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作者 李三保 李旭光 《长治医学院学报》 1995年第1期60-61,共2页
自拟崩带汤治疗漏下症50例临床观察附院中医科(046000)李三保附院神经外科李旭光“崩漏”为中医妇科中多发病之一,其临床表现是指不规则的阴道出血。一般以来势急、出血量多的为“崩”、或称“崩中”;出血量少或淋漓不净的... 自拟崩带汤治疗漏下症50例临床观察附院中医科(046000)李三保附院神经外科李旭光“崩漏”为中医妇科中多发病之一,其临床表现是指不规则的阴道出血。一般以来势急、出血量多的为“崩”、或称“崩中”;出血量少或淋漓不净的为“漏”、或称“漏下”。崩与漏的症... 展开更多
关键词 漏下 中医药疗法 崩带
作者 李寅 张望兴 +1 位作者 庄增坤 吴正培 《物流技术与应用》 2023年第4期158-162,共5页
关键词 捆扎机 矩形光纤传感器 崩带 改进
大湾隧道通过崩坡积层地段的施工技术 被引量:1
作者 王军 《路基工程》 2011年第2期172-174,共3页
结合重庆—长沙高速公路大湾隧道,介绍了隧道通过崩坡积层的施工技术。大湾隧道上方分别为B5,B6两个标段的施工便道,过往车辆载重量大,通过频率高,在隧道施工中既要保证掘进的顺利进行,又要使施工便道安全畅通。其技术措施包括采用超前... 结合重庆—长沙高速公路大湾隧道,介绍了隧道通过崩坡积层的施工技术。大湾隧道上方分别为B5,B6两个标段的施工便道,过往车辆载重量大,通过频率高,在隧道施工中既要保证掘进的顺利进行,又要使施工便道安全畅通。其技术措施包括采用超前大管棚、单侧壁导坑法、小导管注浆加固崩坡积层及钢架混凝土等,取得良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 隧道 洞口 坡积层 下穿便道 施工技术
《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2020年第24期131-131,共1页
黄芪,性温,味微甘。能补气,兼能升气,善治胸中大气下陷。《神农本草经》谓主大风者,以其与发表药同用,能祛外风,与养阴清热药同用,更能息内风也。谓主痈疽、久败疮者,以其补益之力能生肌肉,其溃脓自排出也。表虚自汗者,可用之以固外表... 黄芪,性温,味微甘。能补气,兼能升气,善治胸中大气下陷。《神农本草经》谓主大风者,以其与发表药同用,能祛外风,与养阴清热药同用,更能息内风也。谓主痈疽、久败疮者,以其补益之力能生肌肉,其溃脓自排出也。表虚自汗者,可用之以固外表气虚。小便不利而肿胀者,可用之以利小便。妇女气虚下陷而崩带者,可用之以固崩带。为其补气之功最优,故推为补药之长,而名之曰耆也。 展开更多
关键词 养阴清热 气虚下陷 小便不利 崩带 表虚自汗 《神农本草经》 利小便 内风
Zonal disintegration phenomenon in rock mass surrounding deep tunnels 被引量:9
作者 WU Hao FANG Qin GUO Zhi-kun 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第2期187-193,共7页
Zonal disintegration is a typical static phenomenon of deep rock masses. It has been defined as alternating regions of fractured and relatively intact rock mass that appear around or in front of the working stope duri... Zonal disintegration is a typical static phenomenon of deep rock masses. It has been defined as alternating regions of fractured and relatively intact rock mass that appear around or in front of the working stope during excavation of a deep tunnel. Zonal disintegration phenomenon was successfully demonstrated in the laboratory with 3D tests on analogous gypsum models, two circular cracked zones were observed in the test. The linear Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion was used with a constitutive model that showed linear softening and ideal residual plastic to analyze the elasto-plastic field of the enclosing rock mass around a deep tunnel. The results show that tunneling causes a maximum stress zone to appear between an elastic and plastic zone in the surrounding rock. The zonal disintegration phenomenon is analyzed by considering the stress-strain state of the rock mass in the vicinity of the maximum stress zone. Creep instability failure of the rock due to the development of the plastic zone, and transfer of the maximum stress zone into the rock mass, are the cause of zonal disintegration. An analytical criterion for the critical depth at which zonal disintegration can occur is derived. This depth depends mainly on the character and stress concentration coefficient of the rock mass. 展开更多
关键词 block-hierarchical structure zonal disintegration phenomenon enclosing rock mass around deep tunnel equivalent material stress concentration coefficient
作者 丁光迪 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 1981年第2期3-4,共2页
(九)引火归原:引火归原的用药方法,主要用于阴虚阳浮之证。这里所引的“火”,是指“浮阳”、“浮火”,或者称为“戴阳”、“格阳”。至于归原的“原”,主要指肾,因肾为元阴元阳之根本。阴虚阳浮,上见浮火之症,如面色浮红,游移不定,面热... (九)引火归原:引火归原的用药方法,主要用于阴虚阳浮之证。这里所引的“火”,是指“浮阳”、“浮火”,或者称为“戴阳”、“格阳”。至于归原的“原”,主要指肾,因肾为元阴元阳之根本。阴虚阳浮,上见浮火之症,如面色浮红,游移不定,面热如醉,倏来倏去。伴见头晕耳鸣,或口舌糜烂;但舌质淡白(张景岳称为无根虚火之证),咽喉痹痛,而淡紫不赤(张景岳称为格阳喉痹)。 展开更多
关键词 引火归原 养阴 导龙入海 补肾 滋阴 潜阳 固涩 格阳喉痹 镇肝熄风 纳气 熟地 药物配伍
作者 王东法 余晖 +1 位作者 钟元 腾卫平 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2007年第2期185-188,共4页
