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我国高校体育学硕士研究生培养科层布局失衡分析 被引量:4
作者 容贤冰 杨峰 张恒波 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期12-15,共4页
关键词 层布局 定位定向 学科评价 淘汰机制
PCB板层布局与EMC 被引量:12
作者 罗宇翔 俞恢春 李思雄 《安全与电磁兼容》 2003年第5期39-42,共4页
关键词 EMC PCB板 层布局 辐射发射 电磁兼容
作者 奎晓燕 王子潇 +4 位作者 郑智浩 赵欢喜 杨燕贻 张潮 夏佳志 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期960-968,共9页
为了增强多层网络可视化中网络布局的心理地图保持效果,减轻读者在跨层分析任务中的认知负担,提出一种应用于切片式多层网络可视化的力引导布局算法.首先计算节点副本间的单向吸引系数;然后根据单向吸引系数和各节点副本的当前位置计算... 为了增强多层网络可视化中网络布局的心理地图保持效果,减轻读者在跨层分析任务中的认知负担,提出一种应用于切片式多层网络可视化的力引导布局算法.首先计算节点副本间的单向吸引系数;然后根据单向吸引系数和各节点副本的当前位置计算各节点副本的理想位置及距离差;最后结合距离差损失项、KK算法能量函数和节点副本间距损失项构建损失函数并优化得到布局方案.通过在10个公开数据集,包括7个社交网络数据集、3个遗传网络数据集上,与同类型算法对比在心理地图保持指标,即节点移动总距离上的表现的结果表明,所提算法能够显著增强多层网络布局的心理地图保持效果. 展开更多
关键词 网络布局 心理地图保持 力引导算法
作者 张福顺 杨高峰 《冶金设备》 2009年第S1期153-154,130,共3页
介绍钢铁企业水处理的流程、设施及设备情况,确定水处理设施采用多层布局方案。通过实例论证了水处理设施多层布局的可靠性和可操作性,再通过多层布局中遇到的一些具体细节问题的处理,对水处理设施多层布局进行了很好的阐述。为类似因... 介绍钢铁企业水处理的流程、设施及设备情况,确定水处理设施采用多层布局方案。通过实例论证了水处理设施多层布局的可靠性和可操作性,再通过多层布局中遇到的一些具体细节问题的处理,对水处理设施多层布局进行了很好的阐述。为类似因场地限制而难以进行的钢铁企业改造项目找到了一个很好的解决办法。为钢铁企业的发展,新型设备开发起到了推动作用,具有参考价值和指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 钢铁行业 水处理设施 层布局 L形泵房
基于改进模拟植物生长算法的多层可重构设施布局方法 被引量:7
作者 丁祥海 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第15期2027-2034,共8页
在对模拟植物生长算法进行改进的基础上,建立了一种多层可重构设施布局方法。该方法引入了空间填充曲线来表征布局方案,可以实现任意两个设施之间的互换,确保设施不被分割;考虑了柔性面积需求、设施形状约束系数、电梯能力约束等因素,... 在对模拟植物生长算法进行改进的基础上,建立了一种多层可重构设施布局方法。该方法引入了空间填充曲线来表征布局方案,可以实现任意两个设施之间的互换,确保设施不被分割;考虑了柔性面积需求、设施形状约束系数、电梯能力约束等因素,使获得的方案更加接近实际情况;建立了以物流成本和重构成本为绩效评价目标的多层可重构设施布局模型;对模拟植物生长算法进行了改进,在此基础上设计了多层可重构设施布局寻优改善算法,该算法具有设置参数简单、全局寻优、搜索速度较快等特点。最后用算例说明了该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 可重构设施布局 改进模拟植物生长算法 电梯能力约束 设施形状约束系数
基于多层图布局算法的不确定性网络可视化方法 被引量:3
作者 陈炳坤 周虹 《图学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1130-1138,共9页
由于越来越多的数据包含了不确定性,可视化不确定性网络最近几年成为了数据可视化领域中的一个热点。在现有的不确定性可视化研究中,基于概率图布局的方法取得了比较好的效果,通过一种固定采样图算法,可以很好地可视化不确定性网络,并... 由于越来越多的数据包含了不确定性,可视化不确定性网络最近几年成为了数据可视化领域中的一个热点。在现有的不确定性可视化研究中,基于概率图布局的方法取得了比较好的效果,通过一种固定采样图算法,可以很好地可视化不确定性网络,并反映出网络中的概率分布情况。针对基于概率图布局的方法存在运行时间过长、图布局不稳定等问题,提出了一种基于多层图布局的方法,改进了多层图布局算法并与固定采样图算法相结合,弥补基于概率图布局的不确定性网络可视化方法的缺陷。实验证明改进之后的算法与原来的方法相比具有更高的时间效率,而且生成的图结构更加稳定。 展开更多
关键词 不确定性可视化 布局 概率图 图固定算法
跨层叉指换能器对复合膜SAW器件影响的研究 被引量:2
作者 李志鹏 孟旭 +1 位作者 王博男 张超 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期32-35,共4页
利用COMSOL有限元软件建立了复合膜声表面波(SAW)器件结构,并将通常使用的平面叉指换能器(IDT)更新为跨层布局形式。通过COMSOL软件对新结构进行了模态分析与频率响应分析,计算了机电耦合系数,研究了异性电极间距与同性电极间距的改变... 利用COMSOL有限元软件建立了复合膜声表面波(SAW)器件结构,并将通常使用的平面叉指换能器(IDT)更新为跨层布局形式。通过COMSOL软件对新结构进行了模态分析与频率响应分析,计算了机电耦合系数,研究了异性电极间距与同性电极间距的改变对复合膜SAW器件产生的影响。结果表明:跨层IDT布局形式,可以在现有制备条件与水平不变的前提下,大幅度降低器件尺寸,提高特征频率。 展开更多
关键词 声表面波 复合膜结构 叉指换能器 层布局 COMSOL软件
被历史遗忘了的多层翼飞机 被引量:1
作者 刘沛清 郭昊 +1 位作者 屈秋林 邢宇 《力学与实践》 北大核心 2018年第6期727-735,共9页
从飞机出现以来,如何提高飞机的升力就成为飞机设计师需要考虑的一个主要问题。由于飞机气动力正比于飞行速度的平方和机翼面积,所以当飞行速度小时,在同样机翼面积下产生的空气动力也小,但是飞机重量不能减小,因此早期的飞机设计师提... 从飞机出现以来,如何提高飞机的升力就成为飞机设计师需要考虑的一个主要问题。由于飞机气动力正比于飞行速度的平方和机翼面积,所以当飞行速度小时,在同样机翼面积下产生的空气动力也小,但是飞机重量不能减小,因此早期的飞机设计师提出了两层机翼、三层机翼甚至多层翼的布局方式来增大机翼面积,从而解决早期飞机升力不足的问题。随着技术的发展,多层翼布局飞机由于结构复杂、飞行阻力大、最大速度低等缺点而被单层翼布局飞机所淘汰。本文主要介绍一些经典的多层翼布局飞机。 展开更多
关键词 飞机 机翼 布局
浅谈单层热压机的特点及其技术改进 被引量:1
作者 陆安进 朱典想 《木工机床》 2012年第2期28-32,43,共6页
关键词 热压机.工艺布局 特点 技术改进
作者 王书凤 韩玉文 改广海 《本溪冶金高等专科学校学报》 2000年第3期29-32,共4页
为培养创新精神 ,本次课程设计中我们采取局部跃层式布局新式设计方案 ,有效地实现了建设部关于2 0 0 0年小康型住宅新标准优指标 ,解决了住宅设计中的诸多弊端。
