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苏州留园十二峰石 被引量:1
作者 刘振 蔡平 +1 位作者 姜丽丽 张晓峰 《南方农业(园林花卉版)》 2010年第4期3-6,共4页
苏州阊门外留园以泉石之胜、花木之美、亭榭之幽深闻名遐迩,是中国四大名园之一。留园峰石以其玲珑多姿的形象,刚柔相济的线条,成为留园建筑的重要组成部分。作者通过阐述园中著名的十二峰石,展现留园峰石的千恣百态、巧夺天工,并对峰... 苏州阊门外留园以泉石之胜、花木之美、亭榭之幽深闻名遐迩,是中国四大名园之一。留园峰石以其玲珑多姿的形象,刚柔相济的线条,成为留园建筑的重要组成部分。作者通过阐述园中著名的十二峰石,展现留园峰石的千恣百态、巧夺天工,并对峰石的作用及内涵进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 苏州 留园 十二峰石
作者 陈国安 袁鸣 《非金属矿》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第5期14-16,共3页
三峰石属中性火山岩,产于吉林延边龙井地区.经磁选、酸洗等工艺.使原矿中Fe2O3从4.83%降至0.29%.可满足陶瓷原料的要求.试验证明,三峰石是一种理想的墙地砖坯料成份.用量达50%~60%.利用三峰石制成的乳浊... 三峰石属中性火山岩,产于吉林延边龙井地区.经磁选、酸洗等工艺.使原矿中Fe2O3从4.83%降至0.29%.可满足陶瓷原料的要求.试验证明,三峰石是一种理想的墙地砖坯料成份.用量达50%~60%.利用三峰石制成的乳浊剂,可替代锆石乳浊剂.且具节能价廉的优点。 展开更多
关键词 峰石 陶瓷原料 节能 试验 磁力选矿
作者 孙鹄 《古建园林技术》 北大核心 1998年第1期48-49,2,共3页
苏州园林中的峰石和假山孙鹄在苏州的园林中,多以玲珑剔透的太湖石(少数采用粗犷浑厚的黄石)用来布景叠山,有的孤峰兀立,有的连嶂起伏,垒垒奇石,缕云裁月,叠彩竞秀,构成美景如画。太湖石为苏州当地的特产,以太湖中洞庭西山所... 苏州园林中的峰石和假山孙鹄在苏州的园林中,多以玲珑剔透的太湖石(少数采用粗犷浑厚的黄石)用来布景叠山,有的孤峰兀立,有的连嶂起伏,垒垒奇石,缕云裁月,叠彩竞秀,构成美景如画。太湖石为苏州当地的特产,以太湖中洞庭西山所产者为最佳。唐代白居易在《太湖石记... 展开更多
关键词 苏州 园林 假山 峰石
作者 焦闽 《文教资料》 2008年第28期85-88,共4页
关键词 雅集 永贞革新
作者 李存修 《广东教育(高中版)》 2007年第3期8-9,共2页
登石坑崆的愿望,自我20年前进入广东的第一天就开始了。其实不为别的,就是因为它是广东境内的第一高峰。如同泰山于山东,武夷山于福建,黄山于安徽和华山于陕西一样,登顶,这是人们一种共同的愿望。否则,那就是一种遗憾;对我来说... 登石坑崆的愿望,自我20年前进入广东的第一天就开始了。其实不为别的,就是因为它是广东境内的第一高峰。如同泰山于山东,武夷山于福建,黄山于安徽和华山于陕西一样,登顶,这是人们一种共同的愿望。否则,那就是一种遗憾;对我来说,则是一块心病。 展开更多
关键词 《山高我为——登南岭坑崆记》 李存修 文学作品 散文 随笔 中国 当代作品
作者 李平 张焕志 《全面腐蚀控制》 1998年第2期43-44,共2页
关键词 火成岩 耐酸 花岗 耐酸性 建筑材料
杜甫陇右诗《石龛》今地考析——兼论“仇池草堂”与《仇池》诗 被引量:1
作者 张希仁 《天水师范学院学报》 2014年第1期67-74,共8页
杜甫陇右纪行诗《石龛》的地理位置,"旧注"寥寥无几。考察确认:今甘肃西和石峡镇石峡村西山的"八峰崖石龛"为杜甫笔下的"石龛"。但杜甫只去了"石龛下",而未去"石龛"。通过对前往八... 杜甫陇右纪行诗《石龛》的地理位置,"旧注"寥寥无几。考察确认:今甘肃西和石峡镇石峡村西山的"八峰崖石龛"为杜甫笔下的"石龛"。但杜甫只去了"石龛下",而未去"石龛"。通过对前往八峰崖石窟道路的考察,找到了杜甫能"驱车石龛下"的道路,即由高河口进入,经石坝、刘河、真武、曹家湾梁、关坝、喜集、灯塔,到寺儿湾之路;通过对八峰石龛下寺儿湾"吉祥寺"遗存的考察,找到了杜甫走这条路的真正原因,拂去了诗意与八峰石龛环境位置相抵牾的疑云。论述了《石龛》诗与"仇池草堂"、《仇池》诗的关系,认为:《石龛》诗破解了诗圣专程寻访仇池的密码,也找出了诗圣寓居仇池山下飞龙峡东端灯塔村的证据,其《仇池》诗是在飞龙峡所写,属纪行诗。 展开更多
关键词 峰石 飞龙峡 灯塔村 寺儿湾 吉祥寺 仇池草堂 《仇池》诗
作者 云山 《东南文化》 1985年第0期127-127,共1页
扬州地区古典园林中的日涉园,在泰州市内,始建于明万历间,后又数易其名曰“三峰园”、“蛰园”、“乔园”。1982年夏,文物工作者偶在园之东南的高家发现《三峰园》匾,询之主人,乃知其祖上在清雍正间曾为日涉园主,并将园更名为《三峰园》... 扬州地区古典园林中的日涉园,在泰州市内,始建于明万历间,后又数易其名曰“三峰园”、“蛰园”、“乔园”。1982年夏,文物工作者偶在园之东南的高家发现《三峰园》匾,询之主人,乃知其祖上在清雍正间曾为日涉园主,并将园更名为《三峰园》,此匾上之跋就记述了园之改名缘起,是研究日沙园的重要资料。匾为楠木造,长189.5,宽77.5、厚4厘米。“三峰园”三字楷体。字高约40、宽约30厘米。靠左约三分之一板面为跋,计12行,行19字,字约2.5厘米见方。落款清嘉庆二十一年(1816)。 展开更多
关键词 文物工作者 扬州地区 古典园林 楷体 泰州市 峰石 明万历 缘起 风磨 绞笼
作者 陈天声 《杭州文博》 2004年第1期10-14,共5页
春秋战国时期,吴山为吴国南界,故称吴山。旧时山上有省、府、钱塘县三级城隍庙,因此民间又称城隍山。山上古树参天、峰石玲珑、岩洞幽奇,千百年来,历代文人在此留下了很多摩崖题刻。经千百年自然风化和'文革'中人为破坏,虽已大... 春秋战国时期,吴山为吴国南界,故称吴山。旧时山上有省、府、钱塘县三级城隍庙,因此民间又称城隍山。山上古树参天、峰石玲珑、岩洞幽奇,千百年来,历代文人在此留下了很多摩崖题刻。经千百年自然风化和'文革'中人为破坏,虽已大多湮没,但至今留下的仍有不少,它们记录着山河嬗变的年痕和历史人文的轨迹,其内涵十分丰富。 展开更多
关键词 峰石 年痕 轨迹 摩崖 城隍庙 题刻 时期 故称
《吉林建材》 1996年第3期44-46,共3页
吉林省三峰建材厂生产经营经验介绍国有企业在转机建制、走向市场之后,什么是企业生产经营的核心问题无不时时围绕着国有企业的领导者们。这里,本文介绍的吉林省三峰建材厂的某些做法,会给大家以启不。既找市场,又找市长,实现产品... 吉林省三峰建材厂生产经营经验介绍国有企业在转机建制、走向市场之后,什么是企业生产经营的核心问题无不时时围绕着国有企业的领导者们。这里,本文介绍的吉林省三峰建材厂的某些做法,会给大家以启不。既找市场,又找市长,实现产品和市场两个多元化,形成产品和市场两... 展开更多
关键词 峰石 经验介绍 生产经营 吉林省 节能剂 新型陶瓷 陶瓷乳浊剂 规格 演示实验 陶瓷色釉料
Dynamic behavior of rock during its post failure stage in SHPB tests 被引量:13
作者 周子龙 赵源 +3 位作者 江益辉 邹洋 蔡鑫 李地元 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期184-196,共13页
