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不同岩层地质条件下地铁振动传递特性研究 被引量:3
作者 彭克群 王安斌 鞠龙华 《上海工程技术大学学报》 CAS 2020年第3期221-225,共5页
为研究海滨城市地质特性对地铁振动传递的影响,选取海滨城市远海区域和近海区域2种典型地质条件下地铁线路断面,分别对地铁隧道内隧道壁和距离隧道中心线0、15和30 m的地表进行振动测试与分析,发现远海区域地铁在低频和高频区段对振动... 为研究海滨城市地质特性对地铁振动传递的影响,选取海滨城市远海区域和近海区域2种典型地质条件下地铁线路断面,分别对地铁隧道内隧道壁和距离隧道中心线0、15和30 m的地表进行振动测试与分析,发现远海区域地铁在低频和高频区段对振动波有较大的衰减作用,地铁在地层中振动的损失波峰位于200 Hz;近海区域地铁的高频振动衰减低于低频振动衰减,地铁在地层中振动的损失波峰位于4 Hz.指出远海区域的减振措施设计应重点考虑中频10~100 Hz的振动,而近海区域的减振措施设计应重点考虑高频100~200 Hz的振动.研究结果对海滨城市地铁线路规划和减振措施选择具有重要指导意义. 展开更多
关键词 岩层地质 地铁振动 1/3倍频程 传递特性
近海岩层地质条件下的深基坑地下连续墙支护体系设计与施工 被引量:3
作者 吕达 《建筑施工》 2014年第3期213-215,共3页
作为东北亚地标建筑的大连绿地中心,属于海岩地质条件下的深基坑工程。综合考虑工程的重要性、基坑周边环境、止水效果及变形控制等因素,采用了以地下连续墙作为围护体、锚索作为支护的施工方法。介绍了该施工工艺,其顺利完工不仅提高... 作为东北亚地标建筑的大连绿地中心,属于海岩地质条件下的深基坑工程。综合考虑工程的重要性、基坑周边环境、止水效果及变形控制等因素,采用了以地下连续墙作为围护体、锚索作为支护的施工方法。介绍了该施工工艺,其顺利完工不仅提高了施工效率,也在基坑整体的安全性、工期缩短等方面为以后类似工程提供了案例借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 大连绿地中心 近海岩层地质 基坑支护 地下连续墙 锚索
岩层地质条件下后注浆材料配比研究 被引量:1
作者 张哲彬 《建筑科技》 2017年第4期57-60,共4页
随着城市地下空间开发,各大城市高层建筑发展迅速,所要面对的地质条件也从单一发展为多向,地层情况也越来越复杂,原先在软土地区用于提高灌注桩承载力、减少桩基沉降的后注浆技术也已经慢慢延伸到了岩质地层中。在岩层地区后注浆主要用... 随着城市地下空间开发,各大城市高层建筑发展迅速,所要面对的地质条件也从单一发展为多向,地层情况也越来越复杂,原先在软土地区用于提高灌注桩承载力、减少桩基沉降的后注浆技术也已经慢慢延伸到了岩质地层中。在岩层地区后注浆主要用于封堵基岩裂隙水、隔断渗水路径,防止灌注桩和地下连续墙底部作用的地下岩层遇水崩解、软化。为了保证在岩层地质条件下后注浆成功率,通过对后注浆材料组成及浆液配比进行多轮试验筛选,并在现场进行试验施工,根据反馈的施工参数及试验数据,最终确定了适用于岩层地质条件下的后注浆材料。 展开更多
关键词 岩层地质条件 封堵基岩裂隙水 后注浆材料 浆液配比
作者 徐汝宝 《科学技术创新》 2022年第21期104-107,共4页
随着我国桥梁工程的快速发展,开始在江河湖泊上修建现浇箱梁,本文详细介绍了湖南省永州市城南大桥水中第二联浅埋覆盖层岩层地质、深水条件下的钢管支架的具体施工方法;该方法采用小直径冲击钻在现浇支架钢管桩自身孔内进行引孔,不用另... 随着我国桥梁工程的快速发展,开始在江河湖泊上修建现浇箱梁,本文详细介绍了湖南省永州市城南大桥水中第二联浅埋覆盖层岩层地质、深水条件下的钢管支架的具体施工方法;该方法采用小直径冲击钻在现浇支架钢管桩自身孔内进行引孔,不用另外下放钢护筒,引孔过程中钢管桩不断自沉跟进,待引孔至设计深度采用振动锤插打钢管桩,有效确保了钢管桩嵌岩锚固深度,为浅埋覆盖层岩层地质内深水现浇钢管支架施工提供了一种新的施工方法。该施工方法具有良好的社会效益与经济性,可为类似工程施工提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 浅埋覆盖层 岩层地质 深水环境 钢管支架 引孔 施工技术
作者 冉冬琴 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2022年第8期188-191,共4页
