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作者 陈伟 《日本问题研究》 2020年第6期46-53,共8页
原敬以任职天津领事时期的对清认识为前提,并在其对清认识逐步深化的过程中,于1897年—1900年在《大阪每日新闻》上发表多篇关于清朝问题的社论,集中阐述了对清朝问题的认识和看法,进而提出对清政策。辛亥革命时期是原敬对清政策的展开... 原敬以任职天津领事时期的对清认识为前提,并在其对清认识逐步深化的过程中,于1897年—1900年在《大阪每日新闻》上发表多篇关于清朝问题的社论,集中阐述了对清朝问题的认识和看法,进而提出对清政策。辛亥革命时期是原敬对清政策的展开和实践期,此时期原敬对清政策的实践成为一战期间原敬及其内阁对华政策的滥觞。原敬对清政策的实践在取得某些成效的同时,也不可避免地遭受到挫折。原敬对清认识作为其对清政策的前提和基础,促进了对清政策的形成和发展,而对清政策从理论走向实践又是其对清认识的最终归结点。 展开更多
关键词 原敬 对清认识 对清政策 辛亥革命
作者 石少颖 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 2012年第1期158-165,共8页
国家是外交决策的主体,朝鲜的外交近代化并不纯粹是一个"刺激—反应"的被动过程;朝鲜对清朝关系的亲近抑或疏远,始终服从于朝鲜内政的现实需要。从"藩臣无外交"到"以夷制华"、"脱清独立",朝鲜... 国家是外交决策的主体,朝鲜的外交近代化并不纯粹是一个"刺激—反应"的被动过程;朝鲜对清朝关系的亲近抑或疏远,始终服从于朝鲜内政的现实需要。从"藩臣无外交"到"以夷制华"、"脱清独立",朝鲜对清朝的政策延续了现实主义的外交传统;其变化过程反映了朝鲜政治的风云变化,也体现了朝鲜民族意识的觉醒和国权观念的增强,是"开港"之后朝鲜主动适应近代条约体制、积极维护国家安全利益的结果。然而,一个缺乏统合性的政权,其外交政策难以保证连续性和有效性;一个国家没有强大的国力,它在国际社会上也不会拥有真正的外交权力。当朝鲜统治层还在为权力而争斗、朝鲜上下还在为"脱清、自主"而纠结的时候,朝鲜已经无法扭转日渐沦亡的命运。 展开更多
关键词 对清政策“藩臣无外交” “以夷制华” “脱独立”政策演变
从中德关系看考察政治大臣出洋——以德国考察和德国的对清政策为中心 被引量:6
作者 小池求 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期157-168,共12页
对1905到1906年清政府派遣到欧美各国和日本的考察政治大臣,历来的研究多从清末立宪改革的观点进行分析,因而其关于国家统治制度和宪法的考察引人关注。然而,在这些讨论中,除了日本之外,还没探讨过受访国对考察团的接待情形。本文以考... 对1905到1906年清政府派遣到欧美各国和日本的考察政治大臣,历来的研究多从清末立宪改革的观点进行分析,因而其关于国家统治制度和宪法的考察引人关注。然而,在这些讨论中,除了日本之外,还没探讨过受访国对考察团的接待情形。本文以考察政治大臣考察德国为例,通过分析德国对考察团的态度及其政治意图,阐明其在中德关系中的意义。考察团对德国考察的重点置于教育、科技、产业、基础建设等方面,对政治方面的考察反而很少,这与当时德国的对清文化政策有关。因缺少对政治方面的考察,德国政府以各部厅所作备忘录送交考察团,聊为弥补。德国产业界也期待通过与考察团的交流,扩大和发展德国的对中贸易。考察政治大臣在报告书中指出德国教育水准高、科技先进等,可见考察团透过此次考察对德国留下了好印象。 展开更多
关键词 考察政治大臣 中德关系 德国对清外交 端方 戴鸿慈 文化政策
作者 李俊 《黑龙江史志》 2013年第19期80-81,共2页
本文拟从微观研究的角度出来,浅析甲午战争时期朝鲜政府的第一次对清乞兵政策的形成过程,来重新认识朝鲜政府在甲午战争中的作用。19世纪60年代,朝鲜国内出现的东学在朝鲜各道迅速扩散。东学教徒在报恩郡聚集了两万余众教徒,向朝鲜政府... 本文拟从微观研究的角度出来,浅析甲午战争时期朝鲜政府的第一次对清乞兵政策的形成过程,来重新认识朝鲜政府在甲午战争中的作用。19世纪60年代,朝鲜国内出现的东学在朝鲜各道迅速扩散。东学教徒在报恩郡聚集了两万余众教徒,向朝鲜政府提出"除暴安民"",斥倭洋"等要求。而朝鲜政府为了镇压此次"民乱",使尽了浑身解数。需要值得注意的是高宗为了镇压此乱,首次提出了对清乞兵的问题。这一建议的提出,虽遭到众臣的反对,但是高宗的"借清兵之心"未死。而这一建议,变相得为以后日本出兵朝鲜提供了可乘之机。 展开更多
关键词 东学教徒 报恩集会 对清乞兵
作者 杨柳青 温兆海 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期81-89,143,共10页
“燕行录”是清代朝鲜使臣出使中国所作的使行记录,它以外国人的视角观察中国,是丰富而珍贵的东亚汉文文献。清代盛京作为出使途中具有“历史—地理”双重特殊性的城市,在“燕行录”中的相关书写历来与东亚格局的变动相关。贯穿两百余... “燕行录”是清代朝鲜使臣出使中国所作的使行记录,它以外国人的视角观察中国,是丰富而珍贵的东亚汉文文献。清代盛京作为出使途中具有“历史—地理”双重特殊性的城市,在“燕行录”中的相关书写历来与东亚格局的变动相关。贯穿两百余年的使臣盛京燕行诗书写,形成“燕行录”中的典型文本,完整、鲜明地投射出朝鲜对清意识的递嬗历程。借此不仅能够勾勒出清代盛京书写嬗变脉络,追溯其流变历史动因,也可以进一步揭示出其背后蕴含的深层文化因素,以文学的视角还原清代中朝关系和文化交流的变化与发展。 展开更多
关键词 朝鲜使臣 代盛京 燕行诗 对清意识
明治时期日本政治精英的中国观--以原敬为中心 被引量:1
作者 陈月娥 宿久高 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 2008年第3期121-125,共5页
日本近代政党政治家原敬(1856—1921)的中国观具有典型的时代烙印,即"适时适机"地从中国牟取利权。同时,原敬的中国观亦有其独特的思维模式和见解:"对清政略即对欧政略,对欧政略即护国政略。"另一方面,原敬在这一... 日本近代政党政治家原敬(1856—1921)的中国观具有典型的时代烙印,即"适时适机"地从中国牟取利权。同时,原敬的中国观亦有其独特的思维模式和见解:"对清政略即对欧政略,对欧政略即护国政略。"另一方面,原敬在这一时期已经将目光更多地转向日本资本主义在中国的经济利益。从重视经济利益和国际竞争的角度出发,原敬认为日本在外交上不能采取强硬的举措,要注意和中国官民"友好相处",在中国维持一种对日本而言比较和平的氛围。 展开更多
关键词 明治时期 原敬 中国观 利权 对清政略
作者 赵建斌 《晋城职业技术学院学报》 2010年第4期91-93,96,共4页
