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作者 李剑峰 《凿岩机械气动工具》 2015年第3期57-58,共2页
关键词 液压钻机 试验应用 手持式 构造岩层 乳化 地质 综采工作面 采掘工作面
论安徽省高等级公路地质构造选线 被引量:1
作者 杨凤伟 王剑锋 《山西建筑》 2021年第23期101-103,共3页
公路“地质构造选线”是“地质选线”的重要部分。简述了岩层构造、节理、断层、褶皱等地质构造对公路工程影响,总结在公路工程地质勘察中的经验和教训,对在设计周期、勘察资源投入有限的前提下做好“地质构造选线”做了详细分析,并举... 公路“地质构造选线”是“地质选线”的重要部分。简述了岩层构造、节理、断层、褶皱等地质构造对公路工程影响,总结在公路工程地质勘察中的经验和教训,对在设计周期、勘察资源投入有限的前提下做好“地质构造选线”做了详细分析,并举了实例,对今后公路工程地质构造选线具有参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 选线 节理 断层 褶皱 岩层构造
煤中剪切指向标志的类型讨论 被引量:1
作者 郭盛强 穆桂松 +2 位作者 华四良 苏现波 郭卫星 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期5-7,共3页
关键词 剪切指向标志 岩层构造运动学 应力场 脆性指向标志 韧性指向标志
辽宁省庄河市蓉花山石英岩矿地质特征 被引量:7
作者 王小平 《中国非金属矿工业导刊》 1998年第2期28-30,共3页
本文介绍了赋存在下元古界榆树砬子群峨山沟组中的厚层石英岩 ( Pt1 y1 -3 )矿床 ,有 Pt1 y1 1 -3 、Pt1 y3 1 -3 、Pt1 y5 1 -3 3个矿层。矿层厚度巨大、层位稳定、矿石储量大、质量优异、加工性能良好 ,是一个节能优质原料矿 。
关键词 石英岩矿 地质特征 岩层构造 变质作用
内蒙古中部大青山—乌拉山地区早前寒武系研究的重要进展及对高级变质区开展地层工作的几点建议 被引量:22
作者 杨振升 徐仲元 +1 位作者 刘正宏 黄道玲 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期427-433,共7页
介绍了1996—2003年期间,通过内蒙古大青山—乌拉山地区1∶5万和1∶25万区域地质调查,在本区早前寒武纪地层尤其是高级变质地层研究方面取得的重要进展。这些进展是:重建了一个由4个岩群12个岩组构成的早前寒武纪地层系统;发现了枣儿沟... 介绍了1996—2003年期间,通过内蒙古大青山—乌拉山地区1∶5万和1∶25万区域地质调查,在本区早前寒武纪地层尤其是高级变质地层研究方面取得的重要进展。这些进展是:重建了一个由4个岩群12个岩组构成的早前寒武纪地层系统;发现了枣儿沟角度不整合面和新建了古元古代的美岱召岩群;提出了适合高级变质地层发育区地层工作的“构造-岩层-事件法”的工作思路和方法。在这一思路和方法指导下,明确了本区构造样式演化与高级区地层系统重建的关系,提出了主期构造决定岩石地层现今展布特征,早期构造造成地层组成、结构特征、空间叠置及接触关系性质,后期构造导致区内高级变质地层局部复杂化和再造的基本规律性的认识。最后对高级区开展地层研究提出4点建议。 展开更多
关键词 高级变质区 早前寒武纪地层 构造-岩层-事件法 大青山-乌拉山地区 内蒙古
藏南吉隆地区聂拉木群的研究 被引量:2
作者 贾建称 鲁艳明 张振利 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2002年第2期178-180,共3页
构造—岩层(石)—事件法填图结果表明,吉隆地区原聂拉木群实际上包含了变质地层和变质深成岩,应予以解体。解体后的变质深成岩称思马片麻岩,侵位于晋宁期。变质地层称聂拉木岩群,包括曲乡岩组和江东岩组,两者以韧性断层接触,沉积时代为... 构造—岩层(石)—事件法填图结果表明,吉隆地区原聂拉木群实际上包含了变质地层和变质深成岩,应予以解体。解体后的变质深成岩称思马片麻岩,侵位于晋宁期。变质地层称聂拉木岩群,包括曲乡岩组和江东岩组,两者以韧性断层接触,沉积时代为古元古代,经历了吕梁末期的中压型蓝晶石—十字石亚相区域动力热流变质作用,并与思马片麻岩一同于晋宁末期接受角闪岩相变质、喜马拉雅期绿片岩相退变质。 展开更多
关键词 吉隆地区 聂拉木岩群 思马片麻岩 构造-岩层-事件法 变质岩 西藏
煤矿开采中地质灾害的问题及处理措施浅析 被引量:1
作者 曲晓明 《科技信息》 2011年第7期I0368-I0368,I0359,共2页
煤矿地质资料准确与否直接影响到矿井的生产安全。如果对地质条件没有一个清晰、明确的认识,就不可能真正实现煤矿的安全生产。因此,深入分析煤矿地质条件,开展地质灾害探查,并制定相应的地质灾害治理措施,成为煤炭井下开采必须重视的... 煤矿地质资料准确与否直接影响到矿井的生产安全。如果对地质条件没有一个清晰、明确的认识,就不可能真正实现煤矿的安全生产。因此,深入分析煤矿地质条件,开展地质灾害探查,并制定相应的地质灾害治理措施,成为煤炭井下开采必须重视的重要课题之一。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿开采 地质灾害 特点 岩层构造 影响分析
Research on the Terrane Tectonics in China 被引量:1
作者 郭令智 舒良树 +4 位作者 施央申 卢华复 马瑞士 张庆龙 贾东 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 1996年第3期193-202,共10页
This paper summarizes the lalest advances in research on the terrane tectonics of China. The terranes of China distributed around various plates may be divided into four terrane belts of different ages and sizes, i. e... This paper summarizes the lalest advances in research on the terrane tectonics of China. The terranes of China distributed around various plates may be divided into four terrane belts of different ages and sizes, i. e., the East China, Northwest China, Southwest China and Qinling-Dabie terrane belts. Among them, the East China belt may be subdivided into three composite terrane groups; each terrane group is composed of several terranes that were formed roughly at the same time and have distinct geologic histories. The accretion of China’s terranes involves three types: the collision type, the flake-thrusting type, and the docking type. The results of the latest study in the five widening fields and some advances in the metheds of research on the terrane tectonics in China are presented in the present paper. 展开更多
