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李白家室研究述评 被引量:1
作者 王春庭 《龙岩学院学报》 2008年第4期40-42,61,共4页
郭沫若在《李白与杜甫》一书中对李白家室问题作了细致认真的索隐。詹锳《李白诗文系年》对此也有片断的考证。周勋初《李白两次就婚相府所铸成的家庭悲剧》一文则对李白婚姻问题作了颇有意义的探讨。结合李白诗文,参酌以上三位先生的考... 郭沫若在《李白与杜甫》一书中对李白家室问题作了细致认真的索隐。詹锳《李白诗文系年》对此也有片断的考证。周勋初《李白两次就婚相府所铸成的家庭悲剧》一文则对李白婚姻问题作了颇有意义的探讨。结合李白诗文,参酌以上三位先生的考证,评论其得失,勾勒李白家室的大致轮廓。 展开更多
关键词 李白家室 研究 述评
李贺无家室考辨 被引量:1
作者 王佃启 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期48-57,共10页
自清代姚文燮、王琦疑李贺有妻室以来,近世王礼锡、朱自清、周阆风、钱仲联等学者均持此说不疑,并不断提出新的佐证,遂使这一观点几成学界定论。本文通过对唐代社会文化状况及李贺传记资料和诗歌内容的考索与研究,对上述学者提出的李贺... 自清代姚文燮、王琦疑李贺有妻室以来,近世王礼锡、朱自清、周阆风、钱仲联等学者均持此说不疑,并不断提出新的佐证,遂使这一观点几成学界定论。本文通过对唐代社会文化状况及李贺传记资料和诗歌内容的考索与研究,对上述学者提出的李贺有妻室的论据逐一进行辨驳正误,得出李贺无家室的研究结论。 展开更多
关键词 李贺 婚姻 家室 考辨
作者 王辉斌 《南都学坛(南阳师专学报)》 1994年第4期0032-0034,共3页
李贺的家室与恋情──《唐代诗人婚姻研究》之六王辉斌中唐诗人李贺,才大而命短,仅活了二十七岁便与世长辞。由于李贺生命的短暂,因而唐宋间有关记载李贺生平的材料,均极为简略,且错误亦多,而其婚烟问题便是其中较为典型的一例。... 李贺的家室与恋情──《唐代诗人婚姻研究》之六王辉斌中唐诗人李贺,才大而命短,仅活了二十七岁便与世长辞。由于李贺生命的短暂,因而唐宋间有关记载李贺生平的材料,均极为简略,且错误亦多,而其婚烟问题便是其中较为典型的一例。如杜牧在李贺死后十五年所撰的《李贺... 展开更多
关键词 《唐代诗人婚姻研究》 李贺 家室 恋情 长安歌女 董娇娇
南宗教理教义及修道场所、家室诸问题考论 被引量:1
作者 杨燕 《老子学刊》 2016年第2期133-143,共11页
道教南宗又称紫阳派,该道派宗祖钟吕丹道,融合三教,兼修雷法。在教理教义、修习方法等方面都有独特之处。从大的方面讲,南宗的教理教义及修行方法最重要的可以总结为汇通和合;性命双修、性命同修;修仙三等。南宗在道法源流上既有清修,... 道教南宗又称紫阳派,该道派宗祖钟吕丹道,融合三教,兼修雷法。在教理教义、修习方法等方面都有独特之处。从大的方面讲,南宗的教理教义及修行方法最重要的可以总结为汇通和合;性命双修、性命同修;修仙三等。南宗在道法源流上既有清修,也有双修。具体到白玉蟾祖师一系,也与双修派颇有渊源。历史上的南宗传道方式灵活,修习南宗者,有很多都不是专门的道士,南宗的修道场所非常灵活,形式多样。同时,历史上很多南宗修习者都是有家室的。 展开更多
关键词 南宗 白玉蟾 教理教义 家室
先秦秦汉时期“孝”含义的裂变——兼论同一时期宗族形态的变化 被引量:1
作者 李现红 黄海卫 《人民论坛(中旬刊)》 北大核心 2016年第4期169-171,共3页
春秋战国时期,孝的对象由西周时期的"神祖考妣"转变为"父",表现形式由西周时期的祭祀变为相对简单的"养"、"敬"。秦汉时期,孝的对象主要是"父母",孝的表现形式是日常生活中相对具体... 春秋战国时期,孝的对象由西周时期的"神祖考妣"转变为"父",表现形式由西周时期的祭祀变为相对简单的"养"、"敬"。秦汉时期,孝的对象主要是"父母",孝的表现形式是日常生活中相对具体的"养"、"敬"、"顺"等。这一变化反映出人们主要生活空间由"族"变为"家";血缘性宗法特征渐趋突出。 展开更多
关键词 春秋战国 孝“父” 秦汉 孝“父母” 家室
作者 邓桂姣 张艳如 邓海燕 《唐都学刊》 2020年第5期44-49,共6页
唐代著名诗人岑参的生平资料,史载粗略,深为研究者所苦。考岑参生存状态,大约在“出入二郡”(20~30岁)十年间成家并开始谋划迁居长安;起初把家室暂时安置于河中府永乐县(今山西芮城县西南永乐镇一带),在这十年内完成迁居长安,迁居长安... 唐代著名诗人岑参的生平资料,史载粗略,深为研究者所苦。考岑参生存状态,大约在“出入二郡”(20~30岁)十年间成家并开始谋划迁居长安;起初把家室暂时安置于河中府永乐县(今山西芮城县西南永乐镇一带),在这十年内完成迁居长安,迁居长安的时间最晚应在登第授官(天宝三载,30岁)后不久,从此岑参家室一直定居长安。迁居长安以后,岑参的乡情从根本上被长安取代了其老家河南,所以仕宦浮萍中岑参的乡思与归家,最根本的方向都是长安。然长安之所以成为岑参中晚年生活的中心,是因为他在长安(终南山)有田产,有足以令他衣食无虞的经济基础。这种生活面貌是岑参主动选择的结果,该选择的主要原因在于长安“近日”,可仕可隐,满足了岑参始终以用世为主导的思想和长期仕途坎坷后的仕隐矛盾的心境。 展开更多
关键词 岑参 家室 经济基础 乡情 长安
作者 賈麗英 《文史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期5-28,共24页
里耶秦簡“徒隸産子課”“舂産子課”是對徒隸生育率的核查,顯示此時徒隸的生活狀態與後世“諸婦人在禁,皆與男夫别所”之罪囚的情形不同。隸臣、城旦、鬼薪身份的徒隸,既可有黔首身份的妻,也可有徒隸身份的妻,男性徒隸與女性徒隸之間... 里耶秦簡“徒隸産子課”“舂産子課”是對徒隸生育率的核查,顯示此時徒隸的生活狀態與後世“諸婦人在禁,皆與男夫别所”之罪囚的情形不同。隸臣、城旦、鬼薪身份的徒隸,既可有黔首身份的妻,也可有徒隸身份的妻,男性徒隸與女性徒隸之間確實存在婚姻關係。秦簡中亦屢見隸臣妾嬰兒、小隸臣妾、使小隸臣、小城旦舂等小徒隸稱謂。但徒隸家室不能居於居民里中。里耶秦簡“徒簿”類文書所反映的是徒隸“從事公”的情形。徒隸勞作主要有行政雜役、伐材土功、作務手工、田作畜牧、賦獻貢斂等幾大類。而行書、守府、守門、廷走、吏養、稟人等行政性雜役由自由度較高的隸妾或隸臣承擔。徒隸所做事役在一定時段内相對穩定,他們與遷陵縣其他吏員共同維持着地方行政的運轉。此外,秦律允許徒隸“從事私”,他們有一定私財。里耶“祠先農”簡顯示,餘徹祭品多被徒隸購買,交易常發生在城旦、隸臣之“所”。隸臣妾活動相對自由,或爲庸取錢,或市販得利;城旦舂鬼薪白粲等司空徒活動自由被嚴格限制,其“從事私”的時間、空間極小,私財來源不太明了。 展开更多
关键词 里耶秦簡 産子課 家室 徒隸
《中国天主教》 2019年第2期1-1,共1页
关键词 家室 仆人 主上 天主 主所
作者 赵旭儒 《中州统战》 1995年第2期33-33,共1页
读书与成才赵旭儒读史书杂集,发现中国古代有志之士,勤奋苦读,成才成家,益国利民者颇多,垂史芳馨。今天仍有可思可鉴可勉之益。苏秦,孙敬"头悬梁,锥刺骨"后成大名。《战国策·秦策一》载:苏秦战国时洛阳人,是个说客,曾... 读书与成才赵旭儒读史书杂集,发现中国古代有志之士,勤奋苦读,成才成家,益国利民者颇多,垂史芳馨。今天仍有可思可鉴可勉之益。苏秦,孙敬"头悬梁,锥刺骨"后成大名。《战国策·秦策一》载:苏秦战国时洛阳人,是个说客,曾进秦惠王富国强兵之道,不被任用。带的钱... 展开更多
关键词 《孟子》 家室之累 路温舒 二十七 公孙弘 教育子女 心理环境 《六韬》 《尚书》 家贫如洗
