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儒家家庭伦理影响下的“家国一体化”社会结构 被引量:1
作者 张津梁 《哈尔滨市委党校学报》 2016年第5期40-44,共5页
儒家家庭伦理是中国传统社会秩序的整合纽带。从先秦双向度的"父慈子孝、兄友弟恭、夫妇有别"到后来的汉代单向度的"三纲五常",儒家家庭伦理的变化折射出了"家国一体化"的社会结构。儒家家庭伦理建构的&q... 儒家家庭伦理是中国传统社会秩序的整合纽带。从先秦双向度的"父慈子孝、兄友弟恭、夫妇有别"到后来的汉代单向度的"三纲五常",儒家家庭伦理的变化折射出了"家国一体化"的社会结构。儒家家庭伦理建构的"家国一体化"社会结构塑造了社会整合规范。伦理乃是一种社会关系,正是在"家国一体化"的基础上,以亲亲和尊尊为核心导向的儒家家庭伦理,得以从家推延至整个社会。 展开更多
关键词 家国一体化 庭伦理 五伦 社会结构
空间、仪式与认同:中缅北界边境村落多维文化空间与家国一体化实践研究 被引量:1
作者 和梦 王焕瑜 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第10期46-57,152,共13页
因内地汉族移民边境而出现的汉文化空间位移,及其带来的边境村落各族边民的汉化现象,学界成果甚多。但从多维文化空间视角切入的边境各族家国同构问题,关注者尚少。西南边陲腾冲被称为“文献名邦”,又有“极边”之称。其历史是一部基于... 因内地汉族移民边境而出现的汉文化空间位移,及其带来的边境村落各族边民的汉化现象,学界成果甚多。但从多维文化空间视角切入的边境各族家国同构问题,关注者尚少。西南边陲腾冲被称为“文献名邦”,又有“极边”之称。其历史是一部基于汉族与少数民族交往交流交融而使内地与边疆一体化、家族与国家一体化的实践史。本研究通过对明代以来汉文化在极边之地腾冲的传播、生根与少数民族汉化相辅相成历程的历时性梳理,在移步换景式呈现该区域各族边民在“泰山石敢当”、“堂窝”神龛、三崇寺与家族“祖坟”四维文化空间里的世俗性与神圣性双重生产生活实践基础上,重点深描汉族儒释道与民间信仰“大传统”和本土少数民族原生宗教“小传统”交融多维文化空间内的仪式活动及其社会文化功能,进而揭示多维文化空间与家国一体化的内在逻辑,从而为铸牢中华民族共同体意识与乡村文化振兴提供历史文化资源。 展开更多
关键词 西南边境 大小传统 文化空间 家国一体化 认同
论中国影视艺术的“家-国一体化”叙事 被引量:7
作者 彭文祥 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2008年第1期81-86,共6页
"家-国一体化"叙事是中国影视艺术的重要叙事特点,具体表现在:1."伦理泛情化"的叙事策略;2.着重于"家庭"、"社会"、"政治"的三种叙事结构;3."交融性"和"交叉性"... "家-国一体化"叙事是中国影视艺术的重要叙事特点,具体表现在:1."伦理泛情化"的叙事策略;2.着重于"家庭"、"社会"、"政治"的三种叙事结构;3."交融性"和"交叉性"的二种叙事形态。 展开更多
关键词 影视艺术 -一体化 叙事
作者 朱春洁 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第6期84-92,共9页
残缺书写在宋末元初与明末清初遗民流人文本中频繁出现,并涵盖身体、家国、风景等层面。在此逻辑链中,身体的残损断裂更多指向国破家亡之时局,是身体家国一体化的呈现;又由内而外,使流人以残缺之眼打量自然万物,所见皆为残景,以此凸显... 残缺书写在宋末元初与明末清初遗民流人文本中频繁出现,并涵盖身体、家国、风景等层面。在此逻辑链中,身体的残损断裂更多指向国破家亡之时局,是身体家国一体化的呈现;又由内而外,使流人以残缺之眼打量自然万物,所见皆为残景,以此凸显身体对家国的深沉依恋,昭示其受惩流放中抗拒新朝、认同故国的政治立场和心理姿态。两相比较,宋末元初遗民流人更追求无形之精神,明末清初则渴求有形之躯体,这与前者注重气节以求死、后者期望归乡以苟活的心态相关;前者在残缺书写的数量、范围、程度上皆不及后者,此根源于两者所处家国境况之迥异,从而形成不同的心理适应力。而当他们以残缺视角关照自身,明末清初遗民流人则因被弃而生出独有的剩余之感。 展开更多
关键词 遗民流人 残缺书写 身体家国一体化
时代焦虑、本体安全与中国电视综艺的形态变迁 被引量:3
作者 耿波 史圣洁 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期68-73,123,共7页
当代中国电视文化产生于时代焦虑背景中,"本体性安全"理论可为之提供有启发性的方法论。"看电视"的日常生活性,使人们能在日常惯习中获得"反思性监控",进而获得对家—国一体化稳固性的领悟,产生本体性安... 当代中国电视文化产生于时代焦虑背景中,"本体性安全"理论可为之提供有启发性的方法论。"看电视"的日常生活性,使人们能在日常惯习中获得"反思性监控",进而获得对家—国一体化稳固性的领悟,产生本体性安全体验,电视综艺观赏的本体性安全体验则不稳定。自上世纪60年代至90年代,中国电视综艺在为人们缓释时代焦虑、提供本体安全体验的意义上经历三变:创作"欢颂"模式,作为映射国家专权稳固性的映像提供社会向心性图景;延续"欢颂"模式,通过综艺的仪式性魅力强化人们对家—国一体化现实安全体验;从"欢颂"到"狂欢",电视综艺通过"游戏"拓延将人们裹挟其中,使人们沉溺娱乐激情以缓释焦虑、重获安全体验。新世纪以来,电视综艺呈现"游戏性"与"公共性"共生的复杂形态,标志中国电视综艺出现重返回日常生活的转折迹象。 展开更多
关键词 日常生活 本体性安全 家国一体化 游戏 公共性
作者 彭文祥 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2008年第1期127-131,共5页
关键词 影视艺术 -一体化 叙事特色
作者 覃美洲 《黑龙江民族丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期143-147,共5页
"厌诉"现象在湖北民族地区农村是普遍存在的,这种现象的存在有其思想文化、社会、制度、经济等根源;究其产生根源的原因主要有:封建王朝在湖北民族地区因实施羁縻怀柔政策而形成的社会治理结构是其特有的社会根源,家国一体化... "厌诉"现象在湖北民族地区农村是普遍存在的,这种现象的存在有其思想文化、社会、制度、经济等根源;究其产生根源的原因主要有:封建王朝在湖北民族地区因实施羁縻怀柔政策而形成的社会治理结构是其特有的社会根源,家国一体化的二元社会结构是其传统的社会组织根源,湖北民族地区农村人们的现实生活环境是其生成的现实社会根源。 展开更多
关键词 湖北 民族地区 厌诉 土司 家国一体化
