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作者 程莉铭 谢念湘 《当代教研论丛》 2024年第8期110-113,共4页
人性论探讨的是人的本质和特征,不同的哲学和心理学流派对此有着各自不同的理解。中国哲学中的人性论和马克思主义哲学关于人性的论述,是我国教育事业发展的理论基石。蔡元培先生的“尚自然,展个性”的教育思想,强调个体应追求自然本质... 人性论探讨的是人的本质和特征,不同的哲学和心理学流派对此有着各自不同的理解。中国哲学中的人性论和马克思主义哲学关于人性的论述,是我国教育事业发展的理论基石。蔡元培先生的“尚自然,展个性”的教育思想,强调个体应追求自然本质,发展和展现个性,与人性论的教育思想相契合。在人性论视角下,蔡元培先生的“尚自然,展个性”教育思想对高校学生发展提供了以下三点教育启示:一是要顺其自然,遵循教育规律;二是要统筹协调,重视社会性和个性和谐发展;三是要以人为本,关注精神成长。 展开更多
关键词 人性论 “尚自然 展个性” 高校学生 教育启示
蔡元培“崇自然、展个性”教育思想对幼儿园区域活动的启示 被引量:3
作者 李霞 《西北成人教育学院学报》 2018年第3期96-100,共5页
蔡元培"崇自然、展个性"的教育思想,强调"儿童本位",批判传统教育无视儿童人格、向其强加成人自存成见的乱象;主张施行启发式教学,培养儿童的自立、自主精神;同时提出尊重儿童个性,实行因材施教。而目前幼儿园中还... 蔡元培"崇自然、展个性"的教育思想,强调"儿童本位",批判传统教育无视儿童人格、向其强加成人自存成见的乱象;主张施行启发式教学,培养儿童的自立、自主精神;同时提出尊重儿童个性,实行因材施教。而目前幼儿园中还存在着活动区域设置固定化、形式化;区域材料投放主观化,适宜性功能缺失;教师指导方式单一化,针对性特征不足;教师介入时机随意化,适度性把握不明等诸多问题。鉴于此,依据蔡元培"崇自然、展个性"的教育思想,教师必须内化"儿童主体地位"之观念;提供幼儿与材料"对话"之平台。同时做到尊重个别差异性,关注指导区域活动方式的适宜性,注重自主探究权,把握介入幼儿区域活动之分寸。 展开更多
关键词 蔡元培 “崇自然、展个性” 幼儿园区域活动
作者 孙洪莲 胡恩明 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2002年第2期5-6,共2页
强调个性教育,注重个性教育,是当代世界教育改革的共同趋势。我国近代教育家蔡元培先生,十分重视个性教育。他的个性教育的思想和实践启示我们:要根据学生个性特点进行教育,改进教学方法,选择具有创造素质的教师,营造宽松民主的教学环... 强调个性教育,注重个性教育,是当代世界教育改革的共同趋势。我国近代教育家蔡元培先生,十分重视个性教育。他的个性教育的思想和实践启示我们:要根据学生个性特点进行教育,改进教学方法,选择具有创造素质的教师,营造宽松民主的教学环境等。 展开更多
关键词 蔡元培 教育思想 “尚自然” 展个性” 教育实践 个性教育 教学改革 教学方法
个性化延展:一种崭新的数学教学实践样态 被引量:1
作者 刘小林 施小兵 《华夏教师》 2018年第10期36-37,共2页
数学教学的价值旨在育人,是培育学生的数学核心素养。小学数学教学应该是一种全新的"无界教学"。"个性化延展"教学就是无界教学的一种崭新实践样态。它不仅指知识的延展,还指思维的延展、文化的延展、精神的延展。... 数学教学的价值旨在育人,是培育学生的数学核心素养。小学数学教学应该是一种全新的"无界教学"。"个性化延展"教学就是无界教学的一种崭新实践样态。它不仅指知识的延展,还指思维的延展、文化的延展、精神的延展。延展教学让数学知识变得丰富多彩,让学生学习变得有声有色,让数学课堂充满勃勃生机。 展开更多
关键词 个性化延 数学教学 实践样态
尚自然·展个性:“快乐学习坊”的创建与实施 被引量:1
作者 周幼红 《小学教学研究(理论版)》 2017年第6期14-17,共4页
小学阶段不是精准的应试期,而是开启学习的浪漫期,教育要尊重孩子的当下性,教师要蹲下身与学生对话,牵着手教育。而小学生快乐学习坊的创建与实施,就是以“儿童中心”为基本立场,用“童领天下”为核心理念,玩(趣味性玩)、做(... 小学阶段不是精准的应试期,而是开启学习的浪漫期,教育要尊重孩子的当下性,教师要蹲下身与学生对话,牵着手教育。而小学生快乐学习坊的创建与实施,就是以“儿童中心”为基本立场,用“童领天下”为核心理念,玩(趣味性玩)、做(创造性做)、学(开放性学)、研(探究性研)合一,在学习方式变革等方面做了一些大胆的尝试与研究。 展开更多
关键词 尚自然 个性 快乐学习坊
作者 许文浩 《华夏教师》 2019年第19期33-34,共2页
在乡村小学内,根据学校的乡村特点,根据立根于乡村小学的教师独特的教学信仰理念,根据学生的个性化需求,开展课堂教学内容拓伸延展.能够促使乡村教师在教学活动中充分发挥自己的聪明才智,针对乡村少年独特的地理和身心特点,关注乡村少... 在乡村小学内,根据学校的乡村特点,根据立根于乡村小学的教师独特的教学信仰理念,根据学生的个性化需求,开展课堂教学内容拓伸延展.能够促使乡村教师在教学活动中充分发挥自己的聪明才智,针对乡村少年独特的地理和身心特点,关注乡村少年个性发展的需求,创造性地使用教材,创造性地进行课堂教学,逐步形成适合自己和具有乡村特点的教学风格,并通过教材内容的再挖掘、再延伸、再拓展而达到张扬个性和教学相长的目的,培养适应新时代需求的个性化人才. 展开更多
关键词 乡村小学 个性化延 策略
作者 许文浩 《华夏教师》 2020年第7期80-80,共1页
个性化是现在和未来教育教学目标和选择。现阶段乡村小学课堂教学个性化延展方面存在问题,有着一定的原因。可通过对乡村小学课堂教学内容个性化延展的实践与研究,促使乡村教师逐步形成适合自己和具有乡村特点的教学风格,并通过教材内... 个性化是现在和未来教育教学目标和选择。现阶段乡村小学课堂教学个性化延展方面存在问题,有着一定的原因。可通过对乡村小学课堂教学内容个性化延展的实践与研究,促使乡村教师逐步形成适合自己和具有乡村特点的教学风格,并通过教材内容的再挖掘、再延伸、再拓展而达到张扬个性和教学相长的目的。 展开更多
关键词 乡村小学 课堂教学 个性化延 现状分析
作者 李曼雪 《中国经济和信息化》 2000年第41期29-29,共1页
关键词 个性化印刷 个性 彩斑 彩色激光打印机 彩色打印 输出设备 惠普 小批量 电子化服务 办公效率
作者 张业俊 《学苑教育》 2018年第22期93-93,共1页
关键词 体育课堂 教学内容 个性化延
作者 徐萍 《小学教学研究》 2023年第12期F0004-F0004,共1页
关键词 教育情怀 浙江省嵊州市 蔡元培 百年老校 赏析教学 个性 小学 习作
蔡元培的德育思想 被引量:1
作者 张永新 《中小学管理》 北大核心 1995年第4期39-40,共2页
蔡元培的德育思想张永新蔡元培生于清末,中过秀才、举人、进士,当过翰林院编修,具有深厚的国学功底。他又有游学德国、考察日本的经历,对西方文化也有透彻的了解,学贯中西的知识底蕴加上他长期投身于教育的丰富体验,使蔡元培形成... 蔡元培的德育思想张永新蔡元培生于清末,中过秀才、举人、进士,当过翰林院编修,具有深厚的国学功底。他又有游学德国、考察日本的经历,对西方文化也有透彻的了解,学贯中西的知识底蕴加上他长期投身于教育的丰富体验,使蔡元培形成了一套系统而有创见的资产阶级教育理... 展开更多
关键词 蔡元培 公民道德教育 完全人格 德育思想 军国民教育 道德观念 实利主义教育 西方资产阶级 个性 健全人格
