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丁家河磷矿地下开采山体稳定性综合分析 被引量:1
作者 李文秀 齐栋梁 任竟超 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第12期40-42,54,共4页
针对山区地下开采引起自然坡稳定影响因素的复杂多变及不确定性,根据现场统计的实测资料,确定了对边坡稳定性影响较为重要的6项因素,建立了改进的BP神经网络模型和最大似然方程,对丁家河磷矿自然边坡稳定性进行综合分析。通过与工程实... 针对山区地下开采引起自然坡稳定影响因素的复杂多变及不确定性,根据现场统计的实测资料,确定了对边坡稳定性影响较为重要的6项因素,建立了改进的BP神经网络模型和最大似然方程,对丁家河磷矿自然边坡稳定性进行综合分析。通过与工程实际情况对比分析发现,本文所提出的综合分析方法(包括BP神经网络法,最大似然法和极限平衡法)对山区磷矿开采山体稳定性预测分析具有较大的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 地下开采 山体稳定性 BP神经网络 最大似然法 综合分析
高密度电法在山体稳定性评价中的应用 被引量:7
作者 王志昊 《防灾减灾学报》 2019年第4期56-61,共6页
山体中不稳定滑坡体的存在是影响人类生产生活安全的一大隐患。物探方法是山体稳定性评价中的重要测量手段,被用于探查具有松散表象的山体内部,测量与山体不稳定性相关的参数和数据。详细阐述了高密度电法在山西某矿西侧山体稳定性评价... 山体中不稳定滑坡体的存在是影响人类生产生活安全的一大隐患。物探方法是山体稳定性评价中的重要测量手段,被用于探查具有松散表象的山体内部,测量与山体不稳定性相关的参数和数据。详细阐述了高密度电法在山西某矿西侧山体稳定性评价中的应用过程,该方法为山体稳定性定量计算提供了比较准确的数据,为物探方法在此类评价中的应用推广提供了具有说服力的实例。 展开更多
关键词 山体稳定性 物探 高密度电法
作者 陈海滨 《土木工程与管理学报》 1989年第2期43-47,共5页
本文对城市垃圾堆山山体稳定性进行了分析,指出表面水冲刷、渗流与山体沉降等是导致山体及坡面破坏的主要原因。因此,合理设计山体结构形状及坡度、高度,并在堆筑过程中辅以机械压实、边坡复土、表面平整等措施,有利于提高垃圾山山体稳... 本文对城市垃圾堆山山体稳定性进行了分析,指出表面水冲刷、渗流与山体沉降等是导致山体及坡面破坏的主要原因。因此,合理设计山体结构形状及坡度、高度,并在堆筑过程中辅以机械压实、边坡复土、表面平整等措施,有利于提高垃圾山山体稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 城市垃圾 山体稳定性 沉陷
作者 王荣麟 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 1998年第10期45-45,39,共2页
关键词 磷矿 磷层 采矿法 山体稳定性
作者 沈海亮 《科技风》 2014年第20期157-157,共1页
关键词 地下开采 山体稳定性 BP神经网络 综合分析
桃浦科技智慧城中央绿地人造山体稳定性技术探讨 被引量:1
作者 张江锋 《上海建设科技》 2020年第1期90-92,共3页
以上海桃浦科技智慧城中央绿地园林景观工程中人工堆造山体施工为例,在明确的地质条件下,探讨了该项目的人造山体稳定性技术方案,着重分析了保证山体稳定性的措施与手段,最后简述施工过程的控制,为今后在平原城市开展人工堆山工程开阔... 以上海桃浦科技智慧城中央绿地园林景观工程中人工堆造山体施工为例,在明确的地质条件下,探讨了该项目的人造山体稳定性技术方案,着重分析了保证山体稳定性的措施与手段,最后简述施工过程的控制,为今后在平原城市开展人工堆山工程开阔思路。为以后同行做人工堆山提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 中央绿地 人造山体稳定性 技术措施
软土地区淤泥质土堆山工程的地基沉降与土体稳定性数值分析 被引量:12
作者 仓基俊 关云飞 +1 位作者 陈海军 刘加才 《水利与建筑工程学报》 2012年第1期31-35,共5页
在软土地区利用淤泥质土进行人工堆山,地基处理方案和堆土方案的设计非常重要。以某拟建堆山工程为例,通过理论分析和三维有限元数值计算,论证了地基处理和堆土填筑的技术方案。地基处理设计以地层强度的增长为主要目标,综合地基土层的... 在软土地区利用淤泥质土进行人工堆山,地基处理方案和堆土方案的设计非常重要。以某拟建堆山工程为例,通过理论分析和三维有限元数值计算,论证了地基处理和堆土填筑的技术方案。地基处理设计以地层强度的增长为主要目标,综合地基土层的性质、工程造价和建设周期等因素,根据不同区域的堆土高度选择不同的地基处理形式。为确保山体填筑过程的稳定,通过三维有限元数值分析方法,计算山体稳定性和地基沉降,验证和调整设计参数,预测最终沉降,达到设计方案最优化的目的。 展开更多
关键词 人工堆山 地基沉降 山体稳定性 数值分析
基于数值分析的浅埋煤层采动滑坡稳定性研究 被引量:3
作者 刘茂琪 刘萍 +2 位作者 朱恒忠 王沉 王春华 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第2期225-230,共6页
以贵州某矿上部山体崩滑地质灾害为例,采用离散元及有限元数值分析方法,建立崩滑体二维、三维数值计算模型,计算出煤矿上部坡体在地下采掘作用下其稳定系数变化过程,并从位移、应力和应变方面对山体失稳过程分析崩滑体的形成机制。研究... 以贵州某矿上部山体崩滑地质灾害为例,采用离散元及有限元数值分析方法,建立崩滑体二维、三维数值计算模型,计算出煤矿上部坡体在地下采掘作用下其稳定系数变化过程,并从位移、应力和应变方面对山体失稳过程分析崩滑体的形成机制。研究结果表明:天然工况下煤矿地下采掘活动对上部山体稳定性造成影响,当地下采煤活动临近山体时,采掘活动对山体稳定性影响较小,但是,当采掘活动在山体下部进行时,其对山体稳定性影响逐渐增大,这说明了地下采掘活动是导致贵州某矿上部山体发生崩滑灾害的发生主要因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 山体稳定性 采动滑坡 地下采掘 数值分析 稳定性系数
作者 陈长江 邓潇潇 《四川地质学报》 2013年第A02期63-66,共4页
锦屏一级坝址左岸发育的深部裂缝是该工程特有的地质现象,深部裂缝的成因机制及裂缝发育段岩体的工程地质性状直接关系到坝址左岸山体的稳定。因此,研究深部裂缝发育特征及其对左岸山体稳定性影响,对确保工程安全意义重大,可为支护... 锦屏一级坝址左岸发育的深部裂缝是该工程特有的地质现象,深部裂缝的成因机制及裂缝发育段岩体的工程地质性状直接关系到坝址左岸山体的稳定。因此,研究深部裂缝发育特征及其对左岸山体稳定性影响,对确保工程安全意义重大,可为支护处理设计提供可靠的地质依据。 展开更多
关键词 深部裂缝 发育特征 锦屏一级水电站 左岸山体稳定性
降雨裂缝渗透影响下山体边坡失稳灾变分析 被引量:21
作者 张我华 陈合龙 陈云敏 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期1429-1435,1442,共8页
