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尼泊尔制宪会议选举及尼共(毛)胜选后的政策趋向 被引量:4
作者 汪亭友 王剑 《当代世界社会主义问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期92-100,共9页
2008年4月的尼泊尔制宪会议选举是在特殊历史背景下举行的。尼共(毛)首次参加大选就取得重大胜利。这既有尼共(毛)在人民革命期间奠定的良好的群众基础的因素,也源于不少民众对以往执政党的失望,另外还是该党采取了独特而灵活的竞选策... 2008年4月的尼泊尔制宪会议选举是在特殊历史背景下举行的。尼共(毛)首次参加大选就取得重大胜利。这既有尼共(毛)在人民革命期间奠定的良好的群众基础的因素,也源于不少民众对以往执政党的失望,另外还是该党采取了独特而灵活的竞选策略的结果。选举的成功举行,标志着尼泊尔的民主化进程又迈出了坚实的一步,奠定了尼共(毛)在政坛中的领导地位。但尼泊尔局势依然复杂,尼共(毛)执政也面临诸多挑战。 展开更多
关键词 尼泊尔 尼共(毛) 制宪会议 选举
尼共(联合马列)第九次代表大会评析 被引量:3
作者 袁群 方文 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期39-43,共5页
尼共(联合马列)九大分析了当前的世界形势和尼泊尔的国内局势,提出了党的建设的具体措施,并以党的百年梦想的方式就尼泊尔宪法起草问题制定了纲领性政策。九大还选举了党的新一届领导机构。虽然九大进一步明确了党的政治立场,但党内民... 尼共(联合马列)九大分析了当前的世界形势和尼泊尔的国内局势,提出了党的建设的具体措施,并以党的百年梦想的方式就尼泊尔宪法起草问题制定了纲领性政策。九大还选举了党的新一届领导机构。虽然九大进一步明确了党的政治立场,但党内民主制度化问题仍没有得到有效地解决。尼共(联合马列)的未来发展仍面临严峻的挑战。 展开更多
关键词 尼共(联合马列)九大 政治立场 党内民主
作者 陆轶之 《武汉科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期176-181,共6页
冷战后,在世界社会主义运动处于低潮的情况下,尼共(毛)领导无产阶级和人民群众取得革命的胜利,基本实现了新民主主义革命的近期目标。当前,深入研究其革命的理论与实践具有较大的理论与现实意义。本文认为党的建设及民主革命理论的正确... 冷战后,在世界社会主义运动处于低潮的情况下,尼共(毛)领导无产阶级和人民群众取得革命的胜利,基本实现了新民主主义革命的近期目标。当前,深入研究其革命的理论与实践具有较大的理论与现实意义。本文认为党的建设及民主革命理论的正确性是其革命成功的关键原因。 展开更多
关键词 尼共(毛) 党建 新民主主义革命 胜利
作者 杨柳 尹青 《科教文汇》 2009年第2期244-244,共1页
考察尼共(毛)的奋斗之路,可以发现,尼共(毛)奉行"枪杆子里出政权"和工农武装割据的思想,通过武装斗争,最终获得政治与法律的合法性。尼共(毛)上台最突出的特点是,通过革命取得平等的发言权,然后通过西方的议会民主道路参政,... 考察尼共(毛)的奋斗之路,可以发现,尼共(毛)奉行"枪杆子里出政权"和工农武装割据的思想,通过武装斗争,最终获得政治与法律的合法性。尼共(毛)上台最突出的特点是,通过革命取得平等的发言权,然后通过西方的议会民主道路参政,进而逐步推进必要的社会改革。 展开更多
关键词 尼共(毛) 装革命 议会斗争 历史条件
作者 祁霄 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期103-108,共6页
尼泊尔联合共产党(毛泽东主义),将"毛泽东主义"作为其主导意识形态,在近20年的奋斗历程中,取得了很大的成就。期间,尼共(毛)分别经历了人民战争中对"毛泽东主义"的实践阶段、议会斗争中对"毛泽东主义"的... 尼泊尔联合共产党(毛泽东主义),将"毛泽东主义"作为其主导意识形态,在近20年的奋斗历程中,取得了很大的成就。期间,尼共(毛)分别经历了人民战争中对"毛泽东主义"的实践阶段、议会斗争中对"毛泽东主义"的渐次背离阶段,到今天在尼泊尔国内政治进程中陷入议会政治的困境。当前,尼共(毛)面临理论与实践创新的双重挑战。 展开更多
关键词 尼共(毛) 毛泽东主义 武装斗争 议会政治 The CPN (maoist)
尼泊尔共产主义运动的历史演进探析 被引量:3
作者 袁群 张立锋 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期135-140,共6页
尼泊尔共产主义运动是国际共产主义运动的重要组成部分。经过66年的发展演进,尼泊尔共产主义运动取得了巨大成就。但尼泊尔共产主义运动在发展过程中也受到尼共(联合马列)和尼联共(毛)的对立、意识形态退化、宗派主义等问题的困扰,这些... 尼泊尔共产主义运动是国际共产主义运动的重要组成部分。经过66年的发展演进,尼泊尔共产主义运动取得了巨大成就。但尼泊尔共产主义运动在发展过程中也受到尼共(联合马列)和尼联共(毛)的对立、意识形态退化、宗派主义等问题的困扰,这些问题能否得到有效解决将直接影响尼泊尔共产主义运动的未来走向。 展开更多
关键词 尼泊尔共产主义运动 尼共(联合马列) 尼联共(毛)
尼联共(毛)的分裂、大选失利及未来政治走向 被引量:4
作者 王静 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2013年第4期79-84,6,共6页
尼联共(毛)2006年回归政治主流后,始终面临内部危机和外部挑战。其内部长期存在改良派与革命派的激烈斗争,外部面对美国和印度支持下的其他议会政党的围剿。2012年6月该党发生大分裂,此次分裂成为了2013年11月尼联共(毛)大选失利的重要... 尼联共(毛)2006年回归政治主流后,始终面临内部危机和外部挑战。其内部长期存在改良派与革命派的激烈斗争,外部面对美国和印度支持下的其他议会政党的围剿。2012年6月该党发生大分裂,此次分裂成为了2013年11月尼联共(毛)大选失利的重要直接原因。尼联共(毛)的分裂和大选的失利标志着尼泊尔共产主义运动正面临很大挑战。 展开更多
关键词 尼联共(毛) 尼共(毛)分裂 七大 大选
尼联共(毛)2013年大选失利评析 被引量:3
作者 王静 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期30-35,共6页
尼联共(毛)是国际共产主义运动史上的典型案例。2006年尼联共(毛)结束十年人民战争回归政治主流后,始终面临内部革命派和改良派斗争引发党内分裂的威胁和外部美国印度支持下的其他议会党的围剿。尼联共(毛)2012年6月的大分裂直接引发了... 尼联共(毛)是国际共产主义运动史上的典型案例。2006年尼联共(毛)结束十年人民战争回归政治主流后,始终面临内部革命派和改良派斗争引发党内分裂的威胁和外部美国印度支持下的其他议会党的围剿。尼联共(毛)2012年6月的大分裂直接引发了该党2013年大选的失利,此次大选失利标志着尼泊尔共产主义运动正面临很大挑战,同时也对中尼关系的发展产生影响。 展开更多
关键词 尼联共(毛) 尼共(毛) 分裂 制宪会议 2013年大选
尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)执政后的对外政策走向 被引量:3
作者 何朝荣 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2008年第4期16-21,共6页
关键词 尼共(毛主义) 对外政策 大国平衡外交
尼泊尔共产党的演变与分合走向 被引量:1
作者 张树彬 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2017年第4期75-83,6,共9页
尼泊尔共产党成立以来历经多次分裂组合,目前有尼共(联合马列)和尼共(毛主义中心)两大共产党组织。尼泊尔大会党、尼共(联合马列)和尼共(毛主义中心)是目前三大主要政党。由于没有任何一个党能够占到议会2/3多数而单独组阁,出现了三个... 尼泊尔共产党成立以来历经多次分裂组合,目前有尼共(联合马列)和尼共(毛主义中心)两大共产党组织。尼泊尔大会党、尼共(联合马列)和尼共(毛主义中心)是目前三大主要政党。由于没有任何一个党能够占到议会2/3多数而单独组阁,出现了三个执政联盟:大会党与联合马列,联合马列与尼共(毛主义)、大会党与尼共(毛主义中心)执政联盟。在南亚推进"一带一路"的背景下,做好尼泊尔政党外交越显重要,深入研究尼共发展历史与现状也更具现实意义。本文简要介绍尼泊尔政党格局对尼泊尔共产党的演变和分合进行梳理,以期有效开展对尼政党外交。 展开更多
