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用于高分辨率土壤、岩石地层填图的探地雷达技术 被引量:2
作者 J.L.Davis 欧秀华 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 1990年第4期87-102,共16页
探地雷达是探测浅部土壤和岩石条件的一种新技术.为进行地球化学采样、土工技术研究和砂矿勘探以及对地下水流控制因素的了解等,需要更好地搞清表土层的条件,这就日益要求有分辨率更高的、描绘地表的新技术. 探地雷达技术的应用范围较广... 探地雷达是探测浅部土壤和岩石条件的一种新技术.为进行地球化学采样、土工技术研究和砂矿勘探以及对地下水流控制因素的了解等,需要更好地搞清表土层的条件,这就日益要求有分辨率更高的、描绘地表的新技术. 探地雷达技术的应用范围较广.它已成功地用来绘制湖中冰厚和水深、基岩深度、土壤层和地下水位.它还用于描绘岩石结构,测定空隙和鉴定岩溶特征.应用高分辨率雷达有效确定基岩土壤层和断裂带令人嘱目. 通过文中选出的典型实列,对野外获得高质量雷达数据的基本原理和实际工作做了说明,其中一例说明了如何应用雷达来绘制深度大于20 m的基岩和土层;有两个典型实例说明了用雷达对矿体向外40 m的范围内如何绘制断裂和岩性的变化;另—个典型实例还说明了如何应用雷达来探测和绘制地下水的污染程度;通过钻孔研究对雷达结果进行验证,说明了高分辨率雷达作为常规钻探岩心获取内插和外推资料的一种辅助手段所具备的功能与实用价值性.随着新仪器和野外新方法的出现,雷达的常规应用正变得经济实用,人们将看到这种方法会得到更广泛的使用. 展开更多
关键词 探地雷达技术 高分辨率 雷达信号 土工技术 岩石地层 基岩深度 岩石条件 地下水流 填图 岩石结构
作者 李秀勤 《技术与市场》 2011年第7期505-505,共1页
分析了矿山泥石流发生的三大条件——物质来源、地形地貌条件和水动力条件。矿山泥石流物质来源主要是矿山松散堆积矿渣,其具有较一般泥石流更易起动的特性,是影响矿山泥石流潜势度的主要因素。矿山开采和运输以及人类活动对地形地貌的... 分析了矿山泥石流发生的三大条件——物质来源、地形地貌条件和水动力条件。矿山泥石流物质来源主要是矿山松散堆积矿渣,其具有较一般泥石流更易起动的特性,是影响矿山泥石流潜势度的主要因素。矿山开采和运输以及人类活动对地形地貌的破坏,也是矿山泥石流与一般泥石流形成条件的不同之处。 展开更多
关键词 矿山泥石流 物质来源 地质条件岩石性质 地形地貌条件
复杂环境下地铁车站基坑爆破振动效应的试验研究 被引量:17
作者 祝文化 宋成梓 +1 位作者 陈卫雄 明锋 《爆破》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期99-101,107,共4页
复杂环境下的城市基坑控制爆破,爆破振动安全要求高,施工风险大。针对深圳地铁2号线新秀站基坑爆破施工进行了爆破振动效应试验,通过基坑不同部位的爆破试验获得了不同地质条件下的爆破振动衰减规律经验公式,结果显示场地岩石地质条件... 复杂环境下的城市基坑控制爆破,爆破振动安全要求高,施工风险大。针对深圳地铁2号线新秀站基坑爆破施工进行了爆破振动效应试验,通过基坑不同部位的爆破试验获得了不同地质条件下的爆破振动衰减规律经验公式,结果显示场地岩石地质条件的差异对试验结果有一定影响,在场地岩石条件变化较大的施工环境应加以重视。试验成果经实际施工监测验证是适用的,根据该公式可计算针对不同建(构)筑物和其它保护对象安全振速要求的最大一次起爆药量,确定爆破规模,为后期爆破设计及施工提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 安全振速 地铁车站 岩石条件
作者 马士杰 邱宪福 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 1981年第12期42-43,66,共3页
关键词 钻装机 斜巷 老虎台矿 耙斗 装岩机 行走部 锚喷 岩石条件 主要技术特征 主绳
作者 布占岭 《国外核新闻》 北大核心 1992年第4期29-30,共2页
关键词 处置库 核废物 高放废物 加拿大元 乏燃料 放射性核素迁移 放射性废物管理 地质科学 天然铀 岩石条件
作者 郭孝先 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 1980年第7期60-61,64,共3页
关键词 液压凿岩机 旋转式凿岩机 油马达 旋转钻机 锚杆孔 锚杆机 冲击频率 钻车 油缸 岩石条件
《中国水泥》 CAS 2017年第9期60-61,共2页
在印度尼西亚西爪哇省南部距离首都雅加达123km,有一个叫做苏加武眉的地方,对一般人来讲,这儿并没有什么特别,但对于搞矿山的人来讲,应当要记住这个地方,因为2012年泰国暹罗水泥集团[Siam Cement Group(简写SCG)]在此地投资建设一家... 在印度尼西亚西爪哇省南部距离首都雅加达123km,有一个叫做苏加武眉的地方,对一般人来讲,这儿并没有什么特别,但对于搞矿山的人来讲,应当要记住这个地方,因为2012年泰国暹罗水泥集团[Siam Cement Group(简写SCG)]在此地投资建设一家水泥厂,规模为5000t/d,年需石灰石矿石约180万吨,而矿石的开采完全采用了露天采矿机,进行非爆破式的半开放露天采矿。 展开更多
关键词 露天采矿机 苏加武眉 水泥集团 矿山设备 考察报告 中国水泥协会 创克 石灰石矿 皮带输送 岩石条件
作者 王坚 吴子振 《采矿技术》 1991年第16期9-10,共2页
关键词 凿岩台车 鲁克 塔姆 工程师们 功率比 钎杆 凿岩设备 岩石条件 液压阀 控制系统
作者 李允建 吴子振 《采矿技术》 1991年第7期8-9,共2页
关键词 公路隧道 安山岩 交通条件 隧道口 双车道公路 炮孔深度 出碴 旅行时间 岩石条件 掏槽孔
作者 李红伟 《中国科技财富》 2009年第1X期38-40,共3页
在金沙江向家坝水电站左岸高程300米以上边坡工程施工中,结合开挖施工进行了爆破试验及震动监测。通过试验初步提出了预裂爆破和深孔剃段爆破的钻爆参数;研究了不同地形、岩石条件下的震动速度的衰减规律及影响范围;对重点监测部位实施... 在金沙江向家坝水电站左岸高程300米以上边坡工程施工中,结合开挖施工进行了爆破试验及震动监测。通过试验初步提出了预裂爆破和深孔剃段爆破的钻爆参数;研究了不同地形、岩石条件下的震动速度的衰减规律及影响范围;对重点监测部位实施震动速度的监测,为开挖施工提供了技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 爆破试验 向家坝水电站 预裂爆破 边坡工程 梯段爆破 岩石条件 爆破地震 质点震动速度 钻爆 单位耗药量
Mantle plume activity and melting conditions: Evidence from olivines in picritic-komatiitic rocks from the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, southwestern China 被引量:10
作者 Zhaochong Zhang Jingwen Mao +2 位作者 Fusheng Wang Yanli Hao John J. Mahoney 《Episodes》 SCIE 2005年第3期171-176,共6页