运用现代非线性分析中的突变论方法,研究了在降雨裂缝渗透影响下山体边坡可能发生突发性失稳滑坡和渐进演化性失稳滑坡的机理.针对在降雨裂缝渗透影响下由于软弱夹层介质的有效刚度侵蚀损伤导致的弱化效应,给出了山体边坡失稳滑坡的尖... 运用现代非线性分析中的突变论方法,研究了在降雨裂缝渗透影响下山体边坡可能发生突发性失稳滑坡和渐进演化性失稳滑坡的机理.针对在降雨裂缝渗透影响下由于软弱夹层介质的有效刚度侵蚀损伤导致的弱化效应,给出了山体边坡失稳滑坡的尖点突变理论模型.分析表明,降雨量、裂缝等外部环境因素的变化,以及滑坡面上软弱夹层介质的弹性区段与应变弱化区段的本构曲线拐点处的有效刚度比的变化会导致边坡失稳灾变;当由于边坡自身的上述非线性因素变化造成的影响达到一定程度时,在边坡稳定性演化过程中会出现明显的突变现象,这种突变的非线性现象出现的条件分别是边坡发生灾变性滑坡的突发因素和积累演化因素的表像.研究结果有助于认识边坡突发性滑坡灾变机理和灾变累积性演化机理,并进一步预测和防治山体滑坡. 展开更多
关键词 尖点突变理论 侵蚀损伤 降雨裂缝渗透 山体边坡稳定性 灾变机理
某岩质边坡地质调查及稳定性分析 被引量:1
作者 贾定国 《土工基础》 2015年第2期17-20,32,共5页
关键词 岩质边坡 节理赤平投影图 FLAC3D 山体稳定性
东方琉璃宝塔结构设计 被引量:1
作者 舒绍云 余晗 +2 位作者 冷育欣 李智芳 郑小庆 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期9-16,共8页
东方琉璃宝塔为山地仿古高层建筑,塔身共七层,高86m,采用钢框架-中心支撑结构体系,存在平面凹凸不规则、局部拱形大跨转换、斜柱等多项不规则,属于A级高度的超限高层建筑。介绍了宝塔所处山体稳定情况、佛像与宝塔的空间关系以及宝塔的... 东方琉璃宝塔为山地仿古高层建筑,塔身共七层,高86m,采用钢框架-中心支撑结构体系,存在平面凹凸不规则、局部拱形大跨转换、斜柱等多项不规则,属于A级高度的超限高层建筑。介绍了宝塔所处山体稳定情况、佛像与宝塔的空间关系以及宝塔的结构布置,并针对山地基础布置及加强措施、佛像与宝塔结构之间相互影响以及拱形转换桁架拱脚节点进行了分析。基于宝塔嵌固端设计、性能化设计及其他项目,包括弹性计算、弹性时程分析和动力弹塑性计算等内容,对宝塔结构薄弱部位提出针对性的加强措施。分析结果表明,宝塔为处于不利地段的超限高层建筑,但通过合理的结构布置和完善的加强措施,能使结构满足设计预定的抗震设防目标的要求。 展开更多
关键词 钢框架-中心支撑结构体系 山地仿古高层建筑 基础设计 嵌固端设计 抗震性能化设计 山体稳定性分析
优化GD-模糊规则的滑坡预报模型研究 被引量:4
作者 温宗周 李璐 +3 位作者 李丽敏 高园平 程少康 刘德阳 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期250-255,共6页
为了提高滑坡灾害预报准确率,改善传统的滑坡监测和预报中存在的参数选取困难及模糊控制系统作为预报模型精确度不高的问题,首先采用山体结构稳定性分析法进行滑坡灾害参数的选取,得出降雨量、含水率、土压力及岩土表面位移增量作为预... 为了提高滑坡灾害预报准确率,改善传统的滑坡监测和预报中存在的参数选取困难及模糊控制系统作为预报模型精确度不高的问题,首先采用山体结构稳定性分析法进行滑坡灾害参数的选取,得出降雨量、含水率、土压力及岩土表面位移增量作为预报参数的结论;其次将选取的参数作为模糊系统的输入,建立滑坡灾害发生概率模型,并引入优化的GD算法修正预报模型中的动态参数,使模糊控制模型具有自适应性;同时与未优化的模糊控制模型以及单独模糊控制模型进行仿真对比,仿真结果表明,该控制算法收敛速度快,具有很好的收敛性;最后将该模型在某滑坡重点灾区实验区进行实验测试,实验结果显示该模型具有较好的收敛性,且预报精度达到90%。 展开更多
关键词 滑坡 山体结构稳定性 优化GD-模糊规则 动态修正
作者 任光杰 吴伟 +1 位作者 唐正新 崔新堂 《建筑技术》 2013年第1期12-13,17,共3页
谷泉会议中心工程坐落于极不规则的山坡之上,整个结构随山势的起伏逐层而上,为保证山体的稳定性,设置了大量的永久性锚杆。该工程土质为强风化岩,山体不能受外来水冲蚀而影响稳定性。因此采用了湿作业套管锚杆钻机配备高功率空压机"... 谷泉会议中心工程坐落于极不规则的山坡之上,整个结构随山势的起伏逐层而上,为保证山体的稳定性,设置了大量的永久性锚杆。该工程土质为强风化岩,山体不能受外来水冲蚀而影响稳定性。因此采用了湿作业套管锚杆钻机配备高功率空压机"风动"干作业钻进成孔施工,解决了山地工程岩石土质锚杆难以施工的问题,保证了施工质量。 展开更多
关键词 山地工程 永久性锚杆 强风化岩 湿作业 “风动”干作业 钻进成孔 山体稳定性
Post-earthquake Rainfall-triggered Slope Stability Analysis in the Lushan Area 被引量:3
作者 YANG Zhi-hua LAN Heng-xing +4 位作者 LIU Hong-jiang LI Lang-ping WU Yu-ming MENG Yun-shan XU Liang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期232-242,共11页
The "4.20" Lushan earthquake in Sichuan province, China has induced a large amount of geological hazards and produced abundant loose materials which are prone to post-earthquake rainfall- triggered landslides. A det... The "4.20" Lushan earthquake in Sichuan province, China has induced a large amount of geological hazards and produced abundant loose materials which are prone to post-earthquake rainfall- triggered landslides. A detailed landslide inventory was acquired through post-earthquake emergent field investigation and high resolution remote sensing interpretation. The rainfall analysis was conducted using historical rainfall records during the period from 1951 to 2010. Results indicate that the average annual rainfall distribution is heterogeneous and the largest average annual rainfall occurs in Yucheng district. The Stability Index MAPping (SINMAP) model was adopted to assess and analyze the post- earthquake slope stability under different rainfall scenarios (light rainfall, moderate rainfall, heavy rainfall, and rainstorm). The model parameters were calibrated to reflect the significant influence of strong earthquakes on geological settings. The slope stability maps triggered by different rainfall scenarios were