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基于期望-方差联系数的区间数多属性决策 被引量:1
作者 杨丹丹 高健 《湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第3期282-284,共3页
区间数信息条件下的决策问题,关键是区间数的测度方法,提出一种新的确定区间数的方法.首先把区间数转化为期望-方差联系数,再对i给出客观的确定化方法,进而将区间数转化为具体的实数,进一步构建了多属性决策模型.最后以实例验证了该算... 区间数信息条件下的决策问题,关键是区间数的测度方法,提出一种新的确定区间数的方法.首先把区间数转化为期望-方差联系数,再对i给出客观的确定化方法,进而将区间数转化为具体的实数,进一步构建了多属性决策模型.最后以实例验证了该算法的有效性与实用性. 展开更多
关键词 区间属性决策 期望-方差联系
一种区间数多属性决策方法在经济评价中的应用 被引量:6
作者 屈文阁 《甘肃科学学报》 2013年第4期152-155,共4页
研究了区间数多属性决策问题.利用区间数运算法则获得加权规范化矩阵.基于投影对TOPSIS法进行改进,通过各方案与理想解的相对贴近度进行方案排序或择优.并将方法应用于经济评价中,提高了决策的准确性和效率.结果表明:算例验证了该方法... 研究了区间数多属性决策问题.利用区间数运算法则获得加权规范化矩阵.基于投影对TOPSIS法进行改进,通过各方案与理想解的相对贴近度进行方案排序或择优.并将方法应用于经济评价中,提高了决策的准确性和效率.结果表明:算例验证了该方法的可行性和有效性且具有操作简便和易于上机实现的特点. 展开更多
关键词 区间属性决策 TOPSIS法 相对贴近度 排序
油气开采企业科技项目优选的区间数多属性决策模型 被引量:2
作者 宋杰鲲 张凯新 宋卿 《甘肃科学学报》 2015年第6期107-111,146,共6页
科技项目优选对油气开采企业提高油气产量、控制含水率至关重要,对其持续科学发展具有十分重要的意义。研究构建了包括效果指标、技术指标、经济指标三类共10项具体指标的油气开采企业科技项目评价指标体系,对指标值以区间数的形式表述... 科技项目优选对油气开采企业提高油气产量、控制含水率至关重要,对其持续科学发展具有十分重要的意义。研究构建了包括效果指标、技术指标、经济指标三类共10项具体指标的油气开采企业科技项目评价指标体系,对指标值以区间数的形式表述。优选了区间数排序模型、投影模型和TOPSIS模型,并采用Borda方法进行排序集结,实现排序结果的一致性。结果表明,构建的指标体系和优选模型是科学的、可行的,为油气开采企业科技项目优选提供了新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 油气开采企业 科技项目 优选 区间属性决策
区间数多属性决策方法研究 被引量:1
作者 宋晓辉 张晓静 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第15期17-20,共4页
对于权重和属性值都是区间数的多属性决策问题,确定各个方案优先顺序主要取决于方案的综合评价值.本文基于多目标最优化理论给出了一种求方案综合评价值的方法——多目标规划方法,并利用区间数偏序关系对综合评价值进行比较,选出最优方... 对于权重和属性值都是区间数的多属性决策问题,确定各个方案优先顺序主要取决于方案的综合评价值.本文基于多目标最优化理论给出了一种求方案综合评价值的方法——多目标规划方法,并利用区间数偏序关系对综合评价值进行比较,选出最优方案.最后给出了一个实例分析. 展开更多
关键词 区间属性决策 综合评价值 多目标规划方法
教学质量多属性评估的联系数算法 被引量:3
作者 陆广地 《山西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第4期14-19,共6页
通常的教师能力和课堂评价都是遵循简单的主观评价、简单累加、定性分析,缺少让大众信服的实证研究.借用区间数多属性决策新方法,借用联系数的同一度、态势函数、势函数、反势函数几种方法来确定优化方案的优劣排序;案例体现该方法操作... 通常的教师能力和课堂评价都是遵循简单的主观评价、简单累加、定性分析,缺少让大众信服的实证研究.借用区间数多属性决策新方法,借用联系数的同一度、态势函数、势函数、反势函数几种方法来确定优化方案的优劣排序;案例体现该方法操作容易、计算简便、算法有效,同时兼顾了决策方案的当前状态评价和发展趋势评价,使决策具有合理性. 展开更多
关键词 区间属性决策 教师与教学评价 联系及其伴随函
基于区间数多属性决策的实验教学质量评价模型 被引量:3
作者 陈美华 陈国铁 林金钱 《科技资讯》 2013年第15期174-174,共1页
关键词 区间属性决策 TOPSIS法 实验教学评价
多属性决策的α-较多属性偏爱法 被引量:2
作者 于丽英 胡毓达 顾利勤 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2001年第2期161-164,共4页
对于多属性决策问题 ,引进属性偏爱数概念 .由此 ,依据问题的属性值的特点 ,提出了求解多属性决策问题的α-较多属性偏爱法 .
