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作者 何林 姚宜斌 +1 位作者 许超钤 何玉峰 《能源与环保》 2024年第4期20-25,共6页
为掌握响水煤矿山体地质灾害的实时状态及变化情况,对滑坡体全要素数据进行实时监测,提出了一套基于MEMS三轴加速度传感器和MEMS陀螺仪的山体地质灾害监测技术,介绍了关键技术原理,分析了监测误差的关键参数并建立误差修正模型,制定了... 为掌握响水煤矿山体地质灾害的实时状态及变化情况,对滑坡体全要素数据进行实时监测,提出了一套基于MEMS三轴加速度传感器和MEMS陀螺仪的山体地质灾害监测技术,介绍了关键技术原理,分析了监测误差的关键参数并建立误差修正模型,制定了标定试验步骤,在工程案例中对结果进行了验证。工程应用试验结果表明,经过温度误差改正,该系统测量精度可达0.2 mm,分辨率和灵敏性优于0.1 mm,长期稳定性可达0.2 mm,可准确判断山体地质灾害的隐伏滑面为地面下13.0 m处,计算该隐伏滑坡体的方量和下滑力,满足山体地质灾害全要素长期实时监测和预测预警的需要。 展开更多
关键词 山体地质灾害 隐伏滑面 MEMS传感器 陀螺仪 全要素监测
山体滑坡滑移灾害的灰色系统预测分析 被引量:5
作者 魏作安 尹光志 +1 位作者 万玲 张东明 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期152-155,共4页
在综合分析蔗头山中段十年来山体滑坡滑移 ,呈明显季节性的滑动规律的特征等 ,以及滑坡监测数据的基础上 ,取滑坡的滑移量s等于 15 0mm作为阀值£ ,利用灰色系统预测GM(1,1)模型 ,对该滑坡的滑移量超过阀值£、可能发生滑坡灾害的年限... 在综合分析蔗头山中段十年来山体滑坡滑移 ,呈明显季节性的滑动规律的特征等 ,以及滑坡监测数据的基础上 ,取滑坡的滑移量s等于 15 0mm作为阀值£ ,利用灰色系统预测GM(1,1)模型 ,对该滑坡的滑移量超过阀值£、可能发生滑坡灾害的年限进行灾变预测 ,预测结果显示与实际情况非常吻合。同时 ,预测在 2 0 0 2年、2 0 0 4年和 2 0 0 7年该滑坡可能发生灾害险情 ,应密切注意。 展开更多
关键词 山体滑坡滑移灾害 系统预测 灰色理论 自然灾害 边坡稳定性 灰色系统模型
一次重大山体滑坡灾害决策气象服务工作探讨 被引量:1
作者 韩琦 毛以伟 《农业与技术》 2012年第8期177-177,191,共2页
本文对2011年6月14日湖北省十堰市房县上龛乡重大山体滑坡应急决策气象服务工作进行分析,总结出此次决策气象服务工作的特点,同时结合实际服务情况,分析了在服务过程中成功的经验及存在的问题,并提出了加强和改进决策气象服务的建议和... 本文对2011年6月14日湖北省十堰市房县上龛乡重大山体滑坡应急决策气象服务工作进行分析,总结出此次决策气象服务工作的特点,同时结合实际服务情况,分析了在服务过程中成功的经验及存在的问题,并提出了加强和改进决策气象服务的建议和思考。 展开更多
关键词 山体滑坡灾害 决策气象服务 工作探讨
作者 许强 《地质灾害与环境保护》 2003年第2期10-10,共1页
关键词 贵州 三穗县 山体滑坡灾害 防治措施 开挖坡度 2003年5月
作者 陈国宝 《西安矿业学院学报》 1999年第2期119-120,142,共3页
芙蓉山西侧白岩山体连续发生两次大型山体崩塌灾害,给国家和人民造成了巨大的损失。灾害发生后,笔者深入现场,调查取证,从当地的地质环境着手,通过对地形地貌、地质结构条件、气象条件、地震以及人类采矿影响等5个方面分析论证,... 芙蓉山西侧白岩山体连续发生两次大型山体崩塌灾害,给国家和人民造成了巨大的损失。灾害发生后,笔者深入现场,调查取证,从当地的地质环境着手,通过对地形地貌、地质结构条件、气象条件、地震以及人类采矿影响等5个方面分析论证,准确地分析了灾害形成的机理,为这一事件的正确处理提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 山体崩塌灾害 地质环境 机理分析 地质灾害
柔性防护网在石太铁路山体病害整治中的应用 被引量:8
作者 铁朝虎 徐远启 刘信勇 《路基工程》 2011年第2期190-192,共3页
关键词 GPS2型主动防护系统 边坡 山体灾害 环境保护
作者 李杰 彭德明 严鹏 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2024年第5期0129-0132,共4页
本文是GPS2型主动防护网技术应用于山体滚石治理工程的一个具体案例,文章着重介绍了工程施工过程中防护系统网构件的选用、工程布置及施工参数的设计、工程施工工艺、施工安全措施、工程质量检测(抗拔试验数据分析)。工程竣工后,通过多... 本文是GPS2型主动防护网技术应用于山体滚石治理工程的一个具体案例,文章着重介绍了工程施工过程中防护系统网构件的选用、工程布置及施工参数的设计、工程施工工艺、施工安全措施、工程质量检测(抗拔试验数据分析)。工程竣工后,通过多年的观测,工程质量未发生破坏或失效,治理效果明显,充分证实了该项技术应用于边坡滚石治理具备优越性、可行性,值得大力推广。 展开更多
关键词 GPS2主动防护系统 山体灾害 钢绳锚杆
山区高边坡滑坡风险研究与进展 被引量:1
作者 田晓蓉 《绿色科技》 2020年第16期30-32,共3页
指出了随着我国山区高速公路建设技术等级的进一步提高和大量高等级公路的开工建设,为满足山区高速公路结构和线形设计标准的更高要求,路基高填方、深路堑路段的数量不断递增。而在山区高速公路建设中,滑坡的灾害与其山体地貌的关系密切... 指出了随着我国山区高速公路建设技术等级的进一步提高和大量高等级公路的开工建设,为满足山区高速公路结构和线形设计标准的更高要求,路基高填方、深路堑路段的数量不断递增。而在山区高速公路建设中,滑坡的灾害与其山体地貌的关系密切,其造成危害的程度在世界上仅次于海啸和地震。因此,研究高边坡稳定性对于山区高速公路的建设发展具有重要的意义。基于国内外有关高边坡稳定性滑坡灾害风险的相关问题研究及其发展的历程,对国内外的滑坡风险研究及其发展相关问题进行了深入分析和学术性展望。以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 边坡滑坡 风险研究 滑坡预测模型 山体灾害
卫星监测时空大数据蠕变特征提取及预警算法 被引量:2
作者 刘亚臣 黄雪莹 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第S02期258-264,共7页
针对山体滑坡等地质灾害发生时间、趋势难以及时精准预警的难题,提出采用最新北斗卫星高精度形变监测技术,开展蠕变运动特征提取及预警算法研究。对卫星监测高精度时空大数据进行分析、清洗,重点研究监测点数据的时间属性、空间属性、... 针对山体滑坡等地质灾害发生时间、趋势难以及时精准预警的难题,提出采用最新北斗卫星高精度形变监测技术,开展蠕变运动特征提取及预警算法研究。对卫星监测高精度时空大数据进行分析、清洗,重点研究监测点数据的时间属性、空间属性、不同监测点之间的变化规律;提取蠕变运动多维特征,如位移、位移方向角、瞬间速度、加速度等,并以多维的方式展示监测数据内在的变化趋势。蠕变灾害预警算法能够发现和预警形变过程中的潜在灾害,确保及时防治地质灾害,保障人员生命和财产安全。该研究成果可以在多个不同领域得到广泛的应用,具有很大的理论意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 卫星监测 时空大数据 蠕变特征提取 预警算法 山体滑坡地质灾害
Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping in Ghat Road Section of Kolli Hills, India 被引量:4
作者 Siddan ANBAZHAGAN Veerappan RAMESH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1308-1325,共18页
Landslides are the most common natural disaster in hilly terrain which causes changes in landscape and damage to life and property. The main objective of the present study was to carry out landslide hazard zonation ma... Landslides are the most common natural disaster in hilly terrain which causes changes in landscape and damage to life and property. The main objective of the present study was to carry out landslide hazard zonation mapping on 1:50,000 scale along ghat road section of Kolli hills using a Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factor(LHEF) rating scheme. The landslide hazard zonation map has been prepared by overlaying the terrain evaluation maps with facet map of the study area. The terrain evaluation maps include lithology, structure, slope morphometry, relative relief, land use and land cover and hydrogeological condition. The LHEF rating scheme and the Total Estimated Hazard(TEHD) were calculated as per the Bureau of Indian Standard(BIS) guidelines(IS: 14496(Part-2) 1998) for the purpose of preparation of Landslide Hazard Zonation(LHZ) map in mountainous terrains. The correction due to triggering factors such as seismicity, rainfall and anthropogenic activities were also incorporated with Total Estimated Hazard to get final corrected TEHD. The landslide hazard zonation map was classified as the high, moderate and low hazard zones along the ghat road section based on corrected TEHD. 