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作者 贺春玲 王翔 刘潇宇 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期135-150,共16页
蜾蠃(Eumeninae)是胡蜂科(Vespidae)中种类最丰富的一个亚科,已知204属3800种,分布广泛、筑巢策略多样,其生活方式从绝大多数独居到极少数种类的原始社会性,对研究社会性昆虫演化具有重要价值。繁殖期筑巢是蜾蠃亚科物种生活史的重要阶... 蜾蠃(Eumeninae)是胡蜂科(Vespidae)中种类最丰富的一个亚科,已知204属3800种,分布广泛、筑巢策略多样,其生活方式从绝大多数独居到极少数种类的原始社会性,对研究社会性昆虫演化具有重要价值。繁殖期筑巢是蜾蠃亚科物种生活史的重要阶段,也是子代繁殖成功的重要保障。按照其筑巢习性传统上可将蜾蠃亚科物种分为挖掘型、租住型和建造型3种类型。然而,蜾蠃亚科物种的筑巢在同种雌性中也具有很强的可塑性和建造不同类型的巢的习性。不论采用何种筑巢类型,蜾蠃亚科常用泥筑巢,也有一些种类用嚼碎的叶子或碎石子筑巢,甚至有少数种类会用植物材料或鸟粪等伪装巢。食物供应是蜾蠃筑巢过程中最大的精力和时间投资。大多数独居的蜾蠃是截断式为子代巢室内供应食物(将瘫痪的昆虫猎物作为幼虫的食物),一些具有原始社会行为的蜾蠃是渐进式供应,尤其是在猎物稀缺的情况下表现更明显。蜾蠃亚科主要捕猎鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)[尺蛾科(Geometridae)和卷蛾科(Tortricidae)]和鞘翅目(Coleoptera)[叶甲科(Chrysomelidae)和象鼻甲科(Curculionidae)]科幼虫,在农业重要鳞翅目和鞘翅目害虫的生物防治中具有重要作用。尽管蜾蠃亚科如此重要,但其筑巢生物学仍然鲜为人知,我国有关蜾蠃亚科物种的筑巢生物学研究更少。因此,本文系统综述了目前蜾蠃亚科筑巢生物学的研究现状,并提出未来研究建议如下:(1)研究蜾蠃亚科物种在不同生境中的筑巢生物学特点;(2)研究植物-植食性害虫-蜾蠃-天敌昆虫之间的食物网关系,进而揭示不同蜾蠃在农业和自然生态系统的功能;(3)优势蜾蠃在害虫生态防控中的应用研究。 展开更多
关键词 蜾蠃亚科 类型 巢结构 猎物 天敌
吉林莫莫格自然保护区夜鹭巢区结构研究 被引量:2
作者 王祎楠 李梦莎 《野生动物》 2006年第6期38-40,37,共4页
笔者于2006年3~4月对吉林莫莫格国家级自然保护区的夜鹭的巢区结构进行研究。研究内容包括夜鹭巢的数量、巢间距、巢位高、每棵树上的夜鹭巢数及分布类型等。结果表明夜鹭筑巢主要选择树高20.04m(±1.96m)、树径20.9cm(±3... 笔者于2006年3~4月对吉林莫莫格国家级自然保护区的夜鹭的巢区结构进行研究。研究内容包括夜鹭巢的数量、巢间距、巢位高、每棵树上的夜鹭巢数及分布类型等。结果表明夜鹭筑巢主要选择树高20.04m(±1.96m)、树径20.9cm(±3.3cm)且离水源较近的杨树林,巢位置在距地面高度为19.81m(±1.26m),距树顶的距离为2.23m(±1.47m)。夜鹭巢的巢间距6.27m(±3.64m),且50.9%夜鹭选择一棵树上仅筑一个巢。夜鹭巢分布状态服从集群分布。 展开更多
关键词 夜鹭 莫莫格自然保护区 结构
青藏高原常见雀形目鸟类的筑巢特征 被引量:15
作者 张晓爱 刘泽华 +2 位作者 赵亮 王爱真 雷富民 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期113-120,共8页
于1990—2004年的繁殖季节,在青藏高原北部地区收集了12种常见的雀形目鸟类的巢,并且对这些鸟巢的分布格局和结构特征进行了比较研究。所有鸟巢分布表现出草地、灌木丛和沼泽的水平分割和地上、地面及地下的垂直分割的空间分布模式,其... 于1990—2004年的繁殖季节,在青藏高原北部地区收集了12种常见的雀形目鸟类的巢,并且对这些鸟巢的分布格局和结构特征进行了比较研究。所有鸟巢分布表现出草地、灌木丛和沼泽的水平分割和地上、地面及地下的垂直分割的空间分布模式,其中地面杯状巢最普遍。巢结构特征,存在从简单到复杂的系列谱变化,主要表现:巢形状从浅到深,从开放到封闭;巢材性质从单一的植物性到复合的动植物性;巢材重从少到多。不管这些变化有多大,都反映了所有鸟种选择巢址是在安全和隔热两种基本条件之间权衡。在变化谱上的每种鸟巢都有自己的利弊,选择哪种类型的巢是由鸟本身的遗传和环境特征两方面的因素决定的。另外,巢材的运输反映了亲鸟对筑巢活动的投资,是繁殖投入的重要组成部分。因此,巢材重与亲鸟体重之比可以反映出筑巢活动投资的高低。百灵科鸟的开放式地面巢材重大约是亲鸟体重的1/2;而褐背拟地鸦的地下封闭巢的巢材重约为亲鸟体重的5倍以上。其余种类都在两者之间变化。总之,如此不同的投资差异是在捕食压力和种间竞争作用下以及亲鸟为满足鸟卵胚胎和雏鸟迅速生长发育的必要条件下,各种生物学特征协调的结果。 展开更多
关键词 高寒草甸 雀形目鸟 巢结构 生态学
七星河保护区苍鹭巢特征及巢周环境 被引量:6
作者 朱井丽 吴庆明 《野生动物》 2012年第3期143-145,共3页
2011年4月,在七星河保护区内用生境因子测定法、样方法对苍鹭的巢选择进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)七星河保护区苍鹭巢为地面型,均营巢于芦苇沼泽,窝卵数以4~5枚卵居多(84.21%);(2)巢外径为95.31±1.30 cm,巢内径为40.29±0.5... 2011年4月,在七星河保护区内用生境因子测定法、样方法对苍鹭的巢选择进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)七星河保护区苍鹭巢为地面型,均营巢于芦苇沼泽,窝卵数以4~5枚卵居多(84.21%);(2)巢外径为95.31±1.30 cm,巢内径为40.29±0.54 cm,巢高为57.51±1.91 cm,巢深为11.51±0.35 cm;(3)巢周水深为42.18±1.94 cm,距道路距离为446.58±13.9 m,巢周芦苇高度为323.12±3.87 cm,密度为263.17±4.20根/m^2,直径为8.11±0.41 mm,盖度为1.32±0.07%。进一步比较分析发现:栖息型、水位、芦苇处理方式的不同,苍鹭巢特征和巢周环境也不同。 展开更多
关键词 苍鹭 巢结构特征 周环境 七星河保护区
灰沙燕巢 被引量:4
作者 傅松华 李晓民 《国土与自然资源研究》 2001年第4期74-75,共2页
灰沙燕在东北及内蒙古为夏候鸟 ,喜栖于湖泊、泡沼和江河的泥质沙滩或附近的土崖上 ,筑巢于水边的沙质硬土悬壁上。横向巢间距为 1~ 11cm (5 90± 2 4 8,n =73) ,纵向巢间距为 1~ 18cm (8 4 7± 4 4 1,n =6 0 ) ,密集处巢... 灰沙燕在东北及内蒙古为夏候鸟 ,喜栖于湖泊、泡沼和江河的泥质沙滩或附近的土崖上 ,筑巢于水边的沙质硬土悬壁上。横向巢间距为 1~ 11cm (5 90± 2 4 8,n =73) ,纵向巢间距为 1~ 18cm (8 4 7± 4 4 1,n =6 0 ) ,密集处巢密度为 32 75± 3 2 0 /m2 (n =6 0 ) ,洞穴长度为 6 0~ 130cm (89 35± 18 2 7,n =2 5 ) ,巢窝大小为cm :(14~ 17)× (12~ 14) ,(15 0± 1 2 2 )× (12 8± 0 84 ) ,n =2 5。 展开更多
关键词 灰沙燕 巢结构 胡列也吐
Microstructure Observation on the Follicular Development of Blue Fox during the Estrous Period
作者 崔凯 田明宇 +7 位作者 马泽芳 梁玉颖 李延鹏 高善颂 牛树田 王海涛 梁俊文 杨淑慧 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期644-648,685,共6页