《红楼梦》的版本问题很复杂。有学者认为,脂砚斋"甲戌(1754年)抄阅再评"之后,于乾隆二十一年丙子(1756)又抄录了一个所谓的"丙子本"。对此,笔者甚为怀疑。一是在仅两年多的时间内抄出两部近百万言的著作,其抄写速... 《红楼梦》的版本问题很复杂。有学者认为,脂砚斋"甲戌(1754年)抄阅再评"之后,于乾隆二十一年丙子(1756)又抄录了一个所谓的"丙子本"。对此,笔者甚为怀疑。一是在仅两年多的时间内抄出两部近百万言的著作,其抄写速度值得怀疑。一是"誊清"与"对清"是两个概念,不可混为一谈。一是"丙子本"并不存在,拿一个不存在的抄本与现存抄本进行比较研究,在科学上讲不通,甚至显得荒唐。 展开更多
关键词 石头记 抄本 脂砚斋 对清
Anthropogenic Direct Radiative Forcing of Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosols in 1850 and 2000 Estimated with IPCC AR5 Emissions Inventories 被引量:6
作者 CHANG Wen-Yuan LIAO Hong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第4期201-207,共7页
This study estimates direct radiative forcing by tropospheric ozone and all aerosols between the years 1850 and 2000, using the new IPCC AR5 (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report) em... This study estimates direct radiative forcing by tropospheric ozone and all aerosols between the years 1850 and 2000, using the new IPCC AR5 (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report) emissions inventories and a fully coupled chemistry-aerosol general circulation model. As compared to the previous Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) data, that have been commonly used for forcing estimates since 1990, the IPCC AR5 emissions inventories report lower anthropogenic emissions of organic carbon and black carbon aerosols and higher sulfur and NOx emissions. The simulated global and annual mean burdens of sulfate, nitrate, black carbon (BC), primary organic aerosol (POA), secondary organic aerosol (SOA), and ozone were 0.79, 0.35, 0.05, 0.49, 0.34, and 269 Tg, respectively, in the year 1850, and 1.90, 0.90, 0.11, 0.71, 0.32, and 377 Tg, respectively, in the year 2000. The estimated annual mean top of the atmosphere (TOA) direct radiative forcing of all anthropogenic aerosols based on the AR5 emissions inventories is -0.60 W m^-2 on a global mean basis from 1850 to 2000. However, this is -2.40 W m-2 when forcing values are averaged over eastern China (18-45°N and 95-125°E). The value for tropospheric ozone is 0.17 W m^-1 on a global mean basis and 0.24 W m^-2 over eastern China. Forcing values indicate that the climatic effect of aerosols over eastern China is much more significant than the globally averaged effect. 展开更多
关键词 IPCC AR5 emissions inventories AEROSOLS tropospheric ozone direct radiative forcing
Serum arylesterase and paraoxonase activity in patients with chronic hepatitis 被引量:4
作者 Suleyman Sirri Kilic Suleyman Aydin +3 位作者 Nermin Kilic Fazilet Erman Suna Aydin Ilhami Celik 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第46期7351-7354,共4页
AIM: To investigate the relationship between serum paraoxonase (PON1), AST, ALT, GGT, and arylesterase (AE) activity alterations and the degree of liver damage in patients with chronic hepatitis. METHODS: We stu... AIM: To investigate the relationship between serum paraoxonase (PON1), AST, ALT, GGT, and arylesterase (AE) activity alterations and the degree of liver damage in patients with chronic hepatitis. METHODS: We studied 34 chronic hepatitis patients and 32 control subjects, aged between 35 and 65 years, in