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动静结合 含蓄深婉——杜甫《曲江对雨》赏读
作者 邹春 《语文天地(初中版)》 2011年第8期42-42,共1页
关键词 《曲江对雨 动静 赏读 杜甫 含蓄
作者 凌杰 《美术大观》 2008年第10期31-,共1页
  一、根据古代画论、古诗词或某种情感对雨的表现   1.古代画论对雨的论述和根据理论对雨的表现   (1)古代画论中雨的描述   本文中的古代画论主要出自王世襄先生的<中国画论研究>.对王世襄先生整理的画论中对四时景...   一、根据古代画论、古诗词或某种情感对雨的表现   1.古代画论对雨的论述和根据理论对雨的表现   (1)古代画论中雨的描述   本文中的古代画论主要出自王世襄先生的<中国画论研究>.对王世襄先生整理的画论中对四时景雨的论述进行摘录,再以此为纲,分别对国内以传统画论为依归的画家进行分类,分类时以有代表性的最突出点作为分类的依据.…… 展开更多
关键词 花鸟画 对雨 古诗词 古代画论 技法 撞水撞粉法
作者 刘芳 《作家》 北大核心 2008年第22期117-118,共2页
杜甫于乾元元年有《曲江对雨》一诗,其颔联"林花著雨燕脂落(湿)"末字在杜集中有数个版本,然而自诗话中出现"苏、黄、秦、佛印四骚客填杜诗"一条后,文学史上往往受其影响,认为此字为"湿",并用来说明"... 杜甫于乾元元年有《曲江对雨》一诗,其颔联"林花著雨燕脂落(湿)"末字在杜集中有数个版本,然而自诗话中出现"苏、黄、秦、佛印四骚客填杜诗"一条后,文学史上往往受其影响,认为此字为"湿",并用来说明"诗言志"。本文试图从文献、景物描写、诗词佐证、作者感情四个角度来分析,最终确定了"落"字比"湿"字更加合理。 展开更多
关键词 杜甫 曲江对雨 历代诗话
锦城一夜雨 红湿花枝重——杜甫《春夜喜雨》欣赏
作者 姚庆瑞 《唐都学刊》 1993年第4期25-25,共1页
关键词 春夜喜 杜甫诗 独明 锦官城 曲江对雨 江船 随风潜入夜 过苏端 知时节
十年苦憧憬 长安雨寄魂——浅谈杜甫在长安的咏雨诗
作者 寇建设 《渭南师范学院学报》 1986年第2期133-134,共2页
杜甫写雨抒怀的诗有六十多首,借雨以抒怀,或“伤民困于重敛”,或嗔怪劝戒;其悲愤感激,好贤恶恶,一见于诗。 诗人困居长安十年,不仅看到封建统治者的专横、昏瞆、荒淫;而且亲眼看到了在最高统治者扩边政策下,农业经济,人民生命财产所遭... 杜甫写雨抒怀的诗有六十多首,借雨以抒怀,或“伤民困于重敛”,或嗔怪劝戒;其悲愤感激,好贤恶恶,一见于诗。 诗人困居长安十年,不仅看到封建统治者的专横、昏瞆、荒淫;而且亲眼看到了在最高统治者扩边政策下,农业经济,人民生命财产所遭受的严重破坏,特别是他个人生活的下降,使他接近了下层人民,已从思想感情上对人民怀抱着深厚的同情。所以,这期间他写的咏雨诗除了反映黑暗的社会现实以外,还充分表现了诗人“穷年忧黎元”的思想。 展开更多
关键词 下层人民 居长安 最高统治者 九日寄岑参 封建统治者 个人生活 曲江对雨 农业经济 进三大礼赋表 《杜诗详注》
Pollination Biology of Ficus hispida in the Tropical Rainforests of Xishuangbanna, China 被引量:6
作者 杨大荣 彭艳琼 +4 位作者 宋启示 张光明 王瑞武 赵庭周 王秋艳 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第5期519-526,共8页
Ficus hispida L. (Moraceae) is a remarkable species in the ecosystem of tropical rainforests in Xishuangbanna, China. The figs and fig_pollination wasps (Chalcidoidae: Agaonidae) are highly co_evolved mutualists tha... Ficus hispida L. (Moraceae) is a remarkable species in the ecosystem of tropical rainforests in Xishuangbanna, China. The figs and fig_pollination wasps (Chalcidoidae: Agaonidae) are highly co_evolved mutualists that depend completely on each other for propagating descendants. Pollination of all fig species is done by fig wasps; their unique symbiotic associates, the fig wasps, cannot develop in anywhere except in the fig syconia. The present paper reports on the biology and flowering phenology of F. hispida , as well as the propagation character and pollination behavior of the fig wasps (Ceratosolen solmsi marchali Mayr) based on our observations in the rainforests of Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan of China. F. hispida is a dioecious tree that annually blossoms and bears fruits 6-8 times, with four to five fruit_bearing peaks. The male trees produce pollen and provide fig wasps with reproductive havens, while the female trees produce fig seeds after pollination by the female wasps. Pollen of F. hispida cannot escape from the dehiscent anthers until they are disturbed by fig wasps. The female wasps open the anthers and collect pollen with their antennal scrapes, mandibles and legs, and then carry pollen to the female receptive syconia where fertilization takes place. Meanwhile, some of the female wasps lay eggs in the male receptive syconia. It takes about 3-67 min to search for the receptive syconia for pollination, and 15-23 h to enter the female receptive syconia. The number of female wasps entering a syconium has close relation with the impregnation and seed_bearing rate of female flowers, as well as the oviposition and reproduction rate of the fig wasps themselves. F. hispida is endowed with a relatively high level of seed bearing (54.1%-82.5%, average 73.8 %). The wasp oviposition rate on the male flowers is between 72.3% and 93.8% with a mean of 84.4%. 展开更多
关键词 Ficus hispida Ceratosolen solmsi marchali pollination biology tropical rainforest XISHUANGBANNA
作者 徐辉 《陕西教育(教学)》 2013年第1期83-83,共1页
