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作者 吴奇兵 陈庆红 +2 位作者 杨娜 刘红征 方天净 《城市设计》 2024年第3期16-19,共4页
本文探讨了西城区法源寺文保区的保护更新项目,特别关注烂缦胡同的景观提升与试点院落改造。该项目自2018年启动,以问题和目标为导向,实施了小规模、渐进式的有机更新策略,通过市政基础设施的完善、建筑腾退、业态转型等措施,旨在提升... 本文探讨了西城区法源寺文保区的保护更新项目,特别关注烂缦胡同的景观提升与试点院落改造。该项目自2018年启动,以问题和目标为导向,实施了小规模、渐进式的有机更新策略,通过市政基础设施的完善、建筑腾退、业态转型等措施,旨在提升居民生活质量并保护街区的历史风貌。项目通过强化党建引领,形成了共治共享的社区治理模式;深入挖掘历史文化价值,采用新材料、新技术推动市政改造,精心设计以保护历史文化街区风貌,盘活腾退空间,实现低效楼宇升级改造,科学组织交通,引入城市大脑实现管理智能化,并推动社区营造长效化,打造品牌力量。 展开更多
关键词 老旧平房院落更新 法源文保 景观提升 试点院落改造
作者 谭仕敏 黄建中 +3 位作者 孙骥 杜云 陈启亮 曹创华 《地球学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期913-925,共13页
湘东北雁林寺金矿集区是湖南重要的独立金矿产基地之一,一直以来众多学者对于矿集区内金的沉淀富集机制争论不休。本文通过对金矿成矿流体包裹体及同位素组成研究,反演了成矿流体演化过程和流体地球化学条件变化,了解了金富集成矿的关... 湘东北雁林寺金矿集区是湖南重要的独立金矿产基地之一,一直以来众多学者对于矿集区内金的沉淀富集机制争论不休。本文通过对金矿成矿流体包裹体及同位素组成研究,反演了成矿流体演化过程和流体地球化学条件变化,了解了金富集成矿的关键机制。研究结果表明:矿集区内的金矿床流体包裹体类型有含CO_(2)包裹体(C型)和水溶液包裹体(W型),包裹体均一温度范围主要为143~231℃,盐度主要分布在(2~9)wt%NaClequiv,成矿流体为中低温、低盐度的CO_(2)-H_(2)O-NaCl体系。矿集区的成矿流体δ^(18)O值范围为4.5‰~9.7‰,δD值的变化范围为–66.8‰~–46‰。方解石δ^(13)CVPDB为–4.7‰~–3.7‰,δ^(18)OSNOW为10.6‰~15.0‰。矿集区的C-H-O同位素组成表明成矿流体性质可能为变质水,与流体包裹体特征反应的结果一致。矿集区内Au以Au(HS)_(2)^(-)络合物形式赋存于低温、低盐度的CO_(2)-H_(2)O-NaCl变质流体体系进行迁移,流体的不混溶作用是金矿富集成矿的关键。 展开更多
关键词 金成矿作用 碳-氢-氧同位素 流体包裹体 雁林金矿集 湘东北
作者 刘丽芳 薛会 《资源与产业》 2006年第3期71-74,共4页
孔店—灯明寺探区位于黄骅坳陷南部,油气资源丰富,但随着勘探程度的提高,勘探难度越来越大。这就要求勘探者不仅要明确剩余资源潜力,而且要对剩余油气藏的规模结构及勘探效益有比较清晰的认识。本文应用发现过程抽样分析模型对该区剩余... 孔店—灯明寺探区位于黄骅坳陷南部,油气资源丰富,但随着勘探程度的提高,勘探难度越来越大。这就要求勘探者不仅要明确剩余资源潜力,而且要对剩余油气藏的规模结构及勘探效益有比较清晰的认识。本文应用发现过程抽样分析模型对该区剩余油气藏规模结构进行了预测,在此基础上,通过仿真模拟实现了探区勘探效益的预测。预测结果表明,孔店—灯明寺探区大部分剩余石油资源分布于中、小规模油藏中;未来20年,累计探明储量仍呈稳定增长趋势,但勘探效益将缓慢递减。 展开更多
关键词 孔店-灯明 资源结构 勘探效益 发现过程 仿真模拟
作者 李恩花 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2010年第3期129-130,共2页
关键词 煤层厚度 变化特点 影响因素 狮王勘探
陕西商洛马角寺钼矿区土壤地球化学特征及找矿前景——地球化学找矿的典型实例 被引量:2
作者 雷明选 魏明非 +2 位作者 高虔 孙青 惠伟光 《物探化探计算技术》 CAS CSCD 2014年第3期347-357,共11页
陕西商洛马角寺钼矿位于小秦岭多金属成矿带西部,矿区出露元古界至新生界地层,区内褶皱和断裂较为发育。1∶50 000水系沉积物测量在本区圈出Mo、Pb、Zn等元素异常,指示有多金属找矿前景。在区内开展1∶10 000土壤测量工作,并对取得的大... 陕西商洛马角寺钼矿位于小秦岭多金属成矿带西部,矿区出露元古界至新生界地层,区内褶皱和断裂较为发育。1∶50 000水系沉积物测量在本区圈出Mo、Pb、Zn等元素异常,指示有多金属找矿前景。在区内开展1∶10 000土壤测量工作,并对取得的大量数据进行统计分析,研究总结矿区土壤地球化学特征,显示本区Mo、(Au)为成矿元素,Ag、Pb、Zn等为指示元素;同时,在区内再次圈出Mo、Ag、Pb、Zn等元素异常,异常再现性较好。运用1∶2 000地球化学剖面对土壤异常进行查证,发现一条含钼矿化构造带(Q1),从中圈出Mo矿体多条。综合研究1∶10 000地球化学特征显示,本区仍有Mo、(Au)矿床的找矿前景。 展开更多
关键词 土壤地球化学 土壤测量 元素异常 找矿前景 马角钼矿
作者 练佳 《风景名胜》 2019年第4期142-143,145,共3页
都江堰青城山道观园林历史悠久,是中国几千年物质与精神文明相结合的艺术瑰宝,形成了独具一格的园林营造典范。景前区作为寺观景观序列的门户空间,把道法自然的仙界与世俗纷乱的凡界分隔开来,对整个园林的意境营造起着重要的作用。文章... 都江堰青城山道观园林历史悠久,是中国几千年物质与精神文明相结合的艺术瑰宝,形成了独具一格的园林营造典范。景前区作为寺观景观序列的门户空间,把道法自然的仙界与世俗纷乱的凡界分隔开来,对整个园林的意境营造起着重要的作用。文章以景前区的形成、作用以及空间营造为脉络,在对建福宫、天师洞、祖师殿、上清宫、老君阁等典型的青城山道观园林景前区的分析比较之中,总结其园林设计手法,以期为现代寺观园林景前区设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 青城山道观园林 观景前 景观序列 空间营造
作者 胡元剑 卢建华 《山西档案》 北大核心 1990年第3期46-47,共2页
关键词 广胜 山西省洪洞县 水神庙 霍泉 隔层 寺区 前殿 十二圆觉菩萨
作者 邵仰武 《运城学院学报》 1984年第3期81-75,共2页