关键词 属性决策 属性偏爱 决策方法 α-较多属性偏爱法 属性映射 α-较多序原理
作者 陆广地 蒋国民 金志勇 《淮阴工学院学报》 CAS 2018年第1期19-24,共6页
在工程项目招投标工作中,对投标企业单位的评价仅仅是属于主观评价、简单累加、形式定性,缺少可操作性的实证研究,借用区间数多属性决策新方法,可以利用联系数的同一度、态势函数、势函数多种方法来确定方案的优劣排序。实例应用表明:... 在工程项目招投标工作中,对投标企业单位的评价仅仅是属于主观评价、简单累加、形式定性,缺少可操作性的实证研究,借用区间数多属性决策新方法,可以利用联系数的同一度、态势函数、势函数多种方法来确定方案的优劣排序。实例应用表明:该方法操作容易,计算简便,实施有效,而且同时兼顾了决策方案的当前状态评价和发展趋势评价,使决策具有更大的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 区间属性决策 不确定性 联系 伴随函 招投标评价
作者 张海文 《中学数学教学》 1999年第1期16-16,共1页
教学中,有部分同学认为cosπ/3+arc sin1/2存在问题,理由是cosπ/3根据三角函数定义知它是一个不带任何单位的实数即1/2,而arc sin1/2带有单位“弧度”或“度”即arc sin1/2=π/6rad=30°。
关键词 三角函 自变量 属性 值得重视 双重属性 教学中 存在问题 思维定势 三角函 几何意义
Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought Tolerance of Widely-used Rice Varieties with Subordinate Function Method 被引量:1
作者 刘三雄 黎用朝 +5 位作者 吴俊 闵军 常硕其 刘利成 卢向阳 邓启云 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1643-1647,共5页
Using drought-tolerant cultivar IAPAR 9 (upland rice from Brazil) and drought-sensitive varieties IR64 as the controls, the drought tolerances of total 26 rice varieties widely used in production were evaluated with... Using drought-tolerant cultivar IAPAR 9 (upland rice from Brazil) and drought-sensitive varieties IR64 as the controls, the drought tolerances of total 26 rice varieties widely used in production were evaluated with subordinate function method based on morphological, physiological and yield traits. The results showed that the trait values of grain yield per plant (GYP), effective panicles per plant (EPP), seed-setting rate (SSR), panicle length (PL), leaf relative water content (RWC) and chlorophyll content (SPAD) in all tested varieties decreased significantly under the conditions of drought stress. The subordinate function values of these traits of all tested rice varieties were thus calculated varieties. Based on the aver- age subordinate function values of all these traits, total 7 (i.e. Y Liangyou 1) and 3 (i.e. Liangyou Peijiu) rice varieties were identified as drought-tolerant and drought- sensitive varieties, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Drought tolerance Subordinate function
作者 崔杰 刘思峰 谢乃明 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第2期112-117,共6页
A grey multi-stage decision making method is proposed for a type of grey multi-index decision problems with weighted values completely unknown and attributes as interval grey numbers. Firstly, a method for compar- ing... A grey multi-stage decision making method is proposed for a type of grey multi-index decision problems with weighted values completely unknown and attributes as interval grey numbers. Firstly, a method for compar- ing two grey numbers based on probability is developed to calculate weighted values of the attributes. Secondly, the experts' evaluation scores for attribute values are presented in terms of internal grey numbers. Finally, a weight solving method for multiple-stages evaluation is proposed. An example analysis verifies the availability of the proposed method. The method provides a new way of thinking for solving grey decision problem. 展开更多
关键词 grey system multi-attribute decision making interval grey number
基于熵权法和MADM的电力客户信用风险评价 被引量:6
作者 黄元生 石秀芬 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 2010年第2期24-27,共4页
电力客户的信用程度直接影响到供电企业的正常运营,也是保证我国电力工业健康发展的前提。因此,采用科学的方法对电力客户的信用进行评价具有重要的理论和现实意义。电力客户的信用风险评价是典型的多属性决策问题,决策者往往很难对每... 电力客户的信用程度直接影响到供电企业的正常运营,也是保证我国电力工业健康发展的前提。因此,采用科学的方法对电力客户的信用进行评价具有重要的理论和现实意义。电力客户的信用风险评价是典型的多属性决策问题,决策者往往很难对每个评价指标赋予一个确定数值,但凭借经验可以给出大致范围。鉴于此,这篇论文在描述电力客户的各个属性值时采用了区间数的表示形式,随后,利用正态分布3σ原则,将区间数形式表示的属性值转化为单点值,运用熵权法确定出各评价指标的权重,最后计算各个电力客户的综合评价值并进行排序优选。实例研究结果表明这是一种科学实用的评价比较方法,为供电企业规避客户信用风险提供了重要的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 信用风险 区间属性决策 相离度 熵权法
