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《中国价格监管与反垄断》 2024年第8期5-5,共1页
安徽省天长市石梁市场监管所为适应快速学习法律法规并高效开展工作的双重挑战,创新出一个简单却行之有效的办法,利用小白板记录和规划工作任务,不仅提升了工作效率,还避免了任务的遗漏。小白板具备双面功能,一面用于规划本周工作要点,... 安徽省天长市石梁市场监管所为适应快速学习法律法规并高效开展工作的双重挑战,创新出一个简单却行之有效的办法,利用小白板记录和规划工作任务,不仅提升了工作效率,还避免了任务的遗漏。小白板具备双面功能,一面用于规划本周工作要点,包括待办事项、工作计划及下一步方案;另一面则专注于法律法规的学习与宣传。通过这种方式,小白板不仅成为了基层执法人员日常工作的导航图,还成为了法律知识的移动小课堂,极大地促进了执法人员的专业成长。 展开更多
关键词 小白板 安徽省天长市 导航图 市场监管 小课堂 工作要点 快速学习 另一面
作者 朱燕飞 王立君 汪红梅 《医院管理论坛》 2013年第1期35-36,共2页
为了使护理服务更贴心和到位,我科在每一病房使用小白板来加强细节管理,使用以来起到了以下作用:护士责任心进一步加强了,护士服务前移;病人的遵医遵护行为明显提高;对我院住院病人外出检查流程的改进起到了推动作用;促进了护患沟通,密... 为了使护理服务更贴心和到位,我科在每一病房使用小白板来加强细节管理,使用以来起到了以下作用:护士责任心进一步加强了,护士服务前移;病人的遵医遵护行为明显提高;对我院住院病人外出检查流程的改进起到了推动作用;促进了护患沟通,密切了护患关系;护士的职业价值感明显提升了。 展开更多
关键词 护理 细节管理 小白板
作者 陈源清 《生活教育》 2012年第18期31-33,共3页
关键词 小班化 小白板 功能意义
作者 罗婷 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2019年第3期293-293,共1页
随着素质教育的日渐发展和逐步实施,有关进行分层教学提高课堂有效性的呼声日益高涨,运用便携式小白板能让学生由被动学习变为主动学习,成为提高课堂有效性的重要手段。 本文试图通过分析小白板教学环节中所出现的问题,并对如何发挥分... 随着素质教育的日渐发展和逐步实施,有关进行分层教学提高课堂有效性的呼声日益高涨,运用便携式小白板能让学生由被动学习变为主动学习,成为提高课堂有效性的重要手段。 本文试图通过分析小白板教学环节中所出现的问题,并对如何发挥分层教学的实效性进行反思与改进,对比分析其教学效果,以求运用分层教学来提高“小白板”的课堂有效性。 展开更多
关键词 小白板 分层教学 小组合作 课堂有效性
作者 陈成慈 《读与写(上旬)》 2018年第2期290-290,共1页
连续两周,我们学校开展了各个学科的小组合作学习研讨课活动,很多老师呈现了精彩的课堂教学。课堂上,小白板的运用为小组活动成果展示搭建了有效的平台,老师们将学生分成4人一组,每个组一块“小白板”,当问题一出示,各合作小组在老师的... 连续两周,我们学校开展了各个学科的小组合作学习研讨课活动,很多老师呈现了精彩的课堂教学。课堂上,小白板的运用为小组活动成果展示搭建了有效的平台,老师们将学生分成4人一组,每个组一块“小白板”,当问题一出示,各合作小组在老师的组织下,按照各自分工,在独立思考的基础上小组内交流,记录员随时拿起小白板记录下小组讨论的意见、方法、结果,另外一个同学拿着板擦,眼睛注视着同学的一笔一画,一旦发现错误,赶紧帮忙擦拭,有时,还伴着相应的解说把小组内的意见归纳后写在“小白板”上,全班交流时高高举起小白板展示在老师和同学们面前,汇报员围绕“小白板”上的内容边看边讲,整个过程显得紧张而有序。在老师们的教学课堂上,让我们真真切切的感受到小白板让课堂生花了,小小的“白板”进一步推进课堂从“有效”走向“高效。 展开更多
关键词 小白板 凝结了
小白板助力思维教学的尝试 被引量:1
作者 黎长岭 《上海教育科研》 北大核心 2016年第4期71-74,共4页
学生思维能力的培养是学校一项重要任务。通过让思维可视化、外显化,展示学生的思维过程,发现学生思维过程中的问题是一种有效培养学生思维的做法。小白板在展示学生思维过程上具有先天性优势。使用小白板培养学生思维有以下方面:第一,... 学生思维能力的培养是学校一项重要任务。通过让思维可视化、外显化,展示学生的思维过程,发现学生思维过程中的问题是一种有效培养学生思维的做法。小白板在展示学生思维过程上具有先天性优势。使用小白板培养学生思维有以下方面:第一,利用小白板关注学生的原生性思维;第二,利用小白板关注物理规律学习中的缺陷性思维;第三,利用小白板关注问题解决中的思辨性思维;第四,利用小白板关注知识建构中的逻辑性思维。 展开更多
关键词 小白板 思维教学 策略
作者 马东逸 《中国老年》 2019年第23期30-30,共1页
退休前,我满脑子憧憬。可惜,刚退休我就又上了岗——帮老伴儿带孙儿。3年后,最小的孙辈也上学了,我们终于过上了睡到自然醒的惬意日子。但没多久,两人就开始无聊,不刷手机就不知道干什么。我越来越焦虑,这可不是我希望的充实晚年,这明... 退休前,我满脑子憧憬。可惜,刚退休我就又上了岗——帮老伴儿带孙儿。3年后,最小的孙辈也上学了,我们终于过上了睡到自然醒的惬意日子。但没多久,两人就开始无聊,不刷手机就不知道干什么。我越来越焦虑,这可不是我希望的充实晚年,这明明是坐吃等死!一年前,我无意翻出教孙女写字认数的小白板,看到一周识字计划,我心里猛地一动。 展开更多
关键词 小白板 可不是 刷手机
作者 小星 《发明与创新(小学生)》 2023年第4期52-52,共1页
周末,和妈妈逛商场时,小可发现有一个儿童乐园正在做开业的宣传活动。好奇的她拉着妈妈走过去,只见一个姐姐指着一块小白板说道:“这是我们的开业活动,所有解开白板上谜题的小朋友都可以获得一份小礼物哦!”小可顿时来了兴趣,坐在一边... 周末,和妈妈逛商场时,小可发现有一个儿童乐园正在做开业的宣传活动。好奇的她拉着妈妈走过去,只见一个姐姐指着一块小白板说道:“这是我们的开业活动,所有解开白板上谜题的小朋友都可以获得一份小礼物哦!”小可顿时来了兴趣,坐在一边研究起了谜题。你也试着跟小可一起解题吧。谜题:格子中的每一种符号都代表一个数字,你能算出它们分别代表的数字以及问号部分应当填入的数字吗? 展开更多
关键词 儿童乐园 符号 小白板 兴趣 数字 谜题 问号
作者 彭芷熙 李艳(指导) 《小学生作文》 2023年第7期4-5,共2页
“妈妈!您快过来看呀,这是怎么回事?”星期天一早,吃完早餐我便刷起了自己参加的“萌娃小讲师”的活动页面,却发现一夜之间我被别人超了两百多票!我又急又气,哆哆嗦嗦地拿着手机给妈妈看……我从小的愿望就是当老师。妈妈说我小时候抓周... “妈妈!您快过来看呀,这是怎么回事?”星期天一早,吃完早餐我便刷起了自己参加的“萌娃小讲师”的活动页面,却发现一夜之间我被别人超了两百多票!我又急又气,哆哆嗦嗦地拿着手机给妈妈看……我从小的愿望就是当老师。妈妈说我小时候抓周,什么都不要,偏偏抱着姥姥的教鞭紧紧不放。上幼儿园时,我总是让洋娃娃们排排坐,自己捧着一本书,在小白板上写写画画,教它们识字念书。 展开更多
关键词 排排坐 幼儿园 小白板 洋娃娃 妈妈
作者 索学霞 《动漫界(幼教365)》 2019年第39期14-14,共1页
关键词 反应力 方向感 眼罩 小白板 宝宝
Significance of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of early and delayed radiation enteropathy 被引量:20
作者 Junru Wang Marian Boerma +1 位作者 Qiang Fu Martin Hauer-Jensen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第22期3047-3055,共9页
