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基于密度树的P2P视频流多播 被引量:1
作者 余胜生 郑心炜 胡文斌 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期2020-2024,共5页
应用层多播技术是互联网研究的一个重要方向.本文提出一种新的应用层多播模型DHCM,该模型采用改进的IHC算法,对cluster的密度进行层次划分,通过组建一个密度树实现最短路由,并把peer-to-peer技术用在数据传输上,最终把视频服务器的内容... 应用层多播技术是互联网研究的一个重要方向.本文提出一种新的应用层多播模型DHCM,该模型采用改进的IHC算法,对cluster的密度进行层次划分,通过组建一个密度树实现最短路由,并把peer-to-peer技术用在数据传输上,最终把视频服务器的内容分发到密度树上的各个主机,实现应用层多播.这种密度层次划分的cluster满足单调性和同构性.实验证明DHCM可以在视频流传输上具有高效性和健壮性. 展开更多
关键词 应用层多播 集群 密度树 P2P
一种基于密度树的网格快速聚类算法的研究 被引量:4
作者 赖建章 倪志伟 刘志伟 《计算机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第17期69-70,85,共3页
聚类算法是数据挖掘领域中一个非常重要的研究方向。人们已经提出了许多适用于大规模的、高维的数据库的聚类算法。基于密度的聚类算法是其中一个比较典型的研究方向。该文以CABDET算法为基础,提出了一种基于密度树的网格快速聚类算法,... 聚类算法是数据挖掘领域中一个非常重要的研究方向。人们已经提出了许多适用于大规模的、高维的数据库的聚类算法。基于密度的聚类算法是其中一个比较典型的研究方向。该文以CABDET算法为基础,提出了一种基于密度树的网格快速聚类算法,该算法将网格的原理运用到基于密度树的聚类算法中,有效地提高了聚类的效率,降低了I/O的开销。 展开更多
关键词 聚类 密度 网格 密度树
作者 彭金祥 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期46-48,共3页
在IP多播的路由器上转发数据,存在一些弊端并不适应当前网络的需要,在终端主机上选择路由进行多播已经成为目前的趋势。为此,本文在IHC算法上进行优化改进,提出一种新的DHCM(density-basedhierarchicalclus-teringmulticast)应用层多播... 在IP多播的路由器上转发数据,存在一些弊端并不适应当前网络的需要,在终端主机上选择路由进行多播已经成为目前的趋势。为此,本文在IHC算法上进行优化改进,提出一种新的DHCM(density-basedhierarchicalclus-teringmulticast)应用层多播模型,DHCM对Cluster的密度进行层次划分,使Cluster满足单调性和同构性,组建一个密度树,实现最短路由,并把Peer-to-Peer技术用在数据传输上,最终把视频服务器的内容分发到密度树上的各个主机,实现应用层多播。实验证明DHCM可以在视频流传输上具有高效性和健壮性。 展开更多
关键词 应用层多播 密度树 P2P 网络
基于林木竞争关系的闽楠人工林目标树密度研究 被引量:5
作者 石乐 李际平 +2 位作者 赵春燕 陈磊 黄笑 《林业资源管理》 北大核心 2017年第4期37-43,共7页
为了培育珍贵树种大径材,如何确定目标树密度,使其既利于目标树的生长、又能充分发挥林地生产力是闽楠人工林经营的关键。在金洞林场,选择具有代表性的14a生闽楠人工林,设置3块20m×30m的标准地,根据近自然经营的目标树选择标准选... 为了培育珍贵树种大径材,如何确定目标树密度,使其既利于目标树的生长、又能充分发挥林地生产力是闽楠人工林经营的关键。在金洞林场,选择具有代表性的14a生闽楠人工林,设置3块20m×30m的标准地,根据近自然经营的目标树选择标准选择备选目标树,1,2,3号标准地确定的备选目标树分别为11,15,14株。借助Arc GIS软件,依据林木的空间位置生成Voronoi图确定每株备选目标树的竞争单元,计算每株备选目标树的V-Hegyi竞争指数和大小比数。依据备选目标树V-Hegyi竞争指数与大小比数数值的变化范围将V-Hegyi竞争指数和大小比数划分为3个等级,V-Hegyi竞争指数与大小比数均为第一等级的确定为最终目标树。3个标准地确定的最终目标树株数分别为8,10,9株。即目标树密度分别为120,150,135株/hm^2。由此得到金洞林场闽楠人工林当前阶段目标树密度为135株/hm^2。这为金洞林场闽楠人工林近自然经营目标树的确定提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 闽摘 VORONOI图 林木竞争关系 目标密度
作者 谢富强 晁海英 +1 位作者 张晓敏 刘国华 《现代口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期129-130,共2页
目的观察高密度后牙复合树脂(Surefil)修复磨牙龋损Ⅱ类洞的临床效果。方法对173例8~57岁患者的磨牙邻舱面龋在磨除龋坏组织后制备Ⅱ类洞,用高密度后牙复合树脂(Sure fil)充填,并用传统的银汞合金充填作对照研究。结果随访3年后... 目的观察高密度后牙复合树脂(Surefil)修复磨牙龋损Ⅱ类洞的临床效果。方法对173例8~57岁患者的磨牙邻舱面龋在磨除龋坏组织后制备Ⅱ类洞,用高密度后牙复合树脂(Sure fil)充填,并用传统的银汞合金充填作对照研究。结果随访3年后发现该方法修复后其边缘完整性、修复体的完整性、机械性能等临床效果的优良率为91.01%、对照组为82.81%;继发龋的发生率为4.49%、对照组为10.94%;二者无统计学上的显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论高密度后牙复合树脂(Suer fil)是一种可靠的磨牙龋损Ⅱ类洞的充填材料。是一种新型的银汞合金的替代材料。值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 磨牙龋 密度后牙复合(Sure fil) 治疗效果
基于林分密度控制图的闽楠人工林全周期经营目标树密度研究 被引量:7
作者 王雪 李际平 +1 位作者 曹小玉 唐涛 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期71-78,共8页
【目的】目标树密度作为近自然森林经营的重要经营参数,确定林分不同发展阶段的目标树密度可为近自然森林经营提供理论依据。【方法】以湖南省永州市金洞林场闽楠人工林为研究对象,基于连续6 a调查得到的9块固定标准地数据54个,临时样... 【目的】目标树密度作为近自然森林经营的重要经营参数,确定林分不同发展阶段的目标树密度可为近自然森林经营提供理论依据。【方法】以湖南省永州市金洞林场闽楠人工林为研究对象,基于连续6 a调查得到的9块固定标准地数据54个,临时样地数据10个,共64个样本量,建立等树高线、最大密度线、等疏密度线、等直径线和自然稀疏线等5个密度控制图的相关模型,通过这5个模型编制闽楠人工林林分密度控制图,利用林分密度控制图,得到闽楠人工林各林分发展阶段的目标树密度。【结果】在保证实用性的前提下将闽楠人工林的生长过程分为五个发展阶段:当闽楠人工林处于建群阶段和竞争生长阶段时,林内生长的闽楠尚不满足目标树选择的标准,所以这两个阶段不选择目标树;当闽楠人工林进入质量选择阶段,此时闽楠满足目标树的选择标准,可以开始选择目标树。在开始目标树选择后的三个阶段,目标树密度分别为:质量选择阶段360~720株/hm^(2),目标树生长阶段165~330株/hm^(2),林分蓄积生长阶段65~130株/hm^(2)。【结论】运用林分密度控制图研究闽楠人工林各林分发展阶段的目标树密度,为目标树密度的确定提供新方法,为金洞林场闽楠人工林近自然经营提供理论依据,该方法同样适用于其他树种的目标经营。 展开更多
