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西汉鲁国州属问题判断 被引量:2
作者 侯甬坚 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第4期90-92,共3页
西汉州部为中央政府设于郡国之上的监察区,《汉书地理志》注记鲁国属豫州,《后汉书郡国志》注记西汉时鲁国属徐州,清代以来学者对此各有所从,但以遵从后者为多。利用先秦两汉时期的旁证材料,从淮泗水路,鲁一东海的地域关系等方面... 西汉州部为中央政府设于郡国之上的监察区,《汉书地理志》注记鲁国属豫州,《后汉书郡国志》注记西汉时鲁国属徐州,清代以来学者对此各有所从,但以遵从后者为多。利用先秦两汉时期的旁证材料,从淮泗水路,鲁一东海的地域关系等方面加以考证判断,可见《后汉书郡国志》的注记可靠。并利用清人考证结果。 展开更多
关键词 西汉 鲁国 州属 淮泗 东海郡
《决策通讯》 2002年第4期42-43,共2页
关键词 州属农业科研机构 技术推广单位 改革 新疆 科技创新 组织机构 责任制
“两税三分”与“税外加征”——试论中晚唐藩镇与属州的财力消长 被引量:4
作者 张达志 《中国社会经济史研究》 CSSCI 2010年第3期1-11,共11页
"两税三分"的实施及演变,可以体现中晚唐藩镇与属州的财力消长。宪宗朝两税三分制改革,将藩镇留使钱局限于治州范围之内,属州在经济上的独立性得到加强,而藩镇借助"税外加征"弥补损失又遭朝廷明令禁止。通过对朝廷... "两税三分"的实施及演变,可以体现中晚唐藩镇与属州的财力消长。宪宗朝两税三分制改革,将藩镇留使钱局限于治州范围之内,属州在经济上的独立性得到加强,而藩镇借助"税外加征"弥补损失又遭朝廷明令禁止。通过对朝廷、藩镇、属州三者博弈过程的动态考察,可以揭示中晚唐乃至五代宋初藩镇渐弱而属州渐强的发展趋势,为宋初得以彻底废除藩镇提供合理的解释。 展开更多
关键词 中晚唐 两税三分 税外加征 藩镇
作者 贾文龙 《保定学院学报》 2014年第1期1-6,共6页
宋朝地方最重要的审判级别是州(府、军、监),州级属官是宋朝州级审判中的主体人员,针对宋朝州级属官群体的施政评价中,司法职能考奖是最主要的制度构成部分。宋代对属官群体的任职评价主要分为上、中、下三等,但中等评价成为实际考核的... 宋朝地方最重要的审判级别是州(府、军、监),州级属官是宋朝州级审判中的主体人员,针对宋朝州级属官群体的施政评价中,司法职能考奖是最主要的制度构成部分。宋代对属官群体的任职评价主要分为上、中、下三等,但中等评价成为实际考核的绝大多数,因难分优劣而成为普通级的司法评价,并对应着属官群体漫长的循资历级迁升模式;优秀级司法评价为雪活人命或修订国家法律,最高级司法评价为认定地方完成狱空治理,后两种方式才可以在资格体系中实现地位跳跃,但在宋代这样的机会实属难得因而可贵,所以宋代基层文官作为法官角色是缺少晋升空间的。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 司法评价 狱空 考奖
元代“领县属州”初探 被引量:1
作者 朱江琳 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期65-75,共11页
"属州"是元、明以及清前期存在的地方政区。通过对元代路或散府下辖领县属州的沿革过程、时空变迁、领属情况及设置利弊进行系统梳理和初步探讨,得出有元一代前后共设"领县属州"数155个,其中前代之州演变为元代属... "属州"是元、明以及清前期存在的地方政区。通过对元代路或散府下辖领县属州的沿革过程、时空变迁、领属情况及设置利弊进行系统梳理和初步探讨,得出有元一代前后共设"领县属州"数155个,其中前代之州演变为元代属州者居多,占总数的67.74%,在经历至元到成宗初年置废频繁期后,属州数趋于稳定,直到至顺元年无大变更。受地理、历史、经济等诸多因素共同影响,形成至顺元年呈东北、西南走向的属州分布格局。元代"领县属州"之设有助于克服路或散府因管理幅度过大而对所辖区域难以有效管理的弊端,但属州领县数均较少,这与其作为统县政区不甚吻合。元代为属州发展的雏形阶段,其"领县属州"多为明代承袭并有所完善和发展。 展开更多
关键词 元代 领县 分布格局 情况
作者 李新贵 《历史地理》 CSSCI 2013年第1期22-35,共14页
唐玄宗开元初年设置的陇右节度使,实为备御吐蕃而设。其辖属鄯(今青海乐都)、秦(今甘肃天水)、河(今甘肃临夏)、渭(今甘肃陇西)、兰(今甘肃兰州)、武(今甘肃陇南)、洮(今甘肃临潭)、岷(今甘肃岷县)、廓(今青海化隆西)、叠(今甘肃迭部)、... 唐玄宗开元初年设置的陇右节度使,实为备御吐蕃而设。其辖属鄯(今青海乐都)、秦(今甘肃天水)、河(今甘肃临夏)、渭(今甘肃陇西)、兰(今甘肃兰州)、武(今甘肃陇南)、洮(今甘肃临潭)、岷(今甘肃岷县)、廓(今青海化隆西)、叠(今甘肃迭部)、宕(今甘肃舟曲西)、成(今甘肃礼县西南)十二州①。 展开更多
关键词 陇右 都督府 化隆 唐前期 总管府 临潭
试论唐代都督府与州的关系 被引量:5
作者 夏炎 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期27-35,共9页
唐代,都督一般兼任治所州的刺史,出现了都督、刺史两个长官合一的现象。在这种情况下,都督府与治所州政府之间的关系存在两种形式:一种形式是都督府与治所州政府之间是合署办公的关系,两套僚属机构合并;另一种形式则是都督府与治所州存... 唐代,都督一般兼任治所州的刺史,出现了都督、刺史两个长官合一的现象。在这种情况下,都督府与治所州政府之间的关系存在两种形式:一种形式是都督府与治所州政府之间是合署办公的关系,两套僚属机构合并;另一种形式则是都督府与治所州存在着都督府官员与州级官员两套僚佐系统,这两套系统虽拥有一个长官,但并不是合署办公,而是相对独立,互不统属。都督府与其属州是上下级的统属关系,具体表现在上下级行政关系、对属州的监察职能以及军事管理职能等三个方面。随着唐代都督府的名存实亡以及藩镇的崛起,都督府与属州之间的行政统属关系变得越来越微弱,但是这种都督府统属数州的体制直接影响到唐后期的藩镇统属属州的体制。 展开更多
关键词 唐代 都督府
作者 李新起 《珠江水运》 1994年第11期27-27,共1页
关键词 黔西南 成绩显著 乡镇船舶 滇黔桂三省区 水上交通安全管理 北盘江 州属 红水河 小河流 船员培训
作者 朱凌海 《江苏地方志》 2023年第4期51-53,共3页
关键词 布政使司 直隶 南直隶 品秩 两京 三级模式 明代
《民族工作》 1994年第2期17-17,共1页
关键词 优惠政策 迪庆 税收减免 税前还贷 报批手续 列项 地方财政 经济活动 三年
宋代州级属官体制初探 被引量:23
作者 苗书梅 《中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期111-126,共16页
