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作者 平措次仁 米玛 +1 位作者 索朗旺堆 次旦南卓 《亚太传统医药》 2023年第8期61-64,共4页
恰曼(■)医派是藏医历史文献及理论古籍中时常出现的派系,到目前为止学术界对该医派的研究甚少,关于经典医著《验方小部宝串》的研究更是史无先例。通过查阅藏医古籍文献,结合找到的恰曼医派代表医著《验方小部宝串》孤本内容,认为此医... 恰曼(■)医派是藏医历史文献及理论古籍中时常出现的派系,到目前为止学术界对该医派的研究甚少,关于经典医著《验方小部宝串》的研究更是史无先例。通过查阅藏医古籍文献,结合找到的恰曼医派代表医著《验方小部宝串》孤本内容,认为此医派的雏形可以追溯到十一世纪左右,而代表医著《验方小部宝串》形成于十三至十四世纪,该医著中不仅记载了诸多常见病的诊治方法,还收录了大量的藏药组方,能给藏医历史、理论、临床及药物研究增添新的内容和方法。 展开更多
关键词 恰曼 藏医 藏药 《验方小部宝串》 历史考证
虚拟主播对军事传播的影响——以陆军第75集团军首位军营虚拟主播军小部为例 被引量:2
作者 李紫贤 柴攀 严紫华 《新闻传播》 2020年第16期34-35,38,共3页
随着我国新媒体技术的迅速发展,不少传统媒体在网络新媒体的冲击下进行了大量极具突破性的创新尝试。军事宣传也如传统媒体一样,在新媒体宣传手段层出不穷的影响下,与时俱进、主动求变。笔者以陆军第75集团军首位军营虚拟主播军小部为例... 随着我国新媒体技术的迅速发展,不少传统媒体在网络新媒体的冲击下进行了大量极具突破性的创新尝试。军事宣传也如传统媒体一样,在新媒体宣传手段层出不穷的影响下,与时俱进、主动求变。笔者以陆军第75集团军首位军营虚拟主播军小部为例,从该虚拟主播的创作与发展、价值与使命等两方面入手,试分析虚拟主播在军事宣传中的影响。 展开更多
关键词 军营虚拟主播军小部 军事传播 新媒体
作者 杨林 《知行铜仁》 2015年第1期55-57,共3页
玉屏侗族自治县在机构、人员编制管理不变的前提下,先行先试,将乡镇"七站八所"优化整合为"三办三中心",积极探索乡镇"小部制"改革,从试点到全面推开,经过近两年的实践,初步实现了资源整合、管理规范、效... 玉屏侗族自治县在机构、人员编制管理不变的前提下,先行先试,将乡镇"七站八所"优化整合为"三办三中心",积极探索乡镇"小部制"改革,从试点到全面推开,经过近两年的实践,初步实现了资源整合、管理规范、效率提高、方便群众的改革目标,巩固了基层基础,推动了农村经济社会发展和全面小康进程。玉屏县推行的乡镇"小部制"改革对新形势下乡镇工作转型升级具有积极的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 玉屏 小部 实践 启示
部品小型化是农村住宅工业化的发展方向 被引量:3
作者 房志勇 曲笛 《墙材革新与建筑节能》 2012年第2期51-53,共3页
关键词 农村住宅工业化 小部 PC结构住宅
《现代汉语通用字表》“小”部字构形笔意及义类分析 被引量:1
作者 覃觅 《百色学院学报》 2012年第5期109-111,共3页
汉字"以形示义"的功能和汉民族"据形识义"的文化心理,使得人们总是试图对发展后的字形和字义做出新的诠释,以使其新的形义关系得到统一。然而,《现代汉语通用字表》中的"小"部字的大部分形体与原始的构... 汉字"以形示义"的功能和汉民族"据形识义"的文化心理,使得人们总是试图对发展后的字形和字义做出新的诠释,以使其新的形义关系得到统一。然而,《现代汉语通用字表》中的"小"部字的大部分形体与原始的构形已经不能吻合,其构形笔意义类大致有五类:其一,表示"细小"义;其二,""为"尚"字之构件,在整字构形中"尚"仅作声符的;其三,表示"光明"义的;其四,"小"用作声符的;其五,构形笔意不明的。通过考察分析与"小"部义类不相符的字族,进而探求其义类的成因,得出讹变和楷化以及部首的归并是造成"小"部义类分化的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 《现代汉语通用字表》 笔意 构形 小部
作者 龚贤 《人文论丛》 CSSCI 2014年第2期378-387,共10页
唐玄宗李隆基不仅是中国历史上著名的政治家,而且也是一位极具天才的音乐家。在他统治的前期和中期,唐王朝政治稳定,经济繁荣,人民生活安定,对各种思想文化兼容并包,诗歌、音乐、舞蹈、绘画等各种艺术高度发达,开创了物质文明和精神文... 唐玄宗李隆基不仅是中国历史上著名的政治家,而且也是一位极具天才的音乐家。在他统治的前期和中期,唐王朝政治稳定,经济繁荣,人民生活安定,对各种思想文化兼容并包,诗歌、音乐、舞蹈、绘画等各种艺术高度发达,开创了物质文明和精神文明共同繁荣的'开元盛世'关于唐玄宗音乐方面的才能,已有相关的论述。但是,到目前为止,还没有专文探讨他对乐舞艺术的管理及其社会意义,本文就此详加考察。一唐玄宗具有卓越的管理才能,为唐代乐舞艺术的管理作出了重要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 乐舞艺术 宜春院 小部音声 坐部伎 立部伎 李隆基 旧唐书 胡部新声 梨园弟子
Improvement for Agronomic Traits of Partial Waxy Wheat by Combination of Backcrossing with a PCR-based DNA Marker 被引量:3
作者 董玉秀 赵翔宇 +2 位作者 王甲威 苑国良 张宪省 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期836-841,共6页
To improve agronomic traits of partial waxy wheat, crossing between Chinese Baihuomai and wheat cultivars PH85-16, Jinan 17, and Yannong 15 was performed. The progeny plants were further backcrossed to these cultivars... To improve agronomic traits of partial waxy wheat, crossing between Chinese Baihuomai and wheat cultivars PH85-16, Jinan 17, and Yannong 15 was performed. The progeny plants were further backcrossed to these cultivars as recurrent parents for five generations. To get homozygous plants with the null allele at the Wx-D1 locus, self-pollination was carried out in the BC5F1 generation. Through another three generations, 6 partial waxy wheat lines were obtained, which had similar agronomic performance as their recurrent parents and carried the null allele at the Wx-D1 locus. In each generation, the Wx-D1 locus was identified by a PCR-based DNA marker and the agronomic traits were examined in progeny plants. The results from this study indicate that the use of backcrossing with a PCR-based DNA marker was useful in waxy wheat breeding. These partial waxy wheat lines can be used in field production. 展开更多
