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塔里木盆地东北缘库鲁克塔格地区寒武纪-奥陶纪沉积特征及演化 被引量:7
作者 石开波 蒋启财 +2 位作者 刘波 潘文庆 田景春 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期1204-1220,共17页
库鲁克塔格地区保存了相对完整的寒武纪-奥陶纪沉积地层,其沉积特征及演化规律的研究,对塔东地区寒武系-奥陶系油气勘探具有重要意义。通过库鲁克塔格地区详细的野外地质调查,结合前人相关研究成果,对该区寒武系-奥陶系沉积体系、沉积... 库鲁克塔格地区保存了相对完整的寒武纪-奥陶纪沉积地层,其沉积特征及演化规律的研究,对塔东地区寒武系-奥陶系油气勘探具有重要意义。通过库鲁克塔格地区详细的野外地质调查,结合前人相关研究成果,对该区寒武系-奥陶系沉积体系、沉积模式及演化规律的研究表明,寒武纪时期,库鲁克塔格地区经历了一次大的海侵-海退旋回,南、北两区沉积具有相似性。寒武纪早期的快速海侵导致南、北两区均发育陆棚相-深水盆地相沉积;寒武纪晚期,在逐渐海退的背景下,南、北两区开始出现沉积分异。奥陶纪,经历了新一轮大的海侵-海退旋回,南北两区沉积差异显著。北区从早奥陶世到晚奥陶世,发育台地边缘斜坡相-广海陆棚相-缓斜坡相-台地边缘礁滩相-开阔台地相相序,构成整体向上变浅的碳酸盐岩沉积层序;而南区发育深水盆地相-陆棚斜坡相-浊流盆地相-碎屑陆棚相相序,形成一套巨厚的深水复理石建造。库鲁克塔格地区寒武纪时期发育缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地,因台地不断向南构筑以及断裂活动,导致奥陶纪晚期台地边缘快速变陡,并在经历斜坡相快速堆积填平补齐之后,重新演变为缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地。晚奥陶世,由于周缘构造活动影响,却尔却克山-雅尔当山一带下沉,逐渐向远端变陡缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地演化。 展开更多
关键词 塔里木盆地 库鲁克塔格 寒武纪-奥陶纪 沉积特征 沉积模式 碳酸盐岩台地
川东南古蔺曼岭寒武纪-奥陶纪之交的沉积环境演变 被引量:2
作者 冯伟明 刘建清 +3 位作者 林家善 李嵘 张娣 黄学平 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期71-76,共6页
川东南古蔺曼岭剖面中上寒武统娄山关群和下奥陶统桐梓组,岩性都以白云岩为主,地层界线的识别和沉积环境的分析都比较困难。结合前人研究资料,通过对寒武系-奥陶系界线附近的岩石矿物、微量元素、稀土元素特征分析,认为界面上下白云岩... 川东南古蔺曼岭剖面中上寒武统娄山关群和下奥陶统桐梓组,岩性都以白云岩为主,地层界线的识别和沉积环境的分析都比较困难。结合前人研究资料,通过对寒武系-奥陶系界线附近的岩石矿物、微量元素、稀土元素特征分析,认为界面上下白云岩沉积的氧化-还原条件差异较大;古盐度、古气候也有较大变化;与康滇古陆和黔中隆起的距离也明显缩短。在奥陶系桐梓组中部发现的指相化石腕足类舌形贝,暗示早奥陶世早期川东南古蔺曼岭海域为浅水近岸低盐度环境。 展开更多
关键词 白云岩 沉积环境 寒武纪-奥陶纪 川东南
陕西渭北东部寒武纪—奥陶纪岩相古地理与岩溶水赋存关系 被引量:5
作者 党学亚 张茂省 喻胜虎 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期1103-1108,共6页
在系统研究大量野外实测剖面和钻孔资料的基础上,认为本区寒武纪—奥陶纪岩相古地理演化可分为3个海侵海退旋回,构成了一套独特的、完整的沉积序列。沉积层的岩溶发育程度与沉积环境密切相关,从开阔海、潮下、高能、滩环境沉积层,到开... 在系统研究大量野外实测剖面和钻孔资料的基础上,认为本区寒武纪—奥陶纪岩相古地理演化可分为3个海侵海退旋回,构成了一套独特的、完整的沉积序列。沉积层的岩溶发育程度与沉积环境密切相关,从开阔海、潮下、高能、滩环境沉积层,到开阔海、低能、间歇高能环境沉积层,再到滨海、潮上、泥云坪和泥灰坪环境沉积层,岩溶发育程度逐渐降低,富水程度逐渐减弱。 展开更多
关键词 陕西 寒武纪-奥陶纪 岩相古地理 沉积旋回 岩溶作用
吉林大阳岔寒武系-奥陶系界线剖面冶里组海绿石化海绵骨针化石 被引量:1
作者 李国祥 赵鑫 《古生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期23-30,共8页
大阳岔寒武系-奥陶系界线剖面的界线附近地层(冶里组下部)中富含海绵骨针化石,其中部分骨针化石以次生海绿石化方式保存。海绵骨针的海绿石化与骨针的原始成分蛋白石有关,蛋白石不稳定,常脱水后在成岩过程中转变为石英;在寒武纪-奥陶纪... 大阳岔寒武系-奥陶系界线剖面的界线附近地层(冶里组下部)中富含海绵骨针化石,其中部分骨针化石以次生海绿石化方式保存。海绵骨针的海绿石化与骨针的原始成分蛋白石有关,蛋白石不稳定,常脱水后在成岩过程中转变为石英;在寒武纪-奥陶纪过渡时期,此地的沉积速率较小,沉积了一套海绿石凝缩层,在局部弱碱性环境中,蛋白石质的海绵骨针易于溶解,且被海绿石所替代,蛋白石的溶解与海绿石的晶出替代近为同步,致使骨针形态完好保存。海绿石化海绵骨针共有4种类型:单轴骨针,四射二轴骨针(或十字骨针),五射三轴骨针及六射三轴骨针;其中四射二轴骨针丰度相对较高。单轴骨针可能为普通海绵纲的骨针,其余骨针都为六射海绵纲的特征骨针。 展开更多
关键词 海绵骨针 海绿石化 寒武纪-奥陶纪过渡时期 冶里组 大阳岔
沂源县龙泉寒武纪石膏矿地质特征 被引量:1
作者 刘明渭 宋万千 +2 位作者 徐均强 张拥军 徐立军 《山东地质》 2003年第1期39-42,共4页
沂源龙泉石膏矿是近几年山东省内勘查评价的几处寒武纪—奥陶纪海相碳酸盐岩系型石膏矿之一 ,这类矿床的发现及勘查评价 ,为省内石膏矿资源勘查与开发规划部署提供了新线索。沂源县龙泉石膏矿产于寒武纪长清群朱砂洞组丁家庄段 ,自下而... 沂源龙泉石膏矿是近几年山东省内勘查评价的几处寒武纪—奥陶纪海相碳酸盐岩系型石膏矿之一 ,这类矿床的发现及勘查评价 ,为省内石膏矿资源勘查与开发规划部署提供了新线索。沂源县龙泉石膏矿产于寒武纪长清群朱砂洞组丁家庄段 ,自下而上分 3个矿层 ,呈不规则的层状、似层状 ,以第Ⅰ矿层规模最大 ,最大厚度 13 98m。矿石自然类型以块状、网脉状—块状石膏为主 ,其次为网脉状—浸染状石膏、硬石膏和纤维状石膏。沂源龙泉石膏矿含矿层位及矿层分布比较稳定 ,矿床规模较大。 展开更多
关键词 沂源县 石膏矿床 山东 寒武纪-奥陶纪 海相碳酸盐岩 矿床地质特征 矿层
江西井冈山地区寒武-奥陶纪地层的Sm-Nd同位素组成及其构造意义 被引量:8
