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高职服装工业样板设计与制作课程的立体化教学 被引量:1
作者 彭立云 《南通纺织职业技术学院学报》 2011年第3期88-90,共3页
以高职服装工业样板设计与制作课程为例,根据课程教学的实际需要,构建了包括多元教学资源、多样教学方法和一体化实训教学在内的立体化教学模式,并在教学全过程中加以应用。实践证明,该模式不仅能有效提高教学质量,还能促进学生自主学... 以高职服装工业样板设计与制作课程为例,根据课程教学的实际需要,构建了包括多元教学资源、多样教学方法和一体化实训教学在内的立体化教学模式,并在教学全过程中加以应用。实践证明,该模式不仅能有效提高教学质量,还能促进学生自主学习能力的培养。 展开更多
关键词 服装工业样板设计与制作课程 立体化 教学模式 实践
研究生助教工作的探索与实践——以“成衣工业样版设计与制作”课程教学为例 被引量:2
作者 杨天 厉旗 尚笑梅 《纺织服装教育》 2017年第1期31-33,45,共4页
高校研究生助教工作是研究生教育的重要组成部分。以苏州大学本科生"成衣工业样版设计与制作"课程教学为例,从课前学习与沟通、课中观察与思考、课后总结与指导,以及提升研究生助教服务意识等方面探讨研究生助教实践能力的培... 高校研究生助教工作是研究生教育的重要组成部分。以苏州大学本科生"成衣工业样版设计与制作"课程教学为例,从课前学习与沟通、课中观察与思考、课后总结与指导,以及提升研究生助教服务意识等方面探讨研究生助教实践能力的培养,为研究生助教工作的开展提供参考,以便研究生更好地工作和学习。 展开更多
关键词 高校 研究生助教 成衣工业样版设计与制作 实践能力培养
作者 姚玉强 《丝路视野》 2016年第21期131-131,133,共2页
随着教育改革的深入,高职院校艺术设计学生专业技能培养得到社会广泛关注,教学模式的探讨也成为热点。模型制作作为工业设计专业的一门具有较强实践性的专业基础课程,在整个实践课程体系中占有重要地位。依据专业办学特色和实践课程... 随着教育改革的深入,高职院校艺术设计学生专业技能培养得到社会广泛关注,教学模式的探讨也成为热点。模型制作作为工业设计专业的一门具有较强实践性的专业基础课程,在整个实践课程体系中占有重要地位。依据专业办学特色和实践课程体系教学改革,建立丰富的课程特色实践环节,同时使学生熟练掌握模型制作技能,完成多种材料的产品模型制作,增强学生的专业水平和专业性,提高就业竞争力,从而为国家培养出设计类专业人才。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 模型制作工业设计 实践 教学改革
作者 常艳花 《山西建筑》 2005年第10期95-97,共3页
关键词 H型钢工业厂房工程 构件制作 构件安装
作者 李斯龙 吴曼芳 《传媒》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第19期40-42,共3页
2020年突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情给电影全产业链带来了巨大冲击和深刻影响,国产科幻电影作为推动中国由电影大国迈向电影强国的重要动能面临重大挑战。本文通过分析新冠肺炎疫情对中国电影产业的影响,探讨后疫情时代中国科幻电影发展趋势... 2020年突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情给电影全产业链带来了巨大冲击和深刻影响,国产科幻电影作为推动中国由电影大国迈向电影强国的重要动能面临重大挑战。本文通过分析新冠肺炎疫情对中国电影产业的影响,探讨后疫情时代中国科幻电影发展趋势,立足时代需求和产业变化,从中国科幻电影的历史使命、创作理念、美学表达以及发行放映等方面提出符合国情的发展策略。 展开更多
关键词 后疫情时代 中国特色 中等工业制作 软科幻
作者 魏华 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2009年第4期241-241,共1页
关键词 柜式仓储 木柜 水泥柜 工业制作 机械化生产
新主流电影的工业化制作与类型化叙事 被引量:26
作者 张李锐 范志忠 《北京电影学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期20-25,共6页
关键词 新主流电影 工业制作 类型化叙事
日用陶瓷的艺术化 被引量:4
作者 张中闻 李萍 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期64-65,93,共3页
对日用陶瓷艺术化的历史演变和现代日用陶瓷艺术化的趋势进行探索和研究。首先指出日用陶瓷的艺术化在古代日用陶瓷发展中是主流,并分析原始陶瓷至清代日用瓷艺术化概况;接着分析近现代工业化制作日用陶瓷对日用陶瓷艺术化的负面影响;最... 对日用陶瓷艺术化的历史演变和现代日用陶瓷艺术化的趋势进行探索和研究。首先指出日用陶瓷的艺术化在古代日用陶瓷发展中是主流,并分析原始陶瓷至清代日用瓷艺术化概况;接着分析近现代工业化制作日用陶瓷对日用陶瓷艺术化的负面影响;最后,对现代日用陶瓷发展的新方向—手工日用陶艺进行阐释。 展开更多
关键词 日用陶瓷 陶瓷艺术化 历史演变 工业制作
作者 FENG Wenhao 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2001年第4期66-72,共7页
The purpose, classification, required accuracy and surveying methods of control work for close range photogrammetry have been briefly stated. The different methods for definition of space, object coordinate system are... The purpose, classification, required accuracy and surveying methods of control work for close range photogrammetry have been briefly stated. The different methods for definition of space, object coordinate system are also reviewed. It is suggested that the habitu-ally-practised rotation angle system for aerophotogrammetry in China should be used for the future teaching and resaarching work in the close range photogrammetry, and that the rotation angle system for terrestrial deformation photogrammetry should be left out in order to avoid the confuse and reduce the amount of expanse for making softwares. It has been emphasized that there are three improtant aspects in the close range control work with high accurary using the conventional method of engineering surveying: the use of standard scale for measurement of distance between two general stations, the accurate determination of start direction line between two general stations and the handling method of influence of 2C change. A method for setting up industrial surveying control net with extra-high accuracy ±(0.05–0.20) mm is presented by the author. This kind of industrial control net is necessary for batch process of large industrial components with purposes of measurement, inspect and lofting. There are some special methods of control work in the close range photogrammetry, including two methods presented by the author. 展开更多
关键词 close range photogrammetry control work high accuracy industrial control net
Progress in Understanding Color Maintenance in Solid-State Lighting Systems 被引量:2
