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新形势下农村家居养老模式的创新探索——基于“空巢”现象的视角 被引量:3
作者 郑鸿 《山西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期295-298,共4页
随着人口老龄化和社会转型的快速发展,农村常见的子孙绕膝的安乐场面已被"空巢"家庭逐步取代,传统的家居养老模式在"空巢"现象的冲击下开始偏离预定轨道。在此背景下,提出"螺旋式"家居养老模式及"... 随着人口老龄化和社会转型的快速发展,农村常见的子孙绕膝的安乐场面已被"空巢"家庭逐步取代,传统的家居养老模式在"空巢"现象的冲击下开始偏离预定轨道。在此背景下,提出"螺旋式"家居养老模式及"专业化"运行机制来应对这一问题。 展开更多
关键词 空巢现象 家居养老 创新研究 专业化运作 螺旋式模式
建立适合我国国情的社会保障制度——对“家居养老和家居护理”养老模式的探讨 被引量:2
作者 孙文婷 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第3期31-33,共3页
关键词 家居养老 家居护理 养老模式 社会保障制度
“互联网+”形势下智慧家居养老模式的构思 被引量:3
作者 徐凯 房文杰 《科技创新导报》 2019年第25期240-242,共3页
当前,我国老龄化日益严重,养老压力巨大。在多种形式的养老模式中,传统的家庭养老模式依然占据主导地位,这主要是由我国的基本国情决定的。随着计划生育政策的有效实施和经济的发展,社会急剧转型,家庭结构出现高龄化、小型化的趋势,传... 当前,我国老龄化日益严重,养老压力巨大。在多种形式的养老模式中,传统的家庭养老模式依然占据主导地位,这主要是由我国的基本国情决定的。随着计划生育政策的有效实施和经济的发展,社会急剧转型,家庭结构出现高龄化、小型化的趋势,传统的家庭养老模式已经无法单独应对老龄社会。智慧城市体系的构建使得智慧家居养老模式受到老人广泛关注。智慧养老系统从线上和线下相结合,充分发挥互联网优势减少传统家居养老子女经济和精力的投入,让子女更方便、更深入的了解老人健康医疗状况、家居安全状况和心理社交状况等。如何打造与智慧城市对接的智慧养老体系,提高当前养老水平和质量应是当前研究重点。 展开更多
关键词 互联网+ 物联网 人工智能 智慧家居养老
中国社会化养老的主要趋势:家居养老和家居护理 被引量:4
作者 缪青 《城市问题》 2000年第5期18-20,共3页
关键词 中国 社会化养老 家居养老 家居护理 服务体制
作者 缪青 《首都医药》 2000年第8期9-10,共2页
中国老年人安度晚年的主要方式:家居养老 今年,北京的人口已进入老龄化。目前,北京的常住人口中60岁以上的老年人有170多万。每6个北京人中,就有一个老年人。 当人们漫步北京街头或者到医院就诊时,不难发现,到医院看病和坐轮椅的老人明... 中国老年人安度晚年的主要方式:家居养老 今年,北京的人口已进入老龄化。目前,北京的常住人口中60岁以上的老年人有170多万。每6个北京人中,就有一个老年人。 当人们漫步北京街头或者到医院就诊时,不难发现,到医院看病和坐轮椅的老人明显增多了。在与中年同事们的交谈中,老年人的供养、家庭护理以及住院陪床已成为一个令人困扰的热门话题。而对迅速发展的人口老龄化的问题,传统的家庭养老模式——由配偶和子女负担老人的方式,对于许多家庭来说,已经显得力不从心。 展开更多
关键词 家居养老 家居护理 社会福利工程
基于物联网的智能养老家居系统的研究 被引量:2
作者 邱诗淇 李亚宁 +1 位作者 王娟 李希峰(指导) 《科学技术创新》 2021年第13期70-71,共2页
伴随着世界老年人口的快速增长,养老产业也在飞速发展,新型养老模式层出不穷,人们在养老方面的探索正在不断推进着。智能化、人性化、便捷化成为当今养老模式的主流,从联系老年人实际情况出发,贴合老人内心需求,我们提出了智能化养老家... 伴随着世界老年人口的快速增长,养老产业也在飞速发展,新型养老模式层出不穷,人们在养老方面的探索正在不断推进着。智能化、人性化、便捷化成为当今养老模式的主流,从联系老年人实际情况出发,贴合老人内心需求,我们提出了智能化养老家居系统的想法,并在物联网技术的基础上对此家居系统进行了设计,拟解决当今社会子女在工作与赡养老人之间存在的矛盾,为老年人提供健康快乐的晚年生活,同时减轻子女赡养老人的压力。 展开更多
关键词 物联网 人工智能 智慧家居养老
《社会与公益》 2016年第11期15-15,共1页
10月26日,由天津市民政局、天津市老龄办联合天津日报社牵头并联合京冀两地民政部门、老龄部门和日报社等9家单位共同举办的“2016首届京津冀养老论坛”在天津迎宾馆举行。来自全国老龄办领导、京津冀政府部门和主办单位的负责人、知... 10月26日,由天津市民政局、天津市老龄办联合天津日报社牵头并联合京冀两地民政部门、老龄部门和日报社等9家单位共同举办的“2016首届京津冀养老论坛”在天津迎宾馆举行。来自全国老龄办领导、京津冀政府部门和主办单位的负责人、知名高校专家学者、养老机构及相关企业负责人共220多人汇聚一堂,就三地老龄事业和养老产业热点话题展开了深度讨论与交流。 展开更多
关键词 家居养老 京津冀 论坛 智能化 天津日报社 企业负责人 老龄事业 主办单位
居家养老住宅的适老化改造方案分析 被引量:2
作者 杨申 褚作勇 《工程与建设》 2022年第1期38-40,共3页
拥有最多人口的中国,正在悄然步入老龄化社会,老龄化所带来的社会问题正在逐渐浮现。首当其冲的就是老年人的居住问题,当前很多老年人都想在自己的住宅里面度过自己的晚年,所以应该适当提高他们住宅的居住水平和舒适程度。要想让老年人... 拥有最多人口的中国,正在悄然步入老龄化社会,老龄化所带来的社会问题正在逐渐浮现。首当其冲的就是老年人的居住问题,当前很多老年人都想在自己的住宅里面度过自己的晚年,所以应该适当提高他们住宅的居住水平和舒适程度。要想让老年人家居养老更加方便,就要做好两项工作:首先要对老年人的家居养老住宅进行一系列的适老改造。其次需要在家居养老社会服务方面多下功夫,这是建立在适老化改造基础之上的更深层次的内容。 展开更多
关键词 家居养老 住宅 适老改造
作者 张旭 《中医健康养生》 2017年第5期66-69,共4页
前段时间,2017中国国际养老产业博览会开展。在参展的众多企业中,展出了很多与老年人生活密切相关的产品,很多展台一度被围的水泄不通。本刊小编锁定了一些目标,发挥打破砂锅问到底的"特长",在询问并且试用了一些康复护理用品、行动... 前段时间,2017中国国际养老产业博览会开展。在参展的众多企业中,展出了很多与老年人生活密切相关的产品,很多展台一度被围的水泄不通。本刊小编锁定了一些目标,发挥打破砂锅问到底的"特长",在询问并且试用了一些康复护理用品、行动辅助用品、视听设备以及居家用品后,为了更加了解其实用性,又在"马云家(淘宝网)"遨游了一番,最后结合商家卖点和老年朋友关注的需求,整理了一些对于实现家居养老有帮助的产品。 展开更多
关键词 家居养老 产品 老年人生活 护理用品 视听设备 博览会
基于老年人需求的整体家居设计研究 被引量:10
作者 郭家明 李海波 《家具与室内装饰》 2020年第7期28-29,共2页
