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鼠伤寒沙门氏菌食物中毒后追踪调查研究 被引量:1
作者 王玉兰 高杰谦 王燕 《河南预防医学杂志》 1992年第2期67-70,共4页
沙门氏菌属引起的食物中毒事例中检出鼠伤寒沙门氏菌沙门氏菌比例较高,除日本以肠炎沙门氏菌占首位,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌占第二位外其它国家均以鼠伤寒沙门氏菌居首位,有人报导51起沙门氏菌食物中毒,其中鼠伤寒沙门氏菌13起占25.49%,宁夏回... 沙门氏菌属引起的食物中毒事例中检出鼠伤寒沙门氏菌沙门氏菌比例较高,除日本以肠炎沙门氏菌占首位,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌占第二位外其它国家均以鼠伤寒沙门氏菌居首位,有人报导51起沙门氏菌食物中毒,其中鼠伤寒沙门氏菌13起占25.49%,宁夏回族自治区1979年至80年鼠伤寒沙门氏菌中毒占91.6%(11/12),黑龙江省绥化地区1975年至79年占36.6%(11/30)。我省沙门氏菌食物中毒约有2/3是由鼠伤寒沙门氏菌引起。据世界卫生组织调查,美国每年发生鼠伤寒沙氏菌感染占沙门氏菌属感染的27.7%,匈牙利。 展开更多
关键词 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌 追踪调查 沙门氏菌属 肠炎沙门氏菌 黑龙江省绥化 寒沙 剩余食物 排菌 细菌检验 卫生防疫站
作者 林世民 彭淑景 《人民军医》 1960年第S2期53-56,共4页
防止食物中毒的发生,对集体伙食单位来说是非常重要的,因为集体生活发生机会较多,而且多系群众性暴发,同一时间内可以波及整个单位,影响作战与训练任务的完成。就目前来说,由于预防工作未作好,发生食物中毒的事件仍不少见,一旦发生大批... 防止食物中毒的发生,对集体伙食单位来说是非常重要的,因为集体生活发生机会较多,而且多系群众性暴发,同一时间内可以波及整个单位,影响作战与训练任务的完成。就目前来说,由于预防工作未作好,发生食物中毒的事件仍不少见,一旦发生大批中毒,就忙于搶救,至于如何徹查发生原因,或检出病原菌,作为事后的经验教训,还做得很少。一般食物中毒多数由细菌引起。 展开更多
关键词 食物中毒 寒沙 血清反应 中毒事件
作者 喻胜万 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 1993年第S1期117-117,共1页
1989年12月官庄乡某村民修新房宴请客人,食用凉拌猪响皮,引起179人(84.8%)鼠伤寒沙门氏菌食物中毒。响皮由农民厨师油炸加工后,迅速用冷水浸泡,次日下午将响皮切成薄片,加佐料作凉菜入席。发病者均食用过凉拌猪响皮,未食用者无一发病... 1989年12月官庄乡某村民修新房宴请客人,食用凉拌猪响皮,引起179人(84.8%)鼠伤寒沙门氏菌食物中毒。响皮由农民厨师油炸加工后,迅速用冷水浸泡,次日下午将响皮切成薄片,加佐料作凉菜入席。发病者均食用过凉拌猪响皮,未食用者无一发病。从市场购进猪响皮有沙门氏菌污染,油炸高温仅1-2分钟,冷水浸泡在同一容器中长达6小时,食前也未经煮沸或其他消毒措施。经对食用后剩余响皮采样化验。 展开更多
关键词 冷水浸泡 切成薄片 沙门氏菌污染 寒沙 官庄乡 消毒措施 病者 食用者 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌 凝集效价
作者 杨立群 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1988年第1期52-56,共5页
唐太宗李世民继高祖李渊之后登上帝位,他雄才大略,励精图治。在他的统率下,开创了“贞观之治”的盛世局面,奠定了三百年大唐帝国的基石。因而,在历史上,李世民作为一代明君被后人称颂。但是在文学史上,李世民却似乎充当着一个不大好的... 唐太宗李世民继高祖李渊之后登上帝位,他雄才大略,励精图治。在他的统率下,开创了“贞观之治”的盛世局面,奠定了三百年大唐帝国的基石。因而,在历史上,李世民作为一代明君被后人称颂。但是在文学史上,李世民却似乎充当着一个不大好的角色。他被说成是初唐大力提倡并积极创作宫体诗的代表,认为轻艳浮靡的宫体诗风正是凭借李世民的帝王权势统治初唐诗坛的,大有将初唐诗风不振的原因归罪于他的倾向。那么,事实果真如此吗?重谈太宗诗歌,深感有必要重新探讨这一问题,这将有助于我们进一步评价唐太宗的诗以及初唐诗风。 展开更多
关键词 宫体诗 轻艳 李世民 大唐帝国 帝京篇 咏物 山阁晚秋 李渊 长安古意 寒沙
作者 张坤 《文教资料》 2005年第6Z期31-32,共2页
又到桂花铺满地的季节。桂 花,《现代汉语词典》是这样解 说的:又叫木犀,常年生小乔木 或灌木,叶子椭圆形,花小,白色 或暗黄色,有特殊的香气,结果 核果,卵圆形。花供观赏,又可 做香料。 桂花因其自身弥香而香气四 溢,沁人心脾而被古今... 又到桂花铺满地的季节。桂 花,《现代汉语词典》是这样解 说的:又叫木犀,常年生小乔木 或灌木,叶子椭圆形,花小,白色 或暗黄色,有特殊的香气,结果 核果,卵圆形。花供观赏,又可 做香料。 桂花因其自身弥香而香气四 溢,沁人心脾而被古今的诗人看 好;文句因点缀桂花不香也香,满 口余香,古今传诵。 展开更多
关键词 现代汉语词典 梧叶 尾联 中秋望月 画中有诗 自然本性 生小 寒沙 隐居生活 羁人
作者 甲斐透 《少年人生》 2004年第14期156-165,共10页
序屋外的窄廊,被雨水冲刷到连穿着袜子走在上面都会感觉到滑的程度,打过蜡的光滑木质地板反射着秋日的阳光,闪耀了整个十叠间。已经七岁大的早苗还是被爸爸抱在膝上,不停地向爸爸问着问题。“爸爸,为什么我们家里会有这么多的刀呀?这个... 序屋外的窄廊,被雨水冲刷到连穿着袜子走在上面都会感觉到滑的程度,打过蜡的光滑木质地板反射着秋日的阳光,闪耀了整个十叠间。已经七岁大的早苗还是被爸爸抱在膝上,不停地向爸爸问着问题。“爸爸,为什么我们家里会有这么多的刀呀?这个纸是做什么的呢?这个是擦东西的吗?” 展开更多
关键词 木质地板 一只手 不知道 把刀 兵卫 膝上 人说 日本刀 人力车夫 寒沙
《粮食问题研究》 1994年第3期56-56,共1页
洋货=好货?"吃在中国"世人有口皆碑。然而时至今日,向以善美食著称于世的中国人,却对"洋食"青眼有加,特别是一些"追潮族",大有"唯洋食是美"的劲头,人们崇尚"洋食",一方面是因为其口味新,另一方面,是认定凡进口货终... 洋货=好货?"吃在中国"世人有口皆碑。然而时至今日,向以善美食著称于世的中国人,却对"洋食"青眼有加,特别是一些"追潮族",大有"唯洋食是美"的劲头,人们崇尚"洋食",一方面是因为其口味新,另一方面,是认定凡进口货终归比国产货质量好。进口产品果真都如... 展开更多
