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哀牢山北端太极顶山地气温和降水量垂直变化特征 被引量:1
作者 苏艺 王平 《保山学院学报》 2021年第2期59-65,共7页
依据哀牢山太极顶山地东北、西南坡不同海拔高度多个气象站点多年气温、降水量观测资料,延长推算得到不同海拔高度气温、降水量,对比、分析其垂直变化特征,以日平均气温稳定≥10℃积温为主导指标,划分垂直气候带;结果表明:随海拔升高年... 依据哀牢山太极顶山地东北、西南坡不同海拔高度多个气象站点多年气温、降水量观测资料,延长推算得到不同海拔高度气温、降水量,对比、分析其垂直变化特征,以日平均气温稳定≥10℃积温为主导指标,划分垂直气候带;结果表明:随海拔升高年、季平均气温逐渐下降,降水量逐渐增多,东北坡和西南坡存在明显差异,东北坡年均温垂直递减率为0.5℃/100 m,范围值17.2℃~9.6℃,年降水量垂直递增率为33.49 mm/100 m,范围值718.7 mm~1228.0 mm;西南坡年均温垂直递减率为0.63℃/100 m,范围值18.0℃~7.6℃,年降水量垂直递增率为41.99 mm/100 m,范围值700.9 mm~1390.0 mm;垂直气候带谱为河谷盆地南亚热带-山地中亚热带-山地北亚热带-山地暖温带-山地中温带。 展开更多
关键词 哀牢山 山地气温 降水量 垂直变化特征
利用遥感瞬时温度场研究云南山地气温直减率 被引量:13
作者 王艳霞 丁琨 +2 位作者 黄晓园 龙晓敏 周汝良 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期912-922,共11页
基于MODIS影像反演地表瞬时温度场和气象站点30年平均气温实测数据,结合数字高程模型,研究了云南山地气温随海拔变化的规律。结果表明,降低或消除了坡向与坡度、纬度与经度变化的影响后,在云南全区域尺度上,海拔对气温作用而产生的气温... 基于MODIS影像反演地表瞬时温度场和气象站点30年平均气温实测数据,结合数字高程模型,研究了云南山地气温随海拔变化的规律。结果表明,降低或消除了坡向与坡度、纬度与经度变化的影响后,在云南全区域尺度上,海拔对气温作用而产生的气温直减率为0.53℃;在典型山地地貌类型区,山地气温直减率由高山区向低山区逐渐增大,滇西北高山区直减率为0.47℃,滇中、滇东中山区为0.51℃,滇南宽谷低山区为0.54℃,滇西北高山峡谷和滇南低山深切沟谷地带为0.54℃;由阳坡、半阴半阳坡至阴坡,山地气温直减率依次增大:阳坡直减率平均为0.52℃,半阴半阳坡平均为0.54℃,阴坡平均为0.55℃。除海拔之外,坡向、坡度等微地形因子亦是微格局气温场的主要地理响应因子。利用遥感数据反演的瞬时温度场研究山地气温直减率,是一种研究山地气温变化规律的新方法。 展开更多
关键词 地表瞬时温度场 山地气温 气温直减率 山地地貌类型
考虑太阳辐射修正的重庆山地气温空间化模拟 被引量:4
作者 何志明 李月臣 +2 位作者 金贤锋 刘贤 何小波 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1131-1140,共10页
为实现重庆多山、多云雾、少日照等典型地理环境特征下气温的空间分布精细化模拟,本文提出了一套局部回归加地形影响修正的适宜性模型方法。该方法综合地理加权回归模型、Solar Analyst模型、改进的Angtrom-Prescott方程以及多元线性回... 为实现重庆多山、多云雾、少日照等典型地理环境特征下气温的空间分布精细化模拟,本文提出了一套局部回归加地形影响修正的适宜性模型方法。该方法综合地理加权回归模型、Solar Analyst模型、改进的Angtrom-Prescott方程以及多元线性回归,基于气象站观测的气温、相对湿度、日照百分率参数以及辐射站太阳总辐射参数,结合100 m×100 m DEM数据,进行山地起伏地形下气温空间化模拟。其中,气温的地形影响修正通过起伏地形下太阳总辐射的拟合而实现。模型具有较好的模拟精度和稳定性,局部回归项的模拟精度远高于反距离权重插值(IDW)、克里金插值(Kriging),也总体优于传统的基于纬度、经度、海拔高度、日照百分率、相对湿度因子构建的全局多元回归模型;采用55个区域气象站进行单一年份夏季气温模拟精度验证,平均绝对误差为0.59℃,地形影响修正后有38个站误差降低。模型具有较好的时空维度模拟能力,能反映坡度、坡向、地形遮蔽等局地地形因子对气温的影响,具有较强的物理意义。模型与商业化的ArcGIS软件工具相结合,便于推广应用,特别适用于重庆及其周边西南山地太阳辐射低值区。 展开更多
关键词 气温插值 太阳辐射修正 DEM 山地气温 重庆
全球变暖背景下山地气温变化研究进展 被引量:3
作者 时振钦 朱连奇 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第6期640-647,660,共9页
对近年来山地气温变化研究的相关文献进行分析,以世界著名山脉欧洲的阿尔卑斯山、亚洲的青藏高原和喜马拉雅山、北美洲的科罗拉多落基山和南美洲的热带安第斯山为例,探讨全球变化背景下山地气温变化的规律和区域差异,气温变化的海拔高... 对近年来山地气温变化研究的相关文献进行分析,以世界著名山脉欧洲的阿尔卑斯山、亚洲的青藏高原和喜马拉雅山、北美洲的科罗拉多落基山和南美洲的热带安第斯山为例,探讨全球变化背景下山地气温变化的规律和区域差异,气温变化的海拔高度依赖规律,以及冰雪反射、云量、大气水汽、气溶胶对山地气温变化的影响.结果表明:目前尚无足够的证据证明山地的暖化速率高于地球陆地表面的其他地区,但无论是台站观测还是气候模型模拟都发现了气温变化的海拔高度依赖规律,即寒冷季节的最低温度和温暖季节的最高温度均有不同程度地随山地海拔高度增加而升高的趋势;冰雪覆盖及反射的变化是山地增温速率变化的主要影响因子. 展开更多
关键词 全球变化 山地气温变化 海拔高度依赖
气温场的云南纬度与气温关系分析 被引量:4
作者 王艳霞 黄晓园 +2 位作者 赵璠 叶江霞 周汝良 《遥感信息》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期44-50,共7页
针对山区气象站点分布稀少、代表性不强,去除其他地形因子,仅利用气象站观测资料研究复杂山地环境中纬度对气温的影响非常困难的问题,以云南低纬高原区为研究对象,利用历史年平均气温场,结合DEM和纬度栅格数据,使用数学回归建模法,对纬... 针对山区气象站点分布稀少、代表性不强,去除其他地形因子,仅利用气象站观测资料研究复杂山地环境中纬度对气温的影响非常困难的问题,以云南低纬高原区为研究对象,利用历史年平均气温场,结合DEM和纬度栅格数据,使用数学回归建模法,对纬度与气温的关系进行了定量研究。结果表明:1)纬变ΔLati与温变ΔT满足一元线性关系模型:ΔT=-0.942 1ΔLati+0.086 5,纬变平均变化1°,气温平均变化0.94℃,其95%可靠水平的置信区间为[0.84℃,1.04℃];2)同一海拔面上的温度TElev与纬度Lati的二次曲线关系模型为TElev=-0.246 5Lati 2+11.453Lati-117.75;3)纬向直减率的模型为:=11.453-0.493Lati。该文为研究高大山体和深切沟谷对气温场的影响,构建具有物理含义的山地温度场空间模拟模型奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 低纬高原区 纬向直减率 山地气温 定量分析 遥感反演
Changes in Air Temperatures and Atmosphere Circulation in High Mountainous Parts of Bulgaria for the Period 1941-2008
作者 Peter NOJAROV 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期185-200,共16页