This review summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the role of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of early and delayed intestinal radiation toxicity and discusses various endothelial-oriented int... This review summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the role of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of early and delayed intestinal radiation toxicity and discusses various endothelial-oriented interventions aimed at reducing the risk of radiation enteropathy. Studies published in the biomedical literature during the past four decades and cited in PubMed, as well as clinical and laboratory data from our own research program are reviewed. The risk of injury to normal tissues limits the cancer cure rates that can be achieved with radiation therapy. During treatment of abdominal and pelvic tumors, the intestine is frequently a major close-limiting factor. Microvascular injury is a prominent feature of both early (inflammatory), as well as delayed (fibroproliferative) radiation injuries in the intestine and in many other normal tissues. Evidence from our and other laboratories suggests that endothelial dysfunction, notably a deficiency of endothelial thrombomodulin, plays a key role in the pathogenesis of these radiation responses. Deficient levels of thrombomodulin cause loss of vascular thromboresistance, excessive activation of cellular thrombin receptors by thrombin, and insufficient activation of protein C, a plasma protein with anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and cytoprotective properties. These changes are presumed to be critically involved in many aspects of early intestinal radiation toxicity and may sustain the fibroproliferative processes that lead to delayed intestinal dysfunction, fibrosis, and clinical complications. In conclusion, injury of vascular endothelium is important in the pathogenesis of the intestinal radiation response. Endothelial-oriented interventions are appealing strategies to prevent or treat normal tissue toxicity associated with radiation treatment of cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Endothelial cells THROMBOMODULIN Proteinase-activated receptors Radiation injuries Radiation enteropathy
Relationship between ADP-induced platelet-fibrin clot strength and anti-platelet responsiveness in ticagrelor treated ACS patients 被引量:5
作者 Dan-Dan LI Xu-Yun WANG +5 位作者 Shao-Zhi XI Jia LIU Liu-An QIN Jing JING Tong YIN Yun-Dai CHEN 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期282-289,共8页
Background Ticagrelor provides enhanced antiplatelet efficacy but increased risk of bleeding and dyspnea. This study aimed to display the relationship between ADP-induced platelet-fibrin clot strength (MAADP) and cl... Background Ticagrelor provides enhanced antiplatelet efficacy but increased risk of bleeding and dyspnea. This study aimed to display the relationship between ADP-induced platelet-fibrin clot strength (MAADP) and clinical outcomes in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients treated by ticagrelor. Methods Consecutive Chinese-Han patients with ACS who received maintenance dose ofticagrelor on top of aspirin were recruited. After 5-day ticagrelor maintenance treatment, MAADP measured by thrombelastography (TEG) were recorded for the evaluation of ticagrelor anti-platelet reactivity. Pre-specified cutoffs of MAADP 〉 47 mm for high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HTPR) and MAADP 〈 31 mm for low on-treatment platelet reactivity (LTPR) were applied for evaluation. The occurrences of primary ischemic cardiovascular events (including a composite of cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and stroke), the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) defined bleeding events, and ticagrelor related dyspnea were recorded after a follow-up of three months. Results Overall, 176 ACS patients (Male: 79.55%, Age: 59.91 ±10.54 years) under ticagrelor maintenance treatment were recruited. The value of MAADP ranged from 4.80% to 72.90% (21.27% ± 12.07% on average), with the distribution higher skewed towards the lower values. Using the pre-specific cutoffs for HTPR and LTPR, seven patients (3.98%) were identified as HTPR and 144 patients (81.82%) as LTPR. After a follow-up of three months in 172 patients, major cardiovascular events occurred in no patient, but TIMI bleeding events in 81 (47.09%) with major bleedings in three patients. All patients with major bleedings were classified as LTPR. Ticagrelor related dyspnea occurred in 31 (18.02%) patients, with 30 (21.28%) classified as LTPR and no one as HTPR (P = 0.02). Conclusions In ticagrelor treated ACS patients, MAADP measured by TEG might be valuable for the prediction of major bleeding and ticagrelor related dyspnea. Due to the small number of patients with HTPR after ticagrelor maintenance treatment, larger scale study should be warranted to verify the relationship between MAADP defined HTPR and ticagrelor related ischemic events. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical outcomes Platelet reactivity THROMBELASTOGRAPHY Ticagrelor
Higher platelet P-selectin in male patients with inflammatory bowel disease compared to healthy males 被引量:8
作者 J Patrik Fgerstam Per A Whiss 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1270-1272,共3页
AIM: To observe if the total amount of platelet P-selectin (tP-selectin) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was related to disease entity or activity, 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) medication or ... AIM: To observe if the total amount of platelet P-selectin (tP-selectin) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was related to disease entity or activity, 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) medication or gender. METHODS: tP-selectin was measured by immunoassay in seventeen IBD patients and twelve healthy controls. RESULTS: Compared to controls, there was no difference of tP-selectin in patients related to disease entity or activity and 5-ASA medication. When the groups were split according to gender the male patient group showed higher levels of tP-selectin compared to male controls (153 ng/mL vs 94 ng/mL, P〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: Increased tP-selectin levels may alter the inflammatory response and susceptibility to thromboembolic disease. As previously shown with soluble P-selectin, tP-selectin shows gender dependent differences important to consider in future studies. 展开更多
关键词 PLATELET P-SELECTIN Inflammatory bowel disease 5-aminosalicylic acid GENDER
Total embolization of the main splenic artery as a supplemental treatment modality for hypersplenism 被引量:18
作者 Xin-Hong He Wen-Tao Li +3 位作者 Wei-Jun Peng Guo-Dong Li Sheng-Ping Wang Li-Chao Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第24期2953-2957,共5页
AIM:To study the safety and feasibility of total embolization of the main splenic artery as a supplemental treatment modality for hypersplenism with thrombocytopenia or leukocytopenia accompanying liver cirrhosis.METH... AIM:To study the safety and feasibility of total embolization of the main splenic artery as a supplemental treatment modality for hypersplenism with thrombocytopenia or leukocytopenia accompanying liver cirrhosis.METHODS:Fifteen consecutive patients with hypersplenism due to cirrhosis were enrolled in this study from January 2006 to June 2010.All patients underwent total embolization of the main splenic artery.Clinical symptoms,white blood cell(WBC) and platelet(PLT) counts,splenic volume,and complications of the patients were recorded.The