Olivine phenocryst compositions and whole-rock chemical compositions are used to identify primitive picrite basalts from the early part of flood basalt successions in the western part of the Emeishan large igneous pro... Olivine phenocryst compositions and whole-rock chemical compositions are used to identify primitive picrite basalts from the early part of flood basalt successions in the western part of the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP), southwestern China. The Fo contents of olivine phenocrysts of komatiites with MgO-21.79 wt% range from 85.2% to 91.4%. The composition of unerupted parental melts is calculated from the compositions of the most Fo-rich olivine phenocrysts. These melts had -22 wt% MgO, and originated in mantle with a potential temperature of -1600℃ and at about 4.2 GPa pressure, supporting the conclusion that the generation of ELIP can be attributed to melting of a plume head beginning at -138 km depth. 展开更多
Underground mining of thick coal seams 被引量:8
作者 Kumar Rakesh Singh Arun Kumar +1 位作者 Mishra Arvind Kumar Singh Rajendra 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第6期885-896,共12页
This paper reviews underground mining methods for total thickness of a thick coal seam in single lift (TI'rCSSL). Review shows the required engineering for extraction of thick seams needs to be fitted with thicknes... This paper reviews underground mining methods for total thickness of a thick coal seam in single lift (TI'rCSSL). Review shows the required engineering for extraction of thick seams needs to be fitted with thickness of the seam, behavior of rock-mass and surrounding stress conditions for efficient mining. Variants of TI'rCSSL are able to extract a maximum 10-12 m thickness only. An improvement in bending moment of the overlying coal band in longwall top coal caving (LTCC) provides better under-winning opportunity for the roof coal band. An acceptable limit of 25 MPa compressive strength of coal for the success of LTCC may be increased under favorable geo-technical conditions. Bord and pillar in India adopted induced caving of roof coal band for single lift depillaring of total thickness (SLDTr) of a compe- tent thick coal seam developed along floor. Case studies are given to arrest the adverse effects of extrac- tion height on pillars. 展开更多
关键词 Thick coal seamSingle lift depillaring of total thicknessCSmIT)Extraction heightPillar instabilityCaving of coal
Research on characters of surrounding rock in complex geology conditions and supporting time 被引量:9
作者 Yu Weijian Gao Qian +1 位作者 Zhai Shuhua Zhang Meihua 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第2期91-96,共6页
The methods combined by test, field monitoring and theoretical analysis were adopted to do the systemic research on the rock mass from micro-structure to macro-deformation, and rheological model of Jinchuan rock mass ... The methods combined by test, field monitoring and theoretical analysis were adopted to do the systemic research on the rock mass from micro-structure to macro-deformation, and rheological model of Jinchuan rock mass was established to discuss the reasonable supporting time. Resuhs show that supporting after suitable stress and displacement release can benefit for the long-term stability of surrounding rock. 展开更多
关键词 complex geological conditions surrounding rock characteristic test supporting time theological characteristic