Small Land Promotion Through Their Culture, Language and Individuality: The Importance of Culture Heritage for the Community Development
作者 Ilona Biemacka-Ligieza 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第9期1004-1013,共10页
Promotion is becoming one of the most commonly and intentionally used by local government element of marketing mix. It can be either internal (addressed to the inhabitants of the unit) or external (aimed at people ... Promotion is becoming one of the most commonly and intentionally used by local government element of marketing mix. It can be either internal (addressed to the inhabitants of the unit) or external (aimed at people who are not residents of the unit). The subject of the presented studies will be culture promotion of the region. One of the areas of promotion, little appreciated in Poland so far, is culture and culture heritage which are of greater and greater importance for the regional development. Culture heritage can be a resource to strengthen the region and improve the conditions for economic growth. Culture goods constitute an important factor in the development of socio-economic region. They increase tourist attractiveness contributing to the development of tourism and agro-tourism in the area. The rich history, multi-layered and diverse culture heritage, both tangible and intangible, can be one of the main assets of raising the competitiveness of the given region in the country and the European Union (EU). It should be assumed that in a market economy town or municipality operate in a manner similar to enterprise, they produce products and services offered to the internal market (municipality) as well as to external one (surrounding of the municipality). Competitive conditions require the use of all tools to increase the effectiveness of the operation, including marketing tools. Being a marketing issue a product, which is offered by a city/town, can be considered in two aspects: first as a mega-product (i.e., a city/town as a whole), second as a distribution of a mega-product for individual municipal sub-products. Presented concept of a product offered by a city in its two distinctions can be also applied to a municipality. Market-based approach in relation to territorial units is usually called "territorial marketing". Alternatively, they can be also called "spatial marketing" and "area marketing". Depending on the type of territorial units and the scope of marketing activities various concepts are used (e.g., urban marketing and municipal marketing). Currently in Poland these concepts are generally related to basic units of the administrative division of the country namely to urban and rural municipalities. Therefore, for this type of activities one can suggest the term "municipal marketing". 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE HERITAGE region PROMOTION local authorities local marketing
作者 雷莉 《求知导刊》 2018年第5期137-138,共2页
立足于地域文化,学生能够汲取文化精髓的丰富养分,有利于品德素养的形成与提升。将地域文化与学校学生实际情况相结合,确定育人目标就是培养“尚自然,展个性”的学生。通过历史典故和现代探究形成自然环境意识,通过挖掘祠堂文化内... 立足于地域文化,学生能够汲取文化精髓的丰富养分,有利于品德素养的形成与提升。将地域文化与学校学生实际情况相结合,确定育人目标就是培养“尚自然,展个性”的学生。通过历史典故和现代探究形成自然环境意识,通过挖掘祠堂文化内涵和融入岭南画派精神激发深层潜能个性,将地域文化融入育人实践的方方面面,以此培养学生崇尚自然天性、发展个性潜能的优秀特质。 展开更多
关键词 尚自然 个性 地域文化 育人
Explore and practice healthy personality of students to develop an international perspective of Higher Education 被引量:1
作者 Shuang Cao YuqiWang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期48-50,共3页
