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作者 李山岭 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第10期125-127,共3页
“小话”是指即兴言说的短小故事。宋代“小话”在文体上有篇幅短小、内容多样、语言俚俗、即兴讲说、融入自我的特点。“小话”以故事的独立性与非连续性、演说的随机性区别于“说话”。讲述者以小故事自娱自嘲、谐中寓庄,区别于单纯... “小话”是指即兴言说的短小故事。宋代“小话”在文体上有篇幅短小、内容多样、语言俚俗、即兴讲说、融入自我的特点。“小话”以故事的独立性与非连续性、演说的随机性区别于“说话”。讲述者以小故事自娱自嘲、谐中寓庄,区别于单纯谐谑的“笑话”。 展开更多
关键词 小话 文体 即兴讲述
作者 童喜喜 《小学生作文选刊(中高年级)》 2009年第3期4-5,共2页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 《从“讲小话”到“说大”》 童喜喜
作者 温庆新 唐盼 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期160-167,共8页
黄人《小说小话》在近代中西“文明交通”视阈下,基于“文明”的角度,以“南海北海,此心同,此理同”重新审视“旧学”,形成了知见传统的小说批评思路。而“谋世界文明之进步”等诉求,使得黄人对古代小说传统的重构,不仅注重小说的审美意... 黄人《小说小话》在近代中西“文明交通”视阈下,基于“文明”的角度,以“南海北海,此心同,此理同”重新审视“旧学”,形成了知见传统的小说批评思路。而“谋世界文明之进步”等诉求,使得黄人对古代小说传统的重构,不仅注重小说的审美意义,而且强化了小说知识趣味的当下意义,以便从“历史”“当下”及“未来”的多维视角看待古代小说的典范意义,带有价值论与知识论并存的知识特征。作为一种批评媒介,从《小说小话》到“小说界革命”的炽热,“小说话”批评者意图强调思想启蒙与文学审美相融会之后的文化引导。它代表了当时的小说批评强调社会责任担当的批评路径,扩大了小说批评的关注度,成为时人寻求社会批判与文化重构的重要凭借。 展开更多
关键词 黄人 《小说小话 现代学术转型 近代小说批评史
作者 詹岱尔 《家教博览》 2000年第10期22-22,共1页
父母,其实是个很难当的角色,试问,世界上有哪个产品为研制比教育、培养一个孩子更为复杂? 儿子自小就爱说话,这应该归功于我父母在他儿时为他提供的宽松的生活环境。那时,父母家一来客人,最忙的就数他了。他会飞快地跑进客厅,屁股一扭... 父母,其实是个很难当的角色,试问,世界上有哪个产品为研制比教育、培养一个孩子更为复杂? 儿子自小就爱说话,这应该归功于我父母在他儿时为他提供的宽松的生活环境。那时,父母家一来客人,最忙的就数他了。他会飞快地跑进客厅,屁股一扭就爬上了高高的椅子,然后吊着两只小脚,老声老气地说:“客人呀,喝茶呀,不要客气呀……”忙了一辈子的父母,乍一离休,身边有这么个活蹦乱跳、整天叽叽呱呱说个不停的小玩意儿。 展开更多
关键词 儿子 妈妈 小话
作者 史承谦 于家慧 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2016年第10期42-44,共3页
史承谦《小眠斋词》感情深挚,韵味悠长,于阳羡、浙西两派外卓然自立,乃是清代中期词坛一大家。然其词论,人或罕睹,以为憾事。今从史氏六种著作中辑其论词之语二十八则,名之曰《小眠斋词话》。这既可与其词作相互参证,又能为雍、乾之际... 史承谦《小眠斋词》感情深挚,韵味悠长,于阳羡、浙西两派外卓然自立,乃是清代中期词坛一大家。然其词论,人或罕睹,以为憾事。今从史氏六种著作中辑其论词之语二十八则,名之曰《小眠斋词话》。这既可与其词作相互参证,又能为雍、乾之际宜兴词人群的词学理论建树提供重要补充。 展开更多
关键词 史承谦 《小眠斋词》 《小眠斋词
作者 马悠悠 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期8-13,共6页
浦铣《历代赋话》与《复小斋赋话》是中国赋学史上最早以赋话命名的赋论专书,其中《复小斋赋话》集中体现了浦铣的赋论思想,具有较强的理论价值。以《复小斋赋话》为研究对象,探讨浦铣在赋法、辞赋风格、辞赋情感等方面的思想观念,展现... 浦铣《历代赋话》与《复小斋赋话》是中国赋学史上最早以赋话命名的赋论专书,其中《复小斋赋话》集中体现了浦铣的赋论思想,具有较强的理论价值。以《复小斋赋话》为研究对象,探讨浦铣在赋法、辞赋风格、辞赋情感等方面的思想观念,展现浦铣赋论在赋学理论批评体系中的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 浦铣 《复小斋赋 赋论思想
有关黄人研究的若干意见 被引量:3
作者 温庆新 《江苏广播电视大学学报》 2010年第4期53-57,共5页
学界对黄人的研究集中于评述黄人的小说理论与文学史两方面,往往突出黄人的资产阶级革命派小说家身份,对其小说理论多有拔高,而鄙薄其《中国文学史》之种种。这种以西学思想为评判标准,因"线性进化论"以优劣批判的研究思维存... 学界对黄人的研究集中于评述黄人的小说理论与文学史两方面,往往突出黄人的资产阶级革命派小说家身份,对其小说理论多有拔高,而鄙薄其《中国文学史》之种种。这种以西学思想为评判标准,因"线性进化论"以优劣批判的研究思维存有诸多问题。鉴于黄人所处时代的特殊性,学界对黄人的研究当转换思路,应以文献为基,以时代背景为轴,适当借助一些理论框架,以合理评价黄人及其著述,还其历史本原。 展开更多
关键词 黄人 《小说小话 研究问题 “还原”视角
作者 钱仲联 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第1期85-86,共2页
关键词 人文学术 东吴大学 《中国文学史》 通俗文学 章炳麟 摩西 爱国精神 小说小话 古文学派 散曲
由《浣玉轩集》看夏敬渠生平、著作及创作《野叟曝言》言素材、动机(上) 被引量:2
作者 王琼玲 《明清小说研究》 CSSCI 1996年第4期24-38,共15页
一九八六年,笔者撰写硕士论文《野叟曝言研究》时,因海峡两岸交流未兴,研究资料颇为缺乏,尤其是《浣玉轩集》,一直无法取得,深以为憾。一九九五年,经由陈庆浩先生介绍,求请于任职江苏社会科学院文学研究所的前辈萧相恺先生,终在南京图... 一九八六年,笔者撰写硕士论文《野叟曝言研究》时,因海峡两岸交流未兴,研究资料颇为缺乏,尤其是《浣玉轩集》,一直无法取得,深以为憾。一九九五年,经由陈庆浩先生介绍,求请于任职江苏社会科学院文学研究所的前辈萧相恺先生,终在南京图书馆寻获此书。萧先生除了影印《浣玉轩集》 展开更多
