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作者 许莉 刘富萍 《哈尔滨医药》 2002年第5期53-,共1页
目前,关于理发、烫发行业(以下简称理烫发行业)的面巾消毒问题,虽有多种方法,但不同程度上都存在一些缺欠,不便推广与普及,更不利于卫生微生物的统一监测与管理。为此,我站根据多年来的工作经验,与厂家共同研制并在市区内推广使用了电... 目前,关于理发、烫发行业(以下简称理烫发行业)的面巾消毒问题,虽有多种方法,但不同程度上都存在一些缺欠,不便推广与普及,更不利于卫生微生物的统一监测与管理。为此,我站根据多年来的工作经验,与厂家共同研制并在市区内推广使用了电热消毒器。 展开更多
关键词 消毒器 细菌总数 大肠菌群 家理
《礼记》婚姻伦理之二重目的观论略 被引量:2
作者 陈丛兰 《船山学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第4期57-60,共4页
《礼记》详细地记载了反映先秦贵族婚姻伦理生活的"婚礼",为中国传统婚姻伦理制度提供一个成熟的理论框架。关于婚姻之目的,《礼记》表现出一种两重性,即"内合理,家长久"之个体性目的与"教顺成俗,国家理治&qu... 《礼记》详细地记载了反映先秦贵族婚姻伦理生活的"婚礼",为中国传统婚姻伦理制度提供一个成熟的理论框架。关于婚姻之目的,《礼记》表现出一种两重性,即"内合理,家长久"之个体性目的与"教顺成俗,国家理治"之社会性目的。其中,前者为后者之基础,后者为前者之逻辑归宿。 展开更多
关键词 《礼记》 婚礼 内和家理 家理
作者 任韧 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2014年第1期93-94,共2页
《孙子兵法》是我国现存最早的兵书。即使在当今社会的政治、军事、经济、文化等领域仍然具有实践价值。关于《孙子兵法》自古以来最为权威的训释材料集成首推宋本《十一家注孙子》。而中华书局出版的《十一家注孙子校理》对该著作进行... 《孙子兵法》是我国现存最早的兵书。即使在当今社会的政治、军事、经济、文化等领域仍然具有实践价值。关于《孙子兵法》自古以来最为权威的训释材料集成首推宋本《十一家注孙子》。而中华书局出版的《十一家注孙子校理》对该著作进行了详尽的整理。在《十一家注孙子》中的诸位训释家中,又首推魏武帝曹操的注释,对其训释材料的整理则显得十分必要。 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 孙武 《十一注孙子校 曹操
作者 文龙 《财会月刊(合订本)》 北大核心 2003年第01C期35-36,共2页
关键词 美国华尔街 彼德·林奇 麦哲伦投资公司 投资者 献策 "鸡尾酒会"
作者 张五钢 《黄河科技大学学报》 2008年第5期75-77,共3页
儒家文化在传统文化之中居于主流地位,其社会历史观具有明显的"重农"特征。儒家社会历史观中的"重农"思想对《齐民要术》农学思想产生了极其重要的影响,并被《齐民要术》具体化为"食为政首"思想、"... 儒家文化在传统文化之中居于主流地位,其社会历史观具有明显的"重农"特征。儒家社会历史观中的"重农"思想对《齐民要术》农学思想产生了极其重要的影响,并被《齐民要术》具体化为"食为政首"思想、"教民致富"思想以及"家理移官"思想三个方面。《齐民要术》的农学思想也因而具有鲜明的儒学化特征。 展开更多
关键词 齐民要术 社会历史观 食为政首 教民致富 家理移官
作者 孟繁之 《岭南学报》 2021年第2期149-195,共47页
周馥是中國近代歷史上赫赫有名的人物,晚清名臣,事功之外,著作亦夥,俱見“學涉淵廣,精義入神,有非經生家所能幾及,而平生志在經世,不欲以文章自名”。所著《易理匯參》,於天下“殃慶倚伏之故,邪正消長之原”,尤所措意,字裏行間,灼然自見... 周馥是中國近代歷史上赫赫有名的人物,晚清名臣,事功之外,著作亦夥,俱見“學涉淵廣,精義入神,有非經生家所能幾及,而平生志在經世,不欲以文章自名”。所著《易理匯參》,於天下“殃慶倚伏之故,邪正消長之原”,尤所措意,字裏行間,灼然自見;與晚年所著《負暄閒語》並參,可知見其思想趣寄,及家事、國事、天下事,時縈回胸際。揆諸清代特别是晚清易學史研究,《易理匯參》能於“經學易”、“理學易”兩分之下,既不拘於“經學易”之迂腐,亦不陷於“象數易”之迷信,超越“窮理”與“盡性”,自具面貌,賦予易學研究以時代體悟及“新命”,非惟篤守專家,按文究例,或隨以引伸,誠所難能,亦可謂晚清易學史發展之一重要成績。且從家族史研究角度來看,《易理匯參》與《負暄閒語》堪屬内外篇,内者明於理本,外則語其事蹟,循循導誘者矣。 展开更多
关键词 周馥 《易匯參》 《負暄閒語》 象數義 時代體悟 國一
单亲家庭学生的个性特征及引导对策 被引量:1
作者 邢胜巧 田红心 蔡晶华 《新课程研究(上旬)》 2008年第10期191-192,共2页
当前,随着社会的变革和发展,单亲家庭(离异家庭)越来越多。单亲家庭学生面对沉重的社会压力和心理压力,容易出现个性特征的异常,形成孤僻、自卑、自闭、缺乏自信等心理问题。分析、研究单亲学生的性格特点,正确处理他们产生的心理问题,... 当前,随着社会的变革和发展,单亲家庭(离异家庭)越来越多。单亲家庭学生面对沉重的社会压力和心理压力,容易出现个性特征的异常,形成孤僻、自卑、自闭、缺乏自信等心理问题。分析、研究单亲学生的性格特点,正确处理他们产生的心理问题,引导单亲学生走向成功,是每位教育工作者的重要任务,是教师专业技能水平提高的需要。 展开更多
关键词 单亲 个性特征 问题
Elastic Kirchhoff migration of vectorial wave-fields 被引量:5
作者 杜启振 侯波 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期284-293,共10页
Based on Kuo and Dai's vectorial wave-field extrapolation equations, we derive new Kirchhoff migration equations by introducing unit vectors which represent the ray directions at the imaging points of the reflected P... Based on Kuo and Dai's vectorial wave-field extrapolation equations, we derive new Kirchhoff migration equations by introducing unit vectors which represent the ray directions at the imaging points of the reflected P- and PS converted-waves. Furthermore, using the slope of the events on shot records and a ray racing procedure, mirror-image reflection points are found and the reflection data are smeared along the Fresnel zone. The migration method proposed in this paper solves two troublesome imaging problems caused by limited receiving aperture and migration artifacts resulting from wave propagation at the velocities of non original wave type. The migration method is applied successfully with model data, demonstrating that the new method is effective and correct. 展开更多
关键词 Elastic Kirchhoff migration vectorial wave-field Fresnel zone P-WAVE PSconverted wave POLARIZATION
Optimal gateway deployment under different queuing mechanisms in smart grid 被引量:1
作者 赵军辉 姜婷婷 王海明 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第1期16-20,共5页