关键词 岩层构造 中国 秦岭-大别山地区 地质构造 华东地区 西北地区 西南地区
周边眼反向装药中深孔爆破技术在岩巷快速掘进中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王伟峰 亓海灵 张新建 《山东煤炭科技》 2014年第10期19-21,共3页
陈四楼煤矿十四采区21408轨顺车场掘进施工中,依据巷道揭露的岩性及岩层构造情况,提出了采用"周边眼反向装药中深孔光面爆破技术",并通过合理安排劳动组织、坚持正规循环作业等方法,保障了21408工作面快速掘进,并积累了丰富... 陈四楼煤矿十四采区21408轨顺车场掘进施工中,依据巷道揭露的岩性及岩层构造情况,提出了采用"周边眼反向装药中深孔光面爆破技术",并通过合理安排劳动组织、坚持正规循环作业等方法,保障了21408工作面快速掘进,并积累了丰富的安全生产经验。 展开更多
关键词 围岩破坏 岩层构造 中深孔爆破 掘进速度
作者 莫位明 《广东地质》 2001年第2期42-46,共5页
关键词 变形变质 岩石地层 构造地层 构造岩层 地质事件
Stratigraphic framework of late Paleozoic in northeastern China 被引量:5
作者 WANG Chengwen LI Ning +4 位作者 SUN Yuewu ZONG Pu ZHAO Guowei LIU Hui MA Xiaoqin 《Global Geology》 2013年第1期1-18,共18页
Late Paleozoic strata in northeastern China are distributed in a zonal pattern around the old-land on the Jiamusi-Mongolia Block. They are composed of active deposits in the regular distributed tectonic lithofacies zo... Late Paleozoic strata in northeastern China are distributed in a zonal pattern around the old-land on the Jiamusi-Mongolia Block. They are composed of active deposits in the regular distributed tectonic lithofacies zones. This indicates that the late Paleozoic strata belong to continental margin deposits. According to the strong conformability of the sedimentary strata in the same continental margin and distinct differences among the three continental margins, three stratigraphical regions of the Jiamusi-Mongolia Stratigraphical Province are recognized along the northern, southern and eastern margins of the Jiamusi-Mongolia Block, named respectively as Xing'an Stratigraphical Region, Inner Mongolia grass-Songhua River Stratigraphical Region and Baoqing-Hunchun Stra- tigraphical Region. Due to the characteristics of continental margin deposits and active sediments, the strata can be correlated on the level of formation by the methods of analysing the rock association in the same stratigraphic region. Therefore, some revisions of the lithologieal formations of the late Paleozoic strata in northeastern China have been made, and a new chart of lithostratigraphic correlation has been proposed. Furthermore, the present stratigraphic framework is setting on the International Stratigraphic Chart on the level of stage, after comprehen- sive researches to lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy, especially the conodont biostratigra- phy and isotopic ages of volcanic rocks obtained in recent years. 展开更多
关键词 northeastern China late Paleozoic strata continental margin deposits stratigraphic provincialism stratigraphic correlation
Forecast of Geological Gas Hazards for “Three-Soft” Coal Seams in Gliding Structural Areas 被引量:21
作者 WANG Zhi-rong CHEN Ling-xia +1 位作者 CHENG Cong-ren LI Zhen-xiang 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第4期484-488,共5页
Gas outbursts from "three-soft" coal seams (soft roof,soft floor and soft coal) constitute a very serious prob-lem in the Ludian gliding structure area in western Henan. By means of theories and methods of g... Gas outbursts from "three-soft" coal seams (soft roof,soft floor and soft coal) constitute a very serious prob-lem in the Ludian gliding structure area in western Henan. By means of theories and methods of gas geology,structural geology,coal petrology and rock tests,we have discussed the effect of control of several physical properties of soft roof on gas preservation and proposed a new method of forecasting gas geological hazards under open structural conditions. The result shows that the areas with type Ⅲ or Ⅳ soft roofs are the most dangerous areas where gas outburst most likely can take place. Therefore,countermeasures should be taken in these areas to prevent gas outbursts. 展开更多