人口老龄化背景下,有许多与之并发的社会问题亟需解决,养老问题是其中关注度较高的。在调研的实地观察过程和对数据整理后发现,当前家居养老环境与老人养老需求有一定的差距,家居中的设计大多仅仅是满足普通群体对家居的要求,并没有考... 人口老龄化背景下,有许多与之并发的社会问题亟需解决,养老问题是其中关注度较高的。在调研的实地观察过程和对数据整理后发现,当前家居养老环境与老人养老需求有一定的差距,家居中的设计大多仅仅是满足普通群体对家居的要求,并没有考虑到老年人生理和心理的独特性,导致在使用过程中,老人体验感不好,不能很好地为老人居家养老提供支持。本文基于老年人需求从整体家居的角度对养老家居环境设计进行研究,以寻求解决养老家居现存问题的办法。 展开更多
关键词 老年需求 整体家居设计 养老家居 老年人
空巢老人之痛疾呼社会化养老服务 被引量:1
作者 田文琳 《长沙大学学报》 2015年第4期49-51,共3页
生活保障、日常照料、精神慰藉成为当前困扰空巢老人的三大难题,而且越来越清晰地暴露出社会养老服务的严重滞后,凸显经济发展与社会化养老的矛盾。这中间虽有家庭个人的原因,但更重要的是深层的社会原因。在加大养老资金投入、加强养... 生活保障、日常照料、精神慰藉成为当前困扰空巢老人的三大难题,而且越来越清晰地暴露出社会养老服务的严重滞后,凸显经济发展与社会化养老的矛盾。这中间虽有家庭个人的原因,但更重要的是深层的社会原因。在加大养老资金投入、加强养老机构建设的同时,应努力探索家居式养老、智能化养老等现代化的养老模式。 展开更多
关键词 空巢老人 空巢综合症 家居养老 智能化养老
作者 杨琼 《时代风采》 2018年第7期48-48,共1页
关键词 技能培训 农民工 总工会 易门县 《安全生产条例》 家居养老 劳动法律 云南省
The research of the community-home elderly long-term care service system 被引量:1
作者 Qiang Zhu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期3-5,共3页
With the rapid development of the aging of the population, the demand of long-term care services in the elderly is growing. Because of family miniaturization, core, and currently limited social accumulation are diffic... With the rapid development of the aging of the population, the demand of long-term care services in the elderly is growing. Because of family miniaturization, core, and currently limited social accumulation are difficult to meet the demand of the elderly in long-term care.Community provides the elderly long-term care services, and provides the elderly all kinds of household helping services. They just make up for the inadequacy of the family and society.And how to make the community elderly long-term care services become more suitable for the needs of the elderly at home, provide better service for the elderly, are our current problems to be solved. 展开更多
关键词 Community home endowment Long-term care services Elderly care needs.
Thoughts on the Development of "Embedded" pension model
作者 REN KaJqJng 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期56-58,共3页
"Embedded" endowment is?another new pension model after?traditional family support, community home care and institutional care model,?the mode focused more advantage."Embedded" as China's future a new pension ... "Embedded" endowment is?another new pension model after?traditional family support, community home care and institutional care model,?the mode focused more advantage."Embedded" as China's future a new pension model deal with aging, its development is not yet mature, only piloted in some regions of China, the article combined with "embedded" pension problems arise in practice, from the government , several aspects of the community, providing pension services companies, and social analysis of the countermeasures to promote the development of"embedded" pension. 展开更多
关键词 "Embedded" pension SUPERIORITY problem COUNTERMEASURE
Investigations of the endowment patterns inside home in Chinese urban community
作者 Guanglei Wang Zhi Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期134-136,共3页
