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利用脆性岩石含量指数预测裂隙型含水层富水区 被引量:11
作者 任智德 吕玉广 郑纲 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期35-38,共4页
裂隙型含水层因其裂隙连通性较差,常规的矿井涌水量预计方法有时不适用。利用脆性岩石含量指数划分强、弱富水区不失为一种新的方法。一定厚度的地层内脆性岩石所占的比例越大,则受力后越容易产生张性裂隙,充水空间较发育,相应地其富水... 裂隙型含水层因其裂隙连通性较差,常规的矿井涌水量预计方法有时不适用。利用脆性岩石含量指数划分强、弱富水区不失为一种新的方法。一定厚度的地层内脆性岩石所占的比例越大,则受力后越容易产生张性裂隙,充水空间较发育,相应地其富水性也越强。本文将脆性岩石厚度占地层总厚度的百分比定义为脆性岩石含量指数,通过脆性岩石含量指数划分砂岩裂隙型含水层富水区。脆性岩石含量指数法不仅能进行富水性定性分区,结合已采区涌水量资料也可尝试进行未开采区涌水量预计,这为矿井防治水工作以及防排水系统的设计提供了一种新的技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 脆性岩石含量指数 富水性分区 煤矿防治水
岩石氯盐含量的测定方法优选及应用 被引量:1
作者 关云梅 孔令明 +3 位作者 李红卫 彭英 杜敏 谭雅倩 《天然气勘探与开发》 2021年第4期86-92,共7页
岩石氯盐含量是研究岩心的重要参数之一,结合含水饱和度参数可以预测地层含水性。测定岩石氯盐含量执行行业标准SY/T 5503-2009《岩石氯盐含量测定方法》推荐的硝酸银滴定法和电量法。研究增加了离子色谱法,并讨论了这3种方法的利弊。... 岩石氯盐含量是研究岩心的重要参数之一,结合含水饱和度参数可以预测地层含水性。测定岩石氯盐含量执行行业标准SY/T 5503-2009《岩石氯盐含量测定方法》推荐的硝酸银滴定法和电量法。研究增加了离子色谱法,并讨论了这3种方法的利弊。研究结果表明:①电量法受外界干扰因素多,测定的数据重现性不好,耗时长,方法不普及;②硝酸银滴定法适用于较清洁水样的测定,适合现场快速检测,但标准溶液配制繁琐,且由于受浸泡液颜色、pH值、过渡金属及其他干扰因素影响,滴定终点判断误差大;③离子色谱法与硝酸银滴定法的比对试验表明,两种方法分析结果均满足行业标准要求;④将离子色谱法作为岩石氯盐含量的测定方法,更为简单快捷,干扰少,且可同时分析出多种阴阳离子含量;⑤综合利用岩石氯盐含量、含水饱和度实验数据,可预测碳酸盐岩地层含水性。岩石中氯盐含量小于300 mg/kg、含水饱和度小于40%时,通常为非水层。 展开更多
关键词 岩石氯盐含量 离子色谱法 电量法 滴定法 地层含水性
浅谈ICP-MS在测试岩石中钨元素含量的应用 被引量:1
作者 尹坤 《当代化工研究》 2016年第10期36-37,共2页
现代科技的进步离不开相关实验设备、生产设备的更新换代,这也就造成了在科技不断发展的现今无论科研机构还是工业企业对于钨这一原材料的需求量越来越大。人们对钨早已经不在陌生,早期的电灯泡中的发光材料就是由钨丝制成的,而在现代... 现代科技的进步离不开相关实验设备、生产设备的更新换代,这也就造成了在科技不断发展的现今无论科研机构还是工业企业对于钨这一原材料的需求量越来越大。人们对钨早已经不在陌生,早期的电灯泡中的发光材料就是由钨丝制成的,而在现代化的科技发展之中,人们也因为钨有着极高熔点的这一物理性质使其在各个领域,尤其是电器、电子机械致之中得到了广泛的应用。为现代化的科研设备、工业机械提供了有力的保障。由此本文就ICP-MS在测试岩石中钨元素含量的具体方式进行了分析研究。 展开更多
关键词 ICP-MS 测试岩石中钨元素含量
中国西北地区北部蚀源区铀含量特征及其地质、成矿意义 被引量:16
作者 王文青 刘池洋 +2 位作者 王建强 马奂奂 管彧照 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期292-303,共12页
中国西北地区北部主要盆地蚀源区包括银额盆地周缘、北山盆地群周缘、三塘湖盆地周缘、准噶尔盆地周缘,主体位于中亚构造域中西部南缘(部)或与之毗邻区。通过对研究区1 416件中性、酸性及碱性岩浆岩样品的年龄和铀含量数据进行分区统计... 中国西北地区北部主要盆地蚀源区包括银额盆地周缘、北山盆地群周缘、三塘湖盆地周缘、准噶尔盆地周缘,主体位于中亚构造域中西部南缘(部)或与之毗邻区。通过对研究区1 416件中性、酸性及碱性岩浆岩样品的年龄和铀含量数据进行分区统计处理,计算其在地史上的铀迁移量和古铀含量,结果显示,研究区岩浆活动主要发生在早石炭世—早三叠世(349~248 Ma),其次在中奥陶世—早泥盆世(470~396 Ma)。这分别与古亚洲洋开始俯冲消减(O_2-S_1)和最终关闭、中亚—蒙古碰撞褶皱带形成(C—T_1)的大地构造演化阶段及重大事件相对应。各区富铀岩石主要形成于早石炭世—早三叠世(334~250 Ma),其与晚古生代岩浆活动具有时间上的一致性。在地域上,两者有从西向东时代变新的趋势。这亦与古亚洲洋关闭、中亚构造域形成西早东晚的演化特征相一致。各蚀源区岩石的铀含量不尽相同,综合对比和评价表明:北山柳园区、准噶尔盆地东北缘阿勒泰—蕴都地区和东南部清河地区岩石铀含量与宗乃山区铀含量相当或更富;准噶尔盆地东北缘卡拉麦里区岩石铀含量偏富;银额盆地南缘雅布赖山、巴彦诺日公及庆格勒地区及其北部的沙拉扎山区,北山盐滩及马鬃山区,三塘湖盆地周缘,以及准噶尔盆地东北缘的阿勒泰西北区和西缘的北部区铀含量中等;其他地区铀含量相对较贫。研究区现今富铀蚀源区的大部地区,在晚三叠世开始隆升,此后进一步发展,为邻近中新生代盆地提供了丰富的沉积物和铀物质,成为相邻中新生代陆相盆地砂岩型、煤岩型及泥岩型铀矿床的主要成矿物质来源;盆内深部烃源岩层富含铀元素,可降低烃源岩的生烃门限温度并增加烃源岩生烃总量,具有重要的地质、成矿意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国西北地区北部蚀源区 岩石今古铀含量 沉积盆地 砂岩型铀矿 烃源岩生烃 有机-无机作用