关键词 partial waxy wheat improved agronomic traits BACKCROSSING molecular assisted selection
作者 朱玉莲 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第3期255-260,共6页
Bagging is not quite suitable for stable classifiers such as nearest neighbor classifiers due to the lack of diversity and it is difficult to be directly applied to face recognition as well due to the small sample si... Bagging is not quite suitable for stable classifiers such as nearest neighbor classifiers due to the lack of diversity and it is difficult to be directly applied to face recognition as well due to the small sample size (SSS) property of face recognition. To solve the two problems,local Bagging (L-Bagging) is proposed to simultaneously make Bagging apply to both nearest neighbor classifiers and face recognition. The major difference between L-Bagging and Bagging is that L-Bagging performs the bootstrap sampling on each local region partitioned from the original face image rather than the whole face image. Since the dimensionality of local region is usually far less than the number of samples and the component classifiers are constructed just in different local regions,L-Bagging deals with SSS problem and generates more diverse component classifiers. Experimental results on four standard face image databases (AR,Yale,ORL and Yale B) indicate that the proposed L-Bagging method is effective and robust to illumination,occlusion and slight pose variation. 展开更多
关键词 face recognition local Bagging (L-Bagging) small sample size (SSS) nearest neighbor classifiers
小儿胸部DR低辐射剂量对影像质量及诊断价值的分析 被引量:4
作者 赵欣 秦好朴 +3 位作者 张孟增 鲁北 穆立国 高磊 《医学影像学杂志》 2017年第9期1790-1792,共3页
目的探讨小儿胸部DR使用低辐射剂量对影像质量及诊断效果的影响效果。方法选取我院进行胸部DR摄影的0~3岁儿童80例为观察对象,随机分成观察组和对照组,观察组为低剂量组,对照组为常规剂量组,每组40例患儿,对两组曝光参数进行收集和对比... 目的探讨小儿胸部DR使用低辐射剂量对影像质量及诊断效果的影响效果。方法选取我院进行胸部DR摄影的0~3岁儿童80例为观察对象,随机分成观察组和对照组,观察组为低剂量组,对照组为常规剂量组,每组40例患儿,对两组曝光参数进行收集和对比分析。结果观察组和对照组影像质量相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论婴幼儿胸部DR适合选用90kv摄影千伏,可以降低被检测患儿的m As和辐射剂量,两组相比没有明显的差异性。 展开更多
关键词 小儿胸部DR 低辐射剂量 影响质量
作者 心举 能智 《普陀学刊》 2021年第2期198-226,282,共30页
《无碍解道》属"观行论"的一种,是一部相当罕见的以指导止观修习实践为主的论书。论中不乏类似"释经论"的内容,却与《义释》的释经风格迥异;论书整体上更偏重"观行论",通过分别法相和更微细的行相对修学... 《无碍解道》属"观行论"的一种,是一部相当罕见的以指导止观修习实践为主的论书。论中不乏类似"释经论"的内容,却与《义释》的释经风格迥异;论书整体上更偏重"观行论",通过分别法相和更微细的行相对修学者的正观实践加以指导,在"安般念论"等篇中更对如何修习入出息以达到寂止修行的定境详加分说,揭示了若干契经中隐而未发的"秘法"。另外,《无碍解道》中对"智"与"慧"的讨论篇幅宏大而且见解独到,是从契经中选取了更适用于修证的角度对佛法所做的一种概括,既可指导修行实践,又可资行人以己之所学与经意相互印证。 展开更多
关键词 南传佛教 尼柯耶 小部 无碍解道 观行论
Studies of Site Specific DNA Binding of Small Peptides by Competitive Assays with Hoechst 33258
作者 杨铭 朱树梅 +2 位作者 黄艳萍 胡齐悦 王夔 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1996年第3期141-146,共6页
With a view to finding out precisely how small peptides recognize a particular binding site of DNA, we have accomplished DNA binding studies of two peptides, H-Tyr-Arg-OH (YR) and H-Gly-Gly-His-OH (GGH) by using measu... With a view to finding out precisely how small peptides recognize a particular binding site of DNA, we have accomplished DNA binding studies of two peptides, H-Tyr-Arg-OH (YR) and H-Gly-Gly-His-OH (GGH) by using measurements in comparison with the binding between DNA and Hoechst 33258. The inhibition mode by YR and GGH to DNA binding of Hoechst 33258 was analyzed by Lineweaver-Burk plot which shows the plot of typical competitive inhibition at concentration of Hoechst 33258 from 3.66 ( 10-9 mol / L to 1.09 ( 10-8 mol / L. And it is concluded that YR binds to DNA in its minor groove (AT rich regions) with a binding constant K = 1.02 ( 108 (mol / L)-1. The GGH(s specificity is reduced at high concentration because it can also bind GC base pair. 展开更多