杜甫在他的诗歌中用过很多“湿”字,“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”(《春夜喜雨》)、“新鬼烦冤旧鬼哭,天阴雨湿声啾啾”(《兵车行》)、“自经丧乱少睡眠,长夜沾湿何由微”(《茅屋为秋风所破歌》)、“林花著雨燕脂湿,水荇牵风翠... 杜甫在他的诗歌中用过很多“湿”字,“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”(《春夜喜雨》)、“新鬼烦冤旧鬼哭,天阴雨湿声啾啾”(《兵车行》)、“自经丧乱少睡眠,长夜沾湿何由微”(《茅屋为秋风所破歌》)、“林花著雨燕脂湿,水荇牵风翠带长”(《曲江对雨》)、“香雾云鬟湿,清辉玉臂寒”(《月夜》)。杜甫诗中频繁地用“湿”字,这并不是偶然现象,而是作者有意为之。 展开更多
关键词 杜甫诗歌 《茅屋为秋风所破歌》 世界 透析 文化 人生 《春夜喜 《曲江对雨
作者 阿金 《家庭中医药》 1993年第1期57-57,共1页
唐代李中一首《咏红花》诗云:“红花颜色掩千花,任是猩猩血未加,染出轻罗莫相贵,古人崇俭戒奢华”。红花植株,层层青翠,叶片悦人眼目,给人以清新之感。当仲夏红花盛开之时,朵朵鲜花独生于茎顶,形似艳菊,花丛如繁星点点,在碧玉般叶片的... 唐代李中一首《咏红花》诗云:“红花颜色掩千花,任是猩猩血未加,染出轻罗莫相贵,古人崇俭戒奢华”。红花植株,层层青翠,叶片悦人眼目,给人以清新之感。当仲夏红花盛开之时,朵朵鲜花独生于茎顶,形似艳菊,花丛如繁星点点,在碧玉般叶片的映衬之下,仿佛是天然织就的瑰丽图案。 展开更多
关键词 繁星点点 诗云 李中一 相贵 朵朵鲜 戒奢 罗莫 红花菜 燕脂 曲江对雨
作者 邹伟宏 《小雪花(初中高分作文)》 2015年第6期35-37,共3页
华章溢彩起初,我也怀念江南的春大,"暮春三月,江南草长,杂花生树,群莺乱飞。"这样的名句是老窖名酒,是色香味俱全的。这四句里没有提到风,风原是看不见的,又无所不在的。江南的春风抚摸大地,像柳丝的飘拂。体贴万物,像细雨的... 华章溢彩起初,我也怀念江南的春大,"暮春三月,江南草长,杂花生树,群莺乱飞。"这样的名句是老窖名酒,是色香味俱全的。这四句里没有提到风,风原是看不见的,又无所不在的。江南的春风抚摸大地,像柳丝的飘拂。体贴万物,像细雨的滋润。这才草长,花开,莺飞……北京的春风真就是刮土吗? 展开更多
关键词 群莺乱飞 杂花生树 色香味 台湾姑娘 汪曾祺 半山春晚即事 陆文夫 林斤澜 曲江对雨 《北京文学》
作者 庄苇 《湖州师范学院学报》 1980年第4期53-54,共2页
法国的布封有一句名言:“风格即人”.我国历来有“文如其人”,“诗如其人”,“诗品出于人品”等说法,其实也是这个意思.“结庐在人境,而无车马喧,问君何能尔?心远地自偏.”这是陶渊明的诗,也是陶渊明其人.心中无功名利禄的想头,才能时... 法国的布封有一句名言:“风格即人”.我国历来有“文如其人”,“诗如其人”,“诗品出于人品”等说法,其实也是这个意思.“结庐在人境,而无车马喧,问君何能尔?心远地自偏.”这是陶渊明的诗,也是陶渊明其人.心中无功名利禄的想头,才能时“人境”“车马”的喧嚷视而不见,听而不闻,闹中得静;才能创造出“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”这样的意境,这种悠闲淡远的风格.渊明自己参加劳动,体验到一点劳动的甘苦,才能写出“平畴交远风,良苗亦怀新”那样的农事物候充满感情的诗句. 展开更多
关键词 风格即人 悠然见南山 采菊东篱下 布封 何能 陆放翁 魏阀 《沧浪诗话》 曲江对雨 《蜀道难》
Investigating the initiation and propagation processes of convection in heavy precipitation over the western Sichuan Basin 被引量:3
作者 LI Qin YANG Shuai +1 位作者 CUI Xiao-Peng GAO Shou-Ting 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2017年第3期235-242,共8页
Heavy precipitation events occur often over the western Sichuan Basin in summer, near the transition zone between the Sichuan Basin and the steep terrain of the Tibetan Plateau. One such event -- a heavy precipitation... Heavy precipitation events occur often over the western Sichuan Basin in summer, near the transition zone between the Sichuan Basin and the steep terrain of the Tibetan Plateau. One such event -- a heavy precipitation process that occurred on 18-20 August 2010, with clear nocturnal peaks -- is chosen as a case to tentatively explore how the convection associated with convectivescale precipitation is initiated and propagated. By utilizing the vertical momentum equation from the viewpoint of separating perturbation pressure into dynamic and thermal parts, it is demonstrated that the vertical momentum is induced by the imbalance of several forces, including the dynamic/buoyant part of the perturbation pressure gradient force and the buoyancy force, with the latter dominating during the nocturnal-peak period. Although a negative value of the dynamic perturbation pressure gradient force partly offsets the positive buoyant forcing inside the strong updraft, the pattern of vertical motion tendency is largely attributable to its buoyancy because of its larger magnitude. Relative to the buoyancy component, the dynamic part of the vertical perturbation pressure gradient is also examined, revealing a smaller order of magnitude. Thus, it is the thermal effect that should be responsible for the initiation and propagation of convection. As for the convective-scale precipitation, it always presents a trailing morphology relative to the strong leading-side updraft. Furthermore, overlapping strong signals of vertical motion and its tendency point towards strong precipitation in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy precipitation CONVECTION vertical momentum equation perturbation pressure equation
State of China’s climate in 2021 被引量:5
