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作者 陈跃玲 陈一川 +6 位作者 罗婷 王艳梅 陈霞 范光忠 郭步伐 杨德志 孙成新 《遵义医科大学学报》 2023年第6期574-579,共6页
目的筛选复方幺川调免消瘰颗粒的制备工艺,获得薄层色谱鉴别方法,以及对小鼠脾淋巴细胞体外增殖的影响。方法采用水提工艺获得复方幺川调免消瘰提取物冻干粉,通过正交实验法优化颗粒剂的处方;利用薄层色谱鉴别方法鉴别复方颗粒;用CCK-8... 目的筛选复方幺川调免消瘰颗粒的制备工艺,获得薄层色谱鉴别方法,以及对小鼠脾淋巴细胞体外增殖的影响。方法采用水提工艺获得复方幺川调免消瘰提取物冻干粉,通过正交实验法优化颗粒剂的处方;利用薄层色谱鉴别方法鉴别复方颗粒;用CCK-8法检测复方幺川调免消瘰颗粒对小鼠脾淋巴细胞体外增殖的影响。结果正交实验结果显示,辅料可溶性淀粉与提取粉末用量比为1∶1,使用70%的乙醇作为润湿剂,乙醇占冻干粉的重比为50%;获得复方中甘草与皂角刺的薄层色谱鉴别方法;复方幺川调免消瘰颗粒对LPS诱导下的小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖具有促进作用。结论筛选工艺优化得到复方幺川调免消瘰颗粒,薄层色谱法鉴别出特征斑点,专属性良好,该复方对小鼠脾淋巴细胞体外增殖具有促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 复方幺川调免消瘰颗粒 制备工艺 薄层色谱 脾细胞增殖
长沙花鼓戏川调唱腔调式特色探析 被引量:2
作者 贺军玲 《艺海》 2014年第8期66-68,共3页
在地方戏曲的唱腔音乐中,调式和旋法是其重要的表现手法,其音乐的主要功能和色彩性都由其决定。本文从长沙花鼓戏的川调唱腔的调式和旋法入手,探讨长沙花鼓戏川调唱腔的调式特色,以更好地了解长沙花鼓戏的音乐唱腔特色,促进长沙花鼓戏... 在地方戏曲的唱腔音乐中,调式和旋法是其重要的表现手法,其音乐的主要功能和色彩性都由其决定。本文从长沙花鼓戏的川调唱腔的调式和旋法入手,探讨长沙花鼓戏川调唱腔的调式特色,以更好地了解长沙花鼓戏的音乐唱腔特色,促进长沙花鼓戏的发展、传承和保护。 展开更多
关键词 长沙花鼓戏 川调唱腔 式旋法
作者 童欣雨 《音乐时空》 2015年第16期63-63,共1页
关键词 《剑川调》《泥鳅
作者 殷志勇 《民族音乐》 2024年第2期F0002-F0002,共1页
姜宗德,男,白族,1965年生,大理州剑川县甸南镇兴水村人。2018年5月被文化和旅游部命名为第五批国家级非物质文化遗产项目“剑川白曲”代表性传承人。姜宗德从小酷爱民歌,少年时拜白族民间知名歌手苏贵、杨泽周为师,学唱白族调,在放牛羊... 姜宗德,男,白族,1965年生,大理州剑川县甸南镇兴水村人。2018年5月被文化和旅游部命名为第五批国家级非物质文化遗产项目“剑川白曲”代表性传承人。姜宗德从小酷爱民歌,少年时拜白族民间知名歌手苏贵、杨泽周为师,学唱白族调,在放牛羊、打柴以及田间劳动中经常打歌对调。16岁开始演唱白族调。其音洪亮,音色浑厚,演唱富于感染力,他擅长自弹自唱、即兴编唱剑川白族调和本子曲,他的龙头三弦弹奏技艺娴熟,与嘹亮高亢的演唱相得益彰。 展开更多
关键词 打歌 白族 白曲 代表性传承人 自弹自唱 本子曲 宗德
川芎茶调散合羌活胜湿汤治疗偏头痛随机平行对照研究 被引量:6
作者 何金波 张晓云 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第5期96-98,共3页
[目的]观察川芎茶调散合羌活胜湿汤治疗偏头痛疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将60例门诊患者按信封法随机分为两组。对照组30例氟桂利嗪,10mg/次,每晚1次,睡前口服;布洛芬,0.3/次,头痛发作时口服。治疗组30例川芎茶调散合羌活胜湿汤... [目的]观察川芎茶调散合羌活胜湿汤治疗偏头痛疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将60例门诊患者按信封法随机分为两组。对照组30例氟桂利嗪,10mg/次,每晚1次,睡前口服;布洛芬,0.3/次,头痛发作时口服。治疗组30例川芎茶调散合羌活胜湿汤(川芎、荆芥、防风、白芷各15g,细辛6g,薄荷、羌活各15g,蔓荆子30g,藁本、甘草各15g),1剂/d,水煎450mL,3次/d。连续治疗14d为1疗程。观测临床症状、偏头痛症状总积分、头痛持续时间积分、不良反应。治疗1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]临床疗效治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05)。偏头痛症状总积分、头痛持续时间积分两组均有明显降低(P<0.05,P<0.01),治疗组降低优于对照组(P<0.01)。[结论]川芎茶调散合羌活胜湿汤治疗偏头痛,疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 偏头痛 头痛 头风 偏头 芎茶散合羌活胜湿汤 盐酸氟桂利嗪 布洛芬 中医药治疗 随机平行对照研究
川穹茶调散加减治疗偏头痛120例 被引量:4
作者 刘黎明 《吉林医学》 CAS 2012年第9期1886-1886,共1页
目的:应用川穹茶调散加减治疗偏头痛,观察并分析其临床疗效。方法:将确诊为偏头痛的120例患者服用川穹茶调散,根据不同的症状加减药物,2~4个疗程后,进行疗效评估。结果:痊愈20例(16.67%),显效38例(31.57%),好转57例(47.5%),无效5例(4.1... 目的:应用川穹茶调散加减治疗偏头痛,观察并分析其临床疗效。方法:将确诊为偏头痛的120例患者服用川穹茶调散,根据不同的症状加减药物,2~4个疗程后,进行疗效评估。结果:痊愈20例(16.67%),显效38例(31.57%),好转57例(47.5%),无效5例(4.16%),总有效率为95.84%。结论:该药明显地改善患者的临床症状,对于偏头痛患者有较好的疗效。 展开更多
关键词 穹茶 偏头痛 疗效
论湖南传统花鼓戏曲调的类型及其特点 被引量:7
作者 谭真明 《长沙大学学报》 2012年第1期86-88,共3页
关键词 音乐曲 牌子 打锣腔 川调 花鼓戏
吉安采茶戏的音乐及文化意义 被引量:1
作者 汤光华 《艺海》 2007年第5期126-127,共2页
关键词 音乐 劳动 唱腔 说唱音乐 吉安采茶戏 民歌 采茶歌 采茶灯 专业剧团 川调 剧目
防风在方剂中的配伍运用 被引量:4
作者 焦达操 《湖北民族学院学报(医学版)》 2003年第1期49-50,共2页
关键词 防风 方剂 配伍运用 九陈羌活汤 白术芍药散 仙方活命钦 消风散 芍茶
吴本鄂从风论治头痛 被引量:1
作者 尹玉平 吴本鄂 《实用中医内科杂志》 2013年第2期3-4,共2页
吴本鄂认为头痛首当责之于风,提出从风论治,"祛外风、熄内风",必用防风;必用川芎,且须重用,无论是外伤、内伤。风有内外之别,肝有虚实之分;外风宜祛,内风宜熄。肝为风木之脏,肾水亏虚,肝阳上亢,易致内风,调肝为首要,治宜平肝... 吴本鄂认为头痛首当责之于风,提出从风论治,"祛外风、熄内风",必用防风;必用川芎,且须重用,无论是外伤、内伤。风有内外之别,肝有虚实之分;外风宜祛,内风宜熄。肝为风木之脏,肾水亏虚,肝阳上亢,易致内风,调肝为首要,治宜平肝熄风,兼以化痰、祛瘀、通络,天麻钩藤饮加减;内伤头痛必用天麻,息风定惊、镇静安眠。外风头痛以病浅而近发,其痛猝然而至,解散外邪而速安为其特点,治宜祛风为主,或散寒、利湿、化痰等,川穹茶调散加减。 展开更多
关键词 头痛 祛外风 熄内风 天麻钩藤饮 穹茶 防风 吴本鄂 老中医经验
Geo-engineering Lessons Learned from the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan and Their Significance to Reconstruction 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Runqiu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期176-189,共14页