In order to investigate the micro-process and inner mechanism of rock failure under impact loading, the laboratory tests were carried out on an improved split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system with synchronized m... In order to investigate the micro-process and inner mechanism of rock failure under impact loading, the laboratory tests were carried out on an improved split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system with synchronized measurement devices including a high-speed camera and a dynamic strain meter. The experimental results show that the specimens were in the state of good stress equilibrium during the post failure stage even when visible cracks were forming in the specimens. Rock specimens broke into strips but still could bear the external stress and keep force balance. Meanwhile, numerical tests with particle flow code (PFC) revealed that the failure process of rocks can be described by the evolution of micro-fractures. Shear cracks emerged firstly and stopped developing when the external stress was not high enough. Tensile cracks, however, emerged when the rock specimen reached its peak strength and played an important role in controlling the ultimate failure during the post failure stage. 展开更多
关键词 rock dynamics post failure stress equilibrium crack evolution particle flow code
作者 吴伟 《花木盆景(下半月)》 2010年第5期75-75,共1页
人们鉴赏山形石和孤峰石等供石时,无不奉米芾的“瘦、漏、透、皱”为准则。这“瘦、漏、透、皱”四字不管怎样颠来倒去,如今把“瘦”字排在第一的频率大概最高。四字中,“透”字最好理解,玲珑剔透,空洞相通。“皱”字也有历代画家... 人们鉴赏山形石和孤峰石等供石时,无不奉米芾的“瘦、漏、透、皱”为准则。这“瘦、漏、透、皱”四字不管怎样颠来倒去,如今把“瘦”字排在第一的频率大概最高。四字中,“透”字最好理解,玲珑剔透,空洞相通。“皱”字也有历代画家画山石的皴法可资参考。“漏”字有两种说法:一说是上下孔穴相通,一说是山石的倒挂垂悬,倒也非常具体。 展开更多
关键词 《称瘦话腰赞形美》 盆景 山形 峰石
福建太姥山晶洞碱长花岗岩地貌特征 被引量:4
作者 梁诗经 文斐成 《福建地质》 2010年第4期334-346,共13页
太姥山是东南沿海低山丘陵唯一的花岗岩峰丛-石蛋地貌,燕山晚期"A"型晶洞碱长花岗岩是太姥山造景岩石,北东东、北北西向断裂、裂隙及节理是控制山峰形态和规模的主要构造,风化剥蚀、降水侵蚀和重力崩塌是地貌形成的主要外动... 太姥山是东南沿海低山丘陵唯一的花岗岩峰丛-石蛋地貌,燕山晚期"A"型晶洞碱长花岗岩是太姥山造景岩石,北东东、北北西向断裂、裂隙及节理是控制山峰形态和规模的主要构造,风化剥蚀、降水侵蚀和重力崩塌是地貌形成的主要外动力作用,目前该地貌演化处于壮年早期阶段。其构造位置特殊、成景岩性独特,地貌类型丰富,是东南沿海晶洞花岗岩山岳地貌的典型代表和宝贵的地质遗迹。 展开更多
关键词 丛- 花岗岩地貌 福鼎太姥山
Numerical assessment of spacing–burden ratio to effective utilization of explosive energy 被引量:3
作者 Sazid Mohd Singh T.N. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期291-297,共7页
The spacing–burden(S/B) ratio plays significant role on rock fragmentation and proper utilization of explosive energy to minimize the undesirable damage.Low S/B ratio generates fine fragments due to pressure rings co... The spacing–burden(S/B) ratio plays significant role on rock fragmentation and proper utilization of explosive energy to minimize the undesirable damage.Low S/B ratio generates fine fragments due to pressure rings coalescence of two blast holes,whereas boulder generations were observed above optimum S/B ratio.Both conditions are not acceptable because of wastage of explosive energy.Therefore,to resolve this issue,a numerical model study was conducted to optimize the S/B ratio and to envisage its effect on rock fragmentation based on utilization of explosive energy.Finite element simulation tool was used to see the extent of two blast hole influence area variation with varying S/B ratio.The better results were obtained at S/B ratio of 1:2 with optimum utilization of peak explosive energy.The performance was observed based on peak kinetic energy,peak pressure,radial and hoop stresses on centre of the two blast holes,where pressure rings coalescence. 展开更多
关键词 Rock blasting Spacing-burden ratio (S/B)Rock fragmentation Numerical modelling Pressure rings
Shales in the Qiongzhusi and Wufeng–Longmaxi Formations:a rock-physics model and analysis of the effective pore aspect ratio 被引量:4