关键词 夏敬渠 《野叟曝言》 《江阴夏氏宗谱》 赵景深 小说小话 《中国小说史略》 博学鸿词科 小说情节 素材 南京图书馆
吕熊与《女仙外史》 被引量:1
作者 徐扶明 《中国文学研究》 1992年第2期53-59,共7页
清初吕熊的《女仙外史》小说,比较冷僻,鲜为人知,即使有的《中国小说史》提到,也只是一笔带过。近年来研究明清小说己成热潮。故对吕熊与《女仙外史》略作介绍考证,以供参考 吕熊;江苏昆山人,《昆新两县续修合志》卷三十一《文苑》,有... 清初吕熊的《女仙外史》小说,比较冷僻,鲜为人知,即使有的《中国小说史》提到,也只是一笔带过。近年来研究明清小说己成热潮。故对吕熊与《女仙外史》略作介绍考证,以供参考 吕熊;江苏昆山人,《昆新两县续修合志》卷三十一《文苑》,有其小传。兹引录如下: 吕熊,字文兆,伟躯干,戟髯铁 面,目光炯炯。父天裕遭国变,命熊业 医,毋就试。熊少嗜诗古文。于成龙巡 抚直隶,聘入幕,一切条议。 展开更多
关键词 女仙 外史 唐赛儿 于成龙 建文帝 入幕 小说小话 纪事本末 《明史》 小传
Andrej Belyj's Novel-myth Perterburg
作者 吴倩 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期57-60,共4页
Andrej Belyj is the main representative of Russia symbolism. Symbolists pursue the text mystique with massive utilization of myth. But here myth has changed and obtained new myth characteristic, which is manifested in... Andrej Belyj is the main representative of Russia symbolism. Symbolists pursue the text mystique with massive utilization of myth. But here myth has changed and obtained new myth characteristic, which is manifested in Perterburg. 展开更多
关键词 Andrej Belyj Perterburg new mythology novel-myth
作者 蒋超锋 《安徽消防》 1997年第2期40-40,共1页
水爷退休快半年了。 “真舍不得放下水枪啊!”水爷感慨。 白天闲暇多了,水爷就掂起那柄伴随他几十年的刻刀把一小堆杏核儿雕成一大串精巧漂亮的袖珍花篮儿,挂在床头洁白的墙壁上,宛如一条别致的项链。
关键词 小说 水枪 奖状 木箱 刻刀 杏核 袖珍 项链 花篮 小话
作者 丹宁 《饮食科学》 1999年第11期40-40,共1页
关键词 二人转 厨房 尖椒 小话 突然提出 动手干 自言自语 韭菜 生活圈 抬起头
作者 李镇西 《少年儿童研究》 2000年第11期15-16,共2页
关键词 告密者 班主任 班干部 人的监视 间谍 不良表现 感到恶心 违纪现象 小话 大意是说
作者 李明伦 《秘书之友》 2003年第1期23-24,共2页
公文有上行文、平行文、下行文之分。受文对象不同,公文的语气也应有所区别。一般来说,上行文的语气要体现出对上级的尊重之情,平行文的语气要体现出友好平等的态度,下行文的语气要体现出对下属的关怀体贴之情。否则,不仅会违常理、闹笑... 公文有上行文、平行文、下行文之分。受文对象不同,公文的语气也应有所区别。一般来说,上行文的语气要体现出对上级的尊重之情,平行文的语气要体现出友好平等的态度,下行文的语气要体现出对下属的关怀体贴之情。否则,不仅会违常理、闹笑话,还会影响公文的使用效力。 展开更多
关键词 语气 计划生育工作 乡镇企业 使用效力 体现出 群众文艺 小话 发文机关 失身份 领导机关
作者 何宇浩 陆锋(指导) 《新作文(小学低年级版)》 2019年第3期9-9,共1页
关键词 何宇浩 小话 诗作秀
The Deconstruction of American Myth in Thomas Pynchon's Fiction
作者 LIU Feng-shan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第1期5-24,共20页
Living and creating in the tumultuous decades from the 1960s through 1980s, Thomas Pynchon unfalteringly chooses the countercultural and civil rights movements in the United States of that age as the permanent topic o... Living and creating in the tumultuous decades from the 1960s through 1980s, Thomas Pynchon unfalteringly chooses the countercultural and civil rights movements in the United States of that age as the permanent topic of his fiction. It can be seen from Pynchon's dramatic, sometimes fantastic narratives about these movements that the failure of the countercultural movements lies in their illusive nature in contrast with the hypocrisy and disproportionate power of the government to destruct these movements, and that the presence of American racial