A unified personality commonly referred to as is the sum of the person' s character, temperament, ability and other characteristics , as well as personal ethics, thought, soul, behaviors, attitudes and social respons... A unified personality commonly referred to as is the sum of the person' s character, temperament, ability and other characteristics , as well as personal ethics, thought, soul, behaviors, attitudes and social responsibility aspects. Personality is certain physiological basis, formed and developed in social practice and it is the result of genetic and environmental factors, the society may influence the development of a number of factors of personality. The so-called healthy personality refers to personality harmonious, comprehensive and healthy development. Because of contemporary college students study pressure, economic pressure, the employment pressure, emotional stress and other factors, it results in morbid psychology; personality psychology highlights the unhealthy phenomenon. In recent years, especially college students' personality distortions continue to occur, it is caused widespread concern of the whole society, to strengthen and shape the health of college students has become an important personality of an urgent work. 展开更多
关键词 International Higher Education healthy personality college students
作者 吉云霞 《好家长》 2018年第56期239-239,共1页
简单的说个性化教学就是音乐教师根据每个学生之间性格的不同,个性的差异采取分层递进的教学方式,并利用多种不同的教学方式组织相关的音乐活动为学生提供可以展示自己的个性的舞台,从而促进学生的成长发展,提高学生的学习热情,从而促... 简单的说个性化教学就是音乐教师根据每个学生之间性格的不同,个性的差异采取分层递进的教学方式,并利用多种不同的教学方式组织相关的音乐活动为学生提供可以展示自己的个性的舞台,从而促进学生的成长发展,提高学生的学习热情,从而促进学生的全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 小学音乐 课堂教学 个性化延 初探
作者 吕建锋 《中小学电教(下)》 2019年第3期11-11,共1页
信息技术素养是学生综合素养的重要组成部分。着眼于学生信息技术素养,教师要对学生信息技术学习内容进行延展。基于学生具体学情,基于学生兴趣,基于学生信息技术综合运用,可展开层次性延展、趣味性延展和应用性延展。这是信息技术个性... 信息技术素养是学生综合素养的重要组成部分。着眼于学生信息技术素养,教师要对学生信息技术学习内容进行延展。基于学生具体学情,基于学生兴趣,基于学生信息技术综合运用,可展开层次性延展、趣味性延展和应用性延展。这是信息技术个性化教学的必然取向。 展开更多
关键词 信息技术 个性化延 信息素养
Analysis of Big Data's Impact on Social Consumption Values
作者 Ming Gao Chengwei Wen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第4期178-182,共5页
1Since the middle of last century, the world has entered consumer society. Decided by consumerism, hedonic consumption has got popular. Hedonic consumption makes people be personalized during consumption and brings a ... 1Since the middle of last century, the world has entered consumer society. Decided by consumerism, hedonic consumption has got popular. Hedonic consumption makes people be personalized during consumption and brings a high degree of prosperity in consumption. But at the same time, for the materialization logic in consumerism, people has been enslaved by substance and involved in the vicious circle about unlimited demand for substance, which brought a series of problems in consumption. Nowadays, sharing consumption is rapidly developing, which leads to the change of consumption values. The application of big data in the consumer area, through bringing "big data sense" and solving information barrier, is one of the most important reasons to cause the change. This change can help to establish a fair consumption environment and harmonious consumption relations, which will make the economic development faster and better 展开更多