关键词 gliding structure tectonite roof gas bursting and pouring prediction of geological gas hazards
Architecture of volcanic sequence and its structural control of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin 被引量:5
作者 程日辉 王腾飞 +1 位作者 沈艳杰 任延广 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期2026-2040,共15页
Yingcheng Formation is a set of volcanic strata composed of lava rocks,volcanic clastic rocks and sedimentary rocks,filled in some fault depressions in Songliao Basin,early Cretaceous.The study about litho-facies succ... Yingcheng Formation is a set of volcanic strata composed of lava rocks,volcanic clastic rocks and sedimentary rocks,filled in some fault depressions in Songliao Basin,early Cretaceous.The study about litho-facies succession of Yingcheng Formation in the outcropped area of the southeast margin and in Xujiaweizi fault depression and its distribution based on analysis of seismic data,shows that the sequence of volcanic strata is quite different from the clastic sedimentary sequence.To study the architecture of volcanic sequence and its structural control of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin,in this work,dividing of the volcanic sequence and dating of the sequence boundaries were finished firstly,then displacement and displacement rate of faults were calculated.The results show that,sample ages of top of the first member,the seconde member,and the third member are 127 Ma,115 Ma,110.7 Ma,respectively and sample age of the bottom of the third member is 114.7 Ma.The maximum displacement and displacement rate of the fault 1 are 3 km and 300 m/Ma,respectively,and those of the fault 2 are 3 km and 1000 m/Ma.Studies suggest that,the cooling unit of lava rock or pyroclastic rock is a basic genetic stratigraphic unit in volcanic sequence stratigraphy.Cooling units can construct a parasequence reflecting a volcanic eruption stage.A sequence was superimposed by some parasequences,responding to a volcanic active cycle.There are three types of volcanic sequences in Yingcheng Formation: type of explosion,type of effusion and type of mixed explosion-effusion.The surface of the volcanic sequence,an unconformity surface widely spread and traced in seismic profiles,is a base for analysis of volcanic sequence.The development of volcanic sequence was controlled by faulting,and the curves of fault displacement(rate)can reflect this control.The preservation of volcanic sequence was controlled by the type of volcanic structure and the regional subsidence,also different from that of the sedimentary.The type of volcanic structure of Xujiaweizi was a volcanic depression during the forming of Yingcheng Formation,and the breakdowns of volcanoes and structural subsidence were key factors in the volcanic sequences preservation. 展开更多
关键词 volcanic sequence stratigraphy Yingcheng Formation cooling unit structural subsidence
Development of Karst Formation in Area 4 of Tahe Oilfield