关键词 青眼有加 不合格 卫生检疫 卫生标准 以善 《经济参考报》 细菌含量 无可挑剔 宣传不够 寒沙
清代名医黄元御与《伤寒悬解》《伤寒说意》及《长沙药解》 被引量:3
作者 于露婧 《实用中医内科杂志》 2017年第2期70-72,共3页
乾隆御医黄元御谙熟《伤寒论》与《金匮要略》,著有《伤寒悬解》等医著十二部。《伤寒悬解》是解析《伤寒论》的主要著作,指出"伤寒条文乱于叔和",主张错简重修,以六气学说逐条注释,重新修订所有篇章及条文顺序,将总论置于卷... 乾隆御医黄元御谙熟《伤寒论》与《金匮要略》,著有《伤寒悬解》等医著十二部。《伤寒悬解》是解析《伤寒论》的主要著作,指出"伤寒条文乱于叔和",主张错简重修,以六气学说逐条注释,重新修订所有篇章及条文顺序,将总论置于卷首,阐发仲景微旨;黄氏认为仲景立言,专为传意,恐《伤寒悬解》阐释仲景之意或有不足,又作《伤寒说意》以补充之;《长沙药解》乃"以药系方,以方言证,参以病机辨证于其间,对比类同之药于其内,理法方药相贯,以彰药物功用";以药为纲,按中土、风木、燥金、水火顺序,从六气角度串联阐释解析仲景《伤寒》《金匮》每味药的性、味、归经、功能及气化调理作用等,明方药之真意也。黄元御以六气立法,六经为纲,太阳(表病)篇与其它五经(里病)各篇前后呼应,太阳篇有如何发病,病情变化及入里去路;其它各篇则有疾病来路,转归情况及救治;明确表、里病,重视六气,不忽视营卫,表病营卫为辨,里病六气为辨,又将营卫气血与六经辨证统于六气,融会贯通,理清中风、伤寒整个动态病变过程和病情传变救治,脉络清晰、通畅。 展开更多
关键词 伤寒论 黄元御 清代名医 伤寒悬解 伤寒说意 长沙药解 六气 营卫气血 六经辨证 文献医籍
Isolation and identification of symbiotic bacteria from the skin, mouth, and rectum of wild and captive tree shrews 被引量:7
作者 Gui LI Ren LAI +4 位作者 Gang DUAN Long-Bao LYU Zhi-Ye ZHANG Huang LIU Xun XIANG 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期492-499,共8页
Endosymbionts influence many aspects of their hosts’ health conditions, including physiology, development, immunity, metabolism, etc. Tree shrews(Tupaia belangeri chinensis) have attracted increasing attention in mod... Endosymbionts influence many aspects of their hosts’ health conditions, including physiology, development, immunity, metabolism, etc. Tree shrews(Tupaia belangeri chinensis) have attracted increasing attention in modeling human diseases and therapeutic responses due to their close relationship with primates. To clarify the situation of symbiotic bacteria from their body surface, oral cavity, and anus, 12 wild and 12 the third generation of captive tree shrews were examined. Based on morphological and cultural characteristics, physiological and biochemical tests, as well as the 16 S rDNA full sequence analysis, 12 bacteria strains were isolated and identified from the wild tree shrews: body surface: Bacillus subtilis(detection rate 42%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa(25%), Staphlococcus aureus(33%), S. Epidermidis(75%), Micrococcus luteus(25%), Kurthia gibsonii(17%); oral cavity: Neisseria mucosa(58%), Streptococcus pneumonia(17%); anus: Enterococcus faecalis(17%), Lactococus lactis(33%), Escherichia coli(92%), Salmonella typhosa(17%); whereas, four were indentified from the third generation captive tree shrews: body surface: S. epidermidis(75%); oral cavity: N.mucosa(67%); anus: L. lactis(33%), E. coli(100%). These results indicate that S. epidermidis, N. mucosa, L. lactis and E. coli were major bacteria in tree shrews, whereas, S. aureus, M. luteus, K. gibsonii, E. faecalis and S. typhosa were species-specific flora. This study facilitates the future use of tree shrews as a standard experimental animal and improves our understanding of the relationship between endosymbionts and their hosts. 展开更多
关键词 Tree shrew MICROBIAL Separation Identification
