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舰船电子设备寿命件管理方案研究 被引量:1
作者 陈瑜 《舰船电子工程》 2016年第8期157-160,共4页
论文分析了某型舰船电子寿命件研究现状,探讨了寿命件管理的理论基础和方法体系,在此基础上提出了舰船电子寿命件的管理总体方案。论文的研究可指导制定舰船电子寿命件目录清单,科学、合理地管理电子寿命件,提高维修针对性,提高设备运... 论文分析了某型舰船电子寿命件研究现状,探讨了寿命件管理的理论基础和方法体系,在此基础上提出了舰船电子寿命件的管理总体方案。论文的研究可指导制定舰船电子寿命件目录清单,科学、合理地管理电子寿命件,提高维修针对性,提高设备运行的完好性,保障设备安全运行具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 子设备 寿命件 管理方案
基于寿命件的民航发动机送修目标确定方法 被引量:6
作者 付旭云 陈银 钟诗胜 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1556-1561,共6页
为了科学合理地制定维修工作范围,提出了一种面向全寿命周期的基于寿命件的民航发动机送修目标确定方法.首先以全寿命周期内送修次数最少、寿命件总成本最低、目标在翼总循环最长为优化目标,建立了多目标优化模型;在分析各优化目标的基... 为了科学合理地制定维修工作范围,提出了一种面向全寿命周期的基于寿命件的民航发动机送修目标确定方法.首先以全寿命周期内送修次数最少、寿命件总成本最低、目标在翼总循环最长为优化目标,建立了多目标优化模型;在分析各优化目标的基础上,提出了一种基于分步求解策略的模型求解方法;最后,采用某航空公司一台航发动机的实际数据对提出的送修目标确定方法进行了验证.结果表明提出的方法能够基于妥协系数和各优化目标权重实现全寿命期内送修次数和寿命件总成本的平衡,能够为发动机送修目标的确定提供决策支持,避免了送修目标确定的随意性. 展开更多
关键词 民航发动机 维修工作范围 送修目标 寿命件 寿命周期
一种多寿命件机会更换策略启发式搜索算法 被引量:4
作者 付旭云 田亚鹏 +1 位作者 钟诗胜 林龙祥 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期1971-1977,共7页
针对多寿命件机会更换问题缺乏快速有效求解算法的难题,提出了一种启发式搜索算法。以全生命周期寿命件总成本最低为优化目标,建立了多寿命件机会更换问题优化模型,将问题解空间表达为树结构;为了提高搜索算法的效率,提出了子节点生成... 针对多寿命件机会更换问题缺乏快速有效求解算法的难题,提出了一种启发式搜索算法。以全生命周期寿命件总成本最低为优化目标,建立了多寿命件机会更换问题优化模型,将问题解空间表达为树结构;为了提高搜索算法的效率,提出了子节点生成方法和单层节点数量控制方法;在此基础上,提出了启发式搜索算法;最后,采用数值实验和应用案例对提出算法进行了评估和验证。结果表明:算法的消耗时间、求解效果与子节点生成系数α、单层节点最大数量β存在关系;当选取合适的α和β时,算法能够在较短时间内取得较好的效果;算法能够适用于设备总寿命为200000时间单位、包含100个寿命件的较大规模的多寿命件机会更换问题。 展开更多
关键词 机会更换 启发式搜索 维修时机 寿命件更换 航空发动机
基于Minitab的通用航空发动机寿命件可靠性分析方法 被引量:9
作者 侯甲栋 闫锋 李明 《航空维修与工程》 2013年第2期74-76,共3页
关键词 Minitab 通用航空发动机 寿命件 可靠性
导弹武器装备备件数量计算方法研究 被引量:16
作者 于静 吴进煌 《战术导弹技术》 2003年第2期56-60,共5页
基于导弹装备备件储存不合理的现状 ,探讨了寿命服从指数分布、正态分布和威布尔分布的导弹部件的初始备件需求量 ,以及可修复件和不可修复件的后续备件数量的计算方法 .讨论了备件保障和战备完好性的关系 ,指出按战备完好性要求配置备... 基于导弹装备备件储存不合理的现状 ,探讨了寿命服从指数分布、正态分布和威布尔分布的导弹部件的初始备件需求量 ,以及可修复件和不可修复件的后续备件数量的计算方法 .讨论了备件保障和战备完好性的关系 ,指出按战备完好性要求配置备件是科学。 展开更多
关键词 导弹武器装备 数量 计算方法 供应保障 初始备 指数寿命件 正态寿命件 威布尔寿命件 后续需求量 战备完好性
作者 黄明 《中国修船》 2020年第4期19-21,共3页
关键词 可靠性 故障率 指数寿命件 正态寿命件 威布尔寿命件
立式刮刀卸料离心脱水机的改进及常见故障诊断 被引量:17
作者 温艳辉 阚晓平 石永超 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2008年第8期123-125,共3页
关键词 刮刀卸料离心机 易损寿命 故障诊断
航空发动机寿命限制件工作边界系统级分析模型 被引量:2
作者 丁水汀 邱天 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期1666-1674,共9页
针对提高航空发动机系统安全性的迫切需求,以发动机本质特征和探索性研究成果为依据,分析了寿命限制件工作边界系统级分析模型(systematic model for engine life limited parts operating boundary analysis,SMELLIPOBA)的必要属性及... 针对提高航空发动机系统安全性的迫切需求,以发动机本质特征和探索性研究成果为依据,分析了寿命限制件工作边界系统级分析模型(systematic model for engine life limited parts operating boundary analysis,SMELLIPOBA)的必要属性及各属性对应的技术基础,总结了相关技术基础领域的研究进展,介绍了SMELLI-POBA的发展现状,展望了这一领域未来研究方向.得出如下结论:满足适航性设计需求的SMELLIPOBA需具备耦合性、动态性、不确定性、学科交叉、多尺度等属性,未来SMELLIPOBA的发展仍将以上述属性为主线. 展开更多