Development of two microsatellite multiplex PCR systems for high throughput genotyping in Populus euphratica 被引量:4
作者 Eusemann Pascal Fehrenz Steffen Schnittler Martin 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期195-198,共4页
Eighteen microsatellite primer pairs previously developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Populus tremuloides Michx. and Populus trichocarpa Tort. & Gray were screened for amplification in Euphrates poplar, Popu... Eighteen microsatellite primer pairs previously developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Populus tremuloides Michx. and Populus trichocarpa Tort. & Gray were screened for amplification in Euphrates poplar, Populus euphratica Oliv. Thirteen loci were found to express polymorphisms ranging from two to 17 alleles. The eight most variable loci were selected to set up and optimize two multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. Three populations containing altogether 436 trees were used to characterize the selected loci and ascertain their applicability for parentage analysis and genotyping studies. Through cross-checking of clonal identity against sex of the genotyped trees we estimated the maximum error rate for merging genotypes to be less than 0.045. 展开更多
关键词 clone identification Euphrates poplar genetic fingerprint parentage analysis population structure SSR primers
Modeling of Arctic Sea Ice Variability During 1948–2009: Validation of Two Versions of the Los Alamos Sea Ice Model(CICE) 被引量:7
作者 WU Shu-Qiang ZENG Qing-Cun BI Xun-Qiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2015年第4期215-219,共5页
The Los Alamos sea ice model(CICE) is used to simulate the Arctic sea ice variability from 1948 to 2009. Two versions of CICE are validated through comparison with Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperat... The Los Alamos sea ice model(CICE) is used to simulate the Arctic sea ice variability from 1948 to 2009. Two versions of CICE are validated through comparison with Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature(Had ISST) observations. Version 5.0 of CICE with elastic-viscous-plastic(EVP) dynamics simulates a September Arctic sea ice concentration(SASIC) trend of –0.619 × 1012 m2 per decade from 1969 to 2009, which is very close to the observed trend(-0.585 × 1012 m2 per decade). Version 4.0 of CICE with EVP dynamics underestimates the SASIC trend(-0.470 × 1012 m2 per decade). Version 5.0 has a higher correlation(0.742) with observation than version 4.0(0.653). Both versions of CICE simulate the seasonal cycle of the Arctic sea ice, but version 5.0 outperforms version 4.0 in both phase and amplitude. The timing of the minimum and maximum sea ice coverage occurs a little earlier(phase advancing) in both versions. Simulations also show that the September Arctic sea ice volume(SASIV) has a faster decreasing trend than SASIC. 展开更多
关键词 Arctic sea ice trend analysis model validation Los Alamos sea ice model(CICE)
丙烯酸-2,4,6-三硝基苯乙酯的合成及热分解 被引量:2
作者 刘强强 金波 +3 位作者 彭汝芳 舒远杰 楚士晋 董海山 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期579-582,共4页
以TNT、甲醛为原料,在弱碱性条件下反应合成得到2,4,6-三硝基苯乙醇(PicCH2CH2OH);PicCH2CH2OH在浓硫酸催化下和丙烯酸在甲苯中回流反应24h,合成得到丙烯酸-2,4,6-三硝基苯乙酯,产率为62%。采用紫外可见光谱(UV-Vis)、核磁共振氢谱(1HN... 以TNT、甲醛为原料,在弱碱性条件下反应合成得到2,4,6-三硝基苯乙醇(PicCH2CH2OH);PicCH2CH2OH在浓硫酸催化下和丙烯酸在甲苯中回流反应24h,合成得到丙烯酸-2,4,6-三硝基苯乙酯,产率为62%。采用紫外可见光谱(UV-Vis)、核磁共振氢谱(1HNMR)、红外光谱(FTIR)、质谱(MS)以及元素分析等对产物结构进行了表征。利用热重分析(TG)对产物热稳定性进行了研究,采用Kissinger方法和Ozawa方法计算其热分解活化能Ea分别为99.78,102.96kJ·mol-1。 展开更多