关键词 2000年 小康型标准 布局 经济适用型 经济住宅
Recursive bisection placement algorithm with the predicted wirelength
作者 蒿杰 马鸿 彭思龙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期462-467,共6页
To obtain a better placement result, a partitioning-based placement algorithm with wirelength prediction called HJ-Pl is presented. A new method is proposed to estimate proximity of interconnects in a netlist, which i... To obtain a better placement result, a partitioning-based placement algorithm with wirelength prediction called HJ-Pl is presented. A new method is proposed to estimate proximity of interconnects in a netlist, which is capable of predicting not only short interconnects but long interconnects accurately. The predicted wirelength is embedded into the partitioning tool of bisection-based global placement, which can guide our placement towards a solution with shorter interconnects. In addition, the timing objective can be handled within the algorithm by minimizing the critical path delay. Experimental results show that, compared to Capol0. 5, mPL6, and NTUplace, HJ-P1 outperforms these placers in terms of wirelength and run time. The improvements in terms of average wirelength over Capo10. 5, mPL6 and NPUplace are 13%, 3%, and 9% with only 19%, 91%, and 99% of their runtime, respectively. By integrating the predicted wirelength-driven clustering into Capo10. 5, the placer is able to reduce average wirelength by 3%. The timing-driven HJ-P1 can reduce the critical path delay by 23%. 展开更多
关键词 HIERARCHY INTERCONNECT PLACEMENT VLSI circuit wirelength prediction
改进的混合整数线性模型优化化工厂多层设备布局 被引量:1
作者 何巧婷 周利 +2 位作者 侯梦曦 王诗慧 吉旭 《计算机与应用化学》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第4期372-378,共7页
化工设备布局是设计化工厂的重要环节,对优化生产管理、整合土地与水电资源、减少输送能耗、降低事故风险以及保证人员安全有着重要的意义。化工设备布局中最常见的是多层设备布局。本文通过对工艺流程特点以及设备特殊性进行分析,预处... 化工设备布局是设计化工厂的重要环节,对优化生产管理、整合土地与水电资源、减少输送能耗、降低事故风险以及保证人员安全有着重要的意义。化工设备布局中最常见的是多层设备布局。本文通过对工艺流程特点以及设备特殊性进行分析,预处理某些设备的布置,考虑设备间安全距离,建立改进的混合整数线性规划模型(MILP),用数学规划法求解。将该方法应用于某原油蒸馏工艺流程的布局优化,相较于文献报道的不加入这些工程因素的数学规划方法,模型变量得到了减少,降低求解复杂度,求解时间缩短了38.8%,且布局方案更符合工厂实际,验证了所提方法的有效性和实用性。 展开更多
关键词 设施布局 混合整数线性规划 安全距离
Sensors layout optimization in explosion overpressure field reconstruction 被引量:2
作者 王凤 白原齐 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第4期307-314,共8页
The paper proposes four indicators to guide sensors layout in practical experiment on explosion overpressure filed construction based on tomographic method with high reconstruction accuracy and the least sensors. Firs... The paper proposes four indicators to guide sensors layout in practical experiment on explosion overpressure filed construction based on tomographic method with high reconstruction accuracy and the least sensors. First, genetic algorithm is adopted to conduct global search and sensor layout optimization method is selected to satisfy four indicators. Then, by means of Matlab, the variation of these four indicators with different sensor layouts and reconstruction accuracy are analyzed and discussed. The results indicate that the sensor layout method proposed by this paper can reconstruct explosion overpressure field at the highest precision by a minimum number of sensors. It will guide actual explosion experiments in a cost-effective way. 展开更多
关键词 explosion overpressure field genetic algorithm sensor layout optimization travel time tomography
