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水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术应用分析 被引量:1
作者 景闻 《江苏农机化》 2023年第1期24-26,共3页
水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术是在水稻机插育秧技术基础上发展形成的一项集约程度更高的机械化移栽技术。为验证该技术的适应性、经济性,江苏省农业机械技术推广站在如皋市、常州市金坛区、常熟市分别设立试验示范点,对该技术的作业质... 水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术是在水稻机插育秧技术基础上发展形成的一项集约程度更高的机械化移栽技术。为验证该技术的适应性、经济性,江苏省农业机械技术推广站在如皋市、常州市金坛区、常熟市分别设立试验示范点,对该技术的作业质量、生产指标、经济效益开展试验考核,并总结归纳该技术的应用要点。本文介绍了水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术试验示范情况,并结合数据分析对技术应用提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 水稻种植 密苗育秧 机插秧技术 试验示范 技术优势
密苗技术在机插秧中的前景分析 被引量:3
作者 陈新环 《农业开发与装备》 2020年第1期135-135,138,共2页
关键词 水稻 密苗 机插技术
密苗技术在机插秧中的应用前景分析 被引量:2
作者 陈新环 《江苏农机化》 2019年第5期16-19,共4页
关键词 水稻生产 密苗技术 机插秧
高速插秧机密苗插秧技术的综合试验分析 被引量:1
作者 王凌锋 《现代农机》 2020年第4期18-20,共3页
常熟市水稻种植以乘坐式高速插秧机插秧配套硬盘育苗播种为主,但在育秧过程中,育秧盘、育秧土用量大。相比常规插秧技术,水稻密苗插秧技术具有减少秧盘、育秧用土、育秧用地、育秧人工成本的优点。通过密苗插秧技术与常规插秧技术及侧... 常熟市水稻种植以乘坐式高速插秧机插秧配套硬盘育苗播种为主,但在育秧过程中,育秧盘、育秧土用量大。相比常规插秧技术,水稻密苗插秧技术具有减少秧盘、育秧用土、育秧用地、育秧人工成本的优点。通过密苗插秧技术与常规插秧技术及侧深施肥技术的综合对比试验,分析出密苗插秧技术在省工、省秧盘、增产等方面的优势,得出密苗插秧技术推广的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 常熟 水稻种植 密苗插秧 节本增效 对比试验 经济效益
作者 李振华 闫大明 《新农民》 2019年第29期39-40,共2页
本试验于七星第一管理区2号地转方式调结构试验示范区进行,试验结果表明:密苗试验在今年特殊天气条件下表现出叶龄差距由1个叶缩小到0.2叶,在生育进程上无明显差异。密苗的3个处理伤苗率均比常规处理高1.52%。洋马密苗株高12cm处理的株... 本试验于七星第一管理区2号地转方式调结构试验示范区进行,试验结果表明:密苗试验在今年特殊天气条件下表现出叶龄差距由1个叶缩小到0.2叶,在生育进程上无明显差异。密苗的3个处理伤苗率均比常规处理高1.52%。洋马密苗株高12cm处理的株高比常规处理株高高1.6cm,每穴茎数茎数多1.5株,单株分蘖少0.4。产量方面,3个处理千粒重与常规处理无明显差异。洋马密苗株高12cm的处理比常规处理减产12.7%。久富密苗株高12cm处理比常规处理减产18.3%。洋马密苗株高10cm比常规处理减产33.7%。密苗与常规在成本上比较用秧苗比常规少19盘/667m2,用育苗面积少约4m2/667m2,育苗人工省40元/667m2,挑苗人工少36元/667m2,与常规处理比可节约人工费76元以上。 展开更多
关键词 密苗 试验 效果
密苗培育机插秧技术分析 被引量:1
作者 杨卫新 《农机使用与维修》 2019年第12期109-109,共1页
水稻密苗培育及机插技术是在秧盘里进行高密度播种,播种量是常规育苗的2~3倍,育苗期时间短,插秧时叶龄常规苗小。改进高速插秧机横向取苗量、导轨秧门、秧针、推秧器,同时加装侧深施肥装置,是目前全国范围内比较领先的新型机插秧技术,... 水稻密苗培育及机插技术是在秧盘里进行高密度播种,播种量是常规育苗的2~3倍,育苗期时间短,插秧时叶龄常规苗小。改进高速插秧机横向取苗量、导轨秧门、秧针、推秧器,同时加装侧深施肥装置,是目前全国范围内比较领先的新型机插秧技术,有效缓解用工难、用工贵问题,同时提高土地利用率、减轻机插秧劳动强度。 展开更多
关键词 水稻密苗培育 机插技术 技术特点 效益分析
水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术试验示范分析 被引量:1
作者 吴咏梅 《江苏农机化》 2021年第2期20-22,共3页
通过水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术试验示范,得出结论:水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术在增加每盘播种量的同时,可减少秧爪取秧面积,相同种植密度条件下可节省1/3~1/2的秧盘,相应地减少了插秧过程中的装秧次数和育秧田块的面积,提升了作... 通过水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术试验示范,得出结论:水稻密苗育秧及配套机插秧技术在增加每盘播种量的同时,可减少秧爪取秧面积,相同种植密度条件下可节省1/3~1/2的秧盘,相应地减少了插秧过程中的装秧次数和育秧田块的面积,提升了作业效率,降低了人工、物资及管理成本。 展开更多
关键词 水稻密苗育秧 机插秧技术 试验示范
作者 李树伟 《新农民》 2019年第18期38-39,共2页
本试验于浓江农场第一管理区2号地转方式调结构试验示范区进行,试验结果表明:密苗处理的生育进程比常规处理晚7d。密苗处理的伤苗率比常规处理的伤苗率高2.95个百分点。密苗处理株高比常规处理株高矮1.7cm,每穴茎数茎数少2株。单株分蘖... 本试验于浓江农场第一管理区2号地转方式调结构试验示范区进行,试验结果表明:密苗处理的生育进程比常规处理晚7d。密苗处理的伤苗率比常规处理的伤苗率高2.95个百分点。密苗处理株高比常规处理株高矮1.7cm,每穴茎数茎数少2株。单株分蘖数,密苗处理比常规处理少0.3个,平方米茎数上密苗处理比常规处理少9.3株。基本苗数、平方米穴数二者相同。产量构成因素方面,密苗处理的平方米穗数比常规处理少9.3穗。两个处理的穗粒数相同,但密苗处理的实粒数比常规处理少3.3粒,结实率比常规处理低3.8%,千粒重与常规处理少1.2g。产量方面,密苗处理的实收产量比常规处理的实际产量低30.1kg/667m2,密苗处理实收产量低于常规处理实收产量4.9%。两个处理的效益基本持平。 展开更多
关键词 密苗 试验 效果 研究
Cultivation Density of Toona ciliate 被引量:6
作者 吴际友 黄明军 +5 位作者 陈明皋 程勇 廖德志 李艳 刘球 王旭军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1730-1732,共3页
