur women in Xinjiang area, suggesting that certain relationship exists among the mutations in URR of HPV-16, the phylogeny of HPV-16 and the high incidence of cervical cancer in southern part of Xinjiang area. 展开更多
关键词 Human papillomavirus type 16 Cervical carcinoma Upstream regulatory region Polymorphism
Acceptability of self-collected human papillomavirus specimens in cervical cancer screening: A review
作者 Brenda L Quincy 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2014年第3期90-97,共8页
Cervical cancer morbidity and mortality is an important public health problem around the world. Some of the barriers to cervical cancer screening include the embar-rassment, discomfort, lack of privacy and time and co... Cervical cancer morbidity and mortality is an important public health problem around the world. Some of the barriers to cervical cancer screening include the embar-rassment, discomfort, lack of privacy and time and cost associated with clinician-collected, clinic-based screen-ing with cytology or human papillomavirus tests. Self-collection of a human papillomavirus (HPV) test has been found to be generally more acceptable, less em-barrassing, more comfortable, more private and easy to do and preferred to pelvic examination for cervical cy-tology by many women worldwide. The most common-ly reported limitation to self-collection is a woman’s lack of confdence in her ability to perform it correctly. Self-collected human papillomavirus tests have been shown to be as or more sensitive than cytology or clinician-collected HPV tests. With confidence-building educa-tion about self-collection, it is likely a viable method to extend the reach of screening in high and low-resource areas around the world. 展开更多
关键词 Cervical cancer Self-collected Human pap-illomavirus ACCEPTABILITY
Immunohistochemical characterization of β-catenin in gynecologic tumor and its diagnostic value
作者 Mingzhu Li Chunyi Zang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第6期354-358,共5页
β-catenin is a very unusual protein with multiple functions depending on its cellular localization. The β-catenin gene (CTNNB1) encodes for β-catenin and apart from its well-defined role in cellular adhesion,it is ... β-catenin is a very unusual protein with multiple functions depending on its cellular localization. The β-catenin gene (CTNNB1) encodes for β-catenin and apart from its well-defined role in cellular adhesion,it is also a component of the Wnt signalling pathway. The Wnt/β-catenin pathway is involved in various normal cellular activities,including determination,proliferation,migration and differentiation in embryonic development and adult homeostasis. Deregulation or constitutive activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway may lead to cancer formation. Immunohistochemical expression of β-catenin in gynecologic tumor have been reported recently. In normal epithelia,immunoreactivity was strongly observed at the membrane,partially at cytoplasm,nuclear staining of β-catenin was rarely seen in normal cases; In ovarian carcinomas,β-catenin nuclear expression was found more commonly in endometrioid carcinomas,nuclear β-catenin staining seemed to be of prognostic importance; In endometrium carcinomas,β-catenin nuclear expression were more common in pure endometrioid tumors than in unendometrioid tumors,associated with favorable prognosis,the staining pattern was independent of the menopausal status; In synchronous primary cancers of the endometrium and ovary,activating mutations in β-catenin seemed to distinguish synchronous primary tumors from metastatic tumors. 展开更多
关键词 Β-CATENIN immunohistochemistry endometrium carcinomas ovarian carcinomas synchronous neoplasm
Effects of Fuke Qianjin Formula on hormones and their receptors and metabonomics study in uterine fibroids model rats 被引量:1
作者 LI Yamei TANG Jie +3 位作者 LUO Hongshan XIA Bohou LIN Limei LIAO Duanfang 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2021年第4期316-327,共12页
Objective To investigate the effects of different fractions from Fuke Qianjin Formula(妇科千金方,FKQJF)on uterine leiomyoma(UL)to determine the best fraction.Methods FKQJF was extracted and isolated to obtain polysacc... Objective To investigate the effects of different fractions from Fuke Qianjin Formula(妇科千金方,FKQJF)on uterine leiomyoma(UL)to determine the best fraction.Methods FKQJF was extracted and isolated to obtain polysaccharides(FKP),flavonoids(FKF),and grease(FKG).140 female SPF SD rats were divided into 14 groups[model(MOD),normal control(NC),Gouliuqing(GLQ),Mifepristone(MFST),FKQJF,low,medium,and high dose of polysaccharides(l-FKP,m-FKP,and h-FKP),low,medium,and high dose of flavonoids(l-FKF,m-FKF,and h-FKF),low,medium,and high dose of grease(l-FKG,m-FKG,and