Instability characteristics of the cracked roof rock beam under shallow mining conditions 被引量:2
作者 Zhao Yanhai Wang Shuren +2 位作者 Zou Zhengsheng Ge Linlin Cui Fang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期437-444,共8页
To establish the movement relationship for the roof breaking under shallow mining conditions, the mechanical model of the roof rock beam was built, then the structure instability process of the roof rock beam was anal... To establish the movement relationship for the roof breaking under shallow mining conditions, the mechanical model of the roof rock beam was built, then the structure instability process of the roof rock beam was analyzed. The changing criterion of the vertical displacement was established and the relationship between the deflection and the rotary motion of roof block was determined. Regarding a mining face in Shangwan Mine, the responsing laws of the deflection and horizontal thrust of the roof rock beam were obtained through FLAC3D numerical analysis. The results show that the structure instability of the cracked roof rock beam depends on the interaction between the vertical load and the horizontal thrust.For the roof rock beam, when the vertical load keeps constant, the horizontal thrust fluctuating rises with increasing deflection. The horizontal thrust increases constantly with the deeper buried depth and the smaller span. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow mining Working face Roof rock beam Structure stability Horizontal thrust
Potential of acoustic emissions from three point bending tests as rock failure precursors 被引量:8
作者 Agioutantis Z. Kaklis K. +3 位作者 Mavrigiannakis S. Verigakis M. Vallianatos F. Saltas V. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期155-160,共6页
Development of failure in brittle materials is associated with microcracks,which release energy in the form of elastic waves called acoustic emissions. This paper presents results from acoustic emission measurements o... Development of failure in brittle materials is associated with microcracks,which release energy in the form of elastic waves called acoustic emissions. This paper presents results from acoustic emission measurements obtained during three point bending tests on Nestos marble under laboratory conditions.Acoustic emission activity was monitored using piezoelectric acoustic emission sensors,and the potential for accurate prediction of rock damage based on acoustic emission data was investigated. Damage localization was determined based on acoustic emissions generated from the critically stressed region as scattered events at stresses below and close to the strength of the material. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic emissionsThree point bending testIndirect tensile strengthCrack localizationNestos marble
A modified Hoek-Brown failure criterion considering the damage to reservoir bank slope rocks under water saturation-dehydration circulation 被引量:4
作者 WANG Xin-gang WANG Jia-ding +1 位作者 GU Tian-Feng LIAN Bao-qin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期771-781,共11页