江西主要产热岩体岩石放射性生热率特征初探 被引量:1
作者 黄起伟 刘金辉 +1 位作者 刘峰 何挺 《矿产与地质》 2021年第5期918-922,共5页
岩石放射性生热率评价是地热资源形成的重要指标。为了解地壳物质对大地热流的热贡献、解释地温场分布特征,文章对采集的地热钻孔岩心样品的U、Th、K含量进行了分析测试,计算得到了岩石放射性生热率。计算结果表明:不同岩性之间放射性... 岩石放射性生热率评价是地热资源形成的重要指标。为了解地壳物质对大地热流的热贡献、解释地温场分布特征,文章对采集的地热钻孔岩心样品的U、Th、K含量进行了分析测试,计算得到了岩石放射性生热率。计算结果表明:不同岩性之间放射性生热率相差较大,花岗岩、变质岩、沉积岩与凝灰岩平均值分别为3.24μW/m^(3),0.75μW/m^(3),1.49μW/m^(3)和3.06μW/m^(3),且放射性生热率值从赣南至赣北呈减小趋势,赣南地区平均值为3.08μW/m^(3),赣北南部地区为2.32μW/m^(3),赣北北部地区为1.86μW/m^(3)。这些数据可为今后江西干热岩资源开发靶区选择提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 放射性生热率 岩石U、Th、K含量 产热岩体 江西
砂砾岩扩展时间平均方程及应用——以东营凹陷北部陡坡带为例 被引量:1
作者 董立生 罗红梅 +1 位作者 王长江 周伟 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期55-60,共6页
在陆相断陷盆地陡坡带砂砾岩中,广泛沉积的粒径不等的砾石是影响其速度变化特征的关键因素,基于均匀介质建立的岩石物理模型具有明显的不适用性。为准确计算砂砾岩的纵横波速度并分析其影响因素,通过对东营凹陷北部陡坡带10口取心井100... 在陆相断陷盆地陡坡带砂砾岩中,广泛沉积的粒径不等的砾石是影响其速度变化特征的关键因素,基于均匀介质建立的岩石物理模型具有明显的不适用性。为准确计算砂砾岩的纵横波速度并分析其影响因素,通过对东营凹陷北部陡坡带10口取心井100余块超声波岩心样品的选取、测定及实验数据分析,构建包含多岩石组分参数的砂砾岩扩展时间平均方程。利用岩心砾石图像扫描技术确定砾石含量,通过岩石薄片鉴定得到砂级碎屑颗粒、杂基、胶结物以及孔隙流体等岩石组分含量,借助岩心样品的实验室超声波测试得到不同岩石组分的纵横波速度,并代入已构建的扩展时间平均方程得到砂砾岩的纵横波速度。模型检验与实际应用结果表明,利用扩展时间平均方程计算的砂砾岩纵横波速度比Wyllie时间平均方程计算结果的精度提高10%以上,也表明在砂砾岩发育的地层,利用扩展时间平均方程计算的纵横波速度比基于均匀介质建立的岩石物理模型更加准确合理。 展开更多
关键词 砂砾岩 岩石组分砾石含量 扩展时间平均方程 岩石物理测试
作者 纪文 《大自然探索》 2004年第8期78-78,共1页
关键词 “卡西尼号”探测器 岩石含量 月神星 来历 卫星 土星
基于深度卷积神经网络的岩石矿物组分含量测井评价方法研究 被引量:3
作者 王玥天 毛志强 +3 位作者 胡琮 李高仁 何伟 马凤情 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期748-758,共11页
岩石矿物组分含量是地球物理勘探开发中的重点关注对象.在岩心与地层元素测井资料较少的情况下,如何提高矿物组分含量参数的预测精度显得尤为关键.本文采用深度学习方法,利用常规测井曲线对来自于地层元素测井获得的矿物组分含量进行预... 岩石矿物组分含量是地球物理勘探开发中的重点关注对象.在岩心与地层元素测井资料较少的情况下,如何提高矿物组分含量参数的预测精度显得尤为关键.本文采用深度学习方法,利用常规测井曲线对来自于地层元素测井获得的矿物组分含量进行预测.首先基于残差网络(ResNet)框架,利用一维卷积核和池化核构建了卷积神经网络模型.模型采用自然伽马、自然电位、井径、阵列感应电阻率、三孔隙度以及光电吸收截面指数测井参数作为输入,地层元素测井获得的矿物组分含量作为输出.随后对所搭建卷积神经网络进行了训练,建立了输入与输出之间的实际映射关系.最后,利用测试数据集和真实地层资料,对所建立的卷积神经网络进行了精度检验,并与人工神经网络和多元线性回归的评价结果进行了比较.结果显示,卷积神经网络在测试数据集上的总体预测数值相关性为0.90,明显优于人工神经网络的0.68与多元线性回归的0.51.通过处理实际测井资料,进一步验证了该方法的预测优越性和鲁棒性,以及其在地层参数评价方向的良好应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 测井评价 岩石矿物组分含量 卷积神经网络
作者 何忧 荣辉 +3 位作者 彭浩 黄琨 马青青 万军伟 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第6期8-14,共7页
铀源条件是砂岩型铀矿形成的物质基础和主控因素之一,岩石中铀含量和铀析出能力是衡量铀源条件的关键指标。为评价伊犁盆地蚀源区的铀源条件,根据野外地质调查结果,系统采集了伊犁盆地蚀源区不同类型岩石样品和地表水样品,测定了岩石样... 铀源条件是砂岩型铀矿形成的物质基础和主控因素之一,岩石中铀含量和铀析出能力是衡量铀源条件的关键指标。为评价伊犁盆地蚀源区的铀源条件,根据野外地质调查结果,系统采集了伊犁盆地蚀源区不同类型岩石样品和地表水样品,测定了岩石样和水样中铀的含量,分析了不同岩石中铀的含量和铀的析出能力。结果表明:伊犁盆地蚀源区与赛里木湖流域补给区的地层条件基本一致,赛里木湖水的铀异常显示伊犁盆地具有较丰富的铀源条件;伊犁盆地蚀源区内广泛分布的石炭-二叠系花岗岩的含铀性最好且铀的析出能力强,是研究区内最重要的铀源,火山碎屑岩中含铀量中等但铀的析出能力很强,也是区内重要的铀源,沉积岩中含铀量低,且铀的析出能力较弱,铀源条件较差。 展开更多
