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山东省主要苹果产区授粉壁蜂巢管螨害情况调查初报 被引量:4
作者 翟浩 王贵平 +4 位作者 薛晓敏 王金政 于树增 唐永辉 曹洪建 《中国果树》 2015年第6期82-84,86,共3页
通过对山东省青岛市、烟台市、威海市、临沂市、淄博市以及泰安市6个地级市的10个苹果重点市(县)果园中授粉壁蜂巢管育房内害螨的危害情况进行采样鉴定和抽样调查,结果表明,该螨为疥螨目毛爪螨科毛爪螨属害螨,是分布于日本的种类Chaetod... 通过对山东省青岛市、烟台市、威海市、临沂市、淄博市以及泰安市6个地级市的10个苹果重点市(县)果园中授粉壁蜂巢管育房内害螨的危害情况进行采样鉴定和抽样调查,结果表明,该螨为疥螨目毛爪螨科毛爪螨属害螨,是分布于日本的种类Chaetodactylus hirashimai Kurosa,中文名为平岛氏毛爪螨,属盗寄生性携播型螨类,为我国的新记录种。抽样调查发现,壁蜂巢管育房内害螨的危害现象较为普遍,并且危害程度较为严重,其危害程度因地区不同而有所差异。其中,青岛市、烟台市、威海市3个地级市果园中害螨为害巢管数占总调查管数的比率,以及害螨为害育房数占总调查育房数的比率最高,分别为55.75%、29.02%,51.55%、26.61%,48.67%、20.33%;而临沂市、淄博市和泰安市这3个地级市果园中害螨为害巢管数占总调查管数的比率,以及害螨为害育房数占总调查育房数的比率较低,均在4%以下。调查还发现,害螨的繁殖力强、种群数量大;壁蜂携带是害螨传播为害的主要途径,害螨通过壁蜂携带进入芦苇巢管的育房,并以花粉为食物,大量繁殖,因此造成壁蜂巢管中各虫态存活率下降,严重影响了翌春壁蜂成虫的出茧率,从而降低了果园中壁蜂的数量和授粉效率。 展开更多
关键词 壁蜂 平岛氏毛爪螨 巢管育房 螨害
威海市苹果园授粉壁蜂巢管螨害情况调查初报 被引量:2
作者 翟浩 王贵平 +2 位作者 李晓军 薛晓敏 王金政 《山东农业科学》 2016年第4期106-108,共3页
为明确授粉壁蜂巢管育房内害螨的种类、生活习性及为害特点,对威海市文登、荣成、乳山3个苹果重点市(县)的3个乡镇的12个果园中壁蜂巢管育房内螨害情况进行抽样调查,并对38户种植户进行走访调查。结果表明:壁蜂巢管中害螨鉴定为分布... 为明确授粉壁蜂巢管育房内害螨的种类、生活习性及为害特点,对威海市文登、荣成、乳山3个苹果重点市(县)的3个乡镇的12个果园中壁蜂巢管育房内螨害情况进行抽样调查,并对38户种植户进行走访调查。结果表明:壁蜂巢管中害螨鉴定为分布于日本的Chaetodactylus hirashimai Kurosa,壁蜂携带是螨传播为害的主要途径,该螨种群数量大、繁殖力强;文登、荣成、乳山3个苹果重点市(县)果园壁蜂巢管中均发现螨的为害;12个果园中平均螨为害巢管数占总调查巢管数的48.7%,平均螨为害育房数占总调查育房数的20.32%,不同地区为害程度有所差异;38户种植户回收壁蜂巢管中螨为害蜂茧数占总蜂茧数的比例在0-10%的有5户,在11%-20%的有10户,在21%-30%的有14户,在31%-40%的有5户,在41%-50%的有3户,在61%-70%的有1户。 展开更多
关键词 授粉壁蜂 巢管 育房 螨害
巢管内径尺寸对凹唇壁蜂(膜翅目:切叶蜂科)种群参数的影响 被引量:3
作者 王丽娜 闫卓 +2 位作者 欧阳芳 门兴元 叶保华 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1001-1006,共6页
【目的】凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken是我国北方果园重要的授粉昆虫,为明确人类管理措施对凹唇壁蜂种群动态的影响,本文主要探索人工巢管(芦苇管)的内径尺寸与凹唇壁蜂基本种群参数的关联,从而为维持凹唇壁蜂种群以传粉为目的扩繁确... 【目的】凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken是我国北方果园重要的授粉昆虫,为明确人类管理措施对凹唇壁蜂种群动态的影响,本文主要探索人工巢管(芦苇管)的内径尺寸与凹唇壁蜂基本种群参数的关联,从而为维持凹唇壁蜂种群以传粉为目的扩繁确定最合适的巢管尺寸。【方法】通过在苹果园放置不同内径大小的巢管,收集凹唇壁蜂种群,进一步比较了3种不同内径尺寸(6、8、10 mm)的巢管中凹唇壁蜂蜂重、茧长、性比、寄生率和死亡率的差异。最后,综合以上结果评价了巢管内径尺寸对凹唇壁蜂种群参数的影响。【结果】(1)凹唇壁蜂具有雌雄体型性二型现象,雌蜂茧重是雄蜂的1.67倍,雌蜂茧长是雄蜂的1.15倍。(2)一定范围内增加巢管的内径可以显著增加凹唇壁蜂后代的性比(雌蜂比例)、蜂重和茧长。(3)凹唇壁蜂亲本对后代的投资随着巢管内径的增加而增加。【结论】凹唇壁蜂可根据外界筑巢条件的变化调整其对子代的亲本投资和性别分配比例。直径较小的巢管中,对应亲本所产后代偏向个体较小的雄性;直径较大的巢管中,对应亲本所产后代偏向个体较大的雌性。可获得的孔穴的尺寸能够通过影响凹唇壁蜂后代种群的体型和性比,进而影响当地壁蜂种群的结构和稳定性。因此,在半驯养独居蜂的繁育过程中,可以通过人工控制巢管内径尺寸,以筑巢直径8-10mm为最适合范围,来调整后代的蜂重、茧长、性比等,进而优化对半驯养独居蜂的种群管理。 展开更多
关键词 凹唇壁蜂 巢管尺寸 内径 体型 性比 亲本投资 性别分配
作者 陆俊 李文强 +6 位作者 刘琪 冉芸琪 胡锋 龚文奥 张诗雨 章肇棋 黄敦元 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期744-752,I0018,I0019,共11页
利用人工巢管(Trap-nest)对我国南方林区捕食性天敌昆虫黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum Smith的营巢生物学进行研究,以期更好的保护和利用该蜂对农林害虫的生物防治作用。2021年4月至2022年12月在江西省选取5个典型样地放置人... 利用人工巢管(Trap-nest)对我国南方林区捕食性天敌昆虫黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum Smith的营巢生物学进行研究,以期更好的保护和利用该蜂对农林害虫的生物防治作用。2021年4月至2022年12月在江西省选取5个典型样地放置人工巢管收集黄缘蜾蠃,野外观察并记录该蜂雌性成虫活动规律的相关数据,并通过室内解剖筑巢巢管对该蜂的巢管进行观察并测量获取巢管结构的相关数据。研究发现黄缘蜾蠃偏爱巢口朝向东南方向的巢箱筑巢,该蜂巢管内部结构由前庭(Vestibular cell)、虫室(Brood cell)和空室(Empty space)等结构组成,也观察记录了巢管内部结构的相关参数和雌蜂的筑巢行为,其中包括巢管长度、内径以及前庭、虫室、空室的数量和长度;而筑巢行为主要包括日平均出巢次数、单次捕食时间、采泥时间、处理猎物的时间以及筑巢时间。每年5月、7月和10月是黄缘蜾蠃营巢最活跃的时期。黄缘蜾蠃的筑巢习性在不同个体之间无明显差异,但后代雌雄发育情况在不同巢管结构中存在差异;雌性成虫个体较雄性大,其幼虫期所需食物更多;该蜂可能会根据虫室大小及储备食物的多少来决定后代的性别分配。 展开更多
