【目的】独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum是农林业害虫的重要天敌之一。本研究旨在明确黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其对寄生胁迫的行为响应,为农林业害虫生物防治提供基础依据。【方法】2018-2020年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护...【目的】独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum是农林业害虫的重要天敌之一。本研究旨在明确黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其对寄生胁迫的行为响应,为农林业害虫生物防治提供基础依据。【方法】2018-2020年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区及周边区域使用根据公里网格方案(共计100个调查网格,网格大小为1 km 2)设置的人工巢管调查了黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其与寄生胁迫之间的关系。通过连续采集该蜂的筑巢巢管并饲养调查,我们详细记录了每根巢管的孵育室数量及其子代在巢管里的性比和被寄生情况,并测量了每根巢管的长度、内径和巢室结构特征。【结果】2018-2020年中,我们获得了黄缘蜾蠃筑巢的巢管达3733根和孵育室9269个,其中被寄生的孵育室达1420个。黄缘蜾蠃在单根巢管内平均产2.50±1.25枚卵,构建非孵育室1.84±1.14个,其子代性比偏雄(雄∶雌=1.98∶1),并倾向于在巢管内端的孵育室产雌性卵,在外端的孵育室产雄性卵。结构方程模型分析结果显示,每根巢管的巢管内径和长度均显著地正影响孵育室数量,巢管长度也显著地正影响非孵育室数量,而孵育室数量和非孵育室数量均显著地负影响被寄生率。对子代在巢管内的性别排列模式进行meta分析表明,巢管最内端子代雌性数量显著高于最外端的,而巢管最内端孵育室的被寄生率显著低于最外端的。【结论】结果表明黄缘蜾蠃在寄生胁迫下通过在巢管内多产卵以降低被寄生风险,并可通过调节子代的性别分配模式以提高雌性子代的存活率,从而有助于提高其繁殖适合度。展开更多
Objective] Field and laboratory observation was conducted to investigate Clubiona corrugate. [Method] The trials investigated the bio-ecology and behavior of the spider C. corrugate. [Result] The spider overwintered w...Objective] Field and laboratory observation was conducted to investigate Clubiona corrugate. [Method] The trials investigated the bio-ecology and behavior of the spider C. corrugate. [Result] The spider overwintered with spiderlings, adults and instars turn into adults after 6-8 molts. It had 2-3 generations each year in Hunan, and it owned the character of overlapping of generation in paddies. The average duration of generations of C. corrugate was 158.2 days, and the survival days av-eraged 223.2 days. The female and male mated several times without cannibalistic behavior, average number of eggs female laid throughout its adult life was 371.5, and hatchability can get 85.4%. The sex ratio was 1∶1. Its capability of resistance to starvation and drought was strong. Through indoor observation, the spider can sur-vive 25-61 days under the condition of no water and food. [Conclusion] The behav-ior of C. corrugate was also recorded in detail, and female usual y has a strong a-bility to protect their egg-sacs and spiderlings. At present, the bio-ecology and be-havior of the spider C. corrugate had not been reported.展开更多
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacies and safeties of the combination of docetaxel- carboplatin with the combination of non docetaxel-carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy for advanced epith...Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacies and safeties of the combination of docetaxel- carboplatin with the combination of non docetaxel-carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian, pri- mary peritoneal or fallopian tube cancers. Methods: Relevant articles were identified from MEDLINE (1993-2010), EMBASE (1980-2010), MEDION, the Cochrane library, Science Citation Index Expanded databases, hand searching of reference lists from primary articles and reviews, conference abstracts and contact with experts in the field. The review included 5 relevant primary studies (1430 women). Data was extracted for study characteristics and quality. Bivariate random-effect model meta- analysis was used to estimate diagnostic accuracy of the various index tests. A quantitative meta-analysis was carried out by two reviewers based on the inclusion criteria from all available studies. Results: The frequency of the subgroup analysis of toxicity showed that toxicity action of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin was more severe than that of non docetaxel- carboplatin group (OR = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.13-1.56, P = 0.0005), whereas that of clinical responses was equivalent in com- parison combination of docetaxel-carboplatin with combination of paclitaxel-carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin (OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.87-1.16, P = 0.95). There were heterogeneity (X2 = 79.36, P 〈 0.00001) and inconsistency (83.6%) in toxicity analysis among the trials, while neither heterogeneity (x2 = 3.21, P = 0.99) nor inconsistency (F = 0%) in clinical responses among the trials. Conclusion: The safety of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin is less than that of combination of paclitaxel- carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin. However, the clinical responses of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin are comparable with combination of paclitaxel-carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin.展开更多