关键词 DNA PEPTIDE Competitive inhibitor Site specific binding
Ground-roll separation of seismic data based on morphological component analysis in twodimensional domain 被引量:2
作者 徐小红 屈光中 +2 位作者 张洋 毕云云 汪金菊 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期116-126,220,共12页
Ground roll is an interference wave that severely degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data and affects its subsequent processing and interpretation.In this study,according to differences in morphological cha... Ground roll is an interference wave that severely degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data and affects its subsequent processing and interpretation.In this study,according to differences in morphological characteristics between ground roll and reflected waves,we use morphological component analysis based on two-dimensional dictionaries to separate ground roll and reflected waves.Because ground roll is characterized by lowfrequency,low-velocity,and dispersion,we select two-dimensional undecimated discrete wavelet transform as a sparse representation dictionary of ground roll.Because of a strong local correlation of the reflected wave,we select two-dimensional local discrete cosine transform as the sparse representation dictionary of reflected waves.A sparse representation model of seismic data is constructed based on a two-dimensional joint dictionary then a block coordinate relaxation algorithm is used to solve the model and decompose seismic record into reflected wave part and ground roll part.The good effects for the synthetic seismic data and application of real seismic data indicate that when using the model,strong-energy ground roll is considerably suppressed and the waveform of the reflected wave is effectively protected. 展开更多
关键词 Ground-roll suppression morphological component analysis sparse representation two-dimensional undecimated discrete wavelet transform two-dimensional local discrete cosine transform
Virtual local target method for avoiding local minimum in potential field based robot navigation 被引量:9
作者 邹细勇 诸静 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第3期264-269,共6页
A novel robot navigation algorithm with global path generation capability is presented. Local minimum is a most intractable but is an encountered frequently problem in potential field based robot navigation.Through ap... A novel robot navigation algorithm with global path generation capability is presented. Local minimum is a most intractable but is an encountered frequently problem in potential field based robot navigation.Through appointing appropriately some virtual local targets on the journey, it can be solved effectively. The key concept employed in this algorithm are the rules that govern when and how to appoint these virtual local targets. When the robot finds itself in danger of local minimum, a virtual local target is appointed to replace the global goal temporarily according to the rules. After the virtual target is reached, the robot continues on its journey by heading towards the global goal. The algorithm prevents the robot from running into local minima anymore. Simulation results showed that it is very effective in complex obstacle environments. 展开更多