关键词 黄缘蜾蠃 营巢生物学 人工巢管 季节性 筑巢行为
探究黄缘蜾蠃后代性别的分配 被引量:5
作者 郭鹏飞 陶玫 +1 位作者 袁峰 朱朝东 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期645-650,共6页
蜾蠃亚科Eumeninae昆虫提供了重要的生态系统服务如传粉和生物防治。黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum筑巢在芦苇中,是一种重要的独栖性捕食昆虫。2015-2016年,本实验通过在江西省德兴市新岗山镇的BEF-China样地收集筑巢巢管,室... 蜾蠃亚科Eumeninae昆虫提供了重要的生态系统服务如传粉和生物防治。黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum筑巢在芦苇中,是一种重要的独栖性捕食昆虫。2015-2016年,本实验通过在江西省德兴市新岗山镇的BEF-China样地收集筑巢巢管,室内处理巢管并记录数据,旨在研究该蜂后代性别的分配。研究发现该蜂是实验地营巢独栖性蜂类的优势物种;在后代仅有雌性或雄性的巢管中,性别偏向雄性,雌雄比为0.27∶1,雄性数量远高于雌性,推测原因一是虽然放置的巢管直径是随机的,但是其中直径小于12 cm的巢管数量更多,二是巢箱附近黄缘蜾蠃可利用的资源较少;雄性的巢内平均个体数量高于雌性原因是雌性个体较大且所需的食物更多,占用了巢内更多的空间;在后代雌雄共有的巢管中,雌雄比接近为1∶1,略偏向雌性;随着巢管直径的增大,雌性比例有上升的趋势,但是巢管长度对雌性的影响不大;构建巢室时,后代性别的分配总是按照雌性在内,雄性在外的方式排列,这可能揭示了黄缘蜾蠃可以决定后代的性别分配。 展开更多
关键词 蜾蠃亚科 黄缘蜾蠃 人工巢管 性比 性别分配
海拔梯度变化对黄缘蜾蠃筑巢结构及相关生物学特性的影响 被引量:3
作者 窦飞越 张欢 +7 位作者 吴智宏 林木青 束祖飞 李红英 寇若玫 周泽扬 黄敦元 肖治术 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期3279-3287,共9页
黄缘蜾蠃(Anterhynchium flavomarginatum)是一种以鳞翅目幼虫为食的独栖性捕食昆虫,在生态系统中提供了重要的生物防治功能。2018—2019年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区通过人工巢穴收集了不同海拔梯度下(332—1007 m)该蜂的筑巢巢管... 黄缘蜾蠃(Anterhynchium flavomarginatum)是一种以鳞翅目幼虫为食的独栖性捕食昆虫,在生态系统中提供了重要的生物防治功能。2018—2019年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区通过人工巢穴收集了不同海拔梯度下(332—1007 m)该蜂的筑巢巢管,系统研究了黄缘蜾蠃的筑巢特征(巢管内径、巢室长度、巢室数量)以及该蜂的子代雌雄数和体型大小随海拔梯度的变化趋势。结果表明:海拔主要影响的是黄缘蜾蠃对巢管内径大小的选择,以及对前庭长度的分配,同时,黄缘蜾蠃对巢管内径的选择可以影响到后代性别比,这种策略主要体现在亲本对雌性子代的投资,而不是雄性子代。研究结果表明黄缘蜾蠃在不同海拔梯度下可根据外界环境压力调整其营巢和生殖策略,以提高种群对环境的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 海拔梯度 黄缘蜾蠃 巢管结构 体型
独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃的产卵行为及其与寄生胁迫的关系 被引量:3
作者 林木青 刘益帆 +3 位作者 吴琛帆 束祖飞 朱朝东 肖治术 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1185-1195,共11页
【目的】独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum是农林业害虫的重要天敌之一。本研究旨在明确黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其对寄生胁迫的行为响应,为农林业害虫生物防治提供基础依据。【方法】2018-2020年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护... 【目的】独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum是农林业害虫的重要天敌之一。本研究旨在明确黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其对寄生胁迫的行为响应,为农林业害虫生物防治提供基础依据。【方法】2018-2020年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区及周边区域使用根据公里网格方案(共计100个调查网格,网格大小为1 km 2)设置的人工巢管调查了黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其与寄生胁迫之间的关系。通过连续采集该蜂的筑巢巢管并饲养调查,我们详细记录了每根巢管的孵育室数量及其子代在巢管里的性比和被寄生情况,并测量了每根巢管的长度、内径和巢室结构特征。【结果】2018-2020年中,我们获得了黄缘蜾蠃筑巢的巢管达3733根和孵育室9269个,其中被寄生的孵育室达1420个。黄缘蜾蠃在单根巢管内平均产2.50±1.25枚卵,构建非孵育室1.84±1.14个,其子代性比偏雄(雄∶雌=1.98∶1),并倾向于在巢管内端的孵育室产雌性卵,在外端的孵育室产雄性卵。结构方程模型分析结果显示,每根巢管的巢管内径和长度均显著地正影响孵育室数量,巢管长度也显著地正影响非孵育室数量,而孵育室数量和非孵育室数量均显著地负影响被寄生率。对子代在巢管内的性别排列模式进行meta分析表明,巢管最内端子代雌性数量显著高于最外端的,而巢管最内端孵育室的被寄生率显著低于最外端的。【结论】结果表明黄缘蜾蠃在寄生胁迫下通过在巢管内多产卵以降低被寄生风险,并可通过调节子代的性别分配模式以提高雌性子代的存活率,从而有助于提高其繁殖适合度。 展开更多
关键词 独栖蜂 黄缘蜾蠃 巢管 产卵策略 巢室结构 寄生胁迫
角额壁蜂人工释放方法研究 被引量:1
作者 魏枢阁 赵兰英 +1 位作者 王韧 周伟儒 《河北果树》 1994年第2期37-39,共3页