the Department of Infection and Clinical Microbiology at the Firat University School of Medicine. Blood samples were collected from subjects between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. following a 12-h fast. Baseline and salt-stimulated PON1 activities were measured by the hydrolysis of paraoxon. Phenyl acetate was used as the substrate and formed phenol was measured spectrophotometrically at 270 nm after the addition of a 10-fold diluted serum sample in AE activity measurements. RESULTS: The results of this investigation revealed that the levels of AE activity decreased from 132±52 to 94± 36 (29%), baseline PON1 activity from 452±112 to 164 ±67 (64%), salt-stimulated PON1 activity from 746± 394 to 294±220 (61%), HDL from 58.4±5.1 to 47.2±5.6 (200), triglyceride from 133±51.2 to 86±34.0 (350), while a slight increase in the level of LDL (from 163± 54.1 to 177.3±56.0; 9%) and significant increases in the levels of AST (from 29±9.3 to 98±44), ALP (from 57.2±13.1 to 91±38.1), ALT (from 27.9±3.32 to 89± 19.1), GGT (from 24.3±2.10 to 94±48.2), total bilirubin (from 0.74±0.02 to 1.36±0.06; 84%) and direct bilirubin (from 0.18±0.01 to 0.42±0.04; 133%) were detected. However, the levels of albumin, total protein, cholesterol, and uric acid were almost the same in chronic hepatitis and the control subjects.CONCLUSION: Low PON1 and AE activity may contribute to the increased liver dysfunction in chronic hepatitis patients by reducing the ability of HDL to retard LDL oxidation and might be clinically useful for monitoring the disease of chronic hepatitis. 展开更多
Analysis of Information of Oil-bearing Reservoir Using Seismic Attributes Technique——A Case Study of HD4 Oilfield, Tarim Basin
作者 CHENBo LINGYun +1 位作者 LIUQin-fu WANGXiao-ping 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2005年第2期114-117,共4页
The theoretical and practical analysis of reservoir thickness and oil-bearing information of thin reservoirs is performed by using seismic attributes and forward modelling. The results show that thin reservoir can be ... The theoretical and practical analysis of reservoir thickness and oil-bearing information of thin reservoirs is performed by using seismic attributes and forward modelling. The results show that thin reservoir can be recognized using seismic attributes technique when its thickness is less than 1/4 of wavelength. Through analyzing the influence of tuning effect, the relationship between thin layer thickness and tuning amplitude is well revealed. A precise structure interpretation is conducted using relative amplitude preserved high-resolution seismic data. By taking the geologic condition and well data into account, the distribution of oil and gas of HD4 oilfield is analyzed and predicted. based on seismic attributes. The result is helpful to promote the exploration and development in this oilfield. 展开更多
关键词 relative amplitude preservation high resolution seismic attributes forward model
Adsorption of the Enantiomers of Tryptophan on Stationary Phase Bonded with Bovine Serum Albumin
