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岩土应力传感器设计和使用原则 被引量:25
作者 曾辉 余尚江 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第1期93-98,共6页
岩土应力传感器设计和使用原则曾辉,余尚江(中国人民解放军89002部队,洛阳,471023)1.前言测量岩体、混凝土和土体等固体介质中自由场应力和结构表面压力,是岩土工程、水利水电、矿山开采和铁道交通等科学技术领域非... 岩土应力传感器设计和使用原则曾辉,余尚江(中国人民解放军89002部队,洛阳,471023)1.前言测量岩体、混凝土和土体等固体介质中自由场应力和结构表面压力,是岩土工程、水利水电、矿山开采和铁道交通等科学技术领域非常关心和经常碰到的问题。大量岩土工... 展开更多
关键词 岩土应力 传感器 设计
平面应变问题岩土应力滑移线场的讨论 被引量:1
作者 王敬林 朱小康 《后勤工程学院学报》 2000年第4期1-6,共6页
利用特征线方程求出两种应力滑移线方程,并给出均匀应力场和简单应力场。与以前不同的是,简单应力场有两种表达形式:一种是α线与β线具有不同极点,另一种是α线与β线具有同一极点,即扇形应力场。按新的应力滑移线场形式,分析了P... 利用特征线方程求出两种应力滑移线方程,并给出均匀应力场和简单应力场。与以前不同的是,简单应力场有两种表达形式:一种是α线与β线具有不同极点,另一种是α线与β线具有同一极点,即扇形应力场。按新的应力滑移线场形式,分析了Prandtl解,并求得跟以前一样的极限承载力。 展开更多
关键词 岩体力学 应力滑移线 滑移线场 均匀应力 简单应力 平面应变 岩土应力
我国预应力岩土锚固技术的现状与发展 被引量:22
作者 苗国航 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期91-94,共4页
预应力岩土锚固技术是深基坑、地下工程、隧道、道路边坡、坝基、桥梁等工程中重要的支护手段之一 ,全面剖析了这项技术在理论研究、应用领域、规模、标准化建设、锚固材料及施工机具等突破性进展 ,根据我国基础施工现状 ,对锚杆的设计... 预应力岩土锚固技术是深基坑、地下工程、隧道、道路边坡、坝基、桥梁等工程中重要的支护手段之一 ,全面剖析了这项技术在理论研究、应用领域、规模、标准化建设、锚固材料及施工机具等突破性进展 ,根据我国基础施工现状 ,对锚杆的设计、锚固参数合理选择、锚杆的腐蚀与防护进行了分析 ,从 8个方面指出了预测应力岩土锚固技术的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 应力岩土锚固技术 地下工程 深基坑 隧道 坝基 桥梁 锚固参数 锚杆 岩土工程 稳定性
岩土应力传感器匹配系数的等效性和真实性 被引量:1
作者 曾辉 《防护工程》 1995年第1期35-42,共8页
本文首先从介绍传感器所受外力形式和工作状态对输出电量的影响出发,阐明了岩石应力传感器匹配系数等效性和真实性的概念;对平动式和非平动式两大类传感器,分析了等效条件对匹配系数的影响和为求得真实匹配系数对传感器的要求;最后... 本文首先从介绍传感器所受外力形式和工作状态对输出电量的影响出发,阐明了岩石应力传感器匹配系数等效性和真实性的概念;对平动式和非平动式两大类传感器,分析了等效条件对匹配系数的影响和为求得真实匹配系数对传感器的要求;最后简明扼要地给出了指导实践的几点结论。 展开更多
关键词 岩土应力 应力 传感器 匹配 等效性 真实性
作者 吕承哲 李青 +2 位作者 谢婷 唐宇舟 陈江 《仪表技术》 2016年第10期23-25,28,共4页
山体滑坡对人类社会发展和经济建设产生巨大的危害,岩土剪应力减弱是引发山体滑坡的一个重要因素。针对山体滑坡的预防和监测,设计了一种现场测量岩土剪应力的装置,该装置包括十字板、扭矩传感器、步进电机、单片机硬件电路等;对实验装... 山体滑坡对人类社会发展和经济建设产生巨大的危害,岩土剪应力减弱是引发山体滑坡的一个重要因素。针对山体滑坡的预防和监测,设计了一种现场测量岩土剪应力的装置,该装置包括十字板、扭矩传感器、步进电机、单片机硬件电路等;对实验装置的搭建和单片机硬件电路作了详细说明。该装置具有易携带、实时测量等优点,经过测试该系统具有良好的稳定性和测量精度,抗干扰能力强。 展开更多
关键词 岩土应力 内摩擦力 扭矩 含水率
岩土预应力锚固结构服役寿命研究 被引量:9
作者 李英勇 张思峰 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期3704-3708,共5页
岩土预应力锚固技术在交通、水利和建筑工程中得到了广泛应用,但工程实践表明,预应力索(杆)体由于使用环境和条件的特殊性,如长期埋置于潮湿的环境中和承受张拉作用力,存在着失效破坏现象。在相关研究的基础上,通过对比分析影响预应力... 岩土预应力锚固技术在交通、水利和建筑工程中得到了广泛应用,但工程实践表明,预应力索(杆)体由于使用环境和条件的特殊性,如长期埋置于潮湿的环境中和承受张拉作用力,存在着失效破坏现象。在相关研究的基础上,通过对比分析影响预应力锚固结构服役寿命的主要因素,确定杆体材料应力腐蚀是决定正常使用条件下预应力锚固结构服役寿命的根本因素。在利用流变力学理论和实际监测数据建立预应力长期变化模型、依据室内快速腐蚀试验和现场腐蚀监测数据建立杆体材料应力腐蚀发展模型基础上,以杆体材料变化的极限承载能力为判据,提出岩土预应力锚固结构服役寿命预测方法,可为岩土预应力锚固结构失效风险预防和处置提供指导作用。将研究成果应用于工程实践,预测了实际工程的服役寿命。 展开更多
关键词 岩土应力锚固结构 服役寿命 影响因素 应力腐蚀
岩土预应力锚索腐蚀损伤演化规律研究 被引量:5
作者 张思峰 陈兴吉 +1 位作者 韩冰 齐辉 《山东建筑大学学报》 2018年第6期1-6,14,共7页
研究应力腐蚀对岩土预应力锚索长期耐久性的影响可以有效减少应力腐蚀重要环节。文章基于室内腐蚀试验,利用超景深三维数字显微系统对预应力索体在不同腐蚀时间下的锈蚀损伤形貌进行了观测,采用蚀坑面积、深度、长轴长度等指标作为其表... 研究应力腐蚀对岩土预应力锚索长期耐久性的影响可以有效减少应力腐蚀重要环节。文章基于室内腐蚀试验,利用超景深三维数字显微系统对预应力索体在不同腐蚀时间下的锈蚀损伤形貌进行了观测,采用蚀坑面积、深度、长轴长度等指标作为其表面腐蚀损伤的统计参数,通过函数描述了参数指标与时间的关系,分析了应力腐蚀的表观损伤演化规律;利用热场发射扫描电子显微镜对索体显微组织、裂纹萌生及其发展规律进行观测,从微观结构层面探求腐蚀损伤演化的力学本质。结果表明:在腐蚀介质环境中蚀坑长轴长度、面积随时间呈指数关系,平均腐蚀深度与时间呈幂函数关系,酸性腐蚀介质更有助于腐蚀坑槽的贯通;随腐蚀时间延长,预应力锚索试件的屈服和断裂荷载均逐渐减小,到达屈服点时试件所产生的位移也有所减小;随腐蚀时间延长,材料的塑性降低,脆性逐渐增强;酸性溶液中腐蚀时间较长的试件在拉伸破坏时易表现出应力腐蚀的特征。 展开更多
关键词 岩土应力锚索 腐蚀损伤 演化机理
作者 何芙蓉 《科技创新导报》 2011年第23期31-31,共1页
预应力锚固结构在岩土工程中的应用日益广泛,产生了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。岩土预应力锚固结构在其长期运营期受到各种外界环境影响,其预张力呈现出周期性的循环荷载特征,这将对预应力锚固结构的长期使用寿命产生影响,本文主要对于... 预应力锚固结构在岩土工程中的应用日益广泛,产生了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。岩土预应力锚固结构在其长期运营期受到各种外界环境影响,其预张力呈现出周期性的循环荷载特征,这将对预应力锚固结构的长期使用寿命产生影响,本文主要对于岩土预应力锚固结构张拉力长期变化规律进行探讨,对于今后岩土预应力锚固结构设计具有一定指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 岩土应力锚固 内锚固段 循环荷载 耐久性
