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工业化企业会计成本核算体系的重要意义 被引量:3
作者 王世鹏 郑平武 何国田 《四川水泥》 2017年第3期204-204,共1页
当前,成本会计已经成为现代工业企业成本管理中的重要组成部分,在其生产和经营中发挥重要作用。通过成本会计,不能有助于合理地控制现代工业企业生产经营环节中产生的成本,还有助于企业及时采取有效的方法来降低成本目标。本文笔者就成... 当前,成本会计已经成为现代工业企业成本管理中的重要组成部分,在其生产和经营中发挥重要作用。通过成本会计,不能有助于合理地控制现代工业企业生产经营环节中产生的成本,还有助于企业及时采取有效的方法来降低成本目标。本文笔者就成本会计在现代工业企业中的应用进行简单探讨,希望为相关领域的工作者和研究者提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 工业化企业 成本会计 应用
建筑工业化企业财务成本预算管理及控制研究 被引量:3
作者 孙志英 《行政事业资产与财务》 2022年第2期103-105,共3页
随着我国城市建设进程的加快以及碳中和绿色节能减排的需要,预制装配式建筑生产模式替代传统的现浇生产模式成为必然趋势。在预制装配式建筑生产模式下孕育而生的建筑工业化企业,如何生存并发展壮大以至于最终完全替代传统的现浇生产模... 随着我国城市建设进程的加快以及碳中和绿色节能减排的需要,预制装配式建筑生产模式替代传统的现浇生产模式成为必然趋势。在预制装配式建筑生产模式下孕育而生的建筑工业化企业,如何生存并发展壮大以至于最终完全替代传统的现浇生产模式成为这个新行业迫切需要解决的问题。而成本管控的好坏直接关系到企业的生死存亡,降本增效成为建筑工业化企业取胜的法宝。本文在分析建筑工业化企业财务成本预算管理及控制的重要性基础上,探讨了当前建筑工业化企业财务成本预算管理及控制存在的问题,并提出了加强建筑工业化企业财务成本预算管理及控制的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工业化企业 预算管理 财务成本
作者 陈乐辉 《中国经贸》 2023年第11期55-57,共3页
近年来,我国社会经济持续快速增长,发展质量不断提高,极大地促进了城市化建设进程。为了进一步满足我国节能减排方面的需要,预制装配式建筑生产模式替代传统的现浇柱生产模式,成了建筑业必然的发展趋势。行业内企业数量快速增加,市场竞... 近年来,我国社会经济持续快速增长,发展质量不断提高,极大地促进了城市化建设进程。为了进一步满足我国节能减排方面的需要,预制装配式建筑生产模式替代传统的现浇柱生产模式,成了建筑业必然的发展趋势。行业内企业数量快速增加,市场竞争日益激烈。建筑工业化企业想要在日新月异的市场环境中保证自身的稳定发展,就必须要开展高效的会计核算工作。基于此,本文概述了建筑工业化企业的特点以及加强会计核算的优势意义,分析了其中存在的主要问题,最后提出了针对性对策,以望提升企业会计核算水平。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工业化企业 会计核算 存在问题 针对性对策
基于循环经济模式下建设新型工业化资源企业的路径探析 被引量:1
作者 赵国卫 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2019年第7期13-14,共2页
关键词 循环经济模式 新型工业化资源企业 建设路径
加快国有企业改革 推进新型工业化进程
作者 陆浩 《甘肃省经济管理干部学院学报》 2004年第4期3-6,共4页
国有大中型企业在甘肃省国民经济中仍占据主导地位.要加快甘肃经济发展,就必须深化国有企业改革,建立适应市场经济需要的体制和机制,使企业真正成为市场经济的主体,就必须大力推进新型工业化的进程,大力推进技术创新,不断增强企业核心... 国有大中型企业在甘肃省国民经济中仍占据主导地位.要加快甘肃经济发展,就必须深化国有企业改革,建立适应市场经济需要的体制和机制,使企业真正成为市场经济的主体,就必须大力推进新型工业化的进程,大力推进技术创新,不断增强企业核心竞争力,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中赢得主动.为此,要加强领导,做好整体规划,因企制宜,分批推进,规范操作,努力实现国有企业改革和发展的新突破.重点抓好产权制度改革,加快改制改组步伐;创新企业内部机制,建立现代企业制度;坚持技术创新,不断提高企业核心竞争力;大力提高企业经营者素质,建设高素质的企业家队伍等方面的工作. 展开更多
关键词 国有企业 大型国有企业 国有企业改革:新型工业化
作者 金生官 《首都信息化》 2001年第5期6-8,共3页
关键词 工业企业 企业信息化 信息技术 WTO 企业工业化
《中国家禽》 北大核心 2005年第14期54-54,共1页
关键词 世界银行 德青源公司 工业化蛋鸡养殖企业 科技 可持续发展
基于精益价值链的建筑企业精益成本管理研究 被引量:16
作者 高玲 潘郁 潘芳 《会计之友》 北大核心 2016年第17期100-103,共4页
建筑工业化是我国建筑业发展的必然趋势,如何管理建筑工业化企业的成本成为不可避免的问题。文章首先根据精益价值链理论针对建筑工业化企业建立了一条精益成本管理的价值链;然后运用比较研究法对价值链中的每一环节进行了详细的描述、... 建筑工业化是我国建筑业发展的必然趋势,如何管理建筑工业化企业的成本成为不可避免的问题。文章首先根据精益价值链理论针对建筑工业化企业建立了一条精益成本管理的价值链;然后运用比较研究法对价值链中的每一环节进行了详细的描述、解释、并列和比较,并结合建筑工业化企业精益成本管理的目标、文化、方法、评价等方面构建了精益成本管理的模型;最后运用多目标线性规划技术对建筑工业化企业精益价值链目标成本进行分解,建立一个成本和工作量的分配模型,以期为未来的建筑工业化企业的成本管理提供借鉴和帮助。 展开更多
关键词 精益价值链 建筑工业化企业 精益成本 比较研究法 多目标线性规划
海外网络嵌入、合作能力、知识获取与企业创新绩效的关系研究 被引量:15
作者 尚航标 田国双 黄培伦 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期130-137,共8页
构建包括海外网络结构嵌入、海外网络关系嵌入、合作能力、知识获取和企业创新绩效的理论模型。在216份有效问卷基础上开展实证研究。结果证实海外网络嵌入对知识获取有显著的正向影响,但需要通过合作能力这一中介变量来传导,由此构建... 构建包括海外网络结构嵌入、海外网络关系嵌入、合作能力、知识获取和企业创新绩效的理论模型。在216份有效问卷基础上开展实证研究。结果证实海外网络嵌入对知识获取有显著的正向影响,但需要通过合作能力这一中介变量来传导,由此构建我国企业通过海外网络嵌入实现技术追赶的路径。研究结论对我国企业如何"走出去"有一定的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 企业创新 海外网络嵌入 合作能力 知识获取 后发工业化国家企业
工业电气自动化维护中常见问题及应对措施 被引量:2
作者 袁丽娜 《内燃机与配件》 2018年第6期120-121,共2页
随着我国经济的不断发展,现代化工业企业建设项目正逐渐增多。工业化企业作为我国工业发展的主要来源,提高了我国经济水平。在工业行业发展的过程中,工业电气自动化维护系统奠定了工业现代化的基础。不仅能够维护工业电气在日常工作中... 随着我国经济的不断发展,现代化工业企业建设项目正逐渐增多。工业化企业作为我国工业发展的主要来源,提高了我国经济水平。在工业行业发展的过程中,工业电气自动化维护系统奠定了工业现代化的基础。不仅能够维护工业电气在日常工作中的工作状态,还能确保在工业生产中保持稳定发展。因此,本文通过阐述电气自动化的作用,工业电气自动化维护中常见问题,探究工业电气自动化维护中问题应对措施。此次研究的目的是为了明确电气自动化维护的重要性,确保我国工业企业保持稳定的生产,促进工业企业的发展。 展开更多