Chlorfluazuron is an insect growth regulator for controlling the major insect pests in crops. This paper describes the effects of sublethal doses (LD10:1.00 ng/larva; LD30:3.75 ng/larva) of chlorfluazuron on ovari...Chlorfluazuron is an insect growth regulator for controlling the major insect pests in crops. This paper describes the effects of sublethal doses (LD10:1.00 ng/larva; LD30:3.75 ng/larva) of chlorfluazuron on ovarioles during ovarian development and oogenesis of common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.). It is a significant pest of cotton, tobacco and miscellaneous vegetables. The LDlo or LD3o was applied topically to the newly-ecdysed fifth-instars of S. litura under laboratory conditions. In controls, on 2nd day of adult emergence, the cell density in germarium was 1636 ± 9.17 nuclei/mm^2. It increased until 3rd day, i.e., 1829 ± 8.87 nuclei/mm^2 and decreased thereafter. In the LDloor LD-3o-treated insects, the patterns of the cell density was the same as in controls but values were significantly (P 〈 0.05) decreased in the LD10- and more in the LDa0-treated females compared with controls. In control, ovaries were normal type and had mature ova with an occasional one or two being absorbed. In LD10-treated females, ovaries had spaces in ovarioles and absorption of ova. In LD30-treated females, besides the spacing and absorption, sometimes only immature (germarium) ova were found.展开更多
A paradigm shift of the origin of ovarian cancer to fallopian tube has brought more focus on bilateral salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingectomy has shown a dramatic reduction in...A paradigm shift of the origin of ovarian cancer to fallopian tube has brought more focus on bilateral salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingectomy has shown a dramatic reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy has been a long-used practice to prevent ovarian cancer, but it brings surgical menopause and an increased mortality rate to women undergoing such a surgery at the age of <47.5. With the prophylactic bilateral salpingectomy, however, the ovarian function remains unaltered. Recent studies have shown that prophylactic salpingectomy was helpful not only in preventing high-grade serous type ovarian cancer, but also in decreasing adnexal pathologies. With the publication of committee opinion, more practitioners have accepted this proposal, but some are more concerned about its disadvantages. This review illustrates the latest updates on salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer, including its advantages and disadvantages, clinicians' opinions, public opinions, so as to find out Obstetricians' and Gynecologists' practice pattern related to opportunistic salpingectomy worldwide.展开更多
There are five species of parasitic cowbirds (Molothrus) and the Brown-headed Cowbird (M. ater) is the only widespread species in North America. The Brown-headed Cowbird is a host generalist and is typically found in ...There are five species of parasitic cowbirds (Molothrus) and the Brown-headed Cowbird (M. ater) is the only widespread species in North America. The Brown-headed Cowbird is a host generalist and is typically found in open habitats and forest edges. The cowbirds are of a more recent origin than many other brood parasites and perhaps as a result, cowbird adaptations for parasitism and their hosts’ counter-adaptations to thwart parasitism do not appear as sophisticated as those of other brood parasite-host systems. Because of its generalist nature, the cowbird has the potential to negatively impact endangered host species whose populations are limited due to anthropogenic habitat loss. As a consequence, the Brown-headed Cowbird is one of the few brood parasitic species that is the subject of control programs to limit its effects on such hosts.展开更多
Nestin is a class Ⅵ intermediate filament protein that was originally described as a neuronal stem cell marker during central nervous system (CNS) development, and is currently widely used in that capacity. Nestin is...Nestin is a class Ⅵ intermediate filament protein that was originally described as a neuronal stem cell marker during central nervous system (CNS) development, and is currently widely used in that capacity. Nestin is also expressed in non-neuronal immature or progenitor cells in normal tissues. Under pathological conditions, nestin is expressed in repair processes in the CNS, muscle, liver, and infarcted myocardium. Furthermore, increased nestin expression has been reported in various tumor cells, including CNS tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, malignant melanoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberances, and thyroid tumors. Nestin is reported to correlate with aggressive growth, metastasis, and poor prognosis in some tumors; however, the roles of nestin in cancer cells have not been well characterized. Furthermore, nestin is more specifically expressed in proliferating small-sized tumor vessels in glioblastoma and gastric, colorectal, and prostate cancers than are other tumor vessel markers. These findings indicate that nestin may be a marker for newly synthesized tumor vessels and a therapeutic target for tumor angiogenesis. It has received a lot of attention recently as a cancer stem cell marker in various cancer cells including brain tumors, malignant rhabdoid tumors, and uterine, cervical, prostate, bladder, head and neck, ovarian, testicular, and pancreatic cancers. The purpose of this review is to clarify the roles of nestin in cancer cells and in tumor angiogenesis, and to examine the association between nestin and cancer stem cells. Nestin has the potential to serve as a molecular target for cancers with nestin-positive cancer cells and nestin-positive tumor vasculature.展开更多