关键词 Local minimum Virtual local target RULES Potential field based robot navigation
Measurement of sugar content in Fuji apples by FT-NIR spectroscopy 被引量:3
作者 刘燕德 应义斌 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2004年第6期651-655,共5页
To evaluate the potential of FT-NIR spectroscopy and the influence of the distance between the light source/detection probe and the fruit for measuring the sugar content (SC) of Fuji apples, diffuse reflectance spectr... To evaluate the potential of FT-NIR spectroscopy and the influence of the distance between the light source/detection probe and the fruit for measuring the sugar content (SC) of Fuji apples, diffuse reflectance spectra were measured in the spectral range from 12500 to 4000 cm^-1 at 0 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm distances. Four calibration models at four distances were established between diffused reflectance spectra and sugar content by partial least squares (PLS) analysis. The correlation coefficients (R) of calibrations ranged from 0.982 to 0.997 with SEC values from 0.138 to 0.453 and the SECV values from 0.74 to 1.58. The best model of original spectra at 0 mm distance yielded high correlation determination of 0.918, a SEC of 0.092, and a SEP of 0.773. The results showed that different light/detection probe-fruit distances influence the apple reflective spectra and SC predictions. 展开更多
关键词 FT-NIR spectroscopy Nondestructive measurement Sugar content Fuji apples Partial least squares analysis
Distal small bowel motility and lipid absorption in patients following abdominal aortic aneurysm repair surgery 被引量:1
作者 Robert J Fraser Marc Ritz +8 位作者 Addolorata C Di Matteo Rosalie Vozzo Monika Kwiatek Robert Foreman Brendan Stanley Jack Walsh Jim Burnett Paul Jury John Dent 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期582-587,共6页
AIM: To investigate distal small bowel motility and lipid absorption in patients following elective abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair surgery, METHODS: Nine patients (aged 35-78 years; body mass index (BMI... AIM: To investigate distal small bowel motility and lipid absorption in patients following elective abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair surgery, METHODS: Nine patients (aged 35-78 years; body mass index (BMI) range: 23-36 kg/m2) post-surgery for AAA repair, and seven healthy control subjects (20-50 years; BMI range: 21-29 kg/m^2) were studied, Continuous distal small bowel manometry was performed for up to 72 h, during periods of fasting and enteral feeding (Nutrison). Recordings were analyzed for the frequency, odgin, length of migration, and direction of small intestinal burst activity. Lipid absorption was assessed on the first day and the third day post surgery in a subset of patients using the ^13C-triolein-breath test, and compared with healthy controls. Subjects received a 20-min intraduodenal infusion of 50 mL liquid feed mixed with 200μL ^13C-triolein. End-expiratory breath samples were collected for 6 h and analyzed for ^13CO2 concentration. RESULTS: The frequency of burst activity in the proximal and distal small intestine was higher in patients than in healthy subjects, under both fasting and fed conditions (P〈 0.005). In patients there was a higher proportion of abnormally propagated bursts (71% abnormal), which began to normalize by d 3 (25% abnormal) post-surgery.Lipid absorption data was available for seven patients on d 1 and four patients on d 3 post surgery. In patients, absorption