关键词 航空发动机 安全性 寿命限制 工作边界 系统级分析模型
航空营运人的维修方案 ——飞机维修方案内容及要求
作者 江波 《军民两用技术与产品》 2016年第2期11-12,共2页
本文对航空营运人的飞机维修方案进行了系统全面的介绍说明.首先是编写维修方案的依据和适用范围,然后是维修方案的主要内容和执行过程,并具体给出了执行维修方案过程中的限制性要求,以及一些特殊情况作为补充,使读者对航空营运人的维... 本文对航空营运人的飞机维修方案进行了系统全面的介绍说明.首先是编写维修方案的依据和适用范围,然后是维修方案的主要内容和执行过程,并具体给出了执行维修方案过程中的限制性要求,以及一些特殊情况作为补充,使读者对航空营运人的维修活动有了初步的认识. 展开更多
关键词 维修方案 系统/结构/区域 时控/寿命件 航线/定期维护 门限/间隔 均分化 偏离
作者 许丕昕 《设备管理与维修》 2023年第23期85-88,共4页
发动机送修不但影响发动机的在翼性能和可靠性,而且直接影响航空公司的运营成本。从航空发动机返厂大修成本出发,针对航空发动机的维修特点,提出全生命周期小时大修和寿命件成本计算方法,浅析其中的主要影响因子,并提出降低全生命周期... 发动机送修不但影响发动机的在翼性能和可靠性,而且直接影响航空公司的运营成本。从航空发动机返厂大修成本出发,针对航空发动机的维修特点,提出全生命周期小时大修和寿命件成本计算方法,浅析其中的主要影响因子,并提出降低全生命周期小时大修和寿命件成本的建议。 展开更多
关键词 全生命周期 大修和寿命件成本 返厂成本 运行严酷度 大修管理策略
压裂装备发展现状及发展趋势探讨 被引量:6
作者 王俊玉 李彦志 +4 位作者 王志喜 侯勇俊 席建秋 刘有平 段萍 《机械研究与应用》 2022年第5期240-242,246,共4页
压裂工艺要求的不断提高,促使压裂装备的性能不断提升。随着压裂装备功率越来越大,压力和排量也越来越高,这对连续工作的可靠性和装备的自动化水平的要求也越来越高。该文对国内外油田勘探开发使用的压裂装备发展现状及最新技术进行了分... 压裂工艺要求的不断提高,促使压裂装备的性能不断提升。随着压裂装备功率越来越大,压力和排量也越来越高,这对连续工作的可靠性和装备的自动化水平的要求也越来越高。该文对国内外油田勘探开发使用的压裂装备发展现状及最新技术进行了分析,提出了压裂设备的电驱化、体积小型化、功能模块化、数字化和智能化以及压裂泵单机功率大型化和长冲程低冲次的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 压裂装备 发展现状 电驱化 模块化 智能化 功率大型化 寿命易损
作者 王永红 刘海龙 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2017年第7期65-67,共3页
关键词 钢轨修理 寿命管理 节约费用
基于最差件等寿命曲线的桨轴高低周复合疲劳寿命分析 被引量:1
作者 章胜 张勇 李锦红 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期847-852,共6页
以Goodman曲线为基础,构造了考虑应力集中系数和疲劳极限强度分散系数影响的最差件等寿命曲线,然后基于最差件等寿命曲线建立了桨轴高低周复合疲劳寿命分析方法,用于预测桨轴的安全寿命,并给出了预测方法的适用范围为低周103~105次循... 以Goodman曲线为基础,构造了考虑应力集中系数和疲劳极限强度分散系数影响的最差件等寿命曲线,然后基于最差件等寿命曲线建立了桨轴高低周复合疲劳寿命分析方法,用于预测桨轴的安全寿命,并给出了预测方法的适用范围为低周103~105次循环。采用此方法对两种载荷下的某型航空发动机桨轴进行了高低周复合疲劳寿命预测,并与试验结果进行了对比。结果表明:基于最差件等寿命曲线的桨轴高低周复合疲劳寿命分析方法成功预测一组安全寿命低于低周1 000次循环的载荷,且另一组载荷预测结果也与试验结果相吻合,预测方法是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 桨轴 高低周复合疲劳 最差寿命曲线 Goodman曲线 疲劳缺口系数 疲劳极限强度分散系数
作者 Liu Hongxia Hao Yue Zhu Jiangang (Microelectronics Institute, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第1期50-56,共7页
The hot-carrier-induced oxide regions in the front and back interfaces are systematically studied for partially depleted SOI MOSFET's. The gate oxide properties are investigated for channel hot-carrier effects. Th... The hot-carrier-induced oxide regions in the front and back interfaces are systematically studied for partially depleted SOI MOSFET's. The gate oxide properties are investigated for channel hot-carrier effects. The hot-carrier-induced device degradations are analyzed using stress experiments with three typical hot-carrier injection, i.e., the maximum gate current, maximum substrate current and parasitic bipolar