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作者 巨亚锋 李明 +3 位作者 任勇 任国富 付铜旦 樊晨 《低渗透油气田》 2010年第1期111-113,共3页
长度油田注水井具有“定向井、小水量”的特点和难点,对分注工艺的可靠性和实用性提出了更高的要求。随着油田开发的不断深入,常规分注工艺存在分注有效期短、测试投捞成功率低、测试误差大等问题。本文通过桥式偏心分注工艺的研究与... 长度油田注水井具有“定向井、小水量”的特点和难点,对分注工艺的可靠性和实用性提出了更高的要求。随着油田开发的不断深入,常规分注工艺存在分注有效期短、测试投捞成功率低、测试误差大等问题。本文通过桥式偏心分注工艺的研究与应用,完善配套了测调技术,初步满足了定向井小水量注水的技术需要,为精细化注水提供了新的技术借鉴: 展开更多
关键词 定向井小水量 桥式偏心分注 无级调配 现场试验
小水量超纯水制备系统的最佳工艺选择 被引量:4
作者 陈彦宏 《节能与环保》 2022年第3期71-73,共3页
超纯水作为与电子元器件接触最多的介质之一,在半导体行业中占据着重要地位。本文从工艺路线、费用投资、运行成本及二次污染等方面,探讨针对小水量超纯水制备的最佳工艺路线。最终证明:在进水水质、产水水质以及产水量等条件相同的前提... 超纯水作为与电子元器件接触最多的介质之一,在半导体行业中占据着重要地位。本文从工艺路线、费用投资、运行成本及二次污染等方面,探讨针对小水量超纯水制备的最佳工艺路线。最终证明:在进水水质、产水水质以及产水量等条件相同的前提下,采用全膜法制备超纯水比2B3T工艺更具有优势,也将成为未来制备小水量的超纯水系统的主体工艺。 展开更多
关键词 超纯水 全膜法 2B3T 小水量系统
作者 高巍 王贵孝 《黑龙江水利科技》 1995年第1期86-87,共2页
新小水量灌溉技术简化转换方式高巍,王贵孝(黑龙江省水利水电勘测设计研究院)很长时间以来,我们都知道使土壤湿度保持在50%以上的田间含水量而非饱和土壤,对于最佳的植物生长来说通常是最有利的环境。在灌溉上,我们试图达到该... 新小水量灌溉技术简化转换方式高巍,王贵孝(黑龙江省水利水电勘测设计研究院)很长时间以来,我们都知道使土壤湿度保持在50%以上的田间含水量而非饱和土壤,对于最佳的植物生长来说通常是最有利的环境。在灌溉上,我们试图达到该条件的方法是较低灌水率、延长灌水时... 展开更多
关键词 小水量装置 灌溉技术 转换方式
姬塬油田多层细分注水工艺技术研究 被引量:6
作者 巨亚锋 于九政 +1 位作者 晏耿成 王子建 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2012年第18期4504-4506,4511,共4页
随着油藏开发的深入,姬塬油田进入精细分层注水开发阶段。为进一步提高注水开发效果,工艺上需要解决小间距隔夹层的多级封隔、准确分层投捞测试、提高小水量测调精度和效率等技术难题。针对姬塬油田注水井特点,通过开展多层细分注水工... 随着油藏开发的深入,姬塬油田进入精细分层注水开发阶段。为进一步提高注水开发效果,工艺上需要解决小间距隔夹层的多级封隔、准确分层投捞测试、提高小水量测调精度和效率等技术难题。针对姬塬油田注水井特点,通过开展多层细分注水工艺管柱、配套关键工具的研究,形成姬塬油田多层细分注水工艺系列,满足"大斜度、深井、小水量"分层注水技术要求。提升分注工艺技术水平,为精细分层注水提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 定向井 桥式偏心 多层 小水量
桥式偏心精细分注工艺及测调技术研究与应用 被引量:9
作者 巨亚锋 陈军斌 +2 位作者 李明 任勇 王在强 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2010年第11期118-120,共3页
长庆油田注水井具有"定向井、小水量"的特点和难点,对分注工艺的可靠性和实用性提出了更高的要求。随着油田开发时间的不断深入,常规分注工艺存在分注有效期短、测试投捞成功率低、测试误差大等问题。本文通过桥式偏心分注工... 长庆油田注水井具有"定向井、小水量"的特点和难点,对分注工艺的可靠性和实用性提出了更高的要求。随着油田开发时间的不断深入,常规分注工艺存在分注有效期短、测试投捞成功率低、测试误差大等问题。本文通过桥式偏心分注工艺的研究与应用,完善配套了测调技术,初步满足了定向井小水量注水的技术需要,为精细化注水提供了新的技术借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 定向井小水量 桥式偏心分注 无级调配 现场试验
低渗储层分注井示踪剂测吸水剖面技术的探讨 被引量:2
作者 高照敏 陈鹏 +1 位作者 汤敬飞 聂向荣 《国外测井技术》 2011年第3期49-51,4,共3页
长庆油田是我国典型的低孔、低渗油田,分注井的大部分具有“定向井、小水量”的特点。这类注水井吸水剖面测试存在诸多问题,如同位素的沾污、沉淀等,使得小水量注水井吸水剖面测试精度低、效果较差。论文针对这些问题,提出可行性的... 长庆油田是我国典型的低孔、低渗油田,分注井的大部分具有“定向井、小水量”的特点。这类注水井吸水剖面测试存在诸多问题,如同位素的沾污、沉淀等,使得小水量注水井吸水剖面测试精度低、效果较差。论文针对这些问题,提出可行性的改善措施。通过对同位素载体的选择、完善注入方式和测井系列等方面的考虑,来达到改善吸水剖面的测试的精度,对提高精细分层注水效果具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 分注井 小水量 吸水剖面 同位素示踪法
小型工业废水处理站调节池的设计探讨 被引量:8
作者 韩温堂 李新红 +1 位作者 余承烈 冯波 《工业用水与废水》 CAS 2015年第2期33-35,共3页
调节池具有调节水量、均衡水质的作用,目前许多小型工业废水处理站不设调节池或设计不合理,导致废水处理系统存在问题或出水不达标。根据调研结果,结合工程实践,提出工业小型废水处理站设置调节池的必要性,对调节池的设置位置、调节池... 调节池具有调节水量、均衡水质的作用,目前许多小型工业废水处理站不设调节池或设计不合理,导致废水处理系统存在问题或出水不达标。根据调研结果,结合工程实践,提出工业小型废水处理站设置调节池的必要性,对调节池的设置位置、调节池的容积确定、搅拌方式、池顶密闭等提出设计建议。 展开更多
关键词 小水量 工业废水 废水处理站 调节池 设计
企业用小型超纯水制备系统的最适工艺选择探讨 被引量:6
作者 何嘉慧 陈洪斌 《四川环境》 2019年第2期157-162,共6页
半导体企业对生产用水的水质要求极高,该行业快速发展对超纯水系统的需求日趋旺盛。超纯水系统的投资成本和运行成本远高于其它水处理系统,且工艺运行的稳定性要求高,企业用户难以选择。为此,本文以某半导体企业的超纯水站为例,从工艺... 半导体企业对生产用水的水质要求极高,该行业快速发展对超纯水系统的需求日趋旺盛。超纯水系统的投资成本和运行成本远高于其它水处理系统,且工艺运行的稳定性要求高,企业用户难以选择。为此,本文以某半导体企业的超纯水站为例,从工艺路线、投资和运行成本、运行管理和二次污染治理等方面探讨了针对基于18MΩ.cm水质要求的小水量超纯水制备系统的最适工艺系统。结果表明:采用两级RO结合EDI制备超纯水在一次性投资费用、运行费用、自动控制与管理、二次污染排放等方面更有优势,将成为未来半导体行业小型超纯水站的主流工艺。 展开更多
关键词 半导体行业 超纯水系统 小水量水站
Effects of Irrigation on Nitrogen Metabolism and Yield of Strong Gluten Wheat 被引量:1