关键词 工业化企业 电气自动化 维护
Resolving Conflicts Within Multicultural Teams in Industrial Enterprises
作者 Veronika Videnova Dagmar Cagfifiova Paul Woolliscroft Jana Makraiova Milos Cambal 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第2期113-123,共11页
The aim of this paper is to highlight the issue of resolving conflicts within multicultural teams in industrial enterprises. The authors build upon the concept of multiculturalism which seeks for possible ways to enab... The aim of this paper is to highlight the issue of resolving conflicts within multicultural teams in industrial enterprises. The authors build upon the concept of multiculturalism which seeks for possible ways to enable different cultures to coexist and the means of communication between them. The authors base the study on the assumption that extensively developed intercultural relationships lead to mutual understanding between people and consequently to less interpersonal conflicts. In the introduction part, the authors explain the importance of increased attention and interest in the area of multiculturalism. Industrial enterprises nowadays are increasingly aware of this issue as they become more open to different cultures and they are confronted with intensive international migration and previously isolated societies become more pluralistic. As a result of these processes, individuals are more frequently in contact with members of different cultures. "Think globally, act locally" has become a slogan for our society. This way of thinking and acting was transferred to almost all areas of life (economic, political, and educational) and it is applied in the context of schools, societies, and enterprises as well. The ability to understand and accept cultural diversity is becoming essential in the ordinary working environment. It helps to create connections between emotional perception and rational acceptance. In practice, the offer of training seminars about intercultural differences is widespread. Enterprises supporting the knowledge improvement of their own employees have understood that a friendly working environment leads to increased motivation, consequently reflected in their performance. The training focused on skills development in this area can help to reduce interpersonal misunderstandings, bring new ways of conflict resolution and harmony in the workplace and thereby also increase productivity. The authors focus on the "outdoor method" as an actual phenomenon, which is used in teaching the topic of tolerance towards cultural diversity. They describe the individual stages of this method and introduce a modified version of Tuson's model as an effective tool for conflict resolution in the workplace. The tools introduced in this paper, place particular emphasis on actions to prevent conflicts in the workplace. This paper builds upon the theory of knowledge processing and its role as a theoretical basis for knowledge development in the area of multiculturalism. Furthermore, it teaches us to be tolerant towards others, their habits, culture, and history "Strangers" can be a source of experience for us and they can enrich our personal lives. Discussion of the issues surrounding multiculturalism and also the identification of sustainable key performance parameters within multicultural work environments can contribute to more effective conflict resolution in the workplace and promote awareness towards the tolerant coexistence and social cohesion 展开更多