万固寺位于今永济县城西南十三公里中条山腰,是蒲州府著名寺院。古往今来,这座寺院的建筑,寺区的风景,吸引着无数游人。《永济县志》赞它“水自石根流出,风从松顶飘来”,流水、阶石、山风、松林在这个对偶佳句里,象一幅风景画,多么招人... 万固寺位于今永济县城西南十三公里中条山腰,是蒲州府著名寺院。古往今来,这座寺院的建筑,寺区的风景,吸引着无数游人。《永济县志》赞它“水自石根流出,风从松顶飘来”,流水、阶石、山风、松林在这个对偶佳句里,象一幅风景画,多么招人喜爱。唐大历十才子之一的耿讳迷上了这儿的风光,他以“云开半夜千林静,月上中峰分外明”的诗句,写出了他夜游万固寺的独特感受。云开月升,峰明林静,好一个清新恬静的所在,多么令人神往。 展开更多
关键词 万固 永济县 寺区 十才子 独特感受 明林 中条 石根 蒲州府 林静
作者 程文 《教育家》 2015年第7期23-,共1页
四川省邛崃市高何中心小学位于邛崃市高何镇,与石塔寺区苏维埃政府旧址相距不远,是一所具有近百年办学历史的偏远山区学校。近年来,学校从实际出发,积极更新教育理念,大力开展校园文化建设。希望以此让山区的孩子们也可以接受到优质的教... 四川省邛崃市高何中心小学位于邛崃市高何镇,与石塔寺区苏维埃政府旧址相距不远,是一所具有近百年办学历史的偏远山区学校。近年来,学校从实际出发,积极更新教育理念,大力开展校园文化建设。希望以此让山区的孩子们也可以接受到优质的教育,为学生打造一双有力的翅膀,为他们飞出山区,飞向更广阔的天空创造条件。学校基本发展状况学校始建于1917年,现有在编在岗教职工16人。 展开更多
关键词 苏维埃政府 校园文化建设 邛崃市 寺区 高何镇 教育理念 中心小学 从实际出发 爱国主义教育 教师教学质量
关于千年寺街的保护、建设和利用——张謇旅游文化系列谈之四 被引量:4
作者 陈炅 姚谦 +1 位作者 赵鹏 孙模 《南通工学院学报》 2002年第1期63-66,共4页
江苏省南通市的寺街街区是省内现今存留为数不多的古街区。寺街古街区保留着自唐代以来的建筑群落和多处有历史价值的政治、经济、宗教、文化教育等设施,蕴藏着丰富的人文资源。文章针对寺街古街区的保护与建设,结合张謇旅游文化的开发... 江苏省南通市的寺街街区是省内现今存留为数不多的古街区。寺街古街区保留着自唐代以来的建筑群落和多处有历史价值的政治、经济、宗教、文化教育等设施,蕴藏着丰富的人文资源。文章针对寺街古街区的保护与建设,结合张謇旅游文化的开发,提出了一些建设性意见。 展开更多
关键词 街古街 人文景观 张謇 旅游
作者 王世荣 桂林国 +1 位作者 施建新 陈广梅 《蚕桑茶叶通讯》 2004年第4期9-10,共2页
关键词 堡新蚕 家蚕 小蚕共育 大蚕户育 温度 通风 湿度 卫生防病 桑叶质量 给桑时间 立体饲养
Status quo and Existing Problems of Seismic Prevention Planning in Counties and Districts——a Case Study of Hongsibao District, Wuzhong City,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
作者 杨银科 刘聪 +1 位作者 苗丁丁 南静静 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1488-1492,1497,共6页
This paper introduced domestic and overseas status, the historical evolution and the development history of earthquake disaster reduction planning. The urgencies and realistic significance were analyzed to carry out e... This paper introduced domestic and overseas status, the historical evolution and the development history of earthquake disaster reduction planning. The urgencies and realistic significance were analyzed to carry out earthquake disaster reduction planning for districts or countries in the northwest. With Hongsibao District in Wuzhong City, Ningxia Province as an example, this article analyzed in detail the present situation and the special problems of earthquake disaster reduction planning in Northwest China. The relevant solving measures were put forward in order to offer a reference for the scientific establishment and effective implementation of earth- quake disaster reduction planning in Northwest China. The foundation of earthquake disaster reduction in the Hongsibao District is still very weak, there is a single earthquake monitoring means, the emergency rescue system is not complete, the working mechanism is not perfect, and the lack of funding for the work of earthquake disaster reduction. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake control and disaster prevention and reduction planning Statics quo Influential factors Hongsibao District
作者 李桥江 陈鹏 《新疆人文地理》 2012年第7期44-49,共6页
从新疆阿克苏地区库车县回来以后,我常常想起夕阳笼罩着的庞大的苏巴什佛寺遗址,那些穿越千年时光,耸立着的残损的佛塔、依然震撼人心的宫殿、僧侣们生活起居的禅房、荒芜的只剩下初冬的冷风和戈壁石的路径……有时候,我似乎跟随着三藏... 从新疆阿克苏地区库车县回来以后,我常常想起夕阳笼罩着的庞大的苏巴什佛寺遗址,那些穿越千年时光,耸立着的残损的佛塔、依然震撼人心的宫殿、僧侣们生活起居的禅房、荒芜的只剩下初冬的冷风和戈壁石的路径……有时候,我似乎跟随着三藏法师回到了1300多年前的苏巴什大寺。这种奇怪的现象,促使我不得不问自己究竟来自何方,现实的存在预示着什么,最终我又将要到哪里去? 展开更多