作者 李晓 姚占军 +2 位作者 管涛 郭天财 冯伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第3期68-71,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to provide reference for the field irrigation management of high yield and quality cultivation of strong gluten wheat.[Method]Under field conditions,the effects of irrigation times on nitrogen ... [Objective] The aim was to provide reference for the field irrigation management of high yield and quality cultivation of strong gluten wheat.[Method]Under field conditions,the effects of irrigation times on nitrogen metabolism and yield of strong gluten wheat cultivar zhengmai 9023 were studied.[Result]The results indicated that NR activity,Chlorophyll and nitrogen content in flag leaf increased with irrigation times,and the irrigation treatment had obvious advantages during middle filling stage.Grain protein content showed "V" type change with grain filling going on,and protein content decreased when irrigation times going on.There was significant difference among treatments during early stage of grain filling,and the difference became smaller in the late grain filling stage.The grain yield and protein yield increased but the protein content decreased with increasing of irrigation times.[Conclusion] Increasing irrigation times properly could improve grain yield and protein yield per unit area,but reduce the grain protein content. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat IRRIGATION Nitrogen metabolism Grain yield
Effects of Aphelenchoides besseyi Infection on Yield Traits of Different Rice Varieties (Lines) 被引量:1
作者 朱镇 于新 +7 位作者 张亚东 陈涛 赵庆勇 周丽慧 姚姝 赵春芳 赵凌 王才林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1173-1176,1180,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to reveal the effects of Aphelenchoides besseyi infection on different rice varieties(lines).[Method] By field observation and indoor phenotypic investigation,four conventional japonica ... [Objective] This study aimed to reveal the effects of Aphelenchoides besseyi infection on different rice varieties(lines).[Method] By field observation and indoor phenotypic investigation,four conventional japonica rice varieties(lines) and japonica rice restorer line R161 under natural onset conditions were observed and analyzed.[Result] After being infected by A.besseyi,different rice varieties(lines)exhibited various symptoms.Specifically,Ning 1707,Ning 1818,Zhendao 88 and Nanjing 9108 had withered leaf tips and exhibited the symptoms of "small grains and erect panicles";japonica rice restorer line R161 only had withered leaf tips without symptoms of "small grains and erect panicles",and the withering symptoms occurred in flag leaf tip,whole flag leaf and top second leaf,respectively.After being infected by A.besseyi,all the experimental materials could sprout normally,but their plant height,panicle length,seed-setting rate and 1 000-grain weight were affected to varying degrees.In addition,after being infected by A.besseyi,various symptomatic tissues of R161 exerted different effects on rice yield.Especially,panicles with withered and twisted whole flag leaf were most affected.[Conclusion] This study provided the basis for further exploration of the damages of A.besseyi infection to rice and development of corresponding control measures. 展开更多
关键词 Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Aphelenchoides besseyi Small grains and erect panicles Yield traits
作者 谢光宏 蔡新美 秦大庆 《科技信息》 2011年第17期84-85,86,共3页
针对河南省较多县级城市垃圾填埋场渗滤液的产生量在40~50m^3/d,出水达到GB16889—2008表2的排放标准,设计了LTIR(LTIR,Leachate Treatment Integrated Reactor)一体化的集成装置,并且在河南省潢川县、淮滨县、宜阳县、渑池县... 针对河南省较多县级城市垃圾填埋场渗滤液的产生量在40~50m^3/d,出水达到GB16889—2008表2的排放标准,设计了LTIR(LTIR,Leachate Treatment Integrated Reactor)一体化的集成装置,并且在河南省潢川县、淮滨县、宜阳县、渑池县等20多多中小城市得到应用。出水稳定达标,占地面积小,启动快,运行费用低,操作维护方便,该集成装置是解决河南省乃至全国小水量垃圾渗滤液的一个有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 垃圾渗滤液 小水量 LTIR 集成装置