某地铁车站外挂附属基坑处于长江三级阶地,位于岩面较浅且完整性较好的石英砂岩分布区,若采用钻孔桩支护形式,成桩困难,经对比以往类似工程,采用锚杆挡墙支护。实践表明,该工程采用该支护形式施工,能满足工程建设需求。本文结合“锚杆... 某地铁车站外挂附属基坑处于长江三级阶地,位于岩面较浅且完整性较好的石英砂岩分布区,若采用钻孔桩支护形式,成桩困难,经对比以往类似工程,采用锚杆挡墙支护。实践表明,该工程采用该支护形式施工,能满足工程建设需求。本文结合“锚杆挡墙支护”在该基坑支护结构中的成功应用,对该种支护形式的设计流程和实施要点进行总结,以期为类似工程的设计、施工提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地铁基坑 岩层地质 锚杆挡墙支护 设计应用
作者 陈磊 《汽车世界》 2019年第18期193-193,共1页
不利岩层地质条件下高速公路隧道施工难度增大、施工人员面临的挑战和困难也在不断增多,对施工技术应用要求也在不断提升。而面对当前部分高速公路隧道施工必须经过不利岩层的现状下,针对现实积极加强这一地质条件下高速公路隧道施工技... 不利岩层地质条件下高速公路隧道施工难度增大、施工人员面临的挑战和困难也在不断增多,对施工技术应用要求也在不断提升。而面对当前部分高速公路隧道施工必须经过不利岩层的现状下,针对现实积极加强这一地质条件下高速公路隧道施工技术应用分析具有非常必要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 不利岩层地质 高速公路 公路隧道 施工技术
作者 张哲彬 《山西建筑》 2017年第12期59-61,共3页
关键词 后注浆材料 岩层地质 浆液配比 抗渗性
深水基础岩层地质锁口钢管桩围堰施工技术 被引量:16
作者 王泽升 《铁道建筑技术》 2019年第11期75-78,共4页
桥梁深水基础施工的主要问题是如何克服深水环境对施工的影响,目前深水基础围堰方案主要有双壁钢套箱围堰、钢管桩围堰、钢板桩围堰等形式.采用何种围堰形式能够保证快速、经济、安全可靠地在深水和复杂地层中进行桥梁基础施工是广大工... 桥梁深水基础施工的主要问题是如何克服深水环境对施工的影响,目前深水基础围堰方案主要有双壁钢套箱围堰、钢管桩围堰、钢板桩围堰等形式.采用何种围堰形式能够保证快速、经济、安全可靠地在深水和复杂地层中进行桥梁基础施工是广大工程技术人员面临的一项重要课题.本文对锁口钢管桩围堰结构进行工艺研究,并详细阐述了湖南永州城南大桥主桥深水锁口钢管桩围堰的施工方法,该方法为深水基础岩层地质内低桩承台围堰的施工提供了一种新的思路. 展开更多
关键词 深水基础 岩层地质 围堰 锁口钢管桩 施工方法
作者 李伟强 《建筑施工》 2024年第10期1679-1682,1686,共5页
西南地区以喀斯特地貌为主,起伏的山地及交互多变的沉积土层导致地勘不能准确揭示地质特点。同时,裂隙中的地下水因山地势能而具有承压性,由于裂隙发育没有规律,导致深基坑无法采用隔断承压水的方式进行处理。以西南地区某超高层建筑项... 西南地区以喀斯特地貌为主,起伏的山地及交互多变的沉积土层导致地勘不能准确揭示地质特点。同时,裂隙中的地下水因山地势能而具有承压性,由于裂隙发育没有规律,导致深基坑无法采用隔断承压水的方式进行处理。以西南地区某超高层建筑项目为例,介绍了在西南地区复杂环境与地质情况下,采用主楼顺作、裙楼逆作相结合的深基坑施工方法,解决岩层与软土交互、裂隙水丰富无法隔断情况下基坑变形和周边环境控制的难题。 展开更多
关键词 深基坑 主楼顺作、裙楼逆作 岩层与软土交互地质 基岩裂隙水
电磁波层析成像技术的边坡工程地质勘察研究 被引量:2
作者 何忠良 《科技与创新》 2017年第6期153-153,155,共2页
我国不同地区的地质条件不同,由于自身原因,一些复杂的边坡工程很容易发生多种崩塌、落石等自然灾害。多变的地质条件在很大程度上影响了地质工程勘探工作,对地质勘察的工作人员来说也是严峻的挑战。电磁波层析成像技术是一种新型的地... 我国不同地区的地质条件不同,由于自身原因,一些复杂的边坡工程很容易发生多种崩塌、落石等自然灾害。多变的地质条件在很大程度上影响了地质工程勘探工作,对地质勘察的工作人员来说也是严峻的挑战。电磁波层析成像技术是一种新型的地质勘察工具,它可以在地质边坡工程区域进行全方位的层理分析,运用科学技术手段判断该地区的地质条件。在工作过程中,运用电磁波层析成像技术对勘察的地质岩层和岩体的地质工程问题进行分析,全面分析电磁波层析成像技术提供的数据,进而为工程的推进提供准确的基础保障。 展开更多
关键词 电磁波层析成像技术 边坡工程 地质工程 地质岩层
作者 刘福保 刘金平 +2 位作者 刘海平 程晓峰 杨增廷 《中国水利》 2001年第12期104-104,共1页
一、"六查互证"找水法 "六查互证"找水法是一种多角度观察,相互印证,综合分析地下水补排条件、导水性、储水环境,以确定地下给水能力的有效方法.
