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肿瘤患者合并糖代谢异常的对列研究 被引量:2
作者 常树建 陈卫昌 《中华当代医学》 2005年第4期11-12,共2页
目的通过队列研究方法观察肿瘤患者糖代谢异常发病率是否高于普通人群。方法以苏州大学附四院六个肿瘤病区2004年4月1日-4月20日所有住院肿瘤患者为研究(暴露)组,共370例以同期该院参加健康体检的在职和离退休职工为对照(非暴露)组,共... 目的通过队列研究方法观察肿瘤患者糖代谢异常发病率是否高于普通人群。方法以苏州大学附四院六个肿瘤病区2004年4月1日-4月20日所有住院肿瘤患者为研究(暴露)组,共370例以同期该院参加健康体检的在职和离退休职工为对照(非暴露)组,共389例。以年龄分层计算肿瘤患者糖代谢异常发生的相对危险度(RR)及其95%可信区间。结果肿瘤组糖代谢异常发病率高于对照组(20.00%VS12.08%,P<0.01)。在小于50岁组中肿瘤患者糖代谢异常发病危险是对照组的3.2587倍(95%可信限:1.3520—7.9853,P=0.0088);大于50岁中肿瘤患者糖代谢异常发病危险是对照组的1.1214倍(95%可信限:0.7852—1.6014,P=0.3027)。结论肿瘤患者中糖代谢异常发病的危险超过普通人群,特别是在小于50岁的肿瘤患者中,糖代谢异常发病危险是普通人群的3.2857倍,差异有统计学意叉(P=0.00881. 展开更多
关键词 糖代谢异常 肿瘤患者 对列研究 95%可信限 普通人群 研究方法 发病危险 2004年 离退休职工 相对危险度 对照组 50岁 肿瘤病区 苏州大学 健康体检 可信区间 异常发生 发病率 统计学 暴露
《中国处方药》 2006年第10期75-75,共1页
关键词 中国妇女 死亡率 对列研究 烟雾环境 吸烟 烟草 心血管疾病 家庭成员
西安市医保人群接种流感疫苗成本-效益研究 被引量:3
作者 唐振红 刘怀周 刘利科 《中国药业》 CAS 2008年第20期21-22,共2页
目的评价西安市参保职工接种流感疫苗的成本-效益。方法以西安东方集团有限公司为研究现场,采用随机整群抽样方法,从全部12109名参保职工中抽取2829人进行问卷调查,并采用历史性队列研究方法对连续两个年份(2004年及2005年)的接种组和... 目的评价西安市参保职工接种流感疫苗的成本-效益。方法以西安东方集团有限公司为研究现场,采用随机整群抽样方法,从全部12109名参保职工中抽取2829人进行问卷调查,并采用历史性队列研究方法对连续两个年份(2004年及2005年)的接种组和对照组进行回顾性调查。结果两个年份接种流感疫苗后3~7月接种组和对照组月粗住院率的差异最大,接种组小于对照组;基于人均费用差异计算出的2004年、2005年效益-成本比分别为7.64∶1及4.99∶1,流感疫苗接种产生的效益2004年为8860万元,2005年为7234万元。结论对医保人群进行流感疫苗接种具有较高的效益,可以节约医保基金。 展开更多
关键词 社会医疗保险 流感疫苗 成本-效益分析 对列研究
Familial brain tumours-genetics or environment?A nationwide cohort study of cancer risk in spouses and first-deg ree relatives of brain tumour patients 被引量:5
作者 Malmer B Henriksson R Gronberg H 《癌症》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期738-738,共1页
Our study investigated whether the f amilial aggregation of glioma is due to environmental or genetic effects and it investigated and compared the risk to spouses and firs t-degree relatives(FDR)of patients with prima... Our study investigated whether the f amilial aggregation of glioma is due to environmental or genetic effects and it investigated and compared the risk to spouses and firs t-degree relatives(FDR)of patients with primary brain tumou rs(PBT)for developing both PBT and the risk for other types of cancer.Al l PBT patients identified in Sweden f rom 1958-97in The Swedish Cancer Reg istry(SCR)were linked to the nationwide Swedish Fam ily Database,including persons in S weden born from 1932-97.The cohorts of spouses and FDR were linked to the SCR to identify observed cases of PBT and other cancer.S tandardised incidence ratios(SIR)were calculated using the incidence rates from SCR as the reference.We found that there were no increased risks for any specific type of PBT in the cohort of spouses.In the FDR cohort,generally the risk for a PBT was significantly increased by 2to 3times for the same h istopathology as the probands.Spouses of PBT patients had an increased risk of skin cancer.We conclude that FDR,not spouses,have a significantly increased risk,which indicates a genetic origin of the familial aggrega tion of brain 展开更多
关键词 脑肿瘤 家系遗传 对列研究 亲属 配偶
作者 曹振环(编译) 《传染病网络动态》 2007年第1期31-32,共2页
研究发现,接受不完全病毒抑制治疗的HIV感染患者由于病毒的变迁,会限制他们今后的用药方案。亚特兰大大学的Hiroyu Hatano博士和他的同事们对病人进行了SCOPE对列研究,以明确HIV感染患者与疾病转归相关的免疫学和病毒学特征。病人样... 研究发现,接受不完全病毒抑制治疗的HIV感染患者由于病毒的变迁,会限制他们今后的用药方案。亚特兰大大学的Hiroyu Hatano博士和他的同事们对病人进行了SCOPE对列研究,以明确HIV感染患者与疾病转归相关的免疫学和病毒学特征。病人样本是从亚特兰大第一医院和亚特兰大医学中心的HIV感染患者中抽取的。共有106名患者符合测试的标准。每个病人都已经接受过稳定的抗逆转录病毒治疗,疗程为4个月或更久,病人HIVRNA载量大干500拷贝/ml,而且都存在有1个或多个耐药性的变异株。 展开更多
关键词 HIVRNA 病毒学特征 感染患者 用药方案 抑制治疗 抗逆转录病毒治疗 亚特兰大 对列研究
Factors associated with patient absenteeism for scheduled endoscopy 被引量:1
作者 Victor K Wong Hong-Bin Zhang Robert Enns 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第23期2882-2886,共5页
AIM: To identify risk factors to help predict which patients are likely to fail to appear for an endoscopic procedure. METHODS: This was a retrospective, chart review, cohort study in a Canadian, tertiary care, academ... AIM: To identify risk factors to help predict which patients are likely to fail to appear for an endoscopic procedure. METHODS: This was a retrospective, chart review, cohort study in a Canadian, tertiary care, academic, hospital-based endoscopy clinic. Patients included were: those undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy and patients who failed to appear were compared to a control group. The main outcome measure was a multivariate analysis of factors associated with truancy from scheduled endoscopic procedures. Factors analyzed included gender, age, waiting time, type of procedure, referring physician, distance to hospital, first or subsequent endoscopic procedure or encounter with gastroenterologist, and urgency of the procedure. RESULTS: Two hundred and thirty-four patients did not show up for their scheduled appointment. Compared to a control group, factors statistically significantly associated with truancy in the multivariate analysis were: non-urgent vs urgent procedure (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.06, 2.450), referred by a specialist vs a family doctor (OR 2.76, 95% CI 1.31, 5.52) and office-based consult prior to endoscopy vs consult and endoscopic procedure during the same appointment (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.33, 3.78). CONCLUSION: Identifying patients who are not scheduled for same-day consult and endoscopy, those referred by a specialist, and those with non-urgent referrals may help reduce patient truancy. 展开更多
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