After water is impounded in a reservoir, rock mass in the hydro-fluctuation belt of the reservoir bank slope is subject to water saturation- dehydration circulation (WSDC). To quantify the rate of change of rock mec... After water is impounded in a reservoir, rock mass in the hydro-fluctuation belt of the reservoir bank slope is subject to water saturation- dehydration circulation (WSDC). To quantify the rate of change of rock mechanical properties, samples from the Longtan dam area were measured with uniaxial compression tests after different numbers (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20) of simulated WSDC cycles. Based on the curves derived from these tests, a modified Hock- Brown failure criterion was proposed, in which a new parameter was introduced to model the cumulative damage to rocks after WSDC. A case of an engineering application was analyzed, and the results showed that the modified Hock-Brown failure criterion is useful. Under similar WSDC-influenced engineering and geological conditions, rock mass strength parameters required for analysis and evaluation of rock slope stability can be estimated according to this modified Hoek-Brown failure criterion. 展开更多
关键词 Modified Hoek-Brown criterion Reservoir bank slope Hydro-fluctuation belt Water saturation-dehydration circulation DAMAGE
Deep mine cooling,a case for Northern Ontario:Part Ⅰ 被引量:2
作者 D. Millar K. Trapani A. Romero 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期721-727,共7页
Cooling energy needs, for mines in Northern Ontario, are mainly driven by the mining depth and its operation. Part I of this research focusses on the thermal energy loads in deep mines as a result of the virgin rock t... Cooling energy needs, for mines in Northern Ontario, are mainly driven by the mining depth and its operation. Part I of this research focusses on the thermal energy loads in deep mines as a result of the virgin rock temperature, mining operations and climatic conditions. A breakdown of the various heat sources is outlined, for an underground mine producing 3500 tonnes per day of broken rock, taking into consideration the latent and sensible portions of that heat to properly assess the wet bulb global temperature. The resulting thermal loads indicate that cooling efforts would be needed both at surface and underground to maintain the temperature underground within the legal threshold. In winter the air might also have to be heated at surface and cooled underground, to ensure that icing does not occur in the inlet ventilation shaft-the main reason why coolin~ cannot be focussed solely at surface. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal loads Cooling Underground mining Deep mining HVAC mining
Effect of discontinuities characteristics on coal mine stability and sustainability: A rock fall prediction approach 被引量:1
作者 Oraee Kazem Oraee Nikzad +1 位作者 Goodarzi Arash Khajehpour Parham 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期65-70,共6页
Rock fall related accidents continue to occur in coal mines,although artificial support mechanisms have been used extensively. Roof stability is primarily determined in many underground mines by a limited number of me... Rock fall related accidents continue to occur in coal mines,although artificial support mechanisms have been used extensively. Roof stability is primarily determined in many underground mines by a limited number of methods that often resort to subjective criteria. It is argued in this paper that stability conditions of mine roof strata,as a key factor in sustainability