ln order to discuss the optimum seedling density of Toona ciliate, different seedling densities were studied. The results showed that seeding height and basal diameter decreased and quality of the seedlings declined w... ln order to discuss the optimum seedling density of Toona ciliate, different seedling densities were studied. The results showed that seeding height and basal diameter decreased and quality of the seedlings declined with the increase of seedling density. The reasonable density of seedlings is key to cultivate high-quality seedlings and achieve the best seedling efficiency. The optimum density was 30 plants/m2 for the first class seedlings of biennial seedlings, and the optimum density of l and ll seedlings for production afforestation was 40 plants/m2. 展开更多
关键词 Toona ciliate Cultivation density Seedling quality
日本洋马乘坐式水稻插秧机关键技术介绍 被引量:1
作者 李加琪 王廷恩 印祥 《农业工程技术》 2021年第6期29-33,共5页
水稻是中国重要的农作物,水稻机械化种植技术直接关系到水稻的生产质量和产量。目前,中国水稻机械化栽培方式主要有机械插秧、机械直播、机械抛秧等,但相比日本、韩国等机械化程度较高国家来说中国水稻种植机械化技术仍有较大的提升空... 水稻是中国重要的农作物,水稻机械化种植技术直接关系到水稻的生产质量和产量。目前,中国水稻机械化栽培方式主要有机械插秧、机械直播、机械抛秧等,但相比日本、韩国等机械化程度较高国家来说中国水稻种植机械化技术仍有较大的提升空间。该文以日本洋马乘坐式水稻插秧机为例,介绍其密植育苗、行走控制、插秧作业自动控制等关键技术。 展开更多
关键词 乘坐式水稻插秧机 密苗 栽植爪 自动控制
Photosynthetic induction responses of Pinus koraiensis seedlings grown in different light environments 被引量:5
作者 周永斌 殷有 +1 位作者 刘兴双 王庆礼 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期246-248,共3页
The time processes of photosynthetic induction responses to various irradiances in Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings grown in open-light environments and in understory of forest were studied in an area near the... The time processes of photosynthetic induction responses to various irradiances in Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings grown in open-light environments and in understory of forest were studied in an area near the Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, Jilin Province, China from July 15 to August 5, 1997. The results showed that at 200 靘olm-2s-1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and 500 靘olm-2s-1 PPFD, the induction time for the photosynthetic rates of understory-grown seedlings to reach 50% and 90% steady-state net photosynthetic rates was longer than that of the open-grown seedlings. The induction responses of open-growth seedlings at 500 靘olm-2s-1 PPFD were slower than those at 200 靘olm-2s-1 PPFD, but it was the very reverse for understory-growth seedlings, which indicates that the photosynthetic induction times of Korean pine seedlings grown in the understory depended on the sunfleck intensity. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus koraiensis seedlings Photosynthetic induction responses Natural light
作者 刘金成 曾丽明 陈森荣 《福建农业》 1998年第9期8-8,共1页
一、间苗补苗:秋大豆齐苗后,一般要进行两次间苗。分别在子叶展开时和第一对真叶全展时进行,拔掉病弱苗,最后每穴留两株壮苗。如发现缺株空穴的,要及时利用密苗移栽,栽后浇水护苗。 二、及时追肥:1、壮苗肥:大豆在苗期根瘤菌尚未形成,... 一、间苗补苗:秋大豆齐苗后,一般要进行两次间苗。分别在子叶展开时和第一对真叶全展时进行,拔掉病弱苗,最后每穴留两株壮苗。如发现缺株空穴的,要及时利用密苗移栽,栽后浇水护苗。 二、及时追肥:1、壮苗肥:大豆在苗期根瘤菌尚未形成,所以要追施1—2次氮肥。第一次追肥在幼苗长出2—3片真叶时进行。出苗后20天左右进行第二次追肥,亩用25—30%的腐熟人粪尿250—300公斤浇施。2、促花肥; 展开更多
关键词 秋大豆 田管技术 要点 密苗 人粪尿 根瘤菌 真叶 促花肥 子叶展开 开花结荚
Effect of planting density on plant growth and camptothecin content of Camptotheca acuminata seedlings 被引量:4
作者 WEIHuan-yong WANGYang +1 位作者 WANGZhen-yue YANXiu-feng 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期137-139,共3页