OBJECTIVE Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) isdysregulated in many human malignancies and is a potentialtarget for therapeutic intervention, but there is a majordisagreement among researchers about both the freq...OBJECTIVE Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) isdysregulated in many human malignancies and is a potentialtarget for therapeutic intervention, but there is a majordisagreement among researchers about both the frequency andpossible clinical importance of EGFR overexpression in ovariancancer. We investigated the expression and significance of theEGFR mRNA and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)mRNA in ovarian carcinoma.METHODS Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) was employed to determine the expression of EGFRmRNA and VEGF mRNA in 79 ovarian specimen (including15 normal, 13 benign and 51 malignant, from 79 patients). Therelationship between EGFR and VEGF expression was analyzed.RESULTS The positive rates of the expression of EGFR mRNAand VEGF mRNA were significantly higher in the patientswith ovarian carcinoma than those in both the patients withbenign ovarian tumors and in the normal controls. There wascorrelation between EGFR mRNA expression and clinical stages.The positive rate of the expression of EGFR mRNA in Stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ was higher than that in Stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ of ovarian carcinoma (P <0.05). The expression of VEGF mRNA was correlated with theclinical stages and lymph node metastasis. The expression levelsof VEGF mRNA in Stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ and in the group with lymph nodemetastasis were significantly higher than those in Stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ and inthe group without lymph node metastasis, respectively (P < 0.05).The expression of EGFR mRNA was positively correlated with theexpression of VEGF mRNA (r = 0.438, P < 0.05).CONCLUSION The expressions of EGFR mRNA and VEGFmRNA are positively correlated to the occurrence of ovariancarcinoma and its metastasis. The detection of EGFR and VEGFmay be helpful for the targeted chemotherapy.展开更多
文摘【目的】独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum是农林业害虫的重要天敌之一。本研究旨在明确黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其对寄生胁迫的行为响应,为农林业害虫生物防治提供基础依据。【方法】2018-2020年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区及周边区域使用根据公里网格方案(共计100个调查网格,网格大小为1 km 2)设置的人工巢管调查了黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其与寄生胁迫之间的关系。通过连续采集该蜂的筑巢巢管并饲养调查,我们详细记录了每根巢管的孵育室数量及其子代在巢管里的性比和被寄生情况,并测量了每根巢管的长度、内径和巢室结构特征。【结果】2018-2020年中,我们获得了黄缘蜾蠃筑巢的巢管达3733根和孵育室9269个,其中被寄生的孵育室达1420个。黄缘蜾蠃在单根巢管内平均产2.50±1.25枚卵,构建非孵育室1.84±1.14个,其子代性比偏雄(雄∶雌=1.98∶1),并倾向于在巢管内端的孵育室产雌性卵,在外端的孵育室产雄性卵。结构方程模型分析结果显示,每根巢管的巢管内径和长度均显著地正影响孵育室数量,巢管长度也显著地正影响非孵育室数量,而孵育室数量和非孵育室数量均显著地负影响被寄生率。对子代在巢管内的性别排列模式进行meta分析表明,巢管最内端子代雌性数量显著高于最外端的,而巢管最内端孵育室的被寄生率显著低于最外端的。【结论】结果表明黄缘蜾蠃在寄生胁迫下通过在巢管内多产卵以降低被寄生风险,并可通过调节子代的性别分配模式以提高雌性子代的存活率,从而有助于提高其繁殖适合度。
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China[31472017]National Natural Science Foundation of China[31272339]+1 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China[31071943]Major Program of Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province[2014FJ2003]~~
文摘Objective] Field and laboratory observation was conducted to investigate Clubiona corrugate. [Method] The trials investigated the bio-ecology and behavior of the spider C. corrugate. [Result] The spider overwintered with spiderlings, adults and instars turn into adults after 6-8 molts. It had 2-3 generations each year in Hunan, and it owned the character of overlapping of generation in paddies. The average duration of generations of C. corrugate was 158.2 days, and the survival days av-eraged 223.2 days. The female and male mated several times without cannibalistic behavior, average number of eggs female laid throughout its adult life was 371.5, and hatchability can get 85.4%. The sex ratio was 1∶1. Its capability of resistance to starvation and drought was strong. Through indoor observation, the spider can sur-vive 25-61 days under the condition of no water and food. [Conclusion] The behav-ior of C. corrugate was also recorded in detail, and female usual y has a strong a-bility to protect their egg-sacs and spiderlings. At present, the bio-ecology and be-havior of the spider C. corrugate had not been reported.