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan of China was the result of quake-triggering along an active several hundred-kilometer-long fault. The subsequent landslides and debris flow geohazards are dominating factors in ... The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan of China was the result of quake-triggering along an active several hundred-kilometer-long fault. The subsequent landslides and debris flow geohazards are dominating factors in planning post-disaster recovery and rebuilding. This paper presents recommendations for coping with large-scale geohazards and disasters. It is essential to establish a national emergency management system for huge scale catastrophe and earthquake precursor identification. Town construction must be kept away from active faults, especially to improve town safety in areas with high risk of seismic and geological hazards, and it is important to improve geohazard investigation and remediation for mountain areas that have become loosened by earthquake activity. Geological factors must be better understood to reduce direct and secondary risks and effects of earthquakes. Site selections for public relocation require clear and informed analysis of geological and social risk reduction, so that relocation, infrastructure reconstruction, and commemorative relic-sites can be protected. 展开更多
Dark Touristic Perception: Motivation, Experience and Benefits Interpreted from the Visit to Seismic Memorial Sites in Sichuan Province 被引量:8
作者 TANG Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1326-1341,共16页
This study investigates the motivations of Chinese domestic tourists visiting seismic memorial sites after the great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008, and examines their interpretation of experiences and benefits of the vi... This study investigates the motivations of Chinese domestic tourists visiting seismic memorial sites after the great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008, and examines their interpretation of experiences and benefits of the visits. Recent research on dark tourism has raised the possibility that people are attracted to death and memorial sites in ways different from other tourist attractions. The study used an empirical research design employing questionnaires to collect data from 255 Chinese domestic visitors at seismic memorial sites in west Sichuan. Analysis revealed that the obligation of commemoration mixed with curiosity represents a different set of travel motivation in dark tourism settings than in other kinds of tourism. In addition, the empirical evidence also suggests an interrelated pattern between motivations, experiences and benefits. This study implies that Chinese domestic tourists were attracted in ways different from other tourist attractions both because they tended to fulfill their obligation of commemoration and were interested in destruction; and visitor experiences played an important mediating role between travel motivations and benefits gained. 展开更多
关键词 Dark Tourism Travel Motivation Tourist Perception Chinese Domestic Tourists Seismic Memorial sites Wenchuan earthquake Mountains
Influences of labor migration on rural household land transfer:A case study of Sichuan Province,China 被引量:5
作者 XU Ding-de CAO Sha +1 位作者 WANG Xu-xi LIU Shao-quan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期2055-2067,共13页
The influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer has been hotly debated in academic circles, which focuses on whether part-time employment leads to land transfer. Using survey data on rural households... The influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer has been hotly debated in academic circles, which focuses on whether part-time employment leads to land transfer. Using survey data on rural households in the Sichuan Province, and applying the theoretical framework of new economics of labor migration, this study explores the influences of labor migration on the direction and scale of land transfer from the perspective of rural household structure. The results indicate that: 1) the quantity of laborers has significant influence on the direction and scale of land transfer. The larger the on-farm labor variable(Labor), the lesser the possibility that land will be rented-out and the amount of land rented out will also be smaller. In addition, there is a greater probability that land will be rented-in and the amount of land rented-in will be greater. 2) The greater the ratio of off-farm laborers to rural household laborers(Off-farm) the greater the possibility that land will be rented-out. In addition the higher the ratio of on-farm laborers to the total household laborers(On-farm), the larger the possibility that land will be rented-in. Meanwhile, if the household has individuals at the age of 64 or older(Old) who are engaged in agriculture, there is a smaller possibility that land will be rentedout. 3) the ratio of part-time laborers to rural household laborers(Pluriactivity) have significant inverse U-shaped influences on the rent-in of land as well as the amount of land rented-in. The inflection points are 33.27% and 14.10%, respectively. Such findings confirm the significance of this study in better understanding the influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer. 展开更多
关键词 Labor migration Part-time employment Land transfer direction Land transfer scale Ruralarea Sichuan Province
Slope Seismic Response Monitoring on the Aftershocks of the Wenchuan Earthquake in the Mianzhu Section 被引量:6
作者 WANG Yunsheng LUO Yonghong +4 位作者 WANG Fuhai WANG Dong MA Xiao LI Shun DENG Xi 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期523-528,共6页
Previous investigations have shown that the seismic response of slopes during the Wenchuan earthquake was highly variable. The present study tries to give an answer to the question: Which are the main factors affecti... Previous investigations have shown that the seismic response of slopes during the Wenchuan earthquake was highly variable. The present study tries to give an answer to the question: Which are the main factors affecting the seismic response degree of slopes? With the support of the China Geological Survey Bureau, we set 3 monitoring sections in Jiulong slope, Mianzhu city, China with the aim to record the site response of the slope during the affershoeks of the Wenehuan earthquake. After the Wenchuan earthquake, which happened on 12 May 2008, 30 aftershocks have been recorded in these monitoring points. We analyzed 11 records, with magnitudes ranging from ML = 4.6 to ML = 3.1. The amplification factors of the horizontal compound PGA and 3D compound PGA have been determined for the 3 points at different elevations on the slope. Results showed that the dynamic response of the slope on the earthquake was controlled by factors such as topography and the thickness of the Quaternary overburden. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic response SLOPE MONITORING Longmen Mountains AFTERSHOCKS Wenchuanearthquake
The Genetic Mechanism of Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:2
作者 WANG Yunsheng HUANG Runqiu LUO Yonghong XU Hongbiao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期336-344,共9页