problems results to a great degree from the sloth prevailing over various institutions in American society when dealing with racial inequality and from American white racists' desire to eliminate an imagined threat in the face of the minorities. This paper tries to provide a different understanding that Pynchon's writing of the marginalized or surrealistic issues in these countercultural and civil rights movements is his strategy to expose the falsehood of American myth of democracy. 展开更多
关键词 Thomas Pynchon American myth countercultural movements racial problems DECONSTRUCTION
Demythologizing the South: Cormac McCarthy's Suttree in an Intertextual Perspective
作者 Grazyna Maria Teresa Branny 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1543-1549,共7页
The article is structured around a premise of intertextuality, which is suggested not only by McCarthy's own more or less overt allusions to Faulkner's writing but also by the very name of his protagonist Suttree, w... The article is structured around a premise of intertextuality, which is suggested not only by McCarthy's own more or less overt allusions to Faulkner's writing but also by the very name of his protagonist Suttree, which is evocative of the name of perhaps the best known Faulkner villain Thomas Sutpen. This supposition in turn leads to an argument that in his 1979 novel McCarthy does indeed reverse the life story of Thomas Sutpen by making Suttree descend down the very path that Sutpen ascended a century and a half before him, i.e., from the ranks of Southern aristocracy to the scum of the earth, and in defiance of the same ideology that Sutpen went to great lengths to embrace. Thus, an intertextual and comparative approach to McCarthy's novel not only in the context of Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! but also his Light in August (cf. Joe Christmas) and The Sound and the Fury (cf. Quentin) as well as Ellen Glasgow's short story "Jordan's End" demonstrates that what Cormac McCarthy actually does in Suttree is to demythologize the South, complete with its aristocratic pretensions ("doing pretty"), dubious morality (incest) and fear of miscegenation (obsession with time and the double). Moreover, in doing so, he defamiliarizes it by reducing it to its Other (poor whites and African Americans), whose authenticity, liveliness and charitability defy the affectation, lifelessness and decadence of the aristocratic South. 展开更多
关键词 Cormac McCarthy William Faulkner the South INTERTEXTUALITY demythologization DEFAMILIARIZATION
Discourse Markers of “Saying”:A Comparative Study
作者 Yanhong ZHOU Sihong HUANG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第1期89-105,151,共18页