关键词 MULTICULTURALISM INTERCULTURALITY conflict resolution Tuson's model outdoor method
A Study of Negotiating Strategies in South Korea
作者 Wang Hui-ya (Anny) 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第8期951-957,共7页
Under the globalization of rapid industrialization, economic growth and expansion to the global market, South Korea is attracting more and more international businesses who wish to do business with South Korean compan... Under the globalization of rapid industrialization, economic growth and expansion to the global market, South Korea is attracting more and more international businesses who wish to do business with South Korean companies. It is suggested that a negotiator of an international company should understand the cultural background and the negotiating strategies first. This study aims to investigate the twelve negotiating variables of negotiating with South Korean companies. It is hoped that European, Asian, and American companies who wish to do business with South Korea can benefit from the results of research. This study results will be provided as reference of enterprises, schools and students. 展开更多
关键词 international business negotiating strategies
The Analysis of Logistics Strategic Type of Northeastern Equipment Manufacture Industry
作者 Xueliang Pei Zhonghua Zhao 《Chinese Business Review》 2006年第4期32-33,41,共3页
Logistics strategy has very important function to the development of old industrial base of equipment manufacture industry in the northeast, logistics strategic type is an important component of logistics strategy. Th... Logistics strategy has very important function to the development of old industrial base of equipment manufacture industry in the northeast, logistics strategic type is an important component of logistics strategy. The understanding of it will contributes to enterprise make suitable logistics strategy according to one's own actual conditions, to plan long-term development, and then establish an unassailable position during keen competition nowadays. 展开更多
关键词 equipment manufacture industry logistics strategy type
Positive Psychology in Staff Motivation
作者 Yuanxiao Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期1-3,共3页
Nowadays, China under the background of economic transition, the process of urbanization and industrialization is speeding up, people's living and working under increasing pressure. Meanwhile, due to various reasons,... Nowadays, China under the background of economic transition, the process of urbanization and industrialization is speeding up, people's living and working under increasing pressure. Meanwhile, due to various reasons, our enterprises have not yet fully out of the shadow of the economic crisis, the development of small and medium enterprises are facing various bottlenecks. In this study, incentive theory put forward a more systematic incentive policy from the perspective of positive psychology. On personal level, training employee's positive personality, inspiring their self-efficacy, providing multi-faceted training, all this can contribute to positive psychological capital. At the organizational level, by building a positive organizational culture and creating an organizational relationship full of love to contribute to good incentive effect. 展开更多
关键词 Positive Psychology ENTERPRISES Incentive mechanism.