关键词 近自然经营 目标密度 闽楠人工林 密度控制图
一种基于最小生成树的多目标进化算法 被引量:14
作者 李密青 郑金华 罗彪 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期803-813,共11页
怎样保证朝Pareto最优解的方向搜索和如何获得均匀分布且范围广泛的非支配解是多目标进化算法(MOEA)设计时的两个关键问题,它们很大程度上取决于适应度赋值和外部种群维护这两个重要部分.提出了一种基于最小生成树的多目标进化算法(MST_... 怎样保证朝Pareto最优解的方向搜索和如何获得均匀分布且范围广泛的非支配解是多目标进化算法(MOEA)设计时的两个关键问题,它们很大程度上取决于适应度赋值和外部种群维护这两个重要部分.提出了一种基于最小生成树的多目标进化算法(MST_MOEA).在考虑了个体间支配关系的基础上,利用个体与非支配集的距离和不同等级个体的树聚集密度来对适应度赋值;在外部种群的非支配解个数超过规定的种群规模时,用树的度数和树聚集密度对其进行修剪.将其应用于不同维数下9个测试函数,并与NSGA-II,SPEA2进行对比,结果证实了算法良好的收敛性和分布性. 展开更多
关键词 聚集密度 适应度赋值 种群维护 最小生成 多目标进化算法
基于多假设跟踪的移动机器人自适应蒙特卡罗定位研究 被引量:14
作者 张恒 樊晓平 瞿志华 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期941-946,共6页
针对移动机器人蒙特卡罗定位(Monte Carlo localization,MCL)算法在含有对称和自相似结构的环境中容易失败的问题,提出了一种基于多假设跟踪的自适应蒙特卡罗定位改进算法.该算法根据粒子间空间相似性采用核密度树聚类算法对粒子群进行... 针对移动机器人蒙特卡罗定位(Monte Carlo localization,MCL)算法在含有对称和自相似结构的环境中容易失败的问题,提出了一种基于多假设跟踪的自适应蒙特卡罗定位改进算法.该算法根据粒子间空间相似性采用核密度树聚类算法对粒子群进行聚类,每簇粒子代表一个位姿假设并用一个独立的MCL算法进行跟踪,总体上形成了一组非等权的粒子滤波器,很好地克服了普通粒子滤波器由于粒子贫乏而引起的过度收敛问题.同时运用该核密度树实现了自适应采样,提高了算法的性能.针对机器人"绑架"问题对该算法作了进一步的改进.实验结果证明了该算法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 移动机器人 蒙特卡罗定位 多假设跟踪 密度树
作者 甄子杰 汪汗青 +2 位作者 王诚 霍文渊 赵毅 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期156-165,共10页
多传感器建图与定位SLAM系统(simultaneous localization and mapping)在室外长距离跨度环境中,由于各传感器信息融合不正确、特征匹配错误,或传感器状态信息不可信,导致建图精度不足,轨迹漂移甚至建图崩溃。对此,提出一种基于因子图优... 多传感器建图与定位SLAM系统(simultaneous localization and mapping)在室外长距离跨度环境中,由于各传感器信息融合不正确、特征匹配错误,或传感器状态信息不可信,导致建图精度不足,轨迹漂移甚至建图崩溃。对此,提出一种基于因子图优化的多传感器信息紧耦合算法(tightly-coupled lidar-visual-inertial odometry via smoothing,mapping and DBSCAN,LVI-SMAD),将前端点云和视觉信息联合的聚类结果作为因子图优化约束,以一种较低帧的约束形式加入到较高帧的点云地图输出中,加强了点云与视觉信息的紧耦合,解决了激光雷达与相机间信息匹配错误的问题,同时将该约束作为某一传感器信息不可信时的约束补充,减小了传感器信息不稳定情况下的定位漂移,提高了算法一致性。实验证明,在低坡度长跨度的工作环境中,LVI-SMAD与LVI-SAM对比,绝对轨迹误差降低了39.90%,与LIO-SAM对比降低了63.09%;在高坡度工作环境中,与LVI-SAM对比,绝对轨迹误差减少41.08%,与LIO-SAM对比减少64.87%,证明了算法的有效性与可行性。 展开更多
关键词 多传感器融合 优化密度聚类 前端数据处理 因子图优化
一种基于Hypervolume指标的自适应邻域多目标进化算法 被引量:12
作者 郑金华 李珂 +1 位作者 李密青 文诗华 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期312-326,共15页
通过定义反映个体之间邻近程度的指标(个体的树邻域包含关系),在考虑个体间支配关系的基础上,利用个体与其周边个体的树邻域密度进行适应度赋值;提出了一种2,3维情况下个体独立支配区域的Hypervolume指标的计算方法,该方法用于评价个体... 通过定义反映个体之间邻近程度的指标(个体的树邻域包含关系),在考虑个体间支配关系的基础上,利用个体与其周边个体的树邻域密度进行适应度赋值;提出了一种2,3维情况下个体独立支配区域的Hypervolume指标的计算方法,该方法用于评价个体对群体的贡献时只需要1次计算(同类方法需要2次计算);当外部种群中非支配个体数目超过规定规模时,根据个体独立支配区域的Hypervolume指标的大小对其进行修剪;在此基础上,提出了一种基于Hypervolume指标的自适应邻域多目标进化算法ANMOEA?HI.对比实验结果表明,ANMOEA?HI在保证了解集收敛性的同时亦拥有良好的分布性. 展开更多
关键词 最小生成 邻域密度 适应度赋值 Hypervolume指标 种群维护 多目标进化算法
基于复—方向小波变换和视觉表示的图像增强 被引量:1
作者 严奉霞 成礼智 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期53-57,共5页
针对复—方向小波变换具有好的平移不变性、方向选择性、对图像边缘特征的表示比传统实小波要好等优势,提出了一种基于视觉表示统计特性和复—方向小波变换的图像增强新方法。该算法在图像的多尺度复—方向小波变换域内进行动态范围(亮... 针对复—方向小波变换具有好的平移不变性、方向选择性、对图像边缘特征的表示比传统实小波要好等优势,提出了一种基于视觉表示统计特性和复—方向小波变换的图像增强新方法。该算法在图像的多尺度复—方向小波变换域内进行动态范围(亮度)修正和局部对比度调整以增强图像。实验结果表明,与目前经典的多尺度增强算法相比,运用本文的算法增强的图像视觉效果好,在边缘和细节处失真小,而且对图像源的变化具有很好的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 图像增强 二元复数小波 密度二元小波变换 对比度