作者 杨志强 何涛 邹长春 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期325-336,459,共13页
The shales of the Qiongzhusi Formation and Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations at Sichuan Basin and surrounding areas are presently the most important stratigraphic horizons for shale gas exploration and development in China. ... The shales of the Qiongzhusi Formation and Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations at Sichuan Basin and surrounding areas are presently the most important stratigraphic horizons for shale gas exploration and development in China. However, the regional characteristics of the seismic elastic properties need to be better determined. The ultrasonic velocities of shale samples were measured under dry conditions and the relations between elastic properties and petrology were systemically analyzed. The results suggest that 1) the effective porosity is positively correlated with clay content but negatively correlated with brittle minerals, 2) the dry shale matrix consists of clays, quartz, feldspars, and carbonates, and 3) organic matter and pyrite are in the pore spaces, weakly coupled with the shale matrix. Thus, by assuming that all connected pores are only present in the clay minerals and using the Gassmann substitution method to calculate the elastic effect of organic matter and pyrite in the pores, a relatively simple rock-physics model was constructed by combining the self-consistent approximation (SCA), the differential effective medium (DEM), and Gassmann's equation. In addition, the effective pore aspect ratio was adopted from the sample averages or estimated from the carbonate content. The proposed model was used to predict the P-wave velocities and generally matched the ultrasonic measurements very well. 展开更多
关键词 Qiongzhusi Wufeng-Longmaxi SHALE pore aspect ratio Gassman equation
Estimate of China's energy carbon emissions peak and analysis on electric power carbon emissions 被引量:7
作者 WANG Zhi-Xuan ZHANG Jing-Jie +2 位作者 PAN Li YANG Fan SHI Li-Na 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期181-188,共8页
China's energy carbon emissions are projected to peak in 2030 with approximately 110% of its 2020 level under the following conditions: 1) China's gross primary energy consumption is 5 Gtce in 2020 and 6 Gtce in 2... China's energy carbon emissions are projected to peak in 2030 with approximately 110% of its 2020 level under the following conditions: 1) China's gross primary energy consumption is 5 Gtce in 2020 and 6 Gtce in 2030; 2) coal's share of the energy consumption is 61% in 2020 and 55% in 2030; 3) non-fossil energy's share increases from 15% in 2020 to 20% in 2030; 4) through 2030, China's GDP grows at an average annual rate of 6%; 5) the annual energy consumption elasticity coefficient is 0.30 in average; and 6) the annual growth rate of energy consumption steadily reduces to within 1%. China's electricity generating capacity would be 1,990 GW, with 8,600 TW h of power generation output in 2020. Of that output 66% would be from coal, 5% from gas, and 29% from non-fossil energy. By 2030, electricity generating capacity would reach 3,170 GW with 11,900 TW h of power generation output. Of that output, 56% would be from coal, 6% from gas, and 37% from non-fossil energy. From 2020 to 2030, CO2 emissions from electric power would relatively fall by 0.2 Gt due to lower coal consumption, and rela- tively fall by