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全尺寸评价方法标准化 提升油套管质量水平 被引量:7
作者 李东风 秦长毅 +4 位作者 王蕊 韩军 杨鹏 娄琦 余志 《石油工业技术监督》 2016年第4期13-16,共4页
油套管产品在油气勘探开发及生产过程中发挥着重要的作用,油套管产品质量的好坏直接关系着油气田的生产成本及使用寿命。通过分析油套管产品的使用现状,论述了油套管全尺寸评价标准在控制、提升油套管质量方面的重要作用。在分析、研究... 油套管产品在油气勘探开发及生产过程中发挥着重要的作用,油套管产品质量的好坏直接关系着油气田的生产成本及使用寿命。通过分析油套管产品的使用现状,论述了油套管全尺寸评价标准在控制、提升油套管质量方面的重要作用。在分析、研究国际标准、油田工况、失效案例、科研成果的基础上,实现油套管全尺寸评价方法标准化,填补了我国油套管质量控制领域全尺寸评价标准的空白。全尺寸评价方法标准在油气田及生产厂推广实施情况表明,应用全尺寸性能评价标准,能够实现对油套管质量的全面控制,提升油套管产品质量,对油气勘探开发事业的发展具有重要的经济及社会意义。 展开更多
关键词 油套管 尺寸评价标准 标准化 质量控制
作者 郎倩 岑迪 李炯辰 《传动技术》 2024年第1期23-26,共4页
汽车外覆盖件零件质量的优劣影响着用户决策买车的第一印象。主机厂在汽车外覆盖件的精致性上投入了越来越多的关注。通过引入RFK参考车身搭建方法,通过增加批量阶段RFK搭建轮次来控制外覆盖件尺寸一致性和稳定性。该方法考虑到车身零... 汽车外覆盖件零件质量的优劣影响着用户决策买车的第一印象。主机厂在汽车外覆盖件的精致性上投入了越来越多的关注。通过引入RFK参考车身搭建方法,通过增加批量阶段RFK搭建轮次来控制外覆盖件尺寸一致性和稳定性。该方法考虑到车身零件电泳和预变形影响,更贴合实际生产装配状态,在局部坐标系下去评价零件匹配状态,展示的抱怨问题与实车装配的抱怨一致性更强,目前RFK搭建在大众体系车型下已经取得了良好的应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 汽车外覆盖件 RFK 参考车身 尺寸评价
作者 郎倩 岑迪 顾元峰 《装备制造技术》 2024年第1期127-129,共3页
近年来,随着整车“感知质量”要求不断提升,对保险杠外观几何尺寸控制也更严格。保险杠检具作为尺寸检测的重要设备,其重要性不言而喻,因而也越来越受到汽车主机厂的重视。保险杠外观尺寸对整车“感知质量”至关重要。设计合理的保险杠... 近年来,随着整车“感知质量”要求不断提升,对保险杠外观几何尺寸控制也更严格。保险杠检具作为尺寸检测的重要设备,其重要性不言而喻,因而也越来越受到汽车主机厂的重视。保险杠外观尺寸对整车“感知质量”至关重要。设计合理的保险杠总成检具不仅操作方便、实用性强,还能减小尺寸不稳定,有效控制尺寸偏差,真实反映零件装车状态。该文以汽车主机厂角度开发了一套具有现场实际使用意义的保险杠总成检具。其不仅能快速识别轮廓匹配等特征要素是否符合图纸要求,同时还能充当测量支架,利用三坐标或光学测量设备对其进行全尺寸评价。 展开更多
关键词 保险杠 检具 尺寸评价
油套管标准变化对其性能要求及评价的影响 被引量:14
作者 姬丙寅 吴丹 +1 位作者 陈举涛 史交齐 《钢管》 CAS 2017年第3期71-75,共5页
介绍了新版API Spec 5CT、API Spec 5B、API RP 5C5等标准主要修订的内容,分析了各标准变化对油套管性能要求的影响;重点讨论了特殊螺纹接头气密封评价、储气库井用套管评价、页岩气井用套管评价以及射孔段套管评价等的标准和方法。分... 介绍了新版API Spec 5CT、API Spec 5B、API RP 5C5等标准主要修订的内容,分析了各标准变化对油套管性能要求的影响;重点讨论了特殊螺纹接头气密封评价、储气库井用套管评价、页岩气井用套管评价以及射孔段套管评价等的标准和方法。分析认为:与旧版标准相比,新版API Spec 5B增加了螺纹直径、椭圆度测量及其要求,API Spec 5CT第9版增加了C110钢级套管,API RP 5C5—2017增加了高温条件下的接头性能评价。从油套管主要标准变化可以看出,为了满足非常规井的勘探开发需要,对油套管的性能要求主要体现在:特殊螺纹接头密封性能、抗高温性能、耐腐蚀性能、高抗挤性能、接头抗疲劳性能等。 展开更多
关键词 油管 套管 标准 性能评价 尺寸评价试验
大型工件部分点云与整体点云的配准方法 被引量:2
作者 范林林 王军义 +4 位作者 徐志刚 杨啸 朱校君 董祺成 武新光 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1323-1332,共10页
部分点云与整体点云的高效、高精度配准是完成大型工件尺寸快速评价工作的基础,但由于部分点云和整体点云全局特征的差异性,使用现有的局部特征描述符进行点对匹配搜索计算量大,点云配准耗时长.为此,针对部分点云与全局点云的几何特征,... 部分点云与整体点云的高效、高精度配准是完成大型工件尺寸快速评价工作的基础,但由于部分点云和整体点云全局特征的差异性,使用现有的局部特征描述符进行点对匹配搜索计算量大,点云配准耗时长.为此,针对部分点云与全局点云的几何特征,提出一种基于区域均值特征描述符的部分点云与整体点云配准方法.首先提出一种区域均值特征描述符,能够有效地描述点云中关键点的邻域几何特征;然后通过评价点云区域均值特征描述符的特征度选择数据点作为待配准关键点,搜索与之匹配的描述符,完成部分点云与整体点云的关键点匹配;最后使用奇异值分解法计算点云之间的转换矩阵,基于迭代最近点算法完成部分点云与整体点云的配准.利用斯坦福公共数据库点云集和大型发动机舱段的三维扫描点云数据,对配准算法的配准准确度和配准速度进行实验的结果表明,与现有的几种基于局部特征描述符(PFH,HoPPF,PPFH,FPFH)的点云配准方法相比,所提方法配准准确度平均提高56.75%,配准速度平均提高45.57%,验证了该方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 尺寸评价 部分点云 点云配准 局部特征描述
