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“作文害道”是儒家学说吗?——“文以载道”再评价之四 被引量:1
作者 刘锋杰 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期11-22,共12页
“作文害道”说不是出自原儒的思想观点,它是宋理学家赘附于“文以载道”上的一种错误观念。“作文害道”说的概念雏形出现在《淮南子》的“灭文章”中,观念基础来自道家的“反文”思想。作为道德主义的宰制,“作文害道”说违背了文学... “作文害道”说不是出自原儒的思想观点,它是宋理学家赘附于“文以载道”上的一种错误观念。“作文害道”说的概念雏形出现在《淮南子》的“灭文章”中,观念基础来自道家的“反文”思想。作为道德主义的宰制,“作文害道”说违背了文学的审美属性。 展开更多
关键词 文以载 作文害道 灭文章 德主义 《淮南子》
害道者莫甚于赋——从科举的角度看石介“时文害道”观念 被引量:1
作者 徐波 《阅江学刊》 2013年第3期135-141,共7页
石介作《怪说》攻击时文,将"时文害道"上升到与佛老同样的高度,此举固然有对韩愈、柳开等人观点的继承,但也和他长期从事教职有密切关系。杨亿的四六文被称为"进士赋体",影响着科场乃至文坛,石介所言"时文害道... 石介作《怪说》攻击时文,将"时文害道"上升到与佛老同样的高度,此举固然有对韩愈、柳开等人观点的继承,但也和他长期从事教职有密切关系。杨亿的四六文被称为"进士赋体",影响着科场乃至文坛,石介所言"时文害道"实为"辞赋害道"。石介的学生和追随者大多都不擅辞赋写作,在进士科考试中处于弱势,这成为他们反对辞赋的一个重要原因。由于为进士不得不为辞赋,追寻古道的文人被迫处于反对辞赋而又不得不为辞赋的尴尬境地。复兴古道,必将寻求科举制度改革,"辞赋害道"就成为推动这一改革的理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 石介 科举 辞赋 时文害道
从“三不朽”到“作文害道”——对中唐文学价值观的考察 被引量:1
作者 方丽萍 《唐山师范学院学报》 2007年第3期1-3,共3页
中国古代文人认为文学是一项神圣的事业,是人生不朽的方式之一。中唐时,人们对文学价值的理解有一些变化,其一是游戏文学出现一个小小高潮,其二是作家们开始注意个人作品集的编定。舒元舆的《悲剡溪古藤文》则通过特定自然场景的反思,... 中国古代文人认为文学是一项神圣的事业,是人生不朽的方式之一。中唐时,人们对文学价值的理解有一些变化,其一是游戏文学出现一个小小高潮,其二是作家们开始注意个人作品集的编定。舒元舆的《悲剡溪古藤文》则通过特定自然场景的反思,质疑文学写作的意义。这应该是朱熹“作文害道”思想的前奏。 展开更多
关键词 文学价值 政教功能 作文害道
作者 熊湘 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期94-105,共12页
作为承载理学思想的重要著述形式,语录时常被认为是异于注疏和文章的,能延续讲学精神、发挥面谈口授优势的文本,然而这一认识与宋代理学家的意见不尽相合。语录乃介于口传与书传之间的特殊形态,其口传的优势不能掩盖它在书传方面的弊端... 作为承载理学思想的重要著述形式,语录时常被认为是异于注疏和文章的,能延续讲学精神、发挥面谈口授优势的文本,然而这一认识与宋代理学家的意见不尽相合。语录乃介于口传与书传之间的特殊形态,其口传的优势不能掩盖它在书传方面的弊端。因记录者介入而导致的文本失真、失控,以及编纂和运用过程中对无功利、重体会的理学精神的背离,使语录遭到程颐、谢良佐等人的批评。批评者表面上否定了语录,但实际上起到了规训语录的记载和阅读行为,使其回归格物致知正轨的作用。语录与文章均属载道之具,本无优劣之分。二者的对立乃理学日常化理念所引发,“作文害道”与“语录非文”的话语争锋印证了它们在不同空间的局限与活力。 展开更多
关键词 语录 理学 话语论争 作文害道 语录非文
为什么说“道统二字是腐儒习气语”--论中国早期启蒙学者道统论批判的学理依据 被引量:2
作者 许苏民 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期11-20,共10页
明清时期中国早期启蒙学者对道统论的批判,从学术源流和哲学学理上揭示了道统论的以下理论失误:一是缺乏"认识你自己"的哲学精神,自以为穷尽了宇宙人生的一切真理,以立心、立命、开太平"钤束天下",其"好自尊... 明清时期中国早期启蒙学者对道统论的批判,从学术源流和哲学学理上揭示了道统论的以下理论失误:一是缺乏"认识你自己"的哲学精神,自以为穷尽了宇宙人生的一切真理,以立心、立命、开太平"钤束天下",其"好自尊大标帜""与缁黄之流推高其祖以树宗风者无以异";二是其标榜的"孔门传授心法"来自学术造假的伪书,其所谓道则是"以己之见硬坐为古圣贤立言之意",其关于道的"一线单传说"也不合乎"道非一途,性非一种"的社会生活史和认识史的事实,其"道有绝续"论更不合乎中国学术史上"道无绝续,人具只眼"的实际;三是缺乏兼容并包的多元文化心态,以"刊定死本"裁量一切学术,其实质乃是"奉尧舜以为镇压人心之标的",其标榜的"格君心之非"也是一种过时的人治理论。继承早期启蒙学者道统论批判的思想精髓,以平等的眼光看待多元的中国哲学和文化,将有利于更加全面地发掘、继承和弘扬中国哲学和文化的精华。 展开更多
关键词 统论批判 认识你自己 人无不载 执一便是害道 统之说
作者 张文利 《陕西师范大学继续教育学报》 2002年第4期53-55,67,共4页
关键词 诗歌创作 义理 '作文害道'观 宋代 理学 程颢 程颐
“骈四俪六”与元明清赋学批评的演变 被引量:2
作者 吕双伟 《云梦学刊》 2019年第3期90-97,共8页
"骈四俪六"是元明清赋学批评中较为常见的术语。它不仅指骈赋或律赋中的隔对句式,并且与赋的声律、藻饰、结构和文气等特征紧密相关。它最早出现在柳宗元的《乞巧文》中,李商隐加以剪裁,选择"四六"作为自己的公牍... "骈四俪六"是元明清赋学批评中较为常见的术语。它不仅指骈赋或律赋中的隔对句式,并且与赋的声律、藻饰、结构和文气等特征紧密相关。它最早出现在柳宗元的《乞巧文》中,李商隐加以剪裁,选择"四六"作为自己的公牍文章名称。这导致"骈四俪六"基本上被视为骈文批评话语。其实,它也是赋学批评中的重要概念。元代祝尧在赋学专著中从四六隔对违反自然、雕琢辞藻、害道伤情的角度加以否定。明清赋学批评既延续了祝尧的观点,又拓展了其内涵,能从具体句法、章法等方面来探究其使用技巧、抒情达意功能与声律、文气效果等。从"骈四俪六"在元明清赋学批评中的地位变化,可知骈文与骈赋、律赋在文体上的相似性,这也正是清人多将骈赋和律赋视为骈文的原因之一。 展开更多
关键词 骈四俪六 赋学 害道伤情 四六功能
心性美学的是非考辨——从周敦颐到二程的立诚审美论 被引量:1
作者 王向峰 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期1-6,共6页
