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英语听力训练时效研究——“高频少时”、“化整为零”英语听力训练模式试验 被引量:8
作者 杨学云 《四川外语学院学报》 北大核心 2007年第6期138-141,共4页
听音效率是影响听力理解能力提高的重要因素,恰当、合理的听力训练时间安排对提高听音效率和听力理解能力具有十分重要的作用。试验表明,"高频少时"、"化整为零"的听力训练模式在提高学习者听音效率方面不仅可行,... 听音效率是影响听力理解能力提高的重要因素,恰当、合理的听力训练时间安排对提高听音效率和听力理解能力具有十分重要的作用。试验表明,"高频少时"、"化整为零"的听力训练模式在提高学习者听音效率方面不仅可行,而且效果显著。同时,为听力教学也提供了有益的启示。 展开更多
关键词 听音效率 “高频少时 “化整为零”
作者 卢惠龙 《贵阳文史》 2010年第6期90-91,共2页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《那是年少时
作者 王开春 《宜春学院学报》 2019年第2期89-94,共6页
《江西诗社宗派图》在南宋初年引起人们的注意和讨论。而吕本中本人却表示这是"少时戏作",且"甚悔其作",态度微妙。吕氏这一表态,不是故为托辞。江西诗人群体在北宋末年形成,及至南渡初期,因为诸人文行出处的变化,... 《江西诗社宗派图》在南宋初年引起人们的注意和讨论。而吕本中本人却表示这是"少时戏作",且"甚悔其作",态度微妙。吕氏这一表态,不是故为托辞。江西诗人群体在北宋末年形成,及至南渡初期,因为诸人文行出处的变化,他们之间已经很难有那种同声相应的群体意识。吕氏的说法,正是这种心态的流露。这也侧面印证《宗派图》不可能作于南渡初。吕氏诗学思想在南渡后也发生新变。在"活法"之外,更提出"无意于文者之法"这一命题,此时更为重视诗歌的社会作用和意义。这或许也是他不满意《宗派图》中有关论述,而表示"甚悔少作"的原因。 展开更多
关键词 吕本中 《宗派图》 少时戏作 回避与反思
作者 刘勇强 《中学生阅读与作文》 2010年第9期51-52,共2页
关键词 《年少时的那朵杨絮》 中学生 作文 语文教学
作者 成龙 《可乐》 2009年第7期32-33,共2页
关键词 小说 文学作品 《无果花香年少时 成龙
作者 李愫生 《中学生百科(小文艺)》 2011年第4期34-35,共2页
关键词 中学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《年少时的一朵杨絮》
作者 郑玉超 《绿色视野》 2009年第12期58-59,共2页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 少时窃蜜战蜂记》
作者 张倩 《杭州文博》 2004年第1期50-52,共3页
胡雪岩,名光墉,浙江杭州人。年少时在钱庄里做学徒,从此与钱庄结下不解之缘。胡雪岩在羽翼渐丰后,着手建立起了一个庞大的金融网络,兼容了典当、银号、药号、丝茶业等诸多业务。他凭借其通达人情、眼光敏锐、手腕圆滑等非凡气度在官场... 胡雪岩,名光墉,浙江杭州人。年少时在钱庄里做学徒,从此与钱庄结下不解之缘。胡雪岩在羽翼渐丰后,着手建立起了一个庞大的金融网络,兼容了典当、银号、药号、丝茶业等诸多业务。他凭借其通达人情、眼光敏锐、手腕圆滑等非凡气度在官场、商场、洋场、江湖之间显得游刃有余。在官场。 展开更多
关键词 红顶 官场 洋场 药号 茶业 气度 商场 少时
《作文(初中年级)》 2019年第5期63-63,共1页
年少时,王维便以诗才为人所知,每逢诗会歌吟,他屡屡夺魁,许多老儒为此恼羞搁笔。后来,王维便有意退让,尽弄些平庸之作敷衍了事。时间一长,大家便开始嘲笑王维不过是个乳臭小子,早已江郎才尽。王维也不争辩,更不去力证自己。了解王维的... 年少时,王维便以诗才为人所知,每逢诗会歌吟,他屡屡夺魁,许多老儒为此恼羞搁笔。后来,王维便有意退让,尽弄些平庸之作敷衍了事。时间一长,大家便开始嘲笑王维不过是个乳臭小子,早已江郎才尽。王维也不争辩,更不去力证自己。了解王维的李缙实在看不下去,质问王维为何要有意退让。 展开更多
关键词 少时 质问 乳臭 大家 君子 时间 力证 小子
作者 杨柳 《疯狂英语(新悦读)》 2019年第5期17-18,61,共3页
关键词 亲吻 轻抚 少时 母亲 文章 词数 肌肤
作者 西风 《新疆林业》 2019年第3期24-25,共2页
我不喜欢狼,不喜欢的理由是因为惧怕.说到底,是因为年少时母亲不厌其烦讲述的那个'狼来了'的惊险故事.当放羊的男孩被一只凶狠的老狼垫了肚子时,一种潜意识就在我幼小的内心深处安家落户了.尽管如此,这些并没有影响狼在我的笔... 我不喜欢狼,不喜欢的理由是因为惧怕.说到底,是因为年少时母亲不厌其烦讲述的那个'狼来了'的惊险故事.当放羊的男孩被一只凶狠的老狼垫了肚子时,一种潜意识就在我幼小的内心深处安家落户了.尽管如此,这些并没有影响狼在我的笔尖下奔跑、吼叫、挣扎和表演,我是想绞尽脑汁地书写有关狼的传说.这是世界上无比凶狠和狡猾的家族,好像在日渐衰微、日暮途穷了.但我写作的目的不是怀念狼,更不是希望它们成为我精神的图腾.不为什么,只因为我是站立行走的人,而人绝不能拥有阴险奸诈的狼性. 展开更多
关键词 传说 笔尖 少时 狼性 肚子 阴险 母亲 潜意识 老狼
“寻” 借我一点淡泊
《高校招生(高考指导)》 2019年第5期4-5,共2页
“非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远.”这句话看似平淡,却揭示了世事人生的真谛.对于逐梦的高三学生来说,也具有启迪的意义.淡泊主要淡的是心态,是将那些会影响自己发挥、前进的负面状态置之不理.的确,学习是我们年少时必经的“劫”,一张... “非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远.”这句话看似平淡,却揭示了世事人生的真谛.对于逐梦的高三学生来说,也具有启迪的意义.淡泊主要淡的是心态,是将那些会影响自己发挥、前进的负面状态置之不理.的确,学习是我们年少时必经的“劫”,一张张试卷、一场场考试接踵而至.长时间的学习,使得我们容易陷入一种情绪低落、心情烦躁的情绪中.假如经过几番努力成绩依然没有进步,或者说复习没有达到自己的预期时,大家往往会很容易就对自己产生怀疑:“我为什么学不好”“我是不是比别人差”“学得这么辛苦也没有效果,还不如放弃好了”……诸如此类的想法一旦累积起来,会很容易削弱同学们的斗志、降低学习积极性,而那些习惯以一种“知足常乐、云淡风轻”的心态来面对高三的同学们,则会较为容易及时调整心态和状态、安稳度过复习的疲惫期. 展开更多
关键词 状态 斗志 同学 心态 心情 积极性 淡泊 少时
王小羽:笔墨皆有禅意 意境格外空灵
作者 鹏飞 《地球》 2019年第4期108-109,共2页
王小羽,本名王宝柱,祖籍山东省诸城,1963年生于哈尔滨,1984年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,1985年入中央美术学院国画系进修,结业后到西安美术学院任教。年少时从师王盛烈先生,并亲受李可染、于志学、刘文西、于希宁、关山月、陆俨少等大师。199... 王小羽,本名王宝柱,祖籍山东省诸城,1963年生于哈尔滨,1984年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,1985年入中央美术学院国画系进修,结业后到西安美术学院任教。年少时从师王盛烈先生,并亲受李可染、于志学、刘文西、于希宁、关山月、陆俨少等大师。1991年入庐山东林寺,随高僧果一法师学佛。1994年在青岛湛山寺礼明哲方丈出家,取法名妙定,字禅观,号漠池。现居北京。 展开更多