h-FKG)],and uterine fibroids model rats were treated with drugs for four weeks.Serum levels of estrogen and progesterone were measured using enzyme-linked immunoassay assay(ELISA)kits.The expression of estrogen receptor(ER-α,ER-β)and progesterone receptor(PR)in the uterus was observed using immunohistochemistry(IHC).Serum metabolite profiles and FKG were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS).Results FKQJF,h-FKF,m-FKG,and h-FKG significantly downregulated the estrogen level in the uterine fibroid model rats(P<0.01).FKQJF,h-FKF,and h-FKG significantly reduced the level of progesterone in the uterine fibroid model rats(P<0.01).The levels of ER-α,ER-β,and PR in uterine fibroid model rats were significantly decreased by FKQJF and h-FKG(P<0.01).The levels of ER-α,ER-β,and PR in the fibroid model rats were decreased by m-FKG(P<0.05).Additionally,serum metabolism results revealed that h-FKG and FKQJF could regulate related endogenous metabolites and make the pathological indices of uterine fibroids in rats close to the normal group.Forty-six components were identified in the oil,accounting for 91.97%of the total oil components.Conclusion FKQJF and h-FKG showed a significant anti-myoma activity and significantly improved the pathological state of the uterus in rats with hysteromyoma.The mechanism of action may be related to the regulation of estrogen progesterone and its receptor in uterine fibroid model animals.These findings proved the effect of FKQJF on uterine leiomyoma and provided an experimental basis for its clinical research and application. 展开更多
关键词 Fuke Qianjin Formula(妇科千金方 FKQJF) Uterine leiomyoma GREASE Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GCMS) Metabolomics Estrogen PROGESTERONE Estrogen receptor Progesterone receptor
作者 曹鹏 梁裕 +3 位作者 龚耀成 郑涛 张兴凯 吴文坚 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2008年第2期122-126,共5页
Objective To evaluate the clinical outcomes of surgical therapy in treating traumatic instability of subaxial cervical spine through either anterior or posterior approach. Methods According to the Allen-Fergurson'... Objective To evaluate the clinical outcomes of surgical therapy in treating traumatic instability of subaxial cervical spine through either anterior or posterior approach. Methods According to the Allen-Fergurson's classification, we retrospectively studied 42 cases of traumatic instability of subaxial cervical spine through either anterior or posterior surgical reconstruction. Patients requiring approach for either reduction or decompression were not included. Results The average follow-up interval was 3 years and 2 months. The anterior and posterior reconstructions were 24 and 18 cases, respectively. Before operation, the average scores of JOA and VAS were: 12.1 and 6.9 for anterior group, and 12.3 and 7.2 for posterior group. At the final assement, the scores of JOA and VAS improved to 16.0 and 2.2 for anterior group, and 15.7 and 2.6 for posterior group. The average ASIA motor scores of anterior and posterior group improved to 68.2 and 65.5 at the final follow-up from 58.4 and 59.7 before operation, respectively. The ASIA grade (A-E) was converted to a numeric score. The average scores before operation in the anterior and posterior group were 3.3 and 3.4, and increased to 3.8 and 3.7 at the final follow-up. After operation, there were different extent improvements of average radiological parameter, such as Cobb angle, vertebral body translation and disc height ratio. The average operation time and blood losing were 122 min and 125 mL for anterior group, and 153 min and 287 mL for posterior group. Fusion was achieved in all patients and 4 and 2 complications occurred at the anterior or posterior group. Conclusion The results showed that there were no obvious difference in parameters, such as neurological assements, functional grades, fusion rate, operation time and blood losing, between anterior and posterior group, except the virtues of anterior group in reconstruction and maintaining physiologic cervical lordosis and intervertrbal disc height occurred. 展开更多
关键词 traumatic instability surgical approach cervical reconstruction
作者 于在春 《语文建设》 1963年第1期17-18,共2页
邹忌身高八尺多,体形面貌又生得俊俏美丽。一天早上,袍帽穿戴好了,照着镜子,对他的妻子说:“我跟城北的徐公谁漂亮?”他的妻子说:“您十分漂亮,徐公哪里比得上您呀.”城北的徐公,是齐国的美男子。邹忌自己信不过,又重新问他的偏房说:“... 邹忌身高八尺多,体形面貌又生得俊俏美丽。一天早上,袍帽穿戴好了,照着镜子,对他的妻子说:“我跟城北的徐公谁漂亮?”他的妻子说:“您十分漂亮,徐公哪里比得上您呀.”城北的徐公,是齐国的美男子。邹忌自己信不过,又重新问他的偏房说:“我跟徐公谁漂亮?”他的偏房说:“徐公哪里比得上您呀.”第二天,有位客人打外边进来,邹忌跟他坐着聊天,就问他:“我和徐公谁漂亮?”客人说:“徐公不如您漂亮啊。” 展开更多
关键词 邹忌讽齐王纳谏 中学语文课本 徐公 城北 方千里 就这样 君齐 旧注 宫妇 文郎
子宫颈癌患者的中医中药治疗 被引量:2
作者 陈怡 李道成 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期45-49,共5页
关键词 中医药 子宫颈癌 放疗 化疗 术后并发症
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