Changes of air temperatures and atmosphere circulation at three high mountainous stations in Bulgaria are investigated for the period of 1941-2008.The three stations are located on peaks Musala,Cherni vrah and Botev,w... Changes of air temperatures and atmosphere circulation at three high mountainous stations in Bulgaria are investigated for the period of 1941-2008.The three stations are located on peaks Musala,Cherni vrah and Botev,where air temperature data have good quality.Some missing data were recovered using the method of differences. A significant mean annual air temperature rise happened in high mountainous parts of Bulgaria- the warming is in the order of 0.7°C for the entire period.The increase is very prominent particularly in the last 30 years.Main contributors to this overall tendency are summer months-June,July and August.To some degree,January also could be included in this group.November trend shows temperature rise at the beginning of the investigated period.One of the causes for such a tendency is atmosphere circulation in respective months.It also shows signs of considerable reorganization in both winter and summer.There is an increase of the cases of warm atmosphere patterns typical for winter, summer and autumn seasons in Bulgaria.Meridional circulation has essential significance for air temperatures during the cold half of the year.In January and June atmosphere circulation has a substantial influence on the thermal regime of air in high mountains of Bulgaria.In July,August and November this influence is reduced.There are no cycles in air temperatures for the investigated period. 展开更多
关键词 Air temperature TRENDS Atmosphere circulation Bulgaria MOUNTAINS
Change in Fresh Snow Density in Tianshan Mountains,China 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Xia WEI Wenshou LIU Mingzhe 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期36-47,共12页
The fresh snow density was observed with snow analyzer (Snow Fork) at Tianshan Station for Snowcover and Avalanche Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences from February 21 to March 5, 2009. Results show that fresh snow ... The fresh snow density was observed with snow analyzer (Snow Fork) at Tianshan Station for Snowcover and Avalanche Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences from February 21 to March 5, 2009. Results show that fresh snow density increases from the 5th h to the 291st h after the snowfall, with an average rate of increase of 4.0×10-4 g/(cm3·h) (R2 = 0.943). Analysis shows that fresh snow density is negatively correlated with the compac-tion rate of fresh snow (R2 = -0.960). Inversely, it is positively correlated with fresh snow viscosity (R2 = 0.896). In relation to meteorological factors, ground temperature rising at a depth of 40 cm is the major driving factor of snow density increase. The temperature increase in fresh snow layer and the decrease in depth hoar layer have the most prominent impacts on the snow density increase in the afternoon. Principal component analysis shows that the de-terminant factors of fresh snow density change can be grouped into 3 types as follows: 1) dynamic factor contributes about 69.71% to fresh snow density change, with a significant effect from the 5th h to the 106th h after the snowfall; 2) exogenous energy factor contributes about 20.91% to it, with a significant effect at the 130th h; and c) endoge-nous energy factor contributes about 9.38% to it, with a significant effect at the 130th h and the 195th h. 展开更多
关键词 fresh snow density compaction rate energy conversion principal component analysis Tianshan Mountains China
Observations and Modeling of Incoming Longwave Radiation to Snow Beneath Forest Canopies in the West Tianshan Mountains, China 被引量:3
作者 LU Heng WEI Wen-shou +2 位作者 LIU Ming-zhe HAN Xi HONG Wen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1138-1153,共16页