The correlation and composite analysis are carried out in this paper to study major factors affecting the track of tropical cyclones (TCs) after their landfall in the east of China. The mid-tropospheric environmental ... The correlation and composite analysis are carried out in this paper to study major factors affecting the track of tropical cyclones (TCs) after their landfall in the east of China. The mid-tropospheric environmental steering flow is found to dominate the movement of a TC even after landfall, with the inertia and Coriolis force two other subordinates. A key region is discovered covering the east of China and Yellow Sea, in which the environmental flow significantly affects the movement of TCs making landfall in this part of China. When the subtropical high in this region strengthens and extends westward, accompanied by northward shrink of the westerly trough, the TC tends to move westward after landfall and disappear inland. However, when the subtropical high in this region weakens and shrinks eastward, accompanied by southward push of the westerly trough, the TC tends to recurve after landfall and re-enter the sea at a location to the north of the site of landfall. The environment before the landfall of a TC has little impact on its post-landfall track, which is sensitive to the environmental change 12 – 24 hours after landfall. A 6-hour lag is found between the environmental change and the movement of a TC after landfall. 展开更多
关键词 tropical cyclone post-landfall track moving tendency effect factors
Mid and late Holocene forest fires and deforestation in the subalpine belt of the Iberian range,northern Spain
作者 Jose M.GARCIA-RUIZ Yasmina SANJUAN +9 位作者 Graciela GIL-ROMERA Penelope GONZALEZ-SAMPERIZ Santiago BEGUERIA Jose ARNAEZ Paz COBA-PEREZ Amelia GOMEZ-VILLAR Javier ALVAREZ-MARTINEZ Noemi LANA-RENAULT Estela PEREZ-CARDIEL Carlos LOPEZ DE CALLE 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第10期1760-1772,共13页
The conversion of subalpine forests into grasslands for pastoral use is a well-knownphenomenon, although for most mountain areas the timing of deforestation has not been determined. The presence of charcoal fragments ... The conversion of subalpine forests into grasslands for pastoral use is a well-knownphenomenon, although for most mountain areas the timing of deforestation has not been determined. The presence of charcoal fragments in soil profiles affected by shallow landsliding enabled us to date the occurrence of fires and the periods of conversion ofsubalpine forest into grasslands in the Urbión Mountains, Iberian Range, Spain. We found that the treeline in the highest parts of the northwestern massifs of the Iberian Range(the Urbión, Demanda, Neila, and Cebollera massifs) is currently between 1500 and 1600 m a.s.l., probably because of pastoral use of the subalpine belt, whereas in the past it would have reached almost the highest divides(at approximately 2100–2200 m a.s.l.). The radiocarbon dates obtained indicate that the transformation of the subalpine belt occurred during the Late Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Middle Ages. Forest clearing was probably moderate during fires prior to the Middle Ages, as the small size of the sheep herds and the local character of the markets only required small clearings, and therefore more limited fires. Thus, it is likely that the forest recovered burnt areas in a few decades; this suggests the management of the forest and grasslands following a slash-andburn system. During the Middle and Modern Ages deforestation and grassland expansion affected most of the subalpine belt and coincided with the increasing prevalence of transhumance, as occurred in other mountains in the Iberian Peninsula(particularly the Pyrenees). Although the occurrence of shallow landslides following deforestation between the Neolithic and the Roman Period cannot be ruled out, the most extensive shallow landsliding processes would have occurred from the Middle Ages until recent times. 展开更多
关键词 Forest fires HOLOCENE Subalpinegrasslands Shallow landslides Landscape changes Iberian Range
Application of Interferometric Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar to Morphotectonic Research in the Bengcuo Area of Tibet
作者 Ning Shuzheng Ren Jinwei +2 位作者 Shan Xinjian Tao Wei Zhou Dentin 《Earthquake Research in China》 2006年第4期460-468,共9页