作者 周英杰 杜玉山 +3 位作者 张敬轩 曲全工 李竞好 王强 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2003年第2期218-222,共5页
The main oil-bearing formation of Area 4 of Tahe oilfield is in Yingshan Group of Ordovician consisted of thick pure limestone. The types of the pore space contain the pore, fissure, cave as well as fracture formed by... The main oil-bearing formation of Area 4 of Tahe oilfield is in Yingshan Group of Ordovician consisted of thick pure limestone. The types of the pore space contain the pore, fissure, cave as well as fracture formed by solution collapse. The primary porosity and tectonic fracture are of poor growth. Therefore, the formation growth is mainly controlled by hydraulic units of the palaeo-karst. There are three palaeo-hydraulic zones: vadose zone (including infiltration sub-zone and percolation sub-zone), phreatic zone and tranquil zone. They are identified by retrieving the palaeo-geographical karst environment. The pore space of the infiltration zone is mainly solution fissures, small solution cavities and solution pores. The growth and lateral connection of the formation are favorable. The reservoir/formation ratio is 0. 54. The pore space of the phreatic zone developed large size cavities and fractures related to cave collapse. The height of the cavity can reach 71m. The fractures by collapse have a influencing range of more than 100m, and its reservoir/formation ratio is 0. 51. But the lateral connection is unfavorable. The percolation subzone and the tranquil zone are of relatively poor growth with the reservoir/ formation ratio less than 0. 3. 展开更多
关键词 Tahe Oilfield infiltration zone phreatic zone tranquil zone Karst formation formation growth law
The relation between modes of lithologic association and interlayer-gliding structures in coal mine 被引量:6
作者 LE Qi-lang CHEN Ping YANG Wei-min 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第1期47-52,共6页
As a case study of the Panji No.1 Coal Mine in Anhui Province, based on thesite measured and statistical data, summarized the lithologic associations, characteristicsand distribution laws of interlayer-gliding structu... As a case study of the Panji No.1 Coal Mine in Anhui Province, based on thesite measured and statistical data, summarized the lithologic associations, characteristicsand distribution laws of interlayer-gliding structures and tectonic coal in the No.11-2 coalseams.The results show that 9 modes of lithologic association can form interlayer-glidingstructures.It is more easy for rock slip to occur when the lithologic associations are mainroof + coal seam + immediate floor type, compound roof+immediate roof + coal seam +immediate floor type and immediate roof + coal seam + immediate floor type.Lithologicassociations of roof and floor are the precondition to the formation of interlayer-glidingstructures. 展开更多
关键词 coal seam roof and floor modes of lithologic association interlayer-gliding structure Panji No.1 Coal Mine
作者 苑惠明 《水文地质工程地质技术方法动态》 2003年第4期7-7,18,共2页
关键词 圣彼得堡 城市地下空间 地质生态 监测系统 构造岩层 地下水 污染
作者 Jorge L. 耿春雁(译) 《海洋地质》 2007年第3期58-76,共19页
古巴中生界的岩石特征是重建中美洲(墨西哥湾和加勒比海)地区地质历史的关键。古巴有4种不同类型的侏罗系-白垩系沉积剖面,其中3类来自不同的构造岩层带。四类岩性剖面由北至南分别为(1)中生界北美被动大陆边缘的一部分,具有很强... 古巴中生界的岩石特征是重建中美洲(墨西哥湾和加勒比海)地区地质历史的关键。古巴有4种不同类型的侏罗系-白垩系沉积剖面,其中3类来自不同的构造岩层带。四类岩性剖面由北至南分别为(1)中生界北美被动大陆边缘的一部分,具有很强的分带性,特别是古巴中部中白垩统地层;(2)北部蛇绿岩带,也包含上侏罗统-下白垩统巨型混杂岩体;蛇绿岩套的所有组成单元沿古巴北部发生构造混合;(3)火山弧岩层带,主要为自垩纪火山岩,含有年代较早的拉斑玄武岩为主的岩浆(阿普第阶-阿尔比阶)和年代较新的(森诺曼期-坎佩尼期)钙碱性火山碎屑和岩浆,其间有众多沉积岩夹层;阿尔比阶-森诺曼阶沉积物及少量火山岩将两个层序分隔开,有些地区存在上侏罗统-纽康曼阶火山弧的角闪岩基底;(4)南部变质岩层带,主要为在白垩纪经历了多期变质作用的中生界被动大陆边缘岩石。 展开更多