The genetic mechanism of the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake is still being debated and there is still no convincing general explanation for most of the phenomena. This is because researchers have ignored the important role ... The genetic mechanism of the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake is still being debated and there is still no convincing general explanation for most of the phenomena. This is because researchers have ignored the important role of the Minshan block in the seismogenic process. The authors present a new opinion based on geological survey and comprehensive analyses. The Minshan block is a key tectonic element of the earthquake occurrence in the northwest triangle faulty block of Sichuan Province. The Minshan block is bordered by Longmen Mountain Range fractures in the south, the Huya fracture in the east, the Tazang fracture in the north and the Mounigou Valley fracture in the west. The rigidity of the block is relatively larger than those of the adjacent regions. The block's eastward movement pushed by regional maximum main geo-stress is limited when it suddenly tapers off near the east triangle end with a bottle-neck effect, and this causes geo-stress concentration around it. The shape of the block is coffin-like, wide in the upper part and narrow in the lower part. When a strong earthquake occurs along the block margins, the lock-up effect temporarily released, resulting in geo-stress transmitted to the Pingwu-Qingchuan (Motianling block) region. This transmission caused the Wenchuan earthquake's aftershocks to be concentrated in Qingchuan region. As the block moved eastward, the back of the block, i.e. the south segment of Mounigou Valley fracture, became active after the Wenchuan Earthquake. Therefore the aftershocks were concentrated along the south segment of Mounigou Valley fracture. Because the south margin is composed of the front range fracture, the geo-stress gradually released, causing many aftershocks along the Guanxian-Anxian fracture. The geological survey made after the Wenchuan Earthquake reveals that the surface ruptures in the south margin of Minshan block occur not along the Beichuan-Yingxiu fracture (central fracture) also along the front range fracture. The length of the surface rupture in the south margin ranges from several meters to several kilometers and it is distributed in en echelon (closely-spaced, parallel or subparallel, step-like surface ruptures). The vertical and horizontal displacements range from place to place and the thrusting component is dominant in the middle segment of Longmen Mountain Range structure belt. Nevertheless, the strike slip of the surface ruptures is dominant in the north segment of Longmen Mountain Range structure belt. Therefore the south margin is the original seismic structure. The sudden thrusting of the south margin of the Minshan block is the source event for the Wenchuan Earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Genetic mechanism Minshan block Geological activities Longmen Mountain Range
The Two-dimensional Time Coordinate System and Time Prediction Research of M≥6.7 Strong Earthquakes in the Sichuan-Yunnan Region
作者 Sun Zongqiang Xie Xiaojing +6 位作者 Gao Huayan Wang Yongmei Fang Yanxun Wang Bin Yao Yuxia Cao Xiaoli Wu Yanfang 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第1期128-135,共8页
Since the 20 thcentury,the time intervals of M ≥6.7 strong earthquakes in the SichuanYunnan region show obvious regularity.Using the years of the strong events,a twodimensional time coordinate system is generated,bas... Since the 20 thcentury,the time intervals of M ≥6.7 strong earthquakes in the SichuanYunnan region show obvious regularity.Using the years of the strong events,a twodimensional time coordinate system is generated,based on which,the time prediction model is constructed for strong earthquakes in the Sichuan-Yunnan region.Prediction analysis shows that there is risk of generating four earthquakes with M ≥ 6.7 in the Sichuan-Yunnan region in the future 16 years,and there are strong signals for M ≥6.7earthquakes for periods 2012-2021 and 2025-2029.The strong earthquakes may occur around 2014-2015,2019 and 2027. 展开更多