patients were followed up for 1 and 6 mo,and 1,2,3 years,respectively,after operation.RESULTS:Total embolization of the main splenic artery was technically successful in all patients.Minor complications occurred in 13 patients after the procedure,but no major complications were found.The WBC andPLT counts were significantly higher and the residual splenic volume was significantly lower 1 and 6 mo,and 1,2,3 years after the procedure than before the procedure(P < 0.01).Moreover,the residual splenic volume increased very slowly with the time after embolization.All patients were alive during the follow-up period.CONCLUSION:Total embolization of the main splenic artery is a safe and feasible procedure and may serve as a supplemental treatment modality for hypersplenism with thrombocytopenia or leukocytopenia accompanying liver cirrhosis. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cirrhosis HYPERSPLENISM Coil embolization Splenic artery
Can mean platelet volume play a role in evaluating the severity of acute pancreatitis? 被引量:17
作者 Jing-Jing Lei Li Zhou +2 位作者 Qi Liu Can Xiong Chun-Fang Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第13期2404-2413,共10页
AIM To investigate serum mean platelet volume(MPV) levels in acute pancreatitis(AP) patients and assess whether MPV effectively predicts the disease severity of AP.METHODS We included 117 consecutive patients with AP ... AIM To investigate serum mean platelet volume(MPV) levels in acute pancreatitis(AP) patients and assess whether MPV effectively predicts the disease severity of AP.METHODS We included 117 consecutive patients with AP as the AP group and 34 consecutive patients with colorectal polyps(before endoscopic treatment) as the control group. Complete blood counts, liver function, platelet indices(MPV), coagulation parameters, lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) and C-reactive protein(CRP) were measured on days 1, 2, 3 and 7 after admission. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to compare the sensitivity and specificity of MPV, white blood cell(WBC), LDH and CRP in predicting AP severity. The Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score(m GPS) and the 2012 revised Atlanta criteria were used to evaluate disease severity in AP.RESULTS MPV levels were significantly lower in the AP group than in the control group on day 1(P = 0.000), day 2(P = 0.029) and day 3(P = 0.001) after admission.In addition, MPV values were lower on day 1 after admission than on day 2(P = 0.012), day 3(P = 0.000) and day 7(P = 0.002) in all AP patients. Based on the m GPS, 78 patients(66.7%) were diagnosed with mild and 39 patients(33.3%) with severe AP. There was no significant difference in mean MPV levels between patients diagnosed with mild and severe AP based on the m GPS(P = 0.424). According to the 2012 revised Atlanta criteria, there were 98 patients(83.8%) without persistent organ failure(OF) [non-severe acute pancreatitis(non-SAP) group] and 19 patients(16.2%) with persistent OF(SAP group). MPV levels were significantly lower in the SAP group than in the non-SAP group on day 1 after admission(P = 0.002). On day 1 after admission using a cut-off value of 6.65 f L, the overall accuracy of MPV for predicting SAP according to the 2012 revised Atlanta criteria(AUC = 0.716) had a sensitivity of 91.8% and a specificity of 47.4% and was superior to the accuracy of the traditional markers WBC(AUC = 0.700) and LDH(AUC = 0.697).CONCLUSION MPV can be used at no additional cost as a useful, noninvasive biomarker that distinguishes AP with persistent OF from AP without persistent OF on day 1 of hospital admission. 展开更多