produced at a regional scale. The effect of different rainfall conditions on the slope stability is discussed. The expanding trend of the unstable area was quantitatively assessed with the different critical rainfall intensity. They provide a new insight into the spatial distribution and characteristics of post- earthquake rainfall-triggered landslides in the Lushan seismic area. An increase of rainfall intensity results in a significant increase heterogeneous distribution strongly correlated with of unstable area. The of slope instability is the distribution of earthquake intensity in spite of different rainfall conditions. The results suggest that the both seismic intensity and rainfall are two crucial factors for post- earthquake slope stability. This study provides important references for landslide prevention and mitigation in the Lushan area after earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Lushan earthquake RAINFALL Slopestability SINMAP DEM
A force transfer mechanism for triggering landslides during rainfall infiltration 被引量:6
作者 LIU Gang TONG Fu-guo +1 位作者 ZHAO Yi-tong TIAN Bin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2480-2491,共12页
Shallow slope failures induced by rainfall infiltration occur frequently, and the relevant triggering mechanisms have been widely studied.Rainfall-induced landslides are widely recognized to be caused by increases in ... Shallow slope failures induced by rainfall infiltration occur frequently, and the relevant triggering mechanisms have been widely studied.Rainfall-induced landslides are widely recognized to be caused by increases in soil weight, seepage force and pore water pressure or decreases in soil mechanical properties. However, even when all these factors are considered, some landslides still cannot be explained well. The increased pore water pressure in a slope reduces the effective stress of the soil and may trigger slope failure. Similarly, the pore gas pressure in a slope also reduces the effective stress of the soil but has been neglected in previous studies. As the viscosity of air is nearly negligible when compared with that of water, the pore gas pressure spreads faster, and its influence is wider, which is harmful for the stability of the slope. In this paper, the effects of pore gas pressure are considered in a shallow slope stability analysis, and a self-designed experiment is conducted to validate the force transfer mechanism.Numerical simulation results show that the pore gas pressure in the slope increases sharply at different locations under heavy rainfall conditions and that the pore gas pressure causes a rapid decrease in the slope safety factor. Laboratory experimental results show that the pore gas pressure throughout the whole unsaturated zone has the same value, which indicates that the gas pressure could spread quickly to the whole sample. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Force transfer mechanism Rainfall infiltration Water-air two-phase flow
Analysis on Dam-Breaking Mode of Tangjiashan Barrier Dam in Beichuan County 被引量:7
作者 HU Xiewen LUO Gang +2 位作者 LV Xiaoping HUANG Runqiu SHI Yubin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期354-362,共9页