Freak wave simulation based on nonlinear model and the research on the time-frequency energy spectrum of simulation results
作者 崔成 张宁川 李靖波 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2011年第1期25-39,共15页
VOF (volume of fluid) method has been used to make the numerical simulation of freak wave come true. The comparisons between the numerical results and linear theoretical results corresponding to Eq.(5) have been c... VOF (volume of fluid) method has been used to make the numerical simulation of freak wave come true. The comparisons between the numerical results and linear theoretical results corresponding to Eq.(5) have been carried out to show that the numerical results have a better exhibition of nonlinear characteristics. Wavelet analysis method has been adopted to investigate the time-frequency energy spectrum of simulation freak waves and the results reveal strong nonlinear interaction enables energy to be transferred to high harmonics during the progress of its formation. Varying water depth can enhance the nonlinear interaction, making much more energy be transferred to high harmonics and freak waves with higher asymmetry be generated. 展开更多
关键词 freak wave numerical simulation wavelet analysis varying water depthtime-frequency energy spectrum
Effect of Nitrogen Management on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Rainfed Wheat and Maize in Northwest China 被引量:26
作者 DANG Ting-Hui CAI Gui-Xin +2 位作者 GUO Sheng-Li HAO Ming-De L. K. HENG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期495-504,共10页
A field experiment with four treatments and four replicates in a randomized complete block design was conducted at the Changwu Experimental Station in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, of Northwest China from 1998 to ... A field experiment with four treatments and four replicates in a randomized complete block design was conducted at the Changwu Experimental Station in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, of Northwest China from 1998 to 2002. The local cropping sequence of wheat, wheat-beans, maize, and wheat over the 4-year period was adopted. A micro-plot study using ^15N-lahelled fertilizer was carried out to determine the fate of applied N fertilizer in the first year. When N fertilizer was applied wheat (years 1, 2 and 4) and maize (year 3) grain yield increased significantly (P 〈 0.05) (〉 30%), with no significant yield differences in normal rainfall years (Years 1, 2 and 3) for N application at the commonly application rate and at 2/3 of this rate. Grain yield of wheat varied greatly between years, mainly due to variation in annual rainfall. Results of ^15N studies on wheat showed that plants recovered 36.6%-38.4% of the N applied, the N remained in soll (0-40 cm) ranged from 29.2% to 33.6%, and unaccounted-for N was 29.5%-34.2%. The following crop (wheat) recovered 2.1%- 2.8% of the residual N from N applied to the previous wheat crop with recovery generally decreasing in the subsequent three crops (beans, maize and wheat). 展开更多
关键词 wheat MAIZE ^15N studies water use efficiency YIELD
Study on Rational Irrigation for Wheat Production in Fengqiu Region: Ⅰ. Analysis of the Relation Between Soil Water Supply and Wheat Yield 被引量:1
作者 ZHOULINGYUN CHENZHIXIONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第3期251-256,共6页
