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作者 李限之 《西部林业科学》 CAS 1989年第3期11-13,共3页
一、概况牛达营林区是石屏县西部国营牛达林场的一个营林区。其地理位置是东经102°9′~102°13′,北纬23°50′~23°54′。东边以斐龙乡为邻,南边以烂木桥山脊为界,西、北两方与新平县隔河相望。海拔为830—2332米... 一、概况牛达营林区是石屏县西部国营牛达林场的一个营林区。其地理位置是东经102°9′~102°13′,北纬23°50′~23°54′。东边以斐龙乡为邻,南边以烂木桥山脊为界,西、北两方与新平县隔河相望。海拔为830—2332米的中山山地。本区气候温和,年均温18℃,年雨量930mm。海拔1400米以下林区无霜期324天,因而十分利于林木生长,本区母岩为砂岩,土壤为山地红壤或黄壤,土层一般厚达一米以上,死地被物厚度约4.5cm。全区范围内有牛达、坡头、打连寨等9个村寨,337户,1745人,耕地面积1944亩,营林区内有大小山箐6条,注入红河支流小河底河。 展开更多
关键词 营林区 石屏县 次生林改造 隔河相望 新平县 小河底 大小山 死地被物 年雨量 山地红壤
《中国果业信息》 2021年第2期51-51,共1页
关键词 柑桔园 示范园 花果山 宾川县 小河底 枝叶
作者 郝亚鑫(文/图) 《致富天地》 2021年第5期F0003-F0003,共1页
关键词 干热河谷区 晚熟柑橘 资源禀赋 宾川县 小河底 长江上游 金沙江 云南省
山坝结合 双向开发 共同繁荣──元江县坚持全面发展经济的经验
《民族工作》 1994年第11期38-39,共2页
关键词 经济开发 山区经济 元江县 县办工业 农民人均纯收入 小河底 经济振兴 支柱产业 山区资源 基地建设
Response of the distributary channel of the Huanghe River estuary to water and sediment discharge regulation in 2007
作者 马妍妍 李广雪 +6 位作者 叶思源 张志恒 赵广明 李景阳 周春艳 丁文洁 杨欣 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1362-1370,共9页
The water and sediment discharge regulation (WSDR) project, which has been performed since 2002 before flood season every year, is of great significance to the river management in China. Until 2007, six experiments ... The water and sediment discharge regulation (WSDR) project, which has been performed since 2002 before flood season every year, is of great significance to the river management in China. Until 2007, six experiments have been fulfilled to evaluate the effect of the project on the natural environment. To fill the gap of investigations, a study on flood and suspended sediment transportation and channel changing along the distributary channel of the Huanghe (Yellow) River was conducted during the WSDR project period in 2007. The lower channel was scoured rapidly and the channel became unobstructed gradually several days after the flood peak water was discharged from the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. Within four days after the flood peak at 3 000 m3/s entered the distributary, the channel in the river mouth area was eroded quickly. Both the mean values of area and depth of the main channel were tripled, and the maximum flood carrying capacity increased to 5 500 m3/s or more. Then, the river channel was silted anew in a very short time after completion of the WSDR. Favored by the WSDR project, the fiver status in April 2008 became better than that of the year before. The adjustment ranges of main channel parameters were about 30%, 10%, and 10% at sections C2, Q4, and Q7, respectively. The process of rapid erosion-deposition was more active 15 km away in the channel from the fiver mouth due to the marine influence. It is reasonable for discharging sediment at concentration peak from Xiaolangdi Reservoir at the end of the flood peak. As a result, the sediment peak reached the river mouth about two days later than that of the water current. In addition, the WSDR project has improved the development of the estuarine wetland. Wetland vegetation planted along the river banks restrained the water flow as a strainer and improved the main channel stability. It is suggested to draw water at mean rate of 150 m3/s from the Huanghe River during flood periods, because at the rate the water in the wetland would be stored and replenished in balance. Moreover, we believe that cropland on the river shoal of the lower Huanghe River should be replaced by wetland. These activities should achieve the Huanghe River management strategy of "To concentrate flow to scour sediment, stabilize the main channel, and regulate water and sediment". 展开更多
关键词 Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary water and sediment regulation river channel adjustment wetland.