作者 沈渭洲 凌洪飞 +2 位作者 舒良树 张芳荣 向磊 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期1562-1569,共8页
研究的井冈山地区位于扬子地块与华夏地块之间,在早古生代寒武-奥陶纪时期沉积了巨厚的泥砂质韵律岩层夹碳酸盐岩和含炭岩层.它们具有低的εNd(t)值(–13.9~–7.9)和古老的Nd模式年龄(1842~2375Ma),数据点在tDM-tStr.图上远离一致线分... 研究的井冈山地区位于扬子地块与华夏地块之间,在早古生代寒武-奥陶纪时期沉积了巨厚的泥砂质韵律岩层夹碳酸盐岩和含炭岩层.它们具有低的εNd(t)值(–13.9~–7.9)和古老的Nd模式年龄(1842~2375Ma),数据点在tDM-tStr.图上远离一致线分布,在εNd(t)-tStr.图上都位于华南元古代地壳演化区域内.这些特征表明,本区寒武系和奥陶系主要是古元古代古老地壳组分再循环作用产物,物源以华夏地块区成熟度较高的陆源碎屑沉积岩为主.奥陶系爵山沟组和对耳石组的εNd(t)值(–10.5~–7.9)位于上述范围的高端,Nd模式年龄(1842~2059Ma)位于上述范围的低端,反映在它们沉积时期内,来自古元古代晚期-新元古代早期新生地壳物质的加入相对明显.鉴于在华夏地块和扬子地块东南缘范围内,早古生代地层的Nd模式年龄都大于1800Ma,没有发生明显的降低,反映在这些地区不存在早古生代亏损地幔来源岩浆活动. 展开更多
关键词 寒武纪-奥陶纪地层 ND同位素 古元古代 江西井冈山
塔里木地台北部寒武纪—奥陶纪层序地层及其与扬子地台和华北地台的对比 被引量:39
作者 于炳松 陈建强 林畅松 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期17-26,共10页
以详细的露头层序地层研究为基础, 概述了塔里木地台北部寒武纪-奥陶纪的层序地层系统. 该系统以不同级别的层序为基本单元所构成, 包括35个三级层序, 12个超层序, 4个超层序组和2个巨层序. 同时, 结合地震剖面和钻井资料, 对其中的重... 以详细的露头层序地层研究为基础, 概述了塔里木地台北部寒武纪-奥陶纪的层序地层系统. 该系统以不同级别的层序为基本单元所构成, 包括35个三级层序, 12个超层序, 4个超层序组和2个巨层序. 同时, 结合地震剖面和钻井资料, 对其中的重要层序界面特征进行了讨论, 并通过生物地层与层序地层相结合的方法, 标定了重要层序界面的年龄. 通过对塔里木地台寒武纪—奥陶纪层序地层与扬子地台和华北地台同期层序地层的对比研究发现, 其间有较好的对应关系. 说明寒武纪—奥陶纪时中国三大地台上碳酸盐岩层序的发育主要受控于大区域和全球性的海平面变化. 这为在我国三大地台区寒武系—奥陶系中开展以层序地层学为基础的高分辨率年代地层体制研究提供了理论支持. 展开更多
关键词 寒武纪-奥陶纪 层序地层 塔里木地台北部 扬子地台 华北地台
华北寒武、奥陶系灰岩潮汐韵律与地月轨道参数的演化 被引量:8
作者 周瑶琪 陈海云 冀国盛 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期671-675,共5页
通过对采自华北地区寒武、奥陶系灰岩样品进行磨光、涂漆等处理 ,在放大镜下读取小层厚度数据 ,进行傅立叶频谱分析 ,识别出相对应于日、双周、月的潮汐周期的记录 ,得到寒武、奥陶纪每个太阴月有 2 9.9,2 9.8d ;参考生物化石研究成果 ... 通过对采自华北地区寒武、奥陶系灰岩样品进行磨光、涂漆等处理 ,在放大镜下读取小层厚度数据 ,进行傅立叶频谱分析 ,识别出相对应于日、双周、月的潮汐周期的记录 ,得到寒武、奥陶纪每个太阴月有 2 9.9,2 9.8d ;参考生物化石研究成果 ,对寒武、奥陶纪地月轨道参数进行计算 ,得到寒武、奥陶纪每年分别有 384 .5 ,381.7d ,每天分别有 2 2 .798,2 2 .96 3h ;寒武、奥陶纪地月距离分别为 5 8.76 ,5 8.96个地球半径及月球后退速率分别为 4 .2 5 ,4 .18cm/a等地月轨道参数 .研究结果表明从寒武纪到奥陶纪 ,具有地球旋转速度变慢、地月距离增大、月球后退速率减小等变化趋势 . 展开更多
关键词 潮汐韵律 寒武纪-奥陶纪 灰岩 地月轨道参数 华北地区 旋回地层学 天体运动 沉积物
Relations between spatial distribution and sequence types of the Cambrian-Ordovician marine source rocks in Tarim Basin 被引量:8
作者 GAO ZhiYong ZHANG ShuiChang ZHANG XingYang ZHU RuKai 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第A01期92-102,共11页
Marine source rocks are considered to be mainly composed of the Cambrian-Ordovician deposit in Tarim Basin. Based on the previous studies made by other researchers, the authors calculated the thickness and distributio... Marine source rocks are considered to be mainly composed of the Cambrian-Ordovician deposit in Tarim Basin. Based on the previous studies made by other researchers, the authors calculated the thickness and distribution scale of these Cambrian-Ordovician source rocks by integrating sequence stratigraphy with investigations on sedimentary environments, well-shooting demarcating and calibrating the thickness of unknown source rocks with the thickness of the known ones according to characteristics of the source rocks that have "double track" seismic lineup reflectance. The results showed that the distribution