Gas drainage from different mine of drainage systems for deep coal areas: optimal placement seams with high gas emissions 被引量:10
作者 Ping Lu Ping Li +3 位作者 Jian Chen Chuijin Zhang Junhua Xue Tao Yu 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第1期84-90,共7页
The techniques of stress relief mining in low-permeability coal seams and pillarless gob side retained roadway entry using Y-type ventilation and gas drainage systems were developed to control gas outbursts and applie... The techniques of stress relief mining in low-permeability coal seams and pillarless gob side retained roadway entry using Y-type ventilation and gas drainage systems were developed to control gas outbursts and applied successfully. However, as the mining depth increasing, parts of the gas drainage system are not suitable for mines with high gas emissions. Because larger mining depths cause higher ground stresses, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain long gob side roadways. The greater deformation suffered by the roadway is not favorable lor borehole drilling for continuous gas drainage. To solve these problems, Y-type ventilation and gas drainage systems installed from a roof roadway were designed for drainage optimization. This system was designed based on a gas-enrichment zone analysis developed from mining the 11-2 coal seam in the Zhuji Mine at Huainan, Anhui Province, China. The method of Y-type gas extraction from different mine areas was applied to the panel 1112(1) in the Zhuji Mine. The absolute gas emission rate was up to 116.3 m^3/min with an average flow of 69.1 m^3/min at an average drainage concentration of nearly 85 %. After the Y-type method was adopted, the concentration of gas in the return air was 0.15 %-0.64 %, averaging 0.39 % with a ventilation rate of 2100-2750 m^3/min. The gas management system proved to be efficient, and the effective gas control allowed safe production to continue . 展开更多
关键词 Gas drainage Different gas sources Y-type ventilation Gob side retained roadway Gas emission Gas-enrichment zone
作者 陈莉莉 史文祥 袁鹏 《邮电设计技术》 2018年第4期63-66,共4页
无线网络结构化可以为无线网投资分层、方案分层、部署分层,优化分层和管理分层提供依据。因此有必要按照"布局层""补盲层""吸热层"的分层结构对无线网络的室外站进行梳理。以Atoll仿真为基础,通过对某... 无线网络结构化可以为无线网投资分层、方案分层、部署分层,优化分层和管理分层提供依据。因此有必要按照"布局层""补盲层""吸热层"的分层结构对无线网络的室外站进行梳理。以Atoll仿真为基础,通过对某案例区域的LTE无线网络进行分析,呈现结构化分析的完整流程。 展开更多
关键词 无线网络结构化 布局 吸热 补盲
Bi-level hybrid local search approach for three-dimensional loading problem with balancing constraints 被引量:3
作者 ZHU Xiang LEI Ding-you 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期903-918,共16页
This paper presents a bi-level hybrid local search(BHLS)algorithm for the three-dimensional loading problem with balancing constraints(3DLP-B),where several rectangular boxes with even densities but different sizes ar... This paper presents a bi-level hybrid local search(BHLS)algorithm for the three-dimensional loading problem with balancing constraints(3DLP-B),where several rectangular boxes with even densities but different sizes are loaded into a single cubic bin to meet the requirements of the space or capacity utilization and the balance of the center of gravity.The proposed algorithm hybridizes a novel framed-layout procedure in which the concept of the core block and its generation strategy are introduced.Once the block-loading sequence has been determined,we