in coal mines,must be determined by a survey which proactively investigates fundamental aspects of said mine. Failure of rock around the opening happens as a result of both high rock stress conditions and the presence of structural discontinuities. The properties of such discontinuities affect the engineering behavior of rock masses causing wedges or blocks to fall from the roof or sliding out of the walls. A practical rule-based approach to assess the risk of a roof fall is proposed in the paper. The method is based on the analysis of structural data and the geometry and stability of wedges in underground coal mines. In this regard,an accident causing a huge collapse in a coal mine leading to 4 fatalities is illustrated by way of a case study. Horizontal and vertical profiles are prepared by geophysical methods to define the falling zone and its boundaries. The collapse is then modeled by the use of sophisticated computer programs in order to identify the causes of the accident. 展开更多
关键词 DiscontinuitiesRock fallCoal minePredictionUNWEDGESustainability
Non-coupled charge explosion and geo-mechanical dynamics
作者 Zhou Fengjun Li Xiaojun +1 位作者 Zhou Li Zheng Lei 《Engineering Sciences》 2012年第4期2-6,11,共6页
The non-coupled charge explosion and geo-mechanical dynamics problem in real air condition is studied in this paper. It analyzes and calculates the problem by using the real air state equations. Through researching on... The non-coupled charge explosion and geo-mechanical dynamics problem in real air condition is studied in this paper. It analyzes and calculates the problem by using the real air state equations. Through researching on the non-coupled charge rock bench blasting with big clearance of air, its result indicates that the borehole wall reflection overpressure is far higher than strength of rock, but much lower than detonation front pressure of the charge. So non-coupled charge explosion blasting engineering is very successful. Furthermore, it introduces the method of shaft forming by blasting once and the new tube room technology. And the non-coupled charge explosion is used successfully in the method of shaft forming by blasting once. As it drills and blasts in the top and removes the broken rock from the bottom tunnel, it increases the construction efficiency significantly. This paper has important reference on the improvement of the large-span underground engineering construction. 展开更多
关键词 non-coupled charge the real air state equations shock wave the method of shaft forming by blastingonce the new tube room technology
基于岩石成因的测井地质属性研究方法 被引量:3
作者 李浩 刘双莲 +2 位作者 柴公权 魏修平 张守成 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期707-712,共6页
测井曲线是多成因的产物.从测量成因看,它与测井仪器的原理密不可分;从测量对象看,它与地质背景相互关联;从井眼环境看,它也包含井眼条件的变化信息.由此可见,测井曲线本身就是地球物理、地质及工程等多因素的响应纠缠体,其中,每一种因... 测井曲线是多成因的产物.从测量成因看,它与测井仪器的原理密不可分;从测量对象看,它与地质背景相互关联;从井眼环境看,它也包含井眼条件的变化信息.由此可见,测井曲线本身就是地球物理、地质及工程等多因素的响应纠缠体,其中,每一种因素,因其测井响应的成因条件完全不同,它只会按自身固有模式变化.前人对于测井曲线的仪器成因研究较系统,因此,基于仪器原理的测井评价方法也比较成功,但对于地质背景与测井曲线的成因关系识别一直缺乏有效方法,致使测井曲线本身内含的地质信号难以得到有效利用.根据地质成因的某一固有机理,推测或在测井曲线上寻找与该固有机理相吻合的共性变化,是研究测井曲线内含地质属性的一个可能途径,岩石成因就是一个值得探索的切入点.研究表明,岩石成因的主要差别在于形成条件不同,岩石形成条件是决定测井曲线内含地质专属性特征的要因之一.本文分别从成岩时期、成岩物质、成岩温度、沉积相、成岩相及物性特征等多个岩石成因条件的差异,讨论了岩石成因条件的差异与测井地质属性识别的关系. 展开更多
关键词 测井曲线 岩石成因 岩石形成条件 测井地质属性
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