作者 张凤宝 程明 +2 位作者 李爽 刘亮 张国亮 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第5期359-363,共5页
Frontal analysis is frequently applied to measuring single or multi-component adsorption isotherms. In this work, the competitive adsorption isotherm data of two enantiomers of tryptophan were obtained by competitive ... Frontal analysis is frequently applied to measuring single or multi-component adsorption isotherms. In this work, the competitive adsorption isotherm data of two enantiomers of tryptophan were obtained by competitive frontal analysis. The stationary phase in the column was silica-immobilized bovine serum albumin (BSA) by the derivative method, and the mobile phase was a phosphate buffer. These isotherm data were fitted by the competitive Bilangmuir model. This model can account for the behavior of both tryptophan enantiomers and these profiles were found to fit the experimental band profiles (square error is 0.999 6). The parameters obtained were used in numerical calculations to predict the band profiles of the racemic mixtures of tryptophan. The equilibrium-dispersive model provides satisfactory prediction, with minor differences between the calculated and the experimental profiles. 展开更多
关键词 mass transfer adsorption isotherms enantiomeric separation equilibrium-dispersive model competitive Bilangmuir model TRYPTOPHAN
The Effect of Mercury on Lipid Peroxidation and Its Relation with Vitamin (A, E) and Essential Elements in Dentals Serum
作者 Jaffer Hashim Mohsen Hanan Fadel Abbas Kasim Kadhim Alasedi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第4期370-376,共7页
In the present study, the authors attempted to shed a light on the possible relationships between lipid per oxidation markers, serum malondialdehyde (MDA) with the effect of mercury exposure using serum samples obta... In the present study, the authors attempted to shed a light on the possible relationships between lipid per oxidation markers, serum malondialdehyde (MDA) with the effect of mercury exposure using serum samples obtained from 100 mercury exposed dentals due to their occupation. These dentals were divided into two groups according to their occupational period. The third group consists of healthy volunteers that were working outside the mercury factories as a control group. The present results showed that mercury levels increased with the increasing of their occupation period. The highest level was 5.7 μg/dl, compared to the control group which was 0.1 μg/dl., The level of MDA was elevated in the workers and the highest level was found to be 41.00 nmol/dL for workers with longest period compared to the control group 8.6 nmol/dL. Some serum antioxidants such as vitamin A, E and albumin were evaluated and were found to be lower in all workers compared to the control group. The present results showed that Mg levels increased with the increasing of their occupation period and were found to be lower in Zn, Se of all workers compared to the control group. 展开更多
关键词 MERCURY lipid per oxidation dental serum.