关键词 漠池 希宁 禅观 学佛 少时 禅意 本名 国画系 空灵
作者 潘朔寒 《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2019年第8期43-43,共1页
初心者,一人起初所怀之至诚至纯之心也。在当下这个物欲横流的时代,有多少人尚不忘初心?更多者恐怕是忘却初心,不是失魂落魄,惶惶不可终日,便是如小丑一般追名逐利,违心奉承。唯有不忘初心,追逐人生理想的脚步方才不会偏移。而一旦丧失... 初心者,一人起初所怀之至诚至纯之心也。在当下这个物欲横流的时代,有多少人尚不忘初心?更多者恐怕是忘却初心,不是失魂落魄,惶惶不可终日,便是如小丑一般追名逐利,违心奉承。唯有不忘初心,追逐人生理想的脚步方才不会偏移。而一旦丧失初心,后果便不堪设想。一代名相李斯,年少时师从荀子,欲求治国之学,以佐君主行仁政,富国民。然李斯却逆探主上之心,改以因袭商君苛法,以愚民为上,尽舍其师荀卿之学,而忘求学之本心。 展开更多
关键词 人尚 初心 人生 理想 心者 师从 欲求 少时 所怀
作者 宋之风 钟华 《广东党史》 2003年第5期55-55,共1页
欧初同志著革命回忆录第二部<有志尚如年少时>,最近由广东人民出版社出版发行. 作者两年前出版了抗日战争回忆录<少年心事要天知>,而这部<有志尚如年少时>则是抗日战争胜利后,国民党反动派撕毁<双十协定>,发动... 欧初同志著革命回忆录第二部<有志尚如年少时>,最近由广东人民出版社出版发行. 作者两年前出版了抗日战争回忆录<少年心事要天知>,而这部<有志尚如年少时>则是抗日战争胜利后,国民党反动派撕毁<双十协定>,发动内战,作者奉命再度扛枪,在东江北岸、粤桂边和粤中地区参加解放战争,以及胜利后初期建设工作的记录.全书25章,共16万多字.<有志尚如年少时>,是借陆游诗句定名的.意思是人虽已步人中年,但其意志还如少年时的一样:一片丹心惟报国.显现出它与第一部抗日战争回忆录的联贯性.从这部书稿中,可以看到作者波澜壮阔的中年岁月、锲而不舍的革命追求和爱国爱民的伟大情怀. 展开更多
关键词 《有志尚如年少时 回忆录 欧初 解放战争 爱国主义
Least squares reverse-time migration in the pseudodepth domain and reservoir exploration 被引量:3
作者 Sun Xiao-Dong Jia Yan-Rui +2 位作者 Zhang Min Li Qing-Yang Li Zhen-Chun 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期234-239,363,共7页
Least squares reverse-time migration (LSRTM) is an inversion method that removes artificial images and preserves the amplitude of reflectivity sections. LSRTM has been used in reservoir exploration and processing of... Least squares reverse-time migration (LSRTM) is an inversion method that removes artificial images and preserves the amplitude of reflectivity sections. LSRTM has been used in reservoir exploration and processing of 4D seismic data. LSRTM is, however, a computationally costly and memory-intensive method. In this study, LSRTM in the pseudodepth domain was combined with the conjugate gradient method to reduce the computational cost while maintaining precision. The velocity field in the depth domain was transformed to the velocity field in the pseudodepth domain; thus, the total number of vertical sampling points was reduced and oversampling was avoided. Synthetic and field data were used to validate the proposed method. LSRTM in the pseudodepth domain in conjunction with the conjugate gradient method shows potential in treating field data. 展开更多
关键词 Least squares reverse-time migration pseudodepth domain conjugate gradient
Effects of salinity on survival,feeding behavior and growth of the juvenile swimming crab,Portunus trituberculatus(Miers,1876) 被引量:3
作者 申屠基康 徐永健 丁张妮 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期679-684,共6页
Effect of salinity on survival,feeding behavior and growth of juvenile swimming crab P ortunus trituberculatus was investigated under 5 salinity levels of 5,10,20,30 and 40. The results show that the crab juveniles fe... Effect of salinity on survival,feeding behavior and growth of juvenile swimming crab P ortunus trituberculatus was investigated under 5 salinity levels of 5,10,20,30 and 40. The results show that the crab juveniles fed 2 or 3 times at the salinity 20 and 30,each lasted for about 25 minutes,for a total feeding time of 73.2±22.65 minutes