关键词 有机化学 2 4 6-三硝基苯乙醇 丙烯酸-2 4 6-三硝基苯乙酯 热稳定性 活化能
The spring prediction barrier in ENSO hindcast experiments using the FGOALS-g model 被引量:2
作者 严厉 俞永强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1093-1104,共12页
The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model-gamil (FGOALS-g) was used to study the spring prediction barrier (SPB) in an ensemble system. This coupled model was developed and maintained at the State Key Lab... The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model-gamil (FGOALS-g) was used to study the spring prediction barrier (SPB) in an ensemble system. This coupled model was developed and maintained at the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG). There are two steps in our hindcast experiments. The first is to integrate the coupled model continuously with sea surface temperature (SST) nudging, from 1971 to 2006. The second is to carry out a series of one-year hindcasts without SST nudging, by adopting initial values from the first step on January 1 st , April 1st , July 1st , and October 1st , from 1982 to 2005. We generate 10 ensemble members for a particular start date (1st ) by choosing different atmospheric and land conditions around the hindcast start date (1st through 10th ). To estimate the predicted SST, two methods are used: (1) Anomaly Correlation Coefficient and its rate of decrease; and (2) Talagrand distribution and its standard deviation. Results show that FGOALS-g offers a reliable ensemble system with realistic initial atmospheric and oceanic conditions, and high anomaly correlation (>0.5) within 6 month lead time. Further, the ensemble approach is effective, in that the anomaly correlation of ensemble mean is much higher than that of most individual ensemble members. The SPB exists in the FGOALS-g ensemble system, as shown by anomaly correlation and equal likelihood. Nevertheless, the role of the ensemble mean in reducing the SPB of ENSO prediction is significant. The rate of decrease of the ensemble mean is smaller than the largest deviations by 0.04-0.14. At the same time, the ensemble system "equal likelihood" declines during spring. An ensemble mean helps give a correct prediction direction, departing from largely-deviated ensemble members. 展开更多
关键词 spring prediction barrier ensemble ENSO hindcast experiments equal likelihood
A Comparative Study on the Implementation of CDM Projects in India
作者 Jiang Xiaoyi 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第1期42-52,共11页
Since the Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol was initiated,China and India have overwhelmingly led other developing countries regarding CDM projects development.A comparative study of the CDM in... Since the Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol was initiated,China and India have overwhelmingly led other developing countries regarding CDM projects development.A comparative study of the CDM in India and China is conducted as there are many similarities between both India and China with regard to the CDM implementation due to the fact that India is another major developing country with a large population and a potential source of GHG emissions rivaling China in the near future.Through examining the development of and legal issues for CDM projects in India,its experience and lessons regarding developing and managing CDM projects that China can critically learn are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) CER (Certi-fied Emission Reduction) China INDIA climate change