角额壁蜂人工释放方法研究魏枢阁,赵兰英,王韧,周伟儒(河北省农林科学院石家庄果树研究所,中国农科院生防研究所)五十年代以来,国外对果树传粉壁蜂研究逐渐增多,如日、美、前苏联分别研究角额壁蜂Osmiacornifron... 角额壁蜂人工释放方法研究魏枢阁,赵兰英,王韧,周伟儒(河北省农林科学院石家庄果树研究所,中国农科院生防研究所)五十年代以来,国外对果树传粉壁蜂研究逐渐增多,如日、美、前苏联分别研究角额壁蜂Osmiacornifrons(Rad.)、兰壁蜂Osmial... 展开更多
关键词 果树 授粉 角额壁蜂 人工释放方法 人工巢管 田间设巢 蜂巢高度 营巢率
野生蜜蜂的人工巢箱设计和应用研究现状 被引量:1
作者 韩懂博 贺春玲 +2 位作者 任迎丰 栾科 王帅兵 《中国农学通报》 2021年第16期144-149,共6页
野生蜜蜂是自然环境中野生植物和农作物的重要传粉昆虫,是维持自然生态系统和农业生态系统健康的保障。在自然环境中,野生蜜蜂一般在树洞、地下、植物茎秆、石头缝隙等地方筑巢,因筑巢场所隐蔽,发现、研究和保护野生蜜蜂较为困难。人工... 野生蜜蜂是自然环境中野生植物和农作物的重要传粉昆虫,是维持自然生态系统和农业生态系统健康的保障。在自然环境中,野生蜜蜂一般在树洞、地下、植物茎秆、石头缝隙等地方筑巢,因筑巢场所隐蔽,发现、研究和保护野生蜜蜂较为困难。人工巢箱又称"蜜蜂公寓",是根据野生蜜蜂的筑巢特点和筑巢材料人为设计而成,是目前监测、利用和保护野生蜜蜂资源的主要方法。笔者针对人工巢箱的设计思路、制作材料、结构搭配、应用领域等进行综述并提出建议,旨在为今后的昆虫学研究方法提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 野生蜜蜂 人工巢箱 巢管材料 生物多样性 应用领域
作者 胡俊杰 方全博 +3 位作者 王翔 孙凯丽 刘潇宇 贺春玲 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期805-815,共11页
【目的】作为捕食蜘蛛的肉食性昆虫,短翅泥蜂属Trypoxylon不同种具有明显不同的筑巢策略。本研究旨在明确角短翅泥蜂Trypoxylon melanocorne的形态特征和筑巢行为,以揭示短翅泥蜂属物种的筑巢和生存策略。【方法】2019-2020年,在河南省... 【目的】作为捕食蜘蛛的肉食性昆虫,短翅泥蜂属Trypoxylon不同种具有明显不同的筑巢策略。本研究旨在明确角短翅泥蜂Trypoxylon melanocorne的形态特征和筑巢行为,以揭示短翅泥蜂属物种的筑巢和生存策略。【方法】2019-2020年,在河南省济源市的愚公林场和南山林场中,选择不同的生境设置人工巢箱并定期采集筑巢的角短翅泥蜂巢管。通过室内解剖巢管,测量巢管内部结构数据,并在室内饲养观察子代发育,收集其寄生性天敌。【结果】2019-2020年,在河南省济源市的愚公林场和南山林场中共采集到角短翅泥蜂筑巢的巢管111根,解剖有育幼巢室511个。雌蜂在单根巢管内平均产卵(4.60±2.39)枚,子代大部分为雌性(雌雄性比为2∶1)。管内筑巢长度平均为(123.38±46.45)mm,育幼巢室长度为(16.01±5.57)mm,间室和前庭数量分别占总巢室数的5.04%和6.09%。巢管筑巢长度显著影响育幼巢室的数量,且雌性的巢室长度显著大于雄性的。发现该蜂的2种寄生性天敌,分别为青蜂科(Chrysididae)的清澈三齿青蜂Trichrysis pellucida和麻蝇科(Sarcophagidae)的长突摩蜂麻蝇Amobia quatei,寄生率分别为1.96%和1.57%。【结论】本研究结果表明,分布在河南省南太行山两个林场的角短翅泥蜂种群数量较小,雌性后代数量多于雄性;成蜂羽化率低和性比不平衡可能是导致种群数量偏低的原因之一。 展开更多
关键词 角短翅泥蜂 巢管 形态特征 筑巢结构 育幼巢室 寄生性天敌
Study on Bio-Ecology of the Spider Clubiona corrugate
作者 李秦晋 王娟 +2 位作者 严真真 赵丽 王智 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1243-1246,共4页
Objective] Field and laboratory observation was conducted to investigate Clubiona corrugate. [Method] The trials investigated the bio-ecology and behavior of the spider C. corrugate. [Result] The spider overwintered w... Objective] Field and laboratory observation was conducted to investigate Clubiona corrugate. [Method] The trials investigated the bio-ecology and behavior of the spider C. corrugate. [Result] The spider overwintered with spiderlings, adults and instars turn into adults after 6-8 molts. It had 2-3 generations each year in Hunan, and it owned the character of overlapping of generation in paddies. The average duration of generations of C. corrugate was 158.2 days, and the survival days av-eraged 223.2 days. The female and male mated several times without cannibalistic behavior, average number of eggs female laid throughout its adult life was 371.5, and hatchability can get 85.4%. The sex ratio was 1∶1. Its capability of resistance to starvation and drought was strong. Through indoor observation, the spider can sur-vive 25-61 days under the condition of no water and food. [Conclusion] The behav-ior of C. corrugate was also recorded in detail, and female usual y has a strong a-bility to protect their egg-sacs and spiderlings. At present, the bio-ecology and be-havior of the spider C. corrugate had not been reported. 展开更多