关键词 Persistent organ failure Acute pancreatitis Mean platelet volume White blood cell C-reactive protein Lactate dehydrogenase
Combination therapy reduces the percutaneous coronary intervention acute myocardial infarction incidence of no-reflow after primary in patients with ST-segment elevation 被引量:19
作者 Shan-Shan ZHOU Feng TIAN Yun-Dai CHEN Jing WANG Zhi-Jun SUN Jun GUO Qin-Hua JIN 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期135-142,共8页
Background No-reflow is associated with an adverse outcome and higher mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and is... Background No-reflow is associated with an adverse outcome and higher mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and is considered a dynamic process characterized by multiple pathogenetic components. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a combination therapy for the prevention of no-reflow in patient with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) undergoing primary PCI. Methods A total of 621 patients with STEMI who underwent emergency primary PCI were enrolled in this study. Patients with high risk of no-reflow (no-flow score 〉 10, by using a no-flow risk prediction model, n = 216) were randomly divided into a controlled group (n = 108) and a combination therapy group (n = 108). Patients in the controlled group received conventional treatment, while patients in combination therapy group received high-dose (80 mg) atorvastatin pre-treatment, intracoronary administration of adenosine (140 ~tg/min per kilogram) during PCI procedure, platelet membrane glycoprotein lib/Ilia receptor antagonist (tirofiban, 101.tg/kg bolus followed by 0.15 ~tg/kg per minute) and thrombus aspiration. Myocardial contrast echocardiography was performed to assess the myocardial perfusion 72 h after PCI. Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were followed up for six months. Results Incidence of no-reflow in combination therapy group was 2.8%, which was similar to that in low risk group 2.7% and was significantly lower than that in control group (35.2%, P 〈 0.01). The myocardial perfusion (A= 13) values were higher in combination therapy group than that in control group 72 h after PCI. After 6 months, there were six (6.3%) MACE events (one death, two non-fatal MIs and three revasculafizations) in combination therapy group and 12 (13.2%) (four deaths, three non-fatal MIs and five revascularizations, P 〈 0.05) in control group. Conclusions Combination of thrombus aspiration, high-dose statin pre-treatment, intmcoronary administration of adenosine during PCI procedure and platelet membrane glycoprotein Ⅱ b/Ⅲa receptor antagonist reduces the incidence of no-reflow after primary PCI in patients with acute myocardial infarction who are at high risk of no-reflow. 展开更多
关键词 Acute myocardial infarction Myocardial contrast echocardiography No-reflow phenomenon Percutaneous coronary interven-tion ST-elevation myocardial infarction
Thrombotic microangiopathy-like disorder after living-donor liver transplantation:A single-center experience in Japan 被引量:1
作者 Tomohide Hori Toshimi Kaido +20 位作者 Fumitaka Oike Yasuhiro Ogura Kohei Ogawa Yukihide Yonekawa Koichiro Hata Yoshiya Kawaguchi Mikiko Ueda Akira Mori Yasutsugu Takada Hiroto Egawa Atsushi Yoshizawa Shinji Uemoto Hajime Segawa Kimiko Yurugi Takuma Kato Kanako Saito Linan Wan Mie Torii Feng Chen Ann-Marie T Baine Lindsay B Gardner 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第14期1848-1857,共10页