A 5-year experiment on water balance was conducted in a flat rainfed wheat field with an area of 66 m×100 m in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China. Results of the experiment showed that the correlation between wheat y... A 5-year experiment on water balance was conducted in a flat rainfed wheat field with an area of 66 m×100 m in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China. Results of the experiment showed that the correlation between wheat yield and water consumption was not significant, but that between wheat yield and the ratio of water supply to Penman evaporation was significant, following a parabolic curve. The water consumption process,as well as the growing season of wheat plant, could be divided into three periods. The first (154 days) was vegetative growth period, during which the water consumption accounted for 35% of the total; the second (65 days) reproductive growth period, during which the water consumption occupied 57%, indicating the importance of water consumption in this period; and the third (5~9 days) maturation period, during which water supply was not important to yield formation. According to the statistics of meteorological data over the years in this region, the hydrological conditions of the five seasons covered a probability range of 74.8%.The results (3.46~5.63 t ha-1) indicated that the productivity of the wheat field under rainfed conditions in this region had a degree of confidence of 74.8%. 展开更多
关键词 Fengqiu region soil water supply wheat yield
Engineering properties of sintered waste sludge as lightweight aggregate in a densified concrete mixture 被引量:2
作者 彭予柱 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第4期231-238,共8页
The global trend towards carbon reduction,energy conservation,and sustainable use of resources has led to an increased focus on the use of waste sludge in construction.We used waste sludge from a reservoir to produce ... The global trend towards carbon reduction,energy conservation,and sustainable use of resources has led to an increased focus on the use of waste sludge in construction.We used waste sludge from a reservoir to produce high-strength sintered lightweight aggregate,and then used the densified mixture design algorithm to create high-performance concrete from the sintered aggregate with only small amounts of mixing water and cement.Ultrasonic,electrical resistance and concrete strength efficiency tests were perfo... 展开更多
关键词 densified mixture lightweight aggregate high-quality concrete
Research and application of hybrid wheat in China 被引量:3
作者 Zhao Changping 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第5期19-21,共3页
Hybrid wheat is recognized as a preferred approach to improve wheat yield,and it will be a competition focus in high-tech seed industry in the future. We have made a breakthrough for the first time in creation of two-... Hybrid wheat is recognized as a preferred approach to improve wheat yield,and it will be a competition focus in high-tech seed industry in the future. We have made a breakthrough for the first time in creation of two-line hybrid wheat system,which reaches the world leading level in wheat research and has laid an important foundation for the future direction of the world wheat research. Similar to hybrid rice,the innovation of two-line hybrid wheat system is another achievement in science and technology. The application of hybrid wheat in China will greatly increase the food production,and make a great significance to food production and food security. This paper introduces the development process and major breakthrough of hybrid wheat in China,and the main bottleneck and countermeasures in the application of hybrid wheat. 展开更多
关键词 two-line hybrid wheat demonstration area seed production application prospect
Effects of Waterlogging in Different Growth Stages on the Photosynthesis,Growth,Yield,and Protein Content of Three Wheat Cultivars in Jianghan Plain 被引量:3
作者 Baoqiang ZHENG Pu LYU Xiaoyan WANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1083-1088,共6页