关键词 白垩纪 地质演化史 上侏罗统-下白垩统 古巴 侏罗纪 被动大陆边缘 多期变质作用 构造岩层
作者 张和敬 《少儿科技》 2006年第6期30-30,共1页
关键词 海蚀 风化作用 海水侵蚀 奇观 岩层构造 节理 风景区 姜石 形成原因 岩柱
作者 秦水朝 卢明周 季家强 《河南水利与南水北调》 2001年第6期23-23,共1页
小浪底水利枢纽南岸引水隧洞Ⅱ标段工程,断面为圆形,洞径为4.5,4.7,5.1m3种。该标段岩层构造简单,呈单叙构造,产状倾向SE,倾用5°~8°,主要为T<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub>T<sup>3-1</sup>&l... 小浪底水利枢纽南岸引水隧洞Ⅱ标段工程,断面为圆形,洞径为4.5,4.7,5.1m3种。该标段岩层构造简单,呈单叙构造,产状倾向SE,倾用5°~8°,主要为T<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub>T<sup>3-1</sup><sub>1</sub>地层,由砂岩夹页岩和粘土岩组成。岩石致密坚硬,新鲜完整,力学强度高,围岩稳定性好,围岸类型为Ⅱ类,岩石为Ⅸ级。根据岩石特征,经多次论证与反复实验,最后确定采用超前导洞开挖法。导洞开挖:导洞尺寸为2.5m×2.5m,采用平行直孔掏槽,掏槽孔为五孔梅花状,孔深2.4m;辅助孔深2.3m,间距为0.5~0.9m。炮孔布置见图1.导洞炮孔装药结构见表1. 展开更多
关键词 装药结构 小浪底水利枢纽 导洞开挖 围岩稳定性 引水隧洞 炮孔布置 直孔掏槽 岩层构造 岩石特征 力学强度
Paleogeographic evolution of the Lower Yangtze region and the break of the “platform-slope-basin” pattern during the Late Ordovician 被引量:7
作者 Qing CHEN Junxuan FAN +1 位作者 Linna ZHANG Xu CHEN 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期625-636,共12页
Wide distribution of the black shales and diversification of the graptolite fauna in South China during the Late Ordovician resulted from its unique paleogeographic pattern, which was significantly affected by the pal... Wide distribution of the black shales and diversification of the graptolite fauna in South China during the Late Ordovician resulted from its unique paleogeographic pattern, which was significantly affected by the paleogeographic evolution of the Lower Yangtze region. In the study, 120 Upper Ordovician sections from the Lower Yangtze region were collected, and a unified biostratigraphic framework has been applied to these sections to establish a reliable stratigraphic subdivision and correlation. Under the unified time framework, we delineate the distribution area of each lithostratigraphic unit, outline the boundary between the sea and land, and reconstruct the paleogeographic pattern for each graptolite zone. The result indicates that, with the uplift and expansion of the ‘Jiangnan Oldland' in the beginning of the late Katian, the oldland extended into the Yangtze Sea gradually from south to north, which finally separate the Jiangnan Slope and the Yangtze Platform. Consequently,the longstanding paleogeographic pattern of "platform-slope-basin" in South China was broken. The paleogeographic change led to sedimentary differentiation among the two sides of the ‘Jiangnan Oldland' during the Late Ordovician. This event also led to the closure of the eastern exit of the Upper Yangtze Sea, and formed a semi-closed, limited and stagnant environment for the development of the organic-rich black shales during the Late Ordovician. The major controlling factors of these paleogeographic changes in the Lower Yangtze region were not consistent from the Katian to the Hirnantian. In the late Katian, the sedimentary differentiation between the east and west sides mostly resulted from regional tectonic movement-the Kwangsian Orogeny.However, during the Hirnantian, the whole Yangtze region became shallower, which was mostly influenced by the concentration of the Gondwana ice sheet and the consequent global sea level drop. 展开更多
关键词 Lower Yangtze region Late Ordovician Paleogeography Platform-slope-basin Black shale
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