Radial Variation in Sap Flux Density as a Function of Sapwood Thickness in Two Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus urophylla ) Plantations 被引量:9
作者 周国逸 黄志宏 +4 位作者 Jim MORRIS 李志安 John COLLOPY 张宁南 白嘉雨 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第12期1418-1424,共7页
Radial variation in sap flux density (SFD) as a function of sapwood thickness is of importance in accurately estimating sap flux through sapwood area which, in turn, decides the precision of heat pulse application. Ho... Radial variation in sap flux density (SFD) as a function of sapwood thickness is of importance in accurately estimating sap flux through sapwood area which, in turn, decides the precision of heat pulse application. However, until now, only a few studies have evaluated the magnitude and significance of sampling errors associated with radial gradients in SFD, which were based on the small monitoring measurement data from a few trees. Based on one year of heat pulse observation of two 3 - 4 years old Eucalyptus urophylla S. T.,P Blake plantations in Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province, China, a way of data processing was developed to treat with the lots of SFD data measured from 39 trees. It was found that the radial variation in SFD as a function of sapwood thickness in the two eucalyptus plantation sites could be expressed as y = 3. 667 5x(3) - 7.295 5x(2) + 3.682 6x + 0. 567 4 (R-2 = 0. 939 1, n = 80, P = 0.01), where y is the ratio of SFD of a sensor to the average of four data in different depths, x is the ratio of a sensor depth to tire radial sapwood thickness. It was the same (as in the following equation) in Jijia site, y = 5.006 2x(3) - 9.116 1x(2) + 4. 454 4x + 0.463 4 (R-2 = 0. 806 9, n = 72, P = 0.01) in Hetou site. From cambium to heartwood, SFD showed some increases at first and then decreases continuously. However, because die trees were very young, the maximum SFD was only 0. 33 - 0. 36 times more than the minimum. 展开更多
关键词 radial variation sap flux density sapwood thickness eucalyptus trees
Use of the pilodyn for assessing wood properties in standing trees of Eucalyptus clones 被引量:3
作者 吴世军 徐建民 +4 位作者 李光友 RISTO Vuokko 陆钊华 李宝琦 王伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期68-72,I0003,共6页
The effectiveness of pilodyn was tested in evaluating wood basic density, outer wood density, heartwood density, and modulus of elasticity (MoE) at 22 four-year-old eucalyptus clones in Guangxi, China. Results indic... The effectiveness of pilodyn was tested in evaluating wood basic density, outer wood density, heartwood density, and modulus of elasticity (MoE) at 22 four-year-old eucalyptus clones in Guangxi, China. Results indicated that the mean value ranged from 9.44 to 15.41 mm for Pilodyn penetration, 0.3514 to 0.4913 g.cm^-3 for wood basic density, and 3.94 to 7.53 Giga Pascal (GPa) for MoE, respectively. There were significant differences (1% level) in pilodyn penetration between different treatments, different directions and among the clones. Generally strongly negative correlations were found between pilodyn penetration and wood properties, and the coefficients ranged from -0,433 to -0,755. Our results, together with other studies, suggest that the use of pilodyn for assessing wood density and MoE was confirmed as a possibility. 展开更多