关键词 The Sichuan-Yunnan region Strong earthquake Two-dimensional timecoordinate system Earthquake prediction Time prediction model
Last Interglacial-Glacial Cycle and an Attempt to Reconstruct Würmian Paleohumidity of the European Alps
作者 Janez TURK 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期322-330,共9页
A lot of paleoenvironmental surveys have been carried out in the Alpine region to elucidate glacier extension during the Last Glacial or the Würmian (115 - 12 ka BP). However, the evidence of past glaciations dif... A lot of paleoenvironmental surveys have been carried out in the Alpine region to elucidate glacier extension during the Last Glacial or the Würmian (115 - 12 ka BP). However, the evidence of past glaciations differs greatly between Western and Eastern Alps, while contrast between Southern and Northern Alps is not evident. The main purpose of this paper is to interpret variability of humidity during the last interglacial-glacial cycle in the Alpine region, based on results of various surveys performed in the Alpine region. Results show that distribution of moisture throughout the Alps was most even during the Late Würmian, while precipitation was mainly concentrated in the (North)Western Alps during the Early Würmian and in the (North)Western and along all the Southern Alps during the Middle Würmian. The Eastern Alps were rather dry during both episodes. Such moisture distribution can be explained by paths of prevailing winds. Moisture distribution is directly linked with atmospheric and oceanic circulation. 展开更多
关键词 ALPS Wuermian glaciers Humidity PALEOCLIMATE Atmospheric circulation
湖南花鼓戏艺术特色探析 被引量:13
作者 王月明 《戏剧文学》 北大核心 2007年第9期76-78,共3页
关键词 花鼓戏 湖南 剧种 声腔 打锣腔 三小戏 戏曲 剧目 对子戏 对面头戏 唱腔 说唱音乐 川调
白族民歌 被引量:1
作者 李华 《音乐生活》 2005年第9期51-,共1页
关键词 白族民歌 白族 大理白族
Diurnal hydrological controls and non-filtration effects on minor and trace elements in stream water draining the Qiyi Glacier, Qilian Mountain 被引量:5
作者 LI XiangYing QIN DaHe +2 位作者 JING ZheFan LI YueFang WANG NingLian 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期81-92,共12页
Diurnal minor and trace elements in glacial outflow water draining the Qiyi Glacier and associated hydrological controls as well as the filtration effects on water chemistry were examined. Results show that major ions... Diurnal minor and trace elements in glacial outflow water draining the Qiyi Glacier and associated hydrological controls as well as the filtration effects on water chemistry were examined. Results show that major ions, Li, St, and Ba are exported pre- dominately as mobile monovalent or divalent ions and are controlled by hydrological variations over the diurnal cycle exhibit- ing an inverse concentration with discharge, suggesting that Li, Sr, and Ba can be used as tracers in subglacial hydrological investigations. Conversely, other elements (e.g. Fe, Al, and Cr) exhibit variations that are not strongly correlated with the dis- charge reflecting the physicochemical controls. The non-filtered operation appears not to strongly influence Sr and Ba, but has an effect on some elements such as Fe, Al, V, Ti, and Co, indicating that these changed elements are transported in particulate forms and thus their concentrations are highly dependent on particulate numbers in solutions. This implies that the immediate filtration after sampling is essential in hydrochemical studies at Alpine glacial basins due to subsequent mineral dissolution. 展开更多
关键词 minor and trace elements FILTRATION stream water Qiyi Glacier Qilian Mountain
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