East China Summer Rainfall during ENSO Decaying Years Simulated by a Regional Climate Model 被引量:4
作者 ZENG Xian-Feng LI Bo +2 位作者 FENG Lei LIU Xiao-Juan ZHOU Tian-Jun 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第2期91-97,共7页
The performance of the Climate version of the Regional Eta-coordinate Model (CREM), a regional climate model developed by State Key Laboratory of Numerical modeling for Atmospheric Science and Geophysical Fluid Dyna... The performance of the Climate version of the Regional Eta-coordinate Model (CREM), a regional climate model developed by State Key Laboratory of Numerical modeling for Atmospheric Science and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics (LASG/IAP), in simulating rainfall anomalies during the ENSO decaying summers from 1982 to 2002 was evalu- ated. The added value of rainfall simulation relative to reanalysis data and the sources of model bias were studied. Results showed that the model simulated rainfall anomalies moderately well. The model did well at capturing the above-normal rainfall along the Yangtze River valley (YRV) during E1 Nifio decaying summers and the below and above-normal rainfall centers along the YRV and the Huaihe River valley (HRV), respectively, during La Nifia decaying summers. These features were not evident in rainfall products derived from the reanalysis, indicating that rainfall simulation did add value. The main limitations of the model were that the simulated rainfall anomalies along the YRV were far stronger and weaker in magnitude than the observations during E1 Nifio decaying summers and La Nifia decaying summers, respectively. The stronger magnitude above-normal rainfall during E1 Nifio decaying summers was due to a stronger northward transport of water vapor in the lower troposphere, mostly from moisture advection. An artificial, above-normal rainfall center was seen in the region north to 35°N, which was associated with stronger northward water vapor transport. Both lower tropospheric circulation bias and a wetter model atmosphere contributed to the bias caused by water vapor transport. There was a stronger southward water vapor transport from the southern boundary of the model during La Nifia decaying summers; less remaining water vapor caused anomalously weaker rainfall in the model as compared to observations. 展开更多
关键词 East China rainfall ENSO decaying summers regional climate model water vapor
The influence of the designing styles of the furniture in the Ming Dynasty on the modern furniture
作者 LI Xiaoyan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期40-42,共3页