By optimizing the network topology, this paper proposes a newmethod of queuing theory clustering algorithm based on dynamic programming in a home energy management system( HEMS). First, the total cost of the HEMS sy... By optimizing the network topology, this paper proposes a newmethod of queuing theory clustering algorithm based on dynamic programming in a home energy management system( HEMS). First, the total cost of the HEMS system is divided into two parts, the gateway installation cost and the data transmission cost. Secondly, through comparing two kinds of different queuing theories, the cost problem of the HEMS is converted into the problem of gateway deployment. Finally, a machine-to-machine( M2M) gateway configuration scheme is designed to minimize the cost of the system. Simulation results showthat the cost of the HEMS system mainly comes from the installation cost of the gateways when the gateway buffer space is large enough. If the gateway buffer space is limited, the proposed queue algorithm can effectively achieve optimal gateway setting while maintaining the minimal cost of the HEMS at desired levels through marginal analyses and the properties of cost minimization. 展开更多
关键词 smart grid home energy management system(HEMS) queuing theory gateway deployment
A New Approach to Prediction of Fault of Manufacturing Quality for FMS
作者 张之敬 王信义 朱小燕 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1997年第1期72-77,共6页
This paper makes a study of the cause of manufacturing fault,develops the and/or- fault-tree of manufacturing quality fault for MC,and presents a new concept of faint manufacturing quality fault(FMQF)and the decision ... This paper makes a study of the cause of manufacturing fault,develops the and/or- fault-tree of manufacturing quality fault for MC,and presents a new concept of faint manufacturing quality fault(FMQF)and the decision making tree with which the fault of manufacturing system would be found out from FMQF.An approach to identification of FMQF,based on fuzzy set theory,is presented,which can be used for estimating the status of equipment with the deviation of control charts.Based on the study above,an expert system for the flexible manufacturing system's FMQF detection and prediction is built. 展开更多
关键词 FMS faint manufacturing quality fault expert system fuzzy theory fault prediction
“家国一理”与“家国殊等”——王船山“理一分殊”视域下的家国关系重构 被引量:4
作者 郝颖婷 《中国哲学史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期114-120,128,共8页
王船山以“理一分殊”说作为处理家国关系问题的基本视域,对朱子“家国一理”说在继承的基础上进行了批判,并进而提出“家国殊等”说以驳斥阳明学。在船山看来,“理一”仅仅是人道“继善”的倾向性,“分殊”则是抽象的继善倾向的差异化... 王船山以“理一分殊”说作为处理家国关系问题的基本视域,对朱子“家国一理”说在继承的基础上进行了批判,并进而提出“家国殊等”说以驳斥阳明学。在船山看来,“理一”仅仅是人道“继善”的倾向性,“分殊”则是抽象的继善倾向的差异化人道实践,“家国殊等”就意味着国-天下层面的政治实践有其独立性,政治秩序的形成需要以“絜矩之道”为原则实现制度构建。船山在继承理学传统强调天人相继的连续性的基础上,申明“君子之道非天地自然之道”,更为着眼于人作为一个群类整体的“人道”秩序的真实。 展开更多
关键词 一分殊 国一 国殊等 王船山
Primary sclerosing cholangitis-What is the difference between east and west? 被引量:6
作者 Ali Shorbagi Yusuf Bayraktar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第25期3974-3981,共8页
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic, progressive, cholestatic liver disease characterized by inflammation and fibrotic obliteration of the hepatic biliary tree. It is commonly associated with inflammat... Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic, progressive, cholestatic liver disease characterized by inflammation and fibrotic obliteration of the hepatic biliary tree. It is commonly associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A number of complications can occur which require special consideration, the most important of which is the development of cholangiocellular carcinoma (CCC). Unfortunately, no medical therapy is currently available for the underlying liver disease. Liver transplantation is an effective, life-extending option for patients with advanced PSC. Geographical variations between East and West include a second peak for age with a lower association with IBD in a .lapanese population and female predominance in a lone study from Turkey. The clinical and biochemical Mayo criteria may not be universally applicable, as different patients show variations regarding the initial presentation and natural course of the disease, Directing research towards explaining these geographical differences and understanding the pathogenesis of PSC is required in order to develop better therapies for this devastating disease. 展开更多