area of the Lower-Cambrian Yuertusi Fm. source rock in platform inner depressions, slopes and deep basins is much bigger than that of the Middle Cambrian evaporite-lagoon source rock. Moreover, the former is superior to the latter in terms of the source rock quality. Likewise, the Middle-Ordovician Heituao Fm. source rock in the slopes and deep basins has a much wider distribution and better quality than the Upper Ordovician, and its quality is also better than those of the Shaergan and Yinggan Fms. source rock within platforms as well as the lime-mud-mound source rock along the fringe of the Upper-Ordovician platform. Most good Lower-Cambrian source rocks of the Kalpin outcrop lie on the initial ingression surface or in the condensed member of the Type I sequence. In this section, the source rock in Type II is inferior to that in Type I, even being far from an effective one (TOC: <0.5%). Likewise, the good Middle-Ordovician Heituao source rock also lies on the initial ingression surface or in the condensed member of the Type I sequence, while the poor Yinggan source rock and the lime-mud-mound along the fringe of the platform develop all in the Type II sequence. Under the condition of the same sea-level rising altitude and time, the ingression displacement (S1) at the base border in Type I is larger than S2 in Type II. Thus, the distribution of the source rock developed above the base border in Type I is wider than that in Type II. The maximal ingression range dominates the ultimate distribution of source rocks. Because S1 is greater than S2, the relative rate of ingression on the base border of Type I is obviously bigger than that of Type II. The difference in ingression rate is one of the factors that lead to the superiority of the source rock at the base border in Type I to that Type II . Therefore, it is of great significance to study the spatial distribution, developing era and quality determination of source rocks by means of sequence stratigrahpy. 展开更多
关键词 寒武纪-奥陶纪体系 原岩石 海洋 序列
Detection and significance of higher thiadiamondoids and diamondoidthiols in oil from the Zhongshen 1C well of the Tarim Basin, NW China 被引量:4
作者 Anlai MA Zhijun JIN +1 位作者 Cuishan ZHU Yi GU 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期1440-1450,共11页
Oil and gas breakthroughs have been achieved in the Zhongshen 1(ZS1) and 1 C(ZS1 C) wells in Cambrian pre-salt from the Tarim Basin in northwest China. However, Middle and Lower Cambrian reservoirs reveal substantial ... Oil and gas breakthroughs have been achieved in the Zhongshen 1(ZS1) and 1 C(ZS1 C) wells in Cambrian pre-salt from the Tarim Basin in northwest China. However, Middle and Lower Cambrian reservoirs reveal substantial differences in the geochemistry and secondary alteration characteristics between the oils collected from the two wells. High concentrations of thiadiamondoids and diamondoidthiols, including thiatetramantanes, tetramantanethiols, thiapentamantanes, and