基于三维模型重构技术的公路预制构件尺寸检验评价方法 被引量:7
作者 石雪飞 徐梓齐 +1 位作者 朱荣 傅青松 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期66-81,共16页
为使公路工程异形混凝土预制构件的制造尺寸检验评价适应工业化建造要求,应用三维模型重构技术检验评价了异形混凝土预制构件尺寸,提出了高精度、自动化异形混凝土预制构件尺寸检验评价方法,包括三维模型重构、点云数据处理和检验评价体... 为使公路工程异形混凝土预制构件的制造尺寸检验评价适应工业化建造要求,应用三维模型重构技术检验评价了异形混凝土预制构件尺寸,提出了高精度、自动化异形混凝土预制构件尺寸检验评价方法,包括三维模型重构、点云数据处理和检验评价体系3个环节;总结了基于三维摄影的点云模型重构技术的原理和关键环节,研究了基于坐标转换和包围盒的无关点云自动剔除算法,并通过2个实例验证了该算法的效果;研究了点云整体配准和3类局部配准方法,针对不同形状的构件和不同位置的细部构造,结合工程需求进行对照;考虑工程需求并与配准方法对应,提出了基于彩色误差云图和数理统计方法进行构件尺寸检验评价的3种判异原则,包括误差均值和标准差判异原则、误差极值判异原则、综合判异原则;综合分析彩色误差云图和误差分布,利用判异原则对箱型涵洞侧墙和管型涵洞侧墙实例的尺寸进行了检验评价。研究结果表明:3种判异原则分别适合对预制构件进行整体宏观、局部单项和先整体后局部的检验评价;采用三维模型重构技术建立的异形混凝土预制构件点云模型,与实际构件相比其长度和宽度的误差均值约为1.5 mm,三维模型重构技术可以替代人工测量;能够自动化剔除无关点云,并执行更为严格且符合工程需求的构件尺寸检验评价。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 异形混凝土预制构件 尺寸检验评价 三维模型重构 点云去噪 点云配准
一种高气密封油套管特殊扣的研发 被引量:6
作者 胡志立 李建亮 +6 位作者 吴丹 李小兵 张垂贵 付强 李健 胡新太 冉雪辉 《焊管》 2021年第6期24-30,共7页
为了满足油气田特殊井的开发需求,采用有限元分析和实物评价试验的方法,开发了一种具有高气密封稳定性油套管特殊扣。介绍了该特殊扣的结构设计特点,运用有限元方法对密封性能进行了评价,并按照ISO 13679:2002 CALⅣ标准进行了全尺寸实... 为了满足油气田特殊井的开发需求,采用有限元分析和实物评价试验的方法,开发了一种具有高气密封稳定性油套管特殊扣。介绍了该特殊扣的结构设计特点,运用有限元方法对密封性能进行了评价,并按照ISO 13679:2002 CALⅣ标准进行了全尺寸实物评价试验。结果表明,该特殊扣结构合理,密封性能优异,在拉伸效率、内压效率、外压效率等方面均达到管体的100%,适用于高温高压井、水平井、大位移井、大狗腿度斜井等苛刻井况。 展开更多
关键词 特殊扣 有限元分析 螺纹结构 密封性能 尺寸实物评价试验
新旧版API RP 5C5规范对试样公差范围要求的变化分析
作者 邓力 赵冰 +3 位作者 刘凯敏 姬丙寅 杨析 史交齐 《钢管》 CAS 2022年第5期81-83,共3页
对比分析API RP 5C5标准2017版和2003版对试样加工公差的要求,认为:API RP 5C5新、旧版标准中试样加工控制的关键参数主要为密封直径、螺纹中径、螺纹锥度等,螺纹锥度控制一致,密封直径、螺纹中径控制有区别;旧版强调螺纹直径和密封直... 对比分析API RP 5C5标准2017版和2003版对试样加工公差的要求,认为:API RP 5C5新、旧版标准中试样加工控制的关键参数主要为密封直径、螺纹中径、螺纹锥度等,螺纹锥度控制一致,密封直径、螺纹中径控制有区别;旧版强调螺纹直径和密封直径偏差控制,而新版强调过盈量偏差控制;旧版有过盈量、低过盈量两种极限公差,而新版有极高过盈量、极低过盈量、过盈量、低过盈量四种极限公差;新版公差更苛刻,更合理,旧版公差为新版的特例. 展开更多
关键词 油套管 尺寸评价试验 试样 加工公差
An Experimental Investigation on the Stability of Foundation of Composite Vertical Breakwaters 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad Amin Torabi Mehdi Shafieefar 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第2期175-182,共8页