作者 Maryam Yazdan Mehr Willem Dirk van Driel G.Q.(Kouchi) Zhang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第2期170-178,共9页
In this paper, progresses of color maintenance, also known as color shift, in solid-state lighting(SSL) systems are thoroughly reviewed. First, color shift is introduced and a few examples are given from different rea... In this paper, progresses of color maintenance, also known as color shift, in solid-state lighting(SSL) systems are thoroughly reviewed. First, color shift is introduced and a few examples are given from different real-life industrial conditions. Different degradation mechanisms in different parts of the system are also explained. Different materials used as lenses/encapsulants in light-emitting diode(LED)-based products are introduced and their contributions to color shift are discussed. Efforts put into standardization, characterizing, and predicting lumen maintenance are also briefly reviewed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 light-emitting diode (LED) color shift lumen depreciation lumen degradation
The Coevolutionary Relationship of Technology, Market and Government Regulation in Telecommunications 被引量:1
作者 Xuchen Lin Ting-Jie Lv Xia Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期152-173,共22页
The telecommunications industry has been undergoing tremendous technological changes, and owning to continuous technological advancement, it has maintained sustained prosperity and development. In this paper, the inte... The telecommunications industry has been undergoing tremendous technological changes, and owning to continuous technological advancement, it has maintained sustained prosperity and development. In this paper, the interplay between technology, market and government in telecommunications is discussed briefly, and then we introduce technology and government into the traditional SCP(Structure – Conduct – Performance) paradigm to develop an industry analysis framework called TGM(SCP)(Technology – Government – Market(Structure – Conduct – Performance)). Based on this framework, we present the spiral coevolution model which elaborates on the interaction mechanism of technological innovation with government regulation and market dynamics from the perspective of industry evolution. Our study indicates that the development of the telecommunications industry is the result of the coevolution of technology, government regulation and market forces, and among the three actors, technology is the fundamental driving force. Relative to the "invisible hand"(market) and "visible hand"(government), we conceptualize technology as the "third hand", which fundamentally drives the development of telecommunications industry in coordination with the other two hands. We also provide several policy implications regarding these findings. 展开更多
关键词 technological innovation government regulation telecommunications evolutionary theory
作者 许晨惟 梁明 《艺术评鉴》 2023年第10期156-159,共4页
作为第34届金鸡奖获奖影片,张艺谋导演的《悬崖之上》囊获了最佳导演、最佳摄影和最佳男主角三大奖项,成为2021年口碑和票房双赢的现象级影片。“高概念”和“强戏剧”铺陈出张弛有度的叙事节奏,破旧立新的悬念设置串联起跌宕起伏的人... 作为第34届金鸡奖获奖影片,张艺谋导演的《悬崖之上》囊获了最佳导演、最佳摄影和最佳男主角三大奖项,成为2021年口碑和票房双赢的现象级影片。“高概念”和“强戏剧”铺陈出张弛有度的叙事节奏,破旧立新的悬念设置串联起跌宕起伏的人物命运;“雪一直下”的诗意画面和浓郁的黑白反差缔造了极致的视觉情境,同时用鲜明的视觉符号建构出类型化的视觉谱系;《悬崖之上》以极佳的影像呈现和深刻的文化内核为主流电影的创作提供了范式,与时俱进的观念更迭和技术创新打造了高水准的电影品质,是中国电影工业化进程中的一次突破与探索。 展开更多
关键词 类型片创作 视觉呈现 电影工业制作
The Global Educational Environment Within Global Management of Knowledge
作者 Rashad Al-Saed Nizar Sahawneh Abdulrahman Al-Juboori 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第9期721-728,共8页
The previous studies have outlined the major theoretical perspectives that have been developed within the global education of planning development. They have explored the application of these perspectives to the centr... The previous studies have outlined the major theoretical perspectives that have been developed within the global education of planning development. They have explored the application of these perspectives to the central substantive theme emerging from global educational analysis of planning organisation and behaviour, that is, the process of managerial control. This study focuses upon the global educational