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评述我国古代的公文传递 被引量:1
作者 陈俊耀 马占彪 《秘书之友》 1992年第8期44-45,共2页
我国古代的公文传递,从秦王朝起,就逐步形成了一套严密的传递形式和传递制度.本文试就这一问题进行初步探讨.一、公文的封扎、包装秦汉时,公文书写在竹简或木简上.短公文一般为单片,长公文则为多片编在一起.传递时,单片的公文要封;多片... 我国古代的公文传递,从秦王朝起,就逐步形成了一套严密的传递形式和传递制度.本文试就这一问题进行初步探讨.一、公文的封扎、包装秦汉时,公文书写在竹简或木简上.短公文一般为单片,长公文则为多片编在一起.传递时,单片的公文要封;多片公文要扎,统称为封扎.封扎的方法,是用两块木板(一作底,一作盖)夹在简牍外面.这也就是最早的“信封”.再一种封扎的方法,是省去一块底板,而在写有公文的简牍面上,再敷盖一块木板,予以扎封.有时,还用一种固定的木制封套,这就是一种较为固定的“信封”,称之为函.为了好看、好扎封,把封包公文的木板刻成鲤鱼形,、所以,古人用“双鲤”作为书信的美称. 展开更多
关键词 古代公文 传递形式 秦王朝 行书律 西汉会要 封包 内史杂律 驿使 少史 副封
作者 黄雅文 《中小学作文教学》 2005年第12期22-22,共1页
“生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”今天我和妈妈怀着崇敬的心情瞻仰项王故里。进了大门,我们首先去参观历史文物陈列馆。这里有许多钱币,如宋代的钱币、秦代的半两钱、唐代的开元通宝……接着我们去了项王蜡像馆,那... “生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”今天我和妈妈怀着崇敬的心情瞻仰项王故里。进了大门,我们首先去参观历史文物陈列馆。这里有许多钱币,如宋代的钱币、秦代的半两钱、唐代的开元通宝……接着我们去了项王蜡像馆,那里面有:项羽、刘邦、宋义、项良、虞姬等蜡像,个个栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖。听说他们的胡须、头发都是真的,工人就把胡须一针一针地扎进去,是很辛苦的。我们仔细看了项羽和虞姬的蜡像:虞姬手拿竹书。 展开更多
关键词 生当作人杰 开元通宝 半两钱 历史文物 竹书 楚霸王 少史 王手 抽汽 石马
作者 赵长征 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 1991年第3期72-76,共5页
关于诸葛亮躬耕地的南阳、襄阳之争,由来已久,遂成疑案。近数年来,主襄阳说者不乏其人,许多人撰文著书,言之凿凿,认为诸葛亮躬耕地必在襄阳无疑。尽管不少史界师长亦持是说,但细察其依据,揣摩其立论,终难令人信服。笔者认为,作为后人,... 关于诸葛亮躬耕地的南阳、襄阳之争,由来已久,遂成疑案。近数年来,主襄阳说者不乏其人,许多人撰文著书,言之凿凿,认为诸葛亮躬耕地必在襄阳无疑。尽管不少史界师长亦持是说,但细察其依据,揣摩其立论,终难令人信服。笔者认为,作为后人,如欲考证远古之史实,必要克服主观臆断。 展开更多
关键词 少史 庞德公 《出师表》 主观臆断 地方史志 司马徽 汉晋春秋 《水经注》 庞统 张绣
《贵州文史丛刊》 1988年第1期159-,共1页
关键词 韦编 秋晴 烟萝 登长城 沁园春 从约 水绿山青 少史 居庸 朔漠
Hispanic Women's Presence in the Actual U.S. Congress
作者 Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio Isabel Maria Gareia Conesa 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第11期593-606,共14页
The Hispanic population of the United States has become, in recent times, into a powerful electoral force whose vote is historically oriented towards the Democratic Party of the incumbent US President Barack H. Obama.... The Hispanic population of the United States has become, in recent times, into a powerful electoral force whose vote is historically oriented towards the Democratic Party of the incumbent US President Barack H. Obama. Obviously, this growing electoral strength is reflected into its political presence in the American life that has been accomplished with their numeric inclusion in the US Congress. Although in the recent decades several studies have arisen on the status of the Hispanic community in the United States from both sides of the Atlantic, these have been primarily focused on casuistic, demographic, developmental or educational aspects. But only a few of them, if any, has focused exclusively on the numerical and symbolical representation of the community in the political arena, and more specifically into the main legislative body of the country, the US Congress. And therein it lays the purpose of this article. We intend to investigate not only the historical presence of Hispanic legislators in Congress but also and especially their political influence in the current U.S. Congress. Finally, and prior to the conclusions drawn throughout the paper, we will analyze the political influence of the Hispanic congresswomen in the current 114th Congress. As we will be breaking down, this group has been changing gradually from a poor oppressed minority into one of the most dynamic groups of the country, introduced at all levels of government. 展开更多
关键词 Hispanic population political presence Hispanic Congresswomen Hispanic political influence