on d 1 post-surgery was half that of healthy control subjects (AUC ^13CO2 1323±244 vs 2646±365; P〈0.05, respectively), and was reduced to the one-fitch that of healthy controls by d 3 (AUC ^13CO2 470±832 vs 2646±365; P〈 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSION: Both proximal and distal small intestinal motor activity are transiently disrupted in critically ill patients immediately after major surgery, with abnormal motility patterns extending as far as the ileum. These motor disturbances may contribute to impaired absorption of enteral nutrition, especially when intraluminal processing is necessary for efficient digestion. 展开更多
关键词 Critical illness Small intestine MOTILITY Lipid absorption
A new kind of wavelet-based method for spectrum deconvolution
作者 肖跃 崔一平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期22-25,共4页
To subtract the slit function from the measured spectrum, a wavelet-based deconvolution method is proposed to obtain a regularized solution of the problem. The method includes reconstructing the signal from the wavele... To subtract the slit function from the measured spectrum, a wavelet-based deconvolution method is proposed to obtain a regularized solution of the problem. The method includes reconstructing the signal from the wavelet modulus maxima. For the purpose of maxima selection, the spatially selective noise filtration technique was used to distinguish modulus maxima produced by signal from the one created by noise. To test the method, sodium spectrum measured at a wide slit was deconvolved. He-Ne spectrum measured at the corresponding slit width was used as slit function. Sodium measured at a narrow slit was used as the reference spectrum. The deconvolutton result shows that this method can enhance the resolution of the degraded spectrum greatly. 展开更多
关键词 DECONVOLUTION slit function wavelet local maxima
Effect of lactobacillus on the gut microflora and barrier function of the rats with abdominal infection 被引量:10
作者 Huan-LongQin Tong-YiShen Zhi-GuangGao Xiao-BingFan Xiao-MinHang Yan-QunJiang Hui-ZhenZhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第17期2591-2596,共6页
AIM:To investigate the effect of probiotics supplemented by gut on the tight junctions of epithelial cells, barrier function and the microflora of rats with abdominal infection. METHODS: After the model of cecal ligat... AIM:To investigate the effect of probiotics supplemented by gut on the tight junctions of epithelial cells, barrier function and the microflora of rats with abdominal infection. METHODS: After the model of cecal ligation and perforation established, SD rats were divided into two groups: parenteral nutrition (PN) group and PIM+probiotics (probiotics) group, PN solution was supplemented by neck vein and probiotics was delivered via the jejunostomy tube for five days. Vena cava blood and the homogenated tissue of liver, lung and mesenteric lymph nodes were cultured to determine the bacterial translocation rate (BTR). The ultra-structure of epithelial tight junctions and microvilli of the gut were observed by electron microscopy; occluding expression was measured by indirect-immune fluorescence method; anaerobic bacterial growth by anaerobic culture and DNA fingerprint of bacterial colonies of the feces by PCR. RESULTS: The quantity of lactobacteria and bifydobacteria in probiotics group was higher than that of PN group. The profiles of DNA fingerprint expression in probiotics group were similar to that