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工地工人工作服的功能款式设计及分析 被引量:1
作者 周珂 贾济如 《辽宁丝绸》 2022年第3期42-43,28,共3页
关键词 工人工作 调查问卷 服装款式 面料性能测试
作者 刘佳 《工会理论研究》 2024年第5期19-32,共14页
“术语创新”是理解马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化理论逻辑的微观视角,对于构建中国工会自主知识体系、推进中国工会学学科建设具有重要意义。中国特色社会主义进入新时代以来,中国工人运动和工会工作表现出许多新的时代特点和实践特... “术语创新”是理解马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化理论逻辑的微观视角,对于构建中国工会自主知识体系、推进中国工会学学科建设具有重要意义。中国特色社会主义进入新时代以来,中国工人运动和工会工作表现出许多新的时代特点和实践特征,这在理论形态上的反映就是党中央正式提出“习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述”。这一政治术语是马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化的标志性成果,是马克思主义工会学说发展史的理论路标,也是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的术语范式。作为一个全新的政治术语,其内部结构及其要素关系必然存在一定的张力。随着新时代中国工人运动和工运事业的发展,这一政治术语在思想内涵和话语形式等方面还将实现新的拓展,术语创新将成为不断开辟马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化新境界的先导和信号。 展开更多
关键词 习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述 术语创新 马克思主义工会学说中国化
作者 刘佳 《天津市工会管理干部学院学报》 2024年第1期3-12,共10页
习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述,是新时代中国共产党推进工会理论创新的重大理论成果,开辟了马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化新境界。对这一重要理论创新成果的理解和把握,要看到“文本逻辑”背后的复杂结构、过程和实... 习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述,是新时代中国共产党推进工会理论创新的重大理论成果,开辟了马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化新境界。对这一重要理论创新成果的理解和把握,要看到“文本逻辑”背后的复杂结构、过程和实现机制。进入新时代,中国共产党推进工会理论创新的主体要素、场域要素、资源要素、方法要素等结构性要素更加清晰,这些结构性要素通过一整套复杂的理论创新机制熔铸为不可分割的有机整体,理论资源继承机制、理论要素生成机制、理论形态确认机制、理论原则扩散机制是新时代中国工会理论创新的四大核心机制,是马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化的具体展开方式和制度性安排,深深扎根于中国特色社会主义工会发展道路,统一于新时代中国共产党领导工运事业和工会工作的伟大实践,对于中国共产党在新征程上继续推进工会理论创新,构建中国工会自主知识体系具有重要理论价值和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国工会 理论创新 马克思主义工会学说 习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述
作者 刘佳 《工会理论研究》 2024年第1期14-26,共13页
“习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述”是马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化的标志性成果,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的基本范畴之一。从话语形式上看,“重要论述”历经了由初始孕育—初步阐述—理论概括—创新发展... “习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述”是马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化的标志性成果,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的基本范畴之一。从话语形式上看,“重要论述”历经了由初始孕育—初步阐述—理论概括—创新发展—丰富拓展等五个发展阶段构成的完整演进链条,政党领袖的政治引领、科学理论体系化建构的现实需要、强烈的问题导向、“两个结合”方法论的运用是建构“重要论述”理论形态的实现机制。“重要论述”的政治建构不仅具有重大的政治意义,也具有标志性的学术意义,其所具有的内生性、交互性、建构性、功能性等原创性特质,对于构建中国工会自主知识体系具有重要的学理价值和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述 马克思主义工会学说 中国特色社会主义工会发展道路 政治建构 知识论
作者 刘佳 《前线》 2024年第4期53-56,共4页
习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述,深刻回答了关乎新时代中国工运事业和工会工作发展的重大理论和实践问题,为马克思主义工人阶级和工运学说增添了新的时代性内容,作出了重大原创性贡献。这一重要论述,深植于马克思主义工... 习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述,深刻回答了关乎新时代中国工运事业和工会工作发展的重大理论和实践问题,为马克思主义工人阶级和工运学说增添了新的时代性内容,作出了重大原创性贡献。这一重要论述,深植于马克思主义工人阶级和工运学说发展史的思想沃土,扎根于中国共产党领导工运事业100多年的历史实践;坚持问题导向,体现了观念与实践、认识与行动的辩证统一;具有相对完整、独立的理论形式,形成概念清晰、内涵丰富、逻辑自洽、结构完整的有机整体。 展开更多
关键词 习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述 中国工会 理论创新
行业研究和专家—专业工人—工作会议:职业开发与职业教育课程开发的新方法 被引量:3
作者 徐涵 《职教通讯(江苏技术师范学院学报)》 2007年第5期33-35,43,共4页
关键词 职业开发 职业教育课程开发 行业研究 专家-专业工人-工作会议
作者 李锋 张曙光 《航天工业管理》 2001年第4期28-30,共3页
关键词 工人培训工作 企业教育 职工培训
作者 张颖 《财会研究》 北大核心 2006年第8期79-80,共2页
关键词 SA8000 劳动力资源 利用 生产条件 生产企业 认证标准 工人工作 超负荷 待遇 劳工
习近平关于工人阶级与工会工作的重要论述是开创新时代工会工作新局面的行动指南 被引量:9
作者 刘向兵 赵健杰 《中国劳动关系学院学报》 2018年第5期1-11,55,共12页
党的十九大取得最重要的理论成果,就是确立了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,使之成为我们党的根本指导思想,成为实现中华民族伟大复兴"中国梦"的根本指导思想。习近平关于工人阶级与工会工作的重要论述作为习近平新时代... 党的十九大取得最重要的理论成果,就是确立了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,使之成为我们党的根本指导思想,成为实现中华民族伟大复兴"中国梦"的根本指导思想。习近平关于工人阶级与工会工作的重要论述作为习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,是指导新时代我国工运事业的根本观点和根本方法,为从规律层面深刻把握工人阶级地位和作用、认识和指导新时代的工会工作提供了"伟大认识工具"和重大指导原则,并从问题的本质层面为新时代工运新难题的破解、开创工运事业新局面指明了方向,是推动新时代工会理论创新、制度创新与实践创新的强大思想武器。 展开更多
关键词 习近平关于工人阶级与工会工作的重要论述 方法论 指导作用
作者 李晓阳 《人民论坛》 2006年第04B期43-43,共1页
关键词 就业歧视 农民工 立法 “边缘人” 不公平问题 工人工作 产业
工会在企业精神文明建设中的优势以及应把握的原则 被引量:1
作者 王策 《工会论坛(山东省工会管理干部学院学报)》 1998年第2期30-32,共3页
企业的改革和发展离不开社会主义精神文明建设。在实现两个根本转变的今天,企业生存和发展更离不开精神文明建设的保证作用。勿庸置疑,推进企业精神文明建设的主要责任在党组织和行政领导部门,然而,精神文明建设是一个事关全局的系统工... 企业的改革和发展离不开社会主义精神文明建设。在实现两个根本转变的今天,企业生存和发展更离不开精神文明建设的保证作用。勿庸置疑,推进企业精神文明建设的主要责任在党组织和行政领导部门,然而,精神文明建设是一个事关全局的系统工程,单纯依靠党组织和行政领导来抓是不够的。 展开更多
关键词 企业 精神文明 中国 工人工作 职工 企业文化 邓小平理论
莱钢工会探索新途径 推动“依靠”方针贯彻落实 被引量:1
作者 迟桂敏 《工会论坛(山东省工会管理干部学院学报)》 1998年第4期18-19,共2页