Using ELLS-1/2 radar satellite data, we generated a Digital Elevation Model by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, and the ERS-1/2 DEM that we generated is obviously superior to both the 1/25 ten thousand-scale ... Using ELLS-1/2 radar satellite data, we generated a Digital Elevation Model by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, and the ERS-1/2 DEM that we generated is obviously superior to both the 1/25 ten thousand-scale DEM of the National Fundamental Geographic Information System of China and the 90-m spatial resolution's SRTM DEM that America published in 2004 when it showed the characteristics of tiny structure relief. By analyzing the relief characteristics of the Bengcuo fault zone based on ERS-1/2 DEM, we find that the relief on the connection location of the Bengcuo and Pengcuo fault zones has complex characteristics. A structure relief that is similar to the Pengcuo fault zone crosses through the Dazi-Dasha fault on the the Bengcuo fault zone, while the Dazi-Dasha fault crosses through a gully at this place. This indicates that the Dazi-Dasha fault has been active at this place recently. At the same time, the Naka-Naduiduo fault is severed by the gully which was cut through by the Dazi-Dasha fault. Therefore, the Naka-Naduiduo fault was formed earlier than the Dazi-Dasha fault. 展开更多
关键词 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Digital Elevation Model Strike-slipfault Pull-apart basin
《中国花卉盆景》 1992年第5期10+12+15-16,12+15-16,共4页
关键词 南天竹碱 呼吸中枢 退虚热 崩带 皮肤疮癣 咳嗽痰多 疗疮 上治 胃热呕吐 赵金
Magmatism during continental collision, subduction, exhumation and mountain collapse in collisional orogenic belts and continental net growth: A perspective 被引量:45
作者 SONG ShuGuang WANG MengJue +1 位作者 WANG Cao NIU YaoLing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1284-1304,共21页
Continental orogens on Earth can be classified into accretionary orogen and collisional orogen.Magmatism in orogens occurs in every periods of an orogenic cycle,from oceanic subduction,continental collision to orogeni... Continental orogens on Earth can be classified into accretionary orogen and collisional orogen.Magmatism in orogens occurs in every periods of an orogenic cycle,from oceanic subduction,continental collision to orogenic collapse.Continental collision requires the existence of prior oceanic subduction zone.It is generally assumed that the prerequisite of continental deep subduction is oceanic subduction and its drag force to the connecting passive-margin continental lithosphere during continental collision.Continental subduction and collision lead to the thickening and uplift of crust,but the formation time of the related magmatism in orogens depends on the heating mechanism of lithosphere.The accretionary orogens,on the other hand,have no strong continental collision,deep subduction,no large scale of crustal thrusting,thickening and uplift,and no UHP eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks related to continental deep subduction.Even though arc crust could be significantly thickened during oceanic subduction,it is still doubtful that syn-or post-collisional magmatism would be generated.In collisional orogens,due to continental deep subduction and significant crustal thickening,the UHP metamorphosed oceanic and continental crusts will experience decompression melting during exhumation,generating syn-collisional magmatism.During the orogen unrooting and collapse,post-collisional magmatism develops in response to lithosphere extension and upwelling of asthenospheric mantle,marking the end of an orogenic cycle.Therefore,magmatism in orogens can occur during the continental deep subduction,exhumation and uplift after detachment of subducted oceanic crust from continental crust,and extensional collapse.The time span from continental collision to collapse and erosion of orogens(the end of orogenic cycle)is 50–85 Myr.Collisional orogens are the key sites for understanding continental deep subduction,exhumation,uplift and orogenic collapse.Magmatism in collisional orogens plays important roles in continental reworking and net growth. 展开更多
关键词 collisional orogeny continental deep subduction orogen unrooting and collapse MAGMATISM continental net growth
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