Surface Display of Domain Ⅲ of Japanese Encephalitis Virus E Protein on Salmonella Typhimurium by Using an Ice Nucleation Protein 被引量:2
作者 Jian-lin Dou Tao Jing +1 位作者 Jingojing Fan Zhi-ming Yuan 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期409-417,共9页
A bacterial cell surface display technique based on an ice nucleation protein has been employed for the development of live vaccine against viral infection. Due to its ubiquitous ability to invade host cells, Salmonel... A bacterial cell surface display technique based on an ice nucleation protein has been employed for the development of live vaccine against viral infection. Due to its ubiquitous ability to invade host cells, Salmonella typhimurium might be a good candidate for displaying viral antigens. We demonstrated the surface display of domain III of Japanese encephalitis virus E protein and the enhanced green fluorescent protein on S. typhimurium BRD509 using the ice nucleation protein. The effects of the motif in the ice nucleation protein on the effective display of integral protein were also investigated. The results showed that display motifs in the protein can target integral foreign protein on the surface of S. typhimurium BRD509. Moreover, recombinant strains with surface displayed viral proteins retained their invasiveness, suggesting that the recombinant S. typhimurium can be used as live vaccine vector for eliciting complete immunogenicity. The data may yield better understanding of the mechanism by which ice nucleation protein displays foreign proteins in the Salmonella strain. 展开更多
关键词 Cell surface display Ice nucleation protein Salmonella typhimurium Japanese encephalitis virus
Biological effect of NK4 gene mediated by attenuated Salmonella typhimurium on hepatocellular carcinoma cell HepG2
作者 Xiaoqin Ha Ruifang Fan +4 位作者 Tongde Lv Yuebin Xu Ling Hui Xiaopeng Yang Qinhua Jia 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第12期688-693,共6页
Objective: The aim of the study was to construct a stable strain of recombined attenuated Salmonella typhimurium expressing NK4 gene, and observe the effect of the strain on the metastatic potentiality of HepG2 cells... Objective: The aim of the study was to construct a stable strain of recombined attenuated Salmonella typhimurium expressing NK4 gene, and observe the effect of the strain on the metastatic potentiality of HepG2 cells. Methods: The NK4 cDNA was isolated from PCAGGS/hNK4 plasmid by PCR, and subcloned into eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA4. The recombinant plasmid was electro-transferred into attenuated Salmonella typhimurium Ty21a to obtain the recombinant strain encoding NK4 gene (TPN). Simultaneously, the recombinant attenuated Salmonella typhimurium carrying GFP gene (TPG) was also constructed. After the TPG and TPN were transferred into HepG2 cells, the transfection rate and the expression level of NK4 protein were detected by flow cytometry and