作者 叶龙 王有镗 《山西建筑》 2020年第6期96-98,共3页
为研究地应力对地下循环水管路冻胀作用的影响,通过建立冻胀数值模型,以单U型换热管土结构为分析对象,模拟不同地应力条件下(0 MPa^10 MPa)的冻胀变形过程,研究冻胀岩土应力变化情况。结果发现,如地应力较小,冻胀作用可导致岩土压应力... 为研究地应力对地下循环水管路冻胀作用的影响,通过建立冻胀数值模型,以单U型换热管土结构为分析对象,模拟不同地应力条件下(0 MPa^10 MPa)的冻胀变形过程,研究冻胀岩土应力变化情况。结果发现,如地应力较小,冻胀作用可导致岩土压应力逐步增大,地应力越小则该作用越明显,越易引发岩土开裂、蠕变等问题;如地应力较大,则冻胀作用可减轻原有岩土压应力。 展开更多
关键词 循环水管路 冻胀 应力 岩土应力
地下换热管土结构冻胀变形模拟 被引量:6
作者 白莉 王有镗 +2 位作者 高青 江彦 李兆强 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第18期118-124,共7页
以地源热泵技术在农业节能领域中的应用为研究背景,针对地下换热管土结构冻胀变形问题开展数值模拟研究,基于孔隙增长率函数、冻土本构方程、含水量方程和相变传热理论建立数值模型,并结合试验验证该模型的有效性。利用模型对冻胀过程... 以地源热泵技术在农业节能领域中的应用为研究背景,针对地下换热管土结构冻胀变形问题开展数值模拟研究,基于孔隙增长率函数、冻土本构方程、含水量方程和相变传热理论建立数值模型,并结合试验验证该模型的有效性。利用模型对冻胀过程中岩土应力和管体变形特性进行分析,并考察管体降温速率(0.1、0.2、0.3℃/h)对上述2方面的影响。结果表明,岩土冻胀应力和管体变形程度均随冻结范围增大而增大,当冻结直径达到365 mm时,进水管流通面积减小约3.5%,出水管流通面积减小可超过4%,可见出水管的变形更为明显;冻结范围基本一致的情况下,换热管体缓慢降温可导致较大的岩土冻胀应力和出水管变形。 展开更多
关键词 热泵系统 管体 变形 管土结构 冻胀 岩土应力
基于FLAC3D数值模拟预测采煤工作面上覆地表沉降研究 被引量:4
作者 朱栋 徐新斌 +1 位作者 张修峰 苗磊刚 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2018年第19期26-28,33,共4页
关键词 数值模拟 地表沉降 岩土应力 岩土位移 力学参数
基于三分量地震监测的远程实时监测预警系统的研究 被引量:1
作者 李艳华 王玉巧 岐世峰 《现代计算机》 2017年第19期52-56,共5页
我国现有的地震监测系统大多很难准确地进行地震短临预报进而降低损失,而且安装困难、费用高。针对这些问题,研究一种基于三分量地震监测和云服务器的远程实时监控预警系统,它的硬件主要是三分量岩土应力仪,其传感器是三个差分式极距型... 我国现有的地震监测系统大多很难准确地进行地震短临预报进而降低损失,而且安装困难、费用高。针对这些问题,研究一种基于三分量地震监测和云服务器的远程实时监控预警系统,它的硬件主要是三分量岩土应力仪,其传感器是三个差分式极距型电容传感器。地震时,固体潮应力会使电容极距有较大改变,导致电容值的急剧变化,然后系统对采集数据分析处理,超出预警值则发出地震预警。经过试运行发现,系统分辨率高,性能稳定,安装成本低。 展开更多
关键词 云平台 三分量岩土应力 差分式极距型电容传感器
Mechanism of wet shotcrete interacting with rock in support systems 被引量:16
作者 李莉 吴爱祥 +3 位作者 王贻明 韩斌 王洪江 王春来 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期821-829,共9页
In order to have a good understanding of the behavior of wet shotcrete as a support element interacting with the rock mass,mechanism of wet shotcrete interacting with rock in support systems was analyzed through theor... In order to have a good understanding of the behavior of wet shotcrete as a support element interacting with the rock mass,mechanism of wet shotcrete interacting with rock in support systems was analyzed through theoretical,numerical study and analytical analysis.A new model of distribution of rock stress state after wet shotcrete was applied,which includes shotcrete layer,composite layer,strengthening layer,plastic layer and elastic layer,and a full illustration of the rock mass stress state was given after shotcrete interacting with rock mass.At the same time,numerical analysis with FLAC gives a stress distribution along the monitor line,respectively,at the sidewall and roof of the tunnel.The displacement obviously decreases with the depth of rock,the tangential stress for tunnel supported by shotcrete is lower than that without shotcrete,and radial stress for tunnel supported by shotcrete is higher than that without shotcrete.It has been demonstrated by AIRY'S stress function,which gives a reasonable solution.Finally,the application of wet shotcrete in Jinfeng Gold Mine shows that the displacement of tunnel decreases obviously in sidewall and roof. 展开更多
关键词 wet shotcrete support systems MECHANISM SIMULATION distribution of stress
Unified analytical stressstrain curve for quasibrittle geomaterial in uniaxial tension, direct shear and uniaxial compression 被引量:5
作者 王学滨 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第1期99-104,共6页