全心全意依靠职工办企业是莱钢的光荣传统。随着经济体制的转换和劳动关系的变化,怎样更好地突出维护职能,贯彻落实“依靠”方针?近几年来,莱钢工会进行了不懈的探索。一、建立和完善一手抓“依靠”,一手抓“当好”的制度保证体系,推动... 全心全意依靠职工办企业是莱钢的光荣传统。随着经济体制的转换和劳动关系的变化,怎样更好地突出维护职能,贯彻落实“依靠”方针?近几年来,莱钢工会进行了不懈的探索。一、建立和完善一手抓“依靠”,一手抓“当好”的制度保证体系,推动“依靠”方针的贯彻落实推动“依靠”方针的贯彻落实,必须有一套比较完备的制度保证体系。1994年,莱钢党政工领导,从加强民主管理就是贯彻党的全心全意依靠工人阶级指导方针的具体体现的高度来认识,出台了《关于进一步加强职工民主管理,依靠职工办好企业的意见》22条,以党委文件下发执行。 展开更多
关键词 莱阳钢铁厂 工人工作 劳动关系 集体合同 送温暖工程 职工 素质教育
A framework for multi-session RGBD SLAM in low dynamic workspace environment 被引量:3
作者 Yue Wang Shoudong Huang +1 位作者 Rong Xiong Jun Wu 《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》 2016年第1期90-103,共14页
Mapping in the dynamic environment is an important task for autonomous mobile robots due to the unavoidable changes in the workspace. In this paper, we propose a framework for RGBD SLAM in low dynamic environment, whi... Mapping in the dynamic environment is an important task for autonomous mobile robots due to the unavoidable changes in the workspace. In this paper, we propose a framework for RGBD SLAM in low dynamic environment, which can maintain a map keeping track of the latest environment. The main model describing the environment is a multi-session pose graph, which evolves over the multiple visits of the robot. The poses in the graph will be pruned when the 3D point scans corresponding to those poses are out of date. When the robot explores the new areas, its poses will be added to the graph. Thus the scans kept in the current graph will always give a map of the latest environment. The changes of the environment are detected by out-of-dated scans identification module through analyzing scans collected at different sessions. Besides, a redundant scans identification module is employed to further reduce the poses with redundant scans in order to keep the total number of poses in the graph with respect to the size of environment. In the experiments, the framework is first tuned and tested on data acquired by a Kinect from laboratory environment. Then the framework is applied to external dataset acquired by a Kinect II from a workspace of an industrial robot in another country, which is blind to the development phase, for further validation of the performance. After this two-step evaluation, the proposed framework is considered to be able to manage the map in date in dynamic or static environment with a noncumulative complexity and acceptable error level. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-session SLAM RGBD sensor Low dynamic mapping
Is "Happy Worker" More Productive
作者 Natasha Fogaca Francisco Antonio Coelho Junior 《Management Studies》 2016年第4期149-160,共12页
The hypothesis "happy productive worker" states that happy employees, whose needs are satisfied in their workplace, have greater performance than unhappy employees. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to exam... The hypothesis "happy productive worker" states that happy employees, whose needs are satisfied in their workplace, have greater performance than unhappy employees. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine empirically the effects that job satisfaction and well-being at work generate on the individual job performance, investigating the moderating role that the components of the organizational structure play in this relationship. To achieve the main objective, some secondary objectives were proposed: (1) test the predictive effect of well-being, satisfaction, personal, and professional variables on individual performance; and (2) test the moderating effect of the components of the organizational structure in the relationship among well-being, satisfaction, and individual job performance. This research originates of a consolidated statement for the business society, but very few empirical studies. This way, the hypothesis consisted in the components of the organizational structure will positively enhance the relationship among well-being at work, job satisfaction, and individual job performance. The final sample consisted of 134 participants, of a clinical laboratory and of federal court of justice. For the development of the questionnaire, four instruments were used; one for each construct. The proposal has four relationship variables and the statistical procedure used to test this hypothesis was multiple linear regressions. Considering the hypothetical theoretical model presented, personal and professional variables are predictors of job performance; thus, these variables were also included as independent variables. The results of the regression model showed that the variables "age", "well-being at work", "job satisfaction", and "components of organizational structure" are responsible for explaining 64% of the variance of the variable criteria and individual job performance The moderating role of the variable "components of organizational structure" was also observed, because its inclusion increased the explained variance of the dependent variable. After all the discussions developed, the two main contributions appear: (1) the predictive effect of well-being at work in relation to performance and (2) identifying the moderating effect of the components of the organizational structure. 展开更多