关键词 Primary sclerosing cholangitis Endoscopicretrograde cholangiopancreatography Magneticresonance cholangiopancreatography Chola-ngiocellularcarcinoma Ursodeoxycholic acid
Management of liver cirrhosis between primary care and specialists 被引量:5
作者 Ignazio Grattagliano Enzo Ubaldi +1 位作者 Leonilde Bonfrate Piero Portincasa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第18期2273-2282,共10页
This article discusses a practical, evidence-based approach to the diagnosis and management of liver cirrhosis by focusing on etiology, severity, presence of complications, and potential home-managed treatments. Relev... This article discusses a practical, evidence-based approach to the diagnosis and management of liver cirrhosis by focusing on etiology, severity, presence of complications, and potential home-managed treatments. Relevant literature from 1985 to 2010 (PubMed) was reviewed. The search criteria were peer-reviewed full papers published in English using the following MESH headings alone or in combination: "ascites", "liver fibrosis", "cirrhosis", "chronic hepatitis", "chronic liver disease", "decompensated cirrhosis", "hepatic encephalopathy", "hypertransaminasemia", "liver transplantation" and "portal hypertension". Forty-nine papers were selected based on the highest quality of evidence for each section and type (original, randomized controlled trial, guideline, and review article), with respect to specialist setting (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Internal Medicine) and primary care. Liver cirrhosis from any cause represents an emerging health issue due to the increasing prevalence of the disease and its complications worldwide. Primary care physicians play a key role in early identification of risk factors, in the management of patients for improving quality and length of life, and for preventing complications. Specialists, by contrast, should guide specific treatments, especially in the case of complications and for selecting patient candidates for liver transplantation. An integrated approach between specialists and primary care physicians is essential for providing better outcomes and appropriate home care for patients with liver cirrhosis. 展开更多
关键词 ASCITES Family medicine Hepatic encephalopathy HYPERTRANSAMINASEMIA Portal hypertension
Geography and Rural Household Income:A Village Level Study in Henan Province,China 被引量:4
作者 LI Xiaojian FAN Xinsheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期1-8,共8页
This study uses the data from a sample survey conducted in April 2007 on 1 251 rural households in 11 villages of Henan Province, the largest less developed agricultural province in China, to examine how geography aff... This study uses the data from a sample survey conducted in April 2007 on 1 251 rural households in 11 villages of Henan Province, the largest less developed agricultural province in China, to examine how geography affects rural household income (RHI). The quantitative analysis indicates following results. I) The significance of the traditional geographical factors reduces as RHI rank increases. 2) The landform does not affect the RHI significantly. The per capita income of rural household in a plain area is lower than that in a mountainous area. And 3) the capital endowment and status of non-farm economic activities contribute to the increase of RHI. But the probability and intensity of non-farm economic activities of rural households in urban outskirts villages are higher than that in non-urban outskirts villages. Based on the results, the paper further concludes that geography still plays a significant role in rural development, but it is changing over time. The agricultural resources (such as per capita arable land) significantly affect RHI with the relatively lower income level, while the geographical location shows a more significant impact on RHI with the relatively high income level. Along with economic development, the proximity replaces the traditional geographical factors such as landform and physical resources as the major determining factor in RHI. 展开更多