关键词 尼共 毛派 分合
Melting Behavior of PA6 and PA6/PE Blends Crystallized from Amorphous State
作者 仇武林 罗运军 +4 位作者 罗善国 谭惠民 李政军 麦堪成 曾汉民 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第1期56-60,共5页
Aim To investigate the melting behavior of polyamide 6 in polyamide 6/polyethy lene blends crystallized from amorphous state. Methods DSC was used to test effects of annealing temperature, annealing time, DS... Aim To investigate the melting behavior of polyamide 6 in polyamide 6/polyethy lene blends crystallized from amorphous state. Methods DSC was used to test effects of annealing temperature, annealing time, DSC scan rate, and the step wise annealing on the melting peaks of the ice water quenched specimens. Results and Conclusion Varied melting peaks of PA6 component were obtained. The degree of perfection and the crystallization degree of PA6 crystals decreased in the blends, and the crystallization degree of PA6 increased with the increasing of the annealing time. The height of the upper melting peak of reference PA6 is higher than that in blends. 展开更多
关键词 polyamide 6 BLENDS QUENCH melting behavior
Effect of Thermal Treatment on the PA-6 in the Blends
作者 仇武林 罗善国 +4 位作者 罗运军 谭惠民 李政军 麦堪成 曾汉民 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第2期13-18,共6页
Aim To investigate the multiple melting behavior of polyamide 6(PA 6) in polyamide 6/linear low density polyethylene blends crystallized from the crystal amorphous state. Methods\ The effects of annealing tempera... Aim To investigate the multiple melting behavior of polyamide 6(PA 6) in polyamide 6/linear low density polyethylene blends crystallized from the crystal amorphous state. Methods\ The effects of annealing temperature, annealing time, heating rate, and the step wise annealing were measured by DSC. Results and Conclusion\ There exists a critical heating rate affecting the middle temperature melting peak. When annealed at the temperature close to the melting peak, the main melting peak of PA 6 shifted to a higher temperature. Within a short time, annealing time has much effect on neat PA 6 but little effect on PA 6 in the blends. Addition of PE results in a decreasing in the height of melting peak. These phenomenon show that the melting behavior of PA 6 was affected by PE, compatibilizer, as well as thermal treatment. 展开更多
关键词 polyamide 6 BLENDS crystal amorphous state melting behavior
Energy decay for a class of nonlinear wave equations with a critical potential type of damping
作者 王玉珍 石佩虎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期651-654,共4页
The Cauchy problem for the nonlinear wave equation with a critical potential type of damping coefficient(1+│x│)-1 and a nonlinearity │u│p-1u is studied.The total energy decay estimates of the global solutions a... The Cauchy problem for the nonlinear wave equation with a critical potential type of damping coefficient(1+│x│)-1 and a nonlinearity │u│p-1u is studied.The total energy decay estimates of the global solutions are obtained by using multiplier techniques to establish identity ddtE(t)+F(t)=0 and skillfully selecting f(t),g(t),h(t)when the initial data have a compact support.Using the similar method,the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear wave equation with a critical potential type of damping coefficient(1+│x│+t)-1 and a nonlinearity │u│p-1u is studied,similar solutions are obtained when the initial data have a compact support. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear wave equation energy decay critical potential type nonlinear damping self-conjugate operator