关键词 苏巴什 库车河 三藏法师 新疆阿克苏 建筑遗迹 《大唐西域记》 讲经 生活起居 克孜尔石窟 寺区
对北秦岭太阳寺矿集区金矿成矿特征的初步认识 被引量:21
作者 胡晓隆 赵利利 《甘肃地质》 2008年第1期41-46,共6页
甘肃省天水冯家场—两当太阳寺一带,是近年来资源评价和矿产勘查的重点,是秦岭-大别成矿省北秦岭成矿带中重要的矿化集中区。文章在分析区域构造背景的基础上,对该区成矿特征进行了初步总结,选择典型矿床进行了介绍,初次把该区命名为太... 甘肃省天水冯家场—两当太阳寺一带,是近年来资源评价和矿产勘查的重点,是秦岭-大别成矿省北秦岭成矿带中重要的矿化集中区。文章在分析区域构造背景的基础上,对该区成矿特征进行了初步总结,选择典型矿床进行了介绍,初次把该区命名为太阳寺矿集区,这将对该区矿产勘查工作部署,深入研究矿集区成矿规律具有参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 太阳矿集 成矿特征 北秦岭
Emergence of Temple Centered Society in Early Bihar: Mundesvari Inscription a Case in Point
《History Research》 2012年第5期332-340,共9页
In the early medieval economic and social circumstances religious centers developed in Bihar, which further led to the construction of temples by the rulers as well as by the locally powerful communities. It must be n... In the early medieval economic and social circumstances religious centers developed in Bihar, which further led to the construction of temples by the rulers as well as by the locally powerful communities. It must be noted that these temples were not as gigantic or of great artistic value either as compared to the Buddhist monasteries of contemporary Bihar. The reason behind this was probably the fact that the Buddhist monasteries were built by the state or supported directly by them as well as patronized by the rich business community. On the contrary, few of the Brahamanical structures were getting these advantages and they were having support of the local followers. From the various excavation and exploration reports by archaeologists, temple structures of this period have been reported very often. But the ancient historiography of Bihar obsessed with the Buddhist, Jaina and other heterodox monuments, has tended to just ignore it. The question why such a large number of temples came up during this period, which is spread over the whole of modem Bihar, particularly near the important Buddhist sites, was never posed. Moreover, the question why the Pala rulers who were known for their Buddhist inclination later extended critical support to Brahmans has also remained unaddressed. 展开更多
关键词 trade urbanisation Agraian Brahmanism BUDDHISM Monestaries
Zakat, Local Social Organization, and Social Capital in Rural Economic Development
《Sociology Study》 2012年第3期189-197,共9页
Zakat as a source of development funding encourages well functioning of local organizations and social capital formation. Zakat management conducted by an organization with a set of norms promotes the development of l... Zakat as a source of development funding encourages well functioning of local organizations and social capital formation. Zakat management conducted by an organization with a set of norms promotes the development of local community organizations' function for the rural economic development activities. A case study was conducted in the Village of Patila, South Sulawesi Province. The community in this village successfully managed the