天然气液化装置中采用低温液力透平替代传统LNG或MR混合冷剂J-T节流阀实现节流降压是提高天然气液化装置效率的先进技术,也是全球天然气液化技术发展的一种趋势。我国目前已拥有超过136座的天然气液化工厂,但尚未实现低温液力透平的国...天然气液化装置中采用低温液力透平替代传统LNG或MR混合冷剂J-T节流阀实现节流降压是提高天然气液化装置效率的先进技术,也是全球天然气液化技术发展的一种趋势。我国目前已拥有超过136座的天然气液化工厂,但尚未实现低温液力透平的国产化和工业化应用。为此,通过对LNG液力透平工艺及控制系统开发、本体水力模型优化设计、样机结构设计与制造等关键技术进行攻关,开发了国内首套LNG液力透平系统(设计流量为40 m3/h),用于回收LNG冷箱出口LNG压力能。LNG液力透平系统在中海石油广东液化天然气有限公司天然气液化装置完成了系统启停、变流量、变转速多工况工业化测试。测试结果表明:1样机本体运转平稳,低温机械性能良好,运行性能参数基本达到设计预期;2工艺及控制系统、变频发电系统设计可行,可与已有天然气液化装置上的LNG产品J-T节流阀自动平稳切换使用,平均可提高LNG产量2%,发电8.3 k W。展开更多
The synthetic index K s for evaluating flip-flow screens is proposed and systematically optimized in view of the whole system. A series of optimized values of relevant parameters are found and then compared with those...The synthetic index K s for evaluating flip-flow screens is proposed and systematically optimized in view of the whole system. A series of optimized values of relevant parameters are found and then compared with those of the current industrial specifications. The results show that the optimized value K s approaches the one of those famous flip-flow screens in the world. Some new findings on geometric and kinematics parameters are useful for improving the flip-flow screens with a low K s value, which is helpful in developing clean coal technology.展开更多
文摘天然气液化装置中采用低温液力透平替代传统LNG或MR混合冷剂J-T节流阀实现节流降压是提高天然气液化装置效率的先进技术,也是全球天然气液化技术发展的一种趋势。我国目前已拥有超过136座的天然气液化工厂,但尚未实现低温液力透平的国产化和工业化应用。为此,通过对LNG液力透平工艺及控制系统开发、本体水力模型优化设计、样机结构设计与制造等关键技术进行攻关,开发了国内首套LNG液力透平系统(设计流量为40 m3/h),用于回收LNG冷箱出口LNG压力能。LNG液力透平系统在中海石油广东液化天然气有限公司天然气液化装置完成了系统启停、变流量、变转速多工况工业化测试。测试结果表明:1样机本体运转平稳,低温机械性能良好,运行性能参数基本达到设计预期;2工艺及控制系统、变频发电系统设计可行,可与已有天然气液化装置上的LNG产品J-T节流阀自动平稳切换使用,平均可提高LNG产量2%,发电8.3 k W。
文摘The synthetic index K s for evaluating flip-flow screens is proposed and systematically optimized in view of the whole system. A series of optimized values of relevant parameters are found and then compared with those of the current industrial specifications. The results show that the optimized value K s approaches the one of those famous flip-flow screens in the world. Some new findings on geometric and kinematics parameters are useful for improving the flip-flow screens with a low K s value, which is helpful in developing clean coal technology.