A series of 2D model tests were conducted to assess the foundation stability of composite vertical breakwaters. In this paper, the results from the experimental study are presented conjointly with a formula to estimat... A series of 2D model tests were conducted to assess the foundation stability of composite vertical breakwaters. In this paper, the results from the experimental study are presented conjointly with a formula to estimate the stability number of foundation, which is the most important parameter for evaluation of foundation stability of such structures. The influences of wave height, wave period and the berm width on the stability of compo^ite breakwaters with different armor stone sizes were investigated. Forty-five tests were performed to cover the influences of these parameters. According to the present research, berm width is a significant parameter concerning erosion of armor foundation. As the berm width increases, the amount of berm erosion decreases. Comparisons are made between results of present study and the estimated stability number proposed by Kimura et al. (1994), which is extension of Tanimoto formula. Results show that the later formula underestimates the stability number. However, by applying an enhancement factor about 1.7 meters to Kimura et al. formula, results correlated with the present experimental results.. 展开更多
关键词 composite breakwaters CAISSON experimental study Erosion FOUNDATION SCOURING Kimura formula stability
Non Linear Dynamic Crack Model Applied to State Observers Methodology for Fault Detection, Localization and Evaluation in a Cantilever Beam
作者 Edson Luiz Valverde Castilho Filho Gilberto P. de Melo Vinicius Fernandes 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第6期384-392,共9页
The purpose of this work is the study of a mathematical model to discretize cracks at continuous mechanical systems, applying all the available properties at computational algorithm using the methodology of state obse... The purpose of this work is the study of a mathematical model to discretize cracks at continuous mechanical systems, applying all the available properties at computational algorithm using the methodology of state observers to detect, localize and evaluate the crack conditions, seeking the model limitations through an experiment developed at the mechanical department of UNESP, llha Solteira, S^o Paulo-Brazil. Three different notch sizes were placed, one by one, at the top surface of a cantilever beam (to be considered as a crack at the mechanical system) and harmonic forces were applied at the tip of the beam with three different frequencies, for each notch size, to obtain experimental data to run the diagnosis algorithm. From the results it was possible to infer that the