关键词 CORRELATION EUCALYPTUS modulus of elasticity PILODYN wood density
Effects of Climatic Factors on Tree-ring Maximum Latewood Density of Picea schrenkiana in Xinjiang, China 被引量:1
作者 孙宇 王丽丽 尹红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1479-1487,共9页
Based on two tree-ring maximum latewood density (MXD) chronologies of Picea schrenkiana from the Manas River Basin, Xinjiang, the response characteristics of MXD to climate variation was discussed. Correlation analy... Based on two tree-ring maximum latewood density (MXD) chronologies of Picea schrenkiana from the Manas River Basin, Xinjiang, the response characteristics of MXD to climate variation was discussed. Correlation analysis between MXD chronologies and instrumental records from Shihezi meteorological station showed that each chronology was significantly and positively correlated with the maximum monthly average temperature in July-August, and especially, the regional chronology (RC) was the most highly correlated variable (r=0.54, P〈0.001). Afterwards, the maximum average temperature in July-August was reconstructed using RC. Comparison among reconstructed temperature, observed values, and the drought index (Is) confirmed that precipitation would affect MXD when the absolute value of Is is greater than 1.5σ (|Is| 〉 2.5 during 1953-2008) or near to 1.5a over a 2-3 year period. The response characteristics are related to the semiarid climate of the study area. In dry years, lack of precipitation would limit the thickening of latewood cell walls and, as a result, impact MXD. Therefore, compared with relatively humid regions, the response of tree-ring MXD to air temperature similarly would be influenced by extreme moisture conditions in semiarid areas, and MXD, as a temperature proxy, should be used prudently on a limited scale. 展开更多
关键词 Picea schrenkiana Tree ring Maximum latewood density Air temperature PRECIPITATION
Carbon Sequestration Effects of Shrublands in Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Region, China 被引量:13
作者 LIU Wenhui ZHU Jiaojun +4 位作者 JIA Quanquan ZHENG Xiao LI Junsheng LOU Xuedong HU Lile 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期444-453,共10页
Three-North Shelterbelt Forest (TSF) program, is one of six key forestry programs and has a 73-year construction period, from 1978 to 2050. Quantitative analysis of the carbon sequestration of shrubs in this region ... Three-North Shelterbelt Forest (TSF) program, is one of six key forestry programs and has a 73-year construction period, from 1978 to 2050. Quantitative analysis of the carbon sequestration of shrubs in this region is important for understanding the overall function of carbon sequestration of the forest and other terrestrial ecosystems in China. This study investigated the distribution area of shrubland in the TSF region based on remote sensing images in 1978 and 2008, and calculated the carbon density of shrubland in combination with the field investigation and previous data from published papers. The carbon sequestration quantity and rate from 1978 to 2008 was analyzed for four sub-regions and different types of shrubs in the TSF region. The results revealed that: 1) The area of shrubland in the study area and its four sub-regions increased during the past thirty years. The area of shrubland for the whole region in 2008 was 1.2 × 10^7 ha, 72.8% larger than that in 1978. The Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Sub-region was the largest shrubland distribution area, while the highest coverage rate was found in the North China Sub-region. 