作者 吕凤娟 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第S1期79-81,共3页
尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)[以下简称尼共(毛主义)]是当今国际共产主义运动史中一个重要的党派。尼共(毛主义)的指导思想,革命道路,革命策略和执政理念具有鲜明的特点,使该党领导的民主革命成为世界冷战后最突出的共产主义运动之一。尼共(毛... 尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)[以下简称尼共(毛主义)]是当今国际共产主义运动史中一个重要的党派。尼共(毛主义)的指导思想,革命道路,革命策略和执政理念具有鲜明的特点,使该党领导的民主革命成为世界冷战后最突出的共产主义运动之一。尼共(毛主义)成功的经验和失败的教训,仍对正在探索革命道路的共产党人具有重要的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 尼共(毛主义) 政治理念 兴替经验
Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10T and Nylon 10T/1010 copolymers:Effect of sebacic acid as a third comonomer 被引量:6
作者 Zhongqiang Wang Guosheng Hu +2 位作者 Jingting Zhang Jiusheng Xu Wenbo Shi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期963-970,共8页
Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 samples were synthesized by direct melt polymerization. The non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 was investigated by means of differential scanning cal... Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 samples were synthesized by direct melt polymerization. The non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 was investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). Jeziorny equation and Mo equation were applied to describe the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of the Nylon 10 T and the Nylon 10T/1010. The activation energies for non-isothermal crystallization were obtained by Vyazovkin's method and Friedman's method, respectively. These results showed that Jeziorny equation and Mo equation well described the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of the Nylon 10 T and the Nylon 10T/1010. It was found that the values of the activation energy for non-isothermal crystallization of the Nylon 10T/1010 were lower than those of the Nylon 10 T at a given temperature or relative crystallinity degree,which revealed that crystallization ability of the Nylon 10T/1010 was higher. The crystal morphology was observed by means of a polarized optical microscope(POM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). It was found that the addition of sebacic acid comonomer not only did not change the crystal form of the Nylon 10 T, but also significantly increased the number and decreased the size of spherulites. Comparing with the Nylon 10 T, the crystallization rate was increased with the addition of the sebacic acid comonomer. 展开更多
关键词 Melt polymerization Nylon 10TNylon 10T/1010 Semiaromatic polyamides Crystallization kinetics Non-isothermal crystallization
A Short Note on the Conjugation in the Leibniz-Hopf Algebra
作者 Neset Deniz Turgay 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第1期34-36,共3页
The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative Z - algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct is given by the Cartan formula. It has been also known as the 'ring ofnoncommutative symmetric fun... The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative Z - algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct is given by the Cartan formula. It has been also known as the 'ring ofnoncommutative symmetric functions' [1], and to be isomorphic to the Solomon Descent algebra [ 12]. This Hopf algebra has links with algebra,topology and combinatorics. In this article we consider another approach of proof for the antipode formula in the Leibniz-Hopf algebra by using some properties of words in [2]. 展开更多
关键词 Hopfalgebra Leibniz-Hopf algebra ANTIPODE Steenrod algebra.