北宋时期从周敦颐到程颢和程颐所奉行的理学,以先验的"天理"为世界的本源,认为人与一切相关的万物都是承载"天理"的存在,而在人集中体现为内心道德的充盈,实现为禀承"天理"的"立诚"。人只有达... 北宋时期从周敦颐到程颢和程颐所奉行的理学,以先验的"天理"为世界的本源,认为人与一切相关的万物都是承载"天理"的存在,而在人集中体现为内心道德的充盈,实现为禀承"天理"的"立诚"。人只有达到"立诚"至善的程度,才能得天之道,在行为中不勉而中、不思而得,与同是内蕴"天理"的对象亲合为一体。他们认为这对于作为人的心性活动的诗文载道之作和审美静观的自得境界的实现,是主体先在的决定性条件。先验主义和道德主义的理学文艺审美观,如舍弃其客观唯心主义的"天理"决定性,而重视其审美主体应有对于心性之为的正心诚意的修养,则能得到文艺审美创造的有益启示。文章对于二程的心性美学进行了是非的考辨。 展开更多
关键词 心性美学 二程 天理 立诚 文以害道
作者 殷光熹 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1979年第1期29-30,共2页
宋代接受了唐代的历史经验教训,进一步加强了封建主义的中央集权制。实行统一后,工商业和农村经济相应地有了发展。工商业的繁荣,意味着商人势力的上升;农村地主经济的发展,又意味着地主阶级势力的扩大。但是.宋的统一是不稳固的,不彻... 宋代接受了唐代的历史经验教训,进一步加强了封建主义的中央集权制。实行统一后,工商业和农村经济相应地有了发展。工商业的繁荣,意味着商人势力的上升;农村地主经济的发展,又意味着地主阶级势力的扩大。但是.宋的统一是不稳固的,不彻底的。 展开更多
关键词 程颐 宋代 地主阶级 地主经济 工商业者 中央集权制 农村经济 分歧 历史经验教训 作文害道
作者 孙晓东 《辽宁师专学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第4期14-17,共4页
关键词 郝浴 作文害道 文勿求名 文行相配 漱唐挹宋
Designand development of highway tunnel maintenance and management system 被引量:4
作者 葛敏莉 孙璐 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第1期137-142,共6页
In order to solve the urgent problem of how to manage and sustain highway tunnels with advanced information technology with the background of the rapid development in the modem traffic, and achieve the cost- effective... In order to solve the urgent problem of how to manage and sustain highway tunnels with advanced information technology with the background of the rapid development in the modem traffic, and achieve the cost- effectiveness optimal principle objectives under the premise of guaranteeing a smooth flow of traffic; a highway tunnel maintenance and management system framework and the key modules were proposed. First, the determined highway tunnel condition assessment index system was established according to the result of expert consulting forms. Secondly, the tunnel diseases, the corresponding maintenance measurements, and many-to-many relationship between diseases and maintenance measurements were introduced. Then, three kinds of 0-1 integer programming models were built according to different tunnel operators' needs in the optimization decision module. Finally, the further development and implementation of the system was prospected. The research results can provide references to tunnel researchers and managers. 展开更多
关键词 maintenance and management system highwaytunnel condition assessment distress treatment cost-benefitanalysis
作者 向一尊 《中国文学研究》 1996年第3期43-46,共4页
关键词 抗金复国 文辞 害道 诗人 违愿
Clinical features of upper gastrointestinal serrated lesions: An endoscopy database analysis of 98746 patients 被引量:3
作者 Hai-long Cao Wen-xiao Dong +5 位作者 Meng-que xu yu-jie Zhang Si-nan Wang Mei-yu Piao xiao-Cang Cao Bang-Mao Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第45期10038-10044,共7页