Tamsulosin as medical expulsive therapy for lower ureterolithiasis:A meta-analysis
作者 Liu Hongjian Liu Chaodong +2 位作者 Wei Wentao Liu Zunliang Tang Xianli 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第6期324-333,共10页
Objective: To review the evidence for tamsulosin as medical expulsive therapy in enhancing the effectiveness of distal ureteral stone clearance rate. Methods: We searched Pubmed/Medline, Embase, CBM and the Cochrane L... Objective: To review the evidence for tamsulosin as medical expulsive therapy in enhancing the effectiveness of distal ureteral stone clearance rate. Methods: We searched Pubmed/Medline, Embase, CBM and the Cochrane Library up to October 2011. All randomized controlled trials in which tamsulosin was evaluated with distal ureterolithiasis were eligible for the analysis. Outcome measure assessed was stone clearance rate. Two authors independently assessed study quality and extracted data. All data were analyzed using RevMan 5.1. Results: Thirteen studies involving 1067 participants met the inclusion criteria. Study duration ranged from 7 to 42 d. The pooled analysis showed an improvement of 41% in stone clearance rate of tamsulosin as medical expulsive therapy for distal ureteral calculi (RR=1.41, 95% CI=1.18 to 1.70). According to stone size (6 mm<size<10 mm, 5 mm<size<6 mm, size <5 mm), the pooling effects of tamsulosin were analyzed, with a higher stone expulsion rate obtained than control (RR=1.52, 1.75, 1.05, 95% CI=1.30 to 1.77, 1.25 to 2.45, 0.95 to 1.16, respectively). Adverse effects of tamsulosin, mainly retrograde ejaculation, dizziness and hypotension, were reported in 7 included trials. Conclusion: Treatment with tamsulosin appears to be a safe and effective medical expulsion therapy for distal ureterolithiasis. To make a definite clinical recommendation to use tamsulosin as medical expulsive treatment for distal ureteral calculi, high quality multicentric, randomized, double blinded, controlled trials are necessary to prove its efficacy. 展开更多
关键词 TAMSULOSIN Medical expulsive therapy Lower ureteral calculi META-ANALYSIS
Investigation Food Diet of Cobitis taenia in Talar River (Mazandaran Province)
作者 Soheil Bahrebar 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第12期697-704,共8页
Perch sweeper fish with scientific name Cobitis taenia is one of the Cobitidae family. Since this kind of fish lives in clean waters and in the high areas of Talar River, it can be an index on water implution. This su... Perch sweeper fish with scientific name Cobitis taenia is one of the Cobitidae family. Since this kind of fish lives in clean waters and in the high areas of Talar River, it can be an index on water implution. This survey on the diet of this specimen is done on two stations (Kaselian and Tajoon) and shallow and high areas of Talar River in Mazandaran (Southern part of Caspian sea) and the duration of this survey is from October 2008 till September 2009. We should mention that fishing was just done by electro-shocker with voltage 300 V. And this fish after fishing is fixation in 10% formalin solution. So 410 perch sweeper fish were examined and the average of relatively length of gut (RLG) was 17.35 cm. The index of vacated intestine (VI) was calculated 43.35% for all samples. From intense of diet points of view (GSI), the most frequency of full intestines was considered in summer and spring. On the other hand, the smallness of relatively length of gut index (RLG 〈 1) shows that perch sweeper fish's diet manner is inclined to herbivority. In the examination of containing of digestive track, overally 10 kinds of foodstuff were known. Based on amount of this index, 2.67% Chironomidae is known as main bait in all sampling period. 展开更多
关键词 Perch sweeper fish (Cobitis taenia) DIET Mazandaran Talar River.