ELISA, and the effects of expression product on the proliferation and migration of HepG2 and angiogenesis were observed. Results: The TPN and TPG were successfully constructed. Fortyeight hours after transfection with TPG, the infection rate was 82.58% ± 1.74%, and the expression level of NK4 protein in supernatant was (181.5 ± 11.7) ng/6 × 10^5 cells. The supematant had obviously depressant effect on the proliferative activity of HepG2 cells (P 〈 0.05), and could obviously restrain the hepatocyte growth factor-mediated migration of tumor cells (P 〈 0.01). The inhibitory effect of the expression product on the tumor angiopoiesis was obviously observed (P 〈 0.05), without a dosage-effect relation. Conclusion: The TPN could effectively transfer tumor cells in vitro and express interest NK4 protein. The expression product could effectively inhibit the proliferation and migration of hepatocellular carcinoma cells and the tumor angiopoiesis. 展开更多
关键词 NK4 gene Salmonella typhimurium hepatocellular carcinoma angiopoiesis PROLIFERATION MIGRATION hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)
Prevalence and Predictors of Salmonella spp. in Retail Meat Shops in Kathmandu
作者 Mukul Upadhyaya Naiyatat Poosaran Reinhard Fries 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第9期1094-1106,共13页
A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2008 to May 2009 to estimate the prevalence of Salmonella in retail meat shops in Kathmandu. The methods followed were ISO 18593:2004 for swab sample collection, IS... A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2008 to May 2009 to estimate the prevalence of Salmonella in retail meat shops in Kathmandu. The methods followed were ISO 18593:2004 for swab sample collection, ISO 6579:2002 for Salmonella isolation and manufacturer's instructions (SIFIN, Germany) for serotype identification. A questionnaire was used to collect information on some of the risk factors of shops likely to be associated with Salmonella identification. A total of 492 environmental swab samples (164 chopping board samples, 164 knife samples and 164 table samples) from 82 retail meat shops were analyzed. The prevalence of Salmonella positive shops was 40.2% (95% CI: 29-51). The isolation rates of Salmonella from chopping boards (36.0%), knives (32.9%) and tables (25.0%) were not significantly different (P 〉 0.05). Retail meat shops were 1.9 times more likely to yield Salmonella in the evening (38.2%) as compared to the morning (24.4%) (P = 0.001). S. Typhimurium (54.5%) was the most common serotype found in retail meat shops followed by S. Enteritidis (16.9%), S. Haifa (13.6%), S. Virchow (10.4%), S. Agona (3.9%) and S. enterica (0.6%). Among the risk factors examined, "hygiene status of shop", "type of shops", "number of person handling meats", "number of knives used", "number of kinds of meat sold" and "number of kinds of meat sold using different numbers of knives" were individually