can load one block at a time by the designed construction heuristic.Then,the double-search is introduced;its external search procedure generates a list of compact packing patterns while its internal search procedure is used to search the core-block frames and their best distribution locations.The approach is extensively tested on weakly to strongly heterogeneous benchmark data.The results show that it has better performance in improving space utilization rate and balanced condition of the placement than existed techniques:the overall averages from 79.85%to 86.45%were obtained for the balanced cases and relatively high space-usage rate of 89.44%was achieved for the unbalanced ones. 展开更多
关键词 3D loading balancing constraints framed layout bi-level hybrid local search core block
Spatial distribution of Ice Shelf Water in front of the Amery Ice Shelf,Antarctica in summer 被引量:5
作者 郑少军 史久新 +1 位作者 矫玉田 葛人峰 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1325-1338,共14页
As a unique low-temperature water mass in Antarctic coastal region, the Ice Shelf Water (ISW) is an important component for the formation of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). In this paper, we present a criterion for... As a unique low-temperature water mass in Antarctic coastal region, the Ice Shelf Water (ISW) is an important component for the formation of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). In this paper, we present a criterion for ISW identification based on freezing point at the sea surface, and we study spatial distribution of ISW in front of the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS) and its flow path in Prydz Bay by analyzing hydrographic data from Australian cruises in 2001 and 2002, as well as Chinese cruises in 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2008, all being made in the austral summer. The relatively cold and fresh ISW occurred as several discrete water blocks with cold cores in front of the AIS, within the depth range of 100?600 m, under the seasonal thermocline. ISW had obvious temporal and spatial variations and the spatial distribution pattern changed greatly after 2005. Most of ISW was concentrated west of 73°E during 2001 to 2003 and 2006, but it was widespread to east in 2005 and 2008. In all observation years, a small amount of cold ISW always occurs at the west end of the AIS front section, where the coldest ISW in the whole section also occurred in 2001, 2003 and 2006. Considering general cyclonic circulation pattern under the AIS, the ISW flowing out from west end of the AIS front might have experienced the longest cooling period under ice shelf, so it would have the lowest temperature. Analysis of data from meridian sections in Prydz Bay in 2003 implied that ISW in the west could spread north to the continental break along the east flank of the Fram Bank near 70.5°E, mix with the upwelling Circumpolar Deep Water and possibly contribute to the formation of AABW. 展开更多
关键词 Ice Shelf Water TEMPERATURE Amery Ice Shelf ANTARCTICA
作者 李勇 王广华 《中国新通信》 2017年第22期79-80,共2页
关键词 ATOLL仿真 网络结构化 布局 补盲 吸热
Suitable layout of gate roads related to slice mining in an ultra-thick unstable coal seam 被引量:2
作者 Fan Gangwei Zhang Dongsheng Zhou Lei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第4期563-566,共4页