China is the only one country in the world with more than one hundred million people who aged over 60. With the dramatically increasing of population aging speed, the traditional endowment pattern with the element of ... China is the only one country in the world with more than one hundred million people who aged over 60. With the dramatically increasing of population aging speed, the traditional endowment pattern with the element of family model has a weakening trend and does not satisfy the demand of urban elderly diversified and multi-level pension. Thus, pensions that occupy at home are becoming the best choice of the urban pension mode in China. The paper will describe the meaning, situation and prospects of the home endowment and demonstrate the significance of developing the home endowment project in China. Additionally, the paper will discuss the future endowment model from the aspects of the government organization, scientific planning and functional shifts. 展开更多
关键词 urban communities PENSION home endowment pattern
From the empty nest elderly to explore the era of Internet + in Shanghai community enctowment problems at home
作者 Wang Hainan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期92-94,共3页
At present, China's population aging of unprecedented increase, empty older family question discussion and solve the problem of pension, is the urgent needs of the population aging in our country. Compared with the t... At present, China's population aging of unprecedented increase, empty older family question discussion and solve the problem of pension, is the urgent needs of the population aging in our country. Compared with the traditional family endowment, institution endowment and community endowment that occupy the home can guarantee the old man in his own enjoy the professional care services in the community, its unique advantage by relevant government departments, institutions and community in favor of people. At the same time, the rapid development of science and technology will we're in a new era of big data, set offa wave of intelligent city, the era of Internet + city community home endowment also ushered in the new opportunities and challenges, "community O2O" pension mode is more and more clear, the Internet information technology will be in the development of urban community endowment that occupy the home is very imoortant. 展开更多
关键词 empty older family endowment "community O2O Internet
Based on the "time bank" community service studies
作者 Wang Fang Wu Qing 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期112-113,共2页
With the aging problem increasing seriously, how to make older people live with dignity is no longer a personal problem, a family problem, but gradually becomes a hot topic of the society. When institutional care is d... With the aging problem increasing seriously, how to make older people live with dignity is no longer a personal problem, a family problem, but gradually becomes a hot topic of the society. When institutional care is difficult to meet the pension needs, home care and community care are becoming the choices of the elderly. Based on the way of mutual aid pension, eonarnunity members began to enter our lives. With the "time bank" setting up and the development in China, China's pension system has been further improved. In the late 1990s, some cities in China began to try the pension community service pilot which was a supportive, low cost, high efficiency "time bank" aged This paper will present the development, the necessity and feasibility of "time bank", and analyze the problems and find strategies to solve the problems, so as to maintain the sustainable development of"time bank" in our country. 展开更多