关键词 Clubiona corrugate BIOLOGY ECOLOGY SPIDER
作者 王荣敏 史西月 李会娟 《河北农业科技》 2004年第8期25-25,共1页
关键词 果树 壁蜂授粉 生活习性 巢管 巢箱 释放数量 贮期管理
Combination of docetaxel-carboplatin for adjuvant chemotherapy of epithelial ovarian,primary peritoneal and fallopian tube cancers:a meta-analysis 被引量:1
作者 Hongxiao Chen Yang Rao Pengpeng Qu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第8期475-481,共7页
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacies and safeties of the combination of docetaxel- carboplatin with the combination of non docetaxel-carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy for advanced epith... Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacies and safeties of the combination of docetaxel- carboplatin with the combination of non docetaxel-carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian, pri- mary peritoneal or fallopian tube cancers. Methods: Relevant articles were identified from MEDLINE (1993-2010), EMBASE (1980-2010), MEDION, the Cochrane library, Science Citation Index Expanded databases, hand searching of reference lists from primary articles and reviews, conference abstracts and contact with experts in the field. The review included 5 relevant primary studies (1430 women). Data was extracted for study characteristics and quality. Bivariate random-effect model meta- analysis was used to estimate diagnostic accuracy of the various index tests. A quantitative meta-analysis was carried out by two reviewers based on the inclusion criteria from all available studies. Results: The frequency of the subgroup analysis of toxicity showed that toxicity action of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin was more severe than that of non docetaxel- carboplatin group (OR = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.13-1.56, P = 0.0005), whereas that of clinical responses was equivalent in com- parison combination of docetaxel-carboplatin with combination of paclitaxel-carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin (OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.87-1.16, P = 0.95). There were heterogeneity (X2 = 79.36, P 〈 0.00001) and inconsistency (83.6%) in toxicity analysis among the trials, while neither heterogeneity (x2 = 3.21, P = 0.99) nor inconsistency (F = 0%) in clinical responses among the trials. Conclusion: The safety of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin is less than that of combination of paclitaxel- carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin. However, the clinical responses of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin are comparable with combination of paclitaxel-carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin. 展开更多
关键词 docetaxel-carboplatin META-ANALYSIS adjuvant chemotherapy epithelial ovarian cancer primary peritoneal cancer fallopian tube cancer
Effects of Sublethal Doses of Chlorfluazuron on Ovarioles in the Common Cutworm, Spodoptera Litura (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
作者 Farzana Perveen 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第8期609-613,共5页
