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宋代诊断学名著《察病指南》研究 被引量:1
作者 吴承艳 吴承玉 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期859-860,共2页
《察病指南》为宋·施发撰,成书于宋·淳祐元年(公元1241年),是现存较早的一部宋代诊断学专著,字数虽不多,但条理清析,阐述简明。通过对该书作者生平考证、成书背景浅析、学术特点阐述和不同版本比对,认为该书不仅是脉学理论和... 《察病指南》为宋·施发撰,成书于宋·淳祐元年(公元1241年),是现存较早的一部宋代诊断学专著,字数虽不多,但条理清析,阐述简明。通过对该书作者生平考证、成书背景浅析、学术特点阐述和不同版本比对,认为该书不仅是脉学理论和实践应用的启蒙书,也是临床医生必备的中医诊断指南。 展开更多
关键词 察病指南 施发 中医诊断学
《察病指南》与《人元脉影归指图说》怪脉图对比研究 被引量:1
作者 陈陗 沈澍农 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期712-713,721,共3页
怪脉是中医脉学的重要组成部分,然而就脉象而言,由于脉诊的主观因素过多,因此对其研究多停留在语言描述阶段。一些古代医家在著书时尝试用二维图形来描绘脉象,使其呈现一定程度的直观化。《察病指南》载有"七死脉"图以及《人... 怪脉是中医脉学的重要组成部分,然而就脉象而言,由于脉诊的主观因素过多,因此对其研究多停留在语言描述阶段。一些古代医家在著书时尝试用二维图形来描绘脉象,使其呈现一定程度的直观化。《察病指南》载有"七死脉"图以及《人元脉影归指图说》载有"十六怪脉"图,通过对二者的比较可以找出古人绘制怪脉图的一些特点。 展开更多
关键词 怪脉图 察病指南 人元脉影归指图说 比较研究
《察病指南》主要学术特色及贡献 被引量:3
作者 李丛 《江西中医药》 2007年第4期79-80,共2页
关键词 察病指南 脉象图 永嘉医派 简易务实 学术特色
解决农村干群矛盾须——明察病根 对症下药
作者 上官吉庆 《人民论坛》 1999年第11期53-53,共1页
近年来,绝大多数农村基层干部能够坚持以经济建设为中心,积极带领农民致富奔小康。但也应该看到,一些地方,农村干群之间的矛盾比较突出。这不仅制约了当地经济发展,而且影响了农村社会稳定。抓紧解决好农村干群矛盾,具有十分重要的现实... 近年来,绝大多数农村基层干部能够坚持以经济建设为中心,积极带领农民致富奔小康。但也应该看到,一些地方,农村干群之间的矛盾比较突出。这不仅制约了当地经济发展,而且影响了农村社会稳定。抓紧解决好农村干群矛盾,具有十分重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 农村干群矛盾 察病 乡村干部 农村基层干部 乡村发展 村务公开 发扬民主 乡村治理 工资补贴 彬县
作者 陈发和 《家庭医学(上半月)》 1994年第11期26-26,共1页
手掌发热发干:甲状腺机能亢进; 手掌上出现红色斑点:肝炎或糖尿病; 指关节肿胀:高尿酸、痛风; 指尖苍白:血流障碍; 手背上起小的白色丘疹:胆固醇过高; 指尖纹线出现股沟:有心肌梗塞或中风的危险; 指尖呈乳白色:肾脏或肝脏有病;
关键词 甲状腺机能亢进 多发性硬化症 小脑疾患 震颤性麻痹 心脏 血流障碍 察病 慢性酒精中毒 关节肿胀 指甲
作者 余宽秀 《中国民康医学》 1999年第4期59-60,共2页
我院为满足不同病人的要求,设有观察病房,那些因经济困难一时难以交齐住院费,或家属不愿把病人送入封闭式病房等情况,部分来院病人可临时住入观察病房。入住观察病房的病人须留家属陪护,极个别病人经医生同意可以不留陪护人。观察... 我院为满足不同病人的要求,设有观察病房,那些因经济困难一时难以交齐住院费,或家属不愿把病人送入封闭式病房等情况,部分来院病人可临时住入观察病房。入住观察病房的病人须留家属陪护,极个别病人经医生同意可以不留陪护人。观察病房的运行离不开留陪家属,我们对留... 展开更多
关键词 陪护家属 精神科 留家属陪护 精神医院 察病 精神发育迟滞 精神人亲属 老年精神患者 文化程度
治疗后25年观察病例的咬合稳定性的研究 被引量:2
作者 近藤悦子 《中华口腔正畸学杂志》 1995年第S1期6-6,共1页
治疗后25年观察病例的咬合稳定性的研究日本东京近藤悦子我们希望经过治疗得到改善的咬,能够长期保持稳定并发挥功能。因此,临床上不断地追求这一点。但是,长期观察也很难判断是否存在适合患者机体情况的咬的改善。事实上,通过长... 治疗后25年观察病例的咬合稳定性的研究日本东京近藤悦子我们希望经过治疗得到改善的咬,能够长期保持稳定并发挥功能。因此,临床上不断地追求这一点。但是,长期观察也很难判断是否存在适合患者机体情况的咬的改善。事实上,通过长期观察矫治后的病例,可以知道很多东... 展开更多
关键词 稳定性 治疗后 察病 长期观 先天缺失 第一双尖牙 总治疗时间 上颌前突 第二双尖牙 保持时间
作者 董慧芬 《现代医药卫生》 1996年第4期54-55,共2页
近年来我们应用病毒唑肌注和口服潘生丁治疗疱疹性咽炎取得较好疗效。现就1994年6月~1995年6月资料完整的43例报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:43例均为门诊和观察室留察病人,
关键词 疱疹性咽炎 潘生丁 毒唑 疗效观 咽峡 察病 柯萨奇毒A组 资料完整 硬腊
张锡纯辨证论治痢疾刍议 被引量:3
作者 彭红华 《浙江中医学院学报》 2002年第4期8-9,共2页
张锡纯 ,清代著名医家 ,其临床治疗疾病 ,强调辨证论治 ,主张治痢应辨病性、察病机、分病期、别时域、审表里上下 。
关键词 张锡纯 痢疾 辨证论治 临床经验 察病 别时域 审表里上下
日本天理大学藏三件出土医学文书考证 被引量:2
作者 于业礼 张如青 《南京中医药大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期181-186,共6页
日本天理大学图书馆藏敦煌文献中,有三件与医学相关的文书残片。其中前两件为陶祖光(北溟)旧藏,一件为牛医方文书,一件为刻本《太平圣惠方》残片。该两件文书与部分西夏文文书装裱于同一册中,可能为西夏文献,但具体出土地不详。第三件... 日本天理大学图书馆藏敦煌文献中,有三件与医学相关的文书残片。其中前两件为陶祖光(北溟)旧藏,一件为牛医方文书,一件为刻本《太平圣惠方》残片。该两件文书与部分西夏文文书装裱于同一册中,可能为西夏文献,但具体出土地不详。第三件为张大千旧藏文书,内容经判定是宋人施发所著《察病指南》的残余,是现存《察病指南》最早的版本,可能出自于敦煌北区洞窟。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌文书 牛医方 太平圣惠方 察病指南
试析张锡纯石膏配伍之妙 被引量:3
作者 梅子英 《河北中医》 1987年第5期4-5,共2页
关键词 配伍变化 张锡纯 石膏 治疗效果 察病
《养生大世界(B版)》 2009年第5期63-63,共1页
这样吃气色才会好 面诊.即医生运用望、体以及面部五官进行观察,闻、问、切四诊法来对面部整从而判断人体全身与局部的病变情况。所谓“相由心生”,内在五脏六腑的病理变化或是心理变化.终会表现在脸上的相关区域,所以脸部的望诊... 这样吃气色才会好 面诊.即医生运用望、体以及面部五官进行观察,闻、问、切四诊法来对面部整从而判断人体全身与局部的病变情况。所谓“相由心生”,内在五脏六腑的病理变化或是心理变化.终会表现在脸上的相关区域,所以脸部的望诊最能洞察病机、掌握病情。 展开更多