基于上三角矩阵构造多叉树的多维关联规则挖掘算法 被引量:5
作者 叶涛 于利霞 张亚平 《软件工程》 2017年第6期8-11,4,共5页
针对基于Iapriori算法的多维关联规则数据挖掘存在I/O负载过大,候选项集指数倍增加,优化算法随机性强,容易陷入局部最优解等问题。本文提出一种基于上三角矩阵和多叉树结合(UTMTU)的多维关联规则挖掘算法,算法对原数据编码筛选后映射为... 针对基于Iapriori算法的多维关联规则数据挖掘存在I/O负载过大,候选项集指数倍增加,优化算法随机性强,容易陷入局部最优解等问题。本文提出一种基于上三角矩阵和多叉树结合(UTMTU)的多维关联规则挖掘算法,算法对原数据编码筛选后映射为上三角矩阵,再映射为频繁项集树,实现整个过程只扫描一次数据库而不产生候选项集,将时间和空间成本尽量降到最低,并利用有效属性层次数提高内存和I/O的利用率。通过UTMTU与Iapriori对比分析表明,其算法的效率和精度得到显著地提高,有效改善原始算法的两个瓶颈问题。 展开更多
关键词 多维关联规则 上三角矩阵 频繁项集树 有效属性层次
多Agent多阶段一对多协商模型 被引量:1
作者 康振科 董东 王艳侠 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第18期4072-4075,4081,共5页
为解决多Agent一对多、多议题协商问题,提出了具有议题属性协商阶段的多阶段协商模型,设计了一种根据Agent让步幅度变化所形成的曲线来判定Agent类型和使用何种协商方法的协商策略。详细地分析了多Agent、多阶段一对多协商的协商过程。... 为解决多Agent一对多、多议题协商问题,提出了具有议题属性协商阶段的多阶段协商模型,设计了一种根据Agent让步幅度变化所形成的曲线来判定Agent类型和使用何种协商方法的协商策略。详细地分析了多Agent、多阶段一对多协商的协商过程。将三角模糊数多属性决策方法引入到多Agent协商过程中降低了决策者评估对方所提出方案的难度,能更自然地对不同方案的优劣进行排序。模拟算例表明,该模型有效且可行,为多Agent协商提供可参考的模型和求解算法。 展开更多
关键词 多AGENT 多阶段一对多协商 协商模型 协商策略 三角模糊属性决策
Resistance Evaluation of Capsicum spp. Germplasm to Meloidogyne incognita 被引量:3
作者 刘子记 杜公福 +2 位作者 朱婕 申龙斌 曹振木 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1723-1728,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to screen out hot pepper germplasms highly resistant to Meloidogyne incognita, thereby providing resistant resources for hot pep- per breeding. [Method] Comprehensive analysis combining cl... [Objective] This study aimed to screen out hot pepper germplasms highly resistant to Meloidogyne incognita, thereby providing resistant resources for hot pep- per breeding. [Method] Comprehensive analysis combining cluster analysis and sub- ordinate function was conducted through determining related resistance indexes of 67 hot pepper germplasms 50 days after inoculated with M. incognita. [Result] The effects of M. incognita on related resistance indexes were significantly different am- ong the hot pepper germplasms. Egg index and gall index had abundant genetic variation with variation coefficients of 143.16% and 118.95%, respectively. Based on the gall indexes, cluster analysis of hot pepper germplasms was performed. The 67 hot pepper germplasms were divided into 4 groups (resistant, moderately resistant, susceptible and high susceptible). The resistance intensity of the hot pepper germplasms were ranked according to the sum of subordinate function values of various resistance indexes. The total function values of Rela 2 and L506M were the largest (2.00), indicating that these two germplasms were immune to M. incognita. The total function values of L287-2, L522-1M, L504M, L515-2, 13SM100-1, L512M, L292-1, L319, L316, L317, 13SM87-1 and Rela 5 were larger than 1.95, indicating that these germplasms were highly resistant to M. incognita. [Conclusion] This study could provide certain resistant resources for resistance breeding of hot pepper to M. incognita. 展开更多
关键词 Capsicum spp. Gerrnplasm Meloidogyne incognita Resistance index Cluster analysis Subordinate function analysis
The algorithm of 3D multi-scale volumetric curvature and its application 被引量:13
作者 陈学华 杨威 +2 位作者 贺振华 钟文丽 文晓涛 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期65-72,116,共9页