Chlorfluazuron is an insect growth regulator for controlling the major insect pests in crops. This paper describes the effects of sublethal doses (LD10:1.00 ng/larva; LD30:3.75 ng/larva) of chlorfluazuron on ovari... Chlorfluazuron is an insect growth regulator for controlling the major insect pests in crops. This paper describes the effects of sublethal doses (LD10:1.00 ng/larva; LD30:3.75 ng/larva) of chlorfluazuron on ovarioles during ovarian development and oogenesis of common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.). It is a significant pest of cotton, tobacco and miscellaneous vegetables. The LDlo or LD3o was applied topically to the newly-ecdysed fifth-instars of S. litura under laboratory conditions. In controls, on 2nd day of adult emergence, the cell density in germarium was 1636 ± 9.17 nuclei/mm^2. It increased until 3rd day, i.e., 1829 ± 8.87 nuclei/mm^2 and decreased thereafter. In the LDloor LD-3o-treated insects, the patterns of the cell density was the same as in controls but values were significantly (P 〈 0.05) decreased in the LD10- and more in the LDa0-treated females compared with controls. In control, ovaries were normal type and had mature ova with an occasional one or two being absorbed. In LD10-treated females, ovaries had spaces in ovarioles and absorption of ova. In LD30-treated females, besides the spacing and absorption, sometimes only immature (germarium) ova were found. 展开更多
关键词 CHLORFLUAZURON common cutworm developmental stages OOGENESIS ovarioles Spodoptera litura sublethal doses.
Current Updates on Salpingectomy for the Prevention of Ovarian Cancer and Its Practice Patterns Worldwide
作者 Sweta Dhakal Yunxi Zheng Xiaofang Yi 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期185-192,共8页
A paradigm shift of the origin of ovarian cancer to fallopian tube has brought more focus on bilateral salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingectomy has shown a dramatic reduction in... A paradigm shift of the origin of ovarian cancer to fallopian tube has brought more focus on bilateral salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingectomy has shown a dramatic reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy has been a long-used practice to prevent ovarian cancer, but it brings surgical menopause and an increased mortality rate to women undergoing such a surgery at the age of <47.5. With the prophylactic bilateral salpingectomy, however, the ovarian function remains unaltered. Recent studies have shown that prophylactic salpingectomy was helpful not only in preventing high-grade serous type ovarian cancer, but also in decreasing adnexal pathologies. With the publication of committee opinion, more practitioners have accepted this proposal, but some are more concerned about its disadvantages. This review illustrates the latest updates on salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer, including its advantages and disadvantages, clinicians' opinions, public opinions, so as to find out Obstetricians' and Gynecologists' practice pattern related to opportunistic salpingectomy worldwide. 展开更多