关键词 铀源条件 地表水化学特征 岩石中铀含量 铀析出能力 伊犁盆地蚀源区
Study of electromagnetic and acoustic emission in creep experiments of water-containing rock samples 被引量:7
作者 JING Hong-wen ZHANG Zhong-yu XU Guo-an 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第1期42-45,共4页
Based on biaxial shear creep tests conducted on rock samples with different water contents, we present the results of our study on the regularities of electromagnetic and acoustic emission during the process of creep ... Based on biaxial shear creep tests conducted on rock samples with different water contents, we present the results of our study on the regularities of electromagnetic and acoustic emission during the process of creep experiments in which we have analyzed the contribution of water to the occurrence of electromagnetic radiation. The result shows that in the creep-fracturing course of rock samples, when the water content increases, the initial frequency and amplitude of electromagnetic and acoustic emission also increases, but at a decreasing growth rate caused by loading stress. This can be used as a criterion for the long-term stability of rock masses under conditions of repeated inundation and discharge of water. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic emission (EME) acoustic emission (AE) biaxial shear creep tests water content
Rare earth element geochemistry of groundwater from a deep seated sandstone aquifer,northern Anhui province,China 被引量:2
作者 Gui Herong Sun Linhua +1 位作者 Chen Luwang Chen Song 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第4期477-482,共6页
Deep coal mines in northern Anhui province, China, provide opportunities for tracing the distribution and fractionation of rare earth elements CREEs) in deep seated environments. Major ions, as well as REE concentrat... Deep coal mines in northern Anhui province, China, provide opportunities for tracing the distribution and fractionation of rare earth elements CREEs) in deep seated environments. Major ions, as well as REE concentrations were measured in groundwater from a sandstone aquifer located between -400 and -280 m. Our results indicate that this groundwater consists of CI.HCOH-Na or CI.CO3-Na water types with warm temperature (30.1-31.4~C), circumneutral pH (7.27-8.61) and high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS ~ 1306--2165 mg/L). Concentrations of REEs in groundwater are high as expressed by their Nd con- centrations (0.0086-0.018μg/L). Except for weak heavy REEs (HREE) enrichment relative to light REEs (LREE), the similarity of REE distribution patterns between groundwater and