C. acuminata seedlings cultivated in greenhouse were transplanted into the fields with 5 designed planting densities (11, 16, 25,44 and 100 plants·m^-2) in May of 2004 and were harvested in the middle of Septembe... C. acuminata seedlings cultivated in greenhouse were transplanted into the fields with 5 designed planting densities (11, 16, 25,44 and 100 plants·m^-2) in May of 2004 and were harvested in the middle of September of 2004. The seedling growth indexes including plant height and crown width, biomass allocation, camptothecin (CPT) content and CPT yield of different organs (young leaf, old leaf, stem,and root) were studied. For the 5 selected planting densities, the plant biomass, height, crown width, and total leaf area of C. acuminata seedlings all showed highest values at the planting density of 25 plants ·m^-2. CPT content in young leaves was higher than that in other organs of seedlings and presented an obvious change with the variation of planting densities and with the highest value at density of 100plants·m-2, while for other organs no significant variation in CPT content was found with change of planting density. The accumulation of CPT was enhanced significantly at the planting density of 25 plants·m^-2. It is concluded that for the purpose to get raw materials with more CPT from C. acuminata, the optimal planting density of C. acuminata seedlings should be designed as 25 plants·m^-2. 展开更多
关键词 camptotheca acuminata seedlings planting density BIOMASS CAMPTOTHECIN
Effects of Environmental Factors on Tree Seedling Regeneration in a Pine-oak Mixed Forest in the Qinling Mountains, China 被引量:14
作者 YU Fei WANG De-xiang +3 位作者 SHI Xiao-xiao YI Xian-feng HUANG Qing-ping HU You-ning 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期845-853,共9页
Natural seedling regeneration and tree establishment are affected by various environmental factors. In this study, we established eight, eight, six, and four independent forest stands (each stand was further divided ... Natural seedling regeneration and tree establishment are affected by various environmental factors. In this study, we established eight, eight, six, and four independent forest stands (each stand was further divided into five subplots) respectively based on the altitudinal gradient, stand density, slope location, and slope aspect to investigate the effects of environmental factors on tree seedling regeneration in a pine-oak mixed forest. The results indicated that the seedling density was significantly higher at altitudes of 1,283 m to 1,665 m, whereas the sapling density did not differ with altitudes. The seedling and sapling density decreased significantly at 1,835 m. The seedling densities on the upper slopes were much higher than those on the middle and lower slopes, whereas the sapling density had no difference. The sapling density decreased southwest (20°-75°) whereas gradually from the it increased on the shady slopes to the northeast (40°). The seedling density increased from southwest (20°) to northeast (40°The seedling and sapling densities increased with the stand density (850 trees ha-1 to 1,525 trees ha-1) whereas the sapling density was significantly lower in stands (1,9oo trees ha-O. Principal components analysis showed that the slope aspect and stand density had more important roles in tree regeneration in this study region compared with the other two factors. Therefore, our findings suggest that it will be beneficial to keep stands at a moderate density on shady slopes. Appropriate thinning of higher density stands is also expected to promote the natural regeneration of pine-oak mixed forest. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental factors Pine-oak mixedforest Qinling Mountains REGENERATION
Effects of Disturbance Intensities on Vegetation Patterns in Oak Forests of Kumaun,West Himalaya 被引量:2