展开更多
关键词 Landslide hazard zonation(LHZ) Kolli Hills Mountainous terrain LHEF rating scheme Bureau of Indian Standard(BIS) TEHD
Developments and prospects of microseismic monitoring technology in underground metal mines in China 被引量:21
作者 LIU Jian-po SI Ying-tao +2 位作者 WEI Deng-cheng SHI Hong-xu WANG Ren 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期3074-3098,共25页
Microseismic monitoring technology has become an important technique to assess stability of rock mass in metal mines.Due to the special characteristics of underground metal mines in China,including the high tectonic s... Microseismic monitoring technology has become an important technique to assess stability of rock mass in metal mines.Due to the special characteristics of underground metal mines in China,including the high tectonic stress,irregular shape and existence of ore body,and complex mining methods,the application of microseismic technology is more diverse in China compared to other countries,and is more challenging than in other underground structures such as tunnels,hydropower stations and coal mines.Apart from assessing rock mass stability and ground pressure hazards induced by mining process,blasting,water inrush and large scale goaf,microseismic technology is also used to monitor illegal mining,and track personnel location during rescue work.Moreover,microseismic data have been used to optimize mining parameters in some metal mines.The technology is increasingly used to investigate cracking mechanism in the design of rock mass supports.In this paper,the application,research development and related achievements of microseismic technology in underground metal mines in China are summarized.By considering underground mines from the perspective of informatization,automation and intelligentization,future studies should focus on intelligent microseismic data processing method,e.g.,signal identification of microseismic and precise location algorithm,and on the research and development of microseismic equipment.In addition,integrated monitoring and collaborative analysis for rock mass response caused by mining disturbance will have good prospects for future development. 展开更多
关键词 underground metal mine microseismic safety management rock mass stability disaster warning integrated monitoring
Geometrical feature analysis and disaster assessment of the Xinmo landslide based on remote sensing data 被引量:10
作者 FAN Jian-rong ZHANG Xi-yu +5 位作者 SU Feng-huan GE Yong-gang Paolo TAROLLI YANG Zheng-yin ZENG Chao ZENG Zhen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第9期1677-1688,共12页
At 5:39 am on June 24, 2017, a landslide occurred in the village of Xinmo in Maoxian County, Aba Tibet and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture(Sichuan Province, Southwest China). On June 25, aerial images were acquired from a... At 5:39 am on June 24, 2017, a landslide occurred in the village of Xinmo in Maoxian County, Aba Tibet and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture(Sichuan Province, Southwest China). On June 25, aerial images were acquired from an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), and a digital elevation model(DEM) was processed. Landslide geometrical features were then analyzed. These are the front and rear edge elevation, accumulation area and horizontal sliding distance. Then, the volume and the spatial distribution of the thickness of the deposit were calculated from the difference between the DEM available before the landslide, and the UAV-derived DEM collected after the landslide. Also, the disaster was assessed using high-resolution satellite images acquired before the landslide. These include Quick