transistor action. Experiments show that PMOSFET's degradation is caused by hot carriers injected into the drain side of the gate oxide and the types of trapped hot carrier depend on the bias conditions, and NMOSFET's degradation is caused by hot holes. This paper reports for the first time that the electric characteristics of NMOSFET's and PMOSFET's are significantly different after the gate oxide breakdown, and an extensive discussion of the experimental findings is provided. 展开更多
关键词 Hot-Carrier Effects (HCE) Device lifetime SOI MOSFET SIMOX
Reliability-based service life prediction of existing concrete structures under marine environment 被引量:2
作者 吴灵杰 周拥军 +1 位作者 寇新建 蒋萌 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3608-3614,共7页
Chloride-induced corrosion of the reinforcement is considered as one of the major mechanisms resulting in the reduction of structural resistance of reinforced concrete structural elements located in marine and other a... Chloride-induced corrosion of the reinforcement is considered as one of the major mechanisms resulting in the reduction of structural resistance of reinforced concrete structural elements located in marine and other aggressive environments. A study of reinforced concrete structures located at the Fangcheng dock in the Beibu Gulf port, China, was present. The result from field survey indicates that the concrete cover depth and chloride diffusion coefficient fit best normal distribution and lognormal distribution, respectively. The service life of structure is about 55 a, while initiation time is 45 a. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the most influential factor of the structure service life prediction is concrete cover, followed by diffusion coefficient, diffusion decay index, critical chloride concentration, surface chloride concentration, current density and localized pitting corrosion. Finally, the effects of diffusion decay index and critical chloride concentration on structure service life prediction are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 CHLORIDE existing concrete structure service life marine environment
Potential Reproductive Activity of Callosobruchus subinnotatus Pic. (Coleoptera: Bruchinae), Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea Verd.) Depredator
作者 Seth Wolali Nyamador] Abla Dela Mondedji +2 位作者 Guillaume Koffivi Ketoh Komina Amevoin Isabelle Adole Glitho 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第3期134-144,共11页