To fully extract and mine the multi-scale features of reservoirs and geologic structures in time/depth and space dimensions, a new 3D multi-scale volumetric curvature (MSVC) methodology is presented in this paper. W... To fully extract and mine the multi-scale features of reservoirs and geologic structures in time/depth and space dimensions, a new 3D multi-scale volumetric curvature (MSVC) methodology is presented in this paper. We also propose a fast algorithm for computing 3D volumetric curvature. In comparison to conventional volumetric curvature attributes, its main improvements and key algorithms introduce multi-frequency components expansion in time-frequency domain and the corresponding multi-scale adaptive differential operator in the wavenumber domain, into the volumetric curvature calculation. This methodology can simultaneously depict seismic multi-scale features in both time and space. Additionally, we use data fusion of volumetric curvatures at various scales to take full advantage of the geologic features and anomalies extracted by curvature measurements at different scales. The 3D MSVC can highlight geologic anomalies and reduce noise at the same time. Thus, it improves the interpretation efficiency of curvature attributes analysis. The 3D MSVC is applied to both land and marine 3D seismic data. The results demonstrate that it can indicate the spatial distribution of reservoirs, detect faults and fracture zones, and identify their multi-scale properties. 展开更多
关键词 3D multi-scale volumetric curvature adaptive differential operator in wavenumber domain multi-frequency expansion in time-frequency domain fault detection fracture zone data fusion
Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought Resistance of Different Flue-cured Tobacco Cultivars in Bijie Tobacco Growing Area 被引量:1
作者 符新妍 翟欣 +5 位作者 陈雪 程功 李洪臣 喻奇伟 张小全 杨铁钊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1130-1135,共6页
Based on pot experiments, major agronomic traits, biomass accumulation, leaf water-holding capacity, relative water content, root MDA content, root proline content and other physiological indicators of four different ... Based on pot experiments, major agronomic traits, biomass accumulation, leaf water-holding capacity, relative water content, root MDA content, root proline content and other physiological indicators of four different flue-cured tobacco culti-vars under drought stress were investigated, and drought resistance in various flue-cured tobacco cultivars was comprehensively analyzed with subordinate function method, aiming at clarifying the differences in drought resistance among various flue-cured tobacco cultivars. The results indicated that under drought stress, major agronomic traits, fresh and dry mass accumulation, and leaf relative water content of four different flue-cured tobacco cultivars were reduced significantly; the decreas-ing range of Yunyan 87 reached the minimum, fol owed by Bina 1, while Qianxi 1 demonstrated the maximum decreasing range. Leaf water-holding capacity of various flue-cured tobacco cultivars showed a descending order of Yunyan 87 〉 Bina 1 〉Qianxi 1 〉 Jiucaiping 2. MDA content and proline content in roots of various flue-cured tobacco cultivars increased significantly; to be specific, Yunyan 87 and Bina 1 exhibited a slight increase in root MDA content and a significant increase in root proline content, while Jiucaiping 2 and Qianxi 1 showed an opposite trend. Accord-ing to the results of comprehensive analysis with subordinate function method, drought resistance in various flue-cured tobacco cultivars showed a descending or-der of Yunyan 87 〉 Bina 1 〉 Jiucaiping 2 〉 Qianxi 1. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco CULTIVAR Drought resistance Subordinate function