aquifer rock indicate that enrichment of REEs is considered to be controlled by aquifer rock, as well as by their minerals, whereas the fractionation of REEs is controlled by HREE enriched minerals and, to a lesser extent, by inorganic REE complexes. Ce anomalies normalized to Post Archean Average Shale (PAAS) and aquifer rock are weak, which probably reflect the contribution of reduced conditions in combination with pH, rather than a sig- nature of aouifer rock. 展开更多
关键词 Rare earth elements Water-rock interaction Sandstone aquifer Groundwater
A New Occurrence of (Gold-Bearing) Graphite in the Assosa Region, BenishanguI-Gumuz State, W Ethiopia
作者 Liam A. Bullock Owen J. Morgan 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第7期417-435,共19页
The Assosa region of western Ethiopia hosts newly discovered and potentially highly economic graphite-bearing schist units. Due to its unique physical and chemical properties, graphite is quickly becoming an increasin... The Assosa region of western Ethiopia hosts newly discovered and potentially highly economic graphite-bearing schist units. Due to its unique physical and chemical properties, graphite is quickly becoming an increasingly important economic resource. Graphite occurs over much of the area, and is hosted predominantly by quartz-graphitic schist, quartz-feldspar-mica schist and quartzite. The quartz-graphitic schist covers an area of 37 km2, forming steep valleys and ridges across a 190 km long belt. Graphite is texturally-variable within and across units. Crystal habit varies from highly crystalline to irregular flakes. Flake sizes range from amorphous and crystalline small flake to coarse large flake (〉 150 p.m), with beneficiation of- 70% and yield potential of 〉 95% (froth flotation methods). The license area is already a well-known gold-hosting area, and potentially economic gold deposits occur within the graphite-bearing units. Overall, the site shows excellent geochemical indicators, field observations and historical accounts of high gold content. It is suggested that textural variations may be the product of (1) early in-situ formation during (early- to late-Proterozoic) prograde metamorphism and (2) later vein-type mineralization during retrograde metamorphism. The discovery of graphite in western Ethiopia is the first documented and preliminary studies suggest a high economic potential for the deposits. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHITE GOLD METAMORPHISM X-ray fluorescence X-ray diffraction.
作者 邵毅 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2016年第12期11-11,共1页