To maintain high wheat grain yield in areas where frequent and periodic waterlogging occurs,the effects of waterlogging on the photosynthesis,growth,yield,and protein content of three wheat cultivars,namely Xiangmai55... To maintain high wheat grain yield in areas where frequent and periodic waterlogging occurs,the effects of waterlogging on the photosynthesis,growth,yield,and protein content of three wheat cultivars,namely Xiangmai55(X55),Jingmai102(J102),and Zhengmai9023(Z9023),in four different growth stages were investigated.Experiments were conducted in specially designed experimental tanks in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 wheat growing seasons in China.Results showed that X55 was the most susceptible to waterlogging,followed by J102 and Z9023.Chlorophyll content reduction and leaf senescence,which resulted in decreased green-to-total leaf number ratio,were induced to the greatest extents by waterlogging in booting and flowering stages,followed by milky stage.Meanwhile,chlorophyll content in flag leaf,plant height were significantly decreased by waterlogging in jointing stage but effectively recovered after waterlogging withdrawal,and recovery ability varied among the cultivars.Plant biomass and grain yield were most significantly decreased by waterlogging in booting and flowering stages,followed by milky and jointing stages.Grain protein content was also considerably affected by waterlogging depending on growth stage and cultivars.The decreased grain yield caused by waterlogging was mostly due to the sharp decline in 1 000-grain mass.Waterlogging led to reduced protein yield in all growth stages in three wheat cultivars.Above all,in this experiment,waterlogging decreased grain yield significantly,and waterlogging at booting stage and flowering stage was most serious.Comparing the three cultivars,X55 was most sensitive to waterlogging. 展开更多
关键词 WATERLOGGING Wheat(Triticum aeativum L.) PHOTOSYNTHESIS Grain yield Protein content
Effects of Forest Gaps on Some Microclimate Variables in Castanopsis kawakamii Natural Forest 被引量:18
作者 HE Zhongsheng LIU Jinfu +4 位作者 WU Caiting ZHENG Shiqun HONG Wei SU Songjin WU Chengzhen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期706-714,共9页
The objective of this study was to understand the effects of forest gap and variations in different seasons, gap size, locations and diurnal variations on forest microclimate and soil water content. Spatial and tempor... The objective of this study was to understand the effects of forest gap and variations in different seasons, gap size, locations and diurnal variations on forest microclimate and soil water content. Spatial and temporal distribution features oi air temperature (TA), soil temperature (Ts), relative humidity (h) and soil water content (ψ) were measured in Castanopsis kawakamii natural forest gaps created by a severe typhoon or fallen dead trees. The results showed that: (1) the variations of TA, h, and Tsin four seasons were extremely significant. The variations of ψ in four seasons were extremely significant except for those between spring and summer. (a) The diurnal variations of TA and Tswere expressed with a single peak curve. The diurnal variations of h and ψ presented a high-low-high trend (3) The variations of TA, h, and Ts were extremely significant among the large, medium and small gaps in C. kawakamii natural forest. Medium gaps had the highest TA and the lowest h while small gaps were jusl contrary to medium gaps. The variations of T were extremely significant for large, medium and small gaps except those between the medium and large gaps (4) The TA, h, Ts and ψ were decreased from the gap center, canopy gap, expanded gap to understory. These results will help further our understanding of the abiotic and consequent biotic responses to gaps in the mid-subtropical broadleaved forests, which also provide a theoretical basis for the scientific management and population restoration of C. kawakamii natural forest. 展开更多