nearly 0.3 Gt with the installation of more coal-fired cogeneration units. During 2020--2030, the portion of carbon emissions from electric power in China's energy consumption is projected to increase by 3.4 percentage points. Although the carbon emissions from electric power would keep increasing to 118% of the 2020 level in 2030, the electric power industry would continue to play a decisive role in achieving the goal of increase in non-fossil energy use. This study proposes countermeasures and recommendations to control carbon emissions peak, including energy system optimization, green-coal-fired electricity generation, and demand side management. 展开更多
关键词 Energy consumption Growth rate Carbon emissions peak Electric power development
Emplacement age and tectonic implications of the brecciated limestone at the edge of the Longmenshan klippe 被引量:1
作者 XUE Zhen Hua SHANG Qing Hua +2 位作者 JIANG Wen Ying WANG Qing Chen LI Shuang Jian 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期590-600,共11页
The Longmenshan thrust belt(LMTB) is one of the best natural laboratories for thin-skinned tectonics and has developed a series of NE-SW trending fold-and-thrust structures represented by a series of nappes and klippe... The Longmenshan thrust belt(LMTB) is one of the best natural laboratories for thin-skinned tectonics and has developed a series of NE-SW trending fold-and-thrust structures represented by a series of nappes and klippes, exemplified by the Tangbazi and Bailuding klippe. However, the timing and emplacement mechanism of these klippes are still in dispute. Three possible mechanisms have been proposed:(1) a Mesozoic-Cenozoic southeastward thrusting,(2) a Cenozoic gravity gliding, and(3) glacial deposition. Almost all of these klippes are tectonic and overlaid on folded Late Triassic sandstone except the Tangbazi klippe, which is located in the center of the LMTB and has a narrow tail extending southeastward and covering Jurassic-Quaternary rocks. This geometric relationship is considered the most important stratigraphic evidence to support the post-Cenozoic emplacement of the Longmenshan klippe. Our structural and petrological observations show that the rocks at the front of the Tangbazi and Bailuding structures are brecciated limestone, which is assumed to have been generated by a gravitational collapse and is not characteristic of the massive Permian strata. Artemisia pollen, which has been exclusively recognized in post-Late Eocene strata in Central Asia, was found in the matrix of this brecciated limestone. Therefore, our discovery indicates that the brecciated limestone was deposited after the Late Eocene rather than during the Permian as annotated on the geological map. In contrast, unbrecciated, massive Permian limestone overlaid on the folded Late Triassic rocks. Hence, the anomalous relationship of Permian strata overlaying Late Triassic rocks cannot be evidence of Cenozoic emplacement. According to currently recognized bulk strata relationships, we can only be sure that the klippe was emplaced in the post Late Triassic. The petrological characteristics of the brecciated limestone show that it was crumbled before the re-sedimentation of the breccia, implying that the LMTB might have experienced a rapid uplift during the Late Eocene. 展开更多
关键词 Longmenshan thrust belt Klippe Artemisia Brecciated limestone Thin-skinned structure
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