significantly (P 〈 0.05) associated with Salmonella contamination in the retail meat shops. After univariate analysis of these risk factors, a final logistic regression model with Salmonella yes or no category of shops as outcome variable identified four significant predictors. Odds ratios, indicating the likelihood increase of a shop to achieve Salmonella positivity status were 10.17 for multiple persons rather than a single person involved, 7.66 for open rather than closed shops, 9.44 for use of several knives rather than one knife and 5.18 for single kind of meat using several knives. The results of this investigation revealed that retail meat shops to a noticeable extent are Salmonella contaminated, with a considerable degree of cross-contamination between meats and personnel and equipment used during a day in processing of meats. 展开更多
关键词 SALMONELLA retail meat shops PREVALENCE swab samples risk factors Kathmandu.
Fulminant hepatic failure caused by Salmonella paratyphi A infection 被引量:3
作者 Fahmi Yousef Khan Ahmed A Kamha Ibrahim Y Alomary 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第32期5253-5255,共3页
We report a case of fulminant hepatic failure associated with Salmonella paratyphi A infection, in a 29-yearold patient who was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with fever of two days, headache and vomiting... We report a case of fulminant hepatic failure associated with Salmonella paratyphi A infection, in a 29-yearold patient who was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with fever of two days, headache and vomiting followed by behavioural changes and disorientation. On examination, the patient appeared acutely ill, agitated, confused, and deeply jaundiced. Temperature 38.5℃, pulse 92/min, blood pressure 130/89 mmHg. Both samples of blood grew S. paratyphi A, which was sensitive to ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin. Ceftriaxon was administered with high-dose dexamethasone. Two weeks after treatment with ceftriaxon, the patient was discharged in satisfactory condition. 展开更多
关键词 Typhoid hepatitis Fulminant hepatic failure Salmonella paratyphi A
Bacterial Cellulose Film Containing Flavonoids from "Sarapee" (Mammea siamensis) Flower Extract Against Salmonella typhimurium TISTR 292
作者 Jaruwan Maneesri Payap Masniyom Yutana Pongpiriyadacha 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第1期86-89,共4页
Bacterial cellulose film containing Sarapee (Mammea siamensis) flower extract to against Salmonella typhimurium TISTR 292 was studied. Crude ethanol extract of flower from Sarapee was passed through the column chrom... Bacterial cellulose film containing Sarapee (Mammea siamensis) flower extract to against Salmonella typhimurium TISTR 292 was studied. Crude ethanol extract of flower from Sarapee was passed through the column chromatography in order to separate the flavonoid. The flavonoid content was about 7.97 mg/mL. Bacterial cellulose