Analysis of the Efficiency of Teaching Chess in Schools
作者 Ruben Mirzakhanyan Srbuhi Gevorgyan +1 位作者 Vahan Sargsyan Hayk Daveyan 《Sociology Study》 2017年第1期36-42,共7页
The Republic of Armenia, as a world superpower in chess, is engaged in continuous development and implementation of specific strategic programmes which are aimed not only at providing high achievements in chess, but a... The Republic of Armenia, as a world superpower in chess, is engaged in continuous development and implementation of specific strategic programmes which are aimed not only at providing high achievements in chess, but also at: (1) modernizing the educational sphere in the Republic of Armenia; (2) increasing the quality indexes of chess education--as a basic resource in the context of global educational system; (3) considerably deepening education subjects' cognitive interests towards education through the possibilities provided by chess; (4) developing learners' educational-cognitive motivation; and (5) creating conditions for activating learners' mental potential and the abilities to expose them, as well as promoting the awareness of the social value of chess in interpersonal relations. The contextual factors of teaching and learning chess in primary schools of Republic of Armenia have been revealed and presented in this paper. A number of conclusions and recommendations for policy makers are considerably made based on analysis of big research data. 展开更多
The Impact of External Actors on the Communist Regime in Albania
作者 Isa Erba Enika Abazi 《Sociology Study》 2013年第11期866-874,共9页
During the Second World War, the Albanian communist leadership strengthened its political power by establishing close ties with the communist leadership of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia that was also the godfather... During the Second World War, the Albanian communist leadership strengthened its political power by establishing close ties with the communist leadership of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia that was also the godfather in the creation of the Albanian Communist Party on November 8, 1941. The article will argue that the relationship of the Albanian Communist Party with other communist parties including the Yugoslav one and the management of the internal member's relations was motivated by the quest for power rather than the ideological motives. Hoxha was largely responsible for Albania's virtual isolation from the world. Little interest, understanding combined with negligence of the Western comprehension of the grip of Stalinism in Albania left the country to adhere Stalinism until the end of Communism in the 1990s. 展开更多
Analytical Method Determining Resonant Response of Blade with Dry Friction Damper
作者 丁千 周翔 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第4期291-296,共6页
This paper presents an analytical method for determining the steady state response of blade with dry friction damper. A complete vibration cycle is divided into four successive intervals. The system possesses linear v... This paper presents an analytical method for determining the steady state response of blade with dry friction damper. A complete vibration cycle is divided into four successive intervals. The system possesses linear vibration characteristic during each of these intervals, which can be determined by using analytical solution forms. An analytical solution of the system periodic motion can be formed by combining the four intervals’ solutions. Numerical simulation shows that there are two response peaks in passage through the resonant frequencies of the system without the friction damper and with the friction damper fully stuck respectively. The amplitude of the first peak can be reduced up to 90% by adjusting the value of normal pressure force between the damper’s contacting surfaces. Whereas to determine the optimum pressure force, reduction of amplitudes of two peaks should be considered together. 展开更多
关键词 dry friction damper analytical solution STICK-SLIP RESONANCE
The First Record for Two Species of the Soldier Flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae)from Turkey
作者 T. Ustuner A. Hasbenli 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第2X期231-234,共4页
Known data on the distribution of Alliocera graeca Saunders, 1845 and Ber& chalybata (Forster, 1771) in Europe are summarized. A. graeca has been reliable recorded from Albania, Croatia and Greece. B. chalybata has... Known data on the distribution of Alliocera graeca Saunders, 1845 and Ber& chalybata (Forster, 1771) in Europe are summarized. A. graeca has been reliable recorded from Albania, Croatia and Greece. B. chalybata has been reliable recorded from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Roumania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzeland. A. graeca and B. chalybata, known as European species, are new records for the Turkish Fauna. In this study, the female ofA. graeca and the female ofB. chalybata are presented and photographs of two species are accompanied. Distribution of these species treated is briefly discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Alliocera graeca beris chalybata ENTOMOLOGY new record soldier flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Turkey.
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