关键词 养生 变情况 心理变化 理变化 五脏六腑 察病 面部
Screening and Efficacy Observation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Against Chicken Pathogenic Escherichia coli 被引量:18
作者 庞向红 褚秀玲 +3 位作者 苏建青 梁淑珍 李全福 胡满 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期140-144,共5页
[ Objective] The aim of this study was to lay a foundation for obtaining effective traditional Chinese medicine preparations controlling chicken colibacillosis. [ Method] With the western medicine Lomeflbxacin Hydroch... [ Objective] The aim of this study was to lay a foundation for obtaining effective traditional Chinese medicine preparations controlling chicken colibacillosis. [ Method] With the western medicine Lomeflbxacin Hydrochloride and Sodium Chloride Injection as the control, drug sensitivity tests of 15 single traditional Chinese herbs and seven self-made Chinese herbal compounds were conducted. Subsequently, the single traditional Chinese herbs presenting good in vitro antibacterial effects against Escherichia coli and all the seven compounds were given to the chicks artificially infected with E. coil to observe their efficacies. [ Result] The results of drug sensitivity tests showed that all the 15 traditional Chinese herbs had certain antibacterial effect against E. coli, among which aloe, pomegranate rind and radix sanguisorbae were the best. Compound 1, 2 and 5 had good antibacterial effects in vitro. By in vivo test, traditional Chinese medicines showed superior efficacies on infected chicks than western medicine, and compound 1 and 2 performed well. [ConclusiOn] Traditional Chinese medicine preparations are good at controlling Chicken colibacillosis, but their bacteriostasis mechanism in vivo was different with that in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine preparation Drug sensitivity test Chicken colibacillosis In vivo test
Clinical observation of capecitabine monotherapy in elderly patients with advanced breast cancer 被引量:1
作者 Miao Zhang Zhaozhe Liu +4 位作者 Zhendong Zheng Tao Han Yaling Han Min Song Xiaodong Xie 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2015年第2期78-81,共4页
Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of capecitabine mono-chemotherapy in elderly patients with advanced breast cancer. Methods The data from 36 cases of capecitabine monotherapy in e... Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of capecitabine mono-chemotherapy in elderly patients with advanced breast cancer. Methods The data from 36 cases of capecitabine monotherapy in elderly patients with advanced breast cancer were retrospectively analyzed. Oral administration of capecitabine 2000 mg/m^2 twice daily (D1-14) for 21 days constituted a cycle. The effect of the disease and main adverse reactions were evaluated every 2 cycles. Results The data from 36 elderly patients were studied. The median number of chemotherapy cycles was 4. The total effective rate was 30.6% (11/36) and the disease control rate was 72.2% (26/36). The number of patients with clinical comptete remission was 2, clinical partial response was 9, stable disease was 15, and progressive disease was 10. Where treatment was effective, the median time to progression was 6 months and the median overall survival was 9.5 months. The main adverse events were gastrointestinal reactions, bone marrow suppression, and oral mucositis; most of the reactions were grade 1 to 2. Grade 3 to 4 adverse reactions included granulocytopenia in 2 patients (12.5%) and hand-foot syndrome in 1 patient (6.7%). Conclusion Capecitabine monotherapy was effective in controlling disease progression, and adverse reactions were tolerated by elderly patients with advanced breast cancer. 展开更多