作者 Wei Li Shanshan Zhao +5 位作者 Yu Chen Ling Wang Wei Hou Yundi Jiang Xukai Zou Shuai Shi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第4期52-57,共6页
This report is a summary of China’s climate,as well as major weather and climate events,during 2021.In 2021,the mean temperature in China was 10.5°C,which was 1.0°C above normal(1981–2010 average)and broke... This report is a summary of China’s climate,as well as major weather and climate events,during 2021.In 2021,the mean temperature in China was 10.5°C,which was 1.0°C above normal(1981–2010 average)and broke the highest record since 1951.The annual rainfall in China was 672.1 mm,which was 6.7%above normal.Also,the annual rainfall in northern China was 40.2%above normal,which ranked second highest since 1961.The rainstorm intensity in the rainy season was strong and featured significant extremes,and disasters caused by rainstorms and flooding were more serious than the average in the past decade.In particular,the extremely strong rainstorm in Henan during July and autumn caused flooding in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River with severe consequences.Heatwaves occurred more frequently than normal,and their durations in southern China were longer than normal in summer and autumn.Phased drought was obvious,and caused serious impacts in South China.The number of generated and landfalling typhoons was lower than normal;however,Typhoon In-fa broke the record for the longest overland duration,held since 1949,and affected a wide area.Severe convective weather and extreme windy weather occurred frequently,causing serious impacts.The number of cold waves was more than normal,which caused wide-ranging extremely low temperatures in many places.Sandstorms appeared earlier than normal in 2021,and the number of strong dust storm processes was more than normal. 展开更多
关键词 Climate state Meteorological disasters RAINSTORM Convective weather events 2021
作者 林毅 刘爱鸣 林新彬 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2003年第1期80-85,共6页
In this paper, time and space distribution regularity of meso-scale heavy rains in five selected typhoons which landed at Fujian from 1996 to 1998 has been analyzed. Besides, with hourly digitized satellite infrared i... In this paper, time and space distribution regularity of meso-scale heavy rains in five selected typhoons which landed at Fujian from 1996 to 1998 has been analyzed. Besides, with hourly digitized satellite infrared imagery, the features of the mesoscale are revealed for the genesis and evolution of mesoscale convective systems in typhoons. It indicates that the intensity of mesoscale storms is closely connected with the temperature and the area of the coldest cloud cluster. The heavy rainfall usually emerges on the eastern side of the mesoscale convective cloud clusters, where the cloud mass is developing and with a dense gradient and big curvature of isoline of the cloud top temperature. 展开更多
关键词 TYPHOONS MESOSCALE heavy rains convective cloud clusters
作者 蒙伟光 李江南 +3 位作者 王安宇 冯瑞权 古志明 闫敬华 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第2期144-153,共10页
A sensitive numerical simulation study is carded out to investigate the effects of condensation heating and surface fluxes on the development of a South China MCS that occurred during 23 - 24 May 1998. The results rev... A sensitive numerical simulation study is carded out to investigate the effects of condensation heating and surface fluxes on the development of a South China MCS that occurred during 23 - 24 May 1998. The results reveal the following: (1) Condensation heating plays an important role in the development of MCS. In every different stage, without condensation heating, MCS precipitation is significantly reduced, and quickly dissipates. (2) Condensation heating demonstrates most importantly during the early development stages of MCS vortex; as the vortex develops stronger, the