selfsupporting development of social and agriculture infrastructures. Data collected were the activities of local organization of the board members of the mosque and educational development foundations, farmer group, and collective stall group. The results showed that a community truth on the mosque and educational development foundations was formed by the social infrastructure development of mosque and schools through the effectiveness of the zakat payment by rules (norms). Both development foundations could function well through the network with villagers who migrate to other island as a potential zakat payer. Strengthening the social development organization supported the development of collective stall and pump farming system. The process of social and economic development in the Village of Patila as well as social capital formation encouraged people to carry out selfsupport development activities. 展开更多
关键词 ZAKAT local organization social capital rural economic development
《煤炭工程》 1957年第8期35-40,共6页
在一般情况下,采矿部份总体规划应分为两个步骤进行。1.根据煤炭部的计划数字,进行井田划分,考虑条件如下:①地质条件:断层、煤层数、煤层厚度、煤质、煤牌号、煤层顶底板岩石特征、瓦斯湧出量、湧水量及煤层倾斜角度。②技术条件:井田... 在一般情况下,采矿部份总体规划应分为两个步骤进行。1.根据煤炭部的计划数字,进行井田划分,考虑条件如下:①地质条件:断层、煤层数、煤层厚度、煤质、煤牌号、煤层顶底板岩石特征、瓦斯湧出量、湧水量及煤层倾斜角度。②技术条件:井田泛围的大小(如有生产井时则必须考虑与生产井的互相配合)、开拓方式、采煤方法、运输、通风、排水、充填、生产能力及服务年限。 展开更多
关键词 岩石特征 总体规划 煤牌号 地质条件 生产井 采煤方法 寺区 开拓方式 松坎 口泉
Agricultural Land Use Intensity and Its Determinants in Ecologically-vulnerable Areas in North China:A Case Study of Taipusi County,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 被引量:8
作者 郝海广 李秀彬 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第2期117-125,共9页
Based on rural household survey data in Taipusi County in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, this article analyzes agricultural land use intensity and its determinants. The results reveal marked differences of agricult... Based on rural household survey data in Taipusi County in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, this article analyzes agricultural land use intensity and its determinants. The results reveal marked differences of agricultural land use intensity among households with different ages of householders, proportion of non-farm participants, total agricultural land area, land fragmentation and land utilization capacity. (i) Households with older householders and households with a smaller proportion of non-farming laborers generally spend more time on managing their land and invest less capital and materials than other households. The proportion of non-farming laborers within younger households is relatively high, and they tend to invest more capital and materials because the income derived from non-farm employment relaxes their financial constraints. (ii) Land fragmentation is an important determinant of land use intensity. Households with a bigger land size per plot usually spend less time and invest more capital and materials on their land; (iii) Land with better quality is usually managed intensively. The