Bird, Pleiades-1 and GF-2 images with spatial resolutions of 0.65 m, 0.70 m, and 0.80 m, respectively, and the aerial images acquired from the UAV after the landslide with a spatial resolution of 0.1 m. According to the analysis, the area of the landslide was 1.62 km2, and the volume of the landslide was 7.70 ± 1.46 million m3. The average thickness of the landslide accumulation was approximately 8 m. The landslide destroyed a total of 103 buildings. The area of destroyed farmlands was 2.53 ha, and the orchard area was reduced by 28.67 ha. A 2-km section of Songpinggou River was blocked and a 2.1-km section of township road No. 104 was buried. Constrained by the terrain conditions, densely populated and more economically developed areas in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River basin are mainly located in the bottom of the valleys. This is a dangerous area regarding landslide, debris flow and flash flood events Therefore, in mountainous, high-risk disaster areas, it is important to carefully select residential sites to avoid a large number of casualties. 展开更多
关键词 Xinmo Landslide Geological disaster Remote Sensing Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) Digital elevation model(DEM) Satellite data
Landslide Hazard Mapping During a Large Scale Earthquake
作者 Akito NAKASUJI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期223-227,共5页
This paper reports a method to make hazard maps of sediment disasters resulting from an earthquake and following heavy rainfall for the entire region of Gunma prefecture, Japan. Firstly, we identified the slopes in th... This paper reports a method to make hazard maps of sediment disasters resulting from an earthquake and following heavy rainfall for the entire region of Gunma prefecture, Japan. Firstly, we identified the slopes in the study area, which are susceptible to large-scale landslides and land failures during an earthquake with a magnitude of seven on the Richter scale. To analyze the sheer volume of the data, we employed a statistical method to evaluate the susceptibility, mainly considering geomorphologic conditions. Secondly, we extracted mudflow and slope failure susceptible areas and potential flooding zones resulting from a damming at a river triggered by the earthquake and heavy rainfall, and we identified the settlements which would be isolated by the road disruption caused by the sediment disasters. As the result, 359 settlements were classified as potential isolation areas. Combining the above-mentioned susceptibility maps, we obtained two types of sediment disaster hazard maps of the study area, depicting the potential hazards which would occur during the earthquake and the disasters which would be caused by heavy rainfall following the quake, respectively. These hazard maps and the disaster information would be useful for the regional disaster prevention planning and countermeasures in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake hazard LANDSLIDE Hazard map
Methodological Proposition of an Integrated System for Urban Floods Control
作者 Priscila Dionara Krambeck Braun Carlos Loch 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第8期971-981,共11页
In the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, especially in the Itajai valley, there are records of accidents and disasters mainly associated to landslides and floods, which have caused significant damages and losses, inclu... In the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, especially in the Itajai valley, there are records of accidents and disasters mainly associated to landslides and floods, which have caused significant damages and losses, including human lives. In order to make the coexistence with such natural disasters possible, most particularly with floods, a integration is required among the technical, political, environmental, and human knowledge. Measures that encompass integrated actions for the entire river basin, with the help from an updated technical cadastre and tools, such as the GIS, allow the development of planning tools that might effectively help the people to live with the water, or else to cope with floods in a more appropriate manner. This paper attempts to propose a methodology for urban flood control, based on the integration among the several public entities involved in the flood control, along with the CTM (Multipurpose Technical Cadastre) and GIS tool. In order to solve or minimize the problems, the model proposed here aims at promoting a balance between the agents involved, and enables to rank the degrees of importance assigned to the different needs, thus allowing to eliminate or to improve those areas and processes that are duplicated or superimposed. 展开更多
