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作者 刘晗 《石化技术》 CAS 2024年第2期69-71,共3页
山地资料由于地表条件及地下构造复杂,导致干扰波异常发育,严重影响地震资料信噪比。在分析原始地震资料品质的基础上,针对不同噪音,采用针对性强的压制技术,形成了一套叠前保真保幅组合去噪技术流程。实际资料应用表明,该方案能够有效... 山地资料由于地表条件及地下构造复杂,导致干扰波异常发育,严重影响地震资料信噪比。在分析原始地震资料品质的基础上,针对不同噪音,采用针对性强的压制技术,形成了一套叠前保真保幅组合去噪技术流程。实际资料应用表明,该方案能够有效去除噪音干扰,提高目的层信噪比,且较好的保留资料的弱信号和低频有效信号,保幅性良好,为致密砂岩储层预测奠定了良好基础。 展开更多
关键词 山地资料 保真保幅 叠前去噪 干扰波 信噪比
模拟退火法剩余静校正在山地资料处理中的应用 被引量:1
作者 何鑫 李苏光 李晓英 《油气地球物理》 2012年第2期64-65,68,共3页
南方某山地资料由于地表高程起伏大,表层结构纵横向变化剧烈,岩性纵横向变化大,有些甚至是老地层出露,信噪比低,层析静校正后仍残留有大的剩余静校正量,常规的地表一致性剩余静校正方法对该地区的剩余静校正处理效果不理想。本文介绍了... 南方某山地资料由于地表高程起伏大,表层结构纵横向变化剧烈,岩性纵横向变化大,有些甚至是老地层出露,信噪比低,层析静校正后仍残留有大的剩余静校正量,常规的地表一致性剩余静校正方法对该地区的剩余静校正处理效果不理想。本文介绍了模拟退火法剩余静校正技术在该地区地震资料处理中的应用情况,该方法是一种全局收敛的方法,它不但克服了线性算法的地表一致性剩余静校正法局部收敛不足的缺点,而且对低信噪比资料有很好的稳定性,在低信噪比山地资料剩余静校正处理中取得了显著的效果。 展开更多
关键词 模拟退火法 剩余静校正 山地资料处理
山地地震资料叠前时间偏移方法及其GPU实现 被引量:55
作者 刘国峰 刘洪 +2 位作者 李博 刘钦 佟小龙 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期3101-3108,共8页
山地地区地下地质结构复杂,地表高差大,变化剧烈.目前该类地区地震勘探中主要的成像手段依然是Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移.但地表高程的剧烈变化使叠前时间偏移的基准面很难选择.本文在传统方法的基础上,提出了一种在浮动基准面上修正常规... 山地地区地下地质结构复杂,地表高差大,变化剧烈.目前该类地区地震勘探中主要的成像手段依然是Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移.但地表高程的剧烈变化使叠前时间偏移的基准面很难选择.本文在传统方法的基础上,提出了一种在浮动基准面上修正常规叠前时间偏移走时计算的叠前时间偏移方法,该方法能够很大程度上提高山地地区、特别是地表高差变化大地区的成像效果.本文还介绍了GPU在叠前时间偏移上的应用,通过GPU对叠前时间偏移的优化和实现,得出如下结论:应用单颗NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU进行叠前时间偏移,相比应用主频2.5 GHz的单核CPU计算效率可提高70倍以上. 展开更多
关键词 山地地震资料 叠前时间偏移 GPU
山地转换波资料处理技术的进展 被引量:4
作者 唐建侯 李亚林 +3 位作者 杜文军 巫芙蓉 张晓斌 唐晓雪 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期137-139,共3页
关键词 山地转换波资料处理 技术进展 转换波勘探 纵波处理
萧山花卉越夏生产与山地气候资源应用分析 被引量:2
作者 谢国军 姚一梅 项先道 《浙江气象》 2005年第3期24-28,共5页
蝴蝶兰、仙客来、一品红、大花蕙兰等花卉品种在平原地区越夏时会因受到高温干旱的影响,而导致生长不良或出现休眠现象,极难培养,移入山区或半山区进行夏季保养是一较好途径。本文对萧山山地气候资源和花卉山区越夏生长性状进行试验评估... 蝴蝶兰、仙客来、一品红、大花蕙兰等花卉品种在平原地区越夏时会因受到高温干旱的影响,而导致生长不良或出现休眠现象,极难培养,移入山区或半山区进行夏季保养是一较好途径。本文对萧山山地气候资源和花卉山区越夏生长性状进行试验评估,提出了合理利用夏季高山温凉多光照的气候优势的建议,可以有效改变目前花卉远途输送、异地越夏的现状,提高花卉生产的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 山地气候资料 花卉 越夏 花卉品种 气候资源 越夏 山地 萧山 应用 夏季保养 半山区 高温干旱
VTI介质叠前时间偏移及实例分析 被引量:4
作者 王建立 周纳 +1 位作者 王真理 杨长春 《石油天然气学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期228-231,共4页
常规叠前时间偏移算法通常假设地下模型为各向同性介质或着层状各向同性介质,采用的走时算法通常为直射线或着弯曲射线理论,但是这种假设在各向异性剧烈的地区会造成走时计算不准确,从而造成动校正或着偏移成像的误差。研究首先探讨了... 常规叠前时间偏移算法通常假设地下模型为各向同性介质或着层状各向同性介质,采用的走时算法通常为直射线或着弯曲射线理论,但是这种假设在各向异性剧烈的地区会造成走时计算不准确,从而造成动校正或着偏移成像的误差。研究首先探讨了各向异性介质情况下叠前时间偏移的走时计算方法,然后结合川东北复杂山地三维地震资料的构造特点,利用VTI介质的叠前时间偏移成像技术,探索出一种适合于复杂山地地震资料的叠前成像技术,可为以后类似地区的成像处理提供一种新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 三维地震 各向异性 叠前成像 复杂山地地震资料
复杂地表情况的动校正方案 被引量:3
作者 王有新 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期105-108,共4页
本文分析了山地地震资料处理中地表高程变化和近地表速度变化的动校正叠加及其与静校正的关系,提出了基于平滑地表面的处理方式。通过把动校正公式分解为两个半支双曲线,在保证使用同一个T0速度的条件下,分别进行与炮点高程和接收点高... 本文分析了山地地震资料处理中地表高程变化和近地表速度变化的动校正叠加及其与静校正的关系,提出了基于平滑地表面的处理方式。通过把动校正公式分解为两个半支双曲线,在保证使用同一个T0速度的条件下,分别进行与炮点高程和接收点高程有关的正常时差校正,然后在叠加之前进行基本时差校正。本文方法在典型山地地震资料处理中取得了有益经验和良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 油气勘探 复杂地表 动校正 静校正 叠加 山地地震资料处理
Analysis on Dam-Breaking Mode of Tangjiashan Barrier Dam in Beichuan County 被引量:7
作者 HU Xiewen LUO Gang +2 位作者 LV Xiaoping HUANG Runqiu SHI Yubin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期354-362,共9页