宋代州级政府是地方行政体制的重要一环 ,而州级行政属官是佐助正副长官贯彻中央政令 ,处理日常政务 ,保证完纳税粮 ,尤其是办理日常司法政务的主要官员。宋代州级属官体制承袭于唐末五代 ,但又有较大的改组 ,呈现出人员减少 ,司法政务... 宋代州级政府是地方行政体制的重要一环 ,而州级行政属官是佐助正副长官贯彻中央政令 ,处理日常政务 ,保证完纳税粮 ,尤其是办理日常司法政务的主要官员。宋代州级属官体制承袭于唐末五代 ,但又有较大的改组 ,呈现出人员减少 ,司法政务繁重等时代特点 ,在化解民间纠纷 ,缓和阶级矛盾、巩固和加强宋朝的中央集权统治过程中 。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 官体制 中国 政治制度 中央集权
《中国图书评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第3期198-199,共2页
关键词 一览表 书市 反馈 州属 丝兰 布相 饰带 健长 口盖
《中国金属通报》 1996年第33期31-33,共3页
关键词 物资 供求信息 粗锌 二醛 州属 摹绘 解离
“属州视县,直隶州视府”:明清州制新解 被引量:3
作者 李大海 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期50-58,共9页
明清时期的州制问题,可从体国经野和设官分职这两个既有联系又有差异的角度分别加以探讨。清廷通过取消隶府而领县的属州,实现了地方行政区划层级的简化。《明史·职官志》"知州掌一州之政。凡州二,有属州,有直隶州。属州视县... 明清时期的州制问题,可从体国经野和设官分职这两个既有联系又有差异的角度分别加以探讨。清廷通过取消隶府而领县的属州,实现了地方行政区划层级的简化。《明史·职官志》"知州掌一州之政。凡州二,有属州,有直隶州。属州视县,直隶州视府,而品秩则同"的记载,藉州政之别反映了以两类知州为代表的官僚在权力运作上的内涵与空间差异。本文依靠雍正时期针对属州进行大规模调整留下的文献记录,为揭示上述志文真相提供新的解说。笔者认为,"属州视县,直隶州视府"指属州知州虽领有知县,但因尚隶于知府,故所掌州政主要面向本州亲领编户,从牧民之官的角度可视与知县相埒。而直隶州知州因径隶于布政使,故州政主要是对所领知县的巡查管辖,从牧官之官的角度当与知府相仿。这是志文详于府、县之政,却独略于州政的原因。《清史稿·职官志》所谓"属州视县,直隶州视府",已与明代乃至清初州制有所不同。 展开更多
关键词 直隶 《明史·职官志》 明清时期
Accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals in clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) in Jiaozhou Bay,China 被引量:7
作者 马海青 宋茜 王旭晨 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期887-897,共11页
Accumulation and distributions of aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals were measured in tissues of the clam Ruditapes philippinarum collected from 5 sites in Jiaozhou Bay,Qingdao,China.The c... Accumulation and distributions of aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals were measured in tissues of the clam Ruditapes philippinarum collected from 5 sites in Jiaozhou Bay,Qingdao,China.The concentrations of total aliphatic hydrocarbon and PAHs ranged from 570 to 2 574 ng/gdw (gram dry weight) and from 276 to 939 ng/gdw,in the most and least polluted sites,respectively.The bio-accumulation of hydrocarbons and PAHs in the clams appeared to be selective.Aliphatic hydrocarbons were predominantly represented by short chain (<nC23) n-alkanes,suggesting that petroleum hydrocarbons were likely the major contamination source.The selective uptake of 3 and 4 ring PAHs,such as naphthalene,fluorene,phenanthrene,fluoranthene and pyrene,by the clams was probably related to the physiological and bio-kinetic processes that were energetically favorable for uptake of compounds with fewer rings.Accumulation of the metals Cd,Cu,Zn,Pb,Cr,Hg,and As in the clam tissues also showed high variability,ranging from 0.043 to 87 μg/gdw.Among the 7 detected metals,Zn,Cd,Cu,and As had a particularly high potential of accumulation in R.philippinarum.In general,a positive correlation was found between the tissue concentrations and sediment concentrations of hydrocarbons and of some metals.Our study suggests that moderate contamination with polyaromatic hydrocarbons,and low to moderate contamination with metals,currently exists for clam R.philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay,in comparison with other regional studies.A long-term monitoring program is certainly needed for assessment of the potential ecological influence and toxicity of these contaminants of R.philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay. 展开更多