X射线元素分析技术是通过测定岩石元素含量信息,结合不同地质条件下不同岩性元素分布富集规律,进行岩性、层位辅助判识,潜山界面卡取及泥页岩储层脆性评价等内容的新录井技术。具有分析速度快、信息丰富、准确度高、无损分析、用量省等... X射线元素分析技术是通过测定岩石元素含量信息,结合不同地质条件下不同岩性元素分布富集规律,进行岩性、层位辅助判识,潜山界面卡取及泥页岩储层脆性评价等内容的新录井技术。具有分析速度快、信息丰富、准确度高、无损分析、用量省等特点。为系统地获取地层元素变化信息,提高了岩性识别的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 X射线元素分析 岩石元素含量 层位辅助判识 潜山界面卡取
Acoustic-electrical properties and rock physics models for shale-oil formations:prediction of reservoir properties of interbedded sandstone and shale layers
作者 Pang Meng-Qiang Ba Jing +2 位作者 Wu Chun-Fang Carcione José Maria Müller Tobias 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第4期485-502,603,共19页
In recent years,the Yanchang shale-oil formations of the Ordos Basin are rich in reserves with complex lithology and structure characteristics,low porosity and low permeability,and weak anomalies for oil and water dis... In recent years,the Yanchang shale-oil formations of the Ordos Basin are rich in reserves with complex lithology and structure characteristics,low porosity and low permeability,and weak anomalies for oil and water discriminations,have been the key targets of unconventional oil/gas resource exploration and development in the relevant areas.The joint acoustic-electrical(AE)properties can be used to interpret reservoir lithology,mineralogy,pore structure,and fluid saturation.To conduct tests of thin section analysis,X-ray diff raction,and ultrasonic and electrical experiments at diff erent pressures and saturation degrees,cores from the shale-oil formations in the Q area of the basin are collected.The variations in AE properties with respect to clay content,porosity,pressure(microfracture),and saturation are analyzed.The experimental results indicate that the rock physics behaviors of sandstones with diff erent clay contents vary significantly.The AE properties of clean sandstones are basically dependent on the microfractures(pressure),while for muddy sandstones,the clay content is an important factor affecting the responses.The target reservoir consists of interbedded sandstone and shale layers.The AE equivalent medium equations and the Gurevich theory are applied to establish the joint models for the diff erent lithologies and simulate the variations in AE properties with respect to fluid type,pore structure,and mineral components.The three-dimensional joint templates of clean and muddy sandstones,as well as shale,are developed based on the elastic and electrical attributes and then calibrated using the experimental and well-log data.The reservoir properties are estimated with the templates and validated by the log data.The results indicate that the joint templates based on lithology characteristics can eff ectively characterize the properties of interbedded sandstone and shale layers.Furthermore,the combined application of AE data provides more beneficial information for the assessment of rock properties,leading to precise estimates that conform with the actual formation conditions. 展开更多