关键词 TA air temperature Ts soiltemperature h relative humidity ψ soil watercontent
Wavelet Analytical Forecasting Method of Water Consumption 被引量:1
作者 刘洪波 张宏伟 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2004年第3期206-208,共3页
A new method of short-term forecasting for water consumption in municipal supply water networks based on wavelet transformation is introduced. By wavelet decomposing commonly used in the signal field, water consumptio... A new method of short-term forecasting for water consumption in municipal supply water networks based on wavelet transformation is introduced. By wavelet decomposing commonly used in the signal field, water consumption per hour is decomposed into many series. Trend item, cycle item and random item are separated from the original time series in this way.Then by analyzing, building a model, forecasting every series and composing the results, the forecasting value of the original consumption is received. Simulation results show that this forecasting method is faster and more accurate, of which the error is less than 2%, indicating that the wavelet analytical method is practicable. 展开更多
关键词 wavelet transformation water consumption per hour short-term forecasting
Inter-annual variation of streamflow,precipitation and evaporation in a small humid watershed(Chengcun Basin,China)
作者 Mark AMO-BOATENG 李致家 管仪庆 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期455-468,共14页
For sustainable water resource management,it is important to determine the relationship between streamfl ow and other variables that infl uence availability of water resources.However,many catchments do not have suffi... For sustainable water resource management,it is important to determine the relationship between streamfl ow and other variables that infl uence availability of water resources.However,many catchments do not have suffi cient data to allow for a more detailed study of these relationships.We faced a similar challenge in the Chengcun Basin(limited historical data: from 1986–1999); and therefore we used a new approach to overcome this.We found that,using nonparametric trend methods in conjunction with the climate elasticity analyses and the 2D visualization of hydrologic data,it is possible to assess the relationships between streamfl ow and other hydro-climatic variables.In the past,streamfl ow trends in the basin were more correlated with precipitation than with potential evapotranspiration(PET).In addition,there is a gradual shift in the hydrological regime of the catchment,which may affect the occurrence of available water resources and activities that depend on them.In addition,based on our climate sensitivity analyses,the streamfl ow is dependent and more sensitive to variations in precipitation than to PET(δQ=0.79δP+0.42δE; precipitation elasticity,ε P=1.32; PET elasticity,ε E=-2.10).Therefore pending more detailed studies,the use of our approach will provide a rapid means to assess the variation of water resources(streamfl ow)in a watershed.In the future,we hope to carry out related research in other watersheds and also perform a more detailed studies to improve upon the results of this study. 展开更多
关键词 TREND Mann-Kendall test climate elasticity Sen's slope streamflow 2D visualization hydrologic data
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