New Industrialization Path: The Strategic Choice of Chinese Iron and Steel Industry
作者 Yuanguan She Li Yuan Xia Zhao 《Chinese Business Review》 2006年第4期34-41,共8页
The fact-developing iron and steel industry provides the base for China economy to grow continually, stably and healthily for many years. This paper analyzes the situation and the disparity, which the iron and steel i... The fact-developing iron and steel industry provides the base for China economy to grow continually, stably and healthily for many years. This paper analyzes the situation and the disparity, which the iron and steel industry faces, and attests that the new industrialization path is the strategic choice for the Chinese iron and steel industry to develop continuously, and carries on the thorough discussion to the connotation of this choice. 展开更多
关键词 iron and steel industry new industrialization transformation
Employee Transition and Future Outlook: Evolution from Employee 1.0 to Employee 4.0
作者 Li Haijian Zhu Fangfang 《China Economist》 2018年第3期78-87,共10页
This paper reviews the history and journey of employee transition since the era of industrial economy, and divides the journey of employee transition into four stages according to evolving employee status and roles: E... This paper reviews the history and journey of employee transition since the era of industrial economy, and divides the journey of employee transition into four stages according to evolving employee status and roles: Employee 1.0 refers to subordinates who have little initiative and simply obeys orders. Employee 2.0 refers to self-managers who become "strategic business unit(SBU)", "manager" and "CEO". Employee 3.0 refers to entrepreneurs whose role is maker or partner. Employee 4.0 is self-organizers who act as social man and pursues personal imperialism, online development and global sharing. 展开更多
关键词 Employee 4. O employee status employee role social man
Typology and Dynamics of Financial-Industrial Groups Operating in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
作者 Danes BRZICA 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第1期1-13,共13页
The contribution of this paper is threefold. Firstly, it develops a typology of corporate group development in terms of the pattern of corporate group formation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It identifies briefl... The contribution of this paper is threefold. Firstly, it develops a typology of corporate group development in terms of the pattern of corporate group formation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It identifies briefly three important types of corporate groups--industrial groups (type I groups), pyramid-like (type II) groups, and financial (type IIl or FIGs) groups. Using original typology for corporate groups, the paper examines development trajectory of some of the biggest FIGs and shows what effects their existence have in the two economies. Finally, some lessons resulting from this corporate group-related type of ownership concentration for other pre-transitive countries are mentioned. 展开更多
关键词 financial-industrial groups The Czech Republic Slovakia RESTRUCTURING corporate governance
Application of Air Separation Unit in SINOPEC's Coal Chemical Business 被引量:1
作者 Gao Ning Guo Yan 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2015年第3期34-38,共5页
With the rapid growth of coal chemical industry in China, the selection and application of Air Separation Unit(ASU) became very important. As the core unit in coal chemical industry, ASU will greatly impact the engine... With the rapid growth of coal chemical industry in China, the selection and application of Air Separation Unit(ASU) became very important. As the core unit in coal chemical industry, ASU will greatly impact the engineering construction and operation/production of coal chemical business. In this paper, major suppliers of ASU at home and abroad were reviewed, and the major supplying status of ASU in China was introduced. The ASUs in operation of SINOPEC were listed and discussed. On this basis, some suggestions of ASU selection strategies were provided on localization, standardization and operation methods. 展开更多
关键词 ASU coal chemical selection application
Explorations on Energy Management System Standardization in Cement Industry
作者 李燕 王赓 任香贵 《China Standardization》 2014年第2期45-49,共5页
The energy-saving management of China's cement industry has gradually improved in recent years; however, cement industry still faces big pressure of facilitating energy conservation and emission reduction. Based o... The energy-saving management of China's cement industry has gradually improved in recent years; however, cement industry still faces big pressure of facilitating energy conservation and emission reduction. Based on the current development of cement industry, the paper summarizes and analyzes the application and promotion of energy management system(EnMS) standardization in cement industry, then gives a brief introduction to the implementation of related standards and at last explores the positive function of energy management system in enhancing enterprises' energy management and improving energy performance. 展开更多
关键词 cement industry energy management system (EnMS) energy performance
Karakuri Ningyo Dolls and Toyota Commemorative Museum as Resources of Industrial Tourism
作者 Masami Morita Shinji Morita 《Sociology Study》 2015年第9期728-736,共9页
There are many Karakuri Ningyo dolls in the Chubu district of Japan. Karakuri Ningyo dolls are, so to speak, wooden automata with exemplification of creative technology unique to Japan. But Karakuri Ningyo dolls have ... There are many Karakuri Ningyo dolls in the Chubu district of Japan. Karakuri Ningyo dolls are, so to speak, wooden automata with exemplification of creative technology unique to Japan. But Karakuri Ningyo dolls have not been appreciated as a significant resource of industrial tourism. The Chubu district of Japan has conserved and cultivated its treasures of Karakuri Ningyo dolls and Karakuri culture in the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology and Toyota company culture. The Museum provides an opportunity to consider the areal power to build up inter-connectivity between several local industrial elements; cotton manufacture as endogenous industry, nearby wood production and the assembly of skilled craftsman of wood working. So the region is one of the representative industrial tourism destinations which the tourist gaze directs upon. However, the region has not been generally recognized as an attractive destination for industrial tourism. This paper explored the significance of Chubu's resources of industrial tourism by tracing the technological development of Karakuri Ningyo dolls and Toyoda looms. This paper also demonstrated the historical uniqueness of the process of the modernaization of Japan. 展开更多
关键词 Karakuri Ningyo dolls Karakuri culture Toyoda looms Toyota company culture
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