关键词 shale-oil formations acoustic-electrical(AE)properties interbedded layers clay content pore structure rock physics model
Polyphenols Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol Extracts from the Aerial Part of Rock Rose (Hefianthemum nummularium) Species
作者 Lucia Pirvu Ioana Nicu 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第1期61-67,共7页
This study aimed to evaluate polyphenols content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanol extract from rock rose (Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill.). Plant material has been harvested in July from Ro... This study aimed to evaluate polyphenols content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanol extract from rock rose (Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill.). Plant material has been harvested in July from Romanian Carpathian Mountains. The ethanolic extract (70%, v/v) was prepared from the aerial part of rock rose species. High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis of ethanol extract and subsequently hydrolysed sample indicated that quercetin glycosides were the major polyphenolic compounds, and kaempferol derivates, chlorogenic and gallic phenylcarboxylic acids are also being present in the polar extracts. Chemiluminescence assay in luminol/H:O2 system indicated very high antioxidant activity of the ethanolic type of extract (ICs0 = 1.27 ~tg/mL), while microbiological studies (cylinder method in plates) indicated certain antimicrobial activity (measuring from 12.5 mm to 21.5 mm of the diameter of the inhibition zone) of the propylene glycol (20%, v/v) standardized extract (5 mg gallic acid equivalents/mL sample) against several standard bacterial strains, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 and Salmonella enterritidis ATCC 13076, respectively. Therefore, based on the augmented antioxidant effect of the rock rose polar extracts, there can be found numerous applications in the pharmaceutical industry, but also in non-pharmaceutical fields, for example in cosmetic and hygiene products areas, due to certain antimicrobial properties. 展开更多
关键词 Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. polyphenols content antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.
