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“大筋緛短,小筋弛长”与运动神经元病相关性初探 被引量:3
作者 宋英 于宗良 +4 位作者 王昭琦 闫则宇 陈佳凡 刁钰 王玉兴 《中医药信息》 2019年第4期106-108,共3页
“大筋緛短,小筋弛长”系外感湿邪,湿酿化热,煎熬阴津,筋脉失养所致。历代医家对大筋和小筋所指部位存在疑议,亦未点明緛短及弛长的具体表现。笔者结合现代疾病,从病因病机、临床表现、辨治方药及其机制角度对“大筋緛短,小筋弛长”与... “大筋緛短,小筋弛长”系外感湿邪,湿酿化热,煎熬阴津,筋脉失养所致。历代医家对大筋和小筋所指部位存在疑议,亦未点明緛短及弛长的具体表现。笔者结合现代疾病,从病因病机、临床表现、辨治方药及其机制角度对“大筋緛短,小筋弛长”与运动神经元病(MND)的相关性进行探究,发现“大筋緛短,小筋弛长”或为MND最早的文献记载。大筋緛短系上运动神经元损伤,表现为肌张力增高、腱反射亢进等,以整个肢体为主,呈痉挛性;小筋弛长系下运动神经元损伤,表现为肌肉萎缩、肌张力降低、腱反射减弱甚或消失等,以肌群为主,呈迟缓性。“大筋緛短,小筋弛长”既可共同亦可独立出现。 展开更多
关键词 素问 緛短 小筋弛长 运动神经元病(MND) 痉病 痿病
膝部“大筋”“小筋”之我见 被引量:2
作者 娄卓然 曲晓青 +2 位作者 李露露 孙蕾 张彤 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期932-934,共3页
曲泉定位与取穴法,《灵枢·本输》曰:“辅骨之下,大筋之上也,屈膝而得之”,《黄帝明堂经》[1]192补充“小筋下陷者中”。对于阴谷,《灵枢·本输》曰:“辅骨之后,大筋之下,小筋之上也,按之应手,屈膝而得之”,《黄帝明堂经》[1]20... 曲泉定位与取穴法,《灵枢·本输》曰:“辅骨之下,大筋之上也,屈膝而得之”,《黄帝明堂经》[1]192补充“小筋下陷者中”。对于阴谷,《灵枢·本输》曰:“辅骨之后,大筋之下,小筋之上也,按之应手,屈膝而得之”,《黄帝明堂经》[1]203表述与此类同。历代多沿用,此示古人以膝部“辅骨”“大筋”“小筋”为定取二穴的重要标志。“辅骨”为“挟膝两侧之骨”[2],此处专指内辅骨,现代一般认作股骨下端的内侧髁与胫骨上端的内侧髁组成的骨突[3-4],但“大筋”“小筋”鲜有完备解释。本文旨在探讨古代“大筋”“小筋”对应的现代解剖学膝部相关结构。 展开更多
关键词 腧穴定位 针灸取穴 解剖学 曲泉 阴谷 小筋
阴谷穴与曲泉穴定位探讨 被引量:2
作者 钟晓玲 徐沙丽 +4 位作者 游世晶 陈采益 郭婉清 罗彩云 林驰 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2023年第2期198-202,共5页
[目的]厘清阴谷与曲泉两穴的准确定位。[方法]查阅相关古籍、教材、著作及文献,比较分析古籍原文中关键词“膝内辅骨”“大筋”“小筋”“之下”“之上”的含义,并从经脉循行规律、局部解剖特点、临床实际运用方面,考证各种定位的合理性... [目的]厘清阴谷与曲泉两穴的准确定位。[方法]查阅相关古籍、教材、著作及文献,比较分析古籍原文中关键词“膝内辅骨”“大筋”“小筋”“之下”“之上”的含义,并从经脉循行规律、局部解剖特点、临床实际运用方面,考证各种定位的合理性。[结果]有别于现代文献,不同古籍文献对两穴的位置记载较统一,“膝内辅骨”指股骨内上髁和胫骨内侧髁两部分,“大筋”“小筋”分别指半腱肌和半膜肌,“之下”“之上”分别指外侧和内侧。当阴谷穴定位“在膝后区,腘横纹上,半腱肌肌腱外侧缘”,曲泉穴定位在“膝部,腘横纹内侧端,半腱肌内缘凹陷中”时,两穴的定位既符合经典古籍描述,又符合经脉循行规律、局部解剖特点和临床实际运用,并且两穴定位之间相互印证,没有矛盾。[结论]阴谷与曲泉的上述定位较其他定位更为合理,更有利于指导临床运用。 展开更多
关键词 腧穴 定位 阴谷穴 曲泉穴 半腱肌 半膜肌 小筋
Study on Food-making Quality of Strong-gluten Wheat Varieties from Lime Concretion Black Soil Area in the Huanghuai Wheat Region 被引量:1
作者 刘爱峰 程敦公 +4 位作者 李豪圣 宋健民 曹新有 赵振东 刘建军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1429-1431,1445,共4页
In this study, 13 strong-gluten wheat varieties screened by the Key Project of Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System "Study on Industrial Technology for Strong-gluten Wheat from Lime Concretion Black Soil Ar... In this study, 13 strong-gluten wheat varieties screened by the Key Project of Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System "Study on Industrial Technology for Strong-gluten Wheat from Lime Concretion Black Soil Area in the Huanghuai Wheat Region" were used as experimental materials to investigate their bread-making quality, noodle-making quality and other related characteristics. The results showed that more than half of the wheat varieties had better bread-making quality; the bread made from wheat with longer dough mixing time than 3.0 min had better texture, lighter color, and better taste. All these 13 strong-gluten wheat varieties showed good noodle-making quality in color, appearance, smoothness and