condensation heating effects reduces. (3) By affecting the MCS development processes, condensation heating also influences the formation of MCS mesoscale environment structure features such as low-level jet (mLLJ), upper-level divergence. (4) By changing the antecedent environmental circulation, the surface fluxes also play an important role in the development of MCS. Because of the surface heating, pressure declines over the heavy rainfall and MCS happening regions, which results in the intensification of southerly flows from the ocean along the South China coastline areas, and leads to the enhancement of horizontal convergence and increase of vapor amount in the lower layer. All of these make the atmosphere more unstable and more favorable for the convection. 展开更多
关键词 condensation heating surface fluxes mesoscale convective system (MCS) South China heavyrainfall numerical simulation
Analysis of a Wenzhou-Hitting Exceptionally Strong Rainstorm Associated with a Typhoon Inverted Trough in September,1999
作者 郑峰 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2010年第1期39-47,共9页
Using T106 numerical products, MM5 simulations in conjunction of Q-vector scheme-computed NCEP results, observations and satellite cloud images, study is undertaken for an exceptionally intense rainstorm event afflict... Using T106 numerical products, MM5 simulations in conjunction of Q-vector scheme-computed NCEP results, observations and satellite cloud images, study is undertaken for an exceptionally intense rainstorm event afflicting the Wenzhou region of Zhejiang province far away from the tropical storm center happening early on the morning of September 4, 1999 (TS9909 hereinafter). Evidence suggests that, like previously-studied typhoons landing in autumn south of Xiamen to the eastern part of Guangdong, TS9909 has an inverted trough in the central south of the coastal belt of Zhejiang province that produces the rainstorm from the meso convective complex (MCC) on the warm, moist shear inside; the time and order of the magnitude of the rainfall are bound up with the development of the pattern of strong Q-vector divergence gradients during the event for the study area; the NE - SW coastline and the unique topography of the Yandang mountains inside the region are favorable for air lifting are the major contributors to the torrential rains. 展开更多
关键词 long-distance-away typhoon rainstorm inverted trough MCC Q-vector divergence gradient
Analysis of Physical Quantities and Radar Parameters about Hail Shooting and Heavy Convective Rainfall
作者 陈金敏 刁秀广 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2434-2437,2441,共5页
[Objective] The paper is to analyze physical quantities and radar parameter of hail shooting and heavy convective rainfall weather. [Method] Using radar data of Jinan station during 2002 and 2008, combined with soundi... [Objective] The paper is to analyze physical quantities and radar parameter of hail shooting and heavy convective rainfall weather. [Method] Using radar data of Jinan station during 2002 and 2008, combined with sounding data, the physical quantities and radar parameter of hail shooting and heavy convective rainfall weather are compared and analyzed. [Result] The smaller Sl is conducive to the generation of hail weather. When K〉 35 ~C, the probability for occurrence of heavy rainfall weather is significantly increased; when K〈20 ^(3, the probability for occurrence of heavy rainfall weather is significantly decreased. When CAPE value is greater than 1 500 J/KG, the probability for occurrence of hail weather is significantly decreased, while the probability for occurrence of heavy rainfall weather is significantly in- creased. The possibility for occurrence of hail monomer is small when the wind shear is less than 5 m/s; and it is large while wind shear is greater than 20 m/s. The radar forecasting indexes of hail monomer is as follows: VIL value reaches 35 kg/m2 (May), 43 kg/m2 (June and July), the monomer height is greater than 9 km, the maximum reflectivity factor is larger than 60 dBz, strong center height reaches 3.3 km (May), 4.3 km (June) and 5.5 km (July); VlL value of heavy rainfall monomer generally is below 25 kg/m2. [Conclusion] The paper provides basis form prediction of hail and heavy rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 HAIL Heavy convective rainfall VIL Weather radar parameter