As the development of the current building activities continues to become mature, now the requirements on the indoor design activities will also be promoted. Compared with the interior design activities, the furniture... As the development of the current building activities continues to become mature, now the requirements on the indoor design activities will also be promoted. Compared with the interior design activities, the furniture is one of the important factors in the process of the interior decoration. The choice of the appropriate furniture not only can effectively improve the quality of the interior design activities, but also can fully meet the specific application needs of the people. This paper starts from the analysis of the specific requirements on the design and production of the modern furniture. And combined with the analysis of the specific characteristics and the connotation of the design styles of the furniture in the Ming Dynasty, the author further explores the specific influence of the design styles of the Ming Dynasty furniture on the modern furniture. 展开更多
关键词 Ming Dynasty: fumiture designing style: modem furniture design content design ideas specific impact
How to Make a Story Beautiful: On Aesthetic Dialectics of Liao zhai zhi yi
作者 LI Hong-xiang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期695-707,共13页
How to write a beautiful story? It is an important question to Chinese writers because novel has not been regarded as a formal genre until late Qing Dynasty. Pu Songling answers this question with his work Liao zhai ... How to write a beautiful story? It is an important question to Chinese writers because novel has not been regarded as a formal genre until late Qing Dynasty. Pu Songling answers this question with his work Liao zhai zhi yi (Strange tales from a Chinese studio). This paper aims to study his narrative arts. There are four sections included. In part 1, this paper introduces a definition of the aesthetic dialectics and its embodiment in Chinese classical literary theory; in part 2, this paper takes the Liao zhai story as example to interpret Pu Songling's dialectic relation between description and narration; in part 3, I will show how Liao zhai presents beauty by unexpected but reasonable changes; and in last part, I give more importance to the stories concerning ordinary things for the reason that Pu Songling could make them interesting and beautiful. In the end, the paper concludes that Pu Songling is successful storyteller by using dialectic arts, which should be learned by Chinese writers. 展开更多
关键词 Liao zhai BEAUTY change aesthetic dialectics NARRATION
Nymphaeaceae Salisb. and Trapaceae Dumort. Families in the Collection of O.V. Fomina Botanical Garden
作者 Tatyana Mazur Nikolai Didukh Anna Didukh 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第1期114-118,共5页
On basis of aquatic and riverside-aquatic plants collection of O.V. fomina botanical garden is conducted research of ontogenesis, ecology, phenology, carpogenesis, biomorphology, life forms, adaptatations, of this gr... On basis of aquatic and riverside-aquatic plants collection of O.V. fomina botanical garden is conducted research of ontogenesis, ecology, phenology, carpogenesis, biomorphology, life forms, adaptatations, of this group's plants, peculiarities of their cultivation and application in conditions of temperate zone of Ukraine. Special values in research have ancient genera and species, which include representatives ofNymphaeaceae salisb, and trapaceae Dumort. families, 22 species, 6 varieties, 1 hybrid, 30 cultivars of which are presented in collection of garden in open and covered soil. For the first time in covered soil of two