in the normal group, a new 16S rDNA sequence appeared in the profile in PN group. The occludin expression, the integrality of the gut epithelial tight junction and microvilli in probiotics group were improved as compared with PN group. The BTR and endotoxin in blood were reduced more significantly in probiotics group as compared with PN group. CONCLUSION: The probiotics could improve the gut microflora disturbance, increase occludin expression, maintain the gut epithelial tight junction and decrease the bacterial translocations rate. 展开更多
关键词 LACTOBACILLUS Gut microflora Barrier function Abdominal infection
A One-parameter Filled Function Method for Nonlinear Integer Programming 被引量:2
作者 尚有林 杨永建 梁玉梅 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第4期1-4,共4页
This paper gives a new definition of the filled function for nonlinear integer programming problem. A filled function satisfying our definition is presented. This function contains only one parameter. The properties o... This paper gives a new definition of the filled function for nonlinear integer programming problem. A filled function satisfying our definition is presented. This function contains only one parameter. The properties of the proposed filled function and the method using this filled function to solve nonlinear integer programming problem are also discussed. Numerical results indicate the efficiency and reliability of the proposed filled function algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 integer programming local minimizer global minimizer filled function global optimization
先唐时期子部小说定位问题探赜 被引量:1
作者 白薇 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第4期44-50,共7页
子部小说,是指在古代目录学著作中著录于“子部”小说家中的小说。先唐时期,著录小说最为重要的史志目录为《汉书·艺文志》和《隋书·经籍志》。从《汉志》到《隋志》,先唐史家在学术建构中对小说的定位出现较大变化:在儒家经... 子部小说,是指在古代目录学著作中著录于“子部”小说家中的小说。先唐时期,著录小说最为重要的史志目录为《汉书·艺文志》和《隋书·经籍志》。从《汉志》到《隋志》,先唐史家在学术建构中对小说的定位出现较大变化:在儒家经学和政教秩序的体系之内,小说从边缘走近中心;在书目归类和书目内容上,小说变驳杂而精细。这一变化是《隋志》对“小说”的调整重构,也是先唐时期小说观念不断更新,学术体系日渐明晰的结果。 展开更多
关键词 子部小说 《汉书·艺文志》 《隋书·经籍志》 小说观念
Acute small bowel obstruction caused by endometriosis:A case report and review of the literature 被引量:5
作者 Antonella De Ceglie Claudio Bilardi +4 位作者 Sabrina Blanchi Massimo Picasso Massimo Conio Marcello Di Muzio Alberto Trimarchi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第21期3430-3434,共5页
Gastrointestinal involvement of endometriosis has been found in 3%-37% of menstruating women and exclusive localization on the ileum is very rare(1%-7%).Endometriosis of the distal ileum is an infrequent cause of inte... Gastrointestinal involvement of endometriosis has been found in 3%-37% of menstruating women and exclusive localization on the ileum is very rare(1%-7%).Endometriosis of the distal ileum is an infrequent cause of intestinal obstruction,ranging from 7% to 23% of all cases with intestinal involvement.We report a case in which endometrial infiltration of the small bowel caused acute obstruction requiring emergency surgery,in a woman whose symptoms were not related to menses.Histology of the resected specimen showed that endometriosis was mainly prevalent in the muscularis propria and submucosa and that the mucosa was not ulcerated but had inflammation and glandular alteration.Endometrial lymph node involvement,with a cystic glandular pattern was also detected. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOMETRIOSIS Small bowel ILEUM OBSTRUCTION Abdominal pain Intestinal resection
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