Tangjiashan landslide is a typical high-speed consequent landslide of medium-steep dip angle. This landslide triggered by earthquake took place in about semi-minute. The relative sliding displacement is 900 meters, so... Tangjiashan landslide is a typical high-speed consequent landslide of medium-steep dip angle. This landslide triggered by earthquake took place in about semi-minute. The relative sliding displacement is 900 meters, so average sliding speed is about 30 meters per second. The longitudinal length of barrier dam which is formed by high-speed landslide along river is 803.4 meters; and maximum width crossing river is 611.8 meters. And its volume is estimated about 20.37 million steres. Through detailed geological investigation of the barrier dam, together with early geological information before earthquake, geological structures of the barrier dam and its stability of upstream and downstream slopes are studied when water level reaches different elevations in condition of continual after shocks with seismic intensity of 7 or 8 Richter scale. On this basis, dam-breaking mode of barrier dam is discussed deeply. Thereby, analytic results provide significant guidance and advices to front headquarters of Tangjiashan barrier dam, so that some proper engineering measures can be implemented and flood discharge can be carried out well. 展开更多
关键词 Tangjiashan Barrier Dam High-speed landslide Blocking river Dam-breaking
Comparison between several seismic inversion methods and their application in mountainous coal fields of western China 被引量:9
作者 XU Yongzhong CHEN Tongjun +2 位作者 CHEN Shizhong HUANG Weichuan WU Gang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期585-590,共6页
With the objective of establishing the necessary conditions for 3D seismic data from mountainous areas in western China, we compared the application results of wave impedance technology in the lithology and exploratio... With the objective of establishing the necessary conditions for 3D seismic data from mountainous areas in western China, we compared the application results of wave impedance technology in the lithology and exploration of coal fields. First, we introduce principles and features of three kinds of inversion methods. i.e., Model-Based Inversion, Constrained Sparse Spike Inversion (CSSI) and Geology-Seismic Feature Inversion. Secondly, these inversion methods are contrasted in their application to 3D seismic data from some coalfields in western China. The main information provided by the research includes: improving the vertical resolution of coal deposit strata, inferring lateral variation of the lithology and predicting coal seams and their roof lithology. Finally, the comparison between the three methods shows that the model-based inversion has the higher resolution, while CSSI inversion has better waveform continuity. The geology-seismic feature inversion requires information from a large number of wells and many types of logging curves of good quality. All three methods can meet the requirements of seismic exploration for lithological exploration in coal fields. 展开更多
关键词 model-based inversion constrained sparse spike inversion geology-seismic feature inversion coal seam lithological exploration
作者 吴时国 黄孝健 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期270-276,共7页
Seismic stratigraphic analysis of 150 km of high resolution seismic profiles (GEOPULSE and 3.5 kHz) obtained along the muddy coast off Taishan, Guangdong provided valuable information on the offshore Quaternary strati... Seismic stratigraphic analysis of 150 km of high resolution seismic profiles (GEOPULSE and 3.5 kHz) obtained along the muddy coast off Taishan, Guangdong provided valuable information on the offshore Quaternary stratigraphy, tectonics, sedimentary evolution, and environmental and engineering geology of this area.The following late Quaternary stratigraphic sequences were mapped. (1) Pleistocene alluvial silty sand and shallow marine clay; (2) coarse fluvial channel sand; (3) nearshore and bay clayey sediments. The incision of fluvial channels occurred in two stages: during the Late Pleistocene and at the beginning of the Holocene. The Pleistocene fluvial channels have been filled by coarse sand overlain by more than 10 m of late Pleistocene clay and 20-30 m of Holocene clay.The coastal area is dissected by two major fault systems: the first group strikes ENE-WSW and controls the evolution of the adjacent Quaternary basin, while the second one trends NNE-SSW. These fault systems must be taken into account in any coastal engineering considerations. In addition, both granitic and metamorphic basements were recognized. 展开更多
关键词 seismic data stratigraphic analysis Late Quaternary
The 2010 Merapi Eruption: An Overview of Melt Inclusion and Geochemical Data
作者 Hanik Humaida Narsito +10 位作者 Tri Wulaningsih Subandriyo Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito Harno Dwi Pranowo Koichiro Watanabe Yasuhito Osanai Nugroho Setiawan Tatsuro Adachi Dewi Sri Sayudi Moch Muzani Raditya Putra 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第9期522-537,共16页
To characterize the magma that gave rise to explosive eruptions of Merapi volcano in October-November 2010, melt inclusions and juvenile components fiom the eruption deposits have been analyzed. Major-element composit... To characterize the magma that gave rise to explosive eruptions of Merapi volcano in October-November 2010, melt inclusions and juvenile components fiom the eruption deposits have been analyzed. Major-element compositions of whole-rocks were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence and trace elements, including the Rare Earth Elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Melt inclusions and the host minerals were analyzed using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and CO2 and H20 in melt inclusions, and their associated bubbles, were analyzed using laser Raman spectrometry. The compositions of the whole-rock eruption products are basaltic and esite that slightly sifting of SiO2 and K20 composition to previous eruption products, whereas the melt inclusions in pyroxene, plagioclase and hornblende are dacite to rhyolite, likely trapped mainly during late stages of crystallization of the magma. The most high volatile content in the melt inclusion are CO2 and H2O which appear strong Raman peaks for CO2 in the gas bubbles indicate abundances on high levels of CO2. Interpretation of result from a long-term flux of CO2 into the reservoir, either derived from more mafic magmas at depth or from reaction of magma in the reservoir with limestone and it may indicate that volcanic outgassing rates far exceed the amounts that can be supplied magmas. 展开更多
关键词 MERAPI melt inclusions GEOCHEMISTRY explosive eruption.
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