AIM:To investigate thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA)in liver transplantion,because TMA is an infrequent but life-threatening complication in the transplantation field. METHODS:A total of 206 patients who underwent livi... AIM:To investigate thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA)in liver transplantion,because TMA is an infrequent but life-threatening complication in the transplantation field. METHODS:A total of 206 patients who underwent living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) were evaluated,and the TMA-like disorder (TMALD) occurred in seven recipients. RESULTS:These TMALD recipients showed poor outcomes in comparison with other 199 recipients. Although two TMALD recipients successfully recovered,the other five recipients finally died despite intensive treatments including repeated plasma exchange (PE) and re-transplantation. Histopathological analysis of liver biopsies after LDLT revealed obvious differences according to the outcomes. Qualitative analysis of antibodies against a disintegrin-like domain and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motifs (ADAMTS-13) were negative in all patients. The fragmentation of red cells,the microhemorrhagic macules and the platelet counts were early markers for the suspicion of TMALD after LDLT. Although the absolute values of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and ADAMTS-13 did not necessarily reflect TMALD,the vWF/ADAMTS-13 ratio had a clear diagnostic value in all cases. The establishment of adequate treatments for TMALD,such as PE for ADAMTS-13 replenishment or treatments against inhibitory antibodies,must be decided according to each case. CONCLUSION:The optimal induction of adequate therapies based on early recognition of TMALD by the reliable markers may confer a large advantage for TMALD after LDLT. 展开更多
关键词 Thrombotic microangiopathy Liver transplan-tation von Willebrand factor A disintegrin-like domain and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motifs COMPLICATION
Association of primary biliary cirrhosis with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 被引量:2
作者 Nobuyuki Toshikuni Ryumei Yamato +6 位作者 Haruhiko Kobashi Ken Nishino Nobu Inada Ritsuko Sakanoue Mitsuhiko Suehiro Yoshinori Fujimura Gotaro Yamada 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第15期2451-2453,共3页
Although both primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) are autoimmune diseases, the association of the 2 diseases is rare. Here, we report a case of ITP that developed during the f... Although both primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) are autoimmune diseases, the association of the 2 diseases is rare. Here, we report a case of ITP that developed during the follow-up of PBC in a 74-year- old man. The patient had been diagnosed with PBC 12 years previously, and had received treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid. The platelet count decreased from approximately 60 × 109/L to 8 × 109/L, and the association of decompensated liver cirrhosis (PBC) with ITP was diagnosed. Steroid and immune gamma globulin therapy were successful in increasing the platelet count. Interestingly, human leukocyte antigen genotyping detected the alleles DQB10601 and DRB10803, which are related to both PBC and ITP in Japanese patients. This case suggests common immunogenetic factors might be involved in the development of PBC and ITP. 展开更多
关键词 Primary biliary cirrhosis Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Anti-platelet autoantibody Platelet surface glycoprotein complex Human leukocyteantigen
作者 武怀珠 李家增 +2 位作者 彭林 滕彬 翟治清 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1996年第1期49-52,共4页