文摘Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacies and safeties of the combination of docetaxel- carboplatin with the combination of non docetaxel-carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian, pri- mary peritoneal or fallopian tube cancers. Methods: Relevant articles were identified from MEDLINE (1993-2010), EMBASE (1980-2010), MEDION, the Cochrane library, Science Citation Index Expanded databases, hand searching of reference lists from primary articles and reviews, conference abstracts and contact with experts in the field. The review included 5 relevant primary studies (1430 women). Data was extracted for study characteristics and quality. Bivariate random-effect model meta- analysis was used to estimate diagnostic accuracy of the various index tests. A quantitative meta-analysis was carried out by two reviewers based on the inclusion criteria from all available studies. Results: The frequency of the subgroup analysis of toxicity showed that toxicity action of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin was more severe than that of non docetaxel- carboplatin group (OR = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.13-1.56, P = 0.0005), whereas that of clinical responses was equivalent in com- parison combination of docetaxel-carboplatin with combination of paclitaxel-carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin (OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.87-1.16, P = 0.95). There were heterogeneity (X2 = 79.36, P 〈 0.00001) and inconsistency (83.6%) in toxicity analysis among the trials, while neither heterogeneity (x2 = 3.21, P = 0.99) nor inconsistency (F = 0%) in clinical responses among the trials. Conclusion: The safety of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin is less than that of combination of paclitaxel- carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin. However, the clinical responses of combination of docetaxel-carboplatin are comparable with combination of paclitaxel-carboplatin or docetaxel-cisplatin.
文摘Chlorfluazuron is an insect growth regulator for controlling the major insect pests in crops. This paper describes the effects of sublethal doses (LD10:1.00 ng/larva; LD30:3.75 ng/larva) of chlorfluazuron on ovarioles during ovarian development and oogenesis of common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.). It is a significant pest of cotton, tobacco and miscellaneous vegetables. The LDlo or LD3o was applied topically to the newly-ecdysed fifth-instars of S. litura under laboratory conditions. In controls, on 2nd day of adult emergence, the cell density in germarium was 1636 ± 9.17 nuclei/mm^2. It increased until 3rd day, i.e., 1829 ± 8.87 nuclei/mm^2 and decreased thereafter. In the LDloor LD-3o-treated insects, the patterns of the cell density was the same as in controls but values were significantly (P 〈 0.05) decreased in the LD10- and more in the LDa0-treated females compared with controls. In control, ovaries were normal type and had mature ova with an occasional one or two being absorbed. In LD10-treated females, ovaries had spaces in ovarioles and absorption of ova. In LD30-treated females, besides the spacing and absorption, sometimes only immature (germarium) ova were found.
文摘A paradigm shift of the origin of ovarian cancer to fallopian tube has brought more focus on bilateral salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingectomy has shown a dramatic reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer. Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy has been a long-used practice to prevent ovarian cancer, but it brings surgical menopause and an increased mortality rate to women undergoing such a surgery at the age of <47.5. With the prophylactic bilateral salpingectomy, however, the ovarian function remains unaltered. Recent studies have shown that prophylactic salpingectomy was helpful not only in preventing high-grade serous type ovarian cancer, but also in decreasing adnexal pathologies. With the publication of committee opinion, more practitioners have accepted this proposal, but some are more concerned about its disadvantages. This review illustrates the latest updates on salpingectomy as a preventive method for ovarian cancer, including its advantages and disadvantages, clinicians' opinions, public opinions, so as to find out Obstetricians' and Gynecologists' practice pattern related to opportunistic salpingectomy worldwide.