The Deficiency and Embarrassment of Chinese Music History
作者 Wang Huan Wang Ji 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期128-129,共2页
Chinese music history is a rigorous discipline of analyzing, studying and describing Chinese music development and evolution process, which has typical historical factors. Chinese music covers a wide range, which incl... Chinese music history is a rigorous discipline of analyzing, studying and describing Chinese music development and evolution process, which has typical historical factors. Chinese music covers a wide range, which includes China traditional opera, minority drama, local and regional opera, and the song and dance drama and music with the sense of the times.However, in the music history research and teaching in our country currently, because the current art education of the old system and the traditional mechanical reasons, study on the history of music lacks of effective view in the breadth and depth.Because of these reasons, there is a lack of the object of study and research methods, so in the course of study on the China music history, it has some deficiency and embarrassing phenomenon.In this paper, it takes the analysis on deletion and embarrassing situations in our country at present on the history of music, and finds out the corresponding solutions for it. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese music history DEFICIENCY EMBARRASSMENT
Play the role of the university libraries in the research and heritage of the local cultural protection
作者 LI Shunqian 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期24-28,共5页
The libraries, especially the university libraries, are the important gathering places of the human cultural knowledge and the inheritance, which usually house some important and rare historical literature books and m... The libraries, especially the university libraries, are the important gathering places of the human cultural knowledge and the inheritance, which usually house some important and rare historical literature books and materials. Especially the local university libraries in the minority agglomeration regions collect the cultural resources with the local ethnic characteristics, so the local university libraries should have the better geographical advantages and the advantages of the subject resources to give full play to the unique functions and values to study and inherit the local cultural protection. 展开更多
关键词 University library local cultures protection and inheritance
《优品》 2008年第3期2-2,共1页
关键词 一个女人 窝阔台 拔都 一代天骄 蒙哥 王罕 贵由 术赤 拖雷 少史
作者 吴正中 《青岛画报》 2007年第11期56-59,共4页
清晨,史庆军和妻子宋晓艳,为了赶订单时间,匆匆忙忙简单的收拾了一下被褥洗了把脸,也没顾上吃早饭,就开始在隔壁画室伏案作画。像史庆军夫妻俩一样,画师们把这个离城市较远的画家村,当成物质与精神及体现自身价值的乐园。达尼画家村距... 清晨,史庆军和妻子宋晓艳,为了赶订单时间,匆匆忙忙简单的收拾了一下被褥洗了把脸,也没顾上吃早饭,就开始在隔壁画室伏案作画。像史庆军夫妻俩一样,画师们把这个离城市较远的画家村,当成物质与精神及体现自身价值的乐园。达尼画家村距胶南市区十几公里,此处原本就山清水秀,加之多年来村政府与村民对环保始终都很重视,让一派好风光得以保持,也因此引来绿泽画院落户扎根此地。后来画院的发展及名声逐渐大了起来,有人就建议取村名前两个字大泥的谐音叫达尼画家村。画家村创业初期,仅有十几名画师和画工,几间农房为画室。如今,高级画师和画工总共近1000人,而本村居民还不到400人。 展开更多
关键词 庆军 高级画师 画家村 村政府 达尼 少史 离城 美满幸福 工作压力 性格内向
作者 张勇 《老同志之友(下半月)》 2016年第8期41-41,共1页
《芈月传》中,后宫众位佳丽,不论是夫人、两人、没人、八子、长史、少史,逢人便自称"臣妾",让人忍俊不禁。几乎所有宫廷戏都或多或少存在这样的问题。其实在古代,"臣妾"这个词绝对不是可以随随便便轻易出口,不是在谁面前都可以胡乱... 《芈月传》中,后宫众位佳丽,不论是夫人、两人、没人、八子、长史、少史,逢人便自称"臣妾",让人忍俊不禁。几乎所有宫廷戏都或多或少存在这样的问题。其实在古代,"臣妾"这个词绝对不是可以随随便便轻易出口,不是在谁面前都可以胡乱使用的。臣妾作为名词,古来称地位低贱者。《尚书传》说:"役人贱者,男曰臣,女曰妾。"《周礼注》也说:"臣妾,男女贫贱之称。"《战国策·秦四》: 展开更多
关键词 八子 周礼注 少史 役人 皇后纪 西域传 骨文 黥刑 宫之奇 齐人有一妻一妾
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