关键词 time bank FEASIBILITY NECESSITY sustainable development
Status quo and future prospects of our home care model
作者 Qiong Wu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期70-72,共3页
This article discusses China' s current situation of the aging, and China' s aging characteristics, and proposes new pension measures for urban and rural old-age pension model combining with the development of China... This article discusses China' s current situation of the aging, and China' s aging characteristics, and proposes new pension measures for urban and rural old-age pension model combining with the development of China' s economic and social situation, besides, it analyzed the city' s common two kinds of pension patterns, proposed a new family patterns of rural old-age pension model, and finally brought a new model of community care. 展开更多
关键词 AGING their own characteristics urban pension rural endowment
How can home care realize people-based, local and global consciousness of the organic unity of vision
作者 YANG Dan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期57-59,共3页
Under the background of China's aging population, home care service system in line with China's traditional family pension, pension also incorporates community features, is widely used in China at this stage of pens... Under the background of China's aging population, home care service system in line with China's traditional family pension, pension also incorporates community features, is widely used in China at this stage of pension model. However, the home care service research stage and the organic unity of the people did not do standard, local awareness and global perspective, often blindly follow the tide of globalization. Article by home care services, people-based, local and global vision of the concept of consciousness and its relationship to reports, summarized the research stage of home care service should be how to achieve unity of the three. 展开更多
关键词 Home care People Standard Local Awareness Global Vision
Study on social support system of urban Empty Nester old-age home
作者 Zhangyi Chen Xu li Gao Lu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期46-48,共3页
Empty nester are elderly people who have special needs. With the evolution of the aging society and family structure, empty nest family is rapidly increasing. The Empty Nester is the result of a combination of factors... Empty nester are elderly people who have special needs. With the evolution of the aging society and family structure, empty nest family is rapidly increasing. The Empty Nester is the result of a combination of factors of population transformation, economic development, intergenerational relations change etc. We need to build a multi-level, three-dimensional social support networks, to ensure that this part of the elderly can happily spend their twilight years. 展开更多
关键词 Empty Nester Home care Social support system
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