The present study compares the discourse markers(DMs) of “saying” in Mandarin Chinese ke yi shuo(lit.“can say”) and ying gai shuo(lit.“should say”) with their equivalents in English,by drawing the parallel corpo... The present study compares the discourse markers(DMs) of “saying” in Mandarin Chinese ke yi shuo(lit.“can say”) and ying gai shuo(lit.“should say”) with their equivalents in English,by drawing the parallel corpora from The Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping(Volume III)(henceforth The Works),so as to uncover the pragmatic motivation for the variation in translating the DMs of“saying.” The analysis is conducted within a theoretical framework of speech act theory,by grouping the DMs according to their personal pronouns.Moreover,by comparing the uses of personal pronouns in English and Chinese,the current study confirms that The Works keeps the consistency between the two languages as well as with the characteristics and styles of Deng Xiaoping’s locution.It also finds that modalized DMs of “saying”(e.g.,“I should say”),as a parenthesis,lose their status as matrix clauses and help reduce the tone of affirmation. 展开更多
关键词 discourse markers(DMs) saying The Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping(VolumeⅢ) speech act TRANSLATION
Russian and English View on Lies in Conflict Dialogues—— Analysis of Conflict Communication Acts in Russian and English Fiction
作者 Tamara Leontieva 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第8期840-851,共12页
What is a lie? Why do people tell lies? What compels them to make false utterances? How do people treat lie, deception or fudge? Is the attitude to them the same in different cultures? If not, what differences ar... What is a lie? Why do people tell lies? What compels them to make false utterances? How do people treat lie, deception or fudge? Is the attitude to them the same in different cultures? If not, what differences are there? An answer to these and some other questions is being sought in the paper. Producing a false utterance, the sender deprives the communication partner of the right to receive full information. The article presents views of Russians and representatives of Anglo-American culture on telling lies drawing the readers' attention to very serious situations, such as family conflicts between spouses, aggravated with lies. The material for analysis is taken from the texts by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov and the American novel writer Irwin Shaw. The analysis is based on the study of verbal and non-verbal markers of false utterances generated by quarreling spouses. A complex method of researching the literary material combining linguistic, extra-linguistic, and paralinguistic analysis of conflict speech acts with false utterances of different kinds is applied. 展开更多
关键词 telling lies conflict situations false utterances speech act
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