作者 陆瑜璐 黄玉华 张卫华 《聪明泉(小学1-3年级)》 2013年第6期28-29,共2页
关键词 小河底 新生命 踩踏
作者 渔妮 《文学港》 2015年第3期137-140,共4页
父亲今年八十岁了。那天,收到弟弟发来的短信:爸爸出事了,正送往医院。我懵了,一看手机好几个未接电话,我赶紧回拨电话,才得知:父亲脑溢血,正送往医院途中。我立马赶到医院,父亲已在抢救室,整个脸全歪了,左边手脚没了知觉,处于昏迷状... 父亲今年八十岁了。那天,收到弟弟发来的短信:爸爸出事了,正送往医院。我懵了,一看手机好几个未接电话,我赶紧回拨电话,才得知:父亲脑溢血,正送往医院途中。我立马赶到医院,父亲已在抢救室,整个脸全歪了,左边手脚没了知觉,处于昏迷状态。我不甘心地暗问自己:难道原先硬朗忙碌的父亲真的是老了,真的是倒下了吗?父亲是位慈祥又严格的人。在我的记忆中,父亲对我们三姐弟疼爱有加,也非常严格。 展开更多
关键词 抢救室 回拨 读懂父亲 邻居们 伙伴们 就这样 昏迷状态 小伙伴 新兵连 小河底
Model of water-sediment regulation in Yellow River and its effect 被引量:19
作者 LI GuoYing SHENG LianXi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期924-930,共7页
Water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River is to regulate and control the flow and sediment transport relationship of the lower reaches through reservoirs on the main streams and tributaries to create balance betwe... Water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River is to regulate and control the flow and sediment transport relationship of the lower reaches through reservoirs on the main streams and tributaries to create balance between water and sediment so that sediment transport capacity of the downstream channels can be maximized,shrinking of channels be contained,and medium flood channel be restored and maintained.Many years' research by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission(YRCC) reveals the water and sediment transport relationship that will prevent sedimentation at the downstream river channels.Based on this relationship and coming sediment and water conditions in the Yellow River basin,the YRCC,with maximized use of reservoirs on the main streams and tributaries,has developed three models of water-sediment regulation:single Xiaolangdi Reservoir-dominated regulation,space scale water-sediment match,and mainstream reservoirs joint operation.Ten water-sediment regulations based on these three models have resulted in an average drop of 1.5 m in the main channel of the downstream 800 km river and an increase of carrying capacity from 1800 to 4000 m3/s.Besides,the wetland ecosystems of estuarine delta has also been improved and restored significantly. 展开更多
关键词 water-sediment regulation Yellow River EFFECT
Removing coarse sediment by sorting of reservoirs 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU JianJun ZHANG Man CAO HuiQun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期903-913,共11页
Reservoir sedimentation is an unsolved problem.In this paper,based on measured data,theoretical analysis and numerical computations,we prove that a proportion of the sediment coarser than 0.1 mm(CS) is sorted and depo... Reservoir sedimentation is an unsolved problem.In this paper,based on measured data,theoretical analysis and numerical computations,we prove that a proportion of the sediment coarser than 0.1 mm(CS) is sorted and deposited in specific reaches in the upper backwaters or in run-of-river reservoirs.The ratio of CS is usually small but it impacts the slope of deposition delta greatly and raises the backwater in later stages for a river shaped reservoir(RSR).Based on these facts,we propose to remove such CS from a fixed basin(FB) in the upper backwater by dredging and we prove that the removal of CS is effective in reducing sediment deposition and in preserving the long-term capacity of reservoirs.A numerical model computation of the Three Gorges Project(TGP) reservoir indicates that dredging 30×106-50×106 t/a of CS could reduce 20% total deposition by the end of 100th year,so that the slope of deposition can be slowed down by 25%-30%.This would be remarkable for a long extended RSR.This method of removing CS can also be applied to the Xiaolangdi reservoir(XLD) on the Yellow River(YR) to not only limit reservoir deposition but also filter out the CS from entering the Lower Yellow River(LYR) to slow down the rise of the perched LYR.It provides a new alternative to postpone the continuous siltation of the LYR. 展开更多
关键词 RESERVOIR SEDIMENT sorted deposition deposition control sustainable use
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