observation system performance increases with the raising of the crack size, which can be explained by the model, that gets more accurate with bigger crack sizes, however, when the propagation of the crack is considered at the model, the diagnosis of the crack presence tends to be more difficult. It was also possible to conclude that the developed algorithm works properly for systems which excitation frequencies are higher than 20 Hz and different from the natural frequencies of the system, due to influence of dynamic response of the crack at the model. 展开更多
关键词 State observer CRACK cantilever beam.
Optimization and Shelf-Life Evaluation of Pearl Millet Based Halwa Dry Mix
作者 D. N. Yadav S. Balasubramanian +2 位作者 J. Kaur T. Anand A. K. Singh 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第4期313-322,共10页
Indian traditional sweet dish i.e. halwa was developed from pearl millet grains. Pearl millet grains (Pennisetum typhoides var. PHB-2168) were steamed for 20 min at 1.05 kg cm^2 in order to minimize lipase activity,... Indian traditional sweet dish i.e. halwa was developed from pearl millet grains. Pearl millet grains (Pennisetum typhoides var. PHB-2168) were steamed for 20 min at 1.05 kg cm^2 in order to minimize lipase activity, total phenols, phytic acid and tannins content. Steamed grains were dried (12 ± 0.5% moisture content), pearled, milled, sieved through sieve opening size of 0.234 mm and were used for study. Central composite rotatable design (CCRD) with three independent variables i.e. vanaspati, sugar and water for rehydration were used to design the experiments. Sensory responses and rehydration ratio were used to study the individual and interactive effects of variables. Sensory score for colour varied from taste 6.3-7.9, mouth feel 6.4-7.8, overall acceptability (OAA) 6.5-7.9 and rehydration ratio (RR) from 1.4 to 2.3. All the responses fitted into quadratic equation with R2 〉 0.80. Halwa dry mix was also evaluated for stability in polyethylene pouches at ambient conditions and the peroxide and free fatty acids value were 21.35 meqO2 kg^-1 fat, 0.55% (oleic acid), respectively after 6 months of storage. Based on compromise optimization, optimum levels of the ingredients recommended with 86.4% desirability were: vanaspati 38.6 g 100 g^-1 pearl millet semolina (PMS), sugar 88.7 g 100 g^-1 PMS and water for rehydration 151 mL 100 g^-1 dry mix. 展开更多
关键词 Pearl millet hydrothermal treatment anti-nutritional factor halwa rehydration ratio.