关键词 rural household income (RH1) geographical factor village level study Henan Province
Caregiver burden:A concept analysis 被引量:14
作者 Zhu Liu Catrina Heffernan Jie Tan 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第4期438-445,I0006,共9页
Objective:Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this concept.The purpose of this paper is to provide clarity su... Objective:Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this concept.The purpose of this paper is to provide clarity surrounding the concept caregiver burden.Methods:An electronic search of MEDLINE,CINAHL,Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition and Academic Search Complete(ASC)of EBSCO,China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)and Google Scholar were searched with a limit of 10 years and published in the English or Chinese language.The paper adopted the framework by Walker and Avant.The attributes,antecedents,consequences and uses of the concept were identified.Results:At total of 33 articles were included.The three attributes of caregiver burden were identified as self-perception,multifaceted strain,and over time.The antecedents included insufficient financial resources,multiple responsibility conflict,lack of social activities.The consequences of caregiver burden resulted in negative change which included decreased care provision,decrease in quality of life,physical and psychological health deterioration.Conclusion:A definition of caregiver burden was developed.Tools to measure caregiver burden were identified.The findings from this analysis can be used in nursing practice,nursing education,research and administration. 展开更多
关键词 BURDEN CAREGIVERS Cost of illness Home nursing Mental health Quality of life
Analog circuit intelligent fault diagnosis based on GKPCA and multi-class SVM approach 被引量:2
作者 伞冶 郭珂 朱奕 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2012年第6期63-71,共9页
Analog circuits fault diagnosis is essential for guaranteeing the reliability and maintainability of electronic systems. In this paper, a novel analog circuit fault diagnosis approach is proposed based on greedy kerne... Analog circuits fault diagnosis is essential for guaranteeing the reliability and maintainability of electronic systems. In this paper, a novel analog circuit fault diagnosis approach is proposed based on greedy kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and one-against-all support vector machine (OAASVM). In order to obtain a successful SVM-based fault classifier, eliminating noise and extracting fault features are very important. Due to the better performance of nonlinear fault features extraction and noise elimination as compared with PCA, KPCA is adopted in the proposed approach. However, when we adopt KPCA to extract fault features of analog circuit, a drawback of KPCA is that the storage required for the kernel matrix grows quadratically, and the computational cost for eigenvector of the kernel matrix grows linearly with the number of training samples. Therefore, GKPCA, which can approximate KPCA with small representation error, is introduced to enhance computational efficiency. Based on the statistical learning theory and the empirical risk minimization principle, SVM has advantages of better classification accuracy and generalization performance. The extracted fault features are then used as the inputs of OAASVM to solve fault diagnosis problem. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified by the experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 greedy kernel principal component analysis one-against-all support vector machine fault diagno- sis analog circuit
Addressing the trade-climate change-energy nexus: China's explorations in a global governance landscape 被引量:2
作者 Joachim MONKELBAAN 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期206-218,共13页