Washed human platelets were loaded with the Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein, aequorin. using hypoosmotic shock treatment-technique. Then aggregation and cytoplasmic ionized calcium concentration ( [Ca2+] i) changes in res... Washed human platelets were loaded with the Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein, aequorin. using hypoosmotic shock treatment-technique. Then aggregation and cytoplasmic ionized calcium concentration ( [Ca2+] i) changes in response to collagen or thrombin were measured simultaneously in the aequorin-loaded human platelets with a Platelet Ionized Calcium Aggregometer. 764-3. an active component isolated from the Chinese medicinal herb Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge, inhibited platelet [Ca2+]i rise as well as aggregation evoked by collagen or thrombin in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. After the extracellular Ca2+. was removed by addition of EGTA, collagen or thrombin. causing no aggregation. still elicited platelet [Ca2+] i rise which reflected Ca2+ mobilization from intraplatelet stores. Under this condition, 764-3 could also suppress platelet [Ca2+] i rise. Analysis shows that 764-3 inhibrts platelet Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ mobilization with similar potency. which accounts for its suppression of platelet [Ca2+] i rise, and must contribute to its inhibition of platelet aggregation. 展开更多
关键词 antiplatelet drugs platelet aggregation platelet [Ca ̄(2+)] i
Comparing irinotecan/cisplatin with etoposide/cisplatin in patients with ED-SCLC: A meta-analysis of efficacy and toxicity 被引量:1
作者 Wang Bibo Han Yiping Zang Jiajie 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第4期210-225,共16页
Objective: Irinotecan in combination with cisplatin for extensive-stage disease small-ceU lung cancer (ED-SCLC) patients has gained wide interest. Varying results for this treatment underpin the need for a synthesi... Objective: Irinotecan in combination with cisplatin for extensive-stage disease small-ceU lung cancer (ED-SCLC) patients has gained wide interest. Varying results for this treatment underpin the need for a synthesis of evidence. Methods: We conducted a literature-based meta-analysis to quantify the magnitude of the benefit comparing irinotecan in combination with cisplatin (IP) with etoposide in combination with cisplatin (EP) in ED-SCLC patients. The primary outcome was overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS); secondary outcomes included overall response rate, 1- and 2-year survival rates, disease control rate and toxicity. Results: Four trials including 1,541 patients were identified in the analysis. No positive results (P〈0.05) were seen: OS (HR=0.85, CI95%=0.71-1.01; P=-0.08) with high heterogeneity (Chi2=7.76, dr=-3 [P=-0.05]; I2=61%), PFS (HR=0.91, CI95%=0.74-1.28; P=-0.36) with high heterogeneity (Chi2=11.96, df=3 [P=-0.008]; I2=75%), overall response rate(OR=1.16; CI95%=0.79-1.70; P=0.45), disease control rate (OR=1.01; CI95%=0.74-1.38; P=0.95), 1-year survival rate (OR = 1.30; CI95%=0.98-1.72; P=0.07) and 2-year survival rate (OR=1.97; CI95%=0.95-4.09; P=-0.07). Fewer patients who received IP suffered severe hematologic toxicities (grade≥3), such as neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and leucopenia. However, severe non-hematologic toxicities (grade≥3), such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anorexia, and dehydration, were more common among patients who received IP. Conclusion: IP does not lengthen the overall survival or progression-free survival compared with EP in patients with ED-SCLC Fewer patients receiving IP had grade ≥ 3 hematological toxicities of nentropenia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia, but more had grade≥3 diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anorexia and dehydration. 展开更多
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