关键词 individual performance at work well-being at work job satisfaction organizational structure moderation
The Building of Education Management System based on Web 2.0 被引量:1
《International English Education Research》 2014年第1期7-9,共3页
The design and development Web 2.0-based education management system will satisfy with the school education management of informationization, scientific and modernized request, the auxiliary education superintendent c... The design and development Web 2.0-based education management system will satisfy with the school education management of informationization, scientific and modernized request, the auxiliary education superintendent carries on the correct decision-making, enhance the education management working efficiency. This system has used the quite mature development technology at present, the function of realizes is more perfect, usable; The man-machine interaction is friendly and operate easily. Its application, enhanced the administrator and teacher's working efficiency greatly, reduces the working strength, simultaneously has also provided the better education condition for the student. With the rapid development of network,, education management system will be more widespread in the education of education application, it will create a new situation of the education management, bring a brighter prospect of the application. 展开更多
关键词 Web. 2.0 education management system DESIGN
All It Ever Does Is Rain: Bruce Springsteen and the Alienation of Labor
作者 David Ray Papke 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第9期593-602,共10页
The popular singer and songwriter Bruce Springsteen is a product of the working-class family, and his songs often creatively capture not only working-class life but also workers' alienation from their labor. In an un... The popular singer and songwriter Bruce Springsteen is a product of the working-class family, and his songs often creatively capture not only working-class life but also workers' alienation from their labor. In an unsystematic way, Springsteen's lyrics portray how modem workers are alienated from the products of their labor, the process of working, other workers, and ultimately, from themselves. Although Springsteen primarily has blue-collar, industrial workers in mind, his thoughts on the alienation of labor continue to have relevance for workers in the American consumer society and in the contemporary global economy as well. 展开更多
关键词 Bruce Springsteen LABOR work ALIENATION popular music
Void fill techniques for stabilizing roof conditions during longwall recovery 被引量:2
作者 Oldham Robin Dickerson Craig Mc Henry Rusty 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期119-122,共4页
It has been proven that longwall faces can be moved safely and efficiently. However,abutment pressures and poor ground control conditions can halt operations and be hazardous to coal miners. Recently at a mine in Sout... It has been proven that longwall faces can be moved safely and efficiently. However,abutment pressures and poor ground control conditions can halt operations and be hazardous to coal miners. Recently at a mine in Southwestern Pennsylvania,roof material collapsed above shields that created two large voids and caused major challenges for shield recovery. A unique,engineering solution was developed that utilized a modified concrete material to fill the voids,creating stability in the affected area. The many phases of this project included the construction phase,void pumping,cutting out,and bolting of the concrete material. This project eliminated the hazards associated with bolting the recovery face and removing shields in adverse conditions,making it possible for the mine operator to safely complete the longwall move. 展开更多
关键词 Longwall miningLongwall recoveryVoid fillNon-traditional recovery