2) In decreasing order of their carbon sequestration, the four types of shrubs considered in this study were Hippophae rhamnoides, Caragana spp., Haloxylon ammodendron and Vitex negundo vat. heterophylla. The carbon sequestration of/-/, rhamnoides, with a maximum mean carbon density of 16.5 Mg C/ha, was significantly higher than that of the other three species. 3) The total carbon sequestration of shrubland in the study region was 4.5 x 107 Mg C with a mean annual carbon sequestration of 1.5× 10^6 Mg C. The carbon density in the four sub-regions decreased in the following order: the Loess Plateau Sub-region, the North China Sub-region, the Northeast China Sub-region and the Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Sub-region. The paucity of studies and data availability on the large-scale carbon sequestration of shrub species suggests this study provides a baseline reference for future research in this area. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS biomass density carbon density carbon sequestration carbon sequestration rate carbon storage Three-NorthShelterbelt Forest (TSF)
Effect of planting density on plant growth and camptothecin content of Camptotheca acuminata seedlings 被引量:4
作者 WEIHuan-yong WANGYang +1 位作者 WANGZhen-yue YANXiu-feng 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期137-139,共3页
C. acuminata seedlings cultivated in greenhouse were transplanted into the fields with 5 designed planting densities (11, 16, 25,44 and 100 plants·m^-2) in May of 2004 and were harvested in the middle of Septembe... C. acuminata seedlings cultivated in greenhouse were transplanted into the fields with 5 designed planting densities (11, 16, 25,44 and 100 plants·m^-2) in May of 2004 and were harvested in the middle of September of 2004. The seedling growth indexes including plant height and crown width, biomass allocation, camptothecin (CPT) content and CPT yield of different organs (young leaf, old leaf, stem,and root) were studied. For the 5 selected planting densities, the plant biomass, height, crown width, and total leaf area of C. acuminata seedlings all showed highest values at the planting density of 25 plants ·m^-2. CPT content in young leaves was higher than that in other organs of seedlings and presented an obvious change with the variation of planting densities and with the highest value at density of 100plants·m-2, while for other organs no significant variation in CPT content was found with change of planting density. The accumulation of CPT was enhanced significantly at the planting density of 25 plants·m^-2. It is concluded that for the purpose to get raw materials with more CPT from C. acuminata, the optimal planting density of C. acuminata seedlings should be designed as 25 plants·m^-2. 展开更多