Water-enhanced plastic deformation in felsic rocks 被引量:7
作者 HAN Liang ZHOU YongSheng HE ChangRong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期203-216,共14页
Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),we measured water contents in quartz and feldspar for four kinds of felsic rocks,i.e.,undeformed granite,banded granitic gneiss,fine-grained felsic mylonite,and fine... Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),we measured water contents in quartz and feldspar for four kinds of felsic rocks,i.e.,undeformed granite,banded granitic gneiss,fine-grained felsic mylonite,and fine-grained quartz-mica schist,collected from Pengguan Complex and Kangding Complex in the Longmenshan tectonic zone,Sichuan,China.The absorbance spectra suggest that water in coarse-grained quartz and feldspar of undeformed granite and banded granitic gneiss occurs mainly as hydroxyl in crystal defects,and water in most of fine-grained quartz and feldspar of felsic mylonite is molecular water in inclusions and liquid-type water in grain boundaries,but in some cases it still occurs as hydroxyl in crystal defects.Water content of quartz in undeformed granite is 0.001 wt%-0.009 wt %,and that of feldspar 0.005 wt%-0.02 wt%.The banded granitic gneiss shows water contents of 0.002 wt%-0.011 wt% in quartz and 0.012 wt%-0.036 wt% in feldspar.Quartz ribbon and feldspar ribbon in fine-grained felsic mylonite show that their water contents are similar to those of coarse-grained quartz and feldspar in granite,0.002 wt%-0.011 wt%,and 0.004 wt%-0.02 wt%,respectively.Water contents of fine-grained quartz and feldspar are respectively 0.004 wt%-0.02 wt% and 0.012 wt%-0.06 wt%.Water content of quartz in fine-grained quartz-mica schist is 0.007 wt%-0.15 wt%.Water-bearing minerals display much higher water contents than those of nominally anhydrous minerals,and the percentage of water-bearing minerals in felsic rocks increases with the strain of rocks.These new data indicate that hydroxyl in crystal defects has basically not been released during the shear deformation,and on the contrary,the increase in molecular water in inclusions and liquid-type water in grain boundaries as well as water-bearing minerals after shear deformation leads to a significant increase of the water content in deformed rocks.Based on data of creep tests,it is inferred here that the fine-grained mylonites with more water have much lower strength than that of the weakly deformed coarse-grained rocks in the middle crust,and this indicates that trace amount of water significantly helped develop the ductile shear zone. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier transform infrared spectrum hydroxyl in crystal defects inclusions water grain boundaries water creep strength ductile shear zone
An experimental investigation on acoustic emission characteristics of sandstone rockburst with different moisture contents 被引量:9
作者 SUN XiaoMing XU HuiChen +2 位作者 ZHENG LianGe HE ManChao GONG WeiLi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期1549-1558,共10页
Rockburst occurred frequently during deep mining in China. The mechanism of rockburst is very complicated and related to many factors. In order to investigate the influence of moisture contents of rockmass on rockburs... Rockburst occurred frequently during deep mining in China. The mechanism of rockburst is very complicated and related to many factors. In order to investigate the influence of moisture contents of rockmass on rockburst, we conducted a series of laboratory rockburst experiments of sandstone under three different moisture contents by the Modified True-Triaxial Apparatus (MTTA),in which the acoustic emission (AE) system was employed to monitor the internal damage of rock mass. A high-speed video camera was utilized to record the detail of rockburst. Based on the experimental results, the AE characteristics, such as AE count,AE energy, and AE frequency, were analyzed. The rockburst process, type, and indensity under different moisture contents were discussed. The research results show that with the increase of moisture contents, rock strength was soften, the elastic and the cumulative damage of the rock were reduced, resulting in a gradual decrease in AE cumulative counts and cumulative energy over the course of rockburst. This study provides an experimental basis and reference for better understanding to the rockburst mechanism and control. 展开更多
关键词 SANDSTONE ROCKBURST moisture contents acoustic emission mechanical characteristics
Structure of weathered clastic crust and its petroleum potential 被引量:7
作者 ZOU CaiNeng HOU LianHua +4 位作者 YANG Fan YANG Chun TAO ShiZhen YUAN XuanJun ZHU RuKai 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期3015-3026,共12页