Considering strain localization in the form of a narrow band initiated just at peak stress, three analytical expressions for stressstrain curves of quasibrittle geomaterial (such as rock and concrete) in uniaxial tens... Considering strain localization in the form of a narrow band initiated just at peak stress, three analytical expressions for stressstrain curves of quasibrittle geomaterial (such as rock and concrete) in uniaxial tension, direct shear and uniaxial compression were presented, respectively. The three derived stressstrain curves were generalized as a unified formula. Beyond the onset of strain localization, a linear strain-softening constitutive relation for localized band was assigned. The size of the band was controlled by internal or characteristic length according to gradient-dependent plasticity. Elastic strain within the entire specimen was assumed to be uniform and decreased with the increase of plastic strain in localized band. Total strain of the specimen was decomposed into elastic and plastic parts. Plastic strain of the specimen was the average value of plastic strains in localized band over the entire specimen. For different heights, the predicted softening branches of the relative stressstrain curves in uniaxial compression are consistent with the previously experimental results for normal concrete specimens. The present expressions for the post-peak stressdeformation curves in uniaxial tension and direct shear agree with the previously numerical results based on gradient-dependent plasticity. 展开更多
关键词 stress- strain curve uniaxial tension uniaxial compression direct shear shear band ROCK CONCRETE
Force analysis of pile foundation in rock slope based on upper-bound theorem of limit 被引量:13
作者 赵明华 刘建华 +1 位作者 刘代全 汪优 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第3期404-410,共7页
Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex loa... Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex load condition was applied and the upper-bound theorem of limit analysis was used to compute thrust of rock layers with all possible distribution shapes. The interaction of slope and pile was considered design load in terms of slope thrust,and the finite difference method was derived to calculate inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation in rock slope under complex load condition. The result of example shows that the distribution model of slope thrust has certain impact on displacement and inner-force of bridge pile foundation. The maximum displacement growth rate reaches 54% and the maximum moment and shear growth rates reach only 15% and 20%,respectively,but the trends of inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation are basically the same as those of the conventional pile foundation in the flat ground. When the piles bear the same level lateral thrust,the distribution shapes of slope thrust have different influence on inner-force of pile foundation,especially the rectangle distribution,and the triangle thrust has the smallest displacement and inner-force of pile foundation. 展开更多
关键词 pile foundation rock slope inner-force calculation finite difference method upper-bound theorem of limit analysis
Interaction mechanism of the interface between a deep buried sand and a paleo-weathered rock mass using a high normal stress direct shear apparatus 被引量:4
作者 Bai Hanying Li Wenping +2 位作者 Ding Qingfeng Wang Qiqing Yang Dongdong 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期623-628,共6页