AIM To analyse the clinical features of patients with the serrated lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract(UPGI) tract.METHODS Patients who underwent routine esophagogastroduodenoscopy(EGD) at the Digestive Endosc... AIM To analyse the clinical features of patients with the serrated lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract(UPGI) tract.METHODS Patients who underwent routine esophagogastroduodenoscopy(EGD) at the Digestive Endoscopy Centre of General Hospital, Tianjin Medical University between january 2011 and December 2015 were consecutively recruited. Patients with UPGI serrated lesions were consecutively identified. The patients' demographics and histopathology were recorded. The colorectal findings for patients who underwent colonoscopy simultaneously or within six months were also extracted from the colonoscopy database. In addition, we analyseddifferences in colorectal neoplasia detection between the study patients and randomly selected patients matched for age and gender who did not exhibit serrated lesions and who also underwent colonoscopy in the same period.RESULTS A total of 21 patients out of 98746 patients(0.02%) who underwent EGD were confirmed to have serrated lesions with predominantly crenated, sawtooth-like configurations. The mean age of the 21 patients was(55.3 ± 17.2) years, and 11 patients were male(52.4%). In terms of the locations of the serrated lesions, 17 were found in the stomach(including 3 in the cardia, 9 in the corpus and 5 in the antrum), 3 were found in the duodenum, and 1 was found in the esophagus. Serrated lesions were found in different mucosal lesions, with 14 lesions were detected in polyps(8 hyperplastic polyps and 6 serrated adenomas with low grade dysplasia), 3 detected in Ménétrier gastropathy, 3 detected in an area of inflammation or ulcer, and 1 detected in the intramucosal carcinoma of the duodenum. In addition, colonoscopy data were available for 18 patients, and a significantly higher colorectal adenoma detection rate was observed in the UPGI serrated lesions group than in the randomly selected age- and gender-matched group without serrated lesions who also underwent colonoscopy in the same period(38.9% vs 11.1%, OR = 5.091, 95%CI: 1.534-16.890, P = 0.010). The detection rate of advanced adenoma was also higher in the UPGI serrated lesions group(22.2% vs 4.2%, OR = 6.571, 95%CI: 1.322-32.660, P = 0.028).CONCLUSION Serrated lesions in the UPGI were detected in various mucosal lesions with different pathological morphologies. Moreover colonoscopy is recommended for the detection of concurrent colorectal adenoma for these patients. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical features Upper gastrointestinal tract Serrated lesions Colorectal adenoma Colorectal cancer
Catastrophe mechanism and disaster countermeasure for soft rock roadway surrounding rock in Meihe mine 被引量:5
作者 Yu Yang Zhu Caikun +2 位作者 Chong Deyu Liu Yang Li Sichao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第3期407-413,共7页