per day. At these salinities,there were significantly higher in the frequency of feeding and in total feeding time than those at lower salinities of 5 and 10. All crab juveniles moulted when reared at a salinity of 20 during the 5 days duration of the experiment,which is significantly higher than those at other salinities. All juveniles survived at salinity 20,and the survivorship was not significantly different from that at 30,but was signif icantly higher than those at other salinities. The crab juveniles reared at a salinity of 20 had the highest value of food ration of 0.190 8±0.011 3 g/g BW,average body weight gain of 0.796±0.128 g,gain rate of 87%–96%,and food conversion ratio of 1.20±0.09. There was no significant difference in the values found between 20 and 30 but these values were significantly lower than that at the other salinities( P> 0.05). Highest activities of digestive enzymes(Amylase,Protease,Lipase) and lowest activities of protective enzymes(SOD,PO,CAT) were also obtained on crab juveniles reared at salinity of 20. 展开更多
关键词 swimming crab SALINITY feeding behavior MOULTING GROWTH mortality
Combination of Daur Clothing Decorative Art and Modern Fashion Design 被引量:1
作者 钱欣 边菲 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期625-628,共4页
On today's clothes market and international fashion stage, the dress adornment elements of ethnic minorities have always deeply impressed design masters, received great attention and, are constantly surprising fashio... On today's clothes market and international fashion stage, the dress adornment elements of ethnic minorities have always deeply impressed design masters, received great attention and, are constantly surprising fashion designers. China is a country with multiple ethnic minorities, which have extremely rich ethnic minority dresses and adornment elements. On studying the major dress adornment elements of the Daur, a typical ethnic minority in northern China, we have discovered their strong ethnic features. The major dress adornment elements of the Daur were with the purpose to explore and continue traditions. Combining the modern faskion design with the delicate decorative art that the Daur people sew various laces and embroideries on their dresses, was to discover and use the essence of Chinese ethnic dress and adornments, and demonstrate the talent of ethnic minorities in clothes design. Given what have been founded, combined with the application of modern design methods, the adornment elements of ethnic dresses can represent their ethnic characteristics as well as reflecting the sense of the modern age. 展开更多
关键词 DAUR decorative art modern clothing LINK
Game Spirits in the American Youngsters Series--Take Harry Potter and The Hunger Games as Examples
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第4期302-307,共6页