作者 Ranbeer S.RAWAL Sanjay GAIROLA Uppeandra DHAR 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期157-165,共9页
In order to realize the significance of oak forests for ecology and economy of the Himalayan region,the present study attempts to objectively characterize disturbance intensities and their impacts on compositional fea... In order to realize the significance of oak forests for ecology and economy of the Himalayan region,the present study attempts to objectively characterize disturbance intensities and their impacts on compositional features of identified Oak forests, i.e.Banj-oak(Quercus leucotrichophora A.Camus), Tilonj-oak(Q.floribunda Lindley)and Kharsu-oak(Q. semecarpifolia J.E.Smith)in west Himalaya. Amongst studied forests,Q.leucotrichophora and Q. semecarpifolia forests exhibited high sensitivity towards disturbance intensities.In both forests, increasing level of disturbance significantly lowered tree density,dominance and natural recruitment (seedling and sapling density).Q.floribunda forests, however,appeared relatively more resilient to anthropogenic disturbances.Amongst studied oak forests,Q.semecarpifolia forests with overall poor natural regeneration are in a most critically endangered demographic state.However,a slightly improved regeneration(i.e.,seedling density)in moderately disturbed plots is indicative that such plots may be utilized most suitably for in situ revival of these forests.Effect of disturbance intensities on tree population is an important subject for forest ecology and management and the present study highlights a need for adopting different management strategies across disturbance intensities in diverse oak forests of west Himalaya. 展开更多
关键词 Forest vegetation Anthropogenic disturbance Oak forests west Himalaya
作者 赵春光 《科学养鱼》 1999年第1期9-10,共2页
第三讲鳖苗密养阶段的管理鳖苗阶段的密养培育,基本与常规的有沙养殖相同。由于这阶段养殖密度高,生长快,所以管理应抓好以下几项措施。一、加强投饵投饵基本按四定,其中定质最重要,因为鳖苗阶段的饲料质量直接影响鳖苗的快长成活... 第三讲鳖苗密养阶段的管理鳖苗阶段的密养培育,基本与常规的有沙养殖相同。由于这阶段养殖密度高,生长快,所以管理应抓好以下几项措施。一、加强投饵投饵基本按四定,其中定质最重要,因为鳖苗阶段的饲料质量直接影响鳖苗的快长成活。虽然目前国内有许多生产鳖苗饲料的... 展开更多
关键词 生态养殖
Controls of seed quantity and quality on seedling recruitment of smith fir along altitudinal gradient in southeastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:2
作者 WANG Jing-sheng FENG Ji-guang +6 位作者 CHEN Bao-xiong SHI Pei-li ZHANG Jun-long FANG Jiang-ping WANG Zhi-kai YAO Shuai-chen DING Lu-bin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期811-821,共11页
Alpine treeline ecotones are harsh environment for tree establishment due to low temperature. Tree establishment at treelines requires favorable climate, suitable microsites, and viable seeds. But most researches have... Alpine treeline ecotones are harsh environment for tree establishment due to low temperature. Tree establishment at treelines requires favorable climate, suitable microsites, and viable seeds. But most researches have been addressed treeline microclimate and its effects on tree regeneration, the knowledge of seed quantity and quality and its controls on seedling recruitment were limited. We measured seed rain, soil seed bank, seed germination rate and seedling recruitment in natural forests in combination with seed transplanting manipulation to evaluate the controls of seed quantity and quality on seedling recruitment of Abies georgei var. smithii (smith fir) along altitudinal gradient, with focus on treeline ecotone in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Both seed quantity and seed quality of