关键词 CAPECITABINE ELDERLY advanced breast cancer drug therapy
Comparative study of Anaplasma parasites in tick carrying buffaloes and cattle 被引量:2
作者 RAJPUT Z.I. 胡松华 +2 位作者 ARIJO A.G. HABIB M. KHALID M. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1057-1062,共6页
A comparative study on the prevalence of Anaplasma parasite was conducted on ticks carrying buffaloes and cattle. Five hundred blood samples of both animals (250 of each) were collected during February, March and Apri... A comparative study on the prevalence of Anaplasma parasite was conducted on ticks carrying buffaloes and cattle. Five hundred blood samples of both animals (250 of each) were collected during February, March and April. Thin blood smears on glass slides were made, fixed in 100% methyl alcohol and examined. Microscopic examination revealed that 205 (41%) animals had Anaplasma parasites, out of which 89, 44 and 72 animals had Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma centrale and mixed infection respectively. Infected buffaloes and cattle were 75 and 130 respectively. The infection in female was 53 and 92 in buffaloes and cattle respectively. Twenty-two and 92 blood samples of male were found positive in buffaloes and cattle respectively. Com- parative study revealed that the cattle were 26.82% more susceptible than buffaloes. The parasite prevailing percentage in female of both animals was slightly higher than that of the male. This investigation was aimed at studying the comparative prevalence of Anaplasma parasite in tick carrying buffaloes and cattle. 展开更多
关键词 Anaplasma marginale Anaplasma centrale BUFFALOES CATTLE TICKS
Histopathological Study on Chickens Artificially Infected with Infectious Laryngotracheitis
作者 史秋梅 董淑珍 +1 位作者 沈萍 沈文静 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1454-1456,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the histopathological changes in chickens artificially infected with infectious laryngotracheitis(ILT). [Method] Through ar- tificial injection of allantoic liquid contain... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the histopathological changes in chickens artificially infected with infectious laryngotracheitis(ILT). [Method] Through ar- tificial injection of allantoic liquid containing ILTV into chickens to induce infectious laryngotracheitis, the clinical symptoms in infected chickens were observed; tissues of trachea, lungs, heart, liver, kidney and spleen were collected from dead chickens, and prepared into paraffin sections, followed by histopathological observation under a microscope. [Results] This disease occured in the inoculated chickens 3d later, with a morbidity rate of 95%. The main symptoms were dyspnea, asthma and coughing up of bloody exudate; yellowish-white pseudomembrane was observed on dissected larynx trachea; swelling, haemorrhage, and further erosion were observed on the in- fected tracheal mucosa, resulting in death of chickens, with the mortality rate of 25%; histopathological observation showed that parenchymal organs exhibited exuda- tive inflammation; swelling, degeneration, necrosis and shedding of epithelial cells were observed; disturbance of blood circulation occured.[Conclusion] This study pro- vides reference bases for the treatment of ILT. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial infection Infectious laryngotracheitis HISTOPATHOLOGY