The soft rock's heterogeneity and nonlinear mechanical behavior cause extremely difficult maintenance on the soft rock roadway. Aiming at the asymmetric deformation and destruction phenomenon appearing after excav... The soft rock's heterogeneity and nonlinear mechanical behavior cause extremely difficult maintenance on the soft rock roadway. Aiming at the asymmetric deformation and destruction phenomenon appearing after excavating and supporting the 7101 air return way in Meihe mine, this paper comprehensively adopted a variety of methods to analyze the roadway surrounding rock deformation rule, obtaining the roadway surrounding rock stress and plastic zone distribution rule under no supporting condition and the roadway surrounding rock deformation features under original symmetric supporting condition.Furthermore, this paper revealed the catastrophe mechanism, and proposed the concept of ‘‘weak structure'' and the disaster countermeasure of ‘‘overall stabilizing the roadway and strengthening the support of weak structure''. The industrial test shows that the disaster control technology can realize the coordination deformation of the supporting structure and roadway surrounding rock, thus significantly controlling the deformation of roadway surrounding rock. 展开更多
关键词 Soft rockAsymmetric Catastrophe Theoretical analysis Numerical simulation Weak structure
Comparative study of experiment and numerical analysis of secondary disasters induced by wood fire in tunnel
作者 CHENG Cai-xia ZHOU Xin-quan 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第4期381-385,共5页
Studied the changes of heat physical parameters, gas concentration of O_2, CO,CH_4 and H_2, and temperature through full scale wood fire experiments in a tunnel and simulationby FLUNET, a kind of computational fluid d... Studied the changes of heat physical parameters, gas concentration of O_2, CO,CH_4 and H_2, and temperature through full scale wood fire experiments in a tunnel and simulationby FLUNET, a kind of computational fluid dynamics software.The results showthat the wood fire experiment and simulation are both oxygen-enriched combustions,which show that the simulation results coincide with the experiment.The results also provethat it is difficult for oxygen-enriched combustion to cause secondary disasters.Somesuggestions were put forward to prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters effectively. 展开更多
关键词 wood fire combustion type secondary disasters EXPERIMENT numericalanalysis
A novel localization method for noninvasive monitoring capsule 被引量:3
作者 何文辉 Yan Guozheng Jiang Pingping Cuo Xudong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第3期255-259,共5页
Noninvasive monitoring capsule for gastrointestinal tract can De swauowed by patient.It is of great importance for the physician to monitor the precise position of capsule in gastrointestinal tract. The authors invest... Noninvasive monitoring capsule for gastrointestinal tract can De swauowed by patient.It is of great importance for the physician to monitor the precise position of capsule in gastrointestinal tract. The authors investigated a novel method for it. Using three coils with DC current to excite magnetic field and one triaxial magnetoresistive sensor to measure the excited magnetic vectors, they tried to solve the problem. The authors provided the localization principle of the method and analyzed it by an experiment, too. The method may be applied in practice in the future though it is still immature now. 展开更多