关键词 aliphatic hydrocarbons PAHS heavy metals CLAM Jiaozhou Bay
Classification of Guizhou Aspidistra Plants by Near-infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy 被引量:1
作者 高永跃 何顺志 徐文芬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期575-578,590,共5页
[Objective] This study was conducted to establish a near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of Guizhou Aspidistra plants. [Method] Twenty three batch- es of Guizhou Aspidistra plants including A. chishuiensis, ... [Objective] This study was conducted to establish a near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of Guizhou Aspidistra plants. [Method] Twenty three batch- es of Guizhou Aspidistra plants including A. chishuiensis, A. spinula, A. Caespitosa, A. sichuanensis, A. ebianensis, A. retusa, A. guizhouensis and A. liboensis were subjected to drying, pulverization and sieving and then directly determined for near- infrared reflectance spectrums; and the plants in this genus were classified by clus- ter analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). [Result] The near-infrared re- flectance spectrums of the 23 batches of Guizhou Aspidistra plants showed very high similarity. The spectrums were processed by first derivative method, and the spectral range of 4 000-7 500 cm-1 was selected as the analytical range. Cluster analysis and PCA were employed to mass spectrum variables of plants in Aspidis- tra, fewer new variables became the linear combination of primary variables, and small differences between different varieties were enlarged, thereby facilitating intu- itive classification of plants in this genus. [Conclusion] Near-infrared diffuse re- flectance spectroscopy is nondestructive and rapid for determination of solid sam- pies, and provides a new method for the classification of Guizhou Aspidistra plants combined by information processing techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Guizhou Aspidistra plants Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy CLASSIFICATION
Heavy Metals, Phosphorus and Some Other Elements in Urban Soils of Hangzhou City, China 被引量:93
作者 ZHANGMing-Kui KEZi-Xia 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期177-185,共9页
Health implications of inhaling and/or ingesting dust particles with high concentrations of heavy metals from urban soils are a subject of intense concern. Understanding the geochemistry of these metals is key to thei... Health implications of inhaling and/or ingesting dust particles with high concentrations of heavy metals from urban soils are a subject of intense concern. Understanding the geochemistry of these metals is key to their effective management. Total concentrations of heavy metals,phosphorus (P) and 8 other