We determi:ned a suitable gate road layout in slice mining in an ultra-thick unstable coal seam, using theoretical anallysis and numerical calculations. Based on plasticity theory in terms of limiting equilibrium, th... We determi:ned a suitable gate road layout in slice mining in an ultra-thick unstable coal seam, using theoretical anallysis and numerical calculations. Based on plasticity theory in terms of limiting equilibrium, the width of chain pillar in the upper slice was calculated to be 18 m. The stress distribution in the chain pillar after the upper slice was mined out was described with numerical simulation. The extent of the effect of stress on the upper chain pillar on the lower solid coal was obtained on the basis of an elastic solution of a distributed force loaded on a half-plane. Three layout designs for lower gate roads were pro- posed and a stability factor was introduced to analyze the stability of the lower pillar with numerical calculation. Gate road translation was determined as the most suitable layout method, which maximizes the extraction rate on the basis of the pillar stability. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra-thick coal seam Slice mining Gate road Coal pillar Stability factor
Evaluation of Spatial and Vertical Variability of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Sewage-Irrigated Soil in Tongliao, China
作者 姚宏 薛晓博 +3 位作者 张士超 袁鑫 李桐 胡克林 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第4期241-247,共7页
The reuse of wastewater for the irrigation of farmlands is gaining popularity, and the nutrient leaching associated with wastewater irrigation is becoming a matter of concern. The variability of nitrogen and phosphoru... The reuse of wastewater for the irrigation of farmlands is gaining popularity, and the nutrient leaching associated with wastewater irrigation is becoming a matter of concern. The variability of nitrogen and phosphorus frac- tions in wastewater-irrigated soil was investigated in both horizontal and vertical directions in Kongjiaxiang, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, China. The results showed that wastewater irrigation resulted in the concentrations of available N and P being 40.36% and 66.49% higher, respectively, than those with groundwater irrigation. Different forms of N and P exhibited significantly different distribution pattems. Higher concentrations of NO~ and total available N, as well as of those of Ca-P and total available P were observed near wastewater irrigation channels. Ca-P has a spatial distribu- tion pattern similar to that of available P. The concentrations of NO3 and NH4 were the highest in top soil and de- creased with depth. The complex interactions between nitrate leaching and nitrogen transformation processes (e.g., nitrification, denitrification, and mineralization) determined the vertical profile of NO3. The significant amount of NH~ loss inhibited its deep seepage. The Ca-bound compound contained more P than other inorganic fractions as a result of high Ca levels throughout the soil profile. The differences in the concentrations of Ca-bound P at different depths could be due to the upward flux or translocation of Ca from subsurface to surface soil and the sequestration of P. 展开更多
关键词 wastewater irrigation NITRATE PHOSPHORUS nutrient leaching
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