Forest canopy reduces shortwave radiation and increases the incoming longwave radiation to snowpacks beneath forest canopies. Furthermore, the effect of forest canopy may be changed by complex topography. In this pape... Forest canopy reduces shortwave radiation and increases the incoming longwave radiation to snowpacks beneath forest canopies. Furthermore, the effect of forest canopy may be changed by complex topography. In this paper, we measured and simulated the incoming longwave radiation to snow beneath forest at different canopy openness in the west Tianshan Mountains, China(43°16'N, 84°24'E) during spring 2013. A sensitivity study was conducted to explore the way that terrain influenced the incoming longwave radiation to snow beneath forest canopies. In the simulation model, measurement datasets, including air temperature, incoming shortwave radiation above canopy, and longwave radiation enhanced by adjacent terrain, were applied to calculate the incoming longwave radiation to snow beneath forest canopy. The simulation results were consistent with the measurements on hourly scale and daily scale. The effect of longwave radiation enhanced by terrain was important than that of shortwave radiation above forest canopy with different openness except the 20% canopy openness. The longwave radiation enhanced due to adjacent terrain increases with the slope increase and temperature rise. When air temperature(or slope) is relatively low, thelongwave radiation enhanced by adjacent terrain is not sensitive to slope(or air temperature), but the sensitivity increases with the decrease of snow cover area on sunny slope. The effect of longwave radiation is especially sensitive when the snow cover on sunny slope melts completely. The effect of incoming shortwave radiation reflected by adjacent terrain on incoming longwave radiation to snow beneath forest canopies is more slight than that of the enhanced longwave radiation. 展开更多
关键词 Incoming longwave radiation Snow beneath forest canopy Simulation model Complex topography Sensitivity study
Transpiration Rates of Carex Meyeriana in Relation to Micrometerological Factors in a Mountain Valley Wetland
作者 XU Huifeng JIN Yanming +2 位作者 DENG Wei XU Kezhang WANG Zhen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期293-298,共6页
In order to reveal transpiration rates of wetland plants and its relationships to micro-meterological factors in a mountain valley wetland, relative humidity, air temperature, leaf temperature, soil temperature, photo... In order to reveal transpiration rates of wetland plants and its relationships to micro-meterological factors in a mountain valley wetland, relative humidity, air temperature, leaf temperature, soil temperature, photo flux density and transpiration rates were measured once two hours in a Carex meyeriana wetland of the Changbai Mountain valley in dry (July) and wet (September) of 2003, respectively. Results showed that the tendency of "decreasing after increasing" was obvious in wet season. However, a relatively stable trend was observed for the transpiration in dry season.. Generally, the photon flux density of Carex meyeriana was higher in wet season than that in dry season. However, the variabilities of leaf temperature, air temperature and relative humidity were similar in both seasons. Higher transpiration rates of Carex meyeriana leaves were observed in July (varied from 40 to 150 mol·m-2·s-1) compared to those (varied from 7 to 14 mol·m-2·s-1) in September. Transpiration rates were significantly correlated with air temperature (P<0.01), leaf temperature (P<0.01), and wind speed (P<0.05), but correlationship between relative humidity and photo flux density was not significant (P<0.05). 展开更多
关键词 Micrometerological factors transpiretion rates Carex meyeriana mountain valley wetland
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