film produced by ,4cetobacter xylinum TISTR 975 in coconut juice and subsequently to application of a containing different concentration of flavonoid for 12 h and followed by freeze dry The bacterial cellulose film containing Sarapee extract using disc diffusion assay was tested for antimicrobial activity. The result showed that bacterial cellulose film containing 1.2 mg/mL of flavonoid was highly against to S. typhimurium TISTR 292 and the inhibition zone was about 31.07 mm. Investigations of the effect of coating time on incorporation of flavonoid into cellulose film showed that long coating time (12 h) had the inhibition zone closely to short coating time (8 h) with the value of 29.60-30.13 mm. Stored the bacterial cellulose film at room temperature for 7 and 14 days found that the ability to be against S. typhimurium TISTR 292 decreased after 14 days and the inhibition zone was about 22.63 mm. The percentage of ability was remaining about 75.4. This study suggests that the bacterial cellulose film has a potential for use as antimicrobial in food applications. 展开更多
关键词 ANTIMICROBIAL bacterial cellulose flavoniod Mammea siamensis Sarapee
Inactivation of Salmonella Species on New Mexico Green Chile Peppers by Flame Roasting
作者 Ruben Zapata Paul Browning +2 位作者 Cecelia Garcia David Lucero Willis M. Fedio 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第7期851-855,共5页
Salmonella spp. have been implicated in foodborne disease outbreaks involving chile peppers, usually in combination foods such as chile rellenos, salsa, pico de gallo, guacamole and others where the source of contamin... Salmonella spp. have been implicated in foodborne disease outbreaks involving chile peppers, usually in combination foods such as chile rellenos, salsa, pico de gallo, guacamole and others where the source of contamination is uncertain. Salmonella Typhimurium ATCC 14028 was used in this study to artificially inoculate green chile peppers. Green chile peppers were weighed and artificially contaminated by applying the calculated inoculation volumes of 4 o,L per g of pepper. No presumptive salmonellae were found on any of the peppers prior to inoculation with S. Typhimurium. Twenty inoculated chiles were transferred to a custom built lab-scale roaster and then flame roasted for five minutes until they were blistered on the surface, as is commonly at New Mexico supermarkets. The surface temperature of representative chiles was measured with an infrared thermometer. Flame roasting of green chile peppers is effective in reducing bacterial contaminants on fresh green chile peppers. Based on the TSAYE counts where inoculated chile peppers had a mean plate count of 7.21 and the roasted chile peppers 2.71 and 2.75, a 4.5 log reduction was seen. Results reveal the effectiveness of flame roasting on the microbiological safety and quality of roasted green chile peppers. 展开更多
关键词 Salmonella spp. green chile peppers flame roasting.