environment within global management of knowledge and substantive parameters set by the previous studies. It carries out this task in a number of respects. First, it reviews the various explanations that have been offered for the historical development of modern planning--both as a unique organisational form and as a distinctive educational worldview. Second, it considers various conceptions of managerial work that have evolved within educational analysis since the inception of the corporate system enters into global education societies during the early years of the 21st century. Third, it assesses the implications of empirical research on the three major levels of planning that haw: crystallised within contemporary corporate hierarchies. These are made up by the elite group of staffs and senior lecturers, and the middle strata of line workers, who are the superintendents of production. A concluding section evaluates the general contribution educational analysis has made to our understanding of the nature of managerial work. 展开更多
关键词 strategic planning global educational environment global management KNOWLEDGE
Research of Toxic Mechanism on Anaerobic Digestion by Lead
作者 Han Jianhong Wang Zhe +1 位作者 Zhang Lianke Han Jintao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第1期87-90,共4页
The paper analyzes the influence of lead toxicity by anaerobic granule sludge inhibition and recovering experiments. The result shows that there are different inhibition types at differ-ent lead contents. Higher lead ... The paper analyzes the influence of lead toxicity by anaerobic granule sludge inhibition and recovering experiments. The result shows that there are different inhibition types at differ-ent lead contents. Higher lead content leads to more inhibition granular sludge, and at the same time, the time of gas recovery is different. Lower lead content per microorganism results in sooner sludge recovery. Microorganisms have a good ability to resist lead toxicity. 展开更多
关键词 LEAD granular sludge TOXICITY INHIBITION
Service-based flexible workflow system for virtual enterprise
作者 邬少飞 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2008年第1期69-72,共4页
Using the services provided by virtual enterprises, we presented a solution to implement flexible inter-enterprise workflow management. Services were the responses of events that can be accessed programmatically on th... Using the services provided by virtual enterprises, we presented a solution to implement flexible inter-enterprise workflow management. Services were the responses of events that can be accessed programmatically on the Internet by HTTP protocol. Services were obtained according to some standardized service templates. The workflow engine's flexible control to a request was bound to appropriate services and their providers by using a constraint-based, dynamic binding mechanism. Hence, a flexible and collaborative business was achieved. The workflow management system supports virtual enterprise, and the styles of virtual enterprises can be adjusted readily to adapt various situations. 展开更多
关键词 workflow system virtual enterorise virtual corporation
Research and analysis about embedded operating computer system
作者 Weiyan Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期104-107,共4页
Embedded operating system EOS (Embedded Operating System) is widely used system software which in the past is mainly used in fields of industrial control and defense system. EOS is responsible for the entire softwar... Embedded operating system EOS (Embedded Operating System) is widely used system software which in the past is mainly used in fields of industrial control and defense system. EOS is responsible for the entire software and hardware resource allocation, scheduling work and coordinating concurrent control activities; some more successful applied EOS products have been presently launched. With the development of lnternet technology, information appliances and the universal application of miniaturization and specialization of EOS, EOS started from a single weak situation to a higher professional direction with strong functions. 展开更多
关键词 embedded operating system COMPUTER management system.