关键词 camptotheca acuminata seedlings planting density BIOMASS CAMPTOTHECIN
作者 Zeng-xiang XuYong-zong Yang +5 位作者 Da-ming Feng Shuang Wang Ya-ling Tang Fan He Yan Xia Fang Li 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2008年第4期224-229,共6页
Objective To explore the influence of oxidized high-density lipoprotein (oxHDL) on the maturation and migration of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) from C57BL/6J mice. Methods The C57BL/6J mice bone ma... Objective To explore the influence of oxidized high-density lipoprotein (oxHDL) on the maturation and migration of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) from C57BL/6J mice. Methods The C57BL/6J mice bone marrow cell suspension was prepared and purified. Recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rmGM-CSF) and recombinant interleukin-4 (rmlL-4) were used to promote monocytes to differentiate and suppress lymphocytes. Then 50μg/mL oxHDL was added to stimulate BMDCs, using 50μg/mL high-density lipoprotein (HDL) as homologous protein control, PBS as negative control, and 1 μg/mL lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as positive control. The CD86 and MHCII expression rates were detected with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Liquid scintillation counting (LSC) was used in mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLRs) to reflect the ability of BMDCs in stimulating the proliferation of homologous T cells, Levels of cytokines IL-12 and IL-10 were detected by ELISA. The cell migration was evaluated with the transwell system. Results Compared with PBS group, the expressions of CD86 and MHCII, counts per minute of MLRs, secretion of IL-12 and IL-10, and number of migrated cells in oxHDL group and LPS group significantly increased (all P 〈 0.05), while the increment was less in oxHDL group than LPS group. The number of migrated cells in oxHDL group was about twice of that in HDL group. Conclusion OxHDL may promote the maturation and migration of BMDCs in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 dendritic cell oxidized high-density lipoprotein MATURATION MIGRATION ATHEROSCLEROSIS
Preparation of ultrafine silver powders with controllable size and morphology 被引量:9
作者 Qing-hua TIAN Duo DENG +1 位作者 Yu LI Xue-yi GUO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期524-533,共10页
The ultrafine silver powders were prepared by liquid reduction method using Arabic gum as dispersant.The effects of different dispersants,pH values,and temperature on the morphology and particle size of silver powders... The ultrafine silver powders were prepared by liquid reduction method using Arabic gum as dispersant.The effects of different dispersants,pH values,and temperature on the morphology and particle size of silver powders were investigated.It is found that Arabic gum can better adsorb on silver particles via chemical adsorption,and it shows the best dispersive effect among all the selected dispersants.The particle size of silver powders can be finely tuned from 0.34 to 4.09μm by adjusting pH values,while the morphology of silver powders can be tuned by changing the temperature.The silver powders with high tap density higher than 4.0 g/cm3 were successfully prepared in a wide temperature range of 21.8-70°C.Especially,the tap density is higher than 5.0 g/cm3 when the temperature is optimized to be 50°C.The facile process and high silver concentration of this method make it a promising way to prepare high quality silver powders for electronic paste. 展开更多