Comparison of Distillation Methods of Mentha cordifolia Opiz, Essential Oil on Antibacterial Activity for Application Use in Animal Feeds
作者 U. Pudpila S. Khempaka W. Molee C. Hormta 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1336-1340,共5页
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different distillation methods of Mentha cordifolia Opiz. essential oil on antibacterial activity. The essential oils were isolated by water and steam, hydro, ethanol... This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different distillation methods of Mentha cordifolia Opiz. essential oil on antibacterial activity. The essential oils were isolated by water and steam, hydro, ethanol, and 3methanol: lethanol distillations. Moreover, we also compared the efficacy of these various distillations with commercial peppermint oil. Essential oils were tested in vitro against three pathogen bacteria species by sensitivity test include disc diffusion assay (DD), minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) and maximal bactericidal concentration (MBC). Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium were used in this investigation. The results showed that the water and steam distillation and 3methanol: lethanol under tested by DD assay was found to be effective against all the pathogenic bacteria, in which the zone of inhibition exhibited E. coil S. aureus and S. typhimurium were 9.67 ± 0.35, 11.67 ± 0.66, 18.0± 1.15 and 9.00 ± 0.05, 8.3 ± 0.35, 19.0 ± 0.00 ram, respectively. While the hydro and ethanol distillations did action to against only E. coli which the inhibition zones were 8.67 ± 0.66 and 8.67 ± 0.35 mm, respectively. However, the commercial oil was more effective against tested pathogenic bacteria than all M. cordifolia essential oil. In case of MIC and MBC assays, the results showed that all essential oil distillation methods posed antibacterial potential in which the water and steam distillation showed the lowest MIC and MBC values against E. coli, S. aureus and S. typhimurium. It is suggested that among all M. cordifolia essential oil extractions, water and steam distillation was found to be highly bactericidal as it has shown in lowest MIC and MBC values and high in growth inhibition zone diameter. 展开更多
关键词 Mentha cordifolia Opiz. essential oil antibacterial activity sensitivity test.
Chitosan that Dissolves in Hard Water Represses Mutagenicity
作者 K. Yoshikaw D.M. Shankel 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第3期241-246,共6页
Chitosan is derived by deacetylation of chitin, a major component of the shells of crustacea such as crabs and shrimps. In this experiment using the Ames test, there was antimutagenic effect by the water-soluble chito... Chitosan is derived by deacetylation of chitin, a major component of the shells of crustacea such as crabs and shrimps. In this experiment using the Ames test, there was antimutagenic effect by the water-soluble chitosan that dissolved in hard water (CHW). The Ames test was performed using Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100. For the antimutagenic test, and the desmutagenic and bioantimutagenic tests, Trp-P-2, 2AA and AF-2 were used as mutagens. Tests for spontaneous mutation rate without mutagens were performed using S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100. When several concentrations of CHW were directly added to Minimal Glucose Plates, there were no changes in the number of His+ revertants of TA98 and TA100. In desmutagenic and bioantimutagenic tests, the number of His^+ revertants of TA98 and TA100 decreased. In the test for spontaneous mutation rate, the number of His+ revertants of TA98 and TA 100 decreased slightly. When a concentration of CHW was added to examine antimutagenic effects, there was no change in the viable cell count of TA98 and TA100. From these results, AF-2 that is a direct mutagen may combine with CHW, and that may also be carrying out the inactivation. CHW possibly acts directly on the DNA by decreasing the rate at which mutation is caused to the strain's promutagens, Trp-P-2 and 2AA. This is evident from the decreased spontaneous mutation rate without a decreased viable cell count. 展开更多
关键词 CHITOSAN antimutagen anticareinogen CHEMOPREVENTION ames test.
Chemical Composition and in Vitro Antibacterial Activity of the Leaf Essential Oil of Mentha officinalis from Rwanda
作者 Kabera Justin Muhayimana Protaist +1 位作者 Nyirahashakimana Rose Ugirinshuti Vlateur 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第5期401-409,共9页
The search for new prototype drugs to combat infection is an absolute necessity and in this regard plant essential oils may offer great potential and hope. In this investigation, the essential oil of the leaves ofMent... The search for new prototype drugs to combat infection is an absolute necessity and in this regard plant essential oils may offer great potential and hope. In this investigation, the essential oil of the leaves ofMentha officinalis grown in Rwanda was extracted by hydrodistillation method and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The disc diffusion method was used to evaluate in vitro the zone of bacterial growth inhibition at various concentrations of the oil for five bacterial strains: Escherichia coli, Bacillus aureus, Streptococcus lactis, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium. The results of this study revealed many components among which the major components were menthol (80.79%), menthone (4.906%), isomenthone (3.5%), piperitone (2.56%), and methyl acetate (2.2%). After 7 days of incubation on PCA medium, the growth of Escherichia coli, Bacillus aureus, Streptococcus lactis and Staphylococcus aureus was totally inhibited at an average diameter of 19 mm, 32 mm, 50 mm and 30 mm respectively by a medium concentration of 30 μm/disc ofM. officinalis oil. Quite the reverse, this investigation by a bioassay showed that the essential oil ofM. officinalis has no effect on Salmonella typhimurium. The obtained results in the present study indicate the possibility of exploiting the essential oil ofM. officinalis to combat so many infectious human diseases in Rwanda. However, further investigations are required to make the medical exploitation of this plant successful. 展开更多
关键词 Antibacterial activity chemical composition essential oil GC-MS analysis Mentha officinalis.