smith fir decreased with increasing altitude and was thereby associated with decline in seed germination rate. Seed quantity and seedling recruitment were better in north-facing slope than in south slope. The treeline ecotone above 42oo m appeared as the threshold altitude to sharply decrease seed quality and seedling recruitment. The emergence and overwintering rates of transplanting seeds from 3600-38oo m also went down remarkably above 4200 m at north-facing slope. It also underpins the fact that treeline ecotone is the bottleneck of seedling recruitment. Our results suggest that seed quantity and quality are the principal limitation of treeline upward advance. This study also provides evidence to support stable treeline position in southeastern Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Abies georgei var. smithii TREELINE Seed rain Soil seed bank Seed quality Seedling recruitment
Implications of Anthropogenic Disturbances for Species Diversity, Recruitment and Carbon Density in the Mid-hills Forests of Nepal 被引量:3
作者 Hari Prasad PANDEY 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第1期1-10,共10页
Almost three-fourths of forests are experiencing anthropogenic disturbances globally, and more than two-thirds of the forests in Nepal receive different types of disturbances. In community forests(CFs), local communit... Almost three-fourths of forests are experiencing anthropogenic disturbances globally, and more than two-thirds of the forests in Nepal receive different types of disturbances. In community forests(CFs), local communities are dependent on the ecosystem services provided by the forests for various aspects of their livelihoods, which disturb the forests’ natural conditions and ecosystem functioning in a variety of ways. This study tested the major disturbance factors that had influential roles on plant species diversity, recruitment(seedlings and saplings), biomass, soil organic carbon(SOC) and total carbon density in two community-managed forests in the Mid-hills of Nepal. The stump number, cut-off seedlings and saplings, lopping, dropping, and grazing/trampling were used as measures of the major anthropogenic disturbances. The necessary data were collected from 89 randomly selected sample plots, each with an area of 250 m2. The responses to anthropogenic disturbances were analyzed using Generalized Linear Models(GLM). The results showed that forest lopping was the most significant anthropogenic disturbance for biomass and total carbon density balance. A higher degree of lopping in the forests resulted in a lowering of the forests’ carbon stock in the study area. SOC showed no significant response to any of the tested anthropogenic disturbances. Woody species richness and number of saplings increased with an increasing number of stumps, which signifies that intermediate disturbance was beneficial. However, a higher intensity of lopping reduced the sapling density. Grazing/trampling was the most significant disturbance for inhibiting seedling growth. Areas in the forests with a higher intensity of trampling showed lower numbers of seedlings and saplings. These results will be a guide for managing anthropogenic disturbances in multiple-use forests in Nepal, as well as those in similar socio-economic environments worldwide. 展开更多
关键词 anthropogenic disturbance biomass carbon density community-managed forest seedlings and saplings woody plants’diversity
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