Research on the Perceptual Law of Artificial Ants
作者 ZHENG Zhaobao 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第3期157-162,共6页
Beginning with the analysis of the behavior of natural ants, this paper illuminates the principle and method that, by adopting image texture energy as pheromone and finding their way on the track of the pheromone, art... Beginning with the analysis of the behavior of natural ants, this paper illuminates the principle and method that, by adopting image texture energy as pheromone and finding their way on the track of the pheromone, artificial ants have the ability to identify and remember through similar measurement of pheromone. Based on the quantity of experiments, this paper analyzes some factors that influence the ability of artificial ants and draws some conclusions about the law of ant perception. 展开更多
关键词 artificial ants image interpretation perception law
The Contents of an Empowering Programme for Staff Working With Retired Volunteers
作者 Sanet Jansen van Rensburg Herman Strydom 《Sociology Study》 2013年第2期79-95,共17页
This article focuses on the development and content of an empowerment programme for staff members at a service centre. An empowerment programme for staffworking with retired volunteers can bring about better knowledge... This article focuses on the development and content of an empowerment programme for staff members at a service centre. An empowerment programme for staffworking with retired volunteers can bring about better knowledge and understanding of elderly persons. This can lead to the target group being ideally managed and understood. The personnel work and interact on a daily basis with retired volunteers. The empowering programme includes matters such as the life circumstances of retired volunteers, the value that retired volunteers have, for the functioning of the service centre, the reasons for utilising retired volunteers, what volunteers expect of staff members, and the motivation of retired volunteers to be involved in the various activities of a service centre for the elderly to benefit the staff members themselves. By presenting and evaluating the empowerment programme, staff members will be able to become functional units in utilising elderly volunteers to the fullest possible in order to benefit the staff members, the retired volunteers, and the community at large. 展开更多
关键词 Empowerment programme retired volunteers staff members service centre older persons
Negotiation Strategies of Myanmar Migrant Workers in the Sidhiphatra Cold Storage Factory, Songkhla Province
作者 Phennapha Chandaeng Jitprapat Saisopa 《Sociology Study》 2017年第7期388-397,共10页
This paper studies the Myanmar migrant workers in Sidhiphatra Cold Storage Factory, Songkhla Province. This factory employs just over 2,000 Myanmar migrant workers. The authors study their "everyday life practices" ... This paper studies the Myanmar migrant workers in Sidhiphatra Cold Storage Factory, Songkhla Province. This factory employs just over 2,000 Myanmar migrant workers. The authors study their "everyday life practices" as expressed in relationships among various groups, such as relationships between the Myanmar migrant workers and the factory, and the relationships between the Myanmar migrant workers and the Thai people of the surrounding communities. In analyzing these relationships and negotiations, the authors borrow the concept of "tactics of everyday life" from Michel de Certeau as a framework for analysis. The authors' analyses are based on in-depth interviews, non-participant observations, and focus-group discussions that collectively explored the tactics, in de Certeau's sense, that the Myanmar migrant workers used in negotiating their relationships with the factory and with the various communities in the area. The results indicate that Myanmar migrant workers negotiate their relationship with the factory by expressing themselves as selected workers, good workers, and being obedient to the factory's rules. The conflicts caused by Myanmar and Cambodian migrant workers are negotiated. Besides, Myanmar migrant workers also negotiate their relationship with the Thai people living in the surrounding communities. Their approach is showing that they are part of the communities by participating in the activities with the aim to gain acceptance of the Thai people in the surrounding communities. 展开更多
关键词 Myanmar migrant workers NEGOTIATION negotiation strategies
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