Use of Cladophora glomerata Extract against Multidrug Resistant Bacterial Pathogens
作者 Dina Yousif Mohamed Ahmed Sahi Dwaish +1 位作者 Ghaidaa Abd-Ali Abdel Latif Mohamed Jawad 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第8期495-500,共6页
The antibacterial effect of the crude methanol extracts and purified fractions of Ctadophora glomerata (Linnaeus) Kutzing (Cladophoraceae) against multidrug resistant human pathogen were investigated. The test bac... The antibacterial effect of the crude methanol extracts and purified fractions of Ctadophora glomerata (Linnaeus) Kutzing (Cladophoraceae) against multidrug resistant human pathogen were investigated. The test bacterial strains were Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and S. typhimurium. Ethanol extract (0.5 mg/mL) of Cladophora glomerata inhibited growth of all the test organisms. Primary detection of active compounds showed that maeroalgae (Cladophora glomerata) containing flavonoids, alkaloids, phenols and tannins. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry was used to know the compounds which responsible of antibacterial activity and they were g-Pentadecanone that was found to be a major compound (42.67%) followed by 8-Octadecanone (22.43%) and Salicylic acid (20.04%) in addition to 10-hexadecaden (8.01%). These findings suggest the possibility of using the Cladophora glomerata as a novel source of natural antimicrobial agents in pharmaceutical industries. 展开更多
关键词 Cladophora glomerata ANTIMICROBIAL active compound extracts.
Polyphenols Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol Extracts from the Aerial Part of Rock Rose (Hefianthemum nummularium) Species
作者 Lucia Pirvu Ioana Nicu 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第1期61-67,共7页
This study aimed to evaluate polyphenols content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanol extract from rock rose (Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill.). Plant material has been harvested in July from Ro... This study aimed to evaluate polyphenols content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanol extract from rock rose (Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill.). Plant material has been harvested in July from Romanian Carpathian Mountains. The ethanolic extract (70%, v/v) was prepared from the aerial part of rock rose species. High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis of ethanol extract and subsequently hydrolysed sample indicated that quercetin glycosides were the major polyphenolic compounds, and kaempferol derivates, chlorogenic and gallic phenylcarboxylic acids are also being present in the polar extracts. Chemiluminescence assay in luminol/H:O2 system indicated very high antioxidant activity of the ethanolic type of extract (ICs0 = 1.27 ~tg/mL), while microbiological studies (cylinder method in plates) indicated certain antimicrobial activity (measuring from 12.5 mm to 21.5 mm of the diameter of the inhibition zone) of the propylene glycol (20%, v/v) standardized extract (5 mg gallic acid equivalents/mL sample) against several standard bacterial strains, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 and Salmonella enterritidis ATCC 13076, respectively. Therefore, based on the augmented antioxidant effect of the rock rose polar extracts, there can be found numerous applications in the pharmaceutical industry, but also in non-pharmaceutical fields, for example in cosmetic and hygiene products areas, due to certain antimicrobial properties. 展开更多
关键词 Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. polyphenols content antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.
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