taste; the differences between varieties were mainly found in palatability and viscoelasticity. Jimai 20, Xinong 979, Zhengmai 7698, Ji'nan 17 and Zhengmai 9023 exhibited excellent bread-making quality; Zhengmai 366, Jimai 20 and Xinong 979 displayed excellent noodle-making quality. Fresh dough sheets made from Zhengmai 366, Jimai 20 and Xinong 979 exhibited slight color variation within 24 h and high peak starch paste viscosity; dry and cooked noodles made from Zhengmai 366, Jimai 20 and Xinong 979 had good quality. 展开更多
关键词 Lime concretion black soil Strong-gluten wheat BREAD NOODLE QUALITY
Quantitative Traits of Ion Beam Induced Mutagenesis in Triticum aestivum 被引量:1
作者 房欢 焦浈 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1817-1821,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to elucidate the quantitative traits of plants mutagenized by ion beam. [Method] The particular variation phenotypes, a- gronomic traits, and protein and wet gluten contents of pr... [Objective] The aim of this study was to elucidate the quantitative traits of plants mutagenized by ion beam. [Method] The particular variation phenotypes, a- gronomic traits, and protein and wet gluten contents of progenies derived from the same ion beam induced mutant were investigated. [Result] Morphological polymor- phism existed in some individuals. Plant height, spike length and protein content were significantly influenced by ion beam, and effective tiller number and wet gluten content were moderately influenced. Multiple comparisons of all the indices within groups indicated genomic instability among these groups. Coefficient of variation im- plied the differences within group were very low. [Conclusion] Ion beam irradiation displayed characteristics of multi-directivity and non-directiveness. It aroused multiple variations in the same mutant. Instability among progeny indicates cells had different fate even in the same irradiated tissue. It may take several generations for mutants to stabilize particular phenotypes. The effects of ion beam irradiation may be the in- terrelated direct irradiation damage, indirect irradiation damage and late effect, such as bystander effect and adaptive response. 展开更多
关键词 Ion beam Agronomic traits Protein and wet gluten contents
Statistical Algorithm for Damage Detection of Concrete Beams Based on Piezoelectric Smart Aggregate 被引量:4
作者 蒙彦宇 阎石 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第6期432-440,共9页
The functional piezoelectric ceramic smart aggregate(SA) sensors and actuators,based on piezoelectric ceramic materials such as lead zirconium titanate(PZT),were embedded into the reinforced concrete beams with three-... The functional piezoelectric ceramic smart aggregate(SA) sensors and actuators,based on piezoelectric ceramic materials such as lead zirconium titanate(PZT),were embedded into the reinforced concrete beams with three-point bending under static loading for purposes