We have arrived at a critical juncture when it comes to understanding the numerous ways in which trade interacts with climate change and energy(trade-climate-energy nexus).Trade remains crucial for the sustainable dev... We have arrived at a critical juncture when it comes to understanding the numerous ways in which trade interacts with climate change and energy(trade-climate-energy nexus).Trade remains crucial for the sustainable development of the world's greatest trading nation:China.After clarifying the linkages within the trade,climate change and energy nexus,this article delves into China's specific needs and interests related to trade,climate change and energy.Then it explores the ways in which trade can contribute to China's needs,to sustainable energy development and to the goals of the global climate agreement that is under negotiation.One main findings are China is a key participant in negotiations on trade liberalization of environmental technologies and services.These negotiations are in China's interests in terms of innovative industries,technological upgrading,employment and public health.China could stand up for the interests of other emerging and developing countries and serve as an example in terms of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.Beyond trade barriers issues of domestic(energy)regulation such as fossil-fuel subsidies as well as investment,competition-policy,tradefacilitation and transit issues related to clean energy need to be addressed.Building trust between relevant actors across sectors and national borders will be of the essence in order to foster long-term cooperation on technological innovation.As a way forward,different approaches towards the governance of trade and climate change will be highlighted.Besides discussing the specific aspects of Chinese participation in global trade and climate change governance,this paper aims at offering broader insights into the nexus between trade,energy and climate governance in China. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change TRADE GOVERNANCE Sustainable energy goods and services Investment Emissions trading
Development characteristics and quantitative prediction of reservoir fractures in the Chaoyanggou oil field 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Zhen TONG Heng-mao BAO Zhi-dong 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第3期373-379,共7页
The Chaoyanggou oil field is a fractured low-permeability reservoir, where the distribution of oil and gas is controlled by the distribution and development of fractures.Based on outcrop, drilling core, thin section a... The Chaoyanggou oil field is a fractured low-permeability reservoir, where the distribution of oil and gas is controlled by the distribution and development of fractures.Based on outcrop, drilling core, thin section and log data, the development characteristics of fractures in this area are described.On this basis, the degree of fracture development was predicted by quantitative analysis of fracture strength and numerical simulation.The result shows that four groups of structural fractures, i.e., in near NS, and EW directions and in due NW and NE directions, were developed in the reservoir, with the nearly NS and EW fractures dominant, which are the along bedding decollement fractures formed by compressive folding action, while low angle shear fractures are related to thrusts.These fractures are mainly formed in the reversed tectonic stage at the end of the Mingshui formation during the Cretaceous period.The degree of fracture development is controlled by such factors as lithology, stratum thickness, faults, folds and depth.The fractures are developed with a clear zonation and are best developed in the northern zone, moderately developed towards the south and poorly developed in the middle zone.These prediction results are in good agreement with interpretation results from logs. 展开更多
关键词 FRACTURE development characteristic fracture strength numerical simulation Chaoyanggou oil field
Digestive oncologist in the gastroenterology training curriculum 被引量:1
作者 Chris Jacob Johan Mulder Marc Peeters +2 位作者 Annemieke Cats Anna Dahele Jochim Terhaar sive Droste 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第9期1109-1115,共7页