关键词 ovarian cancer SALPINGECTOMY PREVENTION clinician opinion
The Brown-headed Cowbird: North America’s avian brood parasite
作者 Brian D.PEER James W.RIVERS Stephen I.ROTHSTEIN 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第1期93-98,共6页
There are five species of parasitic cowbirds (Molothrus) and the Brown-headed Cowbird (M. ater) is the only widespread species in North America. The Brown-headed Cowbird is a host generalist and is typically found in ... There are five species of parasitic cowbirds (Molothrus) and the Brown-headed Cowbird (M. ater) is the only widespread species in North America. The Brown-headed Cowbird is a host generalist and is typically found in open habitats and forest edges. The cowbirds are of a more recent origin than many other brood parasites and perhaps as a result, cowbird adaptations for parasitism and their hosts’ counter-adaptations to thwart parasitism do not appear as sophisticated as those of other brood parasite-host systems. Because of its generalist nature, the cowbird has the potential to negatively impact endangered host species whose populations are limited due to anthropogenic habitat loss. As a consequence, the Brown-headed Cowbird is one of the few brood parasitic species that is the subject of control programs to limit its effects on such hosts. 展开更多
关键词 brood parasitism Brown-headed Cowbird cowbird management host generalist Molothrus
Nestin in gastrointestinal and other cancers: Effects on cells and tumor angiogenesis 被引量:11
作者 Toshiyuki Ishiwata Yoko Matsuda Zenya Naito 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期409-418,共10页
Nestin is a class Ⅵ intermediate filament protein that was originally described as a neuronal stem cell marker during central nervous system (CNS) development, and is currently widely used in that capacity. Nestin is... Nestin is a class Ⅵ intermediate filament protein that was originally described as a neuronal stem cell marker during central nervous system (CNS) development, and is currently widely used in that capacity. Nestin is also expressed in non-neuronal immature or progenitor cells in normal tissues. Under pathological conditions, nestin is expressed in repair processes in the CNS, muscle, liver, and infarcted myocardium. Furthermore, increased nestin expression has been reported in various tumor cells, including CNS tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, malignant melanoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberances, and thyroid tumors. Nestin is reported to correlate with aggressive growth, metastasis, and poor prognosis in some tumors; however, the roles of nestin in cancer cells have not been well characterized. Furthermore, nestin is more specifically expressed in proliferating small-sized tumor vessels in glioblastoma and gastric, colorectal, and prostate cancers than are other tumor vessel markers. These findings indicate that nestin may be a marker for newly synthesized tumor vessels and a therapeutic target for tumor angiogenesis. It has received a lot of attention recently as a cancer stem cell marker in various cancer cells including brain tumors, malignant rhabdoid tumors, and uterine, cervical, prostate, bladder, head and neck, ovarian, testicular, and pancreatic cancers. The purpose of this review is to clarify the roles of nestin in cancer cells and in tumor angiogenesis, and to examine the association between nestin and cancer stem cells. Nestin has the potential to serve as a molecular target for cancers with nestin-positive cancer cells and nestin-positive tumor vasculature. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer growth Intermediate filament protein Cancer invasion Tumor migration NESTIN Stem cell marker Tumor angiogenesis
The Relationship of EGFR and VEGF mRNA Expression in Ovarian Carcinoma
作者 Aiping Chen Ruirui Yang Hongling Zhang Hui Song 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2009年第2期100-103,共4页
OBJECTIVE Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) isdysregulated in many human malignancies and is a potentialtarget for therapeutic intervention, but there is a majordisagreement among researchers about both the freq... OBJECTIVE Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) isdysregulated in many human malignancies and is a potentialtarget for therapeutic intervention, but there is a majordisagreement among researchers about both the frequency andpossible clinical importance of EGFR overexpression in ovariancancer. We investigated the expression and significance of theEGFR mRNA and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)mRNA in ovarian carcinoma.METHODS Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) was employed to determine the expression of EGFRmRNA and VEGF mRNA in 79 ovarian specimen (including15 normal, 13 benign and 51 malignant, from 79 patients). Therelationship between EGFR and VEGF expression was analyzed.RESULTS The positive rates of the expression of EGFR mRNAand VEGF mRNA were significantly higher in the patientswith ovarian carcinoma than those in both the patients withbenign ovarian tumors and in the normal controls. There wascorrelation between EGFR mRNA expression and clinical stages.The positive rate of the expression of EGFR mRNA in Stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ was higher than that in Stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ of ovarian carcinoma (P <0.05). The expression of VEGF mRNA was correlated with theclinical stages and lymph node metastasis. The expression levelsof VEGF mRNA in Stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ and in the group with lymph nodemetastasis were significantly higher than those in Stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ and inthe group without lymph node metastasis, respectively (P < 0.05).The expression of EGFR mRNA was positively correlated with theexpression of VEGF mRNA (r = 0.438, P < 0.05).CONCLUSION The expressions of EGFR mRNA and VEGFmRNA are positively correlated to the occurrence of ovariancarcinoma and its metastasis. The detection of EGFR and VEGFmay be helpful for the targeted chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 ovarian carcinoma EGFR VEGF RT-PCR.