关键词 ultrafine silver powder Arabic gum dispersion mechanism tap density controllable preparation
Biomass production of herb species in broad leaf forests in Kumaun Himalaya,India
作者 Geeta Kharkwal Poonam Mehrotra Yaswant S.Rawat 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期355-360,399,共7页
The study focuses on the dynamics and biomass production (g·m-2) of understory (herbaceous) plant community under broad-leaf forests consisting of Quercus leucotrichophora (Banj-oak), Quercus floribunda (T... The study focuses on the dynamics and biomass production (g·m-2) of understory (herbaceous) plant community under broad-leaf forests consisting of Quercus leucotrichophora (Banj-oak), Quercus floribunda (Tilonj-oak) and Quercus semicarpifolia (Kharsu-oak), respectively in central Himalaya, India. With increasing altitudes, the den-sity and biomass decreased significantly across the three types of forests. Banj-oak forest harboured the maximum density and biomass among the other sampling sites. The mean density of herb species in two contrasting orientation differed significantly (p0.05), showing relatively higher density on slope orientation (west). Across the sites, total production declined significantly with increasing altitude of the sites (p0.05), and Banj-oak forest presented the highest production. 展开更多
关键词 orientation ALTITUDE forest type species composition den-sity biomass
Fractal Characteristics of the Distribution Pattern of Mangrove Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza Populations in Southern China
作者 梁士楚 董鸣 王伯荪 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2004年第2期90-96,共7页
The distribution patterns of mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza population s in southern China are analyzed using the box-counting method of fractal theory. The patterns of B. gymnorrhiza populations could be thought of a... The distribution patterns of mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza population s in southern China are analyzed using the box-counting method of fractal theory. The patterns of B. gymnorrhiza populations could be thought of as fractals as they exhibit self-similarity within the range of scale considered. Their fractal dimensions are not integer but fractional, ranging from 1.04 to 1.51. The unoccupied dimensions change from 0.49 to 0.96. The combined conditions of population density, pattern type and aggregation intensity together influence the values of fractal dimensions of patterns. The box counting is a useful and efficient method to investigate the complexity of patterns. Fractal dimension may be a most desirable and appropriate index for quantifying the horizontal spatial microstructure and fractal behaviors of patterns over a certain range of scales. 展开更多
关键词 PATTERN FRACTAL fractal dimension ecological unoccupied dimension Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
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