In order to evaluate the feasibility of safe mining close to the contact zone under reduced security coal pillar conditions at a coal mine in eastern China, the interaction mechanism of the interface between deep buri... In order to evaluate the feasibility of safe mining close to the contact zone under reduced security coal pillar conditions at a coal mine in eastern China, the interaction mechanism of the interface between deep buried sand and a paleo-weathered rock mass was investigated in the laboratory by direct shear testing. A DRS-1 high pressure soil shear testing machine and orthogonal design method were used in the direct shear tests. Variance and range methods were applied to analyze the sensitivity of each factor that has an influence on the mechanical characters of the interface. The test results show that the normal pressure is the main influencing factor for mechanical characteristics of the interface, while the lithological characters and roughness are minor factors; the shear stress against shear displacement curve for the interface shows an overall hyperbola relationship, no obvious peak stress and dilatancy was observed.When the normal pressure is 6 MPa, the shear strengths of interfaces with different roughness are basically the same, and when the normal pressure is more than 8 MPa, the larger the roughness of the interface, the larger will be the shear strength; the shear strength has a better linear relationship with the normal pressure, which can be described by a linear Mohr–Coulomb criterion. 展开更多
关键词 Deep buried sand Coal series Paleo-weathered rock mass Roughness of interface Mohr-Coulomb criterion
Dynamic stress accumulation model of granite residual soil under cyclic loading based on small-size creep tests 被引量:1
作者 TANG Lian-sheng ZHAO Zhan-lun +2 位作者 CHEN Hao-kun WU Yan-ping ZENG Yu-chao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第3期728-742,共15页
The creep behaviors of granite residual soil with pre-stress of 100 kPa was investigated by a series of small size creep tests. Three different types of strain curves were obtained at different stress levels. Based on... The creep behaviors of granite residual soil with pre-stress of 100 kPa was investigated by a series of small size creep tests. Three different types of strain curves were obtained at different stress levels. Based on creep characteristics of the granite residual soil under different stress levels, a creep model of the granite residual soil was established by rheological theory, and related parameters of the model were determined according to the experimental data at the same time. Further on, based on the established creep model, a theoretical model of dynamic stress accumulation in the granite residual soil under cyclic loading was deduced. It is found that there is a threshold of dynamic stress accumulation in this theoretical model. The dynamic stress accumulation laws of the granite residual soil are different under different cyclic loading stress. Finally, with the dynamic stress accumulation laws in the small-size samples of granite residual soil under different cycle loading studied and the experimental results comparing with the theoretical results, it verifies the validity of the theoretical model. 展开更多
关键词 granite residual soil creep tests dynamic stress accumulation model
Geotechnical behavior of uranium mill tailings from Saskatchewan,Canada 被引量:2
作者 Bhuiyan Imteaz Azam Shahid +1 位作者 Khaled Shifullah Landine Patrick 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期369-375,共7页