关键词 找水法 贫水区岩层 成井效果 地形地貌 地质岩层 应用 构造特征 水文现象
作者 郭慧勇 葛熙丰 《贵州建材》 2002年第3期16-17,共2页
关键词 白垩系 地质岩层 烧结红砖 空心砖 产品质量
独头巷道掘进时的安全问题及防护措施 被引量:1
作者 罗建祥 《甘肃冶金》 2005年第1期51-52,共2页
关键词 独头巷道 安全措施 岩层地质 水文条件 炮烟 粉尘
Sandstone Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution of Paleogene in Huimin Depression 被引量:10
作者 朱筱敏 钟大康 +1 位作者 张琴 张莉 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期23-29,共7页
The sandstones of the paleogene in the Huimin Depression have undergone numerous diagenetic processes, such as compaction, cementation, dissolution, metasomasis and recrystallization. The first three — compaction, ... The sandstones of the paleogene in the Huimin Depression have undergone numerous diagenetic processes, such as compaction, cementation, dissolution, metasomasis and recrystallization. The first three — compaction, cementation and dissolution — affect reservoir properties most intensively. An average porosity loss due to compaction is 0.78% per 100 meters, slightly higher in the central and southern parts and lower in the northern. Cementation has resulted in the porosity loss from 8% to 20% at a depth below 1,500 meters. Dissolution, which in most cases is the dissolution of feldspar and of carbonate cement, primarily occurs in two depth intervals, from 1,400 to 2,500 meters and 2,700 to 4,000 meters respectively. New porosity is created through dissolution from 4% to 14%. The sandstones experienced stage A and stage B of early diagenesis and stage A of late diagenesis. At present, most of them are experiencing Phase A2 of late diagenesis. The types of pores in the sand reservoir can be grouped into primary and secondary ones. 展开更多
关键词 DIAGENESIS porosity evolution secondary porosity Huimin Depression
作者 栗宗平 《建筑施工》 2022年第11期2583-2586,共4页
关键词 地下连续墙 岩层地质 铣齿 适用性
作者 王天勇 《运输经理世界》 2024年第1期116-118,共3页
为了确保隧道工程在水平岩层施工中的速度和安全性,深入研究和优化岩层地质预测、掘进与支护,以及信息化施工和实时监控技术。首先,通过对岩层的详细分类和性质分析,结合风险评估,探讨现有地质预测方法的有效性;其次,介绍掘进机械的选... 为了确保隧道工程在水平岩层施工中的速度和安全性,深入研究和优化岩层地质预测、掘进与支护,以及信息化施工和实时监控技术。首先,通过对岩层的详细分类和性质分析,结合风险评估,探讨现有地质预测方法的有效性;其次,介绍掘进机械的选择策略、岩层支护方法,并强调掘进速度与质量控制的重要性;最后,强调施工流程信息化和实时监控技术的关键作用,旨在提高施工效率和安全标准。 展开更多
关键词 隧道水平岩层施工 岩层地质预测 信息化施工
Effect of the inclined weak interlayers on the rainfall response of a bedded rock slope 被引量:6
作者 LI Long-qi 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期1663-1674,共12页
Engineering experience shows that outward dipping bedded rock slopes, especially including weak interlayers, are prone to slide under rainfall conditions. To investigate the effect of inclined weak interlayers at vari... Engineering experience shows that outward dipping bedded rock slopes, especially including weak interlayers, are prone to slide under rainfall conditions. To investigate the effect of inclined weak interlayers at various levels of depth below the surface on the variation of displacements and stresses in bedded rock slopes, four geo- mechanical model tests with artificial rainfall have been conducted. Displacements, water content as well as earth pressure in the model were monitored by means of various FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors. The results showed that the amount of displacement of a slope with a weak interlayer is 2.8 to 6.2 times larger than that of a slope without a weak interlayer during one rainfall event. Furthermore, the position of the weak interlayer in terms of depth below the surface has a significant effect on the zone of deformation in the model. In the slope with a high position weak interlayer, the recorded deformation was larger in the superficial layer of the model and smaller in the frontal portion than in the slope with a low position weak interlayer. The slope with two weak interlayers has the largest deformation at all locations of all test slopes. The slope without a weak interlayer was only saturated in its superficial layer, while the displacement decreased with depth. That was different from all slopes with a weak interlayer in which the largest displacement shifted from the superficial layer to the weak interlayer when rainfall persisted. Plastic deformation of the weak interlayer promoted the formation of cracks which caused more water to flow into the slope, thus causing larger deformation in the slope with weak interlayers. In addition, the slide thrust pressure showed a vibration phenomenon o.5 to 1 hour ahead of an abrupt increase of the deformation, which was interpreted as a predictor for rainfall-induced failure of bedded rock slopes. 展开更多
关键词 Bedded rock slope Inclined weakinterlayer RAINFALL Model test