The"Belt and Road"Initiative:A Chinese Concept for Global Development 被引量:1
作者 Tian Wenlin 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期1-20,共20页
China's "Belt and Road" initiative is emerging as the Western-dominated world order is declining. Capitalism has intensified the rich-poor divide and power politics have led to great upheavals. Western values have ... China's "Belt and Road" initiative is emerging as the Western-dominated world order is declining. Capitalism has intensified the rich-poor divide and power politics have led to great upheavals. Western values have caused a "value dislocation" for non-Western countries. The world is calling for new development concepts. The "Belt and Road" initiative has emerged as an answer. It embodies China's ideas on global development. First, it works for the "common prosperity" of every country, which will ease contradictions between the South and the North. Second, it emphasizes geo-economie integration that will heal the fragmentation of Eurasia. Third, it advocates linkages between people and inclusiveness to create a new kind of civilization. However, many difficulties and challenges lie ahead for the implementation of the "Belt and Road" initiative. 展开更多
关键词 Belt and Road initiative global development geopolitical integration China' s conception
Asian Trade Integration and the Decoupling Debate of Business Cycles
作者 Linyue Li 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第4期172-185,共14页
"Decoupling" refers to the divergence of business cycles among different countries, while "re-coupling" corresponds to the convergence or the synchronization of business cycles among different countries. The decou... "Decoupling" refers to the divergence of business cycles among different countries, while "re-coupling" corresponds to the convergence or the synchronization of business cycles among different countries. The decoupling debate is popular in the field of economics, especially after global financial crisis. As trade integration increased among Asian countries, business cycle synchronization among these countries was expected to increase through trade transmission. The aim of this study is to discover whether there has been decoupling or convergence of business cycles through various trade channels. However, theoretically, increased trade can lead to business cycle synchronization either rising or falling. Inter-industry trade resulting in higher specification will induce less synchronized business cycles, while intra-industry trade could lead to increased business cycle synchronization. Thus, it is important to distinguish between intra- and inter-industry trade flows. Both correlation and dynamic factor models are utilized to study the evolution of global business cycle linkages. Results indicate that the world factor has become less important in explaining macroeconomic fluctuations from sub-period 1961-1984 to sub-period 1985-2007, while regional factors do not play an important role in explaining aggregate