Effect of acupuncture on the speech and acoustics levelin patients with dysarthria 被引量:3
作者 徐基民 李惠兰 +3 位作者 卢虎英 陈之罡 刘兰群 景珊 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2011年第1期1-7,共7页
Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture combined with speech therapy on dysarthria after stroke or cerebral trauma. Methods Sixty-one cases of dysarthria were randomly divided into two groups. The observation g... Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture combined with speech therapy on dysarthria after stroke or cerebral trauma. Methods Sixty-one cases of dysarthria were randomly divided into two groups. The observation group (30 cases) was treated with speech therapy and acupuncture at major acupoints Lianquan (廉泉 CV 23), Jinjin (金津 EX-HN 12), Yuye (玉夜 EX-HN 13), Fengchi(风池 GB 20), Yifeng (翳风 TE 17) and Wangu(完骨 GB 12), and the control group (31 cases) was treated with speech therapy only. The changes of speech and acoustical indices were evaluated after 9 weeks treatment. Results The word articulation and the correct rate of writings in the two groups were significantly increased after treatment (both P〈0.01). The total effective rate of 96.7%(29/30) in the observation group was superior to that of 67.7%(21/31) in the control group (P〈0.01). The maximum phonation time (MPT) tested by a phonolaryngeal aeromechanical analyzer was significantly prolonged in both the observation group (12 cases) and the control group (11 cases) (both P〈0.01), the improvement in the observation group being more obvious (P〈0.01). Conclusion Acupuncture combined with speech therapy can improve the speech and acoustic level in the patient of dysarthria. 展开更多
关键词 DYSARTHRIA Acupuncture Therapy Speech Therapy ARTICULATION Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
Convective Assembly of Linear Gold Nanoparticle Arrays at the Micron Scale for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering 被引量:8
作者 Lihua Qian Ronobir Mookherjee 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期1117-1128,共12页
A convective assembly technique at the micron scale analogous to the writing action of a "pipette pen" has been developed for the linear assembly of gold nanoparticle strips with micron scale width and millimeter sc... A convective assembly technique at the micron scale analogous to the writing action of a "pipette pen" has been developed for the linear assembly of gold nanoparticle strips with micron scale width and millimeter scale length for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The arrays with interparticle gaps smaller than 3 nm are hexagonally stacked in the vicinity of the pipette tip. Variable numbers of stacked layers and clean surfaces of the assembled nanoparticles are obtained by optimizing the velocity of the pipette tip. The SERS properties of tile assembled nanoparticle arrays rely on their stacking number and surface cleanliness. 展开更多
关键词 Convective assembly gold nanoparticle surface enhanced Raman scattering pipette writing
TRHH-herb pair prevents IL-1β-induced degeneration of endplate chondrocytes in vitro 被引量:12
作者 Kai Niu Chenguang Li +4 位作者 Song Yuan Lei Zhang Qi Shi Yongjun Wang Weichao Zheng 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2016年第8期590-597,共8页
The inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) plays a key role in the process of intervertebral disc degenera- tion (IVDD). In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of pharmaco-serum of "Taor... The inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) plays a key role in the process of intervertebral disc degenera- tion (IVDD). In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of pharmaco-serum of "Taoren-Honghua-herb pair" on IL-1β- induced chondrocyte degeneration in vitro. Taoren (Semen persicae) and Honghua (Safflower carthamus) were administered to the rats, and the pharmaco-serum was collected and prepared. Chondrocytes of the third passage, isolated from the rat's vertebral endplates, were treated by standard medium only (Group NC), IL-1β (Group IL) or combination of IL-1β and pharmaco-serum (Group TRHH). Cell proliferation and apoptosis were determined, and the expression of aggrecan, Col2ul, Coll0ul, IL-6 and SOX9 at the mRNA level in chondrocytes was quantified by real-time PCR. Immunohistochemistry staining of type II and X collagen and Safranine O staining were also used to evaluate the chondrocytes. Compared with the Group NC, IL-1β treatment inhibited the cell proliferation and induced the cell apoptosis (P〈0.05), and the expression of aggrecan, Col2αl and SOX9 at the mRNA level was down-regulated. In contrast, the expression of Coll0ul and IL-6 was up-regulated after IL-1β treatment (P〈0.05). Meanwhile, the immune-staining of type II collagen and Safranine O staining were decreased, while the staining of type X collagen was increased. Compared with the Group IL, cell proliferation was increased, and apoptosis of chondrocytes was decreased when cells were treated with the pharmaco-semm of TRHH-herb pair (P〈0.05). The expression of aggrecan, Col2cd and SOX9 at the mRNA level was up-regulated, while that of Coll0cd and IL-6 was down-regulated (P〈0.05). Saffanine O staining also showed increased positive staining (P〈0.05). Taken together, the treatment of pharmaco-serum of TRHH-herb pair could prevent endplate chondrocyte degeneration induced by IL-1β. 展开更多
关键词 Pharmaco-serum TRHH-herb pair DEGENERATION Chondrocyte Intervertebral discs
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