[Objective] The ovary microstructure and the changes of the follicle during the development period of blue fox during the estrous period were studied.[Method] Ten left ovaries were collected from 10 female blue foxes ... [Objective] The ovary microstructure and the changes of the follicle during the development period of blue fox during the estrous period were studied.[Method] Ten left ovaries were collected from 10 female blue foxes during the estrous period. The histological structure of the ovary and follicular development process were observed by using optical microscope. And 30 primordial follicles, 30 primary follicles, 15 growing follicles, 15 vesicular follicle, 15 mature follicles and the oocytes in the follicles of different developing stages were measured and photographed by eyepiece micrometer and photomicrographic technique respectively. [Result] The ovary of blue fox consisted of germinal epithelium, tunica albuginea, cortex and medulla. The cor- tex, which was located at the periphery of the ovary, contained many interstitial cells and follicles at different developing stages. Medulla was located below the cortex, with a lot of blood vessels. The diameters of follicles at different developmental stages and oocytes had greater differences during the developmental period of follicle. The diameter of follicles was 45.45-974.55 μm and the diameter of oocytes was 30.23-147.27 μm. The zona pellucida appeared at the primary follicle stage. The atresia of follicles occurred at all the developmental stages of follicle and the main manifestations were the shrunk oocyte and karyon, and loose and degraded granular cells. [Conclusion] The research provided histological basis for revealing the reproductive mechanism of female blue fox. 展开更多
关键词 Oestrus period Blue fox OVARY Follicle MICROSTRUCTURE
《中国养鸡》 2004年第1期64-64,共1页
关键词 种鸽 烂蛋现象 原因分析 饲料应激 药物应激 环境应激 公母配合不当 巢结构
The Onset of Puberty in Indigenous Gilts in the North-East of Thailand Confirmed by the First Ovulation
作者 C. Samklong P. Na-Lampang +2 位作者 S. Katavatin P. Kupittayanant K. Vasupen 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1318-1321,共4页
This experiment was aimed to investigate some changes of ovarian structure in order to confirm the onset of puberty in Thai indigenous gilts. Fifty female animals collected from the North-Eastern area of Thailand were... This experiment was aimed to investigate some changes of ovarian structure in order to confirm the onset of puberty in Thai indigenous gilts. Fifty female animals collected from the North-Eastern area of Thailand were slaughtered in the different age groups as 0, 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 and 6 months of age, respectively (each group = 5 pigs), for monitoring corpus luteum (CL) occurrence on ovarian surface and some changes of reproductive structure. CL was clearly found for the first time in the 4.5 months age group (P 〈 0.05) which was defined as the first ovulation; nevertheless, group of follicles with 〉 2.0 mm in diameter appeared for the first time in the 3.5 month age group (P 〈 0.05). For other conformations, size of uterine horns, oviducts or ovaries, including weight of ovaries or whole reproductive tracts, were significantly developed (P 〈 0.05) that was initially taken place in the 3.5 months age group onwards. Thus, it was summarized that the onset of puberty in Thai indigenous gilts, affirmed by CL appearance at the first time, should be happened between 4.0 and 4.5 months of age; however, the development of reproductive structure and follicles to prepare in approaching puberty should be started before 3.5 months of age. 展开更多
