Ship motions induced by waves have a significant impact on the efficiency and safety of offshore operations.Real-time prediction of ship motions in the next few seconds plays a crucial role in performing sensitive act...Ship motions induced by waves have a significant impact on the efficiency and safety of offshore operations.Real-time prediction of ship motions in the next few seconds plays a crucial role in performing sensitive activities.However,the obvious memory effect of ship motion time series brings certain difficulty to rapid and accurate prediction.Therefore,a real-time framework based on the Long-Short Term Memory(LSTM)neural network model is proposed to predict ship motions in regular and irregular head waves.A 15000 TEU container ship model is employed to illustrate the proposed framework.The numerical implementation and the real-time ship motion prediction in irregular head waves corresponding to the different time scales are carried out based on the container ship model.The related experimental data were employed to verify the numerical simulation results.The results show that the proposed method is more robust than the classical extreme short-term prediction method based on potential flow theory in the prediction of nonlinear ship motions.展开更多
桑白皮系桑科落叶灌木、小乔木植物Morus alba L.的干燥根皮,始载于《神农本草经》,《本经》中又名桑根白皮,在《孟诜》中称为桑根皮、桑皮。桑白皮属化痰平喘止咳药,其性甘、寒,归肺经,具有泻肺平喘、利水消肿的功效,主治肺热咳喘、水...桑白皮系桑科落叶灌木、小乔木植物Morus alba L.的干燥根皮,始载于《神农本草经》,《本经》中又名桑根白皮,在《孟诜》中称为桑根皮、桑皮。桑白皮属化痰平喘止咳药,其性甘、寒,归肺经,具有泻肺平喘、利水消肿的功效,主治肺热咳喘、水肿。《本草纲目》"桑白皮,长于利小水,及实则泻其子也。故肺中有水气及肺火有余者宜之。"桑白皮汤清肺降气,展开更多
文摘Ship motions induced by waves have a significant impact on the efficiency and safety of offshore operations.Real-time prediction of ship motions in the next few seconds plays a crucial role in performing sensitive activities.However,the obvious memory effect of ship motion time series brings certain difficulty to rapid and accurate prediction.Therefore,a real-time framework based on the Long-Short Term Memory(LSTM)neural network model is proposed to predict ship motions in regular and irregular head waves.A 15000 TEU container ship model is employed to illustrate the proposed framework.The numerical implementation and the real-time ship motion prediction in irregular head waves corresponding to the different time scales are carried out based on the container ship model.The related experimental data were employed to verify the numerical simulation results.The results show that the proposed method is more robust than the classical extreme short-term prediction method based on potential flow theory in the prediction of nonlinear ship motions.
文摘桑白皮系桑科落叶灌木、小乔木植物Morus alba L.的干燥根皮,始载于《神农本草经》,《本经》中又名桑根白皮,在《孟诜》中称为桑根皮、桑皮。桑白皮属化痰平喘止咳药,其性甘、寒,归肺经,具有泻肺平喘、利水消肿的功效,主治肺热咳喘、水肿。《本草纲目》"桑白皮,长于利小水,及实则泻其子也。故肺中有水气及肺火有余者宜之。"桑白皮汤清肺降气,