Callosobruchus subinnotatus Pic. (Coleoptera: Bruchinae) is the most important depredator of Bambara groundnut seeds (Vigna subterranea Verd.) in West Africa. In view of an efficient control of its populations, s... Callosobruchus subinnotatus Pic. (Coleoptera: Bruchinae) is the most important depredator of Bambara groundnut seeds (Vigna subterranea Verd.) in West Africa. In view of an efficient control of its populations, some of the biological parameters of C. subinnotatus were determined under laboratory conditions (30 ± 2℃; 72 ± 2% HR; 12h: 12h LD). The results have shown that the mean lifespan of females (11.36±1.85 days) is shorter than that of males (15.14 ±2.4 days). The female lays 80.83% eggs within the first 6 days after her emergence with a mean fecundity of 121.34 ±27.62 eggs. The means egg fertility, survival and adult emergence rates are respectively 96.19±1.45%, 97.72 ± 1.08% and 94.01± 2.14%. The sex ratio is in favor of males with a mean of 0.845 ± 0.08. The monitoring of adult emergence in connection with their reproductive status showed that the offspring of C. subinnotatus consists of two physiotypes, a reproductive type that appears during the first 8 days of emergence with a short development time (28.35± 3.36 days) and a non reproductive type that appears from the 9th day of emergence with a longer development time (37.92 ± 3.92 days). 展开更多
关键词 Callosobruchus subinnotatus Vigna subterranea biological parameters physiotypes.
Estimation of Service Lives and Operating Temperature Ranges of High-Temperature Lubricating Oils Using Thermal Analysis
作者 Fumihiko Yokoyama 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第8期516-523,共8页
Development of gas turbine oils that can be used in higher temperature conditions remains the greatest technological challenge. Though the maximum operating temperature of conventional lubricating oils is generally se... Development of gas turbine oils that can be used in higher temperature conditions remains the greatest technological challenge. Though the maximum operating temperature of conventional lubricating oils is generally set around 100 ℃, or 140 ℃ for scavenged oils, it is predicted that the future will require oils to function at 200 ℃ or above. To find a clue to developing oils that can be used at higher temperatures, this study attempted to estimate service lives and operating temperature ranges of certain oils, including oils conforming to MIL-PRF-23699, which are deemed promising candidates for high-temperature applications, by analyzing their reaction rates of degradation and degeneration by oxidation. Among a number of methods used in the analyses of reaction rates, this study chose thermo-gravimetry (TG), with which estimations can be made relatively easily. 展开更多
关键词 Gas turbine oil life high temperature.
作者 沈丹虹 王翔 《汽齿科技》 2003年第2期9-21,共13页
本文介绍自动变速器换档最佳化所用的一种可行的机械模型。所采用的最佳参数就是减少发动机载荷以及齿轮箱内离合压力的控制数据。最佳化目标是确定一组最佳控制数据,来提高自动变速器工作性能、乘员舒适性和改进换档时间。开发出两套... 本文介绍自动变速器换档最佳化所用的一种可行的机械模型。所采用的最佳参数就是减少发动机载荷以及齿轮箱内离合压力的控制数据。最佳化目标是确定一组最佳控制数据,来提高自动变速器工作性能、乘员舒适性和改进换档时间。开发出两套实现最佳化换档标准:一个是描述乘员舒适性的3种不同成本功能,一个是评价换档件工作寿命的2种成本功能。用一种顺序二次编程算法解决了非线性最佳化问题。试验结果表明,在不同载荷情况下的最佳标准有明显改进。 展开更多
关键词 汽车工程 变速器 自动换档 离合压力 发动机荷载 机械模型 数学模型 舒适性 换档工作寿命
Modeling of Transient Thermal Conditions in Cutting
作者 T. Augspurger F. Klocke +3 位作者 B. Dobbeler M. Brockmann S. Gierlings A. Lima 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2017年第3期113-119,共7页
The thermal conditions like the temperature distribution and the heat fluxes during metal cutting have a major influence on the machinability, the tool lifetime, the metallurgical structure and thus the functionality ... The thermal conditions like the temperature distribution and the heat fluxes during metal cutting have a major influence on the machinability, the tool lifetime, the metallurgical structure and thus the functionality of the work piece. This in particular applies for manufacturing processes like milling, drilling and turning for high-value turbomachinery components like impellers, combustion engines and compressors of the aerospace and automotive industry as well as energy generation, which play a major role in modern societies. However, numerous analytical and experimental efforts have been conducted in order to understand the thermal conditions in metal cutting, yet many questions still prevail. Most models are based on a stationary point of view and do not include time dependent effects like in intensity and distribution varying heat sources, varying engagement conditions and progressive tool wear. In order to cover such transient physics an analytical approach based on Green's functions for the solution of the partial differential equations of unsteady heat conduction in solids is used to model entire transient temperature fields. The validation of the model is carried out in orthogonal cutting experiments not only punctually but also for entire temperature fields. For these experiments an integrated measurement of prevailing cutting force and temperature fields in the tool and the chip by means of high-speed thermography were applied. The thermal images were analyzed with regard to thermodynamic energy balancing in order to derive the heat partition between tool, chips and workpiece. The thus calculated heat flow into the tool was subsequently used in order to analytically model the transient volumetric temperature fields in the tool. The described methodology enables the modeling of the transient thermal state in the cutting zone and particular in the tool, which is directly linked to phenomena like tool wear and workpiece surface modifications. 展开更多
关键词 Metal cutting infrared thermography heat sources transient temperature fields model based on Green's functions.
Optimization of Grease Properties to Prolong the Life of Lubricating Greases
作者 Fumihiko Yokoyama 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第4期236-247,共12页
Grease life refers to the time it takes for the grease to lose its ability to keep the lubrication due to grease degradation. As grease life is generally shorter than fatigue life of bearing, the service life of greas... Grease life refers to the time it takes for the grease to lose its ability to keep the lubrication due to grease degradation. As grease life is generally shorter than fatigue life of bearing, the service life of grease-lubricated rolling bearings is often dominated by grease life. When designing a bearing systemolecular weightith grease lubrication, it is necessary to define the operating conditions limits of the bearing, for which grease life becomes a determining factor. Prolongation of grease life becomes an especially important challenge when the bearing is to be operated trader high-speed, high-temperature, and other severe conditions. Selecting a number of commercially sold greases composed of varying base oils, the author evaluated their properties and analyzed how each property affected the grease life by performing a multiple regression analysis. The optimum grease composition to best exploit each property was also examined. The results revealed among others that one would need to first determine the base oil type and then maximize ultimate bleeding while minimizing the evaporation rate. 展开更多
关键词 GREASE grease life PROPERTY bearing.
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