A new electromagnetic functional material composed of metallic hollow micro-spheres 被引量:4
作者 徐鸿飞 徐丽娜 +1 位作者 顾宁 孙忠良 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期8-11,共4页
This paper presents a new electromagnetic functional material developed byelectron-less nickel deposition technique, with a single hollow micro-sphere as the core templateand a thin nickel layer as the shell. The micr... This paper presents a new electromagnetic functional material developed byelectron-less nickel deposition technique, with a single hollow micro-sphere as the core templateand a thin nickel layer as the shell. The micrograph taken by a scanning electron microscope showsthe microstructures of the materials in detail. Scattering parameters of the waveguide sample holderfilled with the materials have been obtained over X band. The electromagnetic parameters computedfrom the measured S parameters show that the material with metallic hollow spheres has as highrelative permeability μ'_r as 19.0 with about 0.6 magnetic loss tangent over the whole bandwidth.Compared to the material with non-metallic spheres, the permeability μ'_r and the magnetic losstangent μ'_r increase greatly, while the permittivity remains lower than 1.8. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic functional material microwave absorbing electron-lessdeposition
信号交叉口周期时长区间决策模型 被引量:3
作者 陈小红 张协奎 陈诗淼 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期44-50,共7页
为缓解未饱和状态下交通流不确定性对交通信号控制方案实施效果的影响,针对单交叉路口定时控制信号周期时长优化问题,通过分析比较交通流不确定性、周期时长设计、控制实施效果三者之间的相互影响程度,依据区间数多属性决策评价方法,在... 为缓解未饱和状态下交通流不确定性对交通信号控制方案实施效果的影响,针对单交叉路口定时控制信号周期时长优化问题,通过分析比较交通流不确定性、周期时长设计、控制实施效果三者之间的相互影响程度,依据区间数多属性决策评价方法,在属性权重完全未知、属性值为区间数且对方案无偏好的情形下,提出了基于相离度和可能度的交叉口信号周期时长多属性决策模型,最后运用VISSIM仿真软件对北京市某相交路口晚高峰时段进行模拟分析.结果表明:该周期时长区间决策方法可行有效,且当该交叉口交通流量比介于[0.804,0.909]时,机动车平均延误、交叉口通行能力分别较Webster方法优化了17.4%与6%. 展开更多
关键词 城市交通 周期时长 区间属性决策 信号交叉口 不确定性
Risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush based on improved attribute mathematical theory 被引量:10
作者 YANG Xiao-li ZHANG Sheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期379-391,共13页
Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel... Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush was proposed based on improved attribute mathematical theory.The trigonometric functions were adopted to optimize the attribute mathematical theory,avoiding the influence of mutation points and linear variation zones in traditional linear measurement functions on the accuracy of the model.Based on comprehensive analysis of various factors,five parameters were selected as the evaluation indicators for the model,including tunnel head pressure,permeability coefficient of surrounding rock,crushing degree of surrounding rock,relative angle of joint plane and tunnel section size,under the principle of dimension rationality,independence,directness and quantification.The indicator classifications were determined.The links among measured data were analyzed in detail,and the objective weight of each indicator was determined by using similar weight method.Thereby the tunnel water inrush risk assessment model is established and applied in four target segments of two different tunnels in engineering.The evaluation results and the actual excavation data agree well,which indicates that the model is of high credibility and feasibility. 展开更多
关键词 tunnel water inrush risk assessment model attribute mathematical theory nonlinear measurement function similar weight method
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