Until the late 1980s, gastroenterology (GE) was considered a subspecialty of Internal Medicine. Today, GE also incorporates Hepatology. However, Digestive Oncology training is poorly defined in the Hepatogastroenterol... Until the late 1980s, gastroenterology (GE) was considered a subspecialty of Internal Medicine. Today, GE also incorporates Hepatology. However, Digestive Oncology training is poorly defined in the Hepatogastroenterology (HGE)-curriculum. Therefore, a Digestive Oncology curriculum should be developed and this document might be a starting point for such a curriculum. HGE-specialists are increasingly resisting the paradigm in which they play only a diagnostic and technical role in the management of digestive tumors. We suggest minimum endpoints in the standard HGE-curriculum for oncology, and recommend a focus year in the Netherlands for Digestive Oncology in the HGE-curriculum. To produce welltrained digestive oncologists, an advanced Digestive Oncology training program with specific qualifications in Digestive Oncology (2 years) has been developed. The schedule in Belgium includes a period of at least 6 mo to be spent in a medical oncology department. The goal ofthese programs remains the production of well-trained digestive oncologists. HGE specialists are part of the multidisciplinary oncological teams, and some have been administering chemotherapy in their countries for years. In this article, we provide a road map for the organization of a proper training in Digestive Oncology. We hope that the World Gastroenterology Organisation and other (inter)national societies will support the necessary certifications for this specific training in the HGE-curriculum. 展开更多
关键词 GASTROENTEROLOGY TRAINING Digestive oncologist CURRICULUM Chemotherapy Immunotherapy ONCOLOGY Targeted therapy
Parental involvement and gender differences in the psychological profile of freshmen collegiate athletes 被引量:1
作者 J.Gualberto Cremades Catherine J.Donlon Artur Poczwardowski 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2013年第3期160-167,共8页
Background: The parent-to-child influences can be adaptive and contribute to the optimal psychological well-being and positive perception of the athlete. Contrary to the healthy parental involvement, a family can als... Background: The parent-to-child influences can be adaptive and contribute to the optimal psychological well-being and positive perception of the athlete. Contrary to the healthy parental involvement, a family can also have negative effects on an athlete development. The purpose of this study was to determine gender, father involvement, and mother involvement differences in the psychological profiles of collegiate freshmen athletes as measured by perfectionism, physical self-concept, and psychological well-being. Methods: Eighty-two male and 73 female collegiate freshmen responded to self-reported measures of family involvement, perfectionism, physical self-concept, and psychological well-being. Three separate 2 x 2 x 2 (gender x mother involvement x father involvement) factorial multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVAs) were carried out on the respective subscales from the reported measures. Results: There were significant differences for gender as well as father involvement in perfectionism (p 〈 0.01). Freshmen females had lower concern over mistakes, and greater levels of organization as well as planfulness than males. Furthermore, freshmen athletes with high involved fathers showed greater levels of high standards for others as well as organization. Conclusion: Father involvement and mother involvement impact perfectionism, physical self-concept, and psychological well-being. perspective. extends through the freshmen year in college as shown in the athletes' Future research should develop better measures and utilize a family systems Copyright @ 2012, Shanghai University of Sport. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 展开更多
关键词 DEVELOPMENT Father involvement Mother involvement PERFECTIONISM Physical self-concept Psychological well-being
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