文摘There are five species of parasitic cowbirds (Molothrus) and the Brown-headed Cowbird (M. ater) is the only widespread species in North America. The Brown-headed Cowbird is a host generalist and is typically found in open habitats and forest edges. The cowbirds are of a more recent origin than many other brood parasites and perhaps as a result, cowbird adaptations for parasitism and their hosts’ counter-adaptations to thwart parasitism do not appear as sophisticated as those of other brood parasite-host systems. Because of its generalist nature, the cowbird has the potential to negatively impact endangered host species whose populations are limited due to anthropogenic habitat loss. As a consequence, the Brown-headed Cowbird is one of the few brood parasitic species that is the subject of control programs to limit its effects on such hosts.
基金Supported by Grants (No. S0801035, to Naito Z) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technol-ogy (MEXT), JapanGrant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A, No. 22689038 to Matsuda Y)
文摘Nestin is a class Ⅵ intermediate filament protein that was originally described as a neuronal stem cell marker during central nervous system (CNS) development, and is currently widely used in that capacity. Nestin is also expressed in non-neuronal immature or progenitor cells in normal tissues. Under pathological conditions, nestin is expressed in repair processes in the CNS, muscle, liver, and infarcted myocardium. Furthermore, increased nestin expression has been reported in various tumor cells, including CNS tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, malignant melanoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberances, and thyroid tumors. Nestin is reported to correlate with aggressive growth, metastasis, and poor prognosis in some tumors; however, the roles of nestin in cancer cells have not been well characterized. Furthermore, nestin is more specifically expressed in proliferating small-sized tumor vessels in glioblastoma and gastric, colorectal, and prostate cancers than are other tumor vessel markers. These findings indicate that nestin may be a marker for newly synthesized tumor vessels and a therapeutic target for tumor angiogenesis. It has received a lot of attention recently as a cancer stem cell marker in various cancer cells including brain tumors, malignant rhabdoid tumors, and uterine, cervical, prostate, bladder, head and neck, ovarian, testicular, and pancreatic cancers. The purpose of this review is to clarify the roles of nestin in cancer cells and in tumor angiogenesis, and to examine the association between nestin and cancer stem cells. Nestin has the potential to serve as a molecular target for cancers with nestin-positive cancer cells and nestin-positive tumor vasculature.
文摘OBJECTIVE Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) isdysregulated in many human malignancies and is a potentialtarget for therapeutic intervention, but there is a majordisagreement among researchers about both the frequency andpossible clinical importance of EGFR overexpression in ovariancancer. We investigated the expression and significance of theEGFR mRNA and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)mRNA in ovarian carcinoma.METHODS Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) was employed to determine the expression of EGFRmRNA and VEGF mRNA in 79 ovarian specimen (including15 normal, 13 benign and 51 malignant, from 79 patients). Therelationship between EGFR and VEGF expression was analyzed.RESULTS The positive rates of the expression of EGFR mRNAand VEGF mRNA were significantly higher in the patientswith ovarian carcinoma than those in both the patients withbenign ovarian tumors and in the normal controls. There wascorrelation between EGFR mRNA expression and clinical stages.The positive rate of the expression of EGFR mRNA in Stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ was higher than that in Stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ of ovarian carcinoma (P <0.05). The expression of VEGF mRNA was correlated with theclinical stages and lymph node metastasis. The expression levelsof VEGF mRNA in Stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ and in the group with lymph nodemetastasis were significantly higher than those in Stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ and inthe group without lymph node metastasis, respectively (P < 0.05).The expression of EGFR mRNA was positively correlated with theexpression of VEGF mRNA (r = 0.438, P < 0.05).CONCLUSION The expressions of EGFR mRNA and VEGFmRNA are positively correlated to the occurrence of ovariancarcinoma and its metastasis. The detection of EGFR and VEGFmay be helpful for the targeted chemotherapy.