不同种类杀螨剂对壁蜂蜂螨的防治及安全性 被引量:2
作者 翟浩 王金政 +3 位作者 王贵平 薛晓敏 张勇 李晓军 《植物保护学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期788-794,共7页
为探讨不同杀螨剂对壁蜂Osmia cornifrons蜂螨的防控作用,筛选了适合壁蜂定巢繁殖的巢管管口内径范围,并采用药液浸渍法比较了螺螨酯、炔螨特、联苯肼酯、四螨嗪、三唑锡5种杀螨剂对壁蜂蜂螨的防治效果及安全性。结果表明,壁蜂芦苇巢管... 为探讨不同杀螨剂对壁蜂Osmia cornifrons蜂螨的防控作用,筛选了适合壁蜂定巢繁殖的巢管管口内径范围,并采用药液浸渍法比较了螺螨酯、炔螨特、联苯肼酯、四螨嗪、三唑锡5种杀螨剂对壁蜂蜂螨的防治效果及安全性。结果表明,壁蜂芦苇巢管管口内径在8.00~8.49 mm范围时最适合壁蜂定巢繁殖,巢室数量最多,为8.5个,显著高于其它管口内径范围下的巢室数。与空白对照相比,5种杀螨剂各剂量处理对芦苇巢管中壁蜂的巢室数均无显著影响,不同剂量的三唑锡和四螨嗪浸渍芦苇巢管均可有效控制芦苇巢管内蜂螨的为害,2种药剂各剂量处理对巢管中蜂螨的防治效果为97.22%~100.00%,对巢室蜂螨的防治效果为98.75%~100.00%,防治效果显著;而不同剂量的螺螨酯、炔螨特和联苯肼酯对芦苇巢管中蜂螨的防治效果较低,各剂量处理对巢管蜂螨的防治效果为39.81%~80.56%,对巢室蜂螨的防治效果为46.01%~83.82%。表明四螨嗪和三唑锡浸渍处理芦苇巢管可作为有效防治壁蜂蜂螨为害的安全施药手段。 展开更多
关键词 三唑锡 四螨嗪 壁蜂蜂螨 巢管浸液
广东车八岭国家级自然保护区独栖性胡蜂多样性空间分布特征及其对环境因子的响应 被引量:3
作者 林木青 张应明 +3 位作者 欧阳芳 束祖飞 朱朝东 肖治术 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期126-136,共11页
为更好地指导自然保护区的功能分区,对自然保护地全境及周边区域的生物多样性本底资源进行科学调查和评估是必要的。独栖性胡蜂是农林业害虫的重要天敌,同时也是重要的环境生物指示类群。本研究以独栖性胡蜂为指示生物,于2018-2020年在... 为更好地指导自然保护区的功能分区,对自然保护地全境及周边区域的生物多样性本底资源进行科学调查和评估是必要的。独栖性胡蜂是农林业害虫的重要天敌,同时也是重要的环境生物指示类群。本研究以独栖性胡蜂为指示生物,于2018-2020年在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区全境及周边区域使用人工巢管技术和公里网格方案(共计100个调查网格,网格大小为1 km×1 km)对南岭典型亚热带常绿阔叶林中胡蜂科昆虫多样性、分布及其影响因素进行研究,同时评估了其物种多样性的空间分布与保护区功能分区之间的关系。本研究共获得4,156根胡蜂类昆虫筑巢巢管和9,973个孵育室,并鉴定出9种胡蜂科物种,分布于89个网格,绘制了其物种丰富度和多度的分布图。结果显示,海拔、距居民点的最近距离和增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)是影响胡蜂物种丰富度、多度及分布的关键环境因子;胡蜂科昆虫的物种丰富度、筑巢量和孵育室数量均随海拔升高而显著减少,且越靠近居民点,胡蜂科昆虫的种类和数量越多,但胡蜂群落的α多样性指标与EVI的关系呈先增加后减少的模式。胡蜂科昆虫群落的总体β多样性为0.21,周转组分为0.05,嵌套组分为0.16,显示物种嵌套是该区域胡蜂昆虫群落组成的主要分布模式。距离冗余分析结果表明,海拔是影响胡蜂昆虫物种周转的显著性因素,而嵌套组分则不受本文所涉及环境因子的显著影响。保护区外的相对筑巢量和孵育室数量显著高于保护区内各功能区,但其他α多样性指标则在4个区域间(核心区、缓冲区、实验区和保护区外)均无显著性差异。这表明胡蜂科昆虫在保护区内各功能分区和周边区域之间具有较高的物种相似性,无明显分布边界。基于研究区域全境网格调查,本研究首次绘制了车八岭保护区独栖性胡蜂昆虫多样性分布图,明确了南岭典型亚热带常绿阔叶林胡蜂类昆虫多样性分布及其与保护区功能分区的关系,建议管理者加强保护区及其周边区域包括昆虫在内的各类野生动物的监测和保护。 展开更多
关键词 人工巢管 独栖性胡蜂 物种多样性 空间分布 海拔 增强型植被指数 自然保护地
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