关键词 big data sharing consumption controlling consumption consumption fairness consumption relation
The innovation of the ideological and political lesson's practical teaching model in colleges and universities
作者 Fang-fang Lv 《Review of Global Academics》 2015年第2期536-538,共3页
Strengthen the practical teaching is an important way to improve effectiveness of colleges' ideological and political lessons. It has an important role to stimulate the students' individuality development, cultivate... Strengthen the practical teaching is an important way to improve effectiveness of colleges' ideological and political lessons. It has an important role to stimulate the students' individuality development, cultivate students' innovative spirit, help students improve their ability of analyzing and solving problems, and improve students' comprehensive quality. This paper will analyze the problems existing in practical teaching model of ideological and political lessons, and put forward the corresponding reform measures, hoping to innovate and perfect the practical teaching model. 展开更多
关键词 colleges and universities ideological and political lessons practical teaching innovation.
Construction of Stereoscopic Teaching Mode in Ideological and Political Education Course in "Holistic" Vision
作者 Ou Bin 《International English Education Research》 2015年第11期87-89,共3页
Ideological and political education aims for comprehensive development of all aspects of capacity. However, there exist following issues in our current education: emphasizing knowledge instruction while neglecting st... Ideological and political education aims for comprehensive development of all aspects of capacity. However, there exist following issues in our current education: emphasizing knowledge instruction while neglecting students' personality development; education is confined to the classroom, ignoring influence on students thinking from external environment; simplicity in teaching evaluation. To truly achieve the purpose of educating people, we should adhere to stereoscopic teaching, establish "people"-centered educational philosophy, adhere to "all-round development"; integrate resources in and out of school for education; establish diversified evaluation system. 展开更多
关键词 Holistic Education Ideological and Political Course Stereoscopic Teaching
Application of Constructivism in English Teaching
作者 Chunlin LIANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期34-36,共3页
Constructivism is an important branch of cognitive theory. It is a leading theory of education at the end of 20th century and the early 21th century. Language itself is a kind of social construct, learning a language ... Constructivism is an important branch of cognitive theory. It is a leading theory of education at the end of 20th century and the early 21th century. Language itself is a kind of social construct, learning a language is construct personal knowledge. Under the guidance of constructivist learning theory, English teaching has transformed into a student-centered self-construct mode. It created a new situation that students can receive the overall development and personality development through situation setting, collaborative learning and meaning construction. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTIVISM English teaching cognitive theory
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