Geo-Risk of Cap Rock System Associated with Heterogeneous Rock Formation Consisted of Interlaying Sandstone and Shale
作者 Chi-Wen Yu Shih-Chang Lei +3 位作者 Ming-Wei Yang Chung-Hui Chiao Lian-Tong Hwang Wan-Huei Yang 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第11期955-966,共12页
The intra-formational seal capability was characterized by multi-layered shale baffles to act as the primary or ultimate cap system, were taken into account by homogeneous and heterogeneous models, respectively. In th... The intra-formational seal capability was characterized by multi-layered shale baffles to act as the primary or ultimate cap system, were taken into account by homogeneous and heterogeneous models, respectively. In this study, the relevant ranges of input parameter of porosity (20%-35%) and permeability (0.0001-1,000 mD), respectively for the sandstone (storage layers) and shale (seals) have been selected, according to results of large amount of laboratory core, test from pilot 3,000 m drilling within Tai-Hsi Foreland Basin in Western Taiwan. By a comprehensive geological model, typical single well injected plume migration scenarios were stochastically simulated which covered a 20-year continuous injection (one Mt-CO2 per year) followed by a 1,000-year post-injection monitoring. The corresponding 2-D MHMD (maximum horizontal migration distances) of CO2 plume in the storage reservoir had been calculated with respect to heterogeneous reservoir models and their homogeneous counterparts. Moreover, the induced pressures at critical monitoring points above the injection zone were also evaluated. As a result, the shale baffles of intra-formational seal in a saline aquifers are proven to play a vital role, and capable of ensuring the safe carbon storage operation within a basin scale with a depth range about 2,100-2,500 mRT. 展开更多
关键词 Pilot drilling POROSITY permeability heterogeneous reservoir models Western Taiwan.
Assessment of Diyarbaklr Basalt Aquifer Hydrogeological Analyzed and Obtains Thematic Maps with GIS Geostatistical Analyst Tool
作者 Recep Celik 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第2期109-115,共7页
Diyarbaklr basalt aquifer is volcanic-rock aquifers which contain high quality water. It was main resources for Diyarbaklr city center drinking supply up to 2005. Somewhere, basalt aquifer groundwater is still used fo... Diyarbaklr basalt aquifer is volcanic-rock aquifers which contain high quality water. It was main resources for Diyarbaklr city center drinking supply up to 2005. Somewhere, basalt aquifer groundwater is still used for irrigation in rural areas of Diyarbaklr city. In the study, Diyarbaklr city center's (which is located on the Tigris river basin) basalt aquifer groundwater potentials and hydrogeological features are examined and modeled by using GIS programmer. Firstly, general geological data, meteorological data and general information about natural water sources are collected together, afterwards, logs of well drilled by public institutions and private individuals within the Diyarbaklr city center are analyzed. Static water level, dynamic water level and well pumps yields are classified in these logs. Then, thematic maps produced with the help of Arc Info Professional GIS programmer with geostatistical analyst tool. Groundwater source potential of Diyarbaktr is examined by means of these thematic maps. In hydrogeological research, productivity by aquifer features, water retention capacity and groundwater level data evaluated with geological structure of area are taken into consideration. 展开更多
关键词 Diyarbaklr city center basalt aquifer GROUNDWATER groundwater static level dynamic water level pump yield efficient Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
作者 高全臣 安保全 靳毅斌 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1998年第1期40-44,共5页
Through the analysis of the occurring and developing process of the rockburst under the high strata stress, it points out that the action of stress wave is the key factor to affect the rockburst process. The character... Through the analysis of the occurring and developing process of the rockburst under the high strata stress, it points out that the action of stress wave is the key factor to affect the rockburst process. The characteristics of stress wave as well as its relation with the strata stress and the mechanism of its causing rockburst are explained. Finally, the preventing measures of the rockburst caused by the stress wave are put forward. 展开更多
关键词 high strata stress ROCKBURST stress wave
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