关键词 gastrointestinal tract COIL magnetic field LOCALIZATION
作者 Clifford A.Adams 袁森泉 《山东家禽》 2001年第1期33-35,共3页
关键词 家禽 饲料添加剂 酶制剂 胃肠物粘度 脂肪消化率
文道关系论之古今演变 被引量:3
作者 周兴陆 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期127-135,共9页
传统文论的"文道论",是指"文章"与道的关系,而非近人所谓的"文学",文道关系主要有明道、载道、害道三种形态。理学和心学对作文主体有不同的规定,前者主张以道理、学力控御才气;后者重视作家的本色,强调... 传统文论的"文道论",是指"文章"与道的关系,而非近人所谓的"文学",文道关系主要有明道、载道、害道三种形态。理学和心学对作文主体有不同的规定,前者主张以道理、学力控御才气;后者重视作家的本色,强调作者的超然自得。文道分离论忽隐忽现地存在于历史之中,至晚清逐渐汇聚成一股重要的力量,与近代"纯文学"论融汇,导致传统"文以载道"论的解体;但是它并没有消失,而是被不断重释,"文以载道"在现代文学批评史上依然存在。但"文以载道"原本所具有的重道轻文色彩弱化了,现代的"文以载道"论一般没有放弃文学本位立场。这是对传统文学理论观念的新阐发,是传统文学理论在近现代的新发展。 展开更多
关键词 害道 分离 古今演变
Analysis of Pipeline Damage to Impact Load by Dropped Objects
作者 YAN Shuwang TIAN Yinghui 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期138-141,共4页
Marine pipeline damage subjected to dropped objects from platforms or supply vessels is analyzed to introduce an easy and applicable approach to investigating the damage induced by impact load from drop weight. A prac... Marine pipeline damage subjected to dropped objects from platforms or supply vessels is analyzed to introduce an easy and applicable approach to investigating the damage induced by impact load from drop weight. A practical engineering example was presented and analyzed using the commercial program 'ANSYS/LS-DYNA', which is a powerful tool with an explicit dynamic solver. And rational agreement of the results with previous works was obtained. The suggested procedure might be taken as a checking analysis of the protection measures of pipelines in addition to the general risk assessment method. 展开更多
关键词 PIPELINE dropped objects DAMAGE impact load ANSYS/LS-DYNA
Experimental and numerical analysis of secondary disasters induced by oxygen rich combustion within a tunnel 被引量:2
作者 Cheng Caixia Sun Fuchun +2 位作者 Zhou Xinquan Niu Huiyong Liang De 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第6期897-901,共5页
Various physical parameters, including gas concentrations (O2, CO, CH4, and H2) and temperatures at dif- ferent air velocities, were determined for full scale wood fires in the Chongqing Coal Research Institute fire t... Various physical parameters, including gas concentrations (O2, CO, CH4, and H2) and temperatures at dif- ferent air velocities, were determined for full scale wood fires in the Chongqing Coal Research Institute fire test tunnel. Both experimental measurements and numerical simulations are discussed. The numer- ical analysis was performed with the computational fluid dynamics software package ''FLUENT''. The results show that the experimental data agree with the simulation results. The results verify that Roberts' theory of burning is correct. They also prove that the air velocity is the key factor that determines the type of combustion. Also, it is shown that secondary disasters are unlikely for oxygen rich combustion with a limited fire load. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical analysis Combustion type Oxygen-enriched combustion Secondary disasters
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