manClinical Study on Infection of Chlamydia Trachomatis in Patients with Inflammation of Urogenital Tract
作者 钟安 王玉霞 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第2期55-56,共2页
Object: To investigate the relationship between chlamydiatrachomatis (CT) and urogenital infection. Method Positive rate of CT in patients with inflammationof urogenital tract was significantly higher than those witho... Object: To investigate the relationship between chlamydiatrachomatis (CT) and urogenital infection. Method Positive rate of CT in patients with inflammationof urogenital tract was significantly higher than those withoutinflammation(P<0.05). Result: There was statistical difference in the males nomatter they were patients with inflammation of urogenitaltract or not (P>H0.05), while there was no statistical differencein females (P>0.05). The incidence of the infection was highamong those aging from 21-50 years old. Conclusion: The clinical manifestations of CT infectionwere obscure, so we should examine CT in patients who haveno symptoms, especially in females and those of high-riskpopulation. 展开更多
关键词 Chlamydia trachomatis(CT) Urogenital tract IMMUNOASSAY
作者 黄国梁 《日本科技信息》 1993年第1期26-28,共3页
关键词 阿尔 老年痴呆症
作者 NicolaJones 冉隆华 曹书朝 《科学》 2000年第9期64-65,共2页
McGeer夫妇都七十多岁了,经过15年研究和解剖670个脑袋之后,他们对正在发生的阿尔察默病的奇异之处有了深刻认识。65岁以上的人大约有10%,85岁以上的人几乎有一半患有此病。但是他们还准确知道如果该病出现甚至在此之前将做些什么... McGeer夫妇都七十多岁了,经过15年研究和解剖670个脑袋之后,他们对正在发生的阿尔察默病的奇异之处有了深刻认识。65岁以上的人大约有10%,85岁以上的人几乎有一半患有此病。但是他们还准确知道如果该病出现甚至在此之前将做些什么事情。他们将获得这样的药物,数百万人靠它们来缓解头痛和关节痛,其普及程度就跟ibuprofen和阿斯匹林一样。 展开更多
关键词 阿尔 抗炎药物 脑免疫系统 神经元 神经胶质细胞
作者 朱进贵 曲惠卿 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2005年第2期37-39,共3页
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of combined treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications. Methods: 30 cases of noninsulin dependent diabetes were treated by electroacupuncture (EA)of Tianzhu ... Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of combined treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications. Methods: 30 cases of noninsulin dependent diabetes were treated by electroacupuncture (EA)of Tianzhu (天柱 BL 10), Dashu (大杼 BL 11), Fengmen (风门 BL 12), Jueyinshu (厥阴俞 BL 14), etc, massage at the acupoints along the Bladder Meridian, point injection of Vitamin B1, B6, B 12plus lidocaine at Neiguan (内关 PC 6) and Sanyinjiao (三阴交 SP 6, once every 3 days), cupping and physiotherapy comprehensively. The therapeutic effect was analyzed after 40 treatments. Results: After treatment, of the 30 cases, 23 (76.7%) experienced remarkable improvement in their symptoms and the rest 7 (23.3%) had improvement, with the total effective rate being 100%. Conclusion: The abovementioned combined treatment method works well in improving clinical symptoms of type Ⅱ DM patients. 展开更多
关键词 Noninsulin dependent diabetes Combined therapy Electroacupuncture
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