elements from topsoil samples collected at 82 locations in Hangzhou City were measured to:a) assess their distribution in urban environments; and b) understand their differentiation as related to land use. Metal mobility was also studied using a three-step sequential chemical fractionation procedure. About 8.5%,1.2%,3.6%,11.0% and 30.3% of the soil samples had Cd,Cr,Cu,Pb,and Zn concentrations,respectively,above their allowable limits for public and private green areas and residential use. However,in commercial and industrial areas,most samples had metal concentrations below their allowable limits. Statistical analyses revealed that the 16 measured elements in urban soils could be divided into four groups based on natural or anthropic sources using a hierarchical cluster analysis. Additionally,Cu,Pb,and P showed similar spatial distributions with significant pollution in commercial zones,suggesting vehicle traffic or commercial activities as dominant pollutant sources. Also,Cd,Co,Cr,Ni,Zn,Mn and Fe had the highest concentrations in industrial locations,signifying that industrial activities were the main sources of these seven metals. Moreover,the data highlighted land-use as a major influence on heavy metal concentrations and forms found in topsoils with large proportions of soil Cd,Co,Cr,and Ni found in residual fractions and soil Cu,Pb and Zn mainly as extractable fractions. 展开更多
关键词 anthropogenic pollution heavy metals PHOSPHORUS urban soils
Soil heavy metal(loid)s and risk assessment in vicinity of a coal mining area from southwest Guizhou, China 被引量:17
作者 QIN Fan-xin WEI Chao-fu +3 位作者 ZHONG Shou-qin HUANG Xian-fei PANG Wen-pin JIANG Xin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2205-2213,共9页
Total concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, chromium, and copper in the soils from near a coal mine area in southwest Guizhou, China, were measured to evaluate the level of contamination, and the ... Total concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, chromium, and copper in the soils from near a coal mine area in southwest Guizhou, China, were measured to evaluate the level of contamination, and the potential ecological risks posed by the heavy metals were quantitatively estimated. Results reveal that all heavy metals/metalloid exceeded the background values for soil environmental quality of heavy metals in Guizhou area. Geo-accumulation index(I_(geo)) showed that arsenic had the highest contamination level(I_(geo)=4) among the seven heavy metals/metalloid, and the contamination levels of mercury and lead were also relatively high(I_(geo)=3). Pearson correlation and cluster analysis identified that mercury, copper and arsenic had a relationship, and their presence might be mainly related to mining activity, coal and oil combustion, and vehicle emissions. Improved Nemerow index indicated that the overall level of heavy metal contamination in the studied area ranged from moderately–heavily contaminated to heavily contaminated level. Potential ecological risk index(R_I) analysis manifested that the whole ecological risk level ranged from high degree to very high degree(325.30≤R_I≤801.02) in the studied soil samples, and the potential ecological risk factors (E_r^i) of heavy metals/metalloid were as follows: Hg > As > Cd > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cr, and the E_r^i of Hg and As reached very high risk grade. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metals soil contamination ecological risk coal mining area Xingren county
Spatial Variations in Depth-distribution of Trace Metals in Coastal Wetland Sediments from Quanzhou Bay,Fujian Province,China 被引量:6
作者 WANG Aijun CHEN Jian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期62-68,共7页
Four short cores were obtained from the coastal wetland of the Quanzhou Bay,Fujian Province,China,and sediment samples were analyzed with a Mastersizer 2000 for grain size analysis and an Inductively Coupled Plasma At... Four short cores were obtained from the coastal wetland of the Quanzhou Bay,Fujian Province,China,and sediment samples were analyzed with a Mastersizer 2000 for grain size analysis and an Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer(ICP-AES) for trace metal analysis. The results of grain size analysis show that the wetland sediments are mainly composed of silt and clay,and the distribution of median grain size is affected by human activities obviously. The results of trace metal analysis show that the wetland sediments mainly originate from terrestrial materials in the Luoyangjiang River estuary and from contaminants discharged from adjacent rivers in Shuitou area. The heavy metal contamination in Luoyangjiang estuary decreased from 1984 to 2004 due to industry transformation,but has increased since 2004 because of the discharge of contaminants to the Jinjiang River and much living sewerage to the bay,and a large number of trace metals are trapped within Spartina alterniflora marsh. 展开更多
关键词 coastal wetland trace metal grain size Spartina alterniflora marsh Quanzhou Bay
作者 蒋静雯 杨兴莲 +1 位作者 陈争鹏 周思璇 《古生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期261-272,共12页
三叶虫Fuchouia长期被作为贵州寒武系甲劳组生物地层划分和对比的重要依据,但关于Fuchouia和Parafuchouia的系统分类位置一直存在争议。主要有以下三个观点:Parafuchouia是Fuchouia的亚属、Parafuchouia是Fuchouia的晚出异名以及Parafuc... 三叶虫Fuchouia长期被作为贵州寒武系甲劳组生物地层划分和对比的重要依据,但关于Fuchouia和Parafuchouia的系统分类位置一直存在争议。主要有以下三个观点:Parafuchouia是Fuchouia的亚属、Parafuchouia是Fuchouia的晚出异名以及Parafuchouia可提升为一个单独的属。本文根据在剑河八郎甲劳组采集的Fuchouia[过去被报道为Parafuchouia或Fuchouia (Parafuchouia)]标本和前人报道的Fuchouia、Parafuchouia标本,基于线性测量的几何形态测量方法,对Parafuchouia和Fuchouia的头部形态特征进行分析研究,结果显示Parafuchouia是Fuchouia的晚出异名,其区别于Fuchouia的特征可作为种间差异的判定依据。这样,剑河甲劳组可能是目前全球Fuchouia的最低产出层位之一。尽管Fuchouia在中国、朝鲜、印度—喜马拉雅、澳大利亚、哈萨克斯坦等地广泛分布,但已报道的产出层位多从鼓山阶Ptychagnostus atavus带至古丈阶Lejopyge laevigata带,延限跨度较大,很难用Fuchouia这一属级单位来进行生物地层对比。因此贵州寒武系甲劳组目前已建立的Fuchouia生物地层带还需进一步商榷,需具体到种一级别或另选其他对比分子才能与寒武系华南斜坡相区或华北台地相区进行更好的同期地层对比。 展开更多
关键词 副复 晚出异名 甲劳组 寒武系
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