of damage detection.The SA actuators generated the desired sine sweep excitation signals online and the SA sensors received and detected real-time signals before and after damage.The wavelet analysis and statistical characteristics about damage signals were used as a signal processing and analysis tool to extract the optimal damage information and establish a statistical damage detection algorithm.The damage index-based wavelet analysis and damage probability-based probability and statistics were proposed by PZT wavebased theory and active health monitoring technology.The results showed that the existence of cracks inside largely attenuated the amplitude of active monitoring signal after the damage of beam and the attenuation was related to the severity degree of damage.The innovative statistical algorithm of damage pattern detection based PZT-SA can effectively determine damage probability and damage degree,and provide a prediction for the critical damage location of reinforced concrete structures.The developed method can be utilized for the structural health comprehensive monitoring and damage detection on line of various large-scale concrete structures. 展开更多
关键词 piezoelectric ceramic smart aggregate active health monitoring damage detection statistical analysis
作者 赵延龄 《父母必读》 北大核心 1989年第5期25-25,24,共2页
古人云,『爱子不以道,适所以害之也』,郑板桥深明此理。他在潍县署中与舍弟墨第二书中说:『余五十二岁始得一子,岂有不爱之理,然爱之必以其道』。郑板桥是清代的著名画家、书法家和文学家。他早年贫寒,45岁始中进士。他在山东任范县、... 古人云,『爱子不以道,适所以害之也』,郑板桥深明此理。他在潍县署中与舍弟墨第二书中说:『余五十二岁始得一子,岂有不爱之理,然爱之必以其道』。郑板桥是清代的著名画家、书法家和文学家。他早年贫寒,45岁始中进士。他在山东任范县、潍县知县时,为了赈济饥民得罪了上司,被罢官后便在扬州以卖字画为生。为扬州八怪之一。他非常同情穷苦的劳动人民,经常把做官和卖字画得来的钱分散给穷亲戚朋友和邻居。因此,他也非常注重对孩子的这方面教育。他52岁,上才得一子,可以想见是多么珍爱了,但他嘱咐其弟说:『虽嬉戏玩耍,务令忠厚悱恻,毋为刻急也。』也就是说,要教育他的儿子待人接物要忠厚仁慈,不要残忍刻薄,虽在嬉戏玩耍中,也要坚持贯彻这样的教育。因此,郑板桥说,他『平生最不喜笼中养鸟。我图娱悦,彼在囚牢。 展开更多
关键词 郑板桥 扬州八怪 残忍刻薄 亲戚朋友 性色 小筋 西得
《中华少年》 2006年第Z1期86-86,共1页
喜欢跳舞翻跟头的兔子小筋斗不顾妈妈的反对,和小灰狼丢丢一起玩。结果它不小心掉进了熊洞。正在冬眠的熊爷爷看中了小筋斗的皮毛,要它留下来给自己当皮袄。善良的小熊阿嚏偷偷帮小筋斗逃出熊洞,去雪地里玩。二人约定,天黑前小筋斗赶回... 喜欢跳舞翻跟头的兔子小筋斗不顾妈妈的反对,和小灰狼丢丢一起玩。结果它不小心掉进了熊洞。正在冬眠的熊爷爷看中了小筋斗的皮毛,要它留下来给自己当皮袄。善良的小熊阿嚏偷偷帮小筋斗逃出熊洞,去雪地里玩。二人约定,天黑前小筋斗赶回来,阿嚏在洞口等它。只顾着玩儿的小筋斗忘了约定。它不顾妈妈阻拦,执意要在风雪之夜赶回洞口。雪夜,小筋斗险些跌下山谷。 展开更多
关键词 童话剧 风雪之夜 小兔 中国儿艺 小熊 灰狼 小筋 去叶 令人
作者 萨顶顶 《流行歌曲》 2007年第4期59-59,共1页
今天接到一师姐电话,突然让我记起学唱歌时候的事情。大学我在音乐系学习流行唱法。系里说先学美声打基础,于是见到一位老师,她很严肃上来就问我:"你舌头灵活程度有多大,会放松用气打出连贯的‘得儿’音吗?"呵呵,这下完了,我... 今天接到一师姐电话,突然让我记起学唱歌时候的事情。大学我在音乐系学习流行唱法。系里说先学美声打基础,于是见到一位老师,她很严肃上来就问我:"你舌头灵活程度有多大,会放松用气打出连贯的‘得儿’音吗?"呵呵,这下完了,我长到那么大还第一次听说这个音。 展开更多
关键词 我在 流行唱法 音乐系 意大利语 声乐课 小筋
作者 A.B.雅柯芙烈娃 《生物学通报》 1953年第9期331-335,共5页
在学习这一章时,学生应该获得下列知识:人体的骨骼及其各部分的构造,骨的生长,骨的连接,联系直立行走和劳动来研究人的骨骼构造的特征等等。其次,还要给学生下列的知识:形态和机能相互制约,骨骼肌肉系统的神经调节,锻练器官以及适当地... 在学习这一章时,学生应该获得下列知识:人体的骨骼及其各部分的构造,骨的生长,骨的连接,联系直立行走和劳动来研究人的骨骼构造的特征等等。其次,还要给学生下列的知识:形态和机能相互制约,骨骼肌肉系统的神经调节,锻练器官以及适当地组织生活条件和工作可以控制人体的生活过程。第三,也要使学生获得基本的卫生知识(坐在书桌前时身体的姿势,劳动和运动对于保持健康和维持人体的正常工作的意义),以及在遇到不幸事件(脱臼和骨折)时的初步救护的技能。 展开更多
关键词 骨骼肌肉 解教 小筋 解除劳教 肌肉工作 运动器官 软骨 骨膜 硬骨
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