关键词 Puberty OVULATION CL occurrence Thai indigenous gilts
From Shanghai empty-nesters problem of looking of urban and rural dual structure
作者 Zhang YiRan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期60-61,共2页
With the continuous development of political, economic,social, empty nesters and more problems, it is not a simple personal issues, has become urgent to break the social proposition.This paper intr~,duces the concepts... With the continuous development of political, economic,social, empty nesters and more problems, it is not a simple personal issues, has become urgent to break the social proposition.This paper intr~,duces the concepts at the same time,Further analysis of the current situation empty-nesters of the problem and sort out the history of urban-rural dual structure,Finally, find information put forward some countermeasures and suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 empty nesters urban-rural dual structure research questions
Study on social support system of urban Empty Nester old-age home
作者 Zhangyi Chen Xu li Gao Lu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期46-48,共3页
Empty nester are elderly people who have special needs. With the evolution of the aging society and family structure, empty nest family is rapidly increasing. The Empty Nester is the result of a combination of factors... Empty nester are elderly people who have special needs. With the evolution of the aging society and family structure, empty nest family is rapidly increasing. The Empty Nester is the result of a combination of factors of population transformation, economic development, intergenerational relations change etc. We need to build a multi-level, three-dimensional social support networks, to ensure that this part of the elderly can happily spend their twilight years. 展开更多
关键词 Empty Nester Home care Social support system
作者 楼国祥 张先龙 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2003年第2期112-116,128,共6页
Objective To elucidate the influence of osteoporosis on the fracture healing in ovariectomized rat. Methods 24 females 8-month-old SD rats were divided randomly into two groups.12 were sham-operated(Sham)and 12 were b... Objective To elucidate the influence of osteoporosis on the fracture healing in ovariectomized rat. Methods 24 females 8-month-old SD rats were divided randomly into two groups.12 were sham-operated(Sham)and 12 were bilaterally ovariectomized(OVX) 3 months later.The femoral fracture model were made in both groups,the healing process was observed by transmission electron microscopy(TEM) on d3,d7,d14,d21,d28,and d42 after making fracture in control groups(Sham) and the osteoporosis group(OVX). Results According to the TEM findings,the types of fracture healing cells,their ultrastructure changes and functional states were almost identical in both groups till d21 after making fracture.In OVX group,the calcified cartilage was not resorbed and replaced by new woven bone,a lot of necrosis chondrocytes were found being embedded in a calcified chondroid matrix on d28;after this period,osteoclastic bone resorption become severe gra- dually accompanied by osteocytic osteolysis during d28 to d42 of fracture healing. Conclusion Osteoporosis greatly affect the fracture healing in the later period of healing proess.It demonstrated as endochondral bone formation delayed and increased osteoclastic bone resorption which was made even more severed by osteocytic osteolysis during the period of bone callus remodelling. 展开更多