作者 丁治英 王勇 +1 位作者 沈新勇 徐海明 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第3期276-284,共9页
Using the WRF(Weather Research Forecast)model,this work performed analysis and simulation on the rainband change during the landfall of Typhoon Haitang(2005)and found that breaking may occur over land and oceans leads... Using the WRF(Weather Research Forecast)model,this work performed analysis and simulation on the rainband change during the landfall of Typhoon Haitang(2005)and found that breaking may occur over land and oceans leads to distinct asymmetric precipitation.The breaking is related to the topographic effect as well as interactions between the typhoon and midlatitude systems at upper levels.During the landfall,divergent flows at the 200-hPa level of the South-Asian high combined with divergent flows at the periphery of the typhoon to form a weak,inverted trough in the northwest part of the storm,with the mid- and low-level divergence fields on the west and northwest side of the typhoon center maintaining steadily.It intensifies the upper-level cyclonic flows,in association with positive vorticity rotating counterclockwise together with air currents that travel stepwise into a vorticity zone in the vicinity of the typhoon core, thereby forming a vorticity transfer belt in 22–25°N that extends to the eastern part of the storm.It is right here that the high-level vorticity band is subsiding so that rainfall is prevented from developing,resulting in the rainbelt breaking,which is the principal cause of asymmetric precipitation occurrence.Migrating into its outer region,the banded vorticity of Haitang at high levels causes further amplification of the cyclonic circulation in the western part and transfer of positive vorticity into the typhoon such that the rainband breaking is more distinct. 展开更多
关键词 TYPHOON rainband asymmetric precipitation WRF interactions
作者 于杰 张铭 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第1期79-86,共8页
This paper presents a study on potential instability and spiral structure of unstable rain clusters.First,we develop a linearized non-axisymmetrical mathematic model for rain clusters in circular cylindrical coordinat... This paper presents a study on potential instability and spiral structure of unstable rain clusters.First,we develop a linearized non-axisymmetrical mathematic model for rain clusters in circular cylindrical coordinates and acquire its analytic solution.Second,we discuss the potential instability of non-axisymmetrical rain clusters.Finally,we conclude that spiral structures can exist in rain clusters.Our analysis indicates that potential instability occurs when humid stratification coefficient is less than zero.Unstable growth rate increases with the increase of the absolute value for humid stratification coefficient.The simpler the vertical structure of perturbation,the thicker the inversion layer;additionally,the smaller the radius of the rain clusters,the larger the unstable growth rate.Simulation results agree well with those from observation and forecast.The spiral structure simulated by our model is similar to a radar echo,suggesting that rain clusters with spiral structures can occur in the atmosphere.In addition,they are generally close to the model solution in this work. 展开更多