Tangjiashan landslide is a typical high-speed consequent landslide of medium-steep dip angle. This landslide triggered by earthquake took place in about semi-minute. The relative sliding displacement is 900 meters, so... Tangjiashan landslide is a typical high-speed consequent landslide of medium-steep dip angle. This landslide triggered by earthquake took place in about semi-minute. The relative sliding displacement is 900 meters, so average sliding speed is about 30 meters per second. The longitudinal length of barrier dam which is formed by high-speed landslide along river is 803.4 meters; and maximum width crossing river is 611.8 meters. And its volume is estimated about 20.37 million steres. Through detailed geological investigation of the barrier dam, together with early geological information before earthquake, geological structures of the barrier dam and its stability of upstream and downstream slopes are studied when water level reaches different elevations in condition of continual after shocks with seismic intensity of 7 or 8 Richter scale. On this basis, dam-breaking mode of barrier dam is discussed deeply. Thereby, analytic results provide significant guidance and advices to front headquarters of Tangjiashan barrier dam, so that some proper engineering measures can be implemented and flood discharge can be carried out well. 展开更多
关键词 Tangjiashan Barrier Dam High-speed landslide Blocking river Dam-breaking
Developments and prospects of microseismic monitoring technology in underground metal mines in China 被引量:17
作者 LIU Jian-po SI Ying-tao +2 位作者 WEI Deng-cheng SHI Hong-xu WANG Ren 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期3074-3098,共25页
Microseismic monitoring technology has become an important technique to assess stability of rock mass in metal mines.Due to the special characteristics of underground metal mines in China,including the high tectonic s... Microseismic monitoring technology has become an important technique to assess stability of rock mass in metal mines.Due to the special characteristics of underground metal mines in China,including the high tectonic stress,irregular shape and existence of ore body,and complex mining methods,the application of microseismic technology is more diverse in China compared to other countries,and is more challenging than in other underground structures such as tunnels,hydropower stations and coal mines.Apart from assessing rock mass stability and ground pressure hazards induced by mining process,blasting,water inrush and large scale goaf,microseismic technology is also used to monitor illegal mining,and track personnel location during rescue work.Moreover,microseismic data have been used to optimize mining parameters in some metal mines.The technology is increasingly used to investigate cracking mechanism in the design of rock mass supports.In this paper,the application,research development and related achievements of microseismic technology in underground metal mines in China are summarized.By considering underground mines from the perspective of informatization,automation and intelligentization,future studies should focus on intelligent microseismic data processing method,e.g.,signal identification of microseismic and precise location algorithm,and on the research and development of microseismic equipment.In addition,integrated monitoring and collaborative analysis for rock mass response caused by mining disturbance will have good prospects for future development. 展开更多
关键词 underground metal mine microseismic safety management rock mass stability disaster warning integrated monitoring