results suggest that labor has become an important constraint for local agricultural production, and there is the potential to improve land management scale and increase machinery input to substitute for labor. Furthermore, the effects of non-farm employment on land use intensity indicate that the establishment of a coordination mechanism between non-farm employment and agricultural land use is an important way to solve the conflict between ecological security and agricultural production in ecologically-vulnerable areas. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural land use intensity non-farm employment ecologically-vulnerable areas TaipusiCounty
Impacts of Part-time Farming on Agricultural Land Use in Ecologically-vulnerable Areas in North China 被引量:6
作者 郝海广 李秀彬 张继平 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第1期70-79,共10页
Part-time farming has been increasing steadily in China. It is currently the largest segment among all the farm sectors in the country. Based on rural household survey data in Taipusi County as a case site ofecologica... Part-time farming has been increasing steadily in China. It is currently the largest segment among all the farm sectors in the country. Based on rural household survey data in Taipusi County as a case site ofecologically-vulnerable areas in North China, we firstly classify farm households into four types according to the proportion of non-farm income in total income, and then compare their agricultural land use patterns to empirically examine the impacts of part-time farming on agricultural land use in this area. The results suggest that non-farming households rent out all their land and give up farming, and this satisfies the expectation of other households to expand land area. The crop planting structure was not significantly different among the households, which reflected the farmers' will to pursuit labor productivity. Part-time farming households invest more capital and materials than full-time faming households because the income derived from non-farm employment relaxes the financial constraint of households. However, the amount of labor input of part-time farming households tends to be less, and farming practices are dominated by the elderly, female and laborers withrelative low educations.Yields of crops and the benefit of agricultural land use incline to reduce, which suggest that the potential of land use productivity is more elastic to labor inputs than capital inputs in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 part-time farming agricultural land use rural labor 0ne-way ANOVA ecologically-vulnerableareas Taipusi County
作者 赵旭虹 高坚 《天下美食》 2010年第7期69-69,共1页
广州,有这么一家粤菜酒家,连口刁的香港人也要坐着广九直通车去品尝它的山坑鸡、片皮鸭,当然还少不了那超值的古法浓汤翅,因为是正宗的港式粤菜主理?还是因为酒家的灵魂人物良哥是香港顶级富豪和政要喜用"御厨"?我等口谗之辈... 广州,有这么一家粤菜酒家,连口刁的香港人也要坐着广九直通车去品尝它的山坑鸡、片皮鸭,当然还少不了那超值的古法浓汤翅,因为是正宗的港式粤菜主理?还是因为酒家的灵魂人物良哥是香港顶级富豪和政要喜用"御厨"?我等口谗之辈,当然不会错过这样酒家。 展开更多
关键词 片皮 口刁 御厨 灵魂人物 有道 北京烤鸭 熬制 寺区 董建 占法
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