The series of Harry Potter and the series of The Hunger Games are the most frequently mentioned children's and youngster's stories after The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Both of them are children's and youngster's fa... The series of Harry Potter and the series of The Hunger Games are the most frequently mentioned children's and youngster's stories after The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Both of them are children's and youngster's favorite stories. All of them are about children's adventures. But because of the time and history, they represent different themes of the time. This research paper aims at analyzing the Game Spirits in the first two. The suspense and surprise, fantastic adventures and time interweaving are shown in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. And the unbelievable background, the lucky number, image of gamble, and the game against humanity are the Game Spirits in The Hunger Games. The purpose of this thesis is to help people better understand Harry Potter and The Hunger Games in the aspect of Game Spirit. Harry Potter is the full of fantastic adventure while The Hunger Game is a story full of survival. 展开更多
关键词 Game Spirit the Harry Potter series children literature suspense and surprise adventures suspense and surprise J. K. Rowling
A clinical comparative study of GP and TP 1st-line chemotherapies for advanced non-small cell lung cancer
作者 Kun Chen Qiang Lin Chunlin Chang Yannan Zhao Yue'e Liu Na Wang Huiling Su Yuehua Huang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第11期621-624,共4页
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacies of initial gemcitabine plus cisplatin (GP) and paclitaxel plus cisplatin (TP) 1st-line chemotherapies for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC... Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacies of initial gemcitabine plus cisplatin (GP) and paclitaxel plus cisplatin (TP) 1st-line chemotherapies for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and observe their side effects. Methods: Eighty-one cases were randomly divided into two groups: GP group and TP group. In GP group, adminis- tered gemcitabine (GEM) 1000 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8; i.v. cisplatin (DDP) 30 mg/m2 from days 2 to 4 on a 28-day cycle. In TP group, administered paclitaxel (PTX) 175 mg/m2 on day 1, i.v. DDP 30 mg/m2 from days 2 to 4 on a 28-day cycle. Results: GP group had an overall response rate (ORR; CR+PR) of 45.0% (18/40). TP had an overall response rate of 43.2% (16/37). Short-term ORR had no significant difference between two groups (x2 = 0.527, P = 0.957). GP had median survival time of 11 months and 37.7% of one-year survival rate, while TP showed 11 months of median survival time and 31.7% of one-year survival rate. Survival had no significant difference between two groups (x2 = 0.140, P = 0.708). However, main side effects varied. Thrombocytopenia of GP group was significantly more than that of TP group, while peripheral neuritis, nausea/vomiting and myalgia of TP group were significantly more than those of GP group. Conclusion: Both GP and TP regimens had no significant difference in short-term treatment effect and survival rate for initial treatment of advanced NSCLC. However, side effects related to GP regimen treatment were slighter. Therefore, it was considered as the preferred initial first-line treatment for NSCLC. 展开更多
关键词 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) gemcitabine (GEM) paclitaxel (PTX) cisplatin (DDP) chemotherapy
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