关键词 Flood control urban floods methodological proposition.
Geospatial susceptibility mapping of earthquake-induced landslides in Nuweiba area, Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt 被引量:1
作者 Sara ABUZIED Samia IBRAHIM +1 位作者 Mona KAISER Tarek Saleem 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期1286-1303,共18页
Earthquake induced landslides are one of the most severe geo-environmental hazards that cause enormous damage to infrastructure, property, and loss of life in Nuweiba area. This study developed a model for mapping the... Earthquake induced landslides are one of the most severe geo-environmental hazards that cause enormous damage to infrastructure, property, and loss of life in Nuweiba area. This study developed a model for mapping the earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility in Nuweiba area in Egypt with considerations of geological, geomorphological, topographical, and seismological factors. An integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS technologies were applied for that target. Several data sources including Terra SAR-X and SPOT 5 satellite imagery, topographic maps, field data, and other geospatial resources were used to model landslide susceptibility. These data were used specifically to produce important thematic layers contributing to landslide occurrences in the region. A rating scheme was developed to assign ranks for the thematic layers and weights for their classes based on their contribution in landslide susceptibility. The ranks and weights were defined based on the knowledge from field survey and authors experiences related to the study area. The landslide susceptibility map delineates the hazard zones to three relative classes of susceptibility: high, moderate, and low. Therefore, the current approach provides a way to assess landslide hazards and serves for geo-hazard planning and prediction in Nuweiba area. 展开更多
关键词 Geographic Information Systems(GIS) Remote Sensing(RS) Landslides Susceptibility mapping Weights Nuweiba area
Landslide Disaster Vulnerability in Western Kenya and Mitigation Options: A Synopsis of Evidence and Issues of Kuvasali Landslide
作者 B.K. Rop 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第1期110-115,共6页
The Kuvasali landslide disaster in Malava, Western Kenya, which caused harmful geo-environmental hazards to the villagers in August 2007, formed the premise of this paper. The existing landslide vulnerability occurren... The Kuvasali landslide disaster in Malava, Western Kenya, which caused harmful geo-environmental hazards to the villagers in August 2007, formed the premise of this paper. The existing landslide vulnerability occurrence ratings have been identified and documented using participatory approaches to ascertain the adoptive indigenous methods, which helped mitigation against the negative impacts by determining the slope steepness using Abney level. The geological set up, settlement and climatic factors, relating to landslides, revealed that the affected homesteads were on a steep slope of approximately 70%, with underlying metamorphosed basement rocks comprising ofgneisses, schists and granite intrusions. The steep escarpment overlying these rocks, where the landslide occurred, consists of volcanic rocks and black cotton clayey soils. The slope has scattered vegetation cover due to farming, while the low-lying area is planted with sugar cane and maize plantations. The landslide disaster led to loss of lives, injuries and damage to property. Natural resources, including water points, suffered siltation. Mitigation measures such as geo-hazard mapping and zoning, awareness training and campaigns for the local people focusing on hazard-prone areas resulting from poor land use practices have been recommended. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE land use SLOPE
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