关键词 osteoporosis facture healing ultrastructure ovariectomy
Look from the empty nester problem of urban and rural dual structure of society
作者 Wang Hainan 《International English Education Research》 2014年第12期5-7,共3页
More and more empty nest has become a social problem that couldn't ignore. The problem of empty nester is the essence of urban and rural dual structure social changing. The emergence of empty-nesters is a serious pro... More and more empty nest has become a social problem that couldn't ignore. The problem of empty nester is the essence of urban and rural dual structure social changing. The emergence of empty-nesters is a serious problem in China's social development process, with the aging of the population increasing, urban-rural divide more and more obvious. The condition of the human society has gradually formed the rural and the division of labor and the dual structure of the city. This paper expounds the connotation, significance and characteristics of empty nest elderly, analyzes on the problems existing in current urban and rural society and the problem of empty nest elderly in the new situation puts forward the suggestions and countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 empty nester social dual structure between urban and rural areas social welfare system the solution strategy
Common blackbirds Turdus merula use anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in an urbanized landscape 被引量:3
作者 YanDingWANG Qin HUANG +2 位作者 Sisi LAN Qin ZHANG Shuihua CHEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期435-443,共9页
The common blackbird Turdus merula is one of the most highly urbanized bird species. However, to date, the use of anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in the common blackbird is rarely documented, and the factors... The common blackbird Turdus merula is one of the most highly urbanized bird species. However, to date, the use of anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in the common blackbird is rarely documented, and the factors influencing its use of the anthropogenic structures as nesting sites remain unclear. In this study, we systematically quantified and determined the factors in- fluencing the use of anthropogenie structures as nesting sites in common blackbirds in a highly urbanized city of Hangzhou, Chi- na. We searched for nests of common blackbirds during four breeding seasons from 2010 to 2013. Among the 60 nests found, 34 nests were in anthropogenic structures such as wall ledges, air condition mounts, window canopies, cable poles, guardrails, eaves, balcony frames, flowerpots and flower shelves on balconies. We found that the available anthropogenic nest sites and the availa- ble nesting trees were main factors determining the use of anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in common blackbirds. In ur- ban environments, the amount of available anthropogenic nesting sites increased significantly, whereas the number of natural nesting sites reduced greatly. Our results suggest that common blackbirds can adjust their nest sites in response to urbanization and such nesting behavior shifts may aid them to colonize urban environments. From a management viewpoint, our results indi- cate that behavioral flexibility should be taken into account for effective urban wildlife management and conservation 展开更多
关键词 Adaptation Anthropogenic nest Behavioral flexibility COLONIZATION URBANIZATION
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