Effects of Moisture Content on Cyclic Shear Properties of Soils during Epicentral Earthquakes
作者 Hirofumi Toyota Ayaka Susami Susumu Takada 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第12期1091-1102,共12页
Numerous landslides occurred in hilly and mountainous areas during the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake. Social problems developed when many towns became isolated because landslides cut offtraffic and public servic... Numerous landslides occurred in hilly and mountainous areas during the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake. Social problems developed when many towns became isolated because landslides cut offtraffic and public service lifelines. The hilly areas are composed mainly alternate layer of soft sandstone and mudstone deposited in quaternary or tertiary period. This geomorphology formed by folding presents a prominent landslide area in this region. This area has been utilized as rice terraces or carp breeding ponds because of plenty of water in the ground all the time. In addition, there was rainfall of more than 100 mm caused by Typhoon No. 23 two days before the earthquake in Chuetsu area. Block samples were extracted from the failure sites. The samples obtained were mainly low-cemented sandy soils. Triaxial tests of the samples under saturated and unsaturated conditions were conducted to examine the soils' strength properties and estimate the indices for slope stability. 展开更多
关键词 Triaxial test unsaturated soil LANDSLIDE site investigation GEOLOGY
XU Xiaohui,CHEN Hui'e and WANG Gangcheng College of Construction Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130026,China
作者 XU Xiaohui CHEN Hui'e WANG Gangcheng 《Global Geology》 2013年第3期159-163,共5页
On the basis of geological investigating work and experimental studies on slide zone soil of one landslide in Tibet,the authors analyzed granulometric composition,clay mineral composition and physical and mechanical p... On the basis of geological investigating work and experimental studies on slide zone soil of one landslide in Tibet,the authors analyzed granulometric composition,clay mineral composition and physical and mechanical properties for the soil in the slide zone.The soil samples are gravel containing fine particle.Particles larger than 2 mm occupy the main proportion with the content 51.5%--68.5%.The relative content of clay minerals is low.The clay minerals are illite smectite mixed layer and kaolinite,and their relative contents are 6%--13% and 4%-11%,respectively.The main mineral ingredient is quartz and the relative content is over 30%.Therefore,the soil’s hydrophily is poor.The cohesion and internal friction angle are high,causing preferable physical-mechanical features of slide zone soil.On the basis of the obtained data,the landslide stability is evaluated by means of limit equilibrium method.The safety factors are 3.191 and 1.92 respectively under both natural and normal water level conditions.The study results show that the landslide is stable.It can provide the appropriate basis and reference for landslide stability evaluation and landslide control in Tibet. 展开更多
关键词 slide zone soil granulometric composition clay mineral composition physical-mechanical proper-ty landslide stability analysis
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