Weathered clastic crust can be subdivided into weathered clay and leached zone in terms of variable weathering of different minerals and mobility of weathered products.On the basis of clastic outcrops and well cores i... Weathered clastic crust can be subdivided into weathered clay and leached zone in terms of variable weathering of different minerals and mobility of weathered products.On the basis of clastic outcrops and well cores in the Junggar Basin,the dark red Fe-rich weathered clay is formed in an arid environment,whereas the light blue Al-rich weathered clay under humid conditions.According to the geochemical analysis,a new weathering index for weathered clastic crust is built mainly on Fe and Al contents,accurately indicating the weathered clay,sandy leached zone,and muddy leached zone in the Junggar Basin.The breaking pressure of weathered clay is rather large,the same as that of normal muddy cap,effectively to seal oil or gas.The porosity of underlying leached zone is greatly enhanced by weathering and leaching,but its permeability is a function of clay mineral content,i.e.,the higher the clay content,the worse the permeability.Weathered crust provides effective sealing conditions for both top and bottom layers of a petroleum reservoir,and is important in the clastic hydrocarbon exploration. 展开更多
关键词 structure of weathered crust weathering index Junggar Basin reservoir properties hydrocarbon exploration
Destruction of the North China Craton 被引量:184
作者 ZHU RiXiang XU YiGang +3 位作者 ZHU Guang ZHANG HongFu XIA QunKe ZHENG TianYu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期1565-1587,共23页
A National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) major research project, Destruction of the North China Craton (NCC), has been carried out in the past few years by Chinese scientists through an in-depth and systemati... A National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) major research project, Destruction of the North China Craton (NCC), has been carried out in the past few years by Chinese scientists through an in-depth and systematic observations, experiments and theoretical analyses, with an emphasis on the spatio-temporal distribution of the NCC destruction, the structure of deep earth and shallow geological records of the craton evolution, the mechanism and dynamics of the craton destruction. From this work the foUowing conclusions can be drawn: (1) Significant spatial heterogeneity exists in the NCC lithospheric thickness and crustal structure, which constrains the scope of the NCC destruction. (2) The nature of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic sub-continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) underneath the NCC is characterized in detail. In terms of water content, the late Mesozoic CLM was rich in water, but Cenozoic CLM was highly water deficient. (3) The correlation between magmatism and surface geological response confirms that the geological and tectonic evolution is governed by cratonic destruction processes. (4) Pacific subduction is the main dynamic factor that triggered the destruction of the NCC, which highlights the role of cratonic destruction in plate tectonics. 展开更多
关键词 NSFC major research project research progress craton destruction North China Craton
Water in peridotite xenoliths from South China 被引量:3
作者 WANG Rong 1,2,3 & ZHANG BaoMin 3 1 Faculty of Land Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China 2 State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 3 Faculty of Earth Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期1511-1522,共12页
The water contents of nominally anhydrous clinopyroxene (cpx), orthopyroxene (opx) and olivine (ol) in peridotite xenoliths hosted by Cenozoic basalts from Yingfengling, Zhangchouchun, Fujitian and Lindi, South ... The water contents of nominally anhydrous clinopyroxene (cpx), orthopyroxene (opx) and olivine (ol) in peridotite xenoliths hosted by Cenozoic basalts from Yingfengling, Zhangchouchun, Fujitian and Lindi, South China, were measured by Micro- FTIR. All cpx and opx grains contained a certain amount of water, which was indicated by the presence of hydroxyls in the crystal structure. The water contents (H20, ppm) of cpx and opx from peridotite xenoliths of the study areas were 293-981, 183-752, 73-586 and 51-423 ppm, and 82-471, 74-571, 53-170 and 9-135 ppm, respectively. No prominent OH absorption bands were detected for any ol grains, indicating that the water contents were below the detection limit (approximately 2 ppm). The entire rock contents recalculated according to mineral volume proportions were 49-163, 48-168, 21-111 and 8-40 ppm, respectively. Combined with previously reported data describing the water contents of peridotite xenoliths worldwide, the results presented here suggest that water distribution in the continental lithospheric mantle is spatially heterogeneous at a global scale. The lithospheric mantle of South China is much richer in water than that of the North China Craton, and is close to that typical of off-craton localities, such as the Basin and Range Province, and Massif Central. 展开更多
关键词 FTIR WATER peridotite xenoliths South China
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