volatility, with the expectation of consumption. Overall, the explanatory power of country factors increases. Domestic consumption and domestic investment variances are more driven by country and idiosyncratic factors than by the world factor, contrary to the output growth fluctuations. Regional factors and country factors also play a more prominent role in explaining gross import fluctuations than in explaining gross exports. Results cast doubt on the strong forms of both the decoupling and the re-coupling hypothesis. 展开更多
关键词 trade integration DECOUPLING business cycle dynamic factor model world factor
Drama and Theatre as Vehicle for Youth Empowerment and Reorientation: A Proposition for National Development and Integration
作者 Sola Fosudo 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第3期422-429,共8页
Apart from serving the functions of enlightenment and entertainment, the theatre is also useful in several other ways. For instance, it is a source of employment, cultural preservation, presentation, and projection. I... Apart from serving the functions of enlightenment and entertainment, the theatre is also useful in several other ways. For instance, it is a source of employment, cultural preservation, presentation, and projection. It also serves therapeutic functions and as social control mechanism in a society. It is a mirror of life, reflecting and highlighting the moral codes and the ills of society and castigating social evil and its doers. Beyond all of these, the theatre could also serve as an agent of civilization, community mobilisation, and youth development and emancipation. This paper discusses how the potentials of the youth in a country such as Nigeria, could be harnessed and deployed for the purposes of national orientation, development, and integration, using culture, drama, and theatre as the defining tools for this evolvement. 展开更多
关键词 youth empowerment national orientation development drama and theatre
On National Sovereignty under Economic Globalization
作者 YuShiyou WanXinrong ShiWei 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第1期87-91,共5页
Formally, national sovereignty can be identified as hard and soft;social-structurally,it consists of politi- cal sovereignty, economic sovereignty and cultural sovereignty. With the globalization of world economy,na- ... Formally, national sovereignty can be identified as hard and soft;social-structurally,it consists of politi- cal sovereignty, economic sovereignty and cultural sovereignty. With the globalization of world economy,na- tional sovereignty is changing.Our country is now confronted by three major challenges: the independence of economic sovereignty,the integrity of political sovereignty and the equality of cultural sovereignty. This research probes how to maximize national benefits under globalization. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION national sovereignty maximum benefits TRANSFERENCE
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