关键词 rain clusters mathematic model spiral structure potential instability
Tropical Cyclone Tilts Under Vertically Varying Background Flows:Preliminary Results Based upon TCM4 Simulations 被引量:1
作者 ZHENG Qikang LI Qingqing 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1066-1074,共9页
The characteristics of tropical cyclone(TC) tilts under vertically varying background flows were preliminarily examined in this study based on numerical simulations with the Tropical Cyclone Model version 4(TCM4).The ... The characteristics of tropical cyclone(TC) tilts under vertically varying background flows were preliminarily examined in this study based on numerical simulations with the Tropical Cyclone Model version 4(TCM4).The tilt magnitudes presented a linearly decreasing tendency in the simulation with the environmental wind speed vertically varying throughout the troposphere and in the simulation with the vertical wind shear concentrated in the lower troposphere,while the vortex tilt showed a linearly increasing tendency in magnitude in the simulation where the vertical shear was concentrated in the upper troposphere.The change in tilt magnitude was found to be related to the evolution of the penetration depth near the eyewall.When the shear was concentrated in the lower troposphere,the vortex tended to tilt downshear right during the early integration and underwent more precession processes.When the shear was concentrated in the upper troposphere,the vortex rapidly tilted downshear left during the early simulation and vortex precession was less frequently observed.The storms simulated in all experiments were finally in downshear-left tilt equilibrium. 展开更多
关键词 tropical cyclone TILT vertical wind shear penetration depth
Effect of lake surface temperature on the summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau
作者 ZHANG Xiao DUAN Ke-qin +1 位作者 SHI Pei-hong YANG Jun-hua 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期802-810,共9页
There are numerous lakes on the Tibetan Plateau(TP),but the role of lake temperature in precipitation over the TP remains unclear.Here the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model was used to detect the impact of l... There are numerous lakes on the Tibetan Plateau(TP),but the role of lake temperature in precipitation over the TP remains unclear.Here the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model was used to detect the impact of lakes on summer rainfall.Three test cases were used to evaluate the effect of lakes surface temperature(LSTs) on precipitation variability.The three cases used different methods to determine initial LSTs,including using sea surface temperature data(SST),the WRF inland water module(avg_tsfc),and a lake model.Results show that when precipitation was stimulated over the TP,LSTs cannot be initialized using SST,which led to large discrepancies of precipitation.Compared with the simulations,the simulated precipitation were improved obviously with LSTs using avg_tsfc,indicating that LSTs have an considerable influence on determining precipitation over the TP.Due to a lack of observational data,the lake scheme does not improve on rainfall simulation,but does effectively simulate precipitation pattern over lakes,such as rainfall over the lakes was dominated by convection during the nighttime.Though the simulated precipitation using SST to initialize LSTs caused largediscrepancies,it suggested that precipitation increase especially convective precipitation with increase in LSTs,which confirmed that the moisture from lakes cannot be neglected over the TP.Generally,it was necessary to monitor the LSTs for accurate weather and climate prediction over the TP. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau Weather forecast PRECIPITATION Lake surface temperature
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