pentamantanethiols, are detected in the organic sulfur compound fraction of concentrated oil collected from the ZS1 C well, which samples the Lower Cambrian Xiaoerbulake Formation. Higher diamondoids, such as tetramantanes, pentamantanes, hexamantanes, and cyclohexamantane, also occur in the saturate fractions of the concentrated ZS1 C oil. The presence of these compounds is verified by mass spectra analysis and comparison with previous studies. During thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR), the cage of higher diamondoids is interpreted to open because of sulfur radicals forming open-cage higher diamondoid-like thiols, followed by cyclization that leads to the formation of high thiadiamondoids. Using D_(16)-adamantane as an internal standard, the concentrations of lower diamondoids and thiadiamondoids of non-concentrated Cambrian oil from well ZS1 C are 83874 and8578 μg/g, respectively, which are far higher than Cambrian oil from well ZS1 and most Ordovician oils in the Tarim Basin. The high concentrations of lower thiadiamondoids and occurrence of higher thiadiamondoids and diamondoidthiols support that the oil from well ZS1 C is a product of severe TSR alteration. 展开更多
关键词 Tarim Basin CAMBRIAN Well Zhongshen 1C Higher thiadiamondoid Higher diamondoidthiol Higher diamondoid Therrnochemical sulfate reduction (TSR)
Temporal distribution of piperocks in Cambrian and Ordovician: A coevolutionary process with changes of paleoenvironment 被引量:1
作者 FANG Liang LIU JianBo ZHAN RenBin 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期26-38,共13页
Piperock, a kind of characteristic ichnofabrics in Phanerozoic, was thought to decline gradually from Cambrian to Ordovician. A new compilation on the occurrences of the Cambrian and Ordovician piperocks of China and ... Piperock, a kind of characteristic ichnofabrics in Phanerozoic, was thought to decline gradually from Cambrian to Ordovician. A new compilation on the occurrences of the Cambrian and Ordovician piperocks of China and the world shows that piperocks generally flourished in Cambrian and declined in Ordovician, but a sharp decrease occurred during Middle and Late Cambrian. The case-study on the piperocks from the Lower-Middle Ordovician Hongshiya Formation at Dabaochang of Qiaojia, northern Yunnan Province, Southwest China indicates that the forming and preservation of piperocks were controlled by the depositional environment, the intensities of predation, competition, bioturbation, and the contents of nutrition and oxygen in watermass. A careful study on the development of the Cambrian and Ordovician piperocks suggests that the decrease of nearshore siliciclastic sediments and the low contents of oxygen and nutrition in the watermass may have contributed to the decline of piperocks in Middle and Late Cambrian. 展开更多
关键词 Piperock Skolithos CAMBRIAN ORDOVICIAN temporal distribution Qiaojia northeastern Yunnan
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