Analysis of Forging Dies Coated with Tungsten Carbide through HVOF Processing
作者 Vanessa Moura de Souza Angela Selau Marques +2 位作者 Jorge Antoenio Huff Alexandre da Silva Rocha Luciano Kempski 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第7期373-378,共6页
In this paper we present a performance evaluation of thermal spraying coated hot forging dies conducted in a production line. The High Velocity Oxy-Fuel process was used for the deposition of a tungsten carbide coatin... In this paper we present a performance evaluation of thermal spraying coated hot forging dies conducted in a production line. The High Velocity Oxy-Fuel process was used for the deposition of a tungsten carbide coating, which is characterized by its optimal adherence and low porosity. A metallurgical characterization of the layer was previously done, in order to obtain reference information to assist in the interpretation of the practical tests results. The coated die allowed an increase in productivity of 37.5%, besides better dimensional stability results through the process and legibility of printed numbers. 展开更多
关键词 Hot forging COATING DIE surface.
Effect of Sample Unit Size on Visually Examining Pavement Condition for Asphalt-Surfaced Roads
作者 Bishnu Prasad Devkota 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第7期701-714,共14页
Road surface condition evaluation involves the collection of data over pavement surface for different types of distresses. The exercise consumes a lot of resources if the whole road section length is surveyed and may ... Road surface condition evaluation involves the collection of data over pavement surface for different types of distresses. The exercise consumes a lot of resources if the whole road section length is surveyed and may be prone to errors as a result of surveyors' fatigue. It is therefore important to develop a representative sample to be used when evaluating road condition manually. This study aimed at determining an adequate sample size for section level as well as a way forward for network level condition evaluation of highways in Nepal. Again the study was conducted to quantify the effects of altering the sample unit size for performing a distress survey according to the PCI (pavement condition index) and SDI (surface distress index) method separately for asphalt surfaced roads. The effect of reducing/increasing sample unit size was investigated adopting visual examination through field survey by eight teams in July, 2015, along the section of Banepa-Bardibas highway. The PCI was then calculated for each sample unit using standard deduct curves and PCI calculation methodology as per SHRP (Strategic Highway Research Program) recommendations and the computation of SDI was done as per DoR (Department of Roads) guidelines. The results show that 13% sample unit are needed for SDI and 21% for PCI computation, however, the results are out of the significant level. This is higher than DoR and SHRP guidelines. Again no strong relationship is observed between SDI and PCI values. 展开更多
关键词 Pavement condition evaluation PCI SDI sample size policy implications.
Assessment of Potential Nutrient Release from Phosphate Rock and Dolostone for Application in Acid Soils 被引量:2
作者 Rogério Borguete Alves RAFAEL María Luisa FERNáNDEZ-MARCOS +4 位作者 Stefania COCCO Maria Letizia RUELLO David C.WEINDORF Valeria CARDELLI Giuseppe CORTI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期44-58,共15页
Finding alternative local sources of plant nutrients is a practical, low-cost, and long-term strategy. In this study, laboratory column experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design to evaluate the feas... Finding alternative local sources of plant nutrients is a practical, low-cost, and long-term strategy. In this study, laboratory column experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design to evaluate the feasibility of using phosphate rock and dolostone as fertilizers or acid-neutralizing agents for application in tropical acid soils. The dissolution rates of different particle-size fractions(0.063–0.25, 0.25–0.5, and 0.5–2 mm) of both rocks were studied by citric acid solution at p H 4 and 2 and water, with extraction times of 1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 24, 72, 144, 240, and 360 h. The results showed that the dissolution of both rocks depended on the particle size,leaching solution, and extraction time. The dissolution rate of rock-forming minerals increased as the specific surface area increased,corresponding to a decrease in particle size. In all cases, the release kinetics was characterized by two phases: 1) a first stage of rapid release that lasted 24 h and would ensure short-term nutrient release, and 2) a second stage of slow release after 24 h, representing the long-term nutrient release efficiency. Both rocks were suitable as slow-release fertilizers in strongly acid soils and would ensure the replenishment of P, Ca, and Mg. A combination of fine and medium particle-size fractions should be used to ensure high nutrient-release efficiency. Much work could remain to determine the overall impact of considerable amounts of fresh rocks in soils. 展开更多
关键词 citric acid dissolution rate leaching solution particle-size fraction release kinetics slow-release fertilizer
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