Proposal for a Project of Integration of IT Tools With Focus on Planning and Control of Operations on the Shop Floor
作者 Walther Azzolini Junior Jose Luis Garcia Hermosila +1 位作者 Antonio Marcos Vitoreli Rubens Parada Neto 《Management Studies》 2016年第3期111-130,共20页
Manufacturing system, with high level of complexity and with a mix of semi-repetitive and repetitive products, to become productive, should seek the standardization of products and processes to obtain the optimization... Manufacturing system, with high level of complexity and with a mix of semi-repetitive and repetitive products, to become productive, should seek the standardization of products and processes to obtain the optimization of use of production resources. However, it is necessary to measure the productivity, so that the system of measurement and control of manufacturing processes are an element critical as to ensure greater visibility of the flow's restrictions, minimized when detected properly. In this case, the automation of factory's measurement process can effectively contribute to ensuring the effectiveness of the function control of a manufacturing system. It is important to consider that the automation of the system of measurement and control of manufacturing processes, of complex environment, is heavily dependent of IT tools applied directly in the interface computational between the operation systems and the corporate systems. This heavy reliance, if exploited technically properly, allows that automation of the system of measurement and control of production makes the access to time real of availability of manufacturing process's data, such as processing time and setup time that it can export to a specialist software in programming production, for example, feasible. In this paper, the automation of the system of measurement and control of production is approached, in order to identify the main possibilities of the design of an information system capable to integrate the flow of information in an environment internal on manufacturing organizations, with emphasis in the digital manufacturing paradigm. 展开更多
关键词 advanced planning system operations management sales and operations planning shop floor control supply chain planning
The Constitution and Working Mechanism of the Fast Fashion Enterprise Financial Competitiveness
作者 YANG Guang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期81-83,共3页
With the Pearson Correlation Coefficient measurement method, this paper studies the correlation between the various elements influencing the financial competitiveness of the fast fashion enterprieses and the long-term... With the Pearson Correlation Coefficient measurement method, this paper studies the correlation between the various elements influencing the financial competitiveness of the fast fashion enterprieses and the long-term financial stability, which shows that the financial resilience has the biggest correlation with the long-term financial stability, which is followed in sequence by financial management capacity, financial resources capacity, financial performance capacity, and financial activity capacity. This is due to the fact that such factors as financial solvency, financial operations, profitability, growth capacity and the ability to generate cash exert effect upon the long-term stability of the financial competitiveness. 展开更多
关键词 fast fashion financial competitiveness financial resilience
工业化装配式高层钢结构体系创新、标准规范编制及产业化关键问题 被引量:122
作者 张爱林 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1-6,38,共7页
发展工业化装配式钢结构建筑特别符合我国化解钢铁产能过剩、发展绿色建筑的战略要求,是我国建筑业真正实现现代化的必由之路,也是保障灾后建筑重建速度和抗震安全的迫切要求。分析目前阻碍我国工业化装配式钢结构实现产业化的瓶颈问题... 发展工业化装配式钢结构建筑特别符合我国化解钢铁产能过剩、发展绿色建筑的战略要求,是我国建筑业真正实现现代化的必由之路,也是保障灾后建筑重建速度和抗震安全的迫切要求。分析目前阻碍我国工业化装配式钢结构实现产业化的瓶颈问题以及学习国际先进经验的必要性,对工业化装配式钢结构体系及节点构造创新、标准规范编制以及装配式斜支撑节点加强型钢结构整体优化设计、整体稳定性、主板和柱子稳定性、罕遇地震弹塑性分析、单榀框架试验、法兰螺栓连接节点及梁柱连接节点性能试验、拼接楼板刚度保障构造等关键问题进行研究,成果成功应用于试点工程。 展开更多
关键词 高层钢结构 体系创新 工业制作 装配式施工 标准编制 产业化 鼓励政策
传统文化的时代重塑与生产体系的持续构建——《新神榜:杨戬》导演赵霁访谈 被引量:22
作者 赵霁 张娟 《电影新作》 北大核心 2022年第4期146-153,共8页
作为追光动画“新神榜”系列的第二部院线电影,取材于中国神话的《新神榜:杨戬》是一部让观众既熟悉又具有陌生化美感的原创动画作品。影片通过对劈山救母神话的重新解读,让观众深刻体会亲情和“守护”的意义。本次访谈围绕《新神榜:杨... 作为追光动画“新神榜”系列的第二部院线电影,取材于中国神话的《新神榜:杨戬》是一部让观众既熟悉又具有陌生化美感的原创动画作品。影片通过对劈山救母神话的重新解读,让观众深刻体会亲情和“守护”的意义。本次访谈围绕《新神榜:杨戬》对传统故事的创新讲述、制作水平的稳步提升、市场定位与海外传播这三方面展开较为深入的交流。赵霁导演认为,影片在尊重历史的基础上用具有高度艺术表现力的动画电影形式展示中华文化中的闪光人物和经典作品,用更现代的方式呈现传统文化,将中国形象打造成生动立体的闪亮名片,实现真正的“国漫崛起”。此外,赵霁导演对如何提升国产动画影响力并展现中国自信作出了独到的阐释。 展开更多
关键词 动画电影 中国故事表达 工业制作流程 市场与海外传播
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