conservatories ecological modeling was conducted. Placement of plants is done in form of 5 models of artificial ecotopes, in 155 abatises. Four ecobiomorphological groups based on rhizome system were determined for Nymphaeaceae, among which conditionally-rhizome and conditionally-stolone are provided for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 Aquatic and riverside-aquatic plants ancient genera NYMPHAEACEAE trapaceae models of artificial ecotopes ecobiomorphological groups ontogenesis.
Laboratory Limits on Dermatophyte Diagnosis in Rabbits with Clinical Lesions
作者 A. C. Coelho M. L. Pinto +3 位作者 A. M. Coelho M. C. Fontes J. L. Mourao V. Pineiros 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第4X期608-612,共5页
Dermatophyte infection or ringworm is a superficial cutaneous infection with one or more of the fungal species of the keratinophilic genera Microsporum, Trichophyton, or Epidermophyton and is a zoonosis with a great i... Dermatophyte infection or ringworm is a superficial cutaneous infection with one or more of the fungal species of the keratinophilic genera Microsporum, Trichophyton, or Epidermophyton and is a zoonosis with a great impact on public health. Dermatophytes were identified from rabbit sample cultures submitted to mycological examination in the Laboratory of Microbiology of the University of Tr^-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal. All samples were collected from suspected clinical cases. Dermatophytes were cultured from 4 of the 55 specimens (7.3%). The dermatophytes isolated were Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes (1.8%) and Microsporum gypseum (5.5%). Microscopic examination was negative in all specimens. In this work, Scopulariopsis spp., a contaminant mould, was identified in 13 specimens (23.6%). The proportion of positive samples in relation to the number of samples examined from cases suspected was very low. As all samples were collected from rabbits with compatible signs, we presume that the low prevalence of isolation was due to laboratory constraints on dermatophytes diagnosis. 展开更多
Intercalation Assembly Method and Intercalation Process Control of Layered Intercalated Functional Materials 被引量:5
作者 李凯涛 王桂荣 +2 位作者 李殿卿 林彦军 段雪 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期453-462,共10页
Layered intercalated functional materials of layered double hydroxide type are an important class of functional materials developed in recent years. Based on long term studies on these materials in the State Key Labor... Layered intercalated functional materials of layered double hydroxide type are an important class of functional materials developed in recent years. Based on long term studies on these materials in the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering in Beiiing University of Chemical Technology, the orinciole for the design of controlled intercalation processes in the light of tuture production processing requirements has been developed. Intercalation assembly methods and technologies have been invented to control the intercalation process for preparing layered intercalated materials with various structures and functions. 展开更多
关键词 layered intercalated structure functional material intercalation assembly methods intercalation process
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