This paper investigates the geotechnical behavior of uranium mill tailings from Saskatchewan, Canada.The 4% tailings were well-graded with 29% fines whereas the 5% and 6% tailings were gap-graded with 49% fines. All s... This paper investigates the geotechnical behavior of uranium mill tailings from Saskatchewan, Canada.The 4% tailings were well-graded with 29% fines whereas the 5% and 6% tailings were gap-graded with 49% fines. All samples exhibited a negligible strength(0.4 k Pa) up to 60% solids, followed by a rapid increase. The 4% tailings exhibited a lower rate and amount of settlement than 5% and 6% tailings. The kidecreased from 10^(-2)to 10^(-4)m/s with a decrease in eifrom 16 to 4 and a decrease in ef from 8 to 4 such that 4% tailings showed one order of magnitude lower values than the 5% and 6%tailings. The settling potential decreased ten times(50%–5%) for 4% tailings and four times(60%–15%)for 5% and 6% tailings. The effective stress increased from 80 to 260 Pa in the settling tests. The 4%tailings were less prone to segregation when compared with 5% and 6% tailings. The average solids content after settling was 35% for 4% tailings, 40% for 5% tailings and 39% for 6% tailings with a solids content deviation of ±3%, ±8%, ±6%, respectively. All materials were essentially non-segregating at 40%initial solids. 展开更多
关键词 Uranium mill tailings Rheology Settling Segregation
Unsaturated Creep Behaviors of Weak Intercalated Soils in Soft Rock of Badong Formation 被引量:4
作者 ZHU Yan-Bo YU Hong-Ming 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期1460-1470,共11页
The cutting slopes in soft rock of redbed appeared in Yichang-Badong highway often suffer from the instability along weak intercalations, so the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils are crucially important for t... The cutting slopes in soft rock of redbed appeared in Yichang-Badong highway often suffer from the instability along weak intercalations, so the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils are crucially important for the stability of cutting slopes. Because the deformation of weak intercalated soils is significantly affected by water content due to the strong water sensitivity, it is necessary to study the influence of matric suction on the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils. In order to find out the unsaturated creep characters of weak intercalated soils, a GDS unsaturated triaxial apparatus was used. Then the triaxial creep experiments on weak intercalated soil samples under varying matric suction were conducted to obtain the unsaturated creep curves. The results show that the weak intercalated soils have obvious creep behaviors, and the creep strain is in nonlinear relationship with stress and time. When the matric suction is constant, a larger deviator stress will lead to a larger creep strain; When the deviator stress is constant, a smaller matric suction will lead to a larger creep strain. Based on the Mesri creep model, an improved creep model for weak intercalated soils under varying matric suction was established, in which the relationship of stress-strain was expressed with a hyperbolic function, and the relationship of strain-time was expressed with power functions in stages. Then an unsaturated creep model including stress-matric suction-strain-time for weak intercalated soils was established based on the power function relationship between matric suction and Ed(a parameter of the improved creep model). The comparison of the calculated values of creep model and the experimental values shows that the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils can be predicted by the unsaturated creep model by and large. 展开更多
关键词 Badong formation Weak intercalated soils Unsaturated creep behaviors Soil triaxial apparatus Creep model
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