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作者 秦晓涵 郭潇潇 方全 《生理科学进展》 CAS 2021年第1期55-60,共6页
右心衰竭(right heart failure,RHF)是一种复杂的临床综合征,发病机制多样,致残、病死率高。目前对右心衰竭的研究远落后于左心衰竭,右心衰竭的有效治疗方法匮乏,建立可靠稳定的右心衰竭动物模型是深入研究其病理生理机制、寻找诊断和... 右心衰竭(right heart failure,RHF)是一种复杂的临床综合征,发病机制多样,致残、病死率高。目前对右心衰竭的研究远落后于左心衰竭,右心衰竭的有效治疗方法匮乏,建立可靠稳定的右心衰竭动物模型是深入研究其病理生理机制、寻找诊断和治疗新靶点的基础。本文将从压力负荷过重、容量负荷过重、基因编辑等方面对目前右心衰竭的小型啮齿类动物模型做一总结,为今后右心衰竭动物模型的选择和建立提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 右心衰竭 小型啮齿类 动物模型 压力负荷 容量负荷
新疆察布查尔县小型啮齿类动物多房棘球蚴感染情况调查 被引量:5
作者 郭宝平 郭刚 +8 位作者 张莉 向晶晶 王小平 任远 齐文静 张慧 李军 张文宝 汪海燕 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期327-332,共6页
目的了解新疆察布查尔县多房棘球绦虫流行区中间宿主——小型啮齿类动物的感染和分布情况,确定多房棘球绦虫的中间宿主种类,为当地制定防控措施提供科学依据。方法2019年选择加尕斯台乡、琼博乐乡、四师和都拉塔口岸等4个调查点,使用板... 目的了解新疆察布查尔县多房棘球绦虫流行区中间宿主——小型啮齿类动物的感染和分布情况,确定多房棘球绦虫的中间宿主种类,为当地制定防控措施提供科学依据。方法2019年选择加尕斯台乡、琼博乐乡、四师和都拉塔口岸等4个调查点,使用板夹、弓形夹捕捉小型啮齿类动物。根据外形特点并结合头骨形态鉴定小型啮齿类动物的种类。取捕获的小型啮齿类动物疑似感染的肝脏分别进行HE染色及PCR方法扩增并测序确定其感染情况。不同地区和不同种群小型啮齿类动物感染率的比较采用χ^(2)检验。结果本调查共捕获小型啮齿类动物595只,经形态学鉴定分属7个种,其中普通田鼠464只、小林姬鼠84只、柽柳沙鼠14只、大沙鼠14只、坦氏鼹形田鼠8只、灰仓鼠6只和红尾沙鼠5只。67份疑似感染的肝脏样品可见多房棘球蚴病灶,HE染色结果显示,病灶组织可见多房棘球蚴原头节;PCR扩增结果和序列比对表明,该67只小型啮齿类动物均为多房棘球蚴感染,总感染率为11.3%。各种的感染率分别为普通田鼠12.8%(57/464)、小林姬鼠3.6%(3/84)、柽柳沙鼠1/14、大沙鼠2/14、坦氏鼹形田鼠2/8、红尾沙鼠1/5和灰仓鼠1/6。普通田鼠的感染率与小林姬鼠比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);普通田鼠与其他5种小型啮齿类动物之间感染率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。4个调查点中,以琼博乐乡捕获的小型啮齿类动物的感染率最高,为12.3%(49/398)。结论新疆察布查尔县所捕获的小型啮齿类动物主要为普通田鼠和小林姬鼠,前者多房棘球蚴感染率最高。 展开更多
关键词 多房棘球蚴 多房棘球绦虫 小型啮齿类动物 普通田鼠 新疆察布查尔县
IVC应用研究初报 被引量:19
作者 施正良 仲晓萍 饶江宁 《上海实验动物科学》 2004年第2期109-110,共2页
通过IVC系统安装、相关数据测定、小鼠生长及生存试验,观察了IVC系统饲养实验动物的安全性、可行性。结果表明IVC系统饲养实验动物,符合新国标SPF级相关标准,动物生存、生长情况正常。提示IVC系统是动物饲养理想设备,用于动物实验是可行... 通过IVC系统安装、相关数据测定、小鼠生长及生存试验,观察了IVC系统饲养实验动物的安全性、可行性。结果表明IVC系统饲养实验动物,符合新国标SPF级相关标准,动物生存、生长情况正常。提示IVC系统是动物饲养理想设备,用于动物实验是可行的,而且投入及维持费用比较低。 展开更多
关键词 独立通风笼盒 实验动物 饲养设备 小型啮齿类 SPF级 IVC
作者 周本加 《内蒙古预防医学》 1996年第3期129-129,共1页
关键词 鼠疫监测 海南州 高原鼠兔 小型啮齿类 根田鼠 血清学 鼠间疫情 染蚤率 高原灰尾兔 洞干蚤指数
Influence of roads on small rodents population in fragmented forest areas, South Korea
作者 任信在 李昌培 +4 位作者 许位行 朴容秀 崔瑞允 朴仁珠 李宇新 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期155-158,共4页
The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan mountain range, South Korea in September 2001. We especially focused on the distribution and body condition o... The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan mountain range, South Korea in September 2001. We especially focused on the distribution and body condition of small rodents near the roads. Korean field mouse (Apodemus peninsulae) seems to be more sensitive to the existence of a road than striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius). Korean field mouse prefers interior forest area to around road. Striped field mouse is a habitat generalist and has wide distributional range around road, but Korean field mouse is forest-inhabiting species and their distribution is limited in forest area. These results suggest the effect of road is different on each small rodent species and their habitat preferences. 展开更多
关键词 Fragmented forest area ROAD Small rodents South Korea
Differences in hoarding behavior between captive and wild sympatric rodent species 被引量:2
作者 Hongmao ZHANG Yu WANG 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期725-730,共6页
In hand reared birds and mammals, it is generally considered that the development of hoarding behavior is the result of an interaction between the development and maturation of the nervous system and learning from ind... In hand reared birds and mammals, it is generally considered that the development of hoarding behavior is the result of an interaction between the development and maturation of the nervous system and learning from individual experience. How- ever, few studies have been done on wild animals. We tested differences in hoarding behavior between captive reared and wild individuals of two sympatric small rodents, Korean field mice Apodemus peninsulae and Chinese white-bellied rats Niviventer confucianus. Our aim was to identify if lack of experience from the wild would result in poorly developed hoarding behavior. The Korean field mice perform scatter- and larder-hoarding behaviors whereas Chinese white-bellied rats hoard food in larders only. Within outdoor enclosures we compared seed-hoarding behavior in reared juveniles (RJ, 40-50 d old, pregnant mothers were captured in the wild), wild juveniles (WJ, as young as the RJ) and wild adults (WA, over-winter animals). We found that a lack of experience from the wild had significant effects on seed-hoarding behavior for both species. The RJ-group removed and hoarded fewer seeds than the WJ- and WA-groups. The two latter groups hoarded seeds in a similar way. In the Korean filed mouse the ILl-group placed more seeds on the ground surface than other groups. These findings suggest that wild experience is important for the acquisition of an appropriate